Psychological resources of the modification in self-fulfillment of personality
Determination of psychological resources in the self-realization of the individual. Existential and professional configurations of self-realization. Influence of creativity, coherence, mercy, manifestation of emotions on self-actualization of personality.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.06.2022 |
Размер файла | 41,7 K |
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Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Psychological resources of the modification in self-fulfillment of personality
O. Shtepa, Ph.D. in Psychology,
Assistant Professor
Lviv, Ukraine
The aim of the article is an empirical definition of the psychological resources of modification in the self-fulfillment of the person.
The empirical study used methods of psychological questioning, as well as such methods of mathematical and statistical data analysis, in particular, regression, correlation, classification, discriminant, and multifactor analysis. The empirical study was implemented according to Nelson's model, which made it possible to characterize the required psychological resources by discriminating against them.
Research results. It was found that the reflected psychological resources in the configurations of self-fulfillment existential, personal, and professional self-fulfillment are: creativity, work on yourself, the ability to update their own resources, coherence, charity, meaningful life, expression of emotions. Interpretive resources «creativity» and «ability to update own resources» are predictors of all three configurations of self-realization. Psychological resources that moderate the relationship of existential motivation as a manifestation of the inner world of man and life tasks are identified as creativity, self-work, coherence, charity, expression of emotions. Psychological resources that are factors of self-realization, self-actualization, self-fulfillment of the person are creativity, the ability to update their own resources, coherence. Coherence is a factor for all three configurations of self-realization.
Conclusions. The sequence of the resourcefulness of changes in self-fulfillment is as follows: first, due to the resource of work on oneself, self-actualization is carried out, the effect of which is existential self-fulfillment as a sense of real and authorial life lived by the person; further, the ability to update their own resources leads to the transformation of forms in personal and professional self-fulfillment; at the end of the change, the resource of creativity affects the possibility of self-fulfillment of the person. The whole process of reflected changes is patronized by coherence, as a factor in the significance of a life lived by the person, as well as its optimal and healthy functioning.
Key words: psychological resources, self-actualization, self-realization, self-fulfillment, personal changes.
Психологічні ресурси перетворень у самоздійсненні особистості
О. Штепа, к. психол. н., доцент, Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, м. Львів (Україна)
Мета дослідження емпіричне визначення психологічних ресурсів перетворень у самоздійсненні особистості.
В емпіричному дослідженні використано методи психологічного опитування, а також такі методи математико-статистичного аналізу даних, як: регресійний, кореляційний, класифікаційний, дискримінантний, багатофакторний аналіз. Емпіричне дослідження реалізовано за моделлю Нельсона, що уможливливило характеристику шуканих психологічних ресурсів за допомогою їх дискримінування.
Результати дослідження. З'ясовано, що рефлексованими психологічними ресурсами у конфігураціях самоздійснення особистості екзистенційному, особистісному і професійному самоздійсненні є такі: творчість, робота над собою, уміння оновлювати власні ресурси, когерентність, милосердя, осмисленість життя, вияв емоцій. Інтерпретативні ресурси «творчість» і «уміння оновлювати власні ресурси» є предикторами усіх трьох конфігурацій самоздійснення. Психологічними ресурсами, що модерують співвідношення екзистенційної мотивації як вияву внутрішнього світу людини і життєвих завдань, виокремлено такі, як творчість, робота над собою, когерентність, милосердя, вияв емоцій. Психологічними ресурсами, що є чинниками самоздійснення, самоактуалізації, самореалізаціїособистості, є творчість, уміння оновлювати власні ресурси, когерентність. Когерентність є чинником для усіх трьох конфігурацій самоздійснення.
Висновки. Послідовність ресурсної зумовленості перемін у самоздійсненні є такою: спочатку завдяки ресурсу роботи над собою відбувається самоактуалізація, ефектом чого постає екзистенційне самоздійснення як переживання справжнього й авторського життя, що його проживає особистість; далі уміння оновлювати власні ресурси зумовлює переінакшення форм в особистому і професійному самоздійсненні; на завершення переміни ресурс творчості впливає на уможливлення самореалізації особистості. Увесь процес рефлексованих перемін патронується когерентністю як чинником значущості життя, що його проживає особистість, а також її оптимального і здорового функціонування.
Ключові слова: психологічні ресурси, самоактуалізація, самореалізація, самоздійснення, особистісні переміни.
Штепа Е. Психологические ресурсы преобразований в самоосуществлении личности
Цель исследования эмпирическое определение психологических ресурсов преобразований в самоосуществлении личности.
В эмпирическом исследовании использованы методы психологического опроса, а также такие методы математико-статистического анализа данных, как: регрессионный, корреляционный, классификационный, дискриминантный, многофакторный анализ. Эмпирическое исследование реализовано по модели Нельсона, что сделало возможным характеристику искомых психологических ресурсов с помощью их дискриминирования.
Результаты исследования. Установлено, что отрефлексированными психологическими ресурсами в конфигурациях самоосуществления личности экзистенциальном, личностном, профессиональном являются такие: творчество, работа над собой, умение обновлять собственные ресурсы, милосердие, осмысленность жизни, проявление эмоций. Интерпретативные ресурсы «творчество» и «умение обновлять собственные ресурсы» являются предикторами всех трех конфигураций самоосуществления. Психологическими ресурсами, модерирующими соотношение экзистенциальной мотивации как проявления внутреннего мира человека и жизненных заданий, выделено такие, как творчество, работа над собой, когерентность, милосердие, проявление эмоций. Психологическими ресурсами, влияющими на самоосуществление, самоактуализацию, самореализацию, являются творчество, умение обновлять собственные ресурсы, когерентность. Когерентность обуславливает все три конфигурации самоосуществления.
Выводы. Последовательность ресурсной обусловленности преобразований в самоосуществлении является такой: сначала благодаря ресурсу работы над собой происходит самоактуализация, эффектом чего становится экзистенциальное самоосуществление как переживание личностью своей жизни, как настоящей и авторской; далее умение обновлять собственные ресурсы обуславливает модификации форм в личностном и профессиональном самоосуществлении; в завершение изменений ресурс творчества влияет на совершение самореализации личности. Весь процесс отрефлексированных изменений патронируется когерентностью как фактором значимости жизни, проживаемой личностью, а также ее оптимального и здорового функционирования.
Ключевые слова: психологические ресурсы, самоактуализация, самореализация, самоосуществление, личностные преобразования.
Self-fulfillment is characterized as the disclosure of a person's own essence, up to a certain time of potential opportunities, which is realized in his self-transcendence, the transition to his own different being as a personality (Гуменюк, 2014). Self-fulfillment is one of the current problems of European personality psychology, as evidenced by studies on the personal characteristics of people with different levels of self-fulfillment as one of the types of human well-being, as the realization of «good life» (Shutenko, 2015; Krems et all., 2017; Clark, 2018). In particular, researchers found that individuals with a higher level of self-fulfillment are characterized by selfesteem, self-management skills, a sense of saturation of life; individuals with a low level of self-fulfillment are characterized by an unmet need for security, closeness to new experiences, self-esteem difficulties, excessive internal contradictions (Shutenko, 2015: 331). It has been found that self-realization is one of the invariants of a person's sense of self-wellbeing, which differs from subjective, hedonistic, eudemonistic well-being functionally: the results achieved in the process of self-realization become the basis for further self-fulfillment (Krems et. al., 2017). It is characterized that self-fulfillment is possible with the predominance of self-understanding over perfectionism (Clark, 2018: 378).
The stereotypes concerning exaggerated self-importance, underdeveloped ability to self-knowledge, unformed mechanisms of self-development, and, as a result, the inability of a person to be subjects of self-development have been proved to be obstacles to self-realization by scientists (Maksymenko & Serdiuk, 2016: 98). At the same time, it is in the existential paradigm that it is argued a person can accept uncertainty and open up to opportunities, learn to perceive difficulties and mistakes as opportunities for self-development, in the course of rethinking, which leads to personal change and is the effect of life (Леонтьев & Миюзова, 2016: 59). Researchers have shown that the source of personal change is an existential experience (Гришина, 2013: 384), the changes themselves occur when at the level of the existing state of self-fulfillment a person does not find a solution to their own personal problems, which are mainly problems of self-understanding. Changes in the status of self-fulfillment are characterized as cardinal, radical, occurring abruptly, without prior accumulation of small changes, they are indeterminate by self-consciousness (Mobilis in mobili..., 2018: 87, 103, 121) and lead to qualitative changes observed as a qualitative difference of personality (Изменения, 2010).
At present, there are two views in the psychology of personality on the determinants of personal change: the statement about the possibility of resolving contradictions and increase creativity due to the impact on self-fulfillment primarily by the professional self-fulfillment (Byundyugova & Kornienko, 2015), and judgments about self-change as a mechanism of self-development. The psychological resources that correlate the relationship between the individual's inner reality and his life tasks play a significant role in self-change (Низовских, 2014: 35, 367). Probably, professional self-fulfillment is given the priority in causing changes in human self-realization in life because they see in a person's desire to reach professional heights the inevitable disclosure of his own potential (Психологічні технології ефективного функціонування..., 2019: 274). At the same time, scientists note that potential opportunities are revealed in the process of personal self-fulfillment, resulting in socially significant effects and the formation of their own «space of life» (Кокун, 2013: 3). Internal coherence, which is manifested in openness, determination, and clarity in the correlation of personal values and ways of their implementation, characterizes the essence of existential self-fulfillment (Кривцова и др., 2009).
To solve the problem of such transformations in self-realization, scientific expediency obliges to take into account both views on the causes of changes in self-fulfillment and to analyze both configurations including professional and the role of psychological resources in the structure of self-fulfillment. At the same time, since we rely on the definition of personality as «a form of the human psyche, which is a unity capable to self-development, self-determination, conscious substantive activity, and self-regulation, and has its own unique inner world» (Максименко, 2016: 11), we are more inclined to believe that radical changes in self-fulfillment are due to the person's awareness of their own psychological resources, through which it moderates the relationship between their own inner world and life task. It is important to determine the psychological resources of different configurations of self-fulfillment - existential, personal, professional - to characterize the possibilities of change in the self-fulfillment of the personality.
The aim of the study is an empirically determination of the psychological resources of transformation in the self-fulfillment of the personality.
The aim of the article
The task of the article was to identify the psychological resources contained in such configurations of self-fulfillment of the personality empirically as existential, personal, and professional self-fulfillment; empirically determine the psychological resources that established the relationship between the inner world of man and life tasks; empirically establish psychological resources that were factors of self-fulfillment, self-actualization, self-realization of the personality.
The empirical study is implemented according to Nelson's model, which makes it possible to characterize the desired discrimination in determining its indicators.
The following psychodiagnostic methods were used in the empirical study: O. Shtepa's psychological resourcefulness questionnaire, E. Riazantseva's test-questionnaire for diagnosing indicators of existential resources of personality, selfassessment questionnaire of «character forces», built by us on the basis of «Virtues and strengths of character» questionnaire (methods of Values in Action by K. Peterson and M. Seligman adapted by I. Burovikhina, D. Leontiev, E. Osin), the questionnaire of management of crisis states by M. Laad, the questionnaire of psychological well-being (method by K. Riff adapted by S. Karskanova), the method of determining (in)tolerance to the uncertainty of S. Badlaire (adaptation of H. Soldatova, L. Shaiherova), methods of assessing and predicting the psychological development of situations of interpersonal interaction of O. Bondarenko, the questionnaire of reflection of D. Leontiev, E. Osin, the questionnaire of loss and acquisition of personal resources (developed by N. Vodopianova and M. Stein), A. Antonovski's coherence scale in the adaptation of E. Osin, the questionnaire of the reflection by D. Leontiev, E. Osin, questionnaire of existential fulfillment in the version of V. Shumskyi, E. Ukolova, E. Osin, Ya. Lupandin, the questionnaire of personality self-fulfillment of O. Shtepa, the questionnaire of professional self-fulfillment of O. Kokun, the questionnaire of developmental life tasks (the work of the staff of the laboratory of social psychology of personality of ISPP NAPS of Ukraine under the leadership of T. Tytarenko), the questionnaire of the effectiveness of self-realization of E. Selezniova, the questionnaire of self-actualization of personality in the adaptation of H. Nikiforova.
In our opinion, the transformation in the self-fulfillment of the personality is characterized by the simultaneous manifestation of self-actualization, self-realization, and, in fact, self-fulfillment as the disclosure of potential opportunities. We consider he empirical descriptor of transformations in self-realization to be the presence at a statistically significant level of relationships between indicators of self-realization, self-actualization, and self-fulfillment of the personality.
We assume that the psychological resources of transformations in self-fulfillment correspond to each of the following characteristics:
• discriminated by configurations of self-fulfillment (personal, existential, professional self-fulfillment);
• they are predictors of personal, existential, professional self-fulfillment;
• discriminated against by systemic reflection;
• associated with certain existential motives and life tasks;
• they are related to self-realization, self-actualization, self-fulfillment and are their factors.
Based on the definition of personality as a phenomenon of the human self and the inextricably linked motivational orientation (Капустин, 2017: 70), we have identified existential motives as an empirical descriptor of the inner world of man. Assuming a variety of life tasks of the individual during his life, we have identified the empirical descriptor of the person's life tasks to be the operational analogs of life tasks.
The study involved 105 people aged 32-50 years (average = 40.4) (including 53 women, 42 men) (lawyers, doctors, teachers, lecturers, entrepreneurs). All respondents have work experience (from 10 to 28 years), 80% of respondents are married, 75% are raising a child, 5% have experience of divorce, 2% - the experience of being in a second marriage, 77% - the experience of losing a loved one, 7% - the experience of losing a job, 31% have received a second education and changed jobs, 30% have experience of (failure)success in business, 36% have lived in the city for the last 12 years, 8% have experience of changing country of residence, 12% - the experience of receiving psychological assistance, 52% are interested in publications on psychological topics. These data on the subjects to some extent present their life experience and, in our opinion, allow us to form an idea of the saturation of existential, personal, professional self-realization, as well as a more realistic interpretation of the psychological resources of transformations of their self-fulfillment.
Results and discussions
To determine the psychological resources that are included in the configurations of self-fulfillment (existential, personal, professional self-fulfillment), discriminant analysis was used (Tables 1, 2, 3). The discriminant analysis included a total of 66 psychological resources, including coherence, personal resources, existential resources, «character forces», motivational resources for psychological well-being, tolerance for uncertainty, interpretive psychological resources, and relationship resources.
It was found that among the psychological resources included in discriminant analysis, existential self-fulfillment is expressed by the average (Wilks' Lambda 0.49) 6 resources: personal resources, coherence as a resource with a filtering function, existential resource of charity, personal growth (motivational resource of psychological well-being), creativity and the ability to update resources as interpretive psychological resources.
At a low Wilks' Lambda 0.23 personal self-fulfillment outlines 9 psychological resources (Table 2).
The resources of expression of personal self-fulfillment revealed the following: interpretive psychological resources - the ability to update their own resources, creativity, work on themselves; existential resources - charity and acceptance, motivational resources of psychological well-being - positive relationships with others and goals in life, courage «strength of character».
According to the Wilks' Lambda indicator, the most pronounced is the discriminatory model of professional self-fulfillment resources (Wilks' Lambda 0.75), which contains 5 resources (Table 3).
Psychological resources, contained in professional self-fulfillment, include: expression of emotions as a resource of psychological survival, self-acceptance as a motivational resource of psychological well-being, meaningful life «strength of character», creativity and ability to update their own resources as interpretive psychological resources.
To find out which of the discriminated psychological resources are predictors of self-fulfillment configurations, a classification analysis was used, the results of which are presented in Table 4.
Table 1
The results of discriminant analysis of the psychological resources of existential self-fulfillment
Psychological resources |
Wilks' Lambda |
Partial - Lambda |
F-remove - (2,95) |
p-level |
Toler. |
1-Toler. (R-Sqr.) |
Coherence |
0.604856 |
0.808133 |
10.92131 |
0.000055 |
0.879854 |
0.120146 |
Personal resources |
0.664623 |
0.735460 |
16.54585 |
0.000001 |
0.869553 |
0.130447 |
Mercy |
0.551263 |
0.886699 |
5.87779 |
0.003960 |
0.796231 |
0.203769 |
Creativity |
0.539252 |
0.906448 |
4.74753 |
0.010909 |
0.839955 |
0.160045 |
Ability to update own resources |
0.539966 |
0.905249 |
4.81474 |
0.010264 |
0.759840 |
0.240160 |
Personal growth |
0.534234 |
0.914963 |
4.27523 |
0.016772 |
0.749476 |
0.250524 |
Mercy |
0.281617 |
0.798883 |
11.20280 |
0.000046 |
0.657943 |
0.342057 |
Positive relationships with others |
0.290494 |
0.774470 |
12.95864 |
0.000012 |
0.538660 |
0.461340 |
The meaning of life |
0.292571 |
0.768972 |
13.36946 |
0.000008 |
0.548170 |
0.451830 |
Goals in life |
0.273491 |
0.822618 |
9.59555 |
0.000168 |
0.536623 |
0.463377 |
Work on yourself |
0.253184 |
0.888598 |
5.57890 |
0.005217 |
0.892576 |
0.107424 |
Acceptance |
0.248267 |
0.906200 |
4.60617 |
0.012487 |
0.850696 |
0.149304 |
Table 2
The results of discriminatory analysis of the psychological resources of personal self-fulfillment
Psychological resources |
Wilks' Lambda |
Partial - Lambda |
F-remove - (2,89) |
p-level |
Toler. |
1-Toler. (R-Sqr.) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
в |
7 |
Ability to update your own resources |
0.362252 |
0.621058 |
27.15197 |
0.000000 |
0.792160 |
0.207840 |
Courage |
0.269729 |
0.834092 |
8.85144 |
0.000312 |
0.801632 |
0.198368 |
Creativity |
0.259699 |
0.866307 |
6.86746 |
0.001684 |
0.860613 |
0.139387 |
Table З
The results of discriminant analysis of the psychological resources of professional self-fulfillment
Psychological resources |
Wilks' Lambda |
Partial - Lambda |
F-remove - (2,96) |
p-level |
Toler. |
1-Toler. (R-Sqr.) |
Manifestation of emotions |
0.843891 |
0.887184 |
5.849423 |
0.004061 |
0.735990 |
0.264010 |
Self-acceptance |
0.808472 |
0.926052 |
3.673235 |
0.029190 |
0.866254 |
0.133746 |
Meaningfulness of life |
0.797528 |
0.938759 |
3.000838 |
0.054639 |
0.927627 |
0.072373 |
Creativity |
0.784986 |
0.953758 |
2.230252 |
0.113282 |
0.858423 |
0.141577 |
Ability to update own resources |
0.785439 |
0.953208 |
2.258081 |
0.110316 |
0.839635 |
0.160365 |
Table 4
Psychological resources-predictors of self-fulfillment configurations (ranging 0 - min, 100 - max)
Psychological resources-predictors of existential self-fulfillment |
Psychological resources-predictors of personality self-fulfillment |
Psychological resources-predictors of professional self-fulfillment |
Creativity |
85 |
Creativity |
69 |
Creativity |
70 |
Ability to update own resources |
86 |
Ability to update their own psychological resources |
56 |
Ability to update their own psychological resources |
83 |
Personal resourcefulness |
78 |
Work on yourself |
46 |
Manifestation of emotions |
67 |
Personal growth |
19 |
Positive relationships with others |
100 |
Self-acceptance |
100 |
Coherence |
100 |
Meaningfulness of life |
78 |
Meaningfulness of life |
73 |
Mercy |
80 |
Mercy |
73 |
Acceptance |
69 |
Courage |
66 |
Goals in life |
90 |
Among psychological resources-predictors of configurations of self-fulfillment, it is expedient to pay attention that creativity and ability to update own psychological resources are predictors with a high rank (P1 = 69-85, P1 = 56-86) for all three configurations of self-fulfillment. The existential resource of charity is common for existential and personal self-fulfillment and it is a predictor with a high rank for each of them (Рме = 80, Pmq = 73); «Strength of character» meaningfulness of life is a common resource for personal and professional self-fulfillment and is a predictor with a high rank for each of them (Pmo = 78, Рмп = 73). The most important predictors (rank 100) in the configurations of self-fulfillment are different, in particular, for existential self-realization it is a filtering resource of coherence, and for personal and professional self-fulfillment motivational resources of positive relationships with others and self-acceptance.
We decided to find out which of the discriminated psychological resources are conscious, i.e. those that are provided by systemic reflection. To implement this task, a discriminant analysis was used, the results of which are presented in the Table 5.
Among the psychological resources contained in discriminatory models of existential, personal, professional self-fulfillment, only 7 are included in the locus of systemic reflection. Therefore, in the further analysis of the factors of self-fulfillment, only reflected resources were included, as such, which enable changes, but not modification in self-fulfillment.
In order to establish the factors of self-realization, selfactualization among the reflected psychological resources, the regression analysis was made.
According to the results of regression analysis, we can conclude that in addition to the differences, there are common factors of configurations of self-fulfillment. In particular, the interpretive resource of creativity is a factor for existential and professional self-fulfillment; coherence is a factor for all three configurations of self-fulfillment.
To determine the relationship between reflected resources and self-fulfillment, correlation analysis was used (Table 9), the results of which showed that the isolated psychological resources were more related to the overall rate of self-fulfillment (r = 0.41-0.53; p < 0.01). It should be noted that the existential resource of charity at a statistically significant level (p < 0.01) is associated only with self-fulfillment.
Table 5
The results of discriminant analysis on psychological resources provided by systemic reflection (Wilks' Lambda 0.58)
Psychological resources |
Wilks' Lambda |
Partial - Lambda |
F-remove - (1,92) |
p-level |
Toler. |
1-Toler. (R-Sqr.) |
Creativity |
0.660274 |
0.873973 |
13.26645 |
0.000447 |
0.824872 |
0.175128 |
Coherence |
0.722767 |
0.798405 |
23.22971 |
0.00006 |
0.594035 |
0.405965 |
Mercy |
0.609491 |
0.946791 |
5.17033 |
0.025302 |
0.612881 |
0.387119 |
Ability to update their own psychological resources |
0.699343 |
0.825147 |
19.49530 |
0.000027 |
0.700358 |
0.299642 |
Work on yourself |
0.623954 |
0.924845 |
7.47612 |
0.007500 |
0.786057 |
0.213943 |
Meaningfulness of life |
0.628286 |
0.918468 |
8.16676 |
0.005276 |
0.740250 |
0.259750 |
Manifestation of experiences |
0.612048 |
0.942836 |
5.57789 |
0.020297 |
0.568418 |
0.431582 |
Table 6
Results of regression analysis of psychological reflected resources as factors of self-actualization
Psychological resources |
Beta |
Std. Err. of Beta |
В |
Std. Err. of В |
t(100) |
p-level |
Intercept |
21.29111 |
3.322786 |
6.407606 |
0.000000 |
Meaningfulness of life |
0.300114 |
0.098306 |
0.41007 |
0.134324 |
3.052866 |
0.002904 |
Coherence |
0.203576 |
0.100795 |
0.05481 |
0.027139 |
2.019696 |
0.046090 |
Ability to update own resources |
0.113466 |
0.097272 |
0.32334 |
0.277192 |
1.166482 |
0.246194 |
Table 7
Results of regression analysis of psychological reflected resources as factors of self-fulfillment
Psychological resources |
Beta |
Std. Err. of Beta |
В |
Std. Err. of В |
t(98) |
p-level |
Intercept |
46.20871 |
9.742654 |
4.74293 |
0.000007 |
Creativity |
0.243028 |
0.102606 |
2.11288 |
0.892055 |
2.36856 |
0.019819 |
Mercy |
0.258604 |
0.094865 |
0.61735 |
0.226466 |
2.72603 |
0.007594 |
Coherence |
0.234366 |
0.104249 |
0.17843 |
0.079370 |
2.24813 |
0.026809 |
Table 8
Results of regression analysis of psychological reflected resources as factors of self-realization
Psychological resources |
Beta |
Std. Err. of Beta |
В |
Std. Err. of В |
t(98) |
p-level |
Intercept |
40.13032 |
25.15111 |
1.595568 |
0.113805 |
Manifestation of emotions |
0.251662 |
0.089319 |
1.91346 |
0.67912 |
2.817573 |
0.005853 |
Coherence |
0.217060 |
0.081312 |
0.53564 |
0.20065 |
2.669480 |
0.008893 |
Ability to update own resources |
0.177785 |
0.083787 |
4.64332 |
2.18832 |
2.121865 |
0.036371 |
Work on yourself |
0.179161 |
0.082412 |
6.72247 |
3.09226 |
2.173968 |
0.032116 |
Creativity |
0.188283 |
0.087757 |
5.30566 |
2.47292 |
2.145509 |
0.034383 |
Table 9
The results of correlation analysis of reflected resources and indicators of transformation processes in the self-fulfillment of the personality
The reflected psychological resources |
The indicators of transformation processes in the self-fulfillment of the personality |
self-realization |
self-actualization |
self-fulfillment |
Creativity |
0.38** |
0.21* |
0.46** |
Work on yourself |
0.20* |
0.25* |
0.41** |
Ability to update own resources |
0.24* |
0.27* |
0.45** |
Coherence |
0.26* |
0.22* |
0.45** |
Mercy |
-0.12 |
-0.03 |
0.25* |
Meaningfulness of life |
0.21* |
0.25* |
0.11 |
Manifestation of emotions |
0.22* |
0.27* |
0.53** |
* p < 0.01; ** p < 0.001.
Based on the data of regression and correlation analysis, it can be generalized that psychological resources are associated with the processes of modification in the self-fulfillment of the individual and at the same time they are their factors, such as creativity and coherence. It is important, that consistency is a factor in each of the three configurations of self-realization.
Correlation analysis was used to determine which psychological resources are related to existential motives and life tasks (Table 10).
The main connections of psychological resources and existential motives and operational analogs of life tasks are illustrated in the table. 9. It is advisable to pay attention to the fact that most of the connections with existential motives and life tasks are held by interpretive resources of creativity and the ability to update one's own resources; the least - «strength of character» meaningfulness of life. The ability to update one's resources at a statistically significant level (p < 0.05) is not related to life tasks. At the same time, the ability to update one's own resources is related to such existential motives as support (r = 0.22; p < 0.01), security (r = 0.32; p <0.01), and fundamental trust (r = 0.30; p < 0.01), closeness (r = 0.28; p < 0.01), self-worth (r = 0.30; p < 0.01), recognition of value (r = 0.26; p < 0.01).
Table 10
The results of correlation analysis of psychological resources and existential motives and operational analogs of life tasks
Psychological resources |
Existential motives |
Operational analogs of life tasks |
opportunities for activity |
involvement in relationships |
value in the future |
meaning of life |
recognition of value |
strategy |
sustainability |
flexibility |
Creativity |
0.32* |
0.34** |
0.44** |
0.45** |
0.28* |
0.24* |
0.26* |
Work on yourself |
0.36* |
0.26* |
0.28* |
Coherence |
0.26* |
0.36* |
0.25* |
0.28* |
Mercy |
0.28* |
0.31* |
Meaningfulness of life |
0.32* |
Manifestation of experiences |
0.35** |
0.34** |
0.27* |
Ability to update own resources |
0.27* |
0.36** |
0.44** |
0.40** |
0.32* |
* p < 0.01; ** p < 0.001.
psychological resource self realization personality
Table 11
Results of multifactor analysis of the structure of reflected psychological resources and configurations of self-fulfillment
Psychological resources and configurations of self-fulfillment |
Factor 1 (35.9%) |
Factor 2 (10.9%) |
Factor 3 (9.2%) |
Factor 4 (7.9%) |
Factor 5 (7.7%) |
Creativity |
0.137340 |
0.035614 |
0.339113 |
0.246988 |
0.692723 |
Work on yourself |
0.541185 |
0.056869 |
0.311622 |
0.073743 |
0.007224 |
Ability to update own resources |
0.138477 |
0.091089 |
0.786555 |
0.058759 |
0.268670 |
Coherence |
0.410365 |
0.625880 |
0.047944 |
0.213465 |
0.429610 |
Mercy |
0.021542 |
-0.058739 |
0.021762 |
0.901827 |
-0.079409 |
Meaningfulness of life |
0.201295 |
0.876285 |
-0.041344 |
0.083965 |
0.174471 |
Manifestation of emotions |
0.376503 |
0.159018 |
0.268573 |
0.578320 |
0.328719 |
Personal self-fulfillment |
0.268669 |
0.009343 |
0.751868 |
0.088000 |
0.410465 |
Existence of self-fulfillment |
0.804320 |
-0.115231 |
0.249053 |
0.249528 |
0.169727 |
Professional self-fulfillment |
0.182137 |
-0.186134 |
0.756302 |
0.050830 |
-0.077067 |
Self-realization |
0.092953 |
0.037566 |
0.066607 |
-0.148200 |
0.826357 |
Self-actualization |
0.639093 |
0.269781 |
-0.074652 |
-0.216719 |
0.100676 |
The general indicator of selffulfillment |
0.765558 |
-0.127208 |
0.416961 |
0.237229 |
0.186442 |
To characterize the modification in self-fulfillment as a psychological state, a multivariate analysis of reflected psychological resources and configurations of self-fulfillment was used, which cumulatively explained about 72% of the variance (factor weight > 0.7) (Table 11).
According to the results of multifactor analysis, it is established that in the structure of modification in self-fulfillment it is expedient to state that: a) the resource of work on oneself is one factor with existential self-realization, general indicator of self-fulfillment and self-actualization; b) the ability to update their own resources is one of the factors with personal and professional self-fulfillment; c) the resource of creativity - to one factor with self-fulfillment. Resource coherence in a multifactorial structure is not combined at a statistically significant level (> 0.7) with the processes of modification in self-fulfillment.
According to the results of the study, the reflected psychological resources in the configurations of self-fulfillment - existential, personal, and professional self-fulfillment - are the following: creativity, work over oneself, the ability to renew their own resources, coherence, charity, the meaningfulness of life, expression of emotions. It is important that the interpretive resources of «creativity» and «the ability to update one's own resou...
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