Psychological features and the program of emotional intelligence development in early adolescence
The article is devoted to the analysis of the psychological features of the development of the emotional intelligence of a person of youthful age. The results of empirical research and emotional intelligence of high school students are presented.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.02.2022 |
Размер файла | 31,2 K |
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Psychological features and the program of emotional intelligence development in early adolescence
Svitlana Stavytska Doctor of Sciences in Psychology, Professor,
Head of the Department of General and Social Psychology and Psychotherapy National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Gennadii Stavytskyi
PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Psychology Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Maryna Topchiy Graduate student, Specialty "Psychology" of the Psychology Faculty National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
The article is devoted to the analysis of the psychological features of emotional intelligence development of the person of early youth. The results of empirical research and the program of emotional intelligence development of high school students are presented. The purpose of the research is to theoretically substantiate, empirically investigate and propose a psychological and pedagogical program for the development of emotional intelligence of early adolescents. The objectives of the study are to conduct a theoretical analysis of the problem of emotional intelligence of the individual; empirically investigate the psychological features of the development of emotional intelligence of high school students; develop, implement and determine the effectiveness of a psychological program for the development of emotional intelligence in early adolescence. The research methods that have been used are: "Diagnosis of the level of emotional intelligence" K. Hall test; "Diagnosis of the level of empathy" I.M. Yusupov; "EPI Personal Questionnaire" by G. Eisenko; "Test-questionnaire to determine self-identity" V.V. Stolin, S.R Pantileev; "Study of socio-psychological adaptation of K. Rogers-R. Diamond"; questionnaire "Scale of family adaptation and cohesion" by D. Olson, J. Portner, I. Lavi (adapted by M. Perre). It has been found that most of the high school students studied have a low level of development of emotional intelligence and its components. They can be described as having a low level of awareness, low self-esteem and poor self-emotions. They are quite emotionally vulnerable to external influences, too concerned about various life circumstances; it is not easy for them to withstand the pressure of others, it is difficult to make important decisions, adhere to the plan to achieve the goal. Based on the results of the observational experiment, a program for the development of emotional intelligence in early adolescence was developed and implemented. Its effectiveness is confirmed by the positive dynamics of both general indicators of levels of emotional intelligence in high school students and its individual components: emotional awareness, self-control of emotional manifestations, empathy, development of self-awareness and self-motivation.
Keywords: high school students, emotional awareness, self-control of emotional manifestations, empathy, self-awareness, skills of positive interaction, self-motivation. psychological emotional intelligence
Світлана Ставицька доктор психологічних наук, професор, завідувачка кафедри загальної і соціальної психології та психотерапії Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова
Геннадій Ставицький кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри соціальної психології Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
Марина Топчій магістрантка спеціальності "Психологія" факультету психології Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова
Статтю присвячено аналізу психологічних особливостей розвитку емоційного інтелекту особистості раннього юнацького віку. Презентовано результати емпіричного дослідження та програму розвитку емоційного інтелекту старшокласників. Мета дослідження - теоретично обгрунтувати, емпірично дослідити та запропонувати психолого-педагогічну програму розвитку емоційного інтелекту осіб раннього юнацького віку. Завдання дослідження: провести теоретичний аналіз проблеми емоційного інтелекту особистості; емпірично дослідити психологічні особливості розвитку емоційного інтелекту старшокласників; розробити, впровадити та визначити ефективність психологічної програми розвитку емоційного інтелекту в ранньому юнацькому віці. Методи дослідження: "Діагностика рівня емоційного інтелекту" тест К. Холла; "Діагностика рівня емпатії" І.М. Юсупова; "Особистісний опитувальник EPI" Г. Айзенка; "Тест-опитувальник для визначення самоставлення особистості" В. Століна, С. Пантилеєва; "Дослідження соціально- психологічної адаптації К. Роджерса - Р. Даймонда"; опитувальник "Шкала сімейної адаптації та згуртованості" Д. Олсона, Дж. Портнера, І. Лаві (адаптована М. Перре). З'ясовано, що більшість досліджуваних старшокласників мають низький рівень розвитку емоційного інтелекту та його складових. Їх можна охарактеризувати як таких, які мають недостатній рівень усвідомленості, низьку самооцінку та погано володіють власними емоціями. Вони досить емоційно вразливі щодо зовнішніх впливів, занадто переймаються різними життєвими обставинами; їм нелегко вистояти перед тиском оточуючих, складно приймати важливі рішення, дотримуватися плану досягнення поставленої мети. За результатами констатувального експерименту розроблено та впроваджено програму розвитку емоційного інтелекту в ранньому юнацькому віці. Її ефективність підтверджена позитивною динамікою як загальних показників рівнів розвитку емоційного інтелекту у старшокласників, так і окремих його складових: емоційної обізнаності, самоконтролю емоційних проявів, емпатійності, розвитку самоусвідомлення та самомотивації.
Ключові слова: старшокласники, емоційна обізнаність, самоконтроль емоційних проявів, емпатія, самоусвідомлення, навички позитивної взаємодії, самомотивація.
In the context of political and socio-economic global changes in today's society, such personality characteristics as the ability to adapt to ever-changing circumstances, timely response to environmental processes, which requires a clear understanding and understanding of their own emotions and emotions. It is on these abilities, first of all, that the concept of "emotional intelligence" is based.
Regulatory and adaptive functions of this type of intelligence are of particular importance and are growing with increasing emotional stress on the psyche of the individual in today's conditions (coronavirus, economic and political instability in Ukraine and the world as a whole). Therefore, the development of emotional intelligence of the younger generation is an urgent psychological and pedagogical problem. Adolescence can be called the "core of the development of emotional intelligence" (Бантишева, 2020). The success of the formation and formation of these phenomena, with a high probability, is ensured by the existing level and favourable conditions for the development of emotional intelligence of the individual (Моргун, 2010). Thus, the effective development of emotional intelligence of high school students will help optimize their worldview and harmonize life.
The problem of emotional intelligence has been studied by both foreign and domestic scientists, primarily in the context of perception and understanding of emotions, their management, development of the ability to cope and resist environmental pressures, empathy, self-control, etc. (Карпов, 2006).
Also, the relationship of emotional intelligence with social and communicative competence, self-actualization, personality anxiety (Андреева, 2011), with the degree of differentiation of personal experience of emotional states (Люсин & Ушаков, 2004), the tendency of the individual to deceive (Chebykin & Kosianova, 2016) and victim behaviour (Бантишева, 2020). Some components of the emotional intelligence of a deviant personality have been studied (Ветрова, 2012; Родионова, 2013).
Emotional intelligence is considered as a psychological property of the individual, characterized by the manifestation of complex integrated, emotional-cognitive and mental features, due to which it achieves its goal in solving certain tasks/problems in different activities (Чебикін, 2020). Developed emotional intelligence is a positive factor of interpersonal interaction, which determines the set of emotional, personal and social abilities that affect the ability to effectively cope with today's demands and environmental pressures, refrain from frustration, control their impulsive behaviour and behaviour in the right direction, achieve in everyday life (Bar-On, 1997); it is an emotional-cognitive ability, which consists in emotional sensitivity, awareness and the ability to control emotions, which allow a person to control mental harmony, mental state, quality of life (Власова, 2005).
The concept of emotional intelligence is based on scientific works, which cover: causal relationships of emotional and intellectual processes (Максименко, 2016); the system-functional synergy of emotions and intellect in the regulation of activity and communication and understanding of the subject's own emotions, cognitive and predicative empathy (Андреева 2012; Власова, 2005; Люсин, 2004); the social-adaptive potential of emotional intelligence (Bar-On, 1997; Дерев'янко, Примак & Ющенко, 2018) and others.
The purpose of the research is to theoretically substantiate and empirically investigate psychological features and to offer a program for the development of emotional intelligence of young adolescents. To achieve this goal, the following research objectives were identified: to conduct a theoretical analysis of the problem of studying the emotional intelligence of the personality of early adolescence; empirically investigate the psychological features of the development of emotional intelligence in high school students; to develop, implement and confirm the effectiveness of the psychological and pedagogical program for the development of emotional intelligence of young adolescents.
Research methods
Recently, both foreign and domestic psychology has seen an increase in interest in the study of emotional intelligence as a construct that provides an opportunity to build interpersonal relationships based on understanding both their own emotions and feelings and others (Карпов, 2006). From the above, it becomes clear the important role of the development of emotional intelligence in early adolescence, which is often called sensitive and crisis, because it causes difficulties in experiencing their own emotions and states and awareness of emotions and feelings of others (Дерев'янко, Примак & Ющенко, 2018).
To study the psychological features of emotional intelligence of young adolescents, a set of techniques was chosen that allow empirical research into the psychological features of emotional intelligence of high school students, namely:
- to determine the "level of emotional intelligence" of high school students chose the test of K. Hall (Ильин, 2001) and the method of "Diagnosis of the level of empathy" I.M. Yusupova (Ильин, 2013);
- to study the individual psychological factors that determine the psychological characteristics of emotional intelligence: the type of temperament, self-esteem and self-assessment selected "Personal Questionnaire G. Eisenko EPI" (Айзенк, 2001) and "Test Questionnaire to determine self-esteem" (V.V. Stolin, S.R. Pantileev) (Глуханюк, 2005);
- to establish the socio-psychological factors that determine the psychological characteristics of emotional intelligence - socio-psychological adaptation, feelings of emotional well-being and security associated with the psychological climate in the family, chose the method "Study of socio- psychological adaptation of K. Rogers - R. Diamond" (Лемак & Петрище, 2012); questionnaire "Scale of family adaptation and cohesion" by D. Olson, J. Portner, I. Lavi (adapted by M. Perret) (Бебчук & Рихмаер, 2012).
The total sample of respondents was 120 people - high school students (10-11) classes aged 15 to 17 years.
Results and discussions
An empirical study has found that the level of emotional intelligence in the vast majority of young people is low - 55.6%, the average level - 39.6% of respondents, and high only 4.8% of respondents. Analyzing the relationship between temperament and manifestations of emotional intelligence, it was found that melancholics (38%) and choleric (32%) find it difficult to control their emotions, while phlegmatics (17%) and sanguine (13%) need to develop empathy and emotional awareness. According to the method of I.M. Yusupov, the level of empathy in the subjects was higher compared to other indicators of its components such as emotional awareness, recognition of other people's emotions, self-motivation and emotion management, which can be attributed to the predominance of melancholic (38%) and choleric (32%) type of temperament, which is characterized by higher sensitivity and, accordingly, better-developed empathy.
The results of the test-questionnaire to determine the self-esteem showed that most of the respondents have a contradictory (65.7%) attitude towards themselves and need to improve it. Therefore, by developing emotional intelligence, high school students will better understand themselves, their emotions will be able to understand their own experiences and reflect on them, which will increase their self-esteem. In order to analyze the socio-psychological factors that affect the psychological characteristics of emotional intelligence, the method of "Study of socio- psychological adaptation" was used. According to the results, the conclusion is confirmed that without "accepting ourselves", we can not "accept others", and unstable self-esteem is negatively reflected in the level of emotional literacy - that is, the ability to distinguish and analyze manifestations of their own emotions and emotions. According to the results of the questionnaire "Scale of family adaptation and cohesion", only a small part of the respondents (12%) are satisfied with family relationships, and the majority of respondents are partially (56%) or completely (28%) dissatisfied with family relationships. This mismatch of objective reality with the expected desired relationships in the family causes negative emotional states in the subjects and negatively affects the development of their emotional intelligence.
In general, the results of the study indicate that a significant proportion of young adolescents are unable to control their emotions and use constructive ways to respond to an event. They are not sufficiently emotionally aware of the peculiarities of recognizing and expressing both their own emotions and the emotions of others. The revealed psychological features of emotional intelligence testified to the expediency of developing a psychological and pedagogical program for the development of emotional intelligence of early adolescents, which will promote their personal growth, mental health, inner harmony and higher quality of personal life.
The program is based on: R. Bar-On's theory of emotional intelligence, theories of emotional and intellectual abilities (Mayer, 2005), (Mayer, Paolo & Salovey, 1990) and emotional competence (Гоулман, 2011) and the two-component theory of emotional intelligence (Люсин, 2004). Both well-known exercises with the author's modification and specially developed author's exercises were used in the development of the program.
The proposed program emphasizes the development of emotional literacy and competence of the individual, his creative potential. This form of existence of the human psyche, which is holistic, capable of self-development, self-determination, conscious substantive activity and selfregulation and has its own unique and unique inner world (Максименко, 2016). A complex process of development of emotional competence of early adolescents by influencing their thoughts, beliefs, values, bodily reactions, communicative behaviour, due to the close relationship and interaction of intellectual, emotional, physical and behavioural spheres of personality.
At the formative stage of the study, 32 participants were involved (2 groups - experimental and control 16 people each) with a predominance of low rates according to the methods and, above all, the level of development of emotional intelligence. This number of respondents, on the one hand, is large enough to provide the necessary variety of forms of interaction, and on the other - compact enough for everyone to be able to express themselves personally and, at the same time, feel an integral part of the group.
Recommended duration of the program implementation: 48 hours. (12 classes in the mode of work once a week). Classes were held throughout 2-3 hours with a break of 15-20 minutes, focusing on the state of the group or logical pauses in the work. The time format of classes can be creatively changed by a psychologist, depending on the conditions of their conduct.
The psychological program for the development of emotional intelligence of young adolescents includes 4 modules:
Module 1. "Development of self-awareness" - aimed at developing the ability to realize and accept their own emotions, the ability to name them, understand their functions and the process of formation. Module 2. "Emotion Management" - aimed at developing emotional flexibility, the ability to constructively manage their own emotions. Purpose: to get acquainted with the training program, to agree on the norms of group interaction; deepen participants' knowledge of the "world of emotions and feelings", develop emotional awareness and, above all, skills such as the ability to observe the flow of emotions, bodily sensations, thoughts, identification and analysis of their own emotions, feelings, understanding the cause.
List of exercises for modules 1 and 2: 1 lesson: "Association-self-presentation", information about training, implementation of rules, "Letter of responsibility", mini-lecture "Dictionary of basic terms", "Strategies", reflection; 2 lessons: "Wave", "Color mood", mini-lecture "Basic and complex emotions", "House of emotions", reflection, "Let's smile"; 3 lessons: "Mood in the picture", minilecture "Where do emotions come from?", "My fairy tale", reflection; 4 lessons: "I share my emotion", meditation "Safe place", mini-lecture "Maslow's Pyramid" "Actions", motivating control, reflection, "We pass wishes" and others.
Homework for the first module. Write a letter from the future to the present, aimed at clarifying current needs, developing motivation and self-knowledge. Fill in your "List of ways to gain energy" - helps to find out what adds strength and what takes it away; trains awareness improves understanding of their condition. Perform a technique called "Where do my emotions live": fill in the table, where the first column will be the name of the emotion, and in the following - the places where a person happens and usually feels certain experiences (eg, at home, at school, etc.). Next to the column to assess the intensity of the manifestation of experiences on an 8-point scale (development of introspection, self-awareness). Perform the technique of "Self-analysis of emotions" - to answer the question: what is happening to me at this time? What would I like next? (allows you to identify your emotions before you express them, and this allows you to control impulses, express desires adequately to the situation). Keep a "Diary of Emotions" - a person looks at the situation as if from the side and the level of his experiences decreases, but happy memories help in difficult moments of life. After a while, the skill will be formed, and it will be possible to stop writing. It helps to develop the ability to understand yourself and your emotions.
The expected result of module 1 - the formation of emotional awareness; the ability to realize, name and accept their emotions.
Homework for the second module. Make lists of what causes a particular person's basic emotion - curiosity, joy, surprise, sadness, fear, shame, guilt, anger, disgust (exercise ensures the development of self-reflection). Get acquainted with constructive ways to manage emotions and use them in practice, filling in the table with the following items: the name of the technique, event, the results of the technique (exercise provides responsibility for their reactions, develops emotional self-regulation). Get acquainted with the techniques of positive thinking and use them in practice (development of self-regulation). Monitor how the participant expresses himself in his thoughts, get rid of negative emotions and thoughts in his address (development of self-control). Make a list of "Self-care", which indicates the important things you need to do for your well-being (development of responsibility). Analyze the current problem with the help of 2 techniques to choose from: "Lucky number 7" or "Descartes square" (development of emotional flexibility). The expected result of module 2 - the development of skills of constructive management of their emotions; development of a harmonious personality that takes care of its body and quality of life.
Module 3. "Improvement of interpersonal skills" - aimed at developing the ability to understand human emotions using different channels of expression: facial expressions, speech, autonomic and motor reactions; learn to interpret the situation correctly and communicate with pleasure. Purpose: development of emotional competencies - to identify, analyze, verbalize emotions, feelings, both their own and the interlocutor, to understand the reasons for their occurrence; formation of skills of providing emotional support and attentive listening, constructive solution of emotionally tense situations; to defend one's own psychological boundaries, one's point of view, to refuse without offending another person.
List of exercises up to 3 modules: 1 lesson: "Grimace of mood", mini-lecture "Non-verbal communication", "Emotional crocodile", "Magic of intonation", mini-lecture "Verbal communication", "I-statement", reflection; 2 lessons: "Guess the mood", mini-lecture "Barriers to effective communication", moderation on "Emotional tension", "Different roles", mini-lecture "Communication styles", reflection; 3 lessons: "Group photo", mini-lecture "Conflict", "Traveling in time", mini-lecture "Ego states and their impact on the communication process", "Mutual exchange", "Relationships", reflection; 4 lessons: "Active listening", mini-lecture "Karpman's triangle", "Social atom", motivating control, listening to classical music, reflection.
Homework for the third module. Get acquainted with the techniques of effective communication and use them in practice, filling in the table with the following items: the name of the technique, event, the results of the applied technique (development of skills of emotional support and attentive listening). Use in practice the technique of "Reading emotions" (aimed at researching and recognizing people's emotions). Get acquainted with the techniques of "failure" and use them in practice, filling in the table with the following items: the name of the technique, event, the results of the applied technique (protection of their borders, without offending others). Write an essay on the topic: "What hinders me in communication situations?", Where to describe in detail what hinders the participants in communication situations given the emotions (the development of introspection). Perform the technique of "Intuitive situation resolution", where you need to describe in writing any life situation that needs to be resolved (helps to learn to understand their emotions and the emotions of others, constructively resolve conflicts). Perform the "Interview" technique, in which participants need to take short interviews with their acquaintances on various topics, analyze verbal and nonverbal manifestations of human emotions during the interview (analysis of the emotions of others). Perform the technique "Lessons of manipulation", where it is necessary to describe in writing the situation when a person manipulated others with words or actions to achieve their own, and then describe their emotions about it.
The expected result according to module 3: the formation of competencies of constructive and successful positive interaction, understanding of one's personal boundaries and ability to defend them when necessary, without offending others.
Module 4. "Development of empathy and self-motivation" - aimed at understanding empathy as the ability to understand and feel the emotions of others; to see the world from the position of another person and, accordingly, to build their own behavior; formation of the ability to motivate oneself. Purpose: development of the ability to listen, hear and understand both the experiences of other people and their own; demonstrate support and compassion for others; formation of the ability to influence their condition. List of exercises: 1 lesson: "It is important for me ...", mini-lecture "How does body language shape your personality?", "Beyond strength", minilecture "What is empathy and why is it needed?", "Cold face", mini-lecture "Why some people do not feel empathy", "Rearrangement of roles", reflection; 2 lessons: "Feelings in a circle", "Empathic listening", "Circumstances", "Guess the state", reflection; 3 lessons: "My inner world", mini-lecture "Self-motivation and its types", "Balance", "My beautiful day", reflection; 4 lessons: "A story about yourself', a mini-lecture "Simple tips for developing self-motivation", "Goal setting", "Sense of time", a mini-lecture "Basic techniques of time management", motivational control, "Wishes", reflection.
Homework for the fourth module. Get acquainted with the ways of empathy development and use them in practice, help others (demonstration of support and compassion). Watch the film "Equilibrium" and write a short essay about it (development of introspection and empathy). Fill in the list of your achievements in life, from the smallest (learned to ride a bike) to more significant (received a diploma for excellent training). Make a "Wish List" (development of a better understanding of yourself and your goals) create a board to visualize your desires; perform the technique of "Decomposition of the goal" (understanding of specific actions to achieve the goal).
The expected result according to module 4: the formation of empathy and self-motivation for a productive and successful life, where everyone achieves the desired results, is able to rejoice for themselves and others.
After the implementation of the program for the development of emotional intelligence of high school students, a repeat diagnostic section was performed according to the method "Diagnosis of emotional intelligence" (K. Hall test), which showed that when in the experimental group before the formative experiment indicators of low levels of emotional intelligence in 50.6% of respondents, after the implementation of the program, its indicators decreased to 16.4% due to redistribution with medium and high levels. Instead, the percentage of subjects with an average level of development of emotional intelligence increased from 38.6% to 65.2%, and with a high level - from 10.8% to 18.4%.
At the same time, the control group according to the results of the first and second sections recorded only minor changes that do not significantly change the situation regarding the levels of emotional intelligence. Thus, in the control group, the high level of emotional intelligence before and after the formative experiment increased by only 2% (from 4% to 6%) of the subjects, the average - from 40% to 48%, and low levels decreased from 56% to 46%.
Thus, according to the results of comparative analysis of observational and formative sections, statistically significant positive changes in the indicators of levels of emotional intelligence development of the experimental group were recorded, while in the control group such changes were not recorded. Thus, the analysis of the results of approbation of the program for the development of emotional intelligence of early adolescents proved its effectiveness.
Crisis phenomena, instability, a huge flow of information and tasks offered by the modern world cause young people to increase the level of anxiety and insecurity. Often they show a lack of acceptance of themselves, a painful attitude to criticism, difficulties in overcoming the pressure of others. Increasing the number and strength of negative experiences leads to helplessness and reduced quality of life. Overcoming these difficult life situations, not least, is connected with the development of their emotional intelligence. We consider emotional intelligence as a psychological property of the individual, characterized by the manifestation of complex integrated, emotional- cognitive and sensory-mental features. Thanks to them, she achieves her goals in various aspects of life with positive emotional interaction with the environment.
An empirical study has found that the level of emotional intelligence in young adolescents is predominantly low. It was also found that the level of emotional intelligence is influenced by temperament, and the highest rates among the components of emotional intelligence of young men and young women have empathy, in particular, compared to the ability to recognize other people's emotions and manage emotional manifestations. This may be due to the predominance of a sample of subjects with a melancholy type of temperament. They are characterized by a higher level of sensitivity and, consequently, the ability to empathize.
It is proved that the level of reflection directly affects the level of emotional intelligence. Therefore, the development of emotional intelligence in high school students will increase the level of their self-understanding and self-acceptance and, accordingly, the level of self-esteem. This will contribute to a positive life orientation and increase the level of demands of youth.
The revealed psychological features of emotional intelligence in high school students testified to the expediency of developing a psychological and pedagogical program for the development of emotional intelligence of young adolescents, which will promote their personal growth, psychological health, inner harmony and high quality of personal life. Therefore, a program for the development of emotional intelligence in high school students was developed and implemented, taking into account the identified features.
The theoretical substantiation of the program of development of emotional intelligence of early adolescents was the provisions on the neoplasm of adolescence in the emotional sphere, associated with the growth of its controllability and control, reducing the content of affective reactions. The possibility of developing emotional intelligence in a relatively short period of time, due to the use of active group psychological teaching methods, was also taken into account.
Omparative analysis of the results of observational and formative sections conducted in the experimental and control groups showed that in the experimental group there is positive dynamics not only of general levels of emotional intelligence but also all its components (emotional awareness, self-control of emotional manifestations, empathy). No such dynamics were recorded in the control group. The effectiveness of the author's program for the development of emotional intelligence of early adolescents manifested itself in expanding the understanding of high school students about emotional intelligence and its significant role in their own lives, developing skills of self-control and self-management skills, understanding other people's emotions, self-awareness and self-motivation.
The study does not cover all aspects of the research topic. We see the prospects for further research in an in-depth study of the psychological conditions of preparation of future psychologists to work on the development of emotional intelligence of the individual at different ages.
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