Acculturating Stress, Language Anxiety and Procrastination of International Students in the Academic Settings
The main predictor of procrastination is linked to social anxiety which might be triggered by new cultural and academic settings and, therefore, transformed into procrastination. Differences in procrastination, acculturating stress, and language anxiety.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 07.09.2021 |
Размер файла | 407,4 K |
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Acculturating Stress, Language Anxiety and Procrastination of International Students in the Academic Settings
Dr. in Psychology, ProfessorLarysa Zasiekinai Olena Zhuravlova, Ph.D. in Psychology National University «Ostroh A cademy» Ostroh, Ukraine LesyaUkrainka East European National University Lutsk, Ukraine
Objectives. The aim of the study is to examine the procrastination among international students in academic settings in Ukraine.
Materials&Methods. The 41 participants were recruited from two national universities in Volyn oblast who came from African countries to obtain higher education in Ukraine. Procrastination Scale, Acculturative Stress Scale, Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety cale were applied in the research.
Results. Evidence consistently suggests that there are no gender differences in procrastination, acculturating stress, and language anxiety. However, a weak negative correlation between procrastination and age of the participants was found (r=-0.26 p<0.05). It is possible to hypothesise that academic procrastination is less likely to occur in mature age, being replaced by the procrastination in other life domains. The findings of multiple regression suggest that acculturative stress and language anxiety taken together predict procrastination of the international students (R =0.469, F (4, 37) = 2.741, p=0.015). However, amongst other predictors only fear of negative evaluation as a separate scale of language anxiety is an independent robust predictor of procrastination. One unanticipated finding was that accultuarion is not a significant moderator of the interaction between fear of negative evaluation and procrastination. Therefore, international students' procrastination is predicted by rather social anxiety of being evaluated than cultural settings and language anxiety per se. This inference is in line with the evidence that test anxiety and communication apprehension are not ndependent significant predictors of procrastination.
Conclusion. The current study showed that the main predictor of procrastination is linked to social anxiety which might be triggered by new cultural and academic settings and, therefore, transformed into procrastination. However, with a small sample size which represents only African students, caution must be applied, as the findings might not be extrapolated for the international students from other countries. Further studies, which take these limitations into account, will need to be undertaken.
Keywords: procrastination, acculturating stress, and language anxiety, international students, academic settings, fear of negative evaluation.
Акультураційний стрес, мовна тривожність та прокрастинація в іноземних студентів в академічному середовищі
Лариса Засєкінаї
доктор психологічних наук, профессор
Олена Журавльова кандидат психологічних наук
Національний університет «Острозька академія» Острог, Україна
Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки, Луцьк,Україна
Метою статті є вивчення прояву прокрастинації в іноземних студентів у навчальних закладах України.
Матеріали і методи. Для дослідження було відібрано 41 респондента, які є вихідцями з африканських країн і здобувають вищу освіту у двох національних університетах Волинської області. У дослідженні використовувалися шкала прокрастинації, шкали дослідження акультураційного стресу та мовноїривожностіпри вивченні іноземної мови.
Результати. Фактичні дані свідчать про відсутність гендерних відмінностей рівнях сформованості прокрастинації, акультураційного стресу та мовної тривожності. Однак, виявлено слабку негативну кореляцію між прокрастинацією і віком учасників дослідження (r = -0,26 р<0,05). Можна припустити, що академічна прокрастинація рідше зустрічається в зрілому віці, натомість охоплює інші сфери життя. Результати множинної регресії
свідчать, що акультураційний стрес в поєднанні з мовною тривожністю
предиктором прокрастинації іноземних студентів (R = 0,469, F(4, 37) = 2,741, р = 0,015). Проте серед інших діагностованих параметрів лише страх негативної оцінки, як окрема шкала мовної тривожності, є значущою детермінантою зволікання. Одним із неочікуваних результатів було те, що акультурація не є важливим модератором взаємодії між страхом негативної оцінки і прокрастинацією.
Висновки. Прокрастинація іноземних студентів більшою мірою зумовлюється загальним страхом бути оціненим, ніж культурними аспектами і мовною тривогою. Дослідження демонструє, що головний предикторпрокрастинації пов'язаний із соціальною тривожністю, яка може спонукатися новими культурними і академічними умовами і таким чином трансформуватися у прокрастинацію. Однак при невеликому об'ємі вибірки, представниками якої лише африканські студенти, дослідження має певні обмеження, оскільки отримані дані не можуть бути екстрапольовані на іноземних студентів з інших країн. У подальших дослідженнях слід враховані вказані обмеження.
Ключові слова: прокрастинація, акультураційний стрес, мовна тривожність, іноземні студенти, академічні умови, страх негативної оцінки.
Засекина Лариса, Журавлева Елена. Аккультурационный стресс, языковая тревожность и прокрастинация иностранных студентов в академической среде
Цель статьи. Статья посвящена изучению проявления прокрастинации у шостранных студентов в учебных заведениях Украины.
Материалы и методы. Для исследования было отобрано 41 респондента, которые являются выходцами из африканских стран и получают высшее образование в двух национальных университетах Волынской области.
исследовании использовались шкала прокрастинации, аккультурационного стресса, языковой тревожности при изучении иностранного языка. Результаты. Фактические данные свидетельствуют об отсутствии гендерных различий в уровнях сформированности прокрастинации, аккультурационного стресса и языковой тревожности. Однако, обнаружена слабая отрицательная корреляцию между прокрастинацией и возрастом участников исследования (r= -0,26 р <0,05). Можно предположить, что академическая прокрастинация реже встречается в зрелом возрасте, охватывая при этом другие сферы жизни. Результаты множественной регрессии показывают, что аккультурационный стресс в сочетании с языковой тревожностью является предиктором прокрастинации иностранных студентов (R2 = 0,469, F(4, 37) = 2,741, р = 0,015). Однако среди других диагностируемых параметров только страх негативной оценки, как отдельная шкала языковой тревожности, является значимой детерминантой промедления. Одним из неожиданных результатов было то, что аккультурация не является важным модератором взаимодействия между страхом негативной оценки и прокрастинацией. Выводы. Таким образом, прокрастинация иностранных студентов в большей степени обусловлена общим страхом быть оцененным, чем культурными аспектами и языковой тревогой. Исследование показывает, что главный предиктор прокрастинации связан с социальной тревожностью, которая может вызываться новыми культурными и академическими условиями и таким образом трансформироваться в прокрастинацию. Однако при небольшом объеме выборки, представителями которой являются только африканские студентыб исследования имеет ограничения, поскольку полученные данные не могут быть екстраполированы на иностранных студентов из других стран.
дальнейших исследованиях обязательно должны быть учтены указанные ограничения.
Ключевые слова: прокрастинация, аккультурационный стресс, языковая тревожность, иностранные студенты, академические условия, страх негативной оценки.
procrastination predictor language stress
A keyaspectofprocrastinationamongstudentsisacademicprocrastination. Severaltheoriesontheoriginofprocrastinationhavebeenproposed, irrationalandspontaneousdelayinperformingessentialactivity (Balkis&Duru, 2019; Haghbin 2015; Steel&Ferrari, 2013); lowadjustmentaccompaniedwithpassive, dysfunctionalactivity (Klingsieck, 2013); non-adaptivebehavioralstrategy (Lindblom-Ylanneetal., 2015) amongstothers. Theexistingbodyofresearchonprocrastinationsuggeststhatprocrastinationoccurswithcomorbiditiesfrequentlyrepresentedbyanxiety, depressionandfear (Tibbett&Ferrari, 2015). Recentlyinvestigatorshavealsoexaminedtheassociationbetweenprocrastinationandpsychosomaticdisorders, notablyheadaches, immuneproblemsandchronicpain (Klingsieck 2013; Sirois&Pychyl, 2013), interpersonalproblems (Goldin, Katz&Kuziemko, 2006), andfinancial di culties (Gamst-Klaussen, Steel&Svartdal, 2019).
Datafromseveralstudiessuggestthatthereis a significantgrowthofprocrastinationamongadultpopulation (Markiewicz, 2018). Accordingtothisstudy, about 25.0% ofthegeneralpopulationsuersfromchronicprocrastination, amongthem 80.0%-90.0% ofstudentswhoexperiencetheacademicprocrastination; as a result 50.0% ofthemarguethatprocrastinationhas a poorimpactontheiracademicachievements.
Ithaspreviouslybeenobservedthatincreasedstressinstudents' academicactivityhas a poor e ectontheiracademicachievementsandexacerbate a chronicordebilitatingdelayinperformingtheiractivity. Incontrasttoacademicprocrastinationingeneral, thereismuchlessinformationabout e ectsofacculturatingstressandlanguageanxietyonrocrastinationamongtheforeignstudents.
Therefore, theaimofthestudyistoanalyzetheoreticalfoundationsandempiricaldataprovidingtheideathatthe di cultieswithacculturationandlanguagebarrierscouldbetherobustpredictorsofprocrastinationamonginternationalstudentsintheacademicsettings. Inparticular, wewillfocusourattentiononthe e ectsofacculturativestressandforeignlanguageclassroomanxietyontheinternationalstudents' procrastination. Furthermore, consideringthepredictorsofprocrastinationmightpreventtheinternationalstudentsfromdelayingtheiracademicactivityandobtaininglowacademicachievements.
Main material
Acculturationis a processofdualnaturecontainingtheessentialculturalandpsychologicaltransformationsas a resultofinteractionoftwoormoreculturalgroups (Berry, 2005). Recentworkbypsychologistsontheproblemofacculturationhasestablishedthatitcomprisesfourstages, euphoriaexcitement, cultureshocknegativity, gradualrecoveryandassimilationamongstothers. Thestagesarecharacterizedbytheparticularprocesses, notablyinitialenthusiasmforeverythingnewandunusualinthehostculture; growthofanxietyandintolerancetotheuncertainty; awarenessof di erencesandsimilaritiesinbothcultures; andfullacceptanceand e cientadjustmentto a newculturalenvironment.
Existingresearchrecognisesthecriticalrolein e cientacculturationplayedbycognitiveandbehavioralstrategiesforculturaladjustment, awareness, learningandadaptationamongstothers (Winkelman, 1994).
Previousresearchcomparingculturalshockintheacculturationprocessandacademicachievementsofinternationalstudentsapplythe `culturalsynergyframework' (Zhou, Jindal-Snape, Topping&Todman, 2008) andhavefoundthatcognitive, a ectiveandbehavioralissuesofadaptationshouldbeconsidered. Behavioraladaptationisviewedas a closeinteractionoftheinternationalstudentswiththehoststudentsandthehostpopulationingeneral. Cognitiveadaptationislinkedtotheinternationalstudents' perceptionofinter-groupinteraction, perceptionofdiscriminationinparticular. A ectiveadaptionreferstotheinternationalstudents' well-beingwhichiscloselylinkedtotherelationshipswithhostpopulation.
DatafromseveralstudiessuggestthattheforeignstudentsfromAsiaarecharacterizedbylowerlevelofacculturationthanEuropeanstudentssincetheyexperiencethegreaterculturalshockbasedinthedeepcultural di erencesintheenvironments (Lowinger, He, Lin&Chang, 2014).
Sincethecognitive, a ective, andbehavioralaspectsofadaptationreferto e cientinteraction, thelanguagecompetenceplaystheprimaryroleinallstagesofacculturation. Ithaspreviouslybeenobservedthatcommunicationapprehension, testanxietyandfearofnegativeevaluationaretherobustpredictorsofpoorlanguageintegrationandtogetherconstitutethelanguageanxiety (Horwitz, 2001). Moreover, languageanxietyhas a poorimpactontheacademicachievementsoftheinternationalstudents. Thelanguageanxietyiscloselylinkedtotheforeignlanguageacquisitionanddefinedas a specificformofanxietywhichis di erentfromtheanxietyas a personaltrait. Themainstrategiesforcopingwithlanguageanxietyareself-developmentoravoidance. Inouropinion, theavoidancecouldbeassociatedwithprocrastinationand, resultedinlowacademicachievements.
Ingeneral, therefore, itseemsthat di cultiesofacculturationandlanguageanxietycouldbetheseriousbarriersfor e cientinteractionofinternationalstudentswiththehostpeersandexacerbatethedelayintheiracademicactivitytransforminginprocrastination.
RQ1: Isthereanassociationbetweenageandprocrastination, acculturatingstressandlanguageanxiety?
RQ2: Arethehighacculturativestressandtheforeignlanguageclassroomanxietythepredictorsoftheinternationalstudents' rocrastination?
RQ3: Whatarethemostrobustpredictorsofinternationalstudents' procrastination?
ParticipantswereAfricanstudents (Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Senegal) recruitedfromtwoUkrainianuniversitiesinVolynskyaoblast: LesyaUkrainkaEastEuropeanNationalUniversityandLutskNationalTechnicalUniversity (n=41), 29.0% female (n=12), 71.0% male (n=29). Participants' meanagewas 25.14 (SD = 2.6 years). Measures
ProcrastinationwasmeasuredbyProcrastinationScale (Lay, 1986). Thescalehas 20 items. Thepsychometricpropertiesofthescalewereassessed, particularlyCronbachalphaof 0.82 and a retestreliabilityof 0.80 (Hasanagic&Ozsagir, 2018).
AcculturationwastestedwithAcculturativeStressScale (Sandhu&Asrabadi, 1998). Thescaleconsistsof 36 itemstoassessdiscrimination, homesickness, fear, guilt, perceivedhatred, andgeneralstressasindicatorsofacculturativestress. Thetotalscorerangesfrom 30 to 180, wherethehigherscoreindicatedthedeeperstress. Theresultsofprinciplecomponentsmethodindicatedthatsixfactorsareaccountingfor 70.6% ofthetotalexplainedvariance. Strongevidenceofpredominanceofperceiveddiscriminationwasfound, sinceitcoversthehighestperscentageamongstotherfactors (38.3%). Furtherstatisticaltestsrevealedthealphareliabilitystatisticsforthissamplewereperceiveddiscrimination, 0.87; homesickness, 0.68; fear, 0.70; andcultureshock&stress, 0.56.
Thelanguageanxietywastestedbytheforeignlanguageclassroomanxietyscale (Horwitz, Horwitz&Cope, 1986). Thescaleconsistsof 33- itemsandassesscommunicationapprehension, testanxiety, andfearofnegativeevaluation. Internalconsistency, asmeasuredbyCronbach'salphacoecient, was 0.93, andtest-retestreliabilityover 8 weekswas r = 0.83, p = 0.001, n = 78 (Horwitz, 1986).
ThemajorityofclassesforinternationalstudentsweretaughtinUkrainian, whichisforeignlanguageforthem. Ukrainianisquitedistantforstudents' nativeEnglishwhichischaracterizedbyanalyticnature. UkrainianisEastSlaviclanguageof a fusionalcharacter. ItmeansthatUkrainianincontrasttoEnglishfromGermanicbranchis a typeofsyntheticlanguage, distinguishedfromagglutinativelanguagesbytheirtendencytousesingleinflectionalmorphemestodenotegrammatical, syntacticorsemanticfeatures. ThecanonicalwordorderofUkrainianisSubject-Verb-Object. OtherwordordersareusualduetothefreeworldordercreatedbyUkrainian'sinflectionalsystem.
InUkrainianlanguagenounshavesevencases: nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, instrumental, andlocative, vocative; whereasinEnglishonlythreecasesaredistinguished: nominative, genitiveandaccusative. However, bothlanguageshavetwonumbers: singularandplural. InUkrainianadjectivesagreewithnounsincase, genderandnumber. VerbshavethreetensesinUkrainianlanguage: past, presentandfutureandtwovoices: activeandpassive. Theyare di erentiatedintothreepersons: first, secondandthird; andtwonumbers: singularandplural. Ukrainianverbscanbeclassifiedintotwokinds: perfectiveandimperfective. Thesekindsareformedbyprepositionalprefixesorrootchanges. Theverbsinthepasttenseareagreedwiththesubjectinnumberandgender, originatedfromtheperfectparticiple. TheEnglishverbshavesimple, continuousandperfecttenseswithinpresent, pastandfuture. Therefore, thegreatgrammatical di erencesinUkrainianandEnglishlanguageform di cultiesforinternationalstudentsintheacademicsettingsandcouldhave a poorimpactonthedevelopmentoflanguageanxiety.
Statistical procedure.Thestatisticalanalysisusedtoprocessthedataincludedcorrelationandmultipleregression, moderationanalysisinparticularbasedon IBM SPSS statistics 21.
The means and standarddeviationsforthestudyaregivenon Table 1.
Table 1 - Meansandstandarddeviationsforallsubjects(n = 41) and і-test di erencesbetweenmales (n = 29) andfemales (n = 12)
Total (n=41) |
Males (n=29) |
Females (n=12) |
Total (n=41) |
Males (n=29) |
Females (n=12) |
Variables |
M |
SD |
M |
SD |
M |
SD |
t |
p |
Procrastination |
52.67 |
1.52 |
52.66 |
14.89 |
52.66 |
7.27 |
0.000 |
1.000 |
PD |
22.19 |
1.17 |
21.90 |
8.55 |
22.91 |
4.70 |
0.492 |
0.626 |
H |
12.36 |
0.59 |
12.10 |
3.95 |
13.00 |
3.54 |
0.719 |
0.480 |
PH |
12.66 |
0.80 |
12.40 |
5.57 |
13.33 |
4.29 |
0.582 |
0.565 |
F |
8.79 |
0.56 |
8.77 |
4.04 |
8.83 |
2.51 |
0.064 |
0.949 |
CS |
8.07 |
0.46 |
7.80 |
3.11 |
8.75 |
2.49 |
1.037 |
0.310 |
G |
4.79 |
0.37 |
4.83 |
2.50 |
4.67 |
2.42 |
0.197 |
0.846 |
M |
24.14 |
1.29 |
23.83 |
9.32 |
24.91 |
5.43 |
0.468 |
0.643 |
AS |
93.00 |
4.43 |
91.63 |
32.04 |
96.41 |
18.21 |
0.599 |
0.553 |
CA |
29.07 |
1.21 |
28.50 |
7.80 |
30.50 |
8.21 |
0.724 |
0.428 |
TA |
38.61 |
1.39 |
38.00 |
7.95 |
40.00 |
11.52 |
0.532 |
0.602 |
16.38 |
0.95 |
16.03 |
6.20 |
17.25 |
6.30 |
0.568 |
0.576 |
LA |
84.07 |
3.30 |
82.60 |
20.21 |
87.50 |
24.57 |
0.568 |
0.576 |
PD perceived discrimination, H homesickness, PH perceived hate, F fear, G guilt, M miscellaneous, CS cultural shock, AS acculturative stress CA communication apprehension, TA test anxiety, FNE fear of negative evaluation, LA language anxiety
Thedataofdescriptivestatisticsisinlinewithotherstudiesinthefield (Lowingeretal., 2014). Itisapparentfromthistablethattherearenogender di erencesconcerningprocrastination, acculturationandlanguageanxietyininternationalstudents.
Table 2 representstheresultsofthecorrelationanalysis. TheresultsofthePearsonmomentcorrelationindicatethatthereis a weaknegativecorrelationbetweenageandprocrastination. Itisapparentfromthistablethatprocrastinationcandeclinewithinthelifespan. Theresultsareinlinewiththestudywhichunderlinedtheage 14-29 asthemostvulnerableforprocrastination (Beuteletal., 2016), whereasintheolderagetherocrastinationisdeclining.
RQ2 and RQ3 weretestedbymultipleregressionsandmoderationanalysis. Multipleregressionanalysishasbeenusedtopredictofvalueofprocrastinationbasedonvaluesofindependentvariablesofperceiveddiscrimination, homesickness, perceivedhate, fear, guilt, miscellaneous, culturalshock, communicationapprehension, testanxiety, fearofnegativeevaluation, andlanguageanxiety.
Table 2 - Correlation (2-tailed Pearson r) between age and procrastination, acculturative stress, language anxiety
Theassumptionsoflinearrelationshipbetweeneachindependentvariableanddependentvariableweretestedthroughsimplescatterplotsandpartialregressionplots. TheindependenceofresidualswasassessedbyDurbinWatson (d=1.31). Theassumptionofmulticolleniaritywasalsomet, sincetoleranceforallpredictors> 0.1, and 1<VIF>10. Assumptionofhomoscedasticitywascontrolledbyscatterplot ZRESID vs. ZPRED. Theresultsindicatethattheassumptionofhomoscedasticityisalsomet. Thehistogramalsoshowsthenormallydistributederrorsinthevariables.
The results of the regressi on with enter method show that ten variables (perceiveddiscrimination, homesickness, perceivedhate, fear, guilt, miscellaneous, culturalshock, communicationapprehension, testanxiety, fearofnegativeevaluation, andlanguageanxiety) explained 46.9% ofprocrastination, R2 = 0.469, F (4.37) = 2.741, p=0.015. Anunanticipatedfindingwasthatonlyoneindependentvariable (fearofnegativeevaluation) significantlypredictedprocrastination (seeTable 3). Therefore, theresultissomewhatcounterintuitive. Ontheonehand, theresultsoftheregressionanalysisshowthatallpredictorsproducethesignificantmodel, covering 46.9% ofprocrastination; ontheotherhand, onlyfearofnegativeevaluationhasanindependentsignificantcontributiontotheprocrastination.
Table 3 - Summary of Procrastinati
Table 3. SummaryofProcrastination (n=41) |
Multiple |
RegressionAnalyses |
forVariables |
Predicting |
Variables |
B |
SE B |
P |
t |
AS |
-0.02 |
0.06 |
-0.07 |
-0.37 |
CA |
0.50 |
0.35 |
0.40 |
1.60 |
TA |
0.19 |
0.25 |
-0.18 |
-0.76 |
0.77 |
0.36 |
0.48 |
2.15* |
Note: *p < .05. **p < .01
AS acculturative stress CA communication apprehension, TA test anxiety, FNE fear of negative evaluation
Table 4
To assess the relationship between fear of negative evaluation and procrastination as function of acculturating stress moderation analysis has been performed. After meeting all assumption sand reducingmulticolleniaritybycenteringtwovariablesandmultiplyingthemtoobtaintheirinteractionofacculturatingstressandfearofnegativeevaluation, wefoundinsignificantmeaningofmoderation. Therefore, theseresultssuggestthatacculturativestressandlanguageanxietytakentogetherpredictprocrastinationoftheinternationalstudents. However, evidenceconsistentlysuggeststhatamongstotherpredictorsonlyfearofnegativeevaluationas a separatescaleoflanguageanxietyisanindependentrobustpredictorofprocrastination.
Table 4 - Linear Model of Predictors of Procrastination with Acculturative Stress in Moderation Analysis (n=41)
Asmentionedintheliteraturereview, di cultiesinacculturationandlowlanguageabilityhave a poorimpactonprocrastinationininternationalstudents. Thefirstquestioninthisstudysoughttodeterminegenderandage di erencesofinternationalstudents' procrastination. Withrespecttothefirstresearchquestion, itwasfoundthatthereis a weaknegativecorrelationbetweenprocrastinationandageoftheparticipants. ThisfindingisconsistentwiththatofBeuteletal. (2016) whorevealedthedeclineofprocrastinationwithinthelifespananddefinethemostsensitiveageforprocrastinationbetween 14-29 years.
A possibleexplanationfortheseresultsmaybethelackofadequatestudyof di erentlifedomainsofprocrastination. Therecentresearchshowsthatthehigherprocrastinationineducatedadultsreferstothehealthdomainratherthantotheotherspheresoflife (Hen&Goroshit, 2018). Since a greatdealofpreviousresearchintoprocrastiationhasfocusedontheacademicprocrastination, themostsensitiveageforprocrastinationislinkedtothestudents' age. Therefore, verylittlewasfoundintheliteratureonthequestionof di erentdomainsofprocrastinationandtheirassociationswiththeagegroups.
Inconsistencywithearlierfindingsnoevidenceofgender di renceswasdetected. However, previousstudieshavesuggestedthatperceiveddiscriminationandhomesicknessaresignificantpredictorsofprocrastinationamongmaleswhereasculturalshockandstressaresignificantlyhigherinfemales (Lowingeretal., 2014).
Withrespecttothesecondandthethirdresearchquestions, itwasfoundthatperceiveddiscrimination, homesickness, perceivedhate, fear, guilt, miscellaneous, culturalshock, communicationapprehension, testanxiety, fearofnegativeevaluationtakentogethercouldpredicttheprocrastination. However, theonlysignificantindependentpredictorisfearofnegativeevaluation. TheseresultsreflectthoseofReichenberger, Smyth&Blechert (2018) whoalsofoundthatthatfearofevaluationis a robustindicaterofsocialanxietyandisexacerbatedbyfeelingsofpossibledownwardshiftsinsocialrelationshipsandexclusionfromthegroup. Fearofnegativeevaluationreferstothecorebeliefsaboutselfandpredictgreatsensitivitytolearningpositiveandnegativeevaluationand, therefore, has a poorimpactonmentalhealth (Buttonetal., 2015; Zasiekina, 2015).
Therefore, internationalstudents' procrastinationispredictedratherbysocialanxietyofbeingevaluatedthanculturalsettingsandlanguageanxietyperse. Whatissurprisingisthatprocrastinationisnotassociatedwiththeotherscalesoflanguageanxiety, testanxietyandcommunicationapprehension. However, theseresultscorroboratethefindingsof a greatdealofthepreviousworkinthe e cientacculturationofinternationalstudentswhichbasedininteractionwithothers, hoststudentsandpopulationsinparticular.
Thusfearofnegativeevaluationas a robustpredictorofprocrastinationmaybeexplainedbytheprimaryimportanceofotherpeopleforinternationalstudents. Anotherpossibleexplanationforthisisthatprocrastinationandfearofnegativeevaluationcanbedescribedintermsofgeneralpersonaltraitslinkedtosocialanxietywhichcanserveas a basisfor di cultiesin e cientacculturation.
Thefindingsofthisresearchprovideinsightsforassociationofprocrastination, acculturatingstressandlanguageanxiety. TheinvestigationhasshownthattheindicesofprocrastinationforAfricanstudentsinnewacademicculturalsettingsarecomparativelyhigherthaninChinesestudentsreportedbyLowingeretal. (2014). Theseresultsareimportantintwomajorrespects. Firstly, thisresearchsupporttheideathatthestudyofinternationalstudents' procrastinationshouldconsidertheculturalbackgroundofthestudents. ThepreviousresearchhasalsoshownthatChinsestudentscanunderreportedtheprimary di cultiesintheiracculturationsincetheyrepresentthesalientculture (Li, Wang&Fisher, 2004). Secondly, thecountrywhichthestudentshavechosentostudyinisofcrucialimportance. Thehighstandardsofthedevelopedcountriescouldpredicttheloweracculturativestressintheinternationalstudentsthandevelopingcountries.
Thisstudyhasraisedimportantquestionsaboutthenatureofprocrastination. Multipleregressionanalysisrevealedthatthefearofnegativeevaluationisanindependentsignificantpredictoroftheprocrastination. Thereforetheprincipaltheoreticalimplicationofthisstudyisthatprocrastinationreferstosocialanxiety, whichisexacerbatedbynewculturalacademicsettings. Thefollowingconclusionscanbedrawnfromthepresentstudythatnewculturalacademicsettingsandlinguisticbarriersofforeignlanguagecannotpredictprocrastinationperse, ifthestudentsarenotvulnerableforsocialanxiety. Thisnewunderstandingshouldhelptounderminepredictorsofprocrastinationhroughreducingsocialanxietymanifestationininternationalstudents.
Oneofthemoresignificantfindingstoemergefromthisstudyisthatprocrastinationin a newculturalacademicenvironmentcanbestudiedwithin `culturalsynergyframework' (Zhou, Jindal-Snape, Topping&Todman, 2008). Thisstudyhasfoundthatgenerallyovercomingprocrastinationin a newacademicsettingsislinkedtoreducingthefearofnegativeevaluation. Furthermore, fearofnegativeevaluationamonginternationalstudentsishighlyassociatedwith a closeinteractionwithhostpeersinacademicsettingsandhostpopulationingeneral. Thus, cognitive (improvementofinternationalstudents' perceptionofinter-groupinteractionanddiscrimination), behavioral (closeinteractionoftheinternationalstudentswiththehoststudentsandthehostpopulation) and a ectivestrategies (enhancingthewell-beingbasedon e cientinternationalstudents' relationships) shouldbeconsideredtoovercomeprocrastination.
The limitation of the study is that with a small sample size which representsonly African students, caution must be applied, asthefindingsmightnotbeextrapolatedfortheinternationalstudentsfromothercountries Furtherstudies, whichtaketheselimitationsintoaccount, willneedtobeundertaken. Largerandomisedcontrolledtrialswithinternationalstudentsfrom di erentculturalbackgroundscouldprovidemoredefinitiveevidenceofassossiationbetweenprocrastinationandfearofnegativeevaluationasanindicatorofsocialanxiety. ThehostuniversitiesinUkrainearestronglyrecommendedtoimplementsupportiveprogramsassessingandreducingsocialanxietyininternationalstudents.
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