Сyberbullyng as a form of the manifestation of the adolescents' deviant behavior
Research on the problem of bullying in adolescence. Cyberbullying as a form of negative deviation that emerged in the information society era. Control by teachers and social workers over cyberspace. Preventing harassment of children on the Internet.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.10.2021 |
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Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
Cyberbullyng as a form of the manifestation of the adolescents' deviant behavior
Victoriia Overchuk, candidate of psychological sciences, docent,
associate professor of the Department of Psychology
Кібербуллінг як форма прояву девіантної поведінки підлітків
Оверчук В.
Стаття присвячена найактуальнішій проблемі, яка широко обговорюється багатьма фахівцями на усіх рівнях, проблемі буллінгу в підлітковому середовищі. Буллінг з кожним днем стає все небезпечнішим, він виходить за межі реального простору у простір віртуальний і може здійснюватись за допомогою інтернет-технологій.
Незважаючи на схожість буллінгу з кібербуллінгом, останній має ряд значних відмінностей. Ті, хто організовують інтернет-переслідування, впевнені у своїй безкарності, вони насолоджуються вседозволеністю, яку їм дає віртуальний простір, відсутністю контролю з боку дорослих і можливістю бути іншими.
Кібербуллінг завдає негативних наслідків на всіх рівнях функціонування підлітка.
Таким чином, кібербуллінг - одна з форм негативної девіації, що виникла в епоху інформаційного суспільства. Перед батьками, психологами, соціальними працівниками, педагогами стоїть дуже важливе завдання вчасного реагування та запобігання цього небезпечного явища.
Ключові слова. Буллінг, кібербуллінг, особистість, підліток, агресія, вікові кризи, Інтернет простір.
Cyberbullying as a form of the manifestation of the adolescents' deviant behavior
Overchuk, V.
Violent behavior, violence, violence among teenagers have always been one of the actual problems of the educational environment, however, in recent years, these phenomenon are becoming more common and lead to severe psychological phenomenon. Today bullying of some people over others, as a social phenomenon is present in various stages of formation and development of the human personality since childhood.
Bullying is the word has evolved into the international term and includes a number of serious social, psychological, legal and pedagogical problems and is one of the urgent problems of our time, which requires careful study. Lately, the experts have talked about the output of bullying beyond the real space in the virtual space. Bullying is becoming dangerous every day, as it can be done using Internet technologies.
Despite the similarity of bullying with cyberbullying, the last has a number of significant differences.
Those, who organize the Internet harassment, are confident in their impunity, they enjoy the permissiveness which they are given to virtual space, the lack of control by adults, and the ability to be different.
Cyberbullying inflicts the negative effect on all levels of the functioning of the adolescent. Thus, cyberbullying is one of the forms of negative deviation that has arosen in the epoch of the information society.
The very important task of the timely reacting and prevention of this dangerous phenomenon stand before parents, psychologists, social workers, teachers.
Bullying leaves a negative imprint in the consciousness not only victim, but also all who participate in or watch her.
An important task for Ukrainian society was to learn to see and critically assess the relationship between younger generations in order to prevent deviations and their consequences.
Key words. Bullying, cyberbullying, personality, teenager, aggression, age of crisis, Internet technologies.
The problem of the deviant behavior in the adolescent environment is one of the most actual problems that is widely discussed by psychologists, educators, human rights activists, sociologists and doctors today. The destructive processes that at the modern stage have overcame various public spheres, economic impoverishment of the population, military conflict in the eastern part of the country, have led to an increase in deviations not only among the adult population of Ukraine, but also among adolescents.
The tendency of adolescents to deviant behavior is due to radical changes in consciousness, activity and system of relationships that are characteristic of this age period. For this period of life, the following signs are characteristic: the child's desire for adulthood, the development of self-awareness and self-esteem, increased interest in his personality, their capabilities and abilities. In the absence of conditions for the positive realization of potentials, the processes of self-affirmation of the adolescent may occur in distorted forms and lead to adverse reactions and consequences.
Deviant behavior in adolescence is conditioned to a number of factors. At first, puberty is characterized by the psychophysiological features of the adolescent, on which have a significant impact: rapid development of the body, hormonal changes and puberty.
Secondly, this is a complex period of crisis for a child, which includes not only the subjective phenomena of the process of formation, but all the crisis phenomena of society.
Thirdly, at this age, such important qualities of the person as the desire for development, selfobservation and self-knowledge begin to be formed.
Fourthly, during this period there is the appearance of reflection and the formation of moral convictions, teens begin to realize themselves as a part of society, they acquire the new socially significant positions, make the first attempts to self-determination.
Fifthly, it should be noted that the adolescents are presented the expressed egocentric orientation of the individual that testifies to the insufficient critical estimation of his personality.
The value of their views, interests, beliefs, personal qualities over values, beliefs, and personal qualities of other people prevails. All needs, interests of a teenager are directed mainly on himself.
Deviant behavior of the adolescents is a system of deeds or individual acts that contradict the legal and moral standards adopted in society. The essence of deviant behavior of the adolescents consists in the wrong understanding of their place and purpose in society, in certain defects of their moral and legal consciousness. cyberbullying deviation internet children
The deviant forms of behavior in the adolescents' environment in recent decades have a tendency to rapidly increase and manifest themselves in asocial, conflict and aggressive acts, destructive actions such as: bullying, delinquent behavior, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.
Presenting main material
Recently, the attention of teachers and psychologists is focused on a phenomenon such as a bullying. It is a prolonged physical or psychological violence committed by one person or group and directed against a person who is unable to defend himself in the actual situation with a conscious desire to hurt, scare or subjugate a person prolonged stress [1].
The phenomena of physical violence or psychological harassment have been widely discussed in recent decades, in the first turn due to the work of Scandinavian psychologists-researchers in the field of phenomenology and technology of prevention and stopping of bullying.
The actuality of these researches remains very high due to the severe consequences for all participants in the bulling.
The investigation of the harassment and bullying were undertaken by I.S. Kon, S. M. Enikolopov, V.S. Sobkin, S.V. Kryvtsova, O.O. Bochaver, K.D. Chlomov and others.
To the signs of bullying the researchers take [2]:
• aggressiveness and negative orientation;
• regularity of realization;
• intentional nature;
• presence of co-operation, whose participants have unequal opportunities and power.
Such types of bullying are the most widespread in an adolescent environment:
• direct (both physical and verbal);
• indirect (social deprivation, scuttle-butts, plots etc.);
• «cyberbullying» (a form of behavior that consists in sending out messages of aggressive and offensive nature using new information and communication technologies (Internet, mobile phone)) [3].
Lately, the experts have talked about the output of bullying beyond the real space in the virtual space. Bullying is becoming dangerous every day, as it can be done using Internet technologies.
The definition of the «cyberbullying» belongs to Canadian teacher Bill Belsi. According to his opinion, cyberbullying is the use of information and communication technologies such as e-mail, mobile communications, personal Internet sites, social networking pages for intentional, repeated and hostile harassment by one person or group, other people [4].
Despite the similarity of bullying with cyberbullying, the last has a number of significant differences.
Thus, in the situation of cyberbullying, the offender maintains a relative anonymity and wider audience that has an access to the placed information becomes the witnesses of violence [5].
Anonymity affords the inability exactly to define and find the offender; it makes harassment easy for the performer and gives him the opportunity to make more sophisticated and brutal bullying.
Also, for cyberbullying, its accessibility is characteristic, today almost any teenager has a gadget and access to the Internet, and due to mobile devices, this access reaches 24 hours a day.
Unlike ordinary harassment, cyber-harassment covers a huge audience of Internet users. The situation is complicated by the fact that the information launched on the Internet to discredit a person, her persecution, is extremely difficult to delete. It gives victims a sense of helplessness, hopelessness.
The anxiety of the victim is increased, so as she can not determine where and who is attacking her. In addition, the anonymity can become the cause of the offender's phenomenon of decay - permissiveness in the absence of a threat of punishment [6].
In the case of cyberbullying, violence is not limited in time and space and it can happen in any moment [6]. The lack of direct contact between the offender and the victim may lead to distortion of feedback, thus, the participants in the communication may not guess about it [6]. The communicative mediation of cyberbullying is historic if the question is about teens.
As a rule, the teenagers who become the victims of oppression have already been victims in a real life. Any child can become a victim of bullying, but usually the "target" will be chosen those who are weaker or somehow different from others.
Often victims of persecution are children who have «stigmata» of the victim: some physical defects of development (visual impairment, hearing impairment, movement restrictions, often sick children, etc.), the peculiarities of behavior (shy, closed, impulsive, etc.), external features (overweight, too thin, red, face with freckles, etc.), undeveloped social skills (lack of communication experience in the team - «home children», fear of school, unresponsive children, etc.), the image is different from the others (dressed not in the context of youth fashion, they look slipshod, etc.), the social origin is different from their surroundings (wealthy or poor family, full or incomplete family, happy or disadvantaged family, etc.) and so on.
In the case of cyberbullying, an adolescent does not necessarily have the stigmas of the victim, so as there are no restrictions in the virtual space, the buller does not necessarily have physical strength, authority and influence on yearlings, supporters, support to feel their advantage; perhaps the buller is not even familiar with the victim outside the virtual space.
Those, who organize the Internet harassment, are confident in their impunity, they enjoy the permissiveness which they are given to virtual space, the lack of control by adults, and the ability to be different.
The researcher of Cyberbullying Bill Belsi distinguishes the following main reasons of cyberbullying [7]:
• desire for excellence - due to persecution on the Internet, teenagers try to assert themselves, gain an advantage over someone;
• envy is an annoyance of the child through the prosperity of other people;
• revenge is atonement for offense, caused evil;
• entertainment is the getting pleasure through humiliation, oppression of other people;
• conformism is the desire to change the opinion of a person under the influence of the people's group;
• the problem in the family - an attempt to compensate for the internal offense, the pain;
• low level of empathy - focus on yourself and your problems.
Cyberbullying can be expressed in one of the following forms [4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]:
1. Flaming or a dispute for the sake of a dispute (from Eng. flaming - hot, burning, flaming) is the exchange of offensive messages in places of multiple network use, in the form of emails between two or more participants. It is often used in chats, online forums, social networks, online games.
2. Impersonation, positioning yourself as another person, such the imposture (from the Eng. impersonation - the image, the implementation of the role) while the teenager uses a fake profile, from which the harassment is carried out, does not reveal information about himself.
3. Disclosure of secrets, the private information (Eng. trickery - deception, trickery, chicanery) in order to damage the reputation of the victim, to change the attitude of other people towards her. With this form of cyberbullying, private texts, photos, and videos are publicly distributed over the Internet, they can be sent via e-mail, messenger, SMS messages, etc.
4. Harasment (from Eng. harassment - harassment, anxiety, irritation) - the persistent and prolonged sending of the offensive messages to a person who, as a result of such actions, is feeling the persistent anxiety, nervousness, or emotional suffering.
5. Catfishing ( «fishing, booty») - creating a new victim's profile by stealing his photo and personal data and placing his unfriendly content from his page. It is the form of cyberbullying with the help of Internet fraud, whose purpose is to get access to confidential data - logins and passwords.
6. Fraping (from Eng. Fraping) is a form of cyberbullying in which an aggressor gets access to any victim's network account. From her name he can conduct discussions, offend other users, publish materials of different character. After that, the deceived victims receive the resentment and insults without understanding the causes of the anger of other people. Thus, there is the provocation and stimulation of conflict by the third people who usually remain hidden.
7. Griefing - causing of moral or material damage in the online games. Griefers is a group of players which aim does not win in a certain game, but to destroy the game experience of other people.
8. Dissing or slander - the spread of untruthful, humiliating information that discredits a person in the form of text messages, photos or video with the comments; carried out by sending to e-mail or posting on social networking pages. The victims of slander can be not only individuals but also groups.
9. Sexting is the distribution over the Internet or by means of SMS or MMS the personal information about a bullying victim (photos, videos, letters, etc.) that carries the sexual character, as well as the messages of intimate content.
10. Happyslapping - a form of cyberbullying which is gaining popularity among adolescents. It is an attack on a person in order to fix of his reaction to a video, which is being subsequently posted in the public places in the Internet or privately transmitted to other people on mobile phones, e-mail, or social networks.
11. Cyber-ostracism is the deliberate removal of someone from the group members in the social networks, online games, chats. On-line-exception is possible in all types of environments where login password protection is used, a list of junk mail or a list of friends is generated.
12. Trolling - placing the provocative, offensive, humiliating, aggressive messages, comments, photos and videos on the Internet (on a website, forums, newsgroups, etc.) in order to bring people to the negative reaction and resolve the conflict.
Thus the aggressor avoids himself the participation in the conflict and wants to attract as many people as possible.
13. Elfing is one of the varieties of trolling. It is a demonstration of the victim's acceptance (her appearance, values, actions, successes, etc.) in public places on the Internet.
By flattery, praise is hidden the subtle irony, mockery, ridicule, but the victim can not immediately understand the meaning of what is happening. It is realized after the victim is involved in the provocative interaction that takes time and energy. Elfing is compared with energy vampirism.
14. Cyber prosecution or cyberstalking - is the form of cyberbullying, which foresees the hidden collection of information, tracing and persecution of the victim, which creates the significant threats for her not only in the virtual space, but also in real life (blackmail, sexual pretension, rape, physical violence, robbery, etc.). By tracking the victim's information over the Internet (name, school, class, email address, mobile phone number and even address of residence, photo), the aggressor receives information about the time, place and all the necessary conditions for the prosecution.
Cyberbullying inflicts the negative effect on all levels of the functioning of the adolescent:
• social - causes the depression, loss of communicative skills, secrecy, distrust of others;
• psychological - there is a decrease in self-appraisal, there are frequent mood changes, anxiety, fears, signs of depression, aggressive behavior, increases anxiety, self-confidence is lost, suicidal thoughts are expressed;
• pedagogical - decreases the success, the teenager begins to walk through lessons;
• physiological - the psychosomatic disorders appear, the quality of sleep becomes worse, headache arises, fatigue increases, immunity decreases [13].
Lately a phenomenon like bullitsyzm has been gaining momentum, which implies the suicidal attempts of adolescents on the ground of constant, prolonged persecution.
The parents, teachers need to pay attention to signs that can testify to baiting teenagers.
There are a large number of these features, they depend on the individual characteristics of the personality, his character.
To these general features it is possible to refer:
• annoyance, isolation, permanent staying on the Internet, closing access to your pages, installing the passwords on your home computer;
• the change of image, appearance: negligence, negligence in appearance, the choice of gloomy clothes, perhaps with the symbol of death, the appearance of scars, cuts, drawings in the form of crosses, Satanic stars, fascist symbols;
• enthusiasm of the mystical films and bloody scenes of violence.
Thus, cyberbullying is one of the forms of negative deviation that has arosen in the epoch of the information society. The very important task of the timely reacting and prevention of this dangerous phenomenon stand before parents, psychologists, social workers, teachers. Bullying leaves a negative imprint in the consciousness not only victim, but also all who participate in or watch her. An important task for
Ukrainian society was to learn to see and critically assess the relationship between younger generations in order to prevent deviations and their consequences.
The leading role in the prevention of deviant behavior among adolescents belongs to the family, parents, and teachers. Exactly parents should pay enough attention to their child, communicate more, build trusting partnerships with her, give her the opportunity to share her problems with them, and find support and protection in the family. On their example, to bring respect for the child and understanding to other people, to demonstrate equality in the rights of all people without exception.
Parents and teachers need to convey to the adolescents that for any displays of violence, even in virtual space, comes the responsibility. For ensuring the psychological security, harmonious development of the personality of adolescent, it is necessary that none of the cases of psychological violence, oppression, harassment should be left out of attention.
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реферат [29,5 K], добавлен 10.05.2011The main theories in the field of human origin, their basic content and direction of research. Basic stages of human development from the primitive to the modern form of the form. Character change erectus skeleton human time frame of the process.
презентация [614,1 K], добавлен 26.09.2014Tweens and teens problems. Beating children will be a crime. High-tech and children. Modern family problems and generation gap. Internet as dangerous drugs of present tense. New anti-drugs campaign for young people. Suicide among the teenagers.
реферат [31,5 K], добавлен 22.02.2011Use the verbs in the brackets in a suitable form. Suggest a suitable modal verb or a modal construction to complete the sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian. Use the verb in brackets in a suitable form. Underline a non-finite form of the verb.
контрольная работа [20,0 K], добавлен 11.03.2009Understanding of social stratification and social inequality. Scientific conceptions of stratification of the society. An aggregated socio-economic status. Stratification and types of stratification profile. Social stratification of modern society.
реферат [26,9 K], добавлен 05.01.2009The concept, definition, typology, characteristics of social institute. The functions of social institution: overt and latent. The main institution of society: structural elements. Social institutions of policy, economy, science and education, religion.
курсовая работа [22,2 K], добавлен 21.04.2014The active voice. Express parallel ideas in parallel grammatical form. The emphatic words at the end of the sentence. Express statements in positive form. The logical relationships between ideas. Introducing indented quotations, vertical lists.
реферат [38,4 K], добавлен 31.01.2011Planning a research study. Explanation, as an ability to give a good theoretical background of the problem, foresee what can happen later and introduce a way of solution. Identifying a significant research problem. Conducting a pilot and the main study.
реферат [26,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2012