The Empirical Results of the Managers of Pedagogical Institutions of Higher Education by the Creative Indicators of a Personality

The study of the mental qualities of the leaders of higher educational institutions, their connection with the professional creativity of the individual. Concepts of leadership behavior of managers, its correlation with the level of intelligence.

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Дата добавления 17.06.2022
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The Empirical Results of the Managers of Pedagogical Institutions of Higher Education by the Creative Indicators of a Personality

Емпіричні результати керівників педагогічних закладів вищої освіти за творчими показниками особистості

Alexander Nabochuk

Ph.D. in Psychology, Doctoral Student, State Institution of Higher Education «Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical University named after Hryhorii Skovoroda», Pereiaslav (Ukraine)

Олександр Набочук

Кандидат психологічних наук, докторант, Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Переяслав-Хмельницький державний педагогічний університет імені Григорія Сковороди», м. Переяслав (Україна)


The aim of the research is to study the mental (or intellectual qualities) of the managers of educational institutions and their connection with the professional creativity of the individual.

The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. Also we used experimental methods, such as pilot research.

The research program included the following methods:

1. Cattell's 16-PF personality questionnaire and FPI.

2. Test «Social Intelligence» by J. Guilford and J.L. O'Sullivan (adapted by O.S. Mykhailova).

3. Spielberger-Khanin's Reactive and Personal Anxiety Scale.

4. «The Methodology of measuring anxiety in the professional activities of managers» (Михальчук, Набочук & Івашкевич, 2021).

5. «Personality Orientation Test» (V. Smekalo & M. Kucher).

6. The author's «Methodology for assessing the ability of managers to be creative» (Набочук, 2021).

7. Culturally independent intelligence test of R. Kettell.

The results of the research. As a result of the obtained data according to the levels of general intelligence of teachers-managers, which differ in the professional activities of the institutions where they work, we asked experts to assess the concepts of leadership behavior and the level of professional creativity within them. Thus, the experts identified the following concepts of leadership behavior of managers, which they observed:

1. The concept of «Three styles of leadership: authoritarian, democratic and passive ones» - a high level of professional creativity.

2. Leadership style «Management grid» - a high level of professional creativity.

3. Leadership style «Approval and punishment» - a low level of professional creativity.

4. Leadership style «Behavior that replaces leadership» - a low level of professional creativity.

Experts argued that the first and the second leadership styles and, consequently, a high level of professional creativity are inherent for managers of different groups with high and medium levels of general intelligence. Accordingly, the 3d and the 4th leadership styles are such characteristics of managers with a level of intelligence «below average» and, accordingly, a low level of their professional creativity.

Conclusions. The experts also stressed that the leaders were more creative under the conditions of authoritarian leadership of the educational institution (0.7516 - according to the results of factor analysis). Despite the fact that this type of leadership is characterized by a low level of motivation of subordinates (0.7220), fewer original decisions were made by the latter (0.6918), insufficient level of group thinking (0.6501), anxiety (0.6403) and aggression (0.6324) in the behavior of group members, the managers of educational institutions showed a high level of professional creativity.

Experts also found that a leader with a high level of professional creativity is distinguished by: the tendency to help employees under any circumstances and the development of positive relationships with them; using a group rather than an individual approach to employee management; the desire to establish a high level of performance of professional activities and to solve intense tasks in situations of cognitive dissonance.

Key words: the creative indicators of the person, the concepts of leadership behavior, the level of professional creativity, leadership styles, authoritarian leadership, educational institution, motivation of subordinates.


Набочук Олександр. Емпіричні результати керівників педагогічних закладів вищої освіти за творчими показниками особистості

Мета статті - вивчити психічні (або інтелектуальні) якості керівників закладів вищої освіти, визначити їх зв'язок із професійною творчістю особистості.

Для розв'язання поставлених у роботі завдань використано такі теоретичні методи дослідження: категоріальний, структурно-функціональний, аналіз, систематизація, моделювання, узагальнення, а також експериментальні методи, зокрема, пілотне дослідження.

У роботі використано такі методики:

1.16-тифакторний особистісний опитувальник Р. Кеттелла і тест FPI.

2. Тест «Соціальний інтелект» Дж. Гілфорда і Дж. О'Саллівена (в адаптаціїО.С. Михайлової).

3. «Шкалу реактивної та особистісної тривожності» Спілбергера - Ханіна.

4. «Методику вимірювання тривожності в професійній діяльності керівника» (Михальчук, Набочук & Івашкевич, 2021).

5. Тест В. Смекала і М. Кучера «Спрямованість особистості».

6. Авторську «Методику оцінки здатності керівників до творчості» (Набочук, 2021).

7. «Культурно-незалежний тест інтелекту» Р. Кеттелла.

Результати дослідження. Отримані дані свідчать про те, що рівень сформованості загального інтелекту в педагогів-управлінців вирізняється особливостями професійної діяльності закладів, де вони працюють. Експертам запропоновано оцінити концепції лідерської поведінки та рівень професійної творчості керівників відповідно до цих концепцій. Ними були визначені такі концепції лідерської поведінки управлінців:

1. Концепція «Три стилі керівництва: авторитарний, демократичний і пасивний» - високий рівень професійної творчості. 2. Стиль керівництва «управлінська сітка» - високий рівень професійної творчості. 3. Стиль керівництва «схвалення і покарання» - низький рівень професійної творчості. 4. Стиль керівництва «поведінка, що замінює лідерство» - низький рівень професійної творчості.

Експертами встановлено, що І і ІІ стилі керівництва і, відповідно, високий рівень професійної творчості притаманні керівникам різних груп із високим і середнім рівнями сформованості загального інтелекту. Своєю чергою, ІІІ і IV стилі керівництва діагностовано у керівників із рівнем інтелекту «нижче середнього» та, відповідно, низьким рівнем професійної творчості.

Висновки. Експертами наголошено, що більш творчими були керівники за умов авторитарного керівництва освітньою установою (0,7516 - за результатами факторного аналізу). Не дивлячись на те, що для такого типу лідерства характерні низький рівень мотивації підлеглих (0,7220), менша кількість прийнятих останніми оригінальних рішень (0,6918), недостатній рівень сформованості групового мислення (0,6501), тривожність (0,6403) і агресивність (0,6324) у поведінці членів групи, сам керівник освітньої установи виявляє високий рівень професійної творчості.

Експертами також виявлено, що керівник із високими показниками професійної творчості вирізняється: тенденцією щодо допомоги працівникам за будь-яких умов і розвитку позитивних взаємостосунків із ними; використанням групового, а не індивідуального підходу до управління; прагненням до встановлення високого рівня виконання професійної діяльності та складних завдань у ситуаціях когнітивного дисонансу.

Ключові слова: творчі індикатори особистості, концепції лідерської поведінки, рівень професійної творчості, стилі керівництва, авторитарне керівництво, освітній заклад, мотивація підлеглих.


professional behavior leader of an educational institution

Набочук Александр. Эмпирические результаты руководителей педагогических высших учебных заведений по творческим показателям личности

Цель статьи - изучить психические (или интеллектуальные) качества руководителей высших учебных заведений, определить их связь с профессиональным творчеством личности.

Для решения поставленных в работе задач использованы следующие методы исследования: категориальный, структурно-функциональный, анализ, систематизация, моделирование, обобщение, а также экспериментальные методы, в частности, пилотный эксперимент.

В работе использованы следующие методики:

1.16-тифакторный личностный опросник Р. Кеттелла и тест FPI.

2. Тест «Социальный интеллект» Дж. Гилфорда и Дж. О'Салливена (в адаптации Е.С. Михайловой).

3. «Шкала реактивной и личностной тревожности» Спилбергера - Ханина.

4. «Методика измерения тревожности в профессиональной деятельности руководителя» (Михальчук, Набочук & Ивашкевич, 2021).

5. Тест В. Смекала и М. Кучера «Направленность личности».

6. Авторская «Методика оценки способности руководителей к творчеству» (Набочук, 2021).

7. «Культурно-независимый тест интеллекта» Р. Кеттелла.

Результаты исследования. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что уровень сформированности общего интеллекта у педагогов-управленцев отличается особенностями профессиональной деятельности учреждений, где они работают. В эксперименте экспертам предложено оценить концепции лидерского поведения и уровень профессионального творчества руководителей в соответствии с этими концепциями. Так, экспертами были определены следующие концепции лидерского поведения управленцев: 1. Концепция «Три стиля руководства: авторитарный, демократический и пассивный» - высокий уровень профессионального творчества. 2. Стиль руководства «управленческая сетка» - высокий уровень профессионального творчества. 3. Стиль руководства «одобрение и наказание» - низкий уровень профессионального творчества. 4. Стиль руководства «поведение, заменяющее лидерство» - низкий уровень профессионального творчества.

Экспертами установлено, что І и ІІ стили руководства и, соответственно, высокий уровень профессионального творчества - присущи руководителям различных групп с высоким и средним уровнями сформированности общего интеллекта. В свою очередь, III и IV стили руководства диагностированы у руководителей с уровнем интеллекта «ниже среднего» и, соответственно, низким уровнем профессионального творчества.

Выводы. Экспертами отмечено, что более творческими были руководители в условиях авторитарного руководства образовательным учреждением (0,7516 - в соответствии с результатами факторного анализа). Несмотря на то, что для такого типа лидерства характерны низкий уровень мотивации подчиненных (0,7220), меньшее количество принятых руководителем оригинальных решений (0,6918), недостаточный уровень сформированности группового мышления (0,6501), тревожность (0,6403) и агрессивность (0,6324) в поведении членов группы, сам руководитель образовательного учреждения проявлял достаточно высокий уровень профессионального творчества.

Экспертами также определено, что руководитель с высокими показателями профессионального творчества отличается: тенденцией помогать работникам при любых условиях профессиональной деятельности и в результате развития положительных взаимоотношений с ними; использованием группового, а не индивидуального подхода к управлению работниками; стремлением к установлению высокого уровня выполнения профессиональной деятельности и решению сложных задач в ситуациях когнитивного диссонанса.

Ключевые слова: творческие индикаторы личности, концепции лидерского поведения, уровень профессионального творчества, стили руководства, авторитарное руководство, образовательное учреждение, мотивация подчиненных.


The study of the problem of Psychology of creativity nowadays acquires a complex paradigmatic and even -- planetary nature. It is the subject of the analysis of various psychological, pedagogical and social subjects, and it is also the most important area of practical researches, influenced by other areas of human knowledge -- Philosophy, Philology, Sociology, Pedagogy, Valeology, etc. Determining the essence of creativity and the formation of creative abilities of the person, human capabilities, his/her creative potential some scientists propose the most relevant modern issues for the Psychology of the person's development.

The genesis of the ideas of Psychology of creativity, finding out theoretical and methodological features of some general approach to be through empirical psychological researches, the dynamics of transformations and tendencies of strategic development of the person were shown in many scientific publications (Гончарук & Онуфрієва, 2018).

In general, the researches of the phenomenon of creativity have had deep philosophical traditions, which are also relevant nowadays (Бердяев, 2008). In particular, scientists (Михальчук & Онуєфрієва, 2020) solved the problem of creativity in philosophical, religious and psychological contexts. According to scientists (Бердяев, 2008), creativity is a way to reach God, a continuation of the universe, a kind of spiritual evolution, such a separate type of the activity that makes a person with all unique characteristics.

Scientists (Івашкевич & Гудима, 2020) don't focus on the productive side of creativity, but on the culmination of a creative process -- on the state of creative enlightenment, ecstasy, stageness, the phases of which show the creation of a creative product. Creativity consists not so much from the point of view of the design in the paradigm of a harmonious, complete creative product, as in the paradigm of disclosure of the infinite subject; creativity is a kind of a great flight to infinity (Бердяев, 2008). Philosophers often note the paradox of the duality of creativity. In this case, the creative act is seen as a kind of breakthrough into infinity, and the products of creativity are quite finite, limited in theoretical and practical terms, having been given their complex characteristics and the systems which were created by these characteristics. Also, scientists (Mykhalchuk & Kryshevych, 2019) often emphasized that creativity seemed to be «directed» to culture, to the Earth, having been localized in time and spatial boundaries and different contexts.

The Psychology of the creativity is directly related to the philosophy of freedom. Thus, some scientists noted that the creative act could not be completely explained by means of material (we mean by informational technologies) which already exists in the world. So, novelty is a product which was created sooner. Novelty by itself is an element of freedom. The «secret» of creativity lies in the content of creativity. In this sense, creativity is like a creative act generated «out of nothing». It is not determined or substantiated by any external factors. Beyond this sense, creativity appears only as a redistribution of the elements of the world, and the emergence of novelty in such a way often seems to the researcher as a phantom process.

Creative abilities are given to a Man by God, but how he uses these abilities, the ways of using them depend primarily on the man himself (Бердяев, 2008). Some other scientists (Онуфрієва, 2020) suggest that creativity is the opposite characteristic of egocentrism, when the person forgets about him/ her. In such a case we emphasize on the desire of doing something. The absorption of the individual by himself/herself often depresses the individual, presupposes his/her «exit» from himself/herself, and thus is led to liberate ideas. Creativity is like the focus of the individual by the way of transformation of the world, the «elevation» of a man «to a new heaven and a new Earth» (Хупавцева, 2020).

Scientists also identify psychotherapeutic and developmental functions of the creativity. Creativity in the researches of the scientists is one of the ways to heal the «painful essence» of a man. The bifurcation is overcome by creativity and, at the same time, the personality is «hardened» in this process of creative self-determination, self-realization, development, that has a purpose to form the personality (Onufriieva, 2017).

The cognitive function of creativity is directly related to the development of the cognitive sphere of the person, so in our empirical study we have the aim to find out how the ability of managers to managerial creativity depends on the formation of their intellectual sphere of the person.

Methods of the research

The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.

Also we used experimental methods, such as statement research. At the beginning of the empirical study, we were interested primarily in the questions of the influence of psychological and emotional qualities of the leader on his/her ability to create. In the scientific literature (Onufriieva, 2017) it is noted that emotional qualities are explicated in practice mainly through human nature. They have both a genetic and a social basis (Хупавцева, 2020). Many scientists have studied the relationships between the emotional qualities of the individual and their ability to provide professional creativity, which has led to a fairly understanding through the list of these qualities. However, they have not been confirmed by the practice of their connection with the ability to explicate professional creativity.

In such a way the aim of our research is to study the mental (or intellectual qualities) of the managers of educational institutions and their connection with the professional creativity of the individual.

This study has also been carried out by many scientists (Mykhalchuk & Kryshevych, 2019), but in general the results having been obtained by them coincide with the fact that a low level of intelligence inhibits a person's ability to create, but a high level does not necessarily indicate that the person is a creative person. However, these studies did not apply to employees of the pedagogical sphere of the activity, but even more so to the managers of educational institutions.

The research included three stages, during 2018--2021. The first stage was preparatory one, which included the selection of methods, creation and standardization of the author's questionnaire with the aim of measuring different types of anxiety, providing expert assessment. The second stage was actually our research. It dealt with the collection of psychodiagnostic data.

The sample of respondents included managers of educational institutions:

-- group F1 -- 24 directors of preschool educational institutions (preschool institutions of Rivne and Rivne districts, from Kyiv, Odessa and Kamianets-Podilskyi);

— group F2 -- 48 directors of general secondary educational institutions (Rivne and Rivne districts, Kyiv, Odesa, Kamianets-Podilskyi);

— group F3 -- 28 rectors and vice-rectors of institutions of higher education (Rivne State University of the Humanities, International Economic and Humanitarian University named after Stepan Demianchuk, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University, Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical University named after Hryhorii Skovoroda, Lutsk National Technical University, Volyn National University named after Lesia Ukrainka).

This sample is representative due to its number. The groups were formed by the method of randomization. Group F1 included only women. The group F2 consisted of 18 men and 30 women, group F3 -- 18 men and 10 women.

The third stage of our empirical research was the statistical analysis of the obtained results. The obtained data were processed by us using the computer package of statistical programs «Statistica»: version, by designing numerical data tables. The criterion ф* was used, it is the criterion of Fisher's angular transformation, which was designed to compare two samples by frequency of occurrence of the effect of respondents' interests on the researcher.

The research program included the following methods:

1. Cattell's 16-PF personality questionnairy (Тест Кеттелла, 2021) and FPI (Тест FPI, 2021).

2. Test «Social Intelligence» by J. Guilford and J. L. O'Sullivan (adapted by O. Mykhailova) (Гилфорд & О'Салливен, 2020).

This technique has the aim to measure the general level of social intelligence and general abilities of the person to understand the human behavior of other people. This test includes four subtests: the first one has the aim to identify the ability of the person to predict the consequences of his/her behavior; the second one determines the ability to reflect nonverbal ex- pressions of the person's behavior; the third subtest shows the ability to reflect adequately the verbal expressions of the person's behavior; the fourth one determines the man's ability to understand the logic of complex situations, also the situations of interpersonal interaction.

The general level of the development of social intelligence of a person is determined on the basis of composite assessment.

3. Spielberger-Khanin's Reactive and Personal Anxiety Scale (Шкала реактивної та особистісної тривожності Спіл- бергера -- Ханіна, 2013). It was created by Ch.D. Spielberger in 1976, and adapted and standardized by Yu.L. Khanin in 1978. This technique allows psychologists to determine the level of anxiety of the individual as a kind of individual sensitivity to stress situations and as a trait of the personality, which is characterized by the tendency of a respondent to some extent to feel situations of anxiety, fear and so on.

4. Also we used «The Methodology of measuring anxiety in the professional activities of managers» (Михальчук, Набо- чук & Івашкевич, 2021). This Methodology has the aim at identifying anxiety related to management activities, relationships and self-esteem, developed and standardized by us for the purposes and objectives of our empirical study.

5. The Methodology «Personality Orientation Test» (V. Smekalo & M. Kucher) (Тест В. Смекала и М. Кучера «Направленность личности», 1997). This technique is used to determine the creative orientation of the specialist. The text contains 27 statements; three answer options are offered in each task. Respondents have to choose one of the suggested answers in response to each statement.

This technique identifies the following types of focus: self-focus, focus on the job (profession), focus on solving a problem or a task. We believe that creative orientation can be diagnosed as a focus on a specific in some cases, because the explication of creative person traits is occurred in the process of the person's professional activity. Then, according to the key, the level of creative orientation of the specialist was determined.

6. The author's «Methodology for assessing the ability of managers to be creative» (Набочук, 2021).

7. Culturally independent intelligence test of R. Kettell («Культурно-независимый тест интеллекта» Р. Кеттелла, 2020) (used to assess general intelligence).

Results and their discussion

So, we will describe the results having been obtained by us at the first stage of the pilot study. In group F1 the average level of the development of social intelligence was diagnosed in 39.4% of respondents, the level below average -- for 33.1% of respondents, above average -- for 27.5%. Among them a high level of situational anxiety according to the Spielberger -- Khanin's scale (Шкала реактивної та особистісної тривожності Спілбергера -- Ханіна, 2013) was found in a case of 27.4% of respondents, a low level -- for 35.6% of managers, while high personal anxiety was found in a case of 23.1% of respondents, and a low level is in 14.7% of cases. The values of anxiety indicators, which are related to professional activity (PA), interpersonal relationships (IR) and self-esteem (SE) according to our methodology were such as: high rates of PA were found in a case of 51.6% of respondents, a low level -- in 7.5% of cases, we diagnosed high rates of SE in 35.6% of cases, and a low level -- in 5.2% of cases. High levels of anxiety were associated with self-esteem; they were found in 24.5% of cases, a low level -- in 15.2% of cases.

The obtained results were processed with the help of the computer package of statistical programs «Statistica»: version Comparison of the results revealed the following: the correlation coefficient between social intelligence and situational anxiety for group F1 was --0.338 (at the level of significance p < 0.05); between social intelligence and personal anxiety it is --0.167 (the coefficient is not significant). The correlation coefficients between social intelligence and anxiety, which is associated with management activities, with interpersonal relationships, with self-esteem are the following: --0.771 (at the level of significance p < 0.01); --0.135 (the coefficient is not significant); --0.339 (5% level of significance).

We described our empirical research with the aim to establish the level of the formation of creative motivation and creative orientation of the managers of pedagogical educational institutions, as well as their social intelligence and anxiety as individual characteristics, which would allow us to formulate psychological factors which determined the ability of leaders to professional creativity. A link has been established between social intelligence and the anxiety of educational leaders. Significant negative correlations were found between social intelligence and situational anxiety, as well as between social intelligence and activity-related anxiety and self-esteem. We also attribute the latter to the fact that the testing situation has caused concern due to the mediocre development of social intelligence, the inability to predict exactly how test results will affect respondents' professional performance, how they will affect their social status and their perceptions of themselves. On the other hand, this effect is mutual, anxiety or rather its main cognitive component, associated with negative expectations of respondents about their capabilities and assessment of the test situation in such a way it could contribute to increased tension, significantly worsening our results.

At the same time, the lack of significant links between social intelligence and personal anxiety, associated with different relationships is explained by the fact that anxiety as a personality trait is associated with deep psychological problems, characterizing the individual's personal experience, and low level of social development. Social intelligence contributes to the uncritical perception of various situations of interpersonal interaction. It follows that individuals with high levels of anxiety are more likely to feel anxious in interpersonal situations, when they are unable to predict the consequences of their behavior due to low levels of social intelligence and analyses how future events will be developed. From this information we can conclude that due to the formed ability to understand ourselves and others, we can simultaneously reduce the level of anxiety of the person, primarily because in the situations of interaction with others a person will assess himself/herself as a safe one. As a result, the situation will be completely clear to the person himself/herself.

Thus, we can predict that a high level of social intelligence and a low level of anxiety facilitate the head of an educational institution to providing a high level of creativity. However, this conclusion needs additional substantiation on the stages of our empirical study.

The data of the respondents having been obtained by us on the basis of creative motivation and creative orientation of the person (Table 1) indicate that the heads of educational institutions of groups F1--F3 have a rather mediocre level of the development of these indicators. It should be noted that according to the results of creative orientation, the respondents received higher indicators (data on creative orientation in different types of professional activities and in the process of interpersonal interaction).

Table 1 The results of the managers of pedagogical educational institutions by the indicators of «creative motivation» and «creative orientation of the person» (in points, according to the results of factor analysis, statement study)






Value of Student's t-criterion

Significance level, p
















Data of Table 1 is confirmed by the results shown in Table 2. Thus, managers of pedagogical institutions of higher education have high results according to the criterion of creative orientation of the person with the aim to communicate and to achieve creative results in the process of professional activities. At the same time, the indicators of creative orientation of the managers of higher educational institutions are marked with «--» and have a positive significant correlation with the creative orientation of the person to communicate and to achieve creative results in professional activities at the level of reliability p < 0.01 (for all groups), which indicates the desire of leaders to carry out creative activities, not to focus on their own achievements, but always strive for self-improvement, creative self-development and creative growth. The distribution of the results of managers of pedagogical educational institutions according to the indicator «creative orientation of the individual» is given in Table 2.

Table 2 The distribution of managers of pedagogical educational institutions according to the indicator «creative orientation of the person» (in points, according to the results of factor analysis, statement research)


Creative orientation of the person

On myself

On the process of communication

On achieving creative results in professional activities













Low correlation coefficients between the level of social intelligence and the creative orientation of the person can be explained by the complexity of such a theoretical construct as social intelligence, which includes the following dominant processes: social perception, social sensitivity, social memory and social thinking. It should be emphasized that anxiety is often identified with other emotional states, such as fear, sadness, etc. It is seen as a combination of several basic emotions, rather than as a separate, independent phenomenon.

In addition, the authors understand anxiety quite differently, and very often the understanding of anxiety is replaced by other personal states of a man, determined on the basis of its diagnosis (Dellinger, 1989). It should also be remembered that a person's emotional attitude to other people and to himself/herself can be a tool for analyzing the phenomena of the surrounding reality. In these processes, a special role is played by unconscious mental regulation, which can block the conscious regulation of the individual's mental states, and under conditions of high social intelligence a person will have a high level of anxiety. A similar view is expressed by other authors, who note that the researcher must always keep in mind the multidimensionality and complexity of a mental reality with which he/she deals. Also the manager has to remember that only a certain part of reality moves to the paradigm of subjective content, which is understood well and is experienced by the subject (Ekvall & Britz, 2001).

These moments, as it turned out, also influenced our results. We will describe these results according to the values of general intelligence of the respondents of the groups formed by us (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The histogram of the distribution of values of general intelligence in groups of respondents (in %, pilot study)

We also calculated the empirical value of Fisher's criterion Ф*. The results obtained are shown in Table 3.

The obtained data allow us to conclude that the most common high levels of general intelligence are found in the group of heads of higher educational institutions. We will also find out in which group the lowest rates of general intelligence are the most common (Table 4).

Table 3 Indicators of the value of ф* for high values of general intelligence

High values











p (level of significance)




Table 4 The indicators of the value of ф* for low values of general intelligence

Low values










p (the level of significance)




Thus, in the group of teachers -- directors of preschool educational institutions -- low indicators of general intelligence are more common than in groups F2 and F3. Also groups F2 and F3 do not differ by low indicators of general intelligence. Therefore, we can conclude that we are able to prove that in the group F1 the values of general intelligence are lower than the average indicator.

As a result of the data results according to the levels of general intelligence of teachers-managers, which differ in the professional activities of the institutions where they work, we asked experts to assess the concepts of leadership behavior and the level of professional creativity within them. Thus, the experts identified the following concepts of leadership behavior of managers, which they observed:

1. The concept of «Three styles of leadership: authoritarian, democratic and passive ones» -- a high level of professional creativity.

2. Leadership style «Management grid» -- a high level of professional creativity.

3. Leadership style «Approval and punishment» -- a low level of professional creativity.

4. Leadership style «Behavior that replaces leadership» -- a low level of professional creativity.

Experts argued that the first and the second leadership styles and, consequently, a high level of professional creativity are inherent for managers of different groups with high and medium levels of general intelligence. Accordingly, the 3d and the 4th leadership styles are such characteristics of managers with a level of intelligence «below average» and, accordingly, a low level of their professional creativity.


The experts also stressed that the leaders were more creative under the conditions of authoritarian leadership of the educational institution (0.7516 -- according to the results of factor analysis). Despite the fact that this type of leadership is characterized by a low level of motivation of subordinates (0.7220), fewer original decisions were made by the latter (0.6918), insufficient level of group thinking (0.6501), anxiety (0.6403) and aggression (0.6324) in the behavior of group members, the managers of educational institutions showed a high level of professional creativity.

Experts also found that a leader with a high level of professional creativity is distinguished by:

— the tendency to help employees under any circumstances and the development of positive relationships with them;

— using a group rather than an individual approach to employee management;

— the desire to establish a high level of performance of professional activities and to solve intense tasks in situations of cognitive dissonance.


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17. Onufriieva, L.A. (2017). The Psychology of Professional Realization of a Future Specialist's Personality: Theoretical and Methodological Aspect. Rzeszyw : BonusLiber. ISBN 978-83-65441-83-6.

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