Directions of solving problem issues of improving personality development in the conditions of the new psycho-computer reality

The conditions of the new psycho-computer reality that humanity is facing. Dangers that are associated with the incorrect or uncontrolled use of information and communication technologies. Problematic issues of improving the development of personality.

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Дата добавления 14.04.2022
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Directions of solving problem issues of improving personality development in the conditions of the new psycho-computer reality

Sosnin, Oleksandr, Institute of the state and right the name

of V.M.Koreckogo the National academy of sciences of Ukraine

Kononets, Maria, National Technical University

of Ukraine Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute


The relevance of the study is that in the new psycho-computer reality, humanity faces a number of dangers associated with the improper or uncontrolled use of information and communication technologies (ICT). This is especially true for young people, and first of all for those who are preparing to become the nation's elite by studying at universities. Under such conditions, knowledge about the functioning of the human brain and the impact of ICT on this process becomes extremely important, as they contribute to success in activities, while maintaining the mental and physical health of participants in the learning process. Therefore the proper use of ICT to prevent their negative effects on the mental and physical health of young people is becoming an extremely important issue in the organization of educational processes that take place in universities. The purpose of the article is to identify areas for solving problems of improving personal development in the new psycho-computer reality and to find ways to prevent and overcome the negative consequences of the use of ICT. Methodology - the use of methods of analysis and synthesis, abstraction, historical and logical, systemic and structural, which helped to synthesize the material and implement a holistic concept. Objectives of the study: 1) to identify the features of the impact of ICT on humans in the new computer information and communication reality; 2) to show the importance of the role of knowledge of the humanities in the process of teaching and educating young people in the use of ICT in order to expand their worldview and prevention; 3) to analyze the problems of distortion of worldview under the influence of manipulative suggestion of the superpowers of digital technologies; 4) to reveal the essence of clip thinking as a factor of alternative culture of information perception; 5) to find out the development of the brain as a factor in the formation of distal vision of information perception; 6) to analyze cyberpsychology as a science of synergetic combination at the intersection of human and computer activity; 7) to substantiate the directions of digital hygiene as a factor of mental and physical health of the individual. The result of the study. problematic issues of improving the development of personality in the new psycho-computer reality are identified, distortion of worldview under the influence of manipulative suggestion of the potential of digital technologies, clip thinking as a factor of alternative culture of information perception; the analysis of cyberpsychology as a science of synergetic combination at the intersection of human and computer activity and directions of observance of digital hygiene as a factor of mental and physical health of the person is presented. The correct use of ICT with the prevention of its negative effects on the mental and physical health of young people is an important problem in the organization of educational processes, the solution of which will contribute to the formation of the integrity of the individual.

Key words: computer addiction, digital autism, clip thinking, prevention of negative consequences of ICT use.

СОСНИН, А. В. - доктор политических наук, профессор, Заслуженный деятель науки и техники Украины, академик Украинской академии политических наук (Киев, Украина)

КОНОНЕЦ, М. А. - кандидат психологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры психологии и педагогики, Национальный технический университет Украины «Киевский политехнический институт» (Киев, Украина)

Проблемные вопросы усовершенствования развития личности в условиях новой психо-компьютерної реальности и пути их решения


Актуальность исследования в том, что в условиях новой психокомпьютерной реальности человечество сталкивается с рядом опасностей, которые связаны с неправильным или неконтролируемым использованием информационнокоммуникационных технологий (ИКТ). Особенно это касается молодежи и, во-первых той, которая готовится стать элитой нации, учась в университетах. При таких условиях, знания относительно особенностей функционирования мозга человека и влияния на этот процесс ИКТ становятся исключительно важными, поскольку способствуют достижению успеха в деятельности, сохраняя психическое и физическое здоровье участников ученого процесса. Поэтому правильное использование ИКТ с профилактикой их негативных влияний на психическое и физическое здоровье молодежи становится крайне важной проблемой в организации учебновоспитательного процесса в университетах. Цель статьи - выявить проблемные вопросы совершенствования развития личности в условиях новой психо-компьютерной реальности и найти пути профилактики и преодоления негативных последствий применения ИКТ. Методология - использование методов анализа и синтеза, абстрагирования, исторического и логического, системного и структурного, что помогли синтезировать материал и осуществить целостную концепцию. Задание исследования: 1) выявить особенности влияния ИКТ на человека в условиях новой компьютерной информационно-коммуникационной реальности; 2) показать значение роли знаний гуманитарных наук в процессе учебы и воспитания молодые при использовании ИКТ с целью расширения ее мировоззрения и профилактики; 3) проанализировать проблемы искривления мировоззрения под воздействием манипулятивного внушения сверхвозможностей цифровых технологий; 4) раскрыть сущность клипового мышления как фактора альтернационной культуры восприятия информации; 5) выяснить развитие мозга как фактор формирования дистального виденья восприятия информации; 6) дать анализ киберпсихологии как науки о синергической комбинации на пересечении человеческой и компьютерной активности; 7) обосновать направления соблюдения цифровой гигиены как фактор психического и физического здоровья личности. Результат исследования. Выявлены проблемные вопросы совершенствования развития личности в условиях новой психо-компьютерной реальности, искривление мировоззрения под воздействием манипулятивного внушения сверхвозможностей цифровых технологий, клипового мышления как фактора альтернационной культуры восприятия информации; представлен анализ киберпсихологии как науки о синергической комбинации на пересечении человеческой и компьютерной активности и направлениях соблюдения цифровой гигиены как факторе психического и физического здоровья личности. Правильное использование ИКТ с профилактикой ее негативных влияний на психическое и физическое здоровье молодежи выступает в качестве важной проблемы в организации учебновоспитательных процессов, решение которых будет способствовать формированию целостности личности.

Ключевые слова: компьютерная адикция, цифровой аутизм, клиповое мышление, профилактика негативных последствий применения ИКТ.

СОСНІН, О. В. - доктор політичних наук, професор, професор, заслужений діяч науки і техніки України, академік Української академії політичних наук (Київ, Україна)

КОНОНЕЦЬ, М. О. - кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри психології і педагогіки, Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут» (Київ, Україна)



Актуальність дослідження в тому, що в умовах нової психо- комп'ютерної реальності людство стикається з рядом небезпек, які пов'язані із неправильним або неконтрольованим використанням інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій (ІКТ). Особливо це стосується молоді й по-перше тієї, яка готується стати елітою нації, навчаючись в університетах. За таких умов, знання щодо особливостей функціонування мозку людини й впливу на цей процес ІКТ стають виключно важливими, оскільки сприяють досягненню успіху в діяльності, зберігаючи психічне та фізичне здоров'я учасників процесу навчання. Тому, правильне використання ІКТ із профілактикою їх негативних впливів на психічне та фізичне здоров'я молоді стає вкрай важливою проблемою в організації навчально-виховних процесів, які відбуваються в університетах. Мета статті - виявити проблемні питання вдосконалення розвитку особистості в умовах нової психо-комп'ютерної реальності та знайти шляхи профілактики й подолання негативних наслідків застосування ІКТ. Методологія - використання методів аналізу і синтезу, абстрагування, історичного і логічного, системного і структурного, що допомогли синтезувати матеріал та здійснити цілісну концепцію. Завдання дослідження: 1) виявити особливості впливу ІКТ на людину в умовах нової комп'ютерної інформаційно-комунікаційної реальності; 2) показати значення ролі знань гуманітарних наук у процесі навчання і виховання молоді при використанні ІКТ з метою розширення її світогляду і профілактики; 3) проаналізувати проблеми викривлення світогляду під впливом маніпулятивного навіювання надможливостей цифрових технологій; 4) розкрити сутність кліпового мислення як чинника альтернаційної культури сприйняття інформації; 5) з'ясувати розвиток мозку як чинник формування дистального бачення сприйняття інформації; 6) дати аналіз кіберпсихології як науки про синергетичну комбінацію на перетині людської і комп'ютерної активності; 7) обгрунтувати напрями дотримання цифрової гігієни як чинник психічного і фізичного здоров'я особистості. Результат дослідження. виявлено проблемні питання вдосконалення розвитку особистості в умовах нової психо-комп'ютерної реальності, викривлення світогляду під впливом маніпулятивного навіювання надможливостей цифрових технологій, кліпового мислення як чинника альтернаційної культури сприйняття інформації; представлено аналіз кіберпсихології як науки про синергетичну комбінацію на перетині людської і комп'ютерної активності та напрями дотримання цифрової гігієни як чинник психічного і фізичного здоров'я особистості. Правильне використання ІКТ з профілактикою її негативних впливів на психічне і фізичне здоров'я молоді виступає важливою проблемою в організації навчально-виховних процесів, вирішення яких сприятиме формуванню цілісності особистості.

Ключові слова: комп'ютерна адикція, цифровий аутизм, кліпове мислення, профілактика негативних наслідків застосування ІКТ.

information communication technologies personality

Problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks

Relevance of the research topic. There is now a lot of research on the problem of computer addiction, digital autism, depression, suicidal ideation, eating disorders, and, in general, the transformation of identity in ICT users. A person who excessively and unsystematically consumes the Internet is dominated by stereotypical thinking, and analytical and systemic thinking is not formed, and generally loses the ability to think critically, which, of course, hinders the development of personality. Scientists are concerned about this state of affairs and are actively looking for ways to prevent and overcome the negative consequences of the use of ICT.

Today's young people, and especially students, need to be aware of certain rules of work with ICT, compliance with which will contribute to success in business, mental and physical health and the ability to think analytically and critically.

The purpose of the study: to identify problematic issues of improving personal development in the new psycho-computer reality and to find ways to prevent and overcome the negative consequences of ICT.

Objectives of the study: 1) to identify the features of the impact of ICT on humans in the new computer information and communication reality; 2) to show the importance of the role of knowledge of the humanities in the process of teaching and educating young people in the use of ICT in order to expand their worldview and prevention; 3) to analyze the problems of distortion of worldview under the influence of manipulative suggestion of the superpowers of digital technologies; 4) to reveal the essence of clip thinking as a factor of alternative culture of information perception; 5) to find out the development of the brain as a factor in the formation of distal vision of information perception; 6) to analyze cyberpsychology as a science of synergetic combination at the intersection of human and computer activity; 7) to substantiate the directions of digital hygiene as a factor of mental and physical health of the individual.

An analysis of recent research and publications that have led to the solution of this problem and on which the author relies. Today's young people are actively looking for ways to succeed in business and in life in general, in particular through high quality education. Currently, there is a lot of work that aims to identify factors that contribute to human success or, conversely, hinder its achievement. In particular, this issue is covered by the works of E. Fromm [18] on the integrity of the individual, which contribute to its formation; B. Tracy on the factors of personal success, in particular on how the law of probability allows you to build the future with a high degree of accuracy and predictability [15]; K,G. Frumkin on clip thinking [19]; A.V. Kurpatov on the formation of analytical centers of thought in the structure of the brain [9]; M.O. Kononets on the importance of psychological factors in the formation of leadership qualities and culture of the leader in the context of a reflective model of management [7], as well as patterns of human interaction in the system "leadersubordinate" and "leader-follower", the mechanism of leadership, the relationship of leadership and management, personality traits that need to be developed in order to become a leader and form the features of leadership at the present stage of development of society [8].

Presentation of the main material of the research with substantiation of the obtained scientific results

1. Features of the impact of ICT on humans in the new computer information and communication reality

The analysis of global trends of the XXI century allows us to state that the further development of states, societies, their politics, economy, military affairs and, of course, science and education will be associated with huge engineering and technological risks. On this basis, the formation of a fundamentally new economy (knowledge-based economy) is already taking place, and the basis of countries' competitiveness is the ability to accumulate and rationally use fundamental knowledge - information on which new breakthrough technologies are created. Under such conditions, the requirements for education and professionalism of students of technical universities, which need to be actively involved in the management of tangible and intangible resources of society, including information [13].

In the architecture of problems in the formation of innovative thinking in young people in a market economy, when each member of society must "be in demand", the individual must be able to represent themselves in a special way to succeed [18].

American researcher B. Tracy formulated seven main components of success: 1. Peace of mind. Only if a person lives in harmony with his own higher values and inner convictions, he is able to achieve peace of mind. 2. Health and energy - a normal physical condition. The body has a natural predisposition to health. If something hurts, it is difficult for us to focus on achievements or victories at that moment. That is, what a success it is when a person suffers from problems related to health and lack of energy. 3. Love with those around you, with people who love and care for you. 4. Financial freedom. Most of the trouble is related to worrying about money. 5. High goals and ideals that make up the meaning of your life. 6. Self-knowledge and self-awareness, which go hand in hand with inner happiness and external achievements. 7. The feeling of self-realization or that you become who you want to be [15].

Studying at the university significantly affects the successful implementation of the professional activities of their students. Thanks to the established system of education and the authority of their scientific schools, students gain knowledge, skills and abilities that help them become competitive professionals in the labor market. Of course, there is a better chance of success in a person who is talented, gifted and in the process of learning develops his potential, works on himself and applies his skills in practice. It is extremely important that in the process of learning human activity is high quality, focused on practical work, which is in demand in society and receives social approval. Under such conditions, abilities, habits, values, beliefs become the basis and at the same time the driving force on the way to achieving the goal - to success. For the above, teachers need to improve and develop in university students self-control, responsibility, self-awareness. A person who understands the fact that success in his life depends on himself, usually inherent in self-realization, selfaffirmation and self-improvement of the individual. Personality development is possible only if there is progress in understanding the meaning of the changes that are taking place [13].

Scientists from leading countries around the world demonstrate scientific and practical achievements in mastering neurotechnology and are actively looking for ways to adapt people to work with artificial intelligence systems, in particular through their education systems. At the same time, the uncontrolled digitalization of socio-political and economic life becomes a cognitive weapon that requires adherence to the rules of digital hygiene to preserve the ability to think. Under such conditions, teachers who are directly involved in the education of creative young people need to be well aware, in particular, of the psychological characteristics of adolescent behavior and the impact of ICT on the human brain. Analysis of the impact of ICT on humans in the new computer information and communication reality shows that scientists and educators must actively seek ways to adapt to the information society and focus on personal development in a changing environment. Therefore, it is necessary to study the features of the impact of ICT on humans in the new computer information and communication reality.

2. The importance of the role of knowledge of the humanities in the process of teaching and educating young people in the use of ICT in order to expand its worldview and prevention

The information revolution and digitalization of economic and sociopolitical spheres is rapidly changing the world and people's lives, providing fundamentally new solutions and opportunities in many areas and, consequently, provokes the danger of a fundamental shift in young people's perceptions of space, time and social order.. The transformational role of information flows in the formation of social reality is very accurately emphasized in the works of Beck [2] and Castells [5].

It should be noted that the lack of interdisciplinary work, which organically combines the achievements of different scientific fields and offers invariant to the type of human activity methodology of working with modern information flows, affects the effectiveness of intellectual activity of teachers, depriving them of adequate application of this tool. educational activities of universities. The basis of educational and information activities of the individual is cognitive activity associated with the search, collection and analysis of information and bringing it to the optimal form of presentation to students. The focus of the tasks of individual development and learning is the level of mental activity, which researchers associate with informal logic and critical thinking [6].

In conditions when with the help of the latest ICT humanity is able to influence the dynamics of development of all institutions of the state, grows and becomes extremely important engineering and technical education, as it contributes to the formation of an appropriate level of personal awareness, which will contribute to its successful social adaptation and self.

In general, a high level of education and the ability to think becomes the intellectual capital of the individual is a manifestation of its ability to maintain their own social and professional competence at the appropriate level. Coordination of the dynamics of changes in the information environment and society and human mental activity is associated with the formation of intelligent filters, the function of which is to select, limit and structure information flows. As practice shows, people, unfortunately, lack knowledge and understanding of the meaning and peculiarities of the use of ICT.

Trends in modern education are dictated by the expansion of information technology environment, which contributes to the formation of a special mentality and significantly affects the development of personality. An interactive and hyperactive communicative environment that is able to transform the meaning of messages and creates a risk of destruction of the basic mental structures of understanding at the level of the collective unconscious, practical and discursive consciousness. The severity of the problem of forming the intellectual potential of the individual in the dynamic growth of information environments and social networks is associated with new cognitive barriers in education, due to the modern type of clip thinking [3]. Note the great importance of the role of knowledge of the humanities in the process of teaching and educating young people in the use of ICT in order to expand their worldview and prevention.

3. Problems of distortion of worldview under the influence of manipulative suggestion of superpowers of digital technologies

The distortion of the worldview under the influence of manipulative suggestion of the superpowers of digital technologies has become widespread. Because of this, working with information in the process of learning through ICT has become a huge problem, as it creates in nonprofessional users an illusory perception of the meaning of the information society, which is really only a sign of one of the technologies of virtualization of our lives [13].

The problem of changes in psychophysiological responses to the use of ICT is, of course, global and closely related, both to the problem of dependence on them and to the problem of identity transformation in general. In recent decades, a significant number of people at work have spent a lot of time using computers and information and communication tools, aimlessly browsing content on the Internet, or constantly playing computer games, while neglecting the interests, affairs, responsibilities, and, most importantly, minimizing live communication with other people. Thus, according to various estimates, back in 1997, the amount of screen time was equal to the amount of time people spent on face-to-face communication. With the advent of the iPhone in 2007, a person's screen time was more than 8 hours, while face-to-face communication was less than 2 hours. As a result, humanity has faced an epidemic of digital autism - a condition in which young people cannot maintain long-term psychological contact with each other, they are not interested in the inner world of another person, other people have become easy to replace because the vision of value disappears. Even on dates, young people are more likely to watch content on a smartphone than to communicate with the person for whom they came on the date. However, studies show that if a person spends more than 2.5-3 hours in a smartphone he has a sharp increase in depressive thoughts and suicidal tendencies [4]. Thus, in late 2008, the American Medical Association proposed to consider the inclusion of Internet and game addiction in the official list of mental disorders [20]. In addition, excessive consumption of Internet content contributes to eating disorders. Thus, a study conducted in 2011 at the University of Haifa showed that the more time teenage girls spend on Facebook, the faster they develop eating disorders and rejection of their body image [25]. Similar results from studies conducted with adult respondents were obtained by researchers from the University of Florida. Even 20 minutes on the social network was enough for the subjects to start worrying about being overweight.

In a concerted statement by the American Philosophical Association and a group of experts, critical thinking is interpreted as a purposeful, self-regulating system of judgments used to interpret, analyze, evaluate, and formulate conclusions, and to explain evidence, conceptual, methodological, criterion, or contextual considerations [16; 17].

Therefore, professional knowledge and skills in the use of information and communication tools become a common value and are a requirement for the implementation of professional experience, which is formed by modern universities. It is necessary to find ways to solve the problems of distortion of worldview under the influence of manipulative suggestion of the superpowers of digital technologies.

4. The essence of clip thinking as a factor of alternative culture of information perception

K.G. Frumkin identifies five key factors that contribute to the emergence of a new type of consciousness - carriers of "clip thinking" [19]:

- accelerating the pace of life and directly related to the growth of information flow;

- the need for greater relevance of information and speed of its search;

- increasing the diversity of information;

- increasing the number of cases that one person is engaged in simultaneously;

- the growth of democracy and dialogue at various levels of the social system, the transition of rhetoric into dialectics and sermons into discussion.

In his opinion, the above factors contribute to the emergence of an alternative culture of information perception. Its main features are: high fragmentation of information flow, great diversity and complete diversity of incoming information, as well as the skills to quickly switch from one fragment to another [19].

At the same time, the development of clip thinking, especially in children and youth, is facilitated by the multifunctionality of technical devices. Thus, according to experts, the clip type of thinking is most characteristic of generation Y (born after 1981) and, even more so, generation Z (born after 1994), as these generations grew and formed under the influence of ICT [19]. A sign of the needs of the time can be considered the speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2020 by Russian psychiatrist Andrei Kurpatov [4], who noted that everyone, if chosen, automatically chooses to solve a simple problem. This is due to the fact that our body tries to store the energy it needs for intensive work of the brain in solving complex problems. Accordingly, in today's world, media professionals are trying to create as simple content as possible for easy perception. Kurpatov called such a fundamental transformation of the supply and perception of information - the transition from the Gutenberg galaxy to the Zuckerberg galaxy [13]. That is, in his opinion, from the civilization of texts and systemic thinking, humanity is moving to a civilization of visual images, where there is neither analytical thinking nor systemic. Under such conditions, even an adult who constantly consumes content does not receive energy in the area of the brain that is responsible for thinking. This, in turn, promotes stereotypical thinking and hinders personal development. As for children and young people, 40% of children in the United States and Russia under the age of 10 are almost always online, and therefore receive new information without stopping, and in general adolescents in the world spend 6070% of their time online, respectively - areas of the brain that responsible for analytical thinking they cannot be formed. This state of affairs is due to the fact that despite the fact that the human brain is able to build complex systems and relationships, it is more involved in the consumption of information, and to load an intellectual object into the brain takes at least 23 minutes. In this case, a necessary condition for the assimilation of information requires that it be the subject of further reflection and used for decisionmaking, otherwise the information will not be realized and will not bring any benefit, because it will not be assimilated [4]. The essence of clip thinking acts as a factor of alternative culture of perception of information.

5. Brain development as a factor in the formation of distal vision of information perception.

During the first 25 years of human life, even the most remote parts of the brain are intertwined with neural connections. During this period, in fact, a software server is created that will be responsible for thinking in adulthood. At this time, a young person is not just being formed. She - programs her brain [1].

In 1997, Gordon Shulman, a professor of neurology at the Washington School of Medicine, found that our brains were much more active at rest than when we were solving conscious tasks. In 2001, the American neurologist Marcus Rachel published data on the effect of the default brain system, the essence of which is that a number of parts of the human brain actively works in the absence of external stimuli and shuts down when the brain solves another problem from the outside world. When the human brain does not need to solve any problems in the external world, it switches to the perception of something that can be called our "internal reality". In general, these memories are related to social relations and plans for the future [9]. In addition, he found that the brain works in three basic modes: mode of information consumption, mode of orientation in the situation (it is responsible for the network of detection of significance) and in "default mode", when a person does not think about anything. The latter is the most important mode of the brain. At this point, the human brain analyzes various aspects and it is then that the most important decisions and insights come to a person [11].

Researcher Ashley Chen found that all three brain systems are antagonists. That is, at the moment when a person activates the first two systems, the third is suppressed. Accordingly, in a situation where a person constantly consumes content on the Internet, his brain goes into hibernation. Therefore, people who consume mostly "light content" in most cases think stereotypically and do not develop [31].

A person's motivation, goals, and vision depend on how well his or her brain is able to construct an image of the future. Accordingly, if a person does not work "default mode", he loses the ability to look into the future (distal vision). At the same time, the general attitude to hedonism, typical of modern youth, in the absence of distal vision leads to the fact that people become intolerant of their failures and expect easy success. All this will not work in the best way for the economy, civilization and society in general. Thus, A. Kurpatov notes that now humanity is experiencing not only the division of the world into rich and poor, but also the division into smart and stupid. Mankind is biologically losing learning skills, and a change in communication leads to digital autism, dull emotional intelligence and addiction to gadgets [11]. Brain development acts as a factor in the formation of distal vision of information perception.

6. Cyberpsychology as a science of synergistic combination at the intersection of human and computer activity

Recently, a new branch of psychology - cyberpsychology, which seeks to combine the methodology, theory and practice of studying the types, methods and principles of human social services Internet, where social services are understood not only as social networks but also any means communication on the Internet.

American cognitive psychologist and computer rage expert Kent L. Norman defines cyberpsychology as a unique synergistic combination "at the intersection of human and computer activity." He proposed a scheme, which is shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Cyberpsychology as a science of synergistic combination at the intersection of human and computer activity (Kent L. Norman).

Cyberpsychology as a science studies the features of Internet communication and network identity, psychological processes, motivation, intentions, behavioral outcomes and influence on our worldview and organization of practical activities associated with any form of human use of computerized information and communication systems. For the most part, it focuses on the problems associated with the negative impact of social networks on the human condition: Internet addiction, fear of disappearing, depression, eating disorders and more. At the same time, scientific research on cyberpsychology makes it possible to obtain information about how our behavior will depend on ICT, what technologies should be developed to best meet our needs and how our psychological state will depend on and be adversely affected by ICT [28].

According to research of cyberpsychologists, the use of the Internet, of course, has a positive effect on humans. Thus, the Australian researcher Rachel Grave and her colleagues found that the use of the social network Facebook can strengthen the sense of social connection and belonging to an online environment, which reduces the risk of depression and anxiety, allows you to enjoy life more, but social sense. The language that arises in relation to other Facebook users differs from the sense of social connection with the offline environment [24]. Also, differences in online and offline behavior were shown by the results of a study by Suni Kinnunen and her colleagues at the University of Helsinki, who studied the behavior of people who are prone to sadism. It was found that these individuals in online communication are ready to perform actions that are positively assessed in terms of morality [27].

Of course, the emergence of such studies is stimulated by the needs of the organization of human labor with ICT, as there is a need to prevent computer addiction, clip thinking, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), etc. and, most importantly, in people's awareness of brain function and impact on this process is ICT.

One of the most important principles of success in professional activities and in life in general is the ability of a person to concentrate. In 2007, Canadian researcher Norman Farb and colleagues conducted research at the University of Toronto, the results of which were a real breakthrough in modern ideas about the neurological aspects of the practice of educating attention in humans. Farb and his colleagues have developed a technique that allows you to explore how people experience their experiences from one moment to another. They found that humans have two different ways of interacting with the world, involving two different sets of neural networks. The first of them, responsible for how a person experiences their experiences - is the "default network". It is activated only when nothing special is happening around, and a person is planning something, thinking about himself or other people. It maintains the coherence of "exposition" or "narrative". Narrative is a story whose characters interact with each other in time and can be called a "narrative contour". When a person interacts with the world through a narrative circuit, he takes information from the outside world, passes it through the filter of his knowledge, learns what it means and adds his own interpretations. Such a network is almost always active and a person does not need to make special efforts to make it work [30].

At the same time, Farb demonstrates that there is a completely different way of perceiving knowledge and experience, he called it "direct experience." When the direct access network is active, several parts of the brain, including the islet of Raila, become more active. The latter is responsible for the perception of bodily sensations and the anterior lumbar cortex, which is responsible for switching attention. When the network of direct experience is activated, a person does not think focused about the past or the future, about other people or about himself. Instead, a person "digests" the information that enters his senses in real time [21].

Thus, Farb found that the two contours of the brain - narrative and direct experience - are inversely related to each other, and a person can perceive the world through a narrative contour, which is useful in planning, goal setting, strategy development, perceiving the world directly, in turn, allows it to receive more sensory information. By perceiving the world directly, a person becomes able to approach the reality of any event and react more flexibly to the world around him. It helps to get rid of bad habits, expectations and assumptions and forms the ability to respond adequately and in a timely manner to events. In the Farb experiment, people who regularly paid attention to which of the contours they were currently active in - for example, practiced meditation regularly - found stronger differences between these contours. Such people knew which of their networks was active at any given time, and could easily switch them. People who did not practice meditation tended to automatically choose a narrative outline, so Farb and colleagues found that meditation and awareness of their distraction actions improved the state of the significance discovery network responsible for switching between “default systems. »And the central executive network of the brain [21].

7. Digital hygiene as a factor in mental and physical health

A study by American researcher Kirk Brown and his colleagues found that attentive people were better aware of their subconscious processes. In addition, these people had stronger cognitive control and a better ability to articulate what they do and say - in contrast to those who scored lower on the attention scale [22]. In general, if a person can arbitrarily change the direction of his attention, he changes the way his brain functions, and this, in turn, can have a long-term effect on his work. In turn, English researcher John Tisdale notes that mindfulness is a habit that can be learned and the more a person practices mindfulness, the more likely it is that he will be more attentive without undue effort. American psychologist Daniel Goleman generally compares attention to muscle, which can be pumped, starting with feasible exercises and gradually increasing the load [26].

When working intellectually, you should learn not to switch your attention to extraneous things - different content and messages, and to follow the content of information that needs to be assimilated and analyzed. In general, digital hygiene will allow you to develop the ability to focus on one object for a long time, which will eventually lead to the success of the individual. In addition, it is important to remember that a person's "default system" was originally created for social interactions, so it is very important to maintain optimal social connections offline. This will help improve the ability to think and see the future.


It is necessary to review the architecture of the university education system, and implement knowledge on compliance with certain rules that do not harm the health of young people when working with ICT, monitor the time spent on the Internet, and generally try to minimize it, especially on the consumption of primitive content that not only does not contribute to success in professional activities, but, on the contrary, hinders the individual in achieving its goals and harms both his mental and physical health.

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  • Asian Development Fund. Poverty reduction in Asia and the Pacific. Promotion of pro poor, sustainable economic growth. Supporting social development. Facilitating good governance. Long-term Strategic Framework. Private, financial sector development.

    презентация [298,7 K], добавлен 08.07.2013

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