Some demographic and psychological variables that predict marital adjustment in wives
The present article aims at investigating whether such demographic and psychological variables as age, place of residence (rural or urban), level of education, number of years of marriage, number of sons, etc. can predict marital adjustment in wives.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 01.04.2022 |
Размер файла | 34,2 K |
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Сана Мухаммед Халиль
The present article aims at investigating whether such demographic and psychological variables as age, place of residence (rural or urban), level of education, number of years of marriage, number of sons, etc. can predict marital adjustment in wives. We also intend to research whether there is a correlation between marital adjustment and personality traits in married women in Egypt. The research involves 254 married Egyptian women, among which 48 % are from rural areas and 52 % are from urban areas. The mean age of the subjects is 38,2 (SD = 11,66). The researcher uses Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), Beck Depression Scale, and Aggressive Behavior Scale (Al-Mestikawy). The results of regression analysis show that women's educational level has the greatest contribution to the prediction of their marital adjustment. Another important factor is women's place of residence (rural or urban). However, the other three demographic variables (age, duration of marriage, and number of children) do not contribute to the prediction of marital adjustment in wives. The results of the research show that there is a negative correlation between marital adjustment and personality traits, such as neuroticism, psychoticism, depression, aggressive behavior (verbal, physical, total aggression). However, there is no correlation between marital adjustment and introversion.
Marital Adjustment; Introversion; Neuroticism; Psychoticism; Depression; Aggressive Behavior
demographic psychological marital adjustment wives
Сана Мухаммед Халиль
Цель статьи -- выяснить, могут ли такие демографические и психологические показатели, как возраст, место проживания (сельская или городская местность), уровень образования, продолжительность брака, количество детей и т. д., предопределять приспособленность женщин к жизни в браке, а также существует ли связь между приспособленностью к супружеской жизни и личностными качествами женщин. В исследовании задействованы 254 замужние египтянки, из которых 48 % проживают в сельской местности, а 52 % в городах. Средний возраст женщин, принимавших участие в исследовании, составил 38,2 года (SD = 11,66). В исследовании использованы такие методы, как личностный опросник Г. Айзенка (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, EPQ), шкала депрессии А. Т. Бека (Beck Depression Scale), шкала агрессии Аль Местикави (Al-Mestikawy Aggressive Behavior Scale). Результаты регрессионного анализа показали, что наибольшее влияние на приспособленность женщин к супружеской жизни оказывает уровень их образования. Вторым по значимости фактором является место проживания (сельская или городская местность). Другие же демографические показатели, такие как возраст, продолжительность брака и количество детей, не оказывают сколько -нибудь существенного влияния на приспособленность женщин к жизни в браке. Результаты исследования свидетельствуют о наличии негативной корреляции между приспособленностью к жизни в браке и такими личностными особенностями, как невротические состояния, психотические расстройства, депрессивные состояния, агрессивное поведение (вербальная или физическая агрессия). Корреляции между интроверсией и приспособленностью к жизни в браке не наблюдается.
приспособленность к жизни в браке; интроверсия; невротизм; психотизм; депрессия; агрессивное поведение
1. Introduction
According to Martin (2007), marital adjustment predetermines the quality of marital relationship \ Even though divorce is undoubtedly an extremely unpleasant experience in adults' lives, an unprecedented increase in divorce rate has been recently reported in Egypt. There is no doubt that the issue of divorce concerns both society and researchers. According to the annual Bulletin of Marriage and Divorce Statistics published by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics in Egypt, the number of divorced persons in Egypt is 198,384, while divorce rate reaches 2,1 (per thousand). This rate is 54,8 % in urban areas, which is 2,7 (per thousand). The rate in rural areas is 45,2 %, which is 1,7 (per thousand) 2. Therefore, it is essential that researchers should combat the problem through a scientific study of factors that might negatively impact marital adjustment in women. Since proper investigation of these factors will result in better marital adjustment and will positively reflect on both families and the community, the author of the research attempts to examine variables that predict marital adjustment in married Egyptian women.
2. Research Problem
The concept of marital adjustment is defined by Lock & William (1959) in the following way: “marital adjustment is an adoption between husband and wife, to the point where there is companionship, agreement on basic values of affectionate intimacy, accommodation and on certain other unidentified factors” 3. The problem that the current research addresses can be understood if we realize that Egyptian community, like many other Arabian communities, has faced many political, economic and social changes. Our community has fallen under the influence of such changes because we live in the age of globalization.
The Internet, satellites and social networks, such as facebook, twitter and YouTube ensure that our community is open to European and western communities and is subject to their impact. Such openness reflects on families and especially on marital relationships. Problems within marriages and families are common now. Hence, it is essential that this issue should be thoroughly researched. The current study aims at investigating the most important demographic variables and some personality traits that might have something to do with adjustment or maladjustment between husbands and wives. This study will try to find solutions to this problem.
Different studies come up with different results regarding the relation between some demographic variables and marital adjustment. These variables are age, place of residence (urban and rural), educational level, duration of marriage, and the number of children. Some researches Ahmed, 2016 ; Al Mashyky, 2015 ; Boyce, Wood, & Ferguson, 2016 ; Crandall, Vanderende, Cheang, Dodell & Yount, 2016. show that the older the couple is, the better they are adjusted to each other. While some other studies e.g.: Derar, & Farah, 2016 ; El Hinai, 2013. maintain that marital adjustment does not depend on the variable of age.
Although the results found by some researchers Al Jam'an & Khalaf, 2016. indicate that urban wives enjoy higher levels of adjustment within their marriages than rural wives, the results of some other studies El Hinai, 2013. show that there is no differences in marital adjustment according to the variable of place of residence (urban or rural).
As for the variable of educational level, the study of El Hinai El Hinai, 2013. shows that it causes no differences in marital adjustment while many other studies Ahmed, 2016 ; Derar & Farah, 2016 ; Boyce et al., 2016 ; Hellerstein, Morrill & Zou, 2013. maintain that the variable of educational level has a positive correlation with marital adjustment.
Regarding the relation between marital adjustment and the duration of marriage, results indicate that the more extended a marriage is, the better the husband and wife are adjusted to their marital roles. The results also show that problems within marriage are always huge if marriage is still fresh and new Ahmed, 2016 ; Al Mashyky, 2015 ; El Hinai, 2013 ; Enache, 2013 ; Mohammadi, Aghdam & Ranji, 2011..
As for the variable of the number of children, researches Al Mashyky, 2015 ; El Shahry, 2009. show that marital adjustment is higher in families with many children. On the other hand, some other studies El Hinai, 2013. indicate that marital adjustment is not affected by the variable of the number of children.
Regarding the relation between marital adjustment and variables related to personality, many studies Al Mashyky, 2015 ; El Shahry, 2009 ; Darwesh & Raslan, 2004. show that there is a negative correlation between marital adjustment and neuroticism. Lower levels of neuroticism result in better marital adjustment.
Other studies show a positive correlation between marital adjustment and extroversion. More pronounced extroverts are better adjusted to marital life Barelds & Djkstra, 2011 ; Al Barri, 2016 ; Al Mashyky, 2015. Another study shows that there is no correlation between psychoticism and marital adjustment in wives e.g: Al Barri, 2016..
Results concerning the relation between marital adjustment and depression are similar in a great number of studies. There is a negative correlation between these two variables. More depressed wives show a lower rate of marital adjustment, while less depressed wives are characterized by a higher rate of marital adjustment Samkary, 2016 ; Wenoghy, 2014 ; El Sayed & El Sabwa, 2007 ; Saleh, 1993 ; Mohammadi et al., 2011).. This contradiction among the results of previous studies, especially regarding demographic variables, shows that it is essential that we should study the correlation between marital adjustment and these demographic variables. Formulating the research problem, we should bear the following questions in mind: (1) Can demographic variables such as age, place of residence, educational level, duration of marriage, and the number of children predict marital adjustment among wives? (2) Is there a correlation coefficient between marital adjustment in wives and some personality traits such as neuroticism, introversion, psychoticism, depression, and aggression (verbal, physical, and total aggression)?
3. Aim of the Research
The current research aims (1) at investigating how the variables of age, place of residence, educational level, duration of marriage and the number of children predict marital adjustment in wives and
(2) at finding out the type of correlation between marital adjustment and some personality traits such as neuroticism, introversion, psychoticism, depression, and aggression.
4. Procedures
(1) Hypotheses:
The present research has two hypotheses:
(a) The variables of age, place of residence (rural -- urban), educational level, duration of marriage, and number of children can predict marital adjustment in wives.
(b) There is a negative correlation between marital adjustment and some personality traits such as neuroticism, psychoticism, depression, and aggression in wives.
(2) Sample:
The research involves 254 wives residing in Assiut Governorate, Egypt; 122 of them (48 %) are from rural areas, while 132 (52 %) are from urban areas. The mean age of the subjects is 38,2 (SD = 11,66). Table 1 indicates some characteristics of the subjects.
Table 1
Characteristics of the subjects regarding demographic variables (n = 254)
Demographic variables |
Rural |
Urban |
Total |
number |
% |
number |
% |
number |
% |
Education |
Low |
12 |
50,0 |
12 |
50,0 |
24 |
100 |
Mediate |
69 |
79,3 |
18 |
20,7 |
87 |
100 |
High |
41 |
28,7 |
102 |
71,7 |
143 |
100 |
Total |
122 |
48,0 |
132 |
52,0 |
254 |
100 |
Duration of marriage |
Less than 10 years |
73 |
53,3 |
64 |
46,7 |
137 |
100 |
10 years or more |
49 |
41,9 |
68 |
58,1 |
117 |
100 |
Total |
122 |
48,0 |
132 |
52,0 |
254 |
100 |
Number of children |
2 or less |
71 |
49,0 |
74 |
51,0 |
145 |
100 |
3 or more |
51 |
46,8 |
58 |
53,2 |
109 |
100 |
Total |
122 |
48,0 |
132 |
52,0 |
254 |
100 |
(3) Instruments:
The instruments used in this research include: Marital Adjustment Scale, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), Beck Depression Inventory and Aggressive Behavior Scale.
(a) Marital Adjustment Scale:
This scale is prepared by Faraj and Abdullah (1999). It contains 31 items which enable a researcher to range the level of a woman's marital adjustment as very high, high, mediate, low, and incorrect. Affirmative sentences are given scores as follows: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, while negative sentences are scored as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The higher the score of marital adjustment is, the more a person tends to adjust. The less the score of marital adjustment is, the less a person tends to adjust in their marital relation 17
(b) Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ):
This questionnaire is prepared by H. Eysenck and S. Eysenck. It consists of 4 subscales which are: “Neuroticism versus Stability”, “Extraversion versus Introversion”, “Psychoticism versus Reality” and lying. In the current research, the researcher uses only the first three subscales Faraj & Abdullah, 1999. Abdel-khalek, 1991..
(c) Beck Depression Scale (abridged, translated into Arabic by Abdul Fatah):
The scale includes 13 sentences that focus on depression, pessimism, sense of failure, lack of satisfaction, guilt, self-hatred, self-punitive wishes, social withdrawal, indecisiveness, distorted body image, sleep disturbance, fatigability and loss of appetite. In each point sentences are arranged on a scale of four points from 0 to 3 according to the severity of the case. A total score is derived according to Beck Depression Inventory (abridged). The higher the total score is, the more severe depression is and the lower the total score is Gharib, 1985..
(d) Aggressive Behavior Scale:
This scale prepared by Al-Mestikawy contains 64 items and is divided into 2 subscales, which are a verbal aggressive behavior scale consisting of 32 items and a physical aggressive behavior scale also consisting of 32 items. In front of each sentence there are four choices (totally agree, agree, disagree, totally disagree). The correction of every item is given a score from 4 to 1, respective to the point assigned to the severity of agreement or disagreement. A total score is derived for every one of the three scales (physical aggressive behavior, verbal aggressive behavior, and aggressive behavior in general). The higher the score of any of these scales, the higher is the tendency of a person to be aggressive whether verbally or physically, or in general Al-Mestikawy, 2005.
(e) Psychometric characteristics of scales:
To establish their reliability and validity, the scales are piloted on a sample of wives (n = 42).
1- Reliability:
To verify reliability coefficients, the author uses the Cronbach's alpha coefficient test and the split - half reliability test calculated with the Spearman-Brown Formula. The results shown in Table 2 indicate that each scale, whether it relies on the Cronbach's alpha coefficient or the split -half reliability test calculated with the Spearman-Brown formula, enjoys high levels of reliability.
Table 2
Cronbach's alpha, split-half reliability calculated with the Spearman-Brown formula, validity (n = 42)
Scale |
Number of items |
Cronbach's alpha |
Half-split reliability |
Validity |
Correlation between two halves |
Calculated with the Spearman- Brown Formula |
Intrinsic validity |
1- Marital adjustment |
31 |
0,890 |
0,815 |
0,898 |
0,948 |
2- Neuroticism (EPQ) |
23 |
0,836 |
0,703 |
0,826 |
0,909 |
3- Extraversion (EPQ) |
20 |
0,765 |
0,627 |
0,771 |
0,878 |
4- Psychoticism (EPQ) |
25 |
0,804 |
0,765 |
0,867 |
0,931 |
5- Depression (Beck) |
13 |
0,916 |
0,871 |
0,931 |
0,965 |
6- Verbal aggression |
32 |
0,846 |
0,825 |
0,904 |
0,951 |
7- Physical aggression |
32 |
0,784 |
0,713 |
0,832 |
0,912 |
8- Total aggression |
64 |
0,832 |
0,815 |
0,898 |
0,932 |
2- Validity:
Two methods, namely the intrinsic validity method and the factorial validity method, are used to verify the validity of each scale.
Intrinsic validity: There is a relation between reliability and validity, as a square root of reliability coefficient is a validity coefficient (intrinsic validity of the scale). Therefore, a square root of reliability coefficient of each scale is calculated as an indicator of its validity. The results presented in table 2 show that validity coefficients are high for each scale. Validity coefficients vary from 0,878 for extroversion to 0,965 for depression.
Factorial validity: The factorial validity method is used to verify validity of each scale. The factorial validity method is used to analyze the results of the whole research sample (n = 254), each item of the scale is analyzed separately. The factorial matrix before rotation is analyzed separately. The first factor before rotation is a general factor. If all the items of the scale are saturated with the factor, it indicates good factorial validity of the scale.
The results of the factorial analysis of each item of each scale show that all the scales are validated. The items of the scale are saturated with the first factor before rotation, the minimum saturation is 0,181 see: Faraj, 1980: p419..
(4) Statistical methods:
Statistical methods used in the current research are simple regression analysis, the Pearson correlation coefficient, and factor analysis with the principal components method.
5. Results
(1) Results of the first hypothesis
To verify the first hypothesis, simple regression analysis is used to analyze the performance of the wives of the sample (n = 254) regarding the scale of marital adjustment. The multiple correlation coefficient of marital adjustment is 0,228, while the discriminatory estimation coefficient is 0,052. Thus, the contribution of the five independent variables in predicting marital adjustment in the research sample (n = 254) is 5,2 %. The analysis of variance is used to make sure that the variation of the five independent demographic variables (the predictors) has a statistically significant impact on the prediction of marital adjustment in the research sample (n = 254). Table 3 indicates these results.
Table 3
Analysis of variance to measure the impact of the five independent demographic variables on marital adjustment in wives (n= 254).
Dependent variable |
Model |
Sum of square |
df |
Mean of square |
F value |
Sig. |
Marital adjustment |
Regression |
8178,383 |
5 |
1735,677 |
2,73 |
0,05 |
Residual |
599,957 |
248 |
148789,365 |
total |
15695,748 |
253 |
- |
Table 3 enables us to conclude that the F value calculated for each of the variables of age, place of residence, educational level, duration of marriage and number of children is significant (0,05). This result indicates how the five dependent demographic variables impact the dependent variable of marital adjustment in wives. It is clear that the variation concerning the five demographic variables significantly affects the prediction of marital adjustment of the research sample of wives (n = 254). Each independent demographic variable is essential for the prediction of marital adjustment, see table 4.
Table 4 shows that two demographic variables, namely place of residence (rural or urban) and educational level, have statistically significant t-values: 1,98 and 2,69, respectively.
Table 4
Simple regression analysis to predict marital adjustment in wives through five independent variables (n = 254)
Dependent variable |
Independent variables (Predictors) |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
t value |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Err. |
Beta |
Marital adjustment |
Fixed value |
105,378 |
9,138 |
11,48 |
No sig. |
1- Age |
-1,509 |
1,262 |
-0,108 |
1,19 |
No sig. |
2- Place of residence |
-6,505 |
3,288 |
-0,131 |
1,98 |
0,05 |
3- Educational level |
3,140 |
1,165 |
0,178 |
2,69 |
0,05 |
4- Marriage duration |
0,144 |
5,542 |
0,003 |
0,03 |
No sig. |
5- Number of children |
6,130 |
4,362 |
0,122 |
1,41 |
No sig. |
This result confirms the first hypothesis, for it indicates that each of the two variables predicts marital adjustment in wives. However, the other three demographic variables (age, duration of marriage, number of children), do not have statistically significant t-values. This result does not confirm the first hypothesis, for it indicates that each of these three variables does not predict marital adjustment in wives.
(2) Results of the second hypothesis:
To verify the second hypothesis, the Pearson correlation coefficient is used to analyze the research sample (n = 254) regarding the variables of the study. Table 5 indicates these results.
Table 5
Pearson correlation coefficient between marital adjustment and some personality traits of the research sample (n = 254)
Variables |
Correlation coefficient |
Sig. |
Eysenck (EPQ) |
1- Neuroticism/Stability |
-0,342 |
0,001 |
2- Extraversion/ Introversion |
-0,081 |
No sig. |
3- Psychoticism/ reality |
-0,387 |
0,001 |
Beck |
4- Depression ( Beck) |
-0,555 |
0,001 |
Aggressive behavior |
5- Verbal aggression |
-0,793 |
0,001 |
6- Physical aggression |
-0,750 |
0,001 |
7- Total aggression |
-0,779 |
0,001 |
Reviewing the results of table 5, we can conclude that there is a negative correlation and a statistically significant relation between marital adjustment and neuroticism (R = -0,342), psychoticism (R = -0,387), depression (R = -0,555), and aggressive behavior (verbal, physical, and total aggression), with correlation coefficients of -0,79, -0,75, and -0,78, respectively, each with a sig. at the level of 0,001. However, there is no correlation between marital adjustment and introversion (R = -0,08).
6. Discussion
The current study underlines the role such variables as age, place of residence, educational level, duration of marriage and number of children play in the prediction of marital adjustment in wives. There are two demographic variables (level of education and place of residence (rural or urban)) that can predict marital adjustment in wives.
These results agree with the results of a number of studies Al Jam'an & Khalaf, 2016 ; Boyce et al., 2016 ; Derar & Farah, 2016, Falsafi, Abedin & Fatehi, 2011 ; Mohamedi et
al., 2011. and show that educational level and place of residence are demographic variables that predict marital adjustment in wives. These variables are important because due to the incompatibility between their educational levels, spouses may underestimate their partners or look down on him or her. The more similar educational level of one's partners is, the closer the partners bond in terms of intellectual and cultural cooperation. Such a situation creates an atmosphere of understanding and harmony, which in turn fortifies the marital bond and ensures its continuity. It also enables the couple to solve problems early, to openly and effectively communicate with each other, which results in marital adjustment. The variable of the place of residence is considered to be a basic element of marital life, simply because it is the place of living. This variable predicts whether the relationship will be a success or a failure. Residents of rural areas might be guided by strong social relations within their extended families. The head of the family helps to solve problems that may arise between the couple and to ensure harmony between them in order to keep intergenerational relations within the family as strong as possible. Residents of urban areas are guided by what is called a nuclear family, which forbids the interference of relatives or parents in the spouses' lives or problems. This, they believe, can help achieve stability, strong marital bonds and harmony.
The results of some other studies El-Hinai, 2013; Hellerstein, et al., 2013 highlight other conclusions. These studies show the nonpresence of individual differences that are statistically significant regarding the variables of educational level and the place of residence in marital adjustment. Those studies conclude that marital adjustment is not affected by the place of residence or educational level, but is related to mutual communication, conversation, and compassion between the couple. Differences in customs and traditions of different places of residence do not necessarily lead to non-adjustment in marriage.
Such variables as age, duration of marriage, and number of children do not predict marital adjustment. Some studies Ahmed, 2016; El Hinai, 2013; Falsafi, et al., 2011 agree with these results as they conclude that age differences, duration of marriage, and the number of children do not predict marital adjustment in wives.
Some other studies Boal Kameh & Belmahdy, 2017; Boyce et al., 2016; Al Mashyky, 2015; Enache, 2013; El Shahry, 2009 contradict the previously discussed results. They maintain that there is a correlation between marital adjustment and the number of children, spouses' age and duration of marriage. These results indicate that the number of children fortifies family bonds and ensures that the couple focuses on bringing up their children, satisfying their needs and achieving stability and security for them. The longer the duration of marriage is, the more harmonious the atmosphere between them is and the easier they solve their problems due to their long life experience. Little age difference enables women to really appreciate their marital responsibilities and better adjust to their partners.
Regarding the results of the second hypothesis, the research shows a statistically significant negative correlation coefficient between marital adjustment and such factors as neuroticism, psychoticism, depression and aggression (0,001). However, there is no significant correlation coefficient between marital adjustment and introversion.
The results of some studies 25 Al Mashyky, 2015 ; Barelds, & Dijkstra, 2011 ; Darwesh, & Raslan, 2004. show that there is a negative significant correlation between marital adjustment and neuroticism. Wives who have a strong ego are satisfied with themselves, their abilities and roles and are able to handle the pressures they face, to solve their problems and to adapt to some of these problems if necessary. They do not yield to depression, despair, worries, or tension. Hence, there is marital adjustment because emotional stability, strong ego and good adjustment are the positive sides contradicting neuroticism.
There are other studies which find a positive correlation coefficient between marital adjustment and extroversion. Some studies El Shahry, 2009. agree with what was found by the current research regarding the nonexistence of a significant correlation coefficient between marital adjustment and extroversion assuming that the variable of extroversion, as opposed to introversion, is one of the variables related to personality traits that a couple might acquire due to tackling different social circumstances, controlling their personal temper, making use of their past experiences, rejoicing over their relationship and working on their problems wisely in order to make their marriage into a success.
As for the variable of psychoticism, it is found that its relation to marital adjustment is negative. A person might have intellectual disorder or illusions that might impact their relations with other people. This in its turn results in weaker marital adjustment. Hence, a person should deal with his/her partner with respect, honor and self-control. He/she should accept their partner, his/her feelings and seriously and effectively deal with the pressures of life.
The majority of studies Samkary, 2016 ; Wenoghy, 2014 ; Mohammadi, et al., 2011 ; El Sayed,, & El Sabwa, 2007 ; Abd El Mu'ti, & Desoky, 1993. confirm that there is a negative correlation and a statistically significant coefficient (0,001) between depression and marital adjustment. Depression can control a wife due to the immensity of responsibilities that she has to tackle, the pressures she has to face, the reality of her being neglected by her partner, the lack of intimate relationship between them and their inability to solve their problems. All this can lead to the collapse of the family. A husband should appreciate his wife and her efforts within the family. This can be achieved when he tries to get closer to her by creating a romantic atmosphere in the house and when he helps her in handling the different pressures she faces. As a result, a wife gets rid of her depression and a couple can enjoy a social and psychological adjustment.
There are few studies Yameina, 2015 ; Parade, & Leerkes, 2010 ; Finger, Kachadourian, Molnar, Eiden, Edwards, & Leonard, 2010 ; Gurung, & Acharya, 2016 ; Marshal, 2003. that agree with the result saying that there is a negative correlation and a statistically significant coefficient (0,001) between aggression and marital adjustment. But it is possible that their agreement is concerned with the impact aggressive behaviors produces on marital adjustment, on children and the way they are brought up. Some of the previously mentioned studies refer to the existence of a relation between aggression against wives and addiction to alcohol or drugs in general. A husband's aggression can be explained as a desire from his own side to control and possess his wife. His aggression could be verbal, uttering insults and bad words in a loud voice, or physical, hitting or beating his wife. These actions have their negative impact on the wife's marital adjustment as they destroy, humiliate and hurt her. Hence, marital life is vulnerable and available to deterioration, for the up-bringing of children, their education and also their social and psychological adjustment are negatively affected.
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