Comparative Analysis of Peculiarities of Mercy Manifestations in Medical Staff and Representatives of Other Socionomic Professions
A comparative analysis of the features of manifestation of mercy in health care professionals and representatives of other socionomic professions. The psychological content of this phenomenon. The role of empathy in the emergence and development of mercy.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.11.2020 |
Размер файла | 19,1 K |
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Comparative Analysis of Peculiarities of Mercy Manifestations in Medical Staff and Representatives of Other Socionomic Professions
Сравнительный анализ особенностей проявления милосердия у медицинских работников и представителей других социономических профессий
Shevchenko N.1, Markova M.2
1 Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
2 Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Шевченко Н.Ф.1, Маркова М.В.2
1 Запорожский национальный университет, Запорожье, Украина
2 Харьковская медицинская академия последипломного образования, Харьков, Украина
In the period of global socio-economic and political transformations, the leading values and moral priorities are changing. The relevance of the study is determined by allocation the mercy as a condition for revaluation of the old values and creation of the new ones, as well as the necessity for studying the development of this phenomenon. The aim of the publication is to present the results of a comparative analysis of the features of manifestation of mercy in health care professionals and representatives of other socionomic professions.
Mercy is regarded as personal feature, which is situated at the intersection of the moral foundations and individual personality traits. The psychological content of this phenomenon is revealed through such expressions as "empathy", "values", "act of mercy", "sympathy", "altruism". The role of empathy in the emergence and development of mercy is shown. The ability of person to empathy and selfidentification with others is regarded as the basis of mercy.
In the study of the peculiarities of mercy manifestations, the following psychodiagnostic means were used: for the study of manifestations of empathy - the method of diagnostics of empathic abilities of V.V. Boyko; for diagnostics of the empathic potential of personality - the test developed by I.M. Yusupov; the methodology of V. Smekal and M. Kucher was used to study the orientation of personality; for diagnostics of socio-psychological instructors in the motivational-needing sphere - the methodology of O.F. Potiomkina; the value orientations of the respondents were studied using the method of M. Rokich; to study the person's attitude towards mercy, assistance and general empathic abilities, the technique of unfinished sentences in the author's modification was used. The sample of subjects is represented in two groups of the socionomic professions employees: the first group - medical staff, (doctors, nurses), the second group - representatives of other socionomic professions (social workers, administrators, managers). After the empirical research, the qualitative characteristics of the manifestation of mercy among medical workers, which determines the differences of their mercy from the mercy of employees of other socionomic professions, were revealed. Healthcare workers focus their attention, perception and thinking on the existential nature of another person; they have inherent sensitivity; they are well in control of their emotional manifestations, aimed at the mutual action, focus on altruism; their feature is a positive idea of charity and perception of care.
It was revealed that, in contrast to employees of other socionomic professions, the mercy of medical workers is based on the qualities associated with the professional performance of duties. The features of the structure of values that are at the base of the merciful behavior are highlighted. The features of orientation of personality of the medical professional are investigated. It was revealed that medical staff, in contrast to workers of other socionomic professions, demonstrate a higher willingness to provide assistance (which can be viewed in the context of the readiness to carry out the "act of mercy").
Keywords: mercy, mercy of medical workers, altruism, empathy, orientation, compassion, values, socionomical professions.
health care professionals empathy mercy psychological
В период глобальных социально-экономических и политических преобразований происходит изменение ведущих ценностей и моральных приоритетов. Актуальность исследования определяется необходимостью выделения феномена милосердия как условия для переоценки старых и создания новых ценностей, а также необходимостью изучения особенностей его развития.
Целью публикации является изложение результатов сравнительного анализа особенностей проявления милосердия у медицинских работников и у представителей других социономических профессий.
Милосердие рассматривается как личностное свойство, место которого в структуре личности находится на пересечении структуры нравственных основ и индивидуальных качеств личности. Раскрыто психологическое содержание феномена милосердия посредством таких проявлений, как «эмпатия», «ценности», «акт милосердия», «сочувствие», «альтруизм». Показана роль эмпатии в возникновении и развитии милосердия. Способность личности к эмпатии и идентификации себя с другим рассматривается в качестве основы милосердия.
Для изучения особенностей проявления милосердия использованы следующие методики: диагностика эмпатийных способностей В.В. Бойко; диагностика эмпатийного потенциала личности И.М. Юсупова; диагностика направленности личности В. Смекала и М. Кучера; диагностика социально-психологических установок личности в мотивационно-потребностной сфере О.Ф. Потемкиной; диагностика ценностных ориентаций М. Рокича; методика незаконченных предложений В.Г. Казачковой в авторской модификации.
Выборка испытуемых представлена двумя группами работников социономических профессий: первая группа - работники медицинской сферы (врачи, медсестры), вторая - представители других социономических профессий (социальные работники, администраторы, менеджеры).
В результате эмпирического исследования выявлены качественные характеристики проявления милосердия у медицинских работников, которые определяют отличия их милосердия от милосердия работников других социономических профессий. Медицинским работникам свойственна направленность внимания, восприятия и мышления на бытийную сущность другого человека, им присуща чуткость, они хорошо контролируют свои эмоциональные проявления, направлены на взаимные действия, отличаются ориентацией на альтруизм, характерным для них является позитивное представление о милосердии и восприятии помощи. Выявлено, что в отличие от работников других социономических профессий, милосердие медицинских работников основывается на качествах, связанных с профессиональным выполнением обязанностей. Выделены особенности структуры ценностей, лежащих в основе милосердного поведения. Исследованы особенности направленности личности медицинского работника. Установлено, что медицинские работники, в отличие от работников других социономических профессий, в своем поведении демонстрируют более высокую готовность к оказанию помощи (что можно рассматривать в контексте готовности осуществления «акта милосердия»).
Ключевые слова: милосердие, милосердие медицинских работников, альтруизм, эмпатия, направленность, сочувствие, ценности, социономические профессии.
In modern Ukrainian society, socio-economic and political transformations are constantly occurring, characterized by the transformation of the public consciousness, the change of leading values and moral priorities. These transformations and dramatic events of recent years point to the need to find answers to questions about which focuses should be of particular importance in this difficult period. These questions should be answered by modern psychology. Therefore, singling out the phenomenon of mercy is necessary for its entry into the categorical system of psychology as a condition for revaluation of the old values and the creation of new values. At the same time, there is a need to define the concept of "mercy" and to separate it from synonymous concepts (compassion, forgiveness, charity, etc.), analysis of its structure, levels of development, and opportunities for purposeful development of human ability to show mercy.
In this context, the mercy of medical staff as carriers of humanistic principles operating in modern Ukraine attracts special attention. In accordance with the provisions of the Ethical Code of the Ukrainian doctor based on the principles of humanism and mercy, the basic values are emphasized to be human life and health, and the doctor must adhere to certain moral principles, such as a humane attitude towards a person, compassion and complicity, benevolence, charity and mercy, patience, mutual trust, decency and justice [5].
Based on the principles of medical ethics and deontology, mercy is thought to be the foundation upon which professional development of a doctor and care for patients are based. It is an auxiliary factor in the development of the ability and desire to professionally show concern and compassion [13].
The theoretical model of mercy has passed a long way and gained modern understanding under the influence of a number of philosophical and religious attitudes. In our time, the concept of "mercy" is in the same line with such concepts as humanism, altruism, tolerance, philanthropy, compassion, kindness, humanity, love, and emotional response.
The first scientific developments in the phenomenon of mercy were formed in the space of pedagogical sciences and were based on the idea of "innate" tendencies for mercy and the prospects for its development [11, 12]. According to scientific data [6], a significant contribution to the study of mercy was made by Ushinsky K.D. Considering the principles and peculiarities of the development of mercy of the individual, he emphasized the notions of goodness, motivation, distinguished types of compassion.
The concept of Ushinsky K.D. includes cognitive, emotions evaluating and behavioral components of mercy and explains the principle of the development of mercy of the individual from the birth. Thus, the author considered mercy as a certain quality of a person, which is due to innate properties, but can be controlled consciously and develop under the influence of internal efforts and external conditions.
In scientific sources, mercy is considered to be an integrative moral quality [18], an act of mercy associated with forgiveness, excuse or apology [2], quality trait [19] as a value and personal quality as behavior [4, 8], as a process and a state, as an existential resource [17], as an orientation of the individual, which is manifested in behavior, and is an expression of the system of value orientations and the peculiarities of relations with others [9].
The questions about the structure and components of mercy have been studied. The main tendency is singling out three components of mercy: behavioral, emotional and cognitive. The connection of mercy with the value sphere of a person as a moral and ethical category is substantiated [8]. Speaking of mercy, foreign psychologists use the concepts that are similar in content: compassion, "reasonable compassion" [21], love for the neighbor and to mankind, self-compassion [20].
Based on the attitudes of scientists on the definition of the psychological content of mercy, it is proposed to consider it as a personal attribute lying at the intersection of the first and third substructures of the structure of the personality according to the concept of Platonic K.K. It has a moral basis (for example, committing a deed for the good of another person requires the ability to distinguish between good and evil) and includes certain individual features that relate to emotions and feelings and cause the emergence of empathy as the ability to understand the emotional state of another person, to show sympathy, to create a certain favorable emotional background of communication [1].
According to studies, the mercy of a medical worker is considered in scientific sources in close connection with empathy, which is a professionally important quality of a medical worker. Empathy is considered by researchers as the main source and condition for the emergence of mercy as a factor in the doctor's readiness for professional activity in such forms of expression as compassion, the ability to put oneself in someone else's shoes, and emotionally respond to the experiences of patients. This is precisely what contributes to the establishment of trusting relationships necessary for building relationships [3, 8, 10, 11].
At the same time, the analysis of scientific sources showed that, despite the presence of a large number of theoretical studies that offer different views on the nature of mercy, there is a shortage of empirical studies of mercy as an independent phenomenon, in the context of professional qualities. In particular, the specificity of the display of mercy in medical staff and representatives of other professions, which involves constant work with people and constant communication in the process of professional activity belonging to the system of "man-man", that is to a group of professions of socionomic type, remains to be studied. The limited information on the peculiarities of the display of mercy as a professionally important quality in these professional groups encourages the implementation of appropriate research.
To present the results of a comparative analysis of the peculiarities of the manifestation of mercy in medical workers and representatives of other socionomic professions.
By proceeding to the study, we hypothesized that:
¦ medical workers and representatives of other socionomic professions
differ in the presence of psychological properties associated with the
manifestations of mercy;
¦ medical workers will have higher levels of altruism, empathy and
interactions than representatives of other socionomic professions.
In the study of the peculiarities of mercy's performances with medical staff and representatives of other professions, the following psychodiagnostic means were used: for the study of manifestations of empathy - the method of diagnostics of empathic abilities of V.V. Boyko [14]; for diagnostics of empathic potential of personality - test developed by I.M. Yusupov [15]; methodology of V. Smekal and M. Kucher was used to study the orientation of personality [16]; methodology of diagnosis of socio-psychological instructors in the motivational-needing sphere - the methodology of O.F. Potiomkina [14]; the value orientations of the respondents were manifested using the method of M. Rokich [14]; for the manifestation of the person's attitude towards mercy, assistance and general empathic abilities, the technique of unfinished sentences in the author's modification was used [7].
The research was conducted on the basis of medical institutions and enterprises of the city of Zaporizhzhia. The sample of the examined consisted of 168 people, of which 83 were medical staff (doctors, nurses) of different professional experience, and 85 representatives of other socionomic professions (social workers, administrators, managers), aged 22 to 45, of different family and social status, with different levels of education.
Our research is in accordance with the descriptive strategy, because in the research we try to determine the structure of the phenomenon of mercy, we find out the peculiarities of manifestation of mercy by representatives of different professions.
The processing of the obtained data was carried out by means of statistical processing of the obtained results: quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of the study (determination of distribution parameters using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion, statistical comparison of groups using the nonparametric criterion of U-Mann-Whitney). The processing of statistical data was carried out on the basis of the package of statistical software IBM SPSS (version 20).
Let's consider the results of studying the peculiarities of mercy's performances with medical staff and representatives of other socionomic professions. According to the methodology for diagnosing the empathic abilities of Boyko V.V., the results indicated that there are certain differences in the scale scores among medical workers and representatives of other occupations. Based on the data obtained, medical workers are more likely to rely on the rational channel of empathy (2.93), with more advanced guidelines for empathy (3.33). Also, medical workers have higher identifiers (2.6), which, according to theoretical developments, are the basis of empathy. At the same time, the obtained indicators make it possible to assume that the representatives of other socionomic occupations rely more on the emotional channel of empathy (3.53), that is, they tend to identify empathy and establish a close emotional connection; they had higher rates on the scale of the intuitive canal of empathy (3.06), which indicates the readiness of the investigators to rely primarily on illogical and subconscious knowledge in assessing the behavior and condition of the partner. The maximum score for each scale is 6, and indicators above the average level (more than 3 points) were detected on the scale of the "emotional channel of empathy" in the group of representatives of other socionomic professions, "guidelines for empathy" - in the group of medical workers and "ability to empathy" in both groups. Indicators which were significantly lower than the average were identified by the "identification" scale from representatives of different professions (1,2 points out of 6 possible).
Interesting results were obtained by analyzing the total score of empathy. Thus, 20.48% of the first group of medical staff surveyed showed very low level of empathy; a half (50.6%) indicated lowered level and 28.92% - average level. This indicates that respondents in the majority are not inclined to establish an emotional connection, keeping the opportunity to return to the real world at any time; are ready at the right moment to show sympathy to the person who needs it, but at the same time they do not seek to fully perceive the person's condition. The obtained data also testify to the fact that medical workers have a focus of attention, perception and thinking on the existential essence of another person - on one's condition, problems, behavior. However, together with the ability to impartially identify the nature of other people, the examined are not inclined to enter into one emotional "wavelength" with others - to empathize, to understand the inner world, to predict behavior through emotional tuning. Perhaps this is a consequence of inability to regulate their own emotional state, misunderstanding their emotions and setting boundaries. The emotional component of mercy of a medical worker, which is considered through the combination of indicators of empathy and empathic potential, needs to be thoroughly studied due to the presence of low empathy indicators of medical professionals, according to which they have statistical differences in the rates of use of the emotional empathy channel, namely, they are less susceptible to it more than representatives of other socionomic professions.
According to the results of the test of empathic potential of I.M. Yusupov, medical workers are more inclined to detect "empathy for animals" (6.56) and "empathy for the elderly" (8.33). However, the indicators of empathy among representatives of other socionomic professions indicated a more developed level of "empathy in relationships with parents (9.66), children (7.33), heroes of works of art (7.46)". According to the indicators of empathy to strangers or unfamiliar people, the groups did not differ (8).
The maximum score that could be obtained for each of the scales is 15. It was found out that by none of the scales in the studied groups, high rates were indicated. Higher results than the median level were recorded in a group of medical staff, with indicators such as "empathy for parents" (8.56) and "empathy for the elderly" (8.33). Speaking of the average indicators of the total level of empathy, which can be calculated by the sum of all scales, medical workers have 38.08 points, and representatives of another group - 46.58 points. Both indicators belong to the average level of manifestations of empathy, which is typical for most people. Therefore, medical workers, as well as representatives of other socionomic occupations, were rather sensitive, at the same time, more inclined to rely on their judgments about the actions of others than to trust their inner senses and intuitions, they are well controlled by their emotional manifestations and are cautious about expressing emotions exacerbated by the other persons. In communication they are inclined to focus, delicately express their point of view. At the same time, those with an average level of empathic potential are having difficulty predicting the development of relations between people, and certain actions of others are unexpected for them.
According to the methodology of studying the personality orientation of V. Smekal and M. Kucher, the following results were obtained: medical workers were more oriented toward mutual actions (29) and tasks (35.1), while representatives of the other group showed a greater focus on themselves (35.33). Hence, the group of medical workers is dominated by tasks. This is a manifestation of a tremendous passion for the process of activity, the desire to learn something new, mastering certain skills and abilities. In addition, the investigated medical workers have the ability to defend their own opinion for the good of the cause, which is useful for achieving the goal.
To a lesser extent, based on the obtained indicators, the focus is on mutual actions (communication), that is, health workers are not inclined to maintain a relationship with the patient under any conditions, a low level of interest in cooperating with the patient in achieving the goal of treatment, so we can say about the low level of development of mercy as a tendency to establish contact with another person.
According to the indicators obtained by the methodology of diagnosis of socio-psychological guidelines of a person in the motivational-needing sphere of O.F. Potiomkina, medical workers differ by the highest level of orientation both on altruism (5.86) and selfishness (4.1). The maximum number of points for each scale is 11. Thus, the highest value of medical personnel received on the scale of the target orientation (6.06), and the lowest - on the orientation to selfishness. Representatives of another group have the highest rate on the process orientation scale (7.06), which is described as less interest in the result, the greater difficulty in achieving the result in conditions where a large amount of routine labor is required, the negative attitude that is difficult to overcome. The smallest result of this group was by the scale of selfishness orientation (3.26).
So, by defining the structure of values underlying the merciful behavior of a medical worker, it is possible to point out the existence of a balance between tendencies towards altruism and selfishness. The obtained data also testify to the reliability of the examined persons, because they are able to achieve the result in their activities in spite of obstacles and failures. The revealed tendencies take on the form of "appropriate" altruism, which does not include sacrifice and emotional inclusion for all events without exception.
Studying the manifestations of mercy in medical workers and representatives of other socionomic professions analyzed the indicators of terminal and instrumental values that take higher places in both groups in accordance with the methodology of identifying the value orientations of M. Rokich. Thus, medical workers prefer such terminal values as (in order of decreasing value): health, interesting work, happy family life, love. In the workers of other socionomic professions, the following results (in order of decreasing value): love, happy family life, health, and interesting work. With regard to instrumental values, the following results were obtained: medical workers prefer such values as education, honesty, responsibility, rationalism. At the same time, representatives of the other group prefer such values as responsibility, honesty, cheerfulness, and self-control.
Interpreting the indicators of the values and moral guidelines which are the basis of mercy of medical workers, we can say that they include the prevalence of values of interesting work, education, accuracy, honesty, ability to think soberly and to think logically, to take thoughtful, rational decisions. It is also worth noting the advantage of the value of physical and mental health among terminal values, that is, medical workers consider health as the goal of individual existence. Thus, unlike representatives of other socionomic professions, the mercy of medical workers is based on the qualities associated with the professional fulfillment of duties.
Such results can be explained by the importance of the medical profession, in which the human's life, education as mastering certain knowledge and responsibility can be influenced by the professionalism of a doctor. Therefore, mercy as a professionally important trait of a medical worker is based on the values associated with the high level of knowledge and the quality of the aid provided.
According to the method of unfinished sentences in the author's modifications, the results indicate that none of the groups received the maximum value on the scale, and the indicators were in the middle range. The obtained data can be interpreted in that the positive perception of the help is more characteristic for medical staff (in relation both to the object receiving the aid and to the subject that perceives it) (2.83) and more positive representation about mercy (3.93), while representatives of other socionomic professions showed a more positive view of empathy (1.8). Such results give an opportunity to consider the behavioral features of the manifestation of mercy. For medical workers, the positive perception of aid is more characteristic (of both the receiving object and the subject that perceives it) and a more positive attitude towards mercy. Also, medical workers shown a greater tendency to accept their help as something unpaid, without waiting for a reward; they probably do not believe that the help of another person has to burden them.
For statistical verification of the assumption of disparity in the development of mercy in medical workers and representatives of other socionomic professions, we used the U-criterion of Mann - Whitney. The analysis of the results of the study allowed to reveal a statistically significant difference (at the level of p<0.05) between the groups by the scale of the "emotional channel of empathy", which suggests that representatives of non-medical professions are more likely to use the emotional empathy channel. The results of the comparative analysis of the socio-psychological guidelines of the personality in the motivational-needing sphere also revealed some differences, namely: a statistically significant difference (at the level of p<0.01) was found, according to which doctors are less oriented to the process.
According to the results of statistical analysis of the choice of instrumental values, medical workers attach greater importance to such values as "accuracy" (at the level of p<0.05) and "education" (at the level of p<0.05), less - the value of "inflexible will" (at the level of p<0.05) - in comparison with representatives of other socionomic professions. According to the revealed tendencies, they also lesser appreciate "self-control" less and "pursuit of their thoughts" more. A significant difference in attitude towards help was also identified. Medical workers turned out to be more positive about situations that involve providing or receiving assistance from another person (at the level of p<0.01).
Thus, the results of the study revealed the presence of a number of peculiarities of mercy's performances with medical workers, which determine the differences between their mercy and of those of other socionomic occupations.
The article presents the results of studying the peculiarities of mercy's performances with medical staff and other socionomic professionals. The qualitative characteristics of manifestation of mercy in medical staff are as follows: empathy channel rationality, dominance of the focus on the tasks (result of activity), orientation towards altruism, values-moral guidelines related to the professional fulfillment of duties (health, education, responsibility, honesty, rationalism).
It is statistically proved that there are certain differences in the manifestation of mercy among the representatives of both groups according to the following indicators: a channel of empathy (emotional - in the representatives of non-medical professions, rational - in doctors), socio-psychological guidelines of a person (orientation to the process - in representatives of non-medical professions, orientation to the result - in doctors); instrumental values (better values, accuracy, education for medical workers), Attitude towards help (more positive attitude towards providing and receiving assistance - in medical workers).
The prospect of the study is the further study of the phenomenon of mercy, in particular as a professionally important quality of a medical worker.
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