Effective classroom management as a way to teach pupils to understand novels

Study of the degree of understanding of literary works by schoolchildren. Patterns of the manifestation of the relationship of perceptual, contextual and integrative images. Image formation at the stages of understanding the content of the read work.

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Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne (Ukraine)

Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohnenko University

Effective classroom management as a way to teach pupils to understand novels

N. Mykhalchuk, Dr. in Psych., Professor

Yu. Danchuk, Ph.D. in Psych.,

Senior Lecturer

Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine


The purpose of this article was to establish the degree of understanding of novels by pupils on the basis of patterns of interrelation of perceptual, contextual, integrative images, which were formed at different stages of understanding by them the content of the novels in the learning situations of secondary school teaching in the conditions of different literary environment of schoolchildren.

The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. As the experimental method we used the questionnaire method (we proposed authors' questionnaires, which had the aim to study the qualitative characteristics of the literary environment of senior pupils).

The results of the research. At the stage of proposing the questionnaire, we tried to pre-diagnose the degree of pupils' understanding of novels due to the influence of the literary environment, which was determined by the level of studying pupils' opinions about literature. For this purpose we used questions that required the choice of one of the proposed answers, as well as open-ended questions. It should be noted that the most students have great difficulties answering open-ended questions. This was reflected in the appeals of senior pupils to the experimenter: «I do not know», «We were not told...». Such difficulties indicate a focus on factual knowledge rather than stimulating pupils' thinking, which generally reflects the predominant focus of schooling. This is also confirmed by the fact that the experimenter's instruction («In a case of difficulties, answering a difficult question not to answer it immediately, but to think and answer it later») wasn't followed in the second part of each question.

Conclusions. It was proved that while reading a novel a person firstly made assumptions about the content and the meaning of information, then there would be a dismemberment of the text, highlighting its basic, some general elements. Finally, through mental activity, the reader integrates these elements into a single structural whole. Thus, the recipient finds the meaning of the information of this novel. Therefore, understanding should be considered as a result of the mental activity of the subject, as a result of which a person actively uses the available factual knowledge and thus stimulates the activity of thought in the desired direction.

We think that understanding a novel can take place without the active mental activity of the reader. In this case we are talking about the so-called understanding-recollection, in cases where a person has already read this novel before. If you need to understand a new, unfamiliar one to yourself understanding goes through a number of stages and always involves the implementation of active mental activity of the subject.

We characterize the process of understanding a novel as a certain transindividual discourse. In this case we have to note the concept of three main registers of the psyche of the Individual Real, Imaginary and Symbolic ones they are quite informative. These concepts are based on the fact that the development of human (conscious) forms of reflection of the reality is completely determined by the spheres of the society and the culture.

Key words: classroom management, understanding the novels, transindividual discourse, the content, the meaning of information, the implementation of active mental activity of the subject.


Михальчук Н., Данчук Ю. Ефективне управління класом як спосіб навчити учнів розуміти літературні твори

Мета статті встановити ступінь розуміння школярами літературних творів на основі закономірностей прояву взаємозв'язку перцептивного, контекстуального й інтегративного образів, які формуються на різних етапах осмислення змісту прочитаного твору в ситуаціях розв'язання старшокласниками літературних задач в умовах різноманітного літературного оточення.

Для розв'язання поставлених у роботі завдань використано такі теоретичні методи дослідження: категоріальний, структурно-функціональний, аналіз, систематизація, моделювання, узагальнення. У якості експериментального методу використано метод анкетування (респондентам було запропоновано авторські анкети, метою яких було вивчення якісних характеристик літературного середовища старшокласників).

Результати дослідження. На етапі анкетування діагностовано ступінь розуміння школярами літературних творів завдяки впливу літературного оточення, що визначалося на рівні вивчення думок учнів про літературу, специфіки відображуваної ними літературної реальності, засобів опанування літературною культурою. Визначено, що більшість учнів у відповідях на запитання відкритого типу мали неабиякі труднощі. Це виражалося у таких зверненнях старшокласників до експериментатора: «Я не знаю», «Нам не говорили» тощо. Подібні труднощі свідчили щодо орієнтації на фактичні знання, а не на стимулювання мислення школярів, що загалом відображало переважну спрямованість шкільного навчання. Це підтверджувалося також і тим, що інструкцію експериментатора («У випадках виникнення труднощів у процесі відповіді на складне запитання не відповідати на нього відразу, а подумати і відповісти на нього пізніше») учні, як правило, не виконували в другій її частині.

Висновки. Доведено, що, читаючи літературний твір, людина спочатку висуває припущення щодо змісту і смислу інформації, потім відбувається розчленування тексту, виокремлення його основних, базових елементів. Визначено, що завдяки мисленнєвій діяльності читач об'єднує ці елементи у єдине структурне ціле. Таким чином реципієнт знаходить смисл інформації певного літературного твору. Тому розуміння слід розглядати як результат мисленнєвої діяльності суб'єкта, внаслідок якого людина активно використовує наявні фактичні знання і тим самим стимулює роботу думки у бажаному для себе напрямку.

Доведено, що розуміння літературного твору може відбутися без активноїмисленнєвої діяльності читача. У цьому разі йдеться про так зване розуміння-пригадування, тобто у випадках, коли людина вже читала запропонований твір раніше. За потреби зрозуміти новий, незнайомий для читача твір, розуміння проходить низку етапів і завжди передбачає здійснення активноїмисленнєвоїдіяльності суб'єкта.

Схарактеризовано процес розуміння літературного твору як певний трансіндивідуальний дискурс. У цьому випадку провідними є три основні регістри психіки Реальний, Уявний і Символічний. Отже, розвиток людських (свідомих) форм відображення дійсності цілком детермінується сферами суспільства і культури.

Ключові слова: управління класом, розуміння літературних творів, трансіндивідуальний дискурс, зміст, значення інформації, здійснення суб'єктом активної розумової діяльності.


Михальчук Н., Данчук Ю. Эффективное управление классом как способ научить учеников понимать литературные произведения

Цель статьи установить степень понимания школьниками литературных произведений на основе закономерностей проявления взаимосвязи перцептивного, контекстуального и интегративного образов, которые формируются на разных этапах осмысления содержания прочитанного произведения в ситуациях решения старшеклассниками литературных задач в условиях разнообразного литературного окружения.

Для решения поставленных в работе задач использовались следующие теоретические методы исследования: категориальный, структурно-функциональный, анализ, систематизация, моделирование, обобщение. В качестве экспериментального метода использован метод анкетирования (респондентам были предложены авторские анкеты, целью которых было изучение качественных характеристик литературной среды старшеклассников).

Результаты исследования. На этапе анкетирования диагностирована степень понимания школьниками литературных произведений благодаря влиянию литературного окружения. Указанная нами степень определялась с учетом изучения мнений учащихся о литературе, специфики отображаемой ими литературной реальности, средств освоения литературной культуры. Определено, что большинство учеников в ответах на вопросы открытого типа испытывали значительные трудности. Это выражалось в таких обращениях старшеклассников к экспериментатору: «Я не знаю», «Нам не говорили» и др. Подобные трудности свидетельствовали об ориентации на фактические знания, а не на стимулирование мышления школьников, что в целом отражало направленность школьного обучения. Это подтверждалось также и тем, что инструкцию экспериментатора («В случаях возникновения трудностей в процессе ответа на сложный вопрос не отвечайте на него сразу, а подумайте и ответьте на него позже») учащиеся, как правило, не выполняли во второй ее части.

Выводы. Доказано, что, читая литературное произведение, ученик сначала выдвигает предположение относительно содержания и смысла информации, затем происходит расчленение текста, выделение его основных, базовых элементов. Определено, что благодаря мыслительной деятельности читатель объединяет эти элементы в единое структурное целое. Таким образом реципиент находит смысл информации данного литературного произведения. Поэтому понимание следует рассматривать как результат мыслительной деятельности субъекта, в результате которой человек активно использует имеющиеся фактические знания и, тем самым, стимулирует работу мышления в желаемом для себя направлении.

Доказано, что понимание литературного произведения может произойти и без активной мыслительной деятельности читателя. В данном случае речь идет о так называемом понимании-припоминании, то есть о тех случаях, когда человек уже читал данное произведение ранее. При необходимости понять новое, незнакомое для читателя, произведение понимание проходит ряд этапов и всегда предполагается осуществление субъектом активной мыслительной деятельности.

Дана характеристика процессу понимания литературного произведения как определенного трансиндивидуального дискурса. В данном случае ведущими являются три основных регистра психики Реальный, Мнимый и Символический. Таким образом, развитие человеческих (сознательных) форм отражения действительности вполне детерминируется сферами общества и культуры.

Ключевые слова: управление классом, понимание литературных произведений, трансиндивидуальный дискурс, содержание, значение информации, осуществление субъектом активной умственной деятельности.


In the scientific literature researchers (Онуфрієва, 2020; Mykhalchuk & Bihunova, 2019; Crookes, 1989) often refer in their definition of Contemporary approaches and methods of teaching young learners to the actions of teachers which are done to create and support environment for the academic and social emotional teaching of pupils of secondary school. As a rule scientists describe five types of actions (Vovk, Emishyants, Zelenko, Drobot & Onufriieva, 2020). In order to attain a high quality of classroom management, teachers have to: (1) develop caring, supportive relationships with and among pupils; (2) organize and implement instructions in the ways that optimize students' access to learning. The importance of developing favorable teachers-pupils' relationships is also expressed by J. Camerad & W.F. Epling (1989), who state that teachers should (3) encourage pupils' engagement in academic tasks, which can be done by using group management methods. Also, teachers have to (4) promote the development of pupils' social skills and provide their self-regulation.

Scientists (Максименко, Ткач, Литвинчук & Онуфрієва, 2019) refer to this problem as making pupils responsible for their behavior. Finally, N. Honcharuk & L. Onufriieva (2018) state that teachers should be able to (5) use appropriate rules to assist pupils with behavioral problems. The last two actions indicate that effective classroom management improves pupil's behavior (Терновик & Сімко, 2020). In such a way classroom management is the process of «ongoing» interaction between teachers and their pupils. That's why D. Barnes & F. Todd (1997) present a similar definition, which tells us, that classroom management refers to different actions which are taken with the aim to create and maintain learning environment, presenting it to be conducive for successful instructions (arranging the physical environment, establishing rules and procedures, maintaining pupils' attention to lessons and provide their engagement in the classroom activities). Both definitions emphasize the importance of actions which are taken by the teacher to facilitate learning among pupils.

Even though there are many factors (both internal and external ones) that should be taken into consideration while we are engaged in the teaching process. Under «the internal factors» we mean «factors inside the classroom», such as:

Proposing effective instructions. Teaching practice due to the attention to individual of pupils follows well-planned instructions, which tend to enhance the order and the effective learning.

Setting and implementing rules. The main goal of teaching at school is to achieve maximum amount of learning information within minimum time.

Feedback according to appropriate behaviour. It is the best principle to remember that praise of behaviour would be more effective if it is linked with good performance.

Classroom environment. Managed classrooms in the best way will increase pupils' desire to study in such supportive learning environment.

Teacher's Approach. The best way to teach pupils is to develop their activity that lets them to create the rules instead of telling schoolchildren what the rules are.

* Disabilities. If one pupil has a learning disability, the teacher may need to spend more time with this pupil or provide the development of technician to organize the activities with him/her.

Under external factors we mean the factors which lie «outside the classroom», which affect such class management, as: planning, the development of the teacher's person, organizing parent-teacher meetings and providing psychological factors.

The external factors are distinct because they deal with the behavioural problems in class management whereas the latter deals with the way how teachers teach and how pupils learn. While dealing with pedagogical matters (learning-teaching process) teachers deal with the behaviour matters either. All these factors are just like pieces of a pie that make the main figure. In this case it is «successful class-management» and «successful teaching and learning process» in general.

So, the teachers' role in managing a classroom successfully is of much importance since the teacher should consider different factors in order to make a successful class management. And as a result of this we'll propose some of the psychological factors that affect on class management.

In a situation of a rapid change, increasing innovation and proliferating knowledge, lifelong learning is the most important educational objective. Because of the exponential growth rate of information, knowledge and skills become outdated before acquisition or mastery. To address effectively the impact of the information explosion on the preparation of pupils for their future, professional schools and educators need to utilize instructional methodologies that not only help pupils to acquire content knowledge and to develop problem-solving and reasoning skills, but also to develop lifelong learning skills. We teach the most effectively when we help our pupils to learn how to learn...not what to think and make and do in (we mean the current year); but how to think and how to learn for those years of life and profession than lie ahead.

So, we propose such psychological factors which in a great degree affect the classroom management. We think that these factors will influence the pupils' understanding of novels.

1. Pupils' Motivation

Unfortunately, as children grow, their passion for learning frequently seems to shrink. Learning often becomes associated process with drudgery instead of delight. A large number of pupils - more than one in four - leave school before graduating. Many of them are physically present in the classroom but largely mentally absent; they fail to invest themselves fully in their own experience of learning.

Pupils' motivation naturally has to do with their desire to participate in the learning process. But it also concerns the reasons or goals that underlie their involvement or noninvolvement in academic activities. Although pupils may be equally motivated to perform some task, and the sources of their motivation may greatly differ. So, there are schoolchildren who are intrinsically and others who are extrinsically motivated.

A pupil who is intrinsically motivated undertakes an activity for his/her own sake, for the enjoyment it provides, the learning it permits, or the feelings of accomplishment it evokes. Extrinsically motivated pupil performs «in order to obtain some reward or avoid some punishment which is external to the activity itself», such as grades, stickers or teacher's approval.

So, teachers can do enough with pupils who are extrin

sically motivated in order to make a successful management and a successful classroom in general. We found that when pupils were confronted with complex intellectual tasks, those pupils with an intrinsic orientation use more logical information-gathering and decision-making strategies as the schoolchildren who were extrinsically oriented.

Pupils with an intrinsic orientation also tend to prefer tasks that are moderately challenging, whereas extrinsically oriented ones gravitate toward such tasks which are low from the side of degree of their difficulty. Extrinsically oriented pupils are inclined to put forth the minimal amount of efforts who understand the necessity to get the maximal reward.

Although every educational activity cannot be and perhaps should not be intrinsically motivated. Such situations suggest that when teachers can capitalize on existing intrinsic motivation there are several potential benefits.

2. Solving of disciplinary problems

As it was noted the public's attitude toward public schools consistently identifies lack of discipline as the most serious problem facing schools today. Although our researches (Mykhalchuk & Kryshevych, 2019) address discipline at the school level, it is the individual teacher who at the first line is of defense according to discipline problems.

Many of teaching strategies and the ways of problems' solving are used to address discipline issues at the school or classroom levels; they are administrative in their nature. These strategies and the ways of problems' solving involve the school principal or a classroom teacher. Examples of these strategies and the ways of problems' solving include suspension policies, a teacher is proactive from time to time. Also the teacher organizes daily communication, debriefing and family group conferencing. The staff and the administration of school need to consider carefully the use of these procedures and to develop policies for their general use.

3. Teacher-Pupil Relationships

If a teacher has good relationships with pupils, then schoolchildren more readily accept the rules and provide procedures and the disciplinary actions that follow their violations. Without the foundation of good relationships, pupils commonly resist the rules and procedures along with the consequent disciplinary actions. The goal of teacher-pupil relationships should be like a balance between High Cooperation and High Dominance.

4. Mental Set

Among four elements having been outlined, this is probably the most unusual one, at least in terms of a title - Mental Set. Mental-Set or «mindfulness» is a heightened sense of situational awareness and conscious control over one's thoughts and behavior relative to this or that situation. It is a tendency to someone who can only see solutions that have worked in the past. This type of fixed thinking can make it difficult to come up with solutions and can impede the problem-solving process. Meta-analysis shows that this element has the largest effect. These mental sets can sometimes lead to rigid thinking and can create difficulties in the problem-solving process. While in many cases we can use our past experiences which help us to solve the issues we face, and all these factors can make us difficult to see a novel, to find its understanding or creative ways of fixing current problems.

What can be done to overcome these factors?

The first step for teachers is to recognize the problem that causes the pupil to be unmotivated or passive, and then to interrupt this state by assigning him/her with homework he/ she likes accomplishing. The next step is to give him/her a choice of assignment (we have to determine three assignments and then let pupils to choose one of them). This choice makes them feel happier. There is also a process called «attribution retraining», which involves modeling, socialization and practice exercises, it is sometimes used when we have a deal with discouraged pupils.

The goals of attribution retraining are to help pupils to:

1) concentrate on the tasks rather than becoming distracted by fear of failure;

2) respond to frustration by retracing their steps to find mistakes or figuring out alternative ways of approaching some problem instead of giving up;

3) attribute their failures to insufficient efforts, lack of information or reliance on ineffective strategies rather than on the lack of abilities.

That's why because of the reason that potentially lazy pupils who value learning for their own sake are priceless, it is crucial for parents, teachers and school leaders devote themselves fully to engendering, maintaining and rekindling pupils' motivation to learn.

So, these behavioural challenges can usually be addressed by home and/or school management and discipline practices. Many of these difficulties can be addressed by having well-developed school - global procedures in each school. Problems' solving at this level usually is involved the Core Team and the In-School Team. As a school develops appropriate strategies and the ways of problems' solving for pupils with discipline problems, these basic practices should be kept in our mind.

The statement research was organized by us from September, 2020 till May, 2021. Its purpose was to establish the degree of understanding of novels by pupils on the basis of patterns of interrelation of perceptual, contextual, integrative images, which are formed at different stages of understanding by them the content of the novels in the learning situations of secondary school teaching in the conditions of different literary environment of schoolchildren.

Methods of the research

The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. As the experimental method we used the questionnaire method. The content of the authors' questionnaires have the aim to study the qualitative characteristics of the literary environment of senior pupils: the number of novels having been read last year, the complexity and the diversity of the latter, the means of mastering literary culture, the degree of self-awareness. We proposed questionnaires as for pupils so for their parents.

We formed experimental and control groups by using the method of randomization (213 senior pupils):

— experimental groups:

E1 (35 pupils) - 11-B form of secondary school №15 in Rivne;

E2 (37 pupils) - 10-A form of secondary school №15 in Rivne;

E3 (34 pupils) - 9-A form of secondary school №15 in Rivne;

— control groups:

C1 (36 pupils) - 11-A form of secondary school №7 in Rivne;

C2 (35 pupils) - 10-B form of secondary school №7 in Rivne;

C3 (36 pupils) - 9-A form of secondary school №7 in Rivne.

understanding image literary work schoolchildren

Results and their discussion

The statement of the relationships between the understanding of the novel by pupils and the literary environment, as well as the specifics of the latter, was established by us by comparing the data of two samples of pupils. One of them (experimental form E3 and control form C3) consisted of pupils studying by the program with in-depth study of Foreign Literature, the other sample (experimental forms E1, E2 and control forms C1, C2) - pupils of senior forms who are engaged into studying by a regular program. So, the differences in these programs are a variable value of the literary environment.

At this stage of the experiment the questionnaire method was used. The content of the authors' questionnaires we propose below.

Questionnaire for parents

Dear parents! We ask you to answer the questions of the questionnaire so that we can get to know your child better. The results of this questionnaire will be used exclusively for the benefit of the child. We will not, under any circumstances, inform teachers and school staff about the places in the questionnaire that may lead to conflicts between parents and teachers. Here they are.

The name and the surname of your child

The form in which he/she studies

1. Your child is having for the subject «Foreign literature»:

1.1 «12»

1.2 «12-10» and «9»

1.3 «9»

1.4 «9-7» and «6»

1.5 «6»

1.6 «6-4» and «3»

1.7 «3»

2. How does your child feel about learning Foreign Literature?

2.1 With great interest.

2.2 With interest.

2.3 Without interest.

3. What explains your child's failures in studying Foreign Literature?

3.1 Weak pre-training.

3.2 Skipping of lessons.

3.3 Because of illness.

3.4 Employment at home.

3.5 The teacher vaguely explains the material for studying.

3.6 Because of great interest in other subjects.

3.7 Because of spending a lot of time on other types of activity which are related to the process of studying.

3.8 Because of being inattentive in class.

3.9 Because of other reasons.

4. Do you connect your child's future with a profession where knowledge of Foreign Literature is used?

4.1 Yes.

4.2 Partially.

4.3 No.

5. Do you have a philological education?

5.1 Yes.

5.2 No.

6. Is your current work related to Foreign Literature?

6.1 Closely.

6.2 Partially.

6.3 Not related at all.

7. How often do you study Foreign Literature with your child?

7.1 Very often.

7.2 Often.

7.3 When I've free minute.

7.4 Rarely.

7.5 I do not study Foreign Literature at all.

Thank you for participating in our research!

Questionnaire for pupils

1. Do you like to read novels?

2. How many novels did you read last year?

3. With whom do you discuss novels?

4. Do you always understand the novels you have read?

5. What novels do you like most of all (classic, detective, science fiction, others)?

6. What novels do your parents like and why?

7. Do you like and understand classical novels? If not, explain why.

8. If you were the author of a novel, what would you tell in it?

9. What can a novel tell better than music, painting?

10. What do you think when reading a novel?

11. Why do you think the author of the novel wants people to read his/her text? What novels would you like to read and discuss in class?

Accordingly, the data obtained as a result of the questionnaire allowed: a) to state the number of novels read by pupils for the last year; b) to identify reference persons (those people with whom you prefer to read and to discuss novels); c) to reveal the semantic side of the pupils' quasi-communication with the author and the heroes of the novel; d) to establish the means of quasi-communication of pupils with the author and the heroes of the novel and the degree of awareness of the latter.

The analysis of the answers of pupils who studied by both the program with in-depth study of Foreign Literature (E3, C3 forms) and according to the standard program (E1, E2, C1, C2 forms) allows us to identify common to this age group characteristics of the literary environment. Thus, Foreign Literature is the subject of communication for 32.4% of senior pupils of E1 form, for 34.5% schoolchildren in C2, for 27.8% of pupils - in E2, for 26.3% - in C2, for 33.7% - in E3, for 36.2% - in C3. The most active is the communication of pupils with their friends according to their own literary issues (respectively 24.1% of schoolchildren in E1, 20.0% - in C1, 21.8% in E2, 26.7% in C2, 30.1% in E3, 32.3% in C3). The least active pupils are with their parents when we tell about discussing novels by them (2.3% of pupils in E1, 4.4% in C1, 5.2% in E2, 4.1% in C2, 5.8% in E3, 6.7% in C3).

Teachers of Foreign Literature are active partners of communication for pupils when we tell about literary topics in 10.2% of cases in E1, in 12.8% in C1, in 14.7% in E2, in 15.3% of cases in C2, for 26.7% in E3, for 24.7% in C3. The tendency to narrow the circle of competent adults, such as parents and teachers (compared with the friends), is one of the reasons for declining the level of the development of literary culture of schoolchildren.

Thus, the semantic aspect of communication of senior pupils is characterized by their interests in different areas of literary culture. The latter is largely represented by detective novels and fiction. This data are higher in C3 form. In this control form there is a slight increase in the percentage of pupils (from 2019 to 2021), who are more interested in these novels than in classical one: 57.3% pupils - in 2019, 68.9% - in 2020, 87.4% - in 2021. In E3 form the values of this indicators are respectively 37.8%, 32.6%, 49.1%, in E2 - 31.6%, 63.8%, 59.4%, in C2 32.3%, 44.2%, 71.6%, in E1 39.2%, 37.5%,45.8%, in C1 42.4%, 59.6%, 71.8%.

We determined the percentage of the representation of conversations or discussions according to classical novels in the communication of pupils in extracurricular activities (such as the discussion about the plot of the novels, the main characters, the events, etc.): in E1 form - 34.8%, 32.6%, 41.2%, in E2 form 27.4%, 31.6%, 18.7%, in E3 form 44.2%, 47.6%, 39.2%, in C1 form 25.6%, 31.7%, 38.4%, in C2 form 49.6%, 32.8%, 40.5%, in C3 form 51.0%, 47.2%, 36.4% (data from 2019 to 2021).

There is also a general tendency to displace literary classics from the sphere of literary interests of senior pupils. This trend is confirmed by the answers of schoolchildren to the questionnaire about their literary interests, which was formulated in indirect form («What literary novels would you like to read and discuss in the learning process?»). In the content of answers to this question, the percentage of classical literary novels for pupils of E1 (from 2019 to 2021), respectively is: 27.4%, 29.5%, 38.6%, for E2 30.8%, 29.7%, 53.6%, for E3 41.2%, 40.6%, 52.4%, for C1 37.6%, 32.1%, 50.8%, for C2 27.6%, 23.6%, 30.9%, for pupils of C3 44.2%, 51.6%, 47.8%. The difference in the quantitative values of these data and the results given above suggests that the motivation of quasi-communication of senior pupils with serious literary novels is external: classical novels for schoolchildren are more as a simple subject which means meeting personal interests and needs.

At the stage of proposing the questionnaire, we tried to pre-diagnose the degree of pupils' understanding of novels due to the influence of the literary environment, which was determined by the level of studying pupils' opinions about literature. For this purpose we used questions that required the choice of one of the proposed answers, as well as open-ended questions. It should be noted that the most students have great difficulties answering open-ended questions. This was reflected in the appeals of senior pupils to the experimenter: «I do not know», «We were not told...». Such difficulties indicate a focus on factual knowledge rather than stimulating pupils' thinking, which generally reflects the predominant focus of schooling. This is also confirmed by the fact that the experimenter's instruction («In a case of difficulties, answering a difficult question not to answer it immediately, but to think and answer it later») pupils usually did not follow the second part of each question.


So, we made some conclusions. Reading a novel, a person firstly makes assumptions about the content and the meaning of information, and then there will be a dismemberment of the text, highlighting its basic, some general elements. Finally, through mental activity, the reader integrates these elements into a single structural whole. Thus, the recipient finds the meaning of the information of this novel. Therefore, understanding should be considered as a result of the mental activity of the subject, as a result of which a person actively uses the available factual knowledge and thus stimulates the activity of thought in the desired direction.

We think that understanding a novel can take place without the active mental activity of the reader. In this case we are talking about the so-called understanding-recollection, in cases where a person has already read this novel before. If you need to understand a new, unfamiliar to yourself, understanding goes through a number of stages and always involves the implementation of active mental activity of the subject.

We characterize the process of understanding a novel as a certain transindividual discourse. In this case we have to note the concept of three main registers of the psyche of the Individual - Real, Imaginary and Symbolic ones - they are quite informative. These concepts are based on the fact that the development of human (conscious) forms of reflection of the reality is completely determined by the spheres of the society and the culture.


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9. Mykhalchuk Nataliia, & Kryshevych Olga. The peculiarities of the perception and understanding of Sonnets written by W. Shakespeare by the students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Psycholinguistics. Психолінгвістика. Психолингвистика, 2019, 26 (1), 265-285.

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1. Honcharuk, Nataliia, & Onufriieva, Liana (2018). Psykholohichnyi analiz rivniv pobudovy komunikatyvnykh dii [Psychological analysis of the levels of construction of communicative actions]. Psycholinguistics. Psykholinhvistyka. Psikholingvistika - Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics, 24 (1), 97-117.

2. Maksymenko, S., Tkach, B., Lytvynchuk, L., & Onufriieva, L. (2019). Neiropsykholinhvistychne doslidzhennia politychnykh hasel iz zovnishnoi reklamy [A neuropsycholinguistic research of political slogans from outdoor advertising]. Psycholinguistics. Psykholinhvistyka. Psikholingvistika - Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics, 26 (1), 246-264 [in Ukrainian].

3. Onufriieva, L.A. (2020). Rozvytok profesionalizmu maibutnikh fakhivtsiv sotsionomichnykh profesii: sotsialno-psykholohichnyi vymir [The development of the professionalism of future specialists of socionomic professions: socio-psychological aspect]. Kyiv: Publisher Bykhun V.Yu. ISBN 978-617-7699-08-7 [in Ukrainian].

4. Ternovyk, N., & Simko, A. (2020). Khudozhnia literatura yak zasib formuvannia pidlitka yak subiekta piznavalnoi diialnosti [Fiction as a means of forming a teenager as a subject of cognitive activity]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats «Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii» - Collection of research papers «Problems of Modern Psychology», 49, 322341.

5. Barnes, D., & Todd, F. (1997). Communication and learning in small groups. London.

6. Camerad, J., & Epling, W.F. (1989). Successful problem solving as a function of interaction style for non-native students of English. Applied linguistics, 10, 4, 392-403. Oxford.

7. Crookes, G. (1989). Planning and interlanguage variation. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 11, 367-383.

8. Mykhalchuk, N., & Bihunova, S. (2019). The verbalization of the concept of «fear» in English and Ukrainian phraseological units. Cognitive Studies I Etudes cognitives, 19, 11. Warsaw (Poland).

9. Mykhalchuk, Nataliia, & Kryshevych, Olga (2019). The peculiarities of the perception and understanding of Sonnets written by W. Shakespeare by the students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Psycholinguistics. Psykholinhvistyka. Psikholingvistika - Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics, 26 (1), 265-285.

10. Vovk, M., Emishyants, O., Zelenko, O., Drobot, O., & Onufriieva, L. Psychological Features of Experiences of Frustration Situations in Youth Age. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 8, 01, 920-924.

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