Psychocorrection of impaired emotional sphere in servicemen with neurotic and psychosomatic disorders: psycholinguistic analysis
Consideration of some psycholinguistic mechanisms of the formation of an individual system of meanings. Acquaintance with the peculiarities of psychocorrection in case of emotional disorders in servicemen with neurotic and psychosomatic disorders.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.11.2020 |
Размер файла | 107,9 K |
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Psychocorrection of impaired emotional sphere in servicemen with neurotic and psychosomatic disorders: psycholinguistic analysis
R. Shevchenko
This article presents the scientific concept of the mechanism of formation and functioning of the system of adaptive reactions of the person, it also considers their rational and irrational character. It also presents an interpretation of the perception of the world picture of a separate subject through psychosemantics. We consider some psycholinguistic mechanisms of formation of an individual's system of values. We will reflect on certain regularities of formation of associative field, depending on the type of peculiarities of the psyche, i.e. personal experience, etc. The value for the process of its formation of learned clichйs will also be considered, as well as the influence of upbringing received by a person, their education and social environment. The features of emotional disorders in servicemen depending of type of social, economic, personal components are addressed in this article.
It reflects the results of studies of servicemen with neurotic and psychosomatic disorders using a questionnaire by Ch.D. Spielberger - Y.L. Hanin: patients with neurotic disorders differed by a high level of anxiety state and moderate levels of anxiety trait; patients with psychosomatic disorders - high levels of both anxiety state and anxiety trait. It reflects the mechanism of usage of psychocorrectional events of psycholinguistic component in the overall system. As a result the observed patients mastered the linguistic component of the pathogenic psychosomatic effects of word-concepts on the level of anxiety. They trained to weaken braking using psycholinguistic methods of pathological behavioral models, to understand the nature of their condition, to form a rational response. They were trained to recognize in their condition the predisposition to respond irrationally to situations of a certain type, activate defense mechanisms in the perception of certain stimuli.
Keywords: psycholinguistic analysis, psycho-emotional disorder, psychosocial maladjustment, neurotic disorders, psychosomatic disorders.
Психокорекція при порушеннях емоційної сфери у військовослужбовців з невротичними і психосоматичними розладами: психолінгвістичний аналіз
Шевченко Росіна
Анотація. У статті представлені наукові концепції механізму утворення та функціонування системи адаптивних реакцій особистості, розглянуто їх раціональний і нераціональний характер. Представлена інтерпретація сприйняття картини світу окремим суб'єктом через псіхосемантіку. Розглянуто деякі психолингвистические механізми формування індивідуальної системи значень. Відображені деякі закономірності формування асоціативного поля, в залежності від особливостей психіки, особистісного досвіду, значення мовних штампів, кліше, вплив особливостей отриманого особистістю виховання, освіти, соціального середовища. Відображені особливості емоційних розладів у військовослужбовців в залежності від соціального, економічного, особистісного компонентів. Відображені результати дослідження військовослужбовців з невротичними і психосоматичними розладами за допомогою опитувальника Ч. Д. Спілбергера - Ю. Л. Ханіна: хворі невротичними розладами відрізнялися високим рівнем реактивної тривоги і помірним - особистісної тривожності; хворі психосоматичними розладами - високим рівнем реактивної та особистісної тривожності. Відображено механізм використання у загальній системі психокорекційних заходів психолінгвістичної складової.
В результаті досліджені хворі засвоювали лінгвістичний компонент патогенного психосоматичного впливу слів-понять на рівень тривожності Навчалися гальмувати, користуючись психолінгвістичними методами патологічні поведінкові моделі, усвідомлювати природу свого стану, формувати раціональну відповідь реакцію.
Навчалися розпізнавати у своєму стані схильність нераціонального реагування до ситуацій певного типу, активізувати захисні механізми при сприйнятті певних стимулів.
Ключові слова: психолінгвістичний аналіз, психоемоційний розлад, психосоціальна дезадаптація, невротичні розлади, психосоматичні розлади.
Психокоррекция при нарушениях эмоциональной сферы у военнослужащих с невротическими и психосоматическими расстройствами: психолингвистический анализ
Шевченко Росина
В статье представлены научные концепции механизма образования и функционирования системы адаптивных реакций личности, рассмотрен их рациональный и нерациональный характер. Представлена интерпретация восприятия картины мира отдельным субъектом через психосемантику. Рассмотрены некоторые психолингвистические механизмы формирования индивидуальной системы значений. Отражены некоторые закономерности формирования ассоциативного поля в зависимости от особенностей психики, личностного опыта, отражено значение речевых штампов, клише, влияние особенностей полученного личностью воспитания, образования, социальной среды. Отражены особенности эмоциональных расстройств у военнослужащих взависимости от социального, экономического, личностного компонентов.
Отражены результаты исследования военнослужащих с невротическими и психосоматическими расстройствами при помощи опросника Ч. Д. Спилбергера - Ю. Л. Ханина: больные невротическими расстройствами отличались высоким уровнем реактивной тревоги и умеренным личностной тревожности; больные психосоматическими расстройствами - высоким уровнем реактивной и личностной тревожности. Отражен механизм использования в общей системе психокоррекционных мероприятий психолингвистической составляющей. В результате исследованные больные усваивали лингвистический компонент патогенного психосоматического воздействия слов-понятий на уровень тревожности Обучались оттормаживать, пользуясь психолингвистическими методами патологические поведенческие модели, осознавать природу своего состояния, формировать рациональную ответную реакцию. Обучались распознавать в своем состоянии предрасположенность нерационального реагирования к ситуациям определенного типа, активизировать защитные механизмы при восприятии определенных стимулов.
Ключевые слова: психолингвистический анализ, психоэмоциональное расстройство, психосоциальная дезадаптация, невротические расстройства, психосоматические расстройства.
Modem rhythm of life requires a constant adaptation of a human's behavioral models in a variety of micro societies, of which he is a part. One of the current issues of human practical activity is his/her mental state. Among the various mental states a special place is occupied by the state of anxiety. Unaccountable state of anxiety experienced by an individual introduces significant changes in the general attitude and productivity of said individual. A state of heightened anxiety, reflecting the emotional imbalance, experiences of expectations, anxiety caused by uncertainty, over time form in the subject a feeling of helplessness, generally extending to all areas of his activity, which makes social adaptation difficult.
In his work The Neurotic of our Time K. Homey (1937) studied the adaptive mechanisms of the person through the neurotic pursuit of love, power, neurotic feeling of guilt, presented the causal relationships of the development of an individual of the neurotic type.
Personality as a social being, thus, acquires rational or irrational behavioral models. They are aimed at protectively changing the significance of maladaptive components. Weakening their traumatic effect, the person seeks to protect their own self-concept.
In the works of A. Adler (1926), I. Kohn (1984) personality is presented first of all in a social context. It determines the formation of qualities of the individual, their behavior. Lack of harmony with the social environment, according to the authors - is the basis for the development of neurosis. The study of biological and psychological characteristics of human inferiority complex leads to the possibility of overcoming them, the compensation due to the implementation of the "social feelings".
Scientific interest is caused by special interpretation of the subject's perception of the world and their place in it, represented in V. Petrenko's (1983), A. Shmelyov's (1983) works. Psychosemantics, a branch emerged at the intersection of psychology and psycholinguistics, considers unique value system of an individual, and the perception of the world and our place in it going through that system. Reconstruction of an individual's system of values is possible in the study of psycholinguistic laws of its formation.
It should be noted that the associative field which is formed in every person individually, depends on the characteristics of the psyche, i.e. personal experience, etc. Of significance to its formation are the learned clichйs. Their formati on is to a large extent determined not only by the individual characteristics of the received upbringing and education, but in many ways also by the social environment.
A certain scientific interest is caused by the model of dissonance of human life world in the pathology of various parts of communication described by J. Glozman (2002).
The mechanism of formation and development of communication disorders is considered by the authors in the context of the psychological structure of communication, as well as taking into account the damaged unit in said structure. Exploring the possibilities of using communication for the prevention and rehabilitation of personality changes within the framework of psychotherapeutic work is especially valuable.
It should be noted that being in a military environment imposes a special imprint on the person's mechanism of adaptation. N. Maruta (2000), A. Mykhailyk (2010) noted that, due to reasons of different origins - social, economic, personal - there is a constant increase in the incidence of neurotic and psychosomatic disorders of servicemen.
Thus, the question about the peculiarities psycho-emotional disorders in servicemen of psychosomatic and neurotic registers, as well as the development of a system of psychocorrectional activities that would take in consideration the psycholinguistic component, requires an in-depth study.
The study was organized and carried out on the basis of 411th Central Military Clinical Hospital. For the investigation of peculiarities of deviation of psycho- emotional sphere in servicemen with neurotic and psychosomatic disorders has been used the questionnaire by Ch. Spielberger and Yu. Hanin.
The study
A comparative evaluation of anxiety state (RA) and anxiety trait (PA) in patients with neurotic and psychosomatic disorders through the method of self- diagnosing of anxiety designed by Ch. Spielberger and Yu. Hanin was carried out (Table 1).
psycholinguistic emotional servicemen
Table 1. The level of anxiety state and anxiety trait in patients with neurotic and psychosomatic disorders (According to the data collected by method of Ch. Spielberger - Yu. Hanin)
High rates of anxiety state were found in patients with neurotic disorders (75.5 %), as well as in patients with psychosomatic disorders (77.7 %). Significantly more frequently low levels of anxiety state were found in patients with neurotic disorders (11.8 %) than in group 2 (at 4.6 %), while 9emp = 2.06> 1.64 = 9kr, P9 <0.01.
The level of anxiety trait significantly prevailed in Group 2 at 82.3 %, with 9emp = 3.90> 1.64 = 9kr, p9 <0.01. Whereas in group 1 at 78.4 % is dominated by moderate level of anxiety trait when 9emp = 3.71> 1.64 = 9kr, p9 <0.01.
Survey data shows that in the group of patients with neurotic disorders there is a high level of anxiety state and a moderate one of anxiety trait. First of all, an anxious situational reaction reflects the adaptation of this contingent to the social demands imposed. They are characterized by anxiety, which corresponds to the type of the person's response to a stressful situation, but with a different intensity and different dynamics in time.
In patients with psychosomatic disorders, there has been identified a high anxiety state and anxiety trait. Difficult adaptation to the new social conditions of life and load change causes a change in the overall quality of life indicators. Such a reaction leads to the destabilization of the emotional state of the person and the development of psychosomatic disorders.
Correction of features of the emotional sphere in patients of the selected clinical groups was organized with the help of elements including psycholinguistic analysis of word-concepts, situations of traumatic exposure. In the course of group psychological trainings aimed at the development of skills of self-control, relaxation, subjects gathered in groups ranging from 5 to 8 people to discuss situations in which they have shown an emotional incontinence, as well as to be taught autogenic training, relaxation, techniques of emotional self-control.
During the course of this work, we explained to the tested the psycholinguistic nature of human exposure to certain words-concepts. We also familiarized the participants of groups with the concepts of stress and distress, along with some practical examples. We then individually developed skills to overcome the negative effects of stress. We also developed the techniques of emergency self-preservation and restoration of mental and emotional balance and health. We mastered in practice the mechanism for achieving and maintaining a state of "operational rest" - a special state of preparedness for activities in which the human body in a short period of time is able to go into different forms of physiological activity to perform a specific activity, accompanied by the increased tone of the nerve centers involved in the alleged activities, all while maintaining a state of rest in areas not involved in this scenario.
The resulting research figures clearly demonstrate that there are important distinguishing characteristics in groups of patients with neurotic and psychosomatic disorders. Thus, patients with neurotic disorders were characterized by high levels of anxiety state with a moderate anxiety trait. Patients with psychosomatic disorders mostly showed both a high anxiety state and anxiety trait.
An important place, according to our observations in the general system of psychocorrectional events, is held by the psycholinguistic component. As a result of the received clarification, patients who participated in the study learned that a certain level of anxiety is a natural and necessary part of an active personality. Every person has their own, optimal or desired, level of anxiety - the so-called useful anxiety. An assessment by a person of their own state in this regard is an essential component of self-control and self-education. Anxiety trait is a stable individual characteristic reflective of a subject's predisposition to anxiety. Patients who participated in the study were trained to release braking by using psycholinguistic methods of pathological behavioral models, to understand the nature of their condition, to form a rational response. As a result, the observed patients of the selected clinical group were trained to recognize in their state a predisposition to of irrational response to situations of a certain type, to activate defense mechanisms during the perception of certain stimuli, that are considered by the subject to be hazardous to their self-respect and self-esteem. Situational or anxiety state as a state is characterized by subjectively experienced emotions: stress, anxiety, concern, nervousness. This condition occurs as an emotional reaction to a stressful situation and may vary in intensity and dynamics in time. Persons that were classified as highly anxious, tend to perceive a threat to their self-esteem and vital activity in a vast range of situations and to react with a much heightened state of anxiety. According to our observations, in cases where the subject was diagnosed with a high rate of anxiety trait, this was due to situations of assessment of their professionalism, competence, prestige, etc.
Complex characteristics of patients with neurotic and psychosomatic disorders, conducted with the help of selected methods, will allow us to identify and study the socio-psychological factors of predisposition to neurotic and psychosomatic disorders, features of the cognitive sphere, pathopsychological mechanisms of adaptation disorders of military and armed forces of Ukraine with neurotic and psychosomatic deviations.
The revealed phenomenon of formation dynamics of disorders of the mental sphere, features of deviations in the emotional sphere, personality deviations of the military and the armed forces of Ukraine will allow to comprehensively assess the entire variety of medical and psychosocial factors that serve as the cause of neurotic and psychosomatic deviations, as well as aggravate the course of the distinguished pathologies.
While determining the prospects for further development of the conducted research, it should be noted that there is an importance of developing a system of psychocorrectional methods based on psycholinguistic approach to neurotic and psychosomatic disorders, as well as the development of a method for evaluating the effectiveness of such a system.
psycholinguistic emotional servicemen
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5.Mykhailyk, O. (2010). Psihoterapevtichna korektsIya patologiyi psihosomatichnogo pohodzhennya vnaslldok porushennya protsesu adaptatsiyi do navchannya u vlyskovih formuvannyah [Psychological adjustment pathology of psychosomatic origin due to abuse of the process of adaptation to training in military formations]. Medical Psychology, 5, 3(19), 26-29.
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