Phenomenon of professional speech culture of the future officer of civil protection service of Ukraine
Criteria for determining the level of formation of professional language culture of future officers of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Formation of the essence of the communicative competence of the future employee of the civil protection service.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 28.01.2022 |
Размер файла | 21,8 K |
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National university of civil protection of Ukraine
Cherkasy institute of fire safety named after Chornobyl Heroes
Foreign languages department
Phenomenon of professional speech culture of the future officer of civil protection service of Ukraine
Yu. Nenko, c. of ped. Sc., associate professor
t. Cherkasy, Ukraine
Professional culture of speech is a key element of the professionalism of a person, who daily deals with the civilian population. However, features of forming of professional speech culture of future experts in the field of civil protection remain virtually unnoticed by scientists and are not considered in special psychological and pedagogical literature.
The article offered is aimed at the analysis of criteria and indicators necessary to determine the level of formation of professional speech culture of future officers of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. The task of research is the study of theoretical research data. The author managed to determine the basic personality features of the officer of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine according to the logical and structural analysis of the legislative documents. However, the formation and implementation of the necessary professional qualities of an officer, in our opinion, is impossible without a communicative competence. As a result of the investigation (observations, discussions, study of psychological and pedagogical literature) and analysis of the approaches of individual authors to understand the concept of communicative competence, the definition of this category has been formed, and the essence of communicative competence of future civil protection service employees has been defined.
In the result of our study, we have identified the main criteria of formation of communicative competence of future civil protection service employees: cognitive, practical and moral and value. During the study the current level of communicative competence of future officers has been investigated.
With adequate methods we studied the presence of motivational and inducement link of qualities, link of personality traits, functional and operational link of communicative competence within the surveyed cadets.
Thus, analyzing the theoretical and practical research positions, it is necessary to emphasize the need for purposeful formation of communicative competence of future civil protection service officers.
On the basis of the results, we have developed a series of classes to conduct the developing psychological training, aimed at forming communicative qualities, developing the skills of professional communication: establishing psychological contact, understanding non-verbal communication, ability to listen to the interlocutor, to regulate own feelings and emotions.
Key words: professional training; Civil Protection Service officer; professionally-oriented; speech training; criteria; indicators.
Запропонована стаття спрямована на аналіз критеріїв і показників, необхідних для визначення рівня сформованості професійної мовної культури майбутніх офіцерів Державної служби з надзвичайних ситуацій України.
Завданням дослідження є вивчення теоретичних даних досліджень. Автору вдалося визначити основні риси особистості співробітника Державної служби з надзвичайних ситуацій України відповідно до логічного і структурного аналізу законодавчих документів.
Зазначається, що формування та реалізація необхідних професійних якостей офіцера неможливе без комунікативної компетенції. У результаті дослідження (спостереження, бесіди, вивчення психолого-педагогічної літератури) і аналізу підходів окремих авторів, зроблено визначення категорії і сформовано сутність комунікативної компетентності майбутнього співробітника служби цивільного захисту.
Ключові слова: фахова підготовка; офіцер служби цивільного захисту; професійно-орієнтований; мовленнєва підготовка; критерії; показники.
Предлагаемая статья направлена на анализ критериев и показателей, необходимых для определения уровня сформированности профессиональной языковой культуры будущих офицеров Государственной службы по чрезвычайным ситуациям Украины.
Задачей исследования является изучение теоретических данных исследований. Автору удалось определить основные черты личности сотрудника Государственной службы по чрезвычайным ситуациям Украины в соответствии с логической и структурного анализа законодательных документов.
Отмечается, что формирование и реализация необходимых профессиональных качеств офицера невозможно без коммуникативной компетенции. В результате исследования (наблюдение, беседы, изучение психолого-педагогической литературы) и анализа подходов отдельных авторов, сделано определение категории и сформирована сущность коммуникативной компетентности будущего сотрудника службы гражданской защиты.
Ключевые слова: профессиональная подготовка; офицер службы гражданской защиты; профессионально-ориентированный; речевая подготовка; критерии; показатели.
In the course of further development of the Ukrainian society the role of the work of the officers of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine aimed at prevention, response and liquidation of man-made, natural and military emergency situations, elimination of the consequences of Chornobyl disaster, rescue activity, technological and fire safety and more is strengthening.
Departments of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine perform responsible functions related to the implementation of state supervision and control over compliance with laws and other legal acts on civil protection and prevention of emergency situations, prevention of injuries outside work, readiness of governing bodies and responding forces for conducting rescue and other emergency works in case of an emergency, technogenic danger for potentially dangerous objects, and also implementation of fire safety authorities.
In connection with this arises the problem of improvement of the efficiency of professional training of future employees of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. First, the development of professional culture of speech which is a key element of the professionalism of a person, who daily deals with the civilian population.
Culture of professional speech of a specialist in the field of civil protection directly affects the way of resolving numerous professional issues, creates favorable conditions for setting up the necessary connections with different groups of people, ensures coordination of actions of executive power authorities, local governments, institutions and organizations on biological protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, enables to solve consistently and effectively complex professional tasks of psychological and interpersonal nature.
The stated updates the issue of improving the process of training of the State Emergency Service officers, qualified not only professionally, but also in communicative respect.
Investigation of problems of formation of culture of professional speech both in general terms and in relation to certain professional categories is described in the works of G. Gorokhovsky, S. Amelin, N. Diomidova and others [4; 5].
However, features of forming of professional speech culture of future experts in the field of civil protection remain virtually unnoticed by scientists and are not considered in special psychological and pedagogical literature. Exceptions are few works on certain aspects of the abovementioned problems [1; 2].
The article offered is aimed at the analysis of criteria and indicators necessary to determine the level of formation of professional speech culture of future officers of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.
The task of the research is the study of theoretical research data.
The starting position in determining the criteria and indicators of professional speech culture of future officers of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine is the fact that the State Emergency Service of Ukraine is the main (leading) body in the system of central executive bodies on realization of the state policy in the field of civil protection of population and territories from emergency situations of technogenic and natural character, liquidation of the consequences of Chornobyl disaster, management of radioactive waste and industrial explosive materials, rescue, technological, fire and industrial safety, labor protection, state mining supervision, creation and functioning of the insurance fund of documentation, and hydrometeorological activity.
Formally-defined regulatory requirements for officers are described in the Order of Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine №295 from 28.09.98, which indicates that the officer must have strong will and commander skills and qualities, operational, tactical and special training, knowledge of military regulations, officers' duties to the extent of the occupied position and their fulfillment, ability to train and educate subordinates, apply the acquired knowledge in practice, ability to organize and efficiently perform the given tasks, take the initiative, focus quickly and skillfully operate under difficult circumstances; responsiveness to people, care of subordinates and statutory demands to them; responding to criticism and ability to critically evaluate own activity; readiness for action, mastering new techniques, discipline, compliance with the law, creative approach, ability to find the main link, persistence in carrying out professional duties, credibility of the team; health and ability to work and so on.
However, the statutory requirements for the officers of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine are not limited to the given legislation. It is written in the departmental normative legal acts that the heads of regional departments should increase demands to staff, strive for professionally trained employees, who are competent, honest, of high moral character, able for health reasons to successfully perform professional duties.
According to the logical and structural analysis of the given above regulations it is possible to determine the basic personality features of the officer of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine:
1) be professionally trained;
2) continuously learn and continuously improve professional skills;
3) be competent;
4) be fair;
5) be of high moral character;
6) combine professional duties with civil courage;
7) be responsible;
8) take the initiative in work;
9) improve the quality and efficiency of work;
10) be able for health reasons to successfully perform professional duties.
Apparently, the installed system of requirements expressly provided availability of skills, characterizing communicative competence of the civil protection officer. We can only talk about its coverage by the broader category of general professional competences of an officer.
However, the formation and implementation of the necessary professional qualities of an officer, in our opinion, is impossible without a communicative competence. Indeed, based on the objectives, means and specifics of interpersonal relations of an officer of civil protection in the process of his professional activity the communicative competence is the main tool, «developer» of his or her professional and moral qualities in the structure of his professional competences.
Professional competence is a specialist's skill level that allows him or her to successfully solve professional problems, make productive professional activities and realize personal resources.
The structure of professional competence of specialists of any profile, according to A. Pashkova [6, с. 34-35] includes «communicative competence - the ability to collaboration with others, knowledge of psychology and ethics, high culture of speech».
Communication experience takes a special place in the structure of professional competence of the individual. On the one hand, it has a social character and includes interiorized norms and values of culture, on the other - communication experience, endowed with individual traits, because it is based on individual communication skills and psychological characteristics of the individual. professional language culture officer civil protection
The dynamic aspect of this experience contains the processes of socialization and individualization, which are implemented in dialogue and provide a social human development. Thus, in the structure of professional competence, communicative competence, in our opinion, has a leading position.
Under the communicative competence we understand the manifestation of socio-cultural qualities during communication, knowledge of the peculiarities of the communication process of the given society, knowledge and skills of appropriate communicative behavior in different situations of interpersonal communication [6].
Success of professional activities of the civil protection officers depends on the professional training and skill, commitment of action in solving complex professional situations and tasks.
Therefore, in the present conditions of particular relevance are the issues of professional training of future officers, including the formation of their communicative competence.
After all, it provides the ability to establish necessary contacts, contacts with different groups of people, organize cooperation between government officials and various organizations.
As a result of the investigation (observations, discussions, study of psychological and pedagogical literature) and analysis of the approaches of individual authors to understand the concept of communicative competence, the definition of this category has been formed, and the essence of communicative competence of future civil protection service employees has been defined.
Communicative competence of the civil protection service employee is a multidimensional spiritual and practical formation of an individual, which covers the social rules and requirements for professional communication, developed psychological mechanisms of communicative interaction with people, gained practical experience in communication activities.
However, the communicative competence of an individual can be formed under the influence of social, psychological, cultural and educational conditions in which its growth, socialization, acquiring the necessary communication experience takes place. This, in particular, was written by S. Goncharenko, who underlined that «communicability is a personality trait, its ability to communicate with others, sociability. Communicability is not innate; it is formed in the course of life and human activities in a social group» [3, p. 174].
Communicative competence of future civil protection service workers cannot exist and emerge out of social practice. It is certainly based on those standards and requirements set by society at a certain stage of development to employees, who are intended stand guard of human life, property, prevent and eliminate emergencies and their consequences.
That's why learning social rules and requirements for professional communication should be considered as one of the main indicators of formation of communicative qualities of civil protection service officers.
Awareness of the need of scientific and theoretical substantiation of formation of communicative competence of future civil protection service employees led us to the relevant search, analysis of the results of the experimental work of scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology.
In the result of our study, we have identified the main criteria of formation of communicative competence of future civil protection service employees: cognitive, practical and moral and value. Revealing the essence of these criteria, we note:
1) Cognitive - includes system of knowledge of: the essence, the content of communication activity of a future specialist, desire for knowledge enrichment, means of communication, standards and rules of speech etiquette, rules of verbal and nonverbal behaviour, fundamentals of self-education, self-control of the process of the exchange of information, the main components of communication.
2) Practical - includes the formation of skills in applying knowledge of communication in practice. The basis of this criterion consists of the following skills: language, speech etiquette, nonverbal communication, dialogue at different levels, in different organizational forms.
3) Moral values - moral formation of the personality and value traits in the communication process: respect for the personality of an interlocutor, courtesy, attentiveness, tact, consistency, tolerance and willingness to communicate.
It should be noted that the criteria defined in the study represent a self-regulating system, which is able to provide both external and internal methods of its operation.
Just like any complex self-regulating system, communicative competence of a personality covers the generalized idea, content and form of of detection. Each of them is functionally important for self-regulation and should therefore be actively used in the process.
In addition, the use of generalized ideas, content and form of expression of communicative competence is possible only when they are the subject of focused attention from the individual, are always in sight and receive relevant development in the conditions of everyday life, work, education and training.
Thus, taking into account the laws of formation and development of communicative competence as a self-regulating system is important at all stages of formation of an individual. Particularly notable, in our opinion, it is in the process of training.
During this period of life, a person tries to more deeply understand himself/ herself, his/her own strength and capabilities, and use the available physical, mental and spiritual potential in the active form of socially useful work and creativity.
In the context of our study the system of communication training of future officers of civil protection services, in our opinion, should be based primarily on internal force of personality, direct its efforts on professional self-development to actively participate in protecting the legal rights, freedoms and honour of each person.
It is important to understand that effective use of the development of personal communicative competence becomes real only when the internal conditions for its fulfilment will be provided. These are the criteria that allow to state the appropriate level of formation of communicative competence.
So, we should consider the usage of the most important ways of professional activities by the employees of civil protection service as an important criterion of formation of their communicative competence.
It is helpful to consider such factors as use in the officers' work of emotional, intellectual and activity-solving methods of communication challenges that arise in the implementation of the assigned functions.
Whereas in pedagogical and psychological literature there are no relevant studies of the current state of communication training of future officers of civil protection service, there is a need of its raising and resolution.
Awareness of the need for an appropriate response to this question involves the solving following tasks: determining the levels of communicative competence of future employees of civil protection service.
Considering the fact that the aim of our research is the study of process of formation of communicative competence of future civil protection service officers, it is necessary to define the properties that are included into the structure of the communicative competence of civil protection service employees.
To get information about what psychological properties of the individual are included into the structure of communicative competence of civil protection service employee, we examined normative documents regulating the activities of employees of civil protection service, conducted a survey and psychodiagnostics research, which were made during the years 2014-2015 with cadets of Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine.
Respondents' answers to questions proposed in the questionnaire will allow us to draw the following conclusions:
1. The qualities required in the officer's work: responsibility, personal organization, tact, tolerance, high performance, endurance, confidence, willpower, discipline; qualities that interfere with work: sensitivity, openness, interoperability, conservatism, aggressiveness, impulsivity, conflictness.
2. Such qualities as poise, personal organization, self-control, activeness, developed intellect, erudition, ability to highlight important are marked as the most important in this profession.
3. The qualities that require constant development - responsibility, confidence, independence, activity, patience and qualities, requiring no development - openness, conservatism, self-criticism, unselfishness, indecision.
During the study we noted the current level of communicative competence of future officers.
With adequate methods we studied the presence of motivational and inducement link of qualities, link of personality traits, functional and operational link of communicative competence within the surveyed cadets.
Thus, analysing the theoretical and practical research positions, it is necessary to emphasize the need for purposeful formation of communicative competence of future civil protection service officers.
To do this on the basis of the results we have developed a series of classes to conduct the developing psychological training, aimed at forming communicative qualities, developing the skills of professional communication: establishing psychological contact, understanding non-verbal communication, ability to listen to the interlocutor, to regulate own feelings and emotions.
Based on the theoretical and practical provisions of the research we can make the following conclusions:
1) the need for purposeful formation of communicative competence of future civil protection service officers is predetermined by specifics of their future professional activity;
2) communicative competence and communication qualities in general are focused on the future professional career of the officers and influence its direction, content and technology of establishing the necessary links in the process of solving professional problems;
3) training as a form of education and development of communicative competence has significant advantages over other forms and types of professional education, especially during training those, whose professional activity takes place in difficult and stressful situations, requires from the professionals not just knowledge, but also the ability to apply their knowledge in practice.
1. Andreeva H. Sotsialnaia psikholohiia / Andreeva H. - M.: [b. i.], 1980. - 432 s.
2. Bandurka O. Yurydychna psykholohiia / O. Bandurka, S. Bocharova. - Kh.: [b. v.], 2001. - 683 s.
3. Honcharenko S. Ukrainskyi pedahohichnyi slovnyk / Honcharenko S. - K.: [b. v.], 1997. - 374 s.
4. Diomidova N. Osoblyvosti profesiinoi pravosvidomosti yurystiv / N. Diomidova // Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. - 2002. - №550. - S. 63-65.
5. Orlova E. Psikholohicheskie osnovy formirovaniia optimalnoho pedahohicheskoho obshcheniia / Orlova E. - Tula: [b. i.], 1997. - 454 s.
6. Pedahohika professionalnoho obrazovaniia / [pod red. V. Slastenina]. - M.: Akademiia, 2004. - 368 s.
1. Андреева Г. Социальная психология / Андреева Г. М.: [б. и.], 1980. - 432 с.
2. Бандурка О. Юридична психологія / О. Бандурка, С. Бочарова. - Х.: [б. в.], 2001. - 683 с.
3. Гончаренко С. Український педагогічний словник / Гончаренко С. - К.: [б. в.], 1997. - 374 с.
4. Діомідова Н. Особливості професійної правосвідомості юристів / Н. Діомідова // Вісник Харківського національного університету. - 2002. - №550. - С. 63-65.
5. Орлова Е. Психологические основы формирования оптимального педагогического общения / Орлова Е. - Тула: [б. и.], 1997. - 454 с.
6. Педагогика профессионального образования / [под ред. В. Сластенина]. - М.: Академія, 2004. - 368 с.
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