Individual professionalization in information society: challenges and prospects

Consideration of individual professionalization in the information society. The essence and content of professionalization, identification of its stages, analysis of its features under the informatization of education process and professional activities.

Рубрика Психология
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Дата добавления 02.03.2021
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Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Moscow Aviation Institute


V.A. Tsvyk, I.V. Tsvyk



individual professionalization information society

The article considers individual professionalization in information society, reveals the essence of professionalization, identifies its stages, analyzes its features under the informatization of education process and professional activities. Professionalization is defined as a process of professional growth and professional training, i.e. professional self-realization is a form of self-actualization. Under the computerization of social-cultural reality, which is typical for information society, we witness informatization of all forms of professional development and a wide introduction of information technologies into individual professionalization. Globalization of informatization processes determined changes not only in the content of our knowledge about the world, but also in the ways we acquire, reproduce and transfer knowledge, which eventually had a significant impact on the structures of personality. New information technologies changed our ways of thinking and communication, perception of others and self-concept. Computer technologies reveal unprecedented opportunities for education and professional development. However, like any other technical achievement, computer technologies have negative consequences including those in the field of vocational education -- the most important stage of professionalization. In the cognitive- mental aspect, these are non-linear, associative, mosaic thinking, an overabundance of information, and weakening of creativity. In the humanitarian aspect, information technologies mechanize and standardize educational activities, impersonate learning process, and weaken the humanitarian aspects of education in general. Thus, global and thoughtless introduction of information technologies into professional development can lead to many problems and eventually to a serious impoverishment of professionalism turning it from a complex creative process of professional development into a primitive, though high-speed, transfer of wealth of information, into `operationalism' instead of professionalism.

Key words: professionalization; professional activities; professionalism; professional education; information society; information technologies; computer technologies; reprofessionalization



В.А. Цвык, И.В. Цвык Российский университет дружбы народов Московский авиационный институт

В статье рассматривается проблема профессионализации личности в условиях информационного общества, раскрывается суть профессионализации, выделяются ее этапы, анализируются ее особенности в условиях информатизации образовательного процесса и профессиональной деятельности. Профессионализация понимается авторами как процесс профессионального роста индивида, обучение профессии, т.е. профессиональная самореализация -- одна из форм жизненной самореализации. Отмечается, что с всеобщей компьютеризацией социально-культурной действительности, характерной для информационного общества, связаны и процессы информатизации всех форм профессионального становления и развития человека, широкое внедрение информационных технологий в профессионализацию личности. Следствием глобализации процессов информатизации в современном обществе стало изменение не только содержания наших знаний о мире, но и способов их получения, воспроизведения и передачи, что, в конечном счете, существенно повлияло на внутренние структуры личности. Под воздействием новых информационных технологий изменился стиль мышления, способы общения, оценки окружающих и самооценки. Компьютерные технологии раскрывают перед человеком невиданные ранее возможности образовательного роста и профессионального самосовершенствования. Однако, как всякое техническое достижение, компьютерные технологии имеют и негативные последствия, в том числе в сфере профессионального образования -- важнейшего этапа профессионализации. В познавательно-мыслительном плане это формирование нелинейного, ассоциативного, мозаичного мышления, переизбыток информации, ослабление творческих начал. В гуманитарном плане информационные технологии механизируют и стандартизируют образовательную деятельность, обезличивают процесс обучения, ослабляя в целом гуманитарные аспекты образования. Таким образом, глобальное и бездумное внедрение информационных технологий в процесс становления профессионала способно породить множество проблем и, в конечном счете, привести к серьезному обеднению профессионализации, которая может превратиться из сложнейшего творческого процесса «созидания» профессионала в примитивную, хоть и обладающую высокой скоростью и большим объемом, передачу информации, в «опера- ционализм» вместо профессионализма.

Ключевые слова: профессионализация; профессиональная деятельность; профессионализм; профессиональное образование; информационное общество; информационные технологии; компьютерные технологии;

The main text

In recent decades, social development is characterized by the rapid penetration of new information and communication technologies into all spheres of life. These changes determined the formation of a new type of society -- information society, in which computerization significantly affects learning processes, formulation and solution of scientific problems, research in the field of thinking and cognition processes. Information technologies have become a powerful transformer of economic, social and other activities. Computerization and informatization vary by countries and regions, but generally develop in the way that allows to summarize some results and make some forecasts. Thus, computerization of all spheres of human activities is both the most important social task and an imperative of social development that determines humanistic transformations and economic development, which can guarantee a dignified life for all people.

In the contemporary society, informatization becomes global. Many features of the global information society are increasingly evident in Russia for informatization in our country reached a qualitatively new level. Strategy for the Development of Information Society in the Russian Federation (2008) was implemented as one of the priority national projects for the further development of the country [17. P. 265]. The State Program “Information Society for 2011--2020” is now implemented [9. P. 91], i.e. informatization of society is considered by the state as a necessary and vital condition for the development of economy, science, education, culture, and national security.

In its transformative effect, the combined impact of information technologies, the Internet and e-commerce is comparable to the changes under the industrial revolution. `Digital revolution changes the global economic, social and educational landscape, creates a new economic sector, transforms organizational structures, changes values of labor and everyday life, makes intellectual capital the main factor of the further scientific-technological progress. Informatics, computers, and automated systems determine key directions of development and efficiency of production and technologies, design and research. Computers significantly transform the content and nature of work and learning, reformulate the issues of development of our intellect and personality, significantly change our worldview [19. P. 125]. Analysis of social, intellectual and cultural consequences of mass introduction of information technologies into our life if the most important task for science [16. P. 232--234]. Under the overall computerization of social-cultural reality, informatization of all forms of professionalization and personal development become closely interrelated.


The term `professionalization' is often used in research publications on professions and professional activities. In sociology, there two interpretations of the term: professionalization of social groups and individual professionalization. Professionalization of social groups means development of `classic' and `secondary' professions (including formation of professional associations, allocation of specific areas of knowledge, creation of organizational structures within which professional activities take place), a group ascending mobility, features of professional groups [6].

There are differing international and Russian traditions of studying professionalization of social groups. In the Anglo-Saxon (Anglo-American and continental) [1] tradition, there are many approaches, such as functionalist, neo-Marxist and neo-Weberian approaches [12. P. 37--42]. Within the neo-Weberian approach, which many Russian authors consider `the orthodoxy of the western sociology of professions', traditional professions are defined as groups of interests that managed to take a monopoly position in the market of health services, legal services, education and science [12. P. 41]. Thus, professionalization of traditional occupations allowed their representatives to largely escape from the control of the developing nation state, organized capital and managers. “Professionalization is an attempt to translate the rare resources of professional groups of the same order -- specialized knowledge and skills -- into resources of a different order -- socio-economic rewards. Preservation of rare resources implies the desire for a monopoly: the monopoly of expert knowledge in the labor market and the monopoly of status in the stratification system” [10. P. 66].

Professionalization as formation and development of professional groups is considered in the western sociology of professions as a historical process. D. McClelland introduced terms that reveal the historical features of professionalization: (1) “professionalization from within” -- refers to the success of the group in terms of active self-use of market opportunities for upward mobility; and (2) “professionalization from above” -- when external factors determine the group status [13]. In both cases, the groups rely on professional ideology aimed at acquiring social authority and control [4]. When a professional group rely on the ideology `from within' it usually can self-regulate its activities. “Professionalization from above' is different: the result is usually not the control of work situations, but managerial power. Within both types of professionalization, the group can seek political goals such as redefining the relationship between professionals, consumers, and the state.

Western theories of professions and professionalization of social groups have been studied by the Russian sociologists [2; 6; 11; 12; 15] focusing on a wide range of professional groups, such as doctors, lawyers, managers, business elites, social workers, etc. However, in Russian sociology professionalization is usually defined as an individual professionalization, i.e. professional growth of an individual, so professional selfrealization is a form of self-actualization. Professionalization is often defined as a special professional training, i.e. professional education. Individual professionalization in a broad sense is a necessary part of socialization. Despite the importance of the psychological aspect, individual professionalization is mainly a social process and an integral part of socialization. The social nature of professionalization is determined by the social meaning of professional activities due to the social division of labor and its institutional nature. Individual professionalization in the narrow sense is professional socialization of the individual, i.e. internalization of professional norms, values, knowledge, getting skills necessary for successful professional activity, and a `professional worldview'. Professional socialization is a process through which a person learns certain professional values, internalize them, and acquires professional consciousness and culture necessary for professional activities.

Individual professionalization is a multilevel and multistage phenomenon. Primary professionalization turns a man into a specialist through acquisition of professional skills necessary for successful professional activities. By its nature, primary professionalization is directly related to vocational education aimed at formation of a specialist, therefore it can be defined as specialization. Thus, the indicator of the successful primary professionalization is finishing vocational training with professional qualifications, which makes an individual a subject of professional activities and professional relations, provides him with a professional status and an opportunity for active and functional participation in social processes.

Secondary professionalization aims at transformation of a specialist into a professional, i.e. psychological, social and ideological development, acquisition of professional skill, a creative approach to professional activities and a professional worldview with relevant moral components. Secondary professionalization means development of a professional in the course of working activities by getting professional experience and a broad approach to solving professional problems.

Thus, on the one hand, professionalization reaches a certain degree of completeness when the individual is professionally mature (high professional skills and status); on the other hand, professionalization continues throughout the life of a person for improvement of professional skills and development of professionalism are not limited. Individual professionalization is a continuous process if it takes place within one type of professional activities. However, contemporary information society is a mobile and dynamic system. Intensification of production due to computerization and introduction of new technologies lead to changes in professional functions, integration of certain types of labor and their mutual enrichment, emergence of new professions and disappearance of old ones. Differentiation of professional activities are so intense that they require changes in professional values: poly-professionalism replaces mono-professionalism [18]. The professional world needs professionally mobile specialists capable of successful and effective adaptation to the changing social-economic conditions to plan and organize their own professional lives.

This problem is urgent in information society today for the dynamics of its professional structure makes people change their professions during their working life. Reprofessionalization is a long and complex process of transition from one profession to another based on the already acquired professional and personal qualities. This process involves choosing a new profession, mastering it, developing a strategy for new professional activities and implementing it based on the personal experience, knowledge, skills, education, personal and professional needs. Reprofessionalization depends on the objective contradiction between the professional potential of the employee and the requirements of the labor market. The subjective reason for reprofessionalization is dissatisfaction with the profession, and inability to realize one's potential. Reprofessionalization is the result of changes in the profession demanding new professional knowledge, skills and habits and a change in attitudes to previously learned professional norms and values. However, reprofessionalization is not limited to professional retraining, it is much more complicated and involves changes in the professional identification, which usually involves certain psychological difficulties.

Changing one's profession and subsequent reprofessionalization involve mastering a new profession and a change in the professional status, which often has negative psychological and social consequences. Psychologists say that reprofessionalization is often painful, and the change of profession is often regarded as an indicator of professional incompetence. Thus, the success of reprofessionalization depends on one's psychological state, i.e. on understanding one's needs and readiness to realize one's potential in a new professional sphere. Individual perception of the change in profession and reprofessionalization also depends on the public opinion and traditions. Monoprofessionalism as a socially approved orientation that developed in the industrial era, when professionalism presupposed a narrow specialization within a single profession. Information society defines professionalism differently and includes in its definition ability to professional mobility and professional dynamics in accordance with changing social needs. At the same time, one of the social requirements for professionals is a broad field of professional activities, and ability to realize one's creative potential in the related professional fields.

Under such polyprofessionalism, the change of profession and reprofessionalization is not considered an exceptional phenomenon, but rather as a direction of secondary professionalization. According to its social nature, individual professionalization takes place within certain social structures and institutions. Social agents of professionalization are the family, educational institutions, social organizations, labor collectives and the state.


Primary professionalization begins in childhood, during pre-school and school activities. It consists of accepting universal social and professional values, such as the prestige of a particular profession, and its social significance. Many authors emphasized that already in childhood it is necessary to reveal abilities of the individual and develop initial professional orientation, which will contribute to the successful professional future. In the preschool period, the main agent of professionalization is one's family for it ensures internalization of primary professional norms and values mainly through training. The role of the family, in particular, the nature of the relationship between children and parents in professional self-identification was studied by many researchers. A. Roe argues that individual needs are determined mainly by the atmosphere of the parental home and parents' upbringing style that shape future professional orientations, interests, inclinations and abilities of the child [14].

The role of family in professionalization is unique due to the specific functions of the family as a social institution and a small group. Today the family is a social group with different age, sex and professional subsystems. The family ensures the initial introduction of universal and professional values and forms of their implementation. Moreover, the initial professionalization in the family sometimes takes place without any purposeful influence of parents, just by the child's perception of family everyday norms and values. Such a direct assimilation of professional norms and values in the family sometimes leads to the formation of professional dynasties, when several generations of the family deliberately choose a profession/business of the parents.

Not only relations between parents and children are important, but also professional ties of the family with the social world. The professional status of parents and their professional communication influence the child's perception of one's home, which often includes not only parents and other close relatives, but also a broader social environment of parents' colleagues and friends. This social environment influences individual professionalization. However, professional education in the family is not yet a common norm. Many parents believe that professional self-identification should be formed by school and other educational institutions. At the same time, many families try to influence their children professional preferences. Some parents in the very early age of their children try to identify their natural inclinations and abilities to direct them to a specific profession. Certainly, such a desire is justified, but the child should not become a hostage to parental ambitions and ideas of a `better future'. Family is important in the professional development but rather as a social institution that shapes personality, determines internal orientations and lays the foundations of the worldview.

School period is also important for individual professionalization for a person not only receives the systematized and generalized knowledge, but also acquires communicative skills, and, most importantly, the ability to work. Various subjects in the school make a significant contribution to the future professional activities of the child. Professional orientation as a complex of psychological, pedagogical and other measures aimed at optimizing the process of employment of young people in accordance with their desires, inclinations, abilities, and social needs, is an important task of high and specialized schools. The teachers should strive, among other things, to form professional self-awareness of students. Professionalization at school can be considered successful if by the time of graduation students understand the relationship between schooling and further professional activities.

Education in comprehensive schools assumes a broad professional orientation of students. The curriculum should combine natural sciences with social sciences and humanities to develop the personal worldview. Teachers of general subjects, including teachers for labor training and physical activities should involve students in public and production activities to develop certain professionally significant qualities, communication skills and moral principles. The specialized schools often focus on the narrow professional direction or a specific profession emphasizing the importance of relevant courses. Recently, the Russian society has accepted the role of schools in individual professionalization such as the development of professional consciousness, which led to the profiling high school, introduction of specialized classes with focus on the subjects necessary for further professional training. All these changes are significant and positive for strengthening the role of the school in professionalization.

The core of primary professionalization and its key stage is professional training at university and other educational institutions. The main goal of vocational training is acquisition of certain knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the successful implementation of a specific type of professional activities. However, receiving the specialty is not the only goal of this stage of professionalization for the university courses are to develop a system of social and professional qualities, ideas and attitudes of future specialists, professional interests together with universal moral values. The main form of professionalization at the university is professional education as mastering of professional experience and skills for a specific type of professional work. However, the content of professional education is not limited to such tasks for a specialist with certain professional qualifications will become a professional only if he acquires qualities and attitudes to solve the task of transition to an active, independent, creative and a responsible profession.


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