Social-psychological peculiarities of consumer’s behavior

The consumer’s personal individual-psychological characteristics. Multifactorial personality questionnaire of R. Kettle. Research results of psychological types behavior according to the methodology of O.S. Posypanova "Psychological profile of customer".

Рубрика Психология
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Дата добавления 30.10.2020
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А.V. Kulchytska

This article is dedicated to the investigation of consumer's personal behavior. The author has proved the topicality, conducted the research analysis of this problem, and defined the investigative methods and the methodology of social-psychological personal characteristics and peculiarities of consumer's behavior. The research topicality is determined by booming development of society and economics, necessity of solution of scientific targets, the centre of which is a human as a subject of economic activities. One of such questions is the investigation of consumer's behavior and factors, which have influence on it. The author assumes the view that consumer's behavior does not reduce only to maximization of usefulness, rational scores and calculations. Moreover, besides the functional demand on goods, there is also nonfunctional demand, which is caused by different, including psychological factors. The article shows the results of quantative and qualitative analysis. The article has found out personal individual-psychological characteristics using Multifactorial personality questionnaire of R. Kettle. The diagnostics results are represented according to sixteen figures. In article there are represented research results of psychological types of customer's behavior according to the methodology of O. S. Posypanova “Psychological profile of customer”. Even profiles of customers have been determined and described: innovator, fashioner, traditionalist, conservator, individualist, situationa- list, careless. According to diagnostics results with the help of correlating analysis there have defined interconnection peculiarities of personal individual and psychological characteristics and customer's behavior elements, which are definite in customer's psychological profiles typology. In this article there are also the prospective of the following investigations.

Key words: customer's behavior, individual and psychological personal characteristics, customer's psychological profile.

consumer psychological characteristic personality

Кульчицька А. В.

Соціально-психологічні особливості поведінки споживача

У статті досліджено споживчу поведінку особистості. Автор обґрунтовує актуальність, аналізує дослідження із цієї проблематики, визначає методи та методики дослідження соціально-психологічних характеристик особистості та особливостей споживчої поведінки. Актуальність дослідження зумовлює сучасний стрімкий розвиток суспільства й економіки, потреба розв'язання наукових завдань, у центрі яких стоїть людина як суб'єкт економічної діяльності. Одне з таких завдань - саме дослідження споживчої поведінки й чинників, які впливають на неї. Автор притримується думки, що поведінка споживача не зводиться лише до максимізації корисності, раціональних оцінок і розрахунків. Оскільки, крім функціонального попиту на товар, існує й не функціональний попит, який зумовлюється різними, у т. ч., психологічними чинниками. Наведено кількісний та якісний аналіз результатів діагностики, здійснено інтерпре - тацію даних емпіричного дослідження означеної проблеми, які демонструються і графічно, і описово. Виявлено індивідуально-психологічні характеристики особистості з використанням «Багатофакторного опитувальника» Р. Б. Кеттела. Результати діагностики представлені за шістнадцятьма показниками. Представ - лено результати дослідження психологічних типів споживчої поведінки за методикою О. С. Посипанової «Психологічний профіль споживача». Визначено й описано сім видів профілів споживачів: інноватор, модник, традиціоналіст, консерватор, індивідуаліст, ситуаціоніст, байдужий. За результатами діагностики з допомогою кореляційного аналізу встановлено особливості взаємозв'язку індивідуальних психологічних характеристик особистості та елементів спожив - чої поведінки, які визначалися в типології психологічних профілів споживачів. Окреслено перспективи подальших досліджень.

Ключові слова: споживча поведінка, індивідуально -психологічні характеристики особистості, психологічний профіль споживача.

Кульчицкая А.В.

Социально-психологические особенности поведения потребителя

В статье исследовано потребительское поведение личности. Автор обосновала актуальность, осуществила анализ исследований по этой проблематике, определила методы и методики исследования социально-психологических характеристик личности и особенностей потребительского поведения. Актуальность исследования вызвана стремительным развитием общества и экономики, необходимостью решения научных задач, в центре которых стоит человек как субъект экономической деятельности. Одной из таких задач является именно исследование потребительского поведения и факторов, влияющих на него. Автор придерживается мнения, что поведение потребителя не сводится только к максимизации полезности, рациональных оценок и расчетов. Поскольку, кроме функционального спроса на товар, существует и не функциональный спрос, который обусловливается различными, в том числе, и психологическими факторами. Приводится количественный и качественный анализ результатов диагностики, осуществляется интерпретация данных эмпирического исследования данной проблемы, которые демонстрируются как графически, так и описательно. Выявлены индивидуально-психологические характеристики личности с использованием «Многофакторного опросника» Р. Б. Кеттела. Результаты диагностики представлены по шестнадцати показателям. Результаты исследования психологических типов потребительского поведения представлены по методике А. С. Посипановой «Психологический профиль потребителя». Определены и описаны семь видов профилей потребителей: инноватор, модник, традиционалист, консерватор, индивидуалист, ситуационистов, равнодушен. По результатам диагностики с помощью корреляционного анализа установлены особенности взаимосвязи индивидуальных психологических характеристик личности и элементов потребительского поведения, которые определялись в типологии психологических профилей потребителей. Определены перспективы дальней - ших исследований.

Ключевые слова: потребительское поведение, индивидуально-психологические характеристики личности, психологический профиль потребителя.

Background of the problem. The fast modern development of society and economics sets new tasks before specialists and professionals of humanitarian and economic spheres. Since the person is a subject of economic activities, for defining of her behavioral peculiarities you should consider psychological factors, but not only economic laws [3]. In our opinion, there is a wide range of scientific problems, connected to the human factor, which aren't paid enough attention on; and one of which is the research of consumer's behavior and factors that have influence on it. The consumer's behavior can be influenced by the totality of factors, among which there are personal, psychological, social and cultural, factors of situational influence, the marketing complex of a company that deals with manufacture of a certain good [2].

Besides of the functional demand, when the most essential are the characteristic features of a good, there is also a non-functional demand that is caused by different psychological factors [4]. The important role in the formation of consumer's behavior is played by personal psychological peculiarities, which are base for classification of personal types. Individual and psychological peculiarities of consumer's behavior, in our opinion, is the important principle for defining of consumer's behavior peculiarities, as the majority of investigations, directed to consideration of social and economic peculiarities of consumer's behavior.

Therefore, it is advisable, in our opinion, to implement the structuration of consumer contingent referring to consumer's behavioral types. This classification will allow to investigate main individual and psychological peculiarities in consumer's behavior and predict its requirements, needs and desires, that plays extremely important role in marketing sphere. Due to the information above, we consider this topic as a significant and actual one.

Recent researches analysis of this issue have shown that the issue of consumer's behavior takes an essential place in scientific works of as national as foreign scientists; as classic as modern scientists. The characteristic feature of this problem is its multidirectional, diversity, ambiguity and inability of coverage only through the prism of looking through only one scientific branch. The proof for this is works of scientists-economists, sociologists, marketologists and psychologists. The peculiarities of usage are discovered in works of such marketologists as F. Cotler, R. Blackwell, P. Miniard, J. Angel, K. Keller, J. McCarthy, G. Carpenter, I. Alioshyna, O.Zozuliov, R. Ivanova, S. Garkavenko and others. There were underlined different behavioral types of consumers at different markets of goods and services [1; 2].

А. Maslow, J. Atkinson, Z. Freud, A. Bandura, J. Rotter, L. Festinger, J. Kelli, R. Kettle, P. Lunt, S. Livingstone, O. Posypanova and others, investigated the psychological peculiarities of consumer's behavior. They have outlined the range of consumer characteristic features; have made clear the understanding of their motives and needs.

In modern Ukrainian society, investigations are conducted due to psychological and economic statements: about the definition of consumer's behavior (B. M. Andrushkiv, N. Voleniuk, E. P. Golubkov, D. Jobber, Ya. Zoska, A. G. Kalchenko, Komarovska, V. Mashtabey, G. Lozhkin, R. Romat, M. Rokich, B. Selingman and others); about factors of consumer's behavior (A. Krylov, V. Kurylenko, M. Lukashevych, A. Mazaraki, V. Moskalenko, T. Negl, G. Stoliarov, A. Starostina, V. Tarasenko and others); about psychographic personal types (V. Ya. Kardash, L. G. Krylov, N. V. Kudenko, A. Kus, F. M. Levshyn, T. I. Lukyanets, A. F. Pavlenko, R. D. Peter, O. S. Posypanova, G. G. Pochentsov and others).

At the same time, the obvious fact is insufficiency of phenomena investigation of consumer's behavior in conditions of modern society. The issue of studying individual and personal determinants and classification of consumer's behavioral types from the point of view of psychological science is still urgent.

Objectives of the article - to conduct the theoretic and empiric research of psychological types of consumer profiles and personality's traits of consumers.

Methods and methodologies of the research. For achieving of a particular purpose and goals thee were used theoretic and empiric methods of scientific research. The empiric studying of this problem was conducted with a help of such methodologies as: Multifactorial personality questionnaire of R. Kettle [6]. This methodology allows defining features of character, abilities and interests of a person; interview “Psychological consumer profile” by O. S. Posypanova [5]. The methodology allows diagnosing 7 types of consumer profiles: innovator, fashion man, traditionalist, conservator, individualist, situationalist and careless type.

For the participation in investigation we have chosen students- psychologists and students-social teachers. The sample is represented by 70 people. The age of participants is from 18 to 22 years old. The total time of investigation conducting was 150 minutes.

Procedure of the research. With a help of chosen methodology we have got results, which gave us opportunity to define individual and psychological features of consumer's behavior of the subjects. Let's consider our received results for each of selected methods.

The general picture of results according to the Multifactorial personality questionnaire of R. Kettle is demonstrated graphically at the picture 1.

A & C E F <3 H I L M N O Q1 Q2 0.3 0.4

D Low Middle High

Picture 1. Results of personality with a help of the Multifactorial personality questionnaire of R. Kettle (%)

First, we should notice that received results respond to the “norm”, as most participants showed middle level of each feature expression. The significant fact is how results were divided between low/high levels. As in conditions of low/high level expression of a certain factor, we can talk about the existence of tendency to one of polar characteristics in respondents. Let's consider received results in details.

The significant expression of a high level is shown with a help of such factors:

- The factor “E” (Conquest - Domination) - 44 % of participants express increased level of domination, for 46 % of subjects a middle level of expressing factor is present, and for 10 % - conquest is special;

- The factor “I” (Realism - Sensitivity) - 36 % of participants express sensitivity, 62 % of subjects have such features of as realism as sensitivity, and only 2 % express “clear” realism;

- The factor “M” (Practicality - Dreaminess) - 44 % of subjects have got the increased level of dreaminess, 8 % of subjects have chosen practicality, and 48 % of subjects have got middle figures of this factor;

- The factor “Q2” (Conformism - Non-comformism) - 44 % of subjects have defined themselves as non-comformists, besides, according to this factor, the participants with extreme expression of conformism are not present, for the rest (56 %) of the participants the specific is a middle level of this factor expression, that characterizes them as through the conformism as through the non-conformism.

The preference of low level to high one is found in such factors:

- The factor “G” (Abnormal - normal behavior) - 30 % of participants are closer to abnormal towards the social norms behavior. Normal behavior is specific only for 2 % of subjects, and for 68 % of subjects a middle level is characteristic, for which expression of as one as other characteristics is common.

- The factor “Q3” (Low- High Self-control) - 29 % of participants have low self-control, 69 % have middle level of ability to self-control, and only 2 % of interviewed have high level of self-control;

- The factor “C” (Emotional instability - Emotional stability). According to this factor some increasing has been found in a direction of emotional instability (26 % of subjects), at the same time only 4 % of subjects have the feature of emotional stability and 70 % of subjects have a middle level, with possible expression of as emotional instability as emotional stability in interviewed.

- The factor “B” (Concrete - Abstract Mind). This factor is expressed on the level of concrete brainwork in 24 % of participants, 8 % of participants have expressed abstract mind, and 68 % of participants are in conditions of as abstract as concrete type of brainwork.

For finding out psychological consumer's profiles according to their behavior, we have used the method “Psychological consumer's profile” (by O. O. Posypanova).

The analysis of received data has allowed us stating the following. Due to the type “Traditionalism” we have found that 54 % subjects have a minimal expression of this type, and 46 % subjects - a middle level of this parameter expression. This type is characterized by selection of goods type, which is constant and standard for society where the person lives.

The customer's type “Conservative man” was revealed on a minimal expression level for 60 % of subjects, while 40 % of subjects have a middle level of the type. It is characterized by the usage of goods, which are tested in own experience and respond to the individual tastes.

Due to the type “Fashion man” for most part of sample (41 %) a minimal expression level is peculiar, 40 % of subjects have a middle level of the type, and 19 % of subjects have a maximal level of the type expression. It is characterized by the following of general tendencies, orientation on general system of tastes and opinions.

The results of the type “Situation man” show about the fact that 42 % of subjects have a low level of this type, a middle expression level is characteristic for 43 % of subjects, and 15 % of subjects have a maximal expression level of this feature. It is characterized by preference to inner and outer influence.

There is also a small amount of subjects that don't have features of such types: “Individualist”, which is characterized by the desire to be different from other people, having their own style; and “Innovator”, which is characterized by avant-garde moods. Well, 2 % of subjects haven't expressed any levels of these types. The low level according to these types is characteristic for 54 % and 52 %, high - for 11 % and 12 % and middle - for 33 % and 30 %.

The consumer's type “Careless” is represented by respondents on all levels of expression: this type isn't characterized for 16 % of subjects, 62 % have a minimal level, 18 % - middle level, and for 2 % - high level of the careless type. It is characterized by short brainwork on its choice, careless attitude to customizing products, running the principle of existence and practicality of goods.

The conducted analysis has allowed determining general expression peculiarities of diagnostic figures in the participants. With reference to the research topic and following the targets, which were set, we have conducted the correlative data analysis, received due to the results of diagnostics. So, according to the received results we can state about such statistically significant interconnections:

The consumer's type “Individualist” correlates with:

- the factor “M” (r = 0,300, with p = 0,05). The received coefficient of correlation proves that subjects with brightly expressed type “Individualist” have high figures for the factor “M” (practicality - avoiding of everything unusual, reliability on practical statements).

- the factor “Q4” (r = -0,308, with p = 0,05). The received coefficient of correlation proves that subjects with brightly expressed type “Individua - list” have high figures for the factor “Q4” (emotional tension - excitability, irritability, activity).

The consumer's type “Fashion man” correlates with:

- the factor “Q2” (r = 0,295, with p = 0,05). The positive coefficient of correlation testifies that interviewed with a high expression level for consumer of this type have a high expression level of the factor “Q2” (conformism - dependence, need in a group support, making the common decision). And vice versa participants with low expression level of consumer's type “Fashion man” have high figures of the factor “Q2” (non - conformism);

The type “Traditionalist” positively correlates with three parameters:

- the factor “A” (r = 0,295, with p = 0,05). This coefficient of correlation testifies that for the subjects with a high level of expression of traditionalist type of consumer's behavior a high level of the factor “A” expression is specific (asociality - alienation, distrust, skeptic attitude).

- the factor “B” (r = 0,331, with p = 0,05). The positive coefficient of correlation testifies that for the subjects with a high expression level of the traditionalist type high figures of the factor “B” are specific (concrete mind - emotional disorientation of a brainwork).

- the factor “G” (r = 0,319, with p = 0,05). The subjects with a high expression level of the traditionalist type a high figure of the factor “G” is specific (normal behavior - morality, equability, emotional discipline).

“Conservative” type of a consumer correlates with one parameter:

- the factor “G” (r = -0,318, with p = 0,05). The negative correlative connection between these parameters testifies such peculiarities: for the participants with a low expression level of conservative type for consumer a high expression level of the factor “G” is specific (emotional instability - being under the influence of emotions, high level of tiredness, appearing of argumentative situations).

The consumer's type “Situation man” correlates with two parameters of personal psychological peculiarities:

- the factor “M” (r = 0,289, with p = 0,05). High figures of consumer's situation type respond to high figures of the factor “M” (practicality - avoiding of everything unusual, reliability on practical statements), but low figures of consumer's situation type respond to high figures of the factor “M” (dreaminess);

- the factor “N” (r = 0,311, with p = 0,05). For the participants with a high level of consumer's situation type a high expression level of the factor “N” is specific (straightness - simplicity, prudence, care, muse) and a low expression level of the factor “F” (expression);

- the factor “I” (r = 0,351, with p = 0,05). For the respondents of consumer's careless type high figures of the factor “I” are specific (realism - low sensitivity, strictness, reality of statements, practicality);

- the factor “O” (r = 0,351, with p = 0,05). For the subjects with a high expression level of careless type responds to a high expression level of the factor “O” (composure - safety, self-confidence, composure, insensibility to reactions of surrounding people), for the subjects with a low expression level of a careless type high figures of the factor “O” are characteristic (anxiety);

- the factor “N” (r = 0,317, with p = 0,05). The respondents with a high expression level of a careless type have a high expression level of the factor “N” (straightness - sensibility, spontaneity, unstrained emotions, simple tastes) and vice versa, for the interviewed with a low expression level of a careless type a high level of the factor “N” is characteristic (penetration);

- the factor “Q1” (r = 0,303, with p = 0,05). For the respondents with a high expression level of a careless type a low expression level of the factor “Q1” is characteristic (conservatism) and high results of the factor “Q1” (radicalism - free mind, tolerance to inconveniences, critical mood, distrust to the authorities);

- the factor “Q4” (r = 0,303, with p = 0,05). The respondents with a high expression level of a careless type a high level of the factor “Q4” is characteristic (relaxation) and a low level of the factor “Q4” (emotional tension).

Conclusions and prospects. Social and psychological characteristics are crucial in the determination of individual and relatively still reactions of the individual on the environment including on formation and expressions of consumer's behavior.

The diagnostics of consumer's psychological profile has found that for the participants preferable levels of expression are minimal and middle level.

On the base of the empiric investigation and conducted correlative analysis we have determined certain peculiarities of interconnection of personal social and psychological characteristics and elements of consumer's behavior, which have been determined by us in the typology of consumers' psychological profiles.

Therefore, due to the results of conducted investigation we can state that for the respondents with different social and psychological characteristics certain consumer's behavior types are characteristic, it means, their own tactics of selection goods and services at the market.

The prospects of the following researches are in investigation of other personal characteristics such a system of values, self-esteem and their connections with expressions of personal consumer's behavior.


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    контрольная работа [27,7 K], добавлен 19.11.2012

  • Definition and classification of marketing communications, their variety and comparative characteristics. Models of formation of enterprise marketing, evaluation of their efficiency, structure and components. Factors influencing consumer behavior.

    презентация [2,7 M], добавлен 25.11.2015

  • Understanding of personality and his structure. In sociology the focus is on social types. There are homo faber, homo consumer, homo universalis, homo soveticus. Classification includes types of personality defined due to value orientations people.

    реферат [18,9 K], добавлен 18.01.2009

  • Concept of methods of research. Value of introduction of laboratory experiment and measurement in psychology. Supervision and experiment, their features. Methods of processing and interpretation of results of experiments. Rules of the conversation.

    реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 31.10.2011

  • Sentimentalism in Western literature. English sentimentalism effect Stern's creativity. The main concept of sentimentalism in the novel "Sentimental Journeys". The image peculiarities of man in the novel. The psychological aspect of the image of the hero.

    курсовая работа [28,1 K], добавлен 31.05.2014

  • The most common difficulties in auding and speaking. Psychological characteristics of speech. Linguistic characteristics of speech. Prepared and unprepared speech. Mistakes and how to correct them. Speaking in teaching practice. Speech, oral exercises.

    курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 01.04.2008

  • Overview of literature on standardization and adaptation of advertising: their main task, advantages and disadvantages. Trends in consumer behavior in Russia. Distribution media advertising budgets in the country, the laws and rules regarding promotion.

    курсовая работа [36,5 K], добавлен 05.09.2011

  • Identifing demographic characteristics of consumers shopping in supermarkets. Determine the factors influencing consumer’s way of shopping and the level of their satisfaction (prices, quality, services offered, etc in supermarkets and bazaars).

    доклад [54,4 K], добавлен 05.05.2009

  • Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.

    отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013

  • Understanding of social stratification and social inequality. Scientific conceptions of stratification of the society. An aggregated socio-economic status. Stratification and types of stratification profile. Social stratification of modern society.

    реферат [26,9 K], добавлен 05.01.2009

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