Interconnection between risk-taking and passionarity of persons of young age
Study of the specifics of the relationship between risk and passion in young people. Description of methods for finding the ratio of risk propensity and passion. Psychological characteristics of representatives with a high degree of passion and low.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.09.2021 |
Размер файла | 41,7 K |
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Interconnection between risk-taking and passionarity of persons of young age
S. Bykova
This article examines the results of the theoretical and empirical study of the differences in the manifestations of predisposition to the risk of persons of young age with different degrees of passionarity.
Risk-taking is seen as a psychological phenomenon, as a personality trait, characterized by the choice of risk-generating situations. It is possible to assume that the manifestations of predisposition to risk, is accompanied by passion, purposefulness, unselfish risk, sensory passions, activity, and perhaps even passionarity.
For empirical testing, we chose the following psychodiagnostic methods “Test-questionnaire for quality indicators of predisposition to risk” (O. Sannikova, S. Bykova) and “Placing herself on the scale of passionarity” (modification of the methodology of T. Dembo and S. Rubinstein). An empirical study was conducted on the basis of Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. The total number of subjects - 67 people, aged 19 to 23 years.
The data obtained during the correlation analysis confirmed the validity of the comparison of qualitative characteristics of predisposition to risk and passionarity. Positive significant correlations were found between passionarity and such indicators of risk aversion as the ECR (Emotional Component) of risk appetite, ECR1 (active component of) risk susceptibility, and KAoR (Composite Risk Assessment) at 5%.
Psychological characteristics of representatives with a high degree of passionarity and low were detected. Hence, high values indicate that such people are characterized by the independence of behavior and the freedom of expression of thought, the ability to lead, as well as the tendency to transform reality. Stable direction for the implementation of a functional sustainable goal in the subjective space, the desire for self-reflection, determination, spontaneity of the desire to express personality, responsibility for their actions, persistence, flexibility of behavior, a trusting attitude to the environment.
Keywords: risk-taking; persons of young age; indicators of predisposition to risk; passionarity; draw specialties.
У статті розглядаються результати теоретико-емпіричного дослідження специфіки взаємозв'язку ризикованості та пасіонарності у людей молодого віку. Прояви ризикованості у молодих осіб, супроводжуються пристрастю, цілеспрямованістю, безкорисним ризиком, чуттєвими пристрастями, активністю. Теоретично встановлено, що пасіонарність - це спосіб мислення, поведінка, діяльність, стійка схильність та внутрішня жадоба до діяльності, що націлена на досягнення мети. Для пошуку співвідношення показників схильності до ризику та пасіонарності були застосовані «Тест-опитувалъникякісних показників схильності до ризику» (О.П. Саннікова, С.В. Бикова) та для дослідження пасіонарності «Універсальна процедура розміщення себе на шкалі пасіонарності» (модифікація методики Т. Дембота С.Я. Рубінштейн). Емпіричне дослідження проводилось на базі Одеської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. Загальна кількість досліджуваних - 67 молодих людей віком від 19 до 23 років. Проведений кореляційний аналіз показав наявність взаємовпливу показників ризикованості та показників пасіонарності. А саме встановлені додатні значимі зв'язки між пасіонарністю і такими показниками схильності до ризику, як ЕКР емоційний компонент схильності до ризику, ДКР дійовий компонент схильності до ризику, КОР композитна оцінка схильності до ризику на рівні 5%. Виявлені психологічні характеристики представників із високим ступенем пасіонарності та з низьким. Отже, високі значення свідчать про те, що таким людям властива незалежність поведінки та свобода вираження своєї думки. Їм притаманна здатність вести за собою, а також схильність до перетворення дійсності. У таких людей є стійке спрямування на реалізацію функціональної стійкої мети у суб 'єктивному просторі, прагнення до самоосмислення. Їх характеризує рішучість, спонтанність прагнення до вираження персональності, відповідальність за свої вчинки, наполегливість, гнучкість поведінки, довірливе відношення до оточення.
Ключові слова: ризикованість; особи молодого віку; схильність до ризику; пасіонарність; риси особистості.
In the modem world, processes of globalization and urbanization are intensifying, leading to a high rhythm of life, the need for interaction with other people in a social environment. In a context of fierce competition on the labor market, we are faced with new insights and personality requirements for effective interaction with other people.
In pedagogical science and psychology, the relevance of the development of the problem of risk is associated with the study of its subjective side, in particular, with the study of individual psychological peculiarities of predisposition to risk, which are manifested in situations of varying degrees of complexity and can contribute or prevent the success of a person's livelihoods.
There is a variety of information about the personality traits that are associated with passionarity. This information is contained in works aimed at the search for external (the influence of the environment, other people, different situations that require decision-making, etc.) and internal (physiological, psychophysiological, individual psychological and socio-psychological features) determinant: the study of creative personalities, biased, risk-generating personalities, etc.
At the heart of risky behavior lies not only the specific features of dangerous, uncertain situations , but also the individual psychological characteristics of the subject of activity, his health, psychological states and personality properties (Sannikova, Bykova, 2008).
This situation itself revives interest in a person as a subject of his own life, and actualizes the need to study the peculiarities of his personality, in particular, the propensity to risk, which may be one of the factors of adaptive human capabilities. Scientific literature contains information on numerous research on risk, which is considered to be interdisciplinary precisely because every science (whether social science or natural sciences or others) always has a zone of uncertainty, a zone of development of science.
The analysis of literature has shown that this problem directly or indirectly attracted the attention of the scientists of the XXI century. The development of the problem and the complexity of the very phenomenon of risk determines the variety of approaches to its study. Psychological personality traits that determine the individual diversity of risk behavior of people; riskiness as a set of properties of the psyche and personality traits aimed at improving the personality and society based on personal activity (Gumilev, 1993); in the context of human activities, including professional (Sannikova, 2006), as a form of uncertainty, as an objective phenomenon in the decision-making process (Kornilova, 2003); as well as personality traits that determine predisposition to risk (Sannikova&Bykova, 2008).
The purpose of this article is to present the results of the study of correlation between passionarity and predisposition to risk of persons of young age.
Methods of research
The following methods were used in the study: theoretical (analysis and systematization of literary data on problems of riskiness and passionarity); empirical (observation, conversation, testing using defined psychodiagnostic techniques); mathematical statistics (mathematical data processing, qualitative and quantitative analysis). Statistical processing of data was carried out using the program SPSS23.0 for Windows.
For empirical testing, we selected the following psychodiagnostic techniques: we used the diagnostic method “Test-questionnaire for quality indicators of predisposition to risk” (O. Sannikova, S. Bykova) to identify risk aversion. The choice of this methodology is due to the fact that it is focused on the quality and manifestation of predisposition to risk, which may vary in correlation with passionarity. On the basis of the contingent-hierarchical approach and the construction of a person's structure, and the idea of a component structure of predisposition to risk among qualitative characteristics were considered (Sannikova, Bykova, 2006).
To study the passionarity, we applied the universal procedure “Placing ourselves on the scale of passionarity” (modification of the methodology of T. Dembo and S.Ya. Rubinstein). Previously, an object of evaluation was developed, with the aim of creating in the surveyed a unified view of the minimum and maximum manifestations of passionarity.
An empirical study was conducted on the basis of the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. The students of the engineering construction institute took part in the empirical study. The total number of subjects - 67 people, aged 19 to 23 years. The processing of the received data was carried out with the help of quantitative and qualitative analyzes.
passionarity psychological risk young man
Table 1 presents the results of the correlation analysis between the indicators of predisposition to risk and passionarity. The obtained results testify only to the presence of positive significant ties between the indicated indicators.
Table 1
Significant correlation coefficients between predisposition to risk and passionarity
Scale of passionarity |
Indicators of predisposition to risk |
KAoR |
Passionarity |
240* |
137 |
234* |
046 |
226* |
Note: 1) zeros and commas are omitted, 2) “*” is the significance of the zinc at the level p <0,05; 3) conditional indications of indicators of predisposition to risk: ECR - emotional component, CRC - cognitive component, PCR - performative component, CRI control regulatory indicator, KAoR - composite assessment of risk susceptibility.
Significant positive relationships were obtained between the general indicator of passionarity and such indicators of risk susceptibility as the emotional component of risk susceptibility, the active component of risk susceptibility, the composite risk assessment at the level p <0, 05 This indicates that the manifestations of passionarity are accompanied by saturation, the power of emotional experiences, determination in actions to achieve their own goals. At the same time, such persons have a wide range of zones, or types of situations where it is possible to show risk behavior and a variety of risky actions.
In general, the results of the correlation analysis confirmed the possibility of comparing the psychological characteristics studied, and allowed a qualitative analysis of the data obtained. To this end, profiles of predisposition to risk were analyzed for two groups of subjects with high passionarity (P+) max and low passionarity (P-) min, which were pre-selected using the method of aces, profile method.
Profiles at risk for these groups are presented in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 Profiles of the scale of predisposition to the risk in groups of persons with varying degrees of passionarity
Note: conditional indications of indicators of predisposition to risk: ECR - emotional component, CRC - cognitive component, PCR - performative component, CRI - control regulatory indicator, KAoR - composite assessment of risk susceptibility.
On the abscissa axis there are qualitative indicators of predisposition to risk, on the axis of ordinates - their values, given in “raw” points. Through the point of 30 points goes the middle line of the series (the maximum score is 60). The value of each indicator in the profiles is the arithmetic mean of this indicator for the representatives of each group. Given that indicators of risk aversion are bipolar, the degree of severity of a given indicator is determined by its deviation from the middle line of the series. It should be noted that bright representatives of groups of people with high or low levels of passionarity in our sample were not found.
Before analyzing the profiles of a group of people with high (P+ max) and low (P - min) levels of passionarity, we review the most pronounced factors of each profile for their deviations from the middle line of the series. Passionarity max (n = 16) - a group of people with a high degree ofpassionarity, where the emotional component is 31,9, the cognitive component is 30,9, the performative component is 34,9, control indicator is 30,9, the composite assessment of predisposition to risk is 32. Passionarity min (n =16) - a group with a low degree of passionarity, where the emotional component is 28,2, the cognitive component is 26,5, the performative component is 30,5, control indicator is 26,9, the composite assessment of predisposition to risk is 30,4. This allowed to streamline the dominant factors and describe the individual- typological characteristics of the individual representatives of each group.
Table 2
The most prominent factors of each profile at their diversion from the midline of the row
Ranks |
Group 1 |
Group 2 |
(P+ max) |
(P- min) |
1 |
PCR + |
PCR + |
2 |
CCR + |
CCR + |
3 |
ECR + |
ECR - |
Note: 1) conditional indications of indicators of predisposition to risk: ECR - emotional component, CRC - cognitive component, PCR - performative component, CRI - control regulatory indicator, KAoR - composite assessment of risk susceptibility. 2) P+ max the most distinct level of passionarity; P- min the least distinct level of passionarity.
Analysis of figures and tables allows us to compile the psychological characteristics of the representatives of each group - a group of people with a distinct degree of passionarity (P+ max) and a group of persons with minimal acute passionarity (P- min).
Thus, the high values of such an indicator as (PCR +) indicate that such individuals are characterized by the independence of behavior and the freedom of expression of their views, such people have inherenability to lead, as well as the tendency to transform reality. Such people have a steady focus on the implementation of functional sustainable goals in the subjective space, the desire for self-reflection (CCR +). They are characterized by the determination, the spontaneity of the desire to express their personality. A group of representatives with a low degree of passionarity, from the point of view of predisposition to risk, also characterizes responsibility for their actions, persistence, flexibility of behavior of the PCR +, trusting attitude to the environment, responsible generous (EC +), changing in the interests (CCR).
The subjective concept of risk in the literature is presented fairly widely. The content of this concept is that the risk is considered as a subjective category, which characterizes the psychological relation of the subject to the outcome of personal and other actions, actions, activities.
Our area of interest is focused on the study of the psychological characteristics of risky individuals with varying degrees of passionarity. This requires searching for a specific range of traits that are associated with the predisposition for risk. An opinion about the correlation between predisposition for risk and personal characteristics reflect the scientists' opinions about predisposition for risk (O. Sannikova, 2006), about situational characteristics (S. Dikov, 2007), reaction or state, that appears in the risky situation: actual, situational risk (I. Troicka, 2002), or as a complex personality trait (persistent, trans-situational risk, “risk as a trait”), which is inherent to it and is manifested even in non-risky situations.
Thus, it is established that the basis of risky behavior are not only specific features of dangerous, uncertain situations, but also individual psychological characteristics of the subject of activity, his health, psychological states and personality traits. Studying the behavior of managers, T. Griaznova has connected predisposition for risk with personal characteristics that characterize specifics of communicational, emotional, volitional and intellectual spheres. The author describes the groups with different levels of readiness and predisposition for risk (readiness for risk and predisposition for risk T. Griaznova uses as synonyms). However, in this article we consider riskiness as a persistent personality trait. The results of the correlation analysis indicate the relationship between predisposition for risk and the indicators that characterize the emotional sphere (aggressiveness, cruelty, lack of anxiety); volitional sphere (commitment, high self-control boldness); communicational sphere (sociability, communication) and other characteristic personal traits (dominance, self-confidence).
The interest in passionarity is traced in a number of psychological studies: P. Sapronov (Sapronov, 2005) traced the correlation of passionarity with the temperament and personality motivation; S. Dikov (Dikov, 2007) conducted a comparison between the personal typology L. Gumilev (Gumilev, 2008) and the psychological typology of accentuation of the character of Leonard; K. Frumkin (Frumkin, 2014) suggested that passionarity could be explained by the theory of sexuality of Z. Freud and, consequently, being a manifestation of sublimated unconscious trains.
This indicates that the manifestations of passionarity are accompanied by saturation, the power of emotional experiences, determination in actions to achieve their own goals. In Gumilev's w orkspassionarity of an individual is combined with abilities; it does not depend on external influences, being an attributive feature of human constitution; has nothing to do with ethical norms, equally easily generating exploits and crimes, creativity and destruction, good and evil, except indifference; it does not create from the person a “hero” leading the “crowd”, since most passionarians are in the “crowd”, defining its potentiality and the degree of activity at one or another moment of everyday life. The mods of passionarity are diverse: here is the pride that stimulates the thirst for power and glory in the ages; vanity that pushes on demagogy and creativity; savagers greed, criminals and scientists who accumulate knowledge instead of money; jealousy that multiply the cruelty and stimulate the protection of the hearth, and in applying to the idea of creating fanatics and martyrs (Gumilev, 2008: 55).
At this stage of the study we look at the peculiarities of the correlation between risk factors and passionarity in young people. The correlation analysis made it possible to obtain statistically validated data on the numerous component connections.
1. Theoretically, it has been established that passionarity is a way of thinking, behavior, activity, and a stable propensity and inner thirst for activities aimed at achieving the goal.
2. To test the relationship between the indicators of predisposition to risk and passionarity, the “Questionnaire for quality indicators of predisposition to risk” was used (O. Sannikova, S. Bykova); to study the passionarity, the universal procedure “Placing herself on the scale of passionarity” (modification of the methodology of T. Dembo and S. Rubinshtein) were used.
3. The data obtained during the correlation analysis confirmed the validity of the comparison of qualitative characteristics of predisposition to risk and passionarity. Positive significant correlations were found between passionarity and such indicators of risk aversion as the ECR (Emotional Component) of risk appetite, PCR (performative component of) risk susceptibility, and KAoR (Composite Risk Assessment) at 5%.
4. Psychological characteristics of representatives with a high degree of passionarity and low were detected. Hence, high values indicate that such people are characterized by the independence of behavior and the freedom of expression of thought, the ability to lead, as well as the tendency to transform reality. Stable direction for the implementation of a functional sustainable goal in the subjective space, the desire for selfreflection, determination, spontaneity of the desire to express personality, responsibility for their actions, persistence, flexibility of behavior, a trusting attitude to the environment.
Список посилань
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