The specifics of the functioning of emotional intelligence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities
Emotional intelligence of persons. Creation of conditions for the realization of personality with intellectual disabilities. The research in technologies of correction-compensatory work with persons with peculiarities of psychophysical development.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 22.06.2022 |
Размер файла | 271,8 K |
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Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
The specifics of the functioning of emotional intelligence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities
Olha Vovchenko Ph.D. in Psychology,
Doctoral Student, Mykola Yarmachenko
Ольга Вовченко Кандидат психологічних наук, докторант, Інститут спеціальної педагогіки і психології ім. М. Ярмаченка Національної академії педагогічних наук України, м. Київ (Україна)
Специфіка функціонування емоційного інтелекту підлітків із порушеннями інтелектуального розвитку
Вступ. Сучасна спеціальна психологія та педагогіка в Україні спрямовані не лише на збереження набутого досвіду, а й на трансформацію набутих знань із метою створення умов для реалізації особистості з порушеннями розумового розвитку в сучасному соціумі. Усе більшої актуальності набувають дослідження технологій корекційно-компенсаторноїроботи з особами, які мають особливості психофізичного розвитку. Актуальність дослідження психологічних аспектів емоційного інтелекту осіб із порушеннями інтелектуального розвитку обумовлюється вирішенням нагальної потреби розроблення ефективних технологій розвитку особистості з особливими освітніми потребами на різних вікових етапах її становлення.
Методи дослідження. Складність, малодослідженість і неоднозначність феномену поняття «емоційний інтелект» у підлітків із порушеннями розумового розвитку зумовили вибір методу дослідження - моделювання. Для розв'язання завдань і забезпечення достовірності положень і висновків було використано також специфічні наукові методи дослідження, зокрема, методи психодіагностики. Досліджено один із компонентів емоційного інтелекту підлітків із порушеннями інтелектуального розвитку - емоційний. Використано методику «Тестування здатності до розпізнавання емоцій на основі пантомімічних масок обличчя людини» (адаптація М. Лебедєвої), методику «Визначення здатності до диференціації емоційних станів» (за В. Матвєєвим), бесіди, спостереження.
Результати дослідження. У ході психодіагностичних процедур увагу було зосереджено на виявленні стану сформованості емоційного компонента й рівня представленості його показників. Ідеться про такі важливі якісні характеристики, як розпізнавання, диференціація та вер- балізація емоцій. За результатами проведеного аналізу підсумовано та встановлено, що емоційний компонент у підлітків із порушеннями розумового розвитку характеризується середнім рівнем сформованості. Це вказує на те, що підлітки здатні до часткового розуміння, аналізу, спів- ставлення емоційних станів із власним досвідом (3-4 стани); часткового визначення, оцінки, вербалізації емоцій (4-5 базових емоцій) та їх психолінгвістичного опису.
Висновки. У ході дослідження здійснено спробу встановити специфіку функціонування емоційного інтелекту особистості підлітка з порушеннями розумового розвитку, шляхом виокремлення основних компонентів із метою подальшого впливу на формування особистості досліджуваної категорії підлітків. Зокрема, було досліджено один із компонентів представленої моделі емоційного інтелекту й розглянуто результати дослідження одного з компонентів, зокрема йдеться про емоційний компонент у структурі емоційного інтелекту підлітків із порушеннями інтелектуального розвитку. Визначені компоненти, їх дослідження (емоційного й інших компонентів), установлення показників стану їх сфор- мованості й встановлення рівнів емоційного інтелекту виступають підґрунтям для розроблення у подальшому ефективного психологічного супроводу підлітків із порушеннями розумового розвитку.
Ключові слова: особистість із порушеннями розумового розвитку, підлітковий вік, емоційний інтелект, емоційний компонент, розпізнавання емоцій, диференціація емоцій, вербалізація емоцій.
Вовченко Ольга. Специфика функционирования эмоционального интеллекта подростков с нарушениями интеллектуального развития
Введение. Современная специальная психология и педагогика в Украине направлены не только на сохранение приобретенного опыта, а и на трансформацию приобретенных знаний с целью создания условий для реализации возможностей личности с нарушениями умственного развития в современном социуме. Все большую актуальность приобретают исследования технологий коррекционно-компенсаторной работы с лицами, имеющими особенности психофизического развития. Актуальность исследования психологических аспектов эмоционального интеллекта лиц с нарушениями интеллектуального развития определяется необходимостью разработки эффективных технологий развития и формирования личности с особыми образовательными потребностями на разных возрастных этапах ее становления.
Методы исследования. Сложность, малоисследованность и неоднозначность феномена понятия «эмоциональный интеллект» у подростков с нарушениями умственного развития обусловили выбор метода исследования - моделирование. Для решения задач и обеспечения достоверности положений и выводов были использованы также специфические научные методы исследования, в частности методы психодиагностики. Исследован один из компонентов эмоционального интеллекта подростков с нарушениями интеллектуального развития - эмоциональный. Использованы методика «Тестирование способности к распознаванию эмоций на основе пантомимических масок лица человека» (адаптация М. Лебедевой), методика «Определение способности к дифференциации эмоциональных состояний» (по В. Матвееву), беседы, наблюдения.
Результаты исследования. В процессе психодиагностических процедур внимание было сосредоточено на выявлении состояния сформи- рованности эмоционального компонента и уровня представленности его показателей. Речь идет о таких важных качественных характеристиках, как распознавание, дифференциация и вербализация эмоций. По результатам проведенного анализа установлено, что эмоциональный компонент у подростков с нарушениями умственного развития характеризуется средним уровнем сформированности. Это указывает на то, что подростки способны к частичному пониманию, анализу, сопоставлению эмоциональных состояний с собственным опытом (3-4 состояния); частичному определению, оценке, вербализации эмоций (4-5 базовых эмоций) и их психолингвистическому описанию.
Выводы. В ходе исследования предпринята попытка установить специфику функционирования эмоционального интеллекта личности подростка с нарушениями умственного развития, способом выделения основных его компонентов с целью дальнейшего влияния на формирование личности исследуемой категории подростков. В частности, был исследован один из компонентов представленной модели эмоционального интеллекта и рассмотрены результаты исследования одного из указанных компонентов, в частности, речь идет о эмоциональном компоненте в структуре эмоционального интеллекта подростков с нарушениями интеллектуального развития. Определенная структура эмоционального интеллекта и его компоненты, особенности их исследования (эмоционального и других компонентов), установление состояния показателей, их сформированности и определение уровней эмоционального интеллекта выступают основой для разработки в дальнейшем эффективного психологического сопровождения подростков с нарушениями умственного развития.
Ключевые слова: личность с нарушениями умственного развития, подростковый возраст, эмоциональный интеллект, эмоциональный компонент, распознавание эмоций, дифференциация эмоций, вербализация эмоций.
emotional intelligence intellectual disability
The purpose of the article. Modern special psychology and pedagogy in Ukraine are aimed not only at preserving the acquired experience, but at transforming the acquired knowledge in order to create conditions for the realization of personality with intellectual disabilities today. The research in technologies of correction-compensatory work with persons with peculiarities of psychophysical development is becoming increasingly relevant. The relevance of the study of aspects of emotional intelligence of persons with intellectual disabilities is conditioned by the solution of the urgent need to develop effective technologies for the development of personality with special educational needs at different age stages of its formation.
Methods. The complexity, lack of research and ambiguity of the phenomenon of the concept of «emotional intelligence» in adolescents with intellectual disabilities led to the choice of research method - modeling. Specific research methods, including psychodiagnostic methods, have also been used to solve problems and ensure the validity of propositions and conclusions. One of the components of emotional intelligence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities - emotional - was studied. The method «Testing the ability to recognize emotions based on pantomime masks of the human face» (adaptation of M. Lebedeva), the method «Determination of the ability to differentiate emotional states» (according by V. Matveev), conversations, observations were used in the article.
The results of the research. In the course of psychodiagnostic, the attention was focused on determining the state of formation of the emotional component and the levels of representation of its indicators. These are important qualitative characteristics such as recognition, differentiation and verbalization of emotions. It was found that the emotional component in adolescents with mental disabilities is characterized by an average level of formation. This indicates that adolescents are capable of partial understanding, analysis, and comparison of emotional states with their own experience (3-4 states); partial identifying, measuring, verbalization of emotions (4-5 basic emotions) and their psycholin- guistic description.
Conclusions. In the course of the research an attempt was made to establish the specifics of the functioning of emotional intelligence of a teenager with mental development disorders through the selection of key components in order to further influence the formation of the personality of the studied category of adolescents. In particular, one of the components of the presented model of emotional intelligence was studied and the results of the study of one of the components were considered, in particular, the emotional component in the structure of emotional intelligence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Identified components, their research (emotional and other components), establishing indicators of their formation and establishing levels of emotional intelligence are the basis for further development of effective psychological support for adolescents with intellectual disabilities.
Key words: a person with mental disabilities, adolescence, emotional intelligence, emotional component, emotion recognition, differentiation of emotions, description of emotions, verbalization of emotions.
Ukraine's recognition of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and the Universal Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children (1990) has increased attention to the problems of people with mental and physical disabilities, including minors with intellectual disabilities, and the need to develop targeted actions of the state to create favorable conditions for their integration into the system of modern relations. Recently, Ukraine has taken measures not only to preserve the experience of special education and special psychology, but also to increase it, develop new and promising studies of personality with psychophysical development, in particular the functioning of personality with mental disorders in psycholinguistics, neuropsychology. The research on the development of modern technologies of correctional and compensatory work with this category of people, creating conditions for the realization of their rights and much more is gaining relevance. It should be noted that one of the priority areas of the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for 2012--2021 is to ensure personal development.
The formation and development of personality with intellectual disabilities is also associated with the transformation processes of world educational systems (global and local level of transformation), which leads to a change in the social paradigm from industrial to information. In this regard, the urgent problem of modern special pedagogy and psychology is not only the formation of household skills (self-care skills), the acquisition of basic skills, knowledge and profession. Such concepts as personal self-regulation of the person with disturbances of intellectual development acquire new value; psycholinguistic aspects of self-regulation of emotional and volitional self-regulation; formation of emotional intelligence and the ability to verbalize their feelings, experiences; formation of personal competencies (not only professional) of a person with intellectual disabilities.
The relevance of the study of the specifics of the functioning of emotional intelligence of persons with intellectual disabilities is due to the urgent need to develop effective technologies for personality development with special educational needs at different age stages of its formation.
One of the dominant disorders that occurs under the influence of mental disorders is the dysfunction of the regulation of emotions and states. Prevention of the destructive influence of this disorder on the formation of personality is possible by developing effective technologies for diagnosing the state of formation and functioning of the emotional intelligence of the individual with impaired mental development.
The formation of the emotional and volitional sphere directly affects the development of personality, which occurs under the influence of internal (temperament, character, selfesteem) and external factors (social environment). Knowledge of the peculiarities of the development of the emotional and volitional sphere at the stage of personality formation makes it possible to manage the emotions of the individual purposefully, select the appropriate psychological support and promote the quality development of this area. Purposeful management and formation of the emotional and volitional sphere at the stage of maturation of the individual allows to influence the qualitative formation of personal self-regulation.
According to L. Vyhotskyi, to understand the psyche of a child with intellectual disabilities, it is important to investigate the relationship between intelligence and affect, that is, the scientist argued that the intellectual component is in close contact and constant interaction with the emotional component (Выготский, 1981). The research that exists today is contradictory, debatable, especially regarding the formation and functioning of emotional intelligence in people with intellectual disabilities, determining the conditions and factors of its formation. Numerous studies of domestic and foreign psychology and pedagogy show tendencies to level the existence of the fact that people with intellectual disabilities have the ability to verbalize and self-regulate emotional states, rejecting the psycholinguistic aspect of the study of emotional and volitional sphere of people with intellectual disabilities.
Theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of the relationship between the intellectual and the emotional issues were considered in the works of B. Gawda (Gawda, 2019), S. Grof (Grof, 2012), P. Hammack (Hammack, 2018) and others. In the post-Soviet space, the problem of emotional intelligence was considered and covered in the works of such scientists as H. Borshchevska (Борщевська, 2017), T. Kyrychenko (Кириченко, 2015), D. Lusin (Люсин, 2015), V. Matveev (Матвеев, 1992), V. Melnychenko (Мельниченко, 2016) etc. It should be noted that the study of the scientific category of «emotional intelligence» took place mainly through components and related categories, which is mainly due to the rejection of the assumption of «emotional intelligence» in people with intellectual disabilities in the understanding studied by American psychologists P. Salovey and J. Mayer (Mayer&Salovey, 2004). In particular, we are talking about the following categories: «emotional thinking» of O. Vlasova (О. Власова, 2005), «emotional understanding» of O. Yakovenko (Яковенко, 2015) and N. Kurganova (Курганова, 2019), «emotional competence» of D. Pahava (Пагава, 2017), «empathy of intellect» of O. Zhu- ravlova (Журавльова, 2017), «emotional self-awareness» of O. Sokolova (Соколова, 2018), «emotional literacy» of M. Kho- menko (Хоменко, 2018).
According to the research of P. Salovey and J. Mayer, emotional intelligence is a set of formation and level of development of such qualities as self-awareness, self-control, motivation, empathy, ability to put oneself in other people's place, communication skills and ability to find compromises, self-regulation, verbalization of emotional states, ability and availability of psycho-emotional linguistics (Mayer & Salovey, 2004; Mayer, 2005). Scientists have developed methods for measuring emotional intelligence through its components. The first component -- the distinction, perception and expression of emotions (the ability to identify emotions by facial expression, tone of voice; the ability to monitor their own feelings in real time and understand them; emotional linguistics, i.e. the ability to name feelings and emotions and other people). The second component is emotional facilitation (potential ability of a person to direct feelings and emotions). The third component is the understanding of emotions (the ability to solve emotional problems, the ability to identify and understand the relationship between emotions, thoughts and behavior; the ability to understand the value of emotions). The fourth component is emotion management (the ability to take responsibility for one's own emotions and feelings) (Mayer & Salovey, 2004; Mayer, 2005).
Thus, emotional intelligence, according to J. Mayer and P. Saloway, is revealed through the prism of personality abilities, a combination of cognitive processes and the emotional sphere. The main statement for our study is the hypothesis that certain emotions can increase the productivity of the thinking process and direct attention to specific tasks (Mayer & Salo- vey, 2004; Mayer, 2005).
Russian research, in particular the work of D. Lusin, emphasizes that emotional intelligence is «the ability to understand their own and others' emotions and manage them», and this ability is mainly cognitive in nature, and is not part of personal qualities (drocHH, 2015).
In special psychology, the question of the development of emotional intelligence and psycholinguistics of emotions in people with intellectual disabilities, as noted above, causes many controversies. V. Matveev (Матвеев, 1992), T. Berezovska (Березовська, 2007) believe that it is inexpedient to study emotional intelligence in adolescents with mental retardation, because it, emotional intelligence, is interrelated with the general level of intellectual development (Матвеев, 1992). In adolescents of this category, against the background of reduced intellectual development, emotional intelligence, respectively, will also have low scores. Scientists suggest that the isolation in the structure of personality with disorders of mental development of such a component as emotional intelligence, makes it impossible to form further mechanisms of self-regulation.
At the same time, V. Avramenko, O. Dirilin-Gumus, and V. Melnychenko believe that emotional intelligence is a relatively stable ability that can be developed. Scientists note that this is facilitated by such features of adolescents with mental retardation as emotional lability, suggestibility, average level of empathy (Авраменко, 2016; Dirilin-Gumus, 2012; Мельниченко, 2016).
According to K. Izard, the main components of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-control, communication skills (sensory, life experience), motivation. At the same time, analyzing the research of domestic psychologists, we can identify the following structural components: conscious regulation of emotions, understanding (awareness) of emotions, recognition and expression of emotions and feelings (Изард, 2008).
Thus, in the course of the study, emotional intelligence will be considered as a leading component of personality with intellectual disabilities, as a set of mental personality traits that contribute to the awareness and understanding of their own emotions and the emotions of others.
The purpose and tasks of the research
The main purpose of the article is to study the state of formation of the general level of emotional intelligence and one of the components (namely -- the emotional component) and its components in adolescents with intellectual disabilities, according to the experimental model presented in the publication.
The main tasks are: firstly, to determine the state of formation of the specified component of emotional intelligence (according to the developed model); secondly, to characterize such its components as recognition, differentiation and verbalization of emotional states by adolescents with intellectual disabilities.
*A complete model of emotional intelligence and a detailed description of the components (their components) with the level of their formation are presented in the dissertation research of OA. Vovchenko.
Methods and techniques of research
The complexity, lack of research and ambiguity of the phenomenon of the concept of «emotional intelligence» in adolescents with intellectual disabilities led to the choice of research method, namely modeling. For the purpose of further development of technologies of psychodiagnostics of formation of emotional intelligence at teenagers of the specified category. The basis for creating a model of emotional intelligence is to determine the state of formation of the ability of adolescents with intellectual disabilities to regulate emotional, volitional and cognitive processes. According to the results of theoretical analysis, it is established that today there are no special studies of emotional intelligence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities, which gives grounds for developing an experimental model. This model was the basis of our observational experiment (Fig. 1).
The main purpose of the study and the need to develop this model was to solve the following tasks gradually: firstly, to determine the main factors in the formation of emotional intelligence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities; secondly, ascertaining the state of formation of emotional intelligence by iden tifying the components and levels of formation of psycholinguistic indicators of emotional intelligence; thirdly, the definition of conditions that affect the formation of emotional intelligence in adolescence.
Fig. 1 Experimental model of emotional intelligence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities
To solve the outlined tasks and ensure the reliability of the provisions and conclusions, we used specific scientific research methods, in particular methods of psychodiagnostics, which made it possible to determine the indicators of the studied component (emotional) using the following methods: «Testing the ability to recognize emotions based on pantomime masks» (adaptation by M. Lebedeva) (fused according to the research of Венгер, 2003); methods «Determination of the ability to differentiate emotional states» (according to V. Matveev) (*used according to the monograph of ГанЬч, 2018); conversations, observations.
The study covered 117 adolescents from special boarding schools in Kyiv (boarding school № 17, boarding school № 12) (students of 5--9 grades). Psychodiagnostics was performed in accordance with the instructions, in compliance with the necessary requirements and the use of additional tools.
According to the developed model, emotional intelligence is revealed through the cognitive, emotional, volitional spheres of personality. Therefore, the components of emotional intelligence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities were identified: cognitive, emotional and volitional. Indicators of the emotional component are the recognition, differentiation of emotions and the ability to verbalize emotional states. The cognitive component is established through indicators of the formation of leading emotional modalities; emotional and volitional self-regulation; empathy. The volitional component is determined through motivation, control and personality traits. Each of the indicators has levels that specify the state of formation of emotional intelligence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities.
Detection of the state of formation of emotional intelligence was carried out in accordance with our selected levels: high, medium, low. The high level of formation was determined by obtaining high indicators of the formation of arbitrariness of emotional, volitional and cognitive processes. The average level of formation was determined by comparing the high rates of development of arbitrary emotional processes and the average rates of volitional and cognitive processes. The low level of formation was determined by comparing the low rates of formation of emotional, volitional and cognitive processes.
The results and discussions
In the process of psychodiagnostics, we focused on identifying the state of formation of the emotional component and the level of representation of its indicators. These are important qualitative characteristics such as recognition, differentiation and verbalization of emotions.
Recognition, differentiation and ability to verbalize emotional states was determined through understanding, analysis and comparison of emotional states by the studied adolescents by the method «Testing the ability to recognize emotions based on pantomime masks» (adaptation of M. Lebedeva) (*used according to the research of Венгер, 2003) and the method of determining the ability to differentiate» (According to V. Matveev) (*used according to the monograph of Гашч, 2018).
Results of psychodiagnostic research of emotions of teenagers with mental development disorders are according to the method of M. Lebedeva.
According to the results of the method «Testing the ability to recognize emotions based on pantomime masks of the human face» (adaptation of M. Lebedeva) it was found that almost 90% have problems with recognizing the emotion of disgust. Thus, adolescents with intellectual disabilities can not identify this emotion in other people, verbalize it, identify with their own similar emotion (Lebedeva, 1989). Adolescents often stated that they did not understand the term «disgust», «abhorrence» or «aversion». 80% of adolescents have trouble recognizing the emotion of fear. 60% of diagnosed adolescents cannot establish surprise, and 20% -- anger. Emotions such as joy and sadness were not difficult to understand, their performance was normal, and could easily be verbalized, the synonymous series for these emotions was very rich. Adolescents with intellectual disabilities almost immediately, without the help of outsiders (additional questions, auxiliary stories), recognized these emotions, easily described them, selected comparisons, synonymous series (both in Ukrainian and Russian).
Analyzing the obtained results, the average level of understanding of emotions by adolescents with mental retardation was determined (measurement took place in minutes). The average value of the duration of recognition of emotions by adolescentswith mental retardation is: joy -- 3.2 minutes;an- ger -- 4.2 minutes; disgust -- 7.3 minutes; fear -- 6.1 minutes; aurprise -- 5.5 minutes; sadness -- 3.8 minutes (Fig. 2).
It is worth noting that the table illustrates the average value (in minutes) that a teenager spends on recognizing emotions. The calculation was performed by the method of mathematical method -- «determination of the average value» after conducting and collecting data from the surveyed adolescents (from the above sample). The minutes are calculated on a timer clock that was turned on during emotion recognition. The task of the psychologist is to record clearly the result of a teenager who is nearby. The most convenient form of conducting is, respectively, individual communication.
According to the results of the diagnosis, it was found that adolescents with intellectual disabilities are characterized by a well-developed ability to analyze, verbalize and compare the depicted emotional states. According to the obtained results, we characterized the ability to analyze the six main emotions of adolescents in this category (Table 1).
Fig. 2 The speed of recognition of emotions by adolescents withintellectual disabilities (in min.)
Table 1
Comparison of the general average indicators of the ability to analyze and verbalize emotions in adolescents with intellectual disabilities (%)
Qualitative characteristics of emotions |
Emotions that were offered to the adolescent for differentiation |
joy |
anger |
disgust |
fear |
surprise |
sadness |
Positive identified emotions |
79 |
31 |
26 |
1 |
26 |
32 |
Negative identified emotions |
18 |
57 |
36 |
5 |
38 |
53 |
Unknown (difficult emotions for identification by adolescents, or which he/she didn't feel, didn't know) |
3 |
12 |
38 |
4 |
36 |
15 |
Joy is the image of emotion that teenagers chose as one of the first, recognized for 3 minutes, the maximum time for recognition is 5 minutes. It is worth noting that the joy was recognized more quickly by younger students, and older -- on the contrary spent more time on it. The opposite was observed with sadness, younger students identified this image longer than older ones. These two emotions were the first to be chosen by adolescents, unmistakably characterized, linguistically correct, given a variety of descriptive characteristics, and able to mimic them. The other four basic emotions caused more difficulty. The emotion of anger was recognized relatively quickly. It is worth noting that teenagers liked to repeat it, portraying facial expressions. As the students noted, it is the easiest and most interesting for the face. It is these aspects during the first diagnoses that drew attention during the study of emotional intelligence to aggression in the personality structure, manifestations of negativism and their impact on the formation of the adolescent's personality.
The emotion of disgust was the most difficult to recognize. The studied adolescents could not identify and verbalize it (sometimes students were simply silent because they could not find the appropriate definition, it was difficult for them to form linguistically a descriptive characteristic). The following answers were close: «I don't like something», «this is when we say: fu», «disgusting», but the adolescents made such comments only after auxiliary questions and attempts to repeat this image in person. We assume that these difficulties in the analysis of this emotion are associated with a higher level of emotionalization of emotion and the ability to compare, so it is difficult for adolescents with intellectual disabilities, requires additional psycho-corrective measures.
Results of psychodiagnostic research of emotions of teenagers with mental development disorders according to the method of V. Matveev.
To determine the state of formation of the indicator of differentiation of emotions and their verbalization, the method «Determination of the ability to differentiate emotional states» (according to V. Matveev) was used. Based on the results of the method, we established and evaluated the comparison of adolescent emotions with personal experience, verbalization and the ability to psycholinguistic analysis of emotions. Among the main emotions suggested to define a teenager there were: joy, sorrow, boredom, sadness, surprise, fear, friendship, hatred, anger, love, sadness, anger, shame, curiosity, anxiety, aggression, pride, respect, irritability, trust. Thus, the adequacy of perception and definition of emotions, their polarity, distortion of emotional states was established (Table 2).
According to the method of V. Matveev, the comparison and analysis of emotions is determined by the adequacy of the definition of emotion, i.e. its belonging to one of two groups: positive or negative. The scientist interprets the incorrect definition of emotion as «distortion of the polarity of emotion». Thus, we found that as positive emotions, the studied adolescents identified 10 as negative -- 7, did not identified -- 4 emotions (respect, anger, irritability, trust). Adequately positive emotions, which were identified by adolescents with mental retardation as positive, are: joy, friendship, love, curiosity. Adequately negative emotions, which were identified by adolescents with mental retardation as negative, are: sorrow, hatred, anxiety, aggression, anger.
Table 2
Comparative analysis of the differentiation of emotions in adolescents with intellectual disabilities (%)
Emotion |
Identified by adolescents as positive |
Identified by adolescents as negative |
Unidentified by adolescents |
Joy |
83.6 |
- |
16.4 |
Sorrow |
62 |
33.4 |
4.6 |
Boredom |
44.1 |
5.1 |
50.8 |
Anguish |
20.7 |
5 |
74.3 |
Surprise |
16.5 |
76.5 |
7 |
Fear |
54.2 |
29.8 |
16 |
Frendship |
75.8 |
24.2 |
- |
Hatred |
24.7 |
60.3 |
15 |
Spite |
36.8 |
60.1 |
3.1 |
Love |
49.7 |
47.1 |
3.2 |
Sadness |
39.3 |
29.8 |
30.9 |
Anger |
44.6 |
45.4 |
10 |
Shame |
55.5 |
15 |
29.5 |
Curiosity |
58.2 |
18.8 |
23 |
Anxiety |
3.9 |
70.1 |
27 |
Aggression |
18 |
68 |
14 |
Pride |
11 |
37 |
52 |
Respect |
34.3 |
33.4 |
32.3 |
Irritability |
27 |
29 |
44 |
Trust |
31 |
32 |
37 |
Unidentified identified (distorted) emotions are divided into two groups (according to V. Matveev): positive, perceived by adolescents as negative, and negative, perceived as positive. Thus, positive emotions that are inadequately perceived and considered negative by adolescents with mental retardation are pride and surprise. Among the negative emotions and feelings that are inadequately perceived and considered positive by adolescents with mental retardation are boredom, anguish, fear, sadness, anger, shame. It is worth noting that three of them (boredom, anguish and shame) are neutral and depend on a person's perception, personal life experience and worldview.
Inadequately interpreted and distorted emotions indicate impaired cognitive activity of adolescents, low and medium ability to analyze and compare emotions, insufficient level of ability to differentiate emotions, low level of ability to verbalize and psycholinguistic analysis. At the same time, emotions characterized by distortion require additional psychocorrectional effects.
According to the results of the analysis, it was summarized and found that the emotional component in adolescents with intellectual disabilities is characterized by the middle level of formation (Table 3). This indicates that adolescents are able to understand partially, analyze, compare emotional states with their own experience (3--4 states); partial definition, evaluation, verbalization of emotions (4--5 basic emotions) and their psycholinguistic description.
Table 3
Comparative analysis of the state of formation of the emotional component in adolescents with intellectual disabilities (%)
% |
5 th grade |
6th grade |
7th grade |
8th grade |
9th grade |
The overall average result |
High |
2 |
1 |
5 |
7 |
5 |
4 |
Middle |
70 |
74 |
68 |
69 |
71 |
70 |
Low |
28 |
25 |
27 |
24 |
24 |
26 |
Emotional intelligence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities is formed under the influence of: weakness and imbalance of nervous processes; disorders of plasticity and mobility of the nervous system; specifics of the functioning of cognitive processes (involuntary, instability and limited amount of attention, impaired perception of objects and situations, small amounts of memory); speech disorders; immaturity of abstract-logical thinking (inability to evaluate and correlate previous experience with the tasks; shallow, unstable, low- intensity, one-sided, undifferentiated, situational interests); specifics of the formation of types of activity (unawareness of the ultimate goal of activity, lack of initiative of motor reflection of methods of action); specifics of the formation of «Me-concept» (self-esteem, misunderstanding of their own capabilities). Thus, an attempt was made to establish the mechanism of functioning of emotional intelligence through the selection of its main components and the study of one of them, namely the emotional component in order to further influence the formation of personality of adolescents with intellectual disabilities. In addition, an attempt was made to develop and present an experimental model of emotional intelligence and an attempt was made to study one of the components in the structure of emotional intelligence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities, namely -- emotional (and its components).
The emotional component in the structure of emotional intelligence of adolescents with intellectual disabilities was determined by indicators of recognition (ability to understand, analyze and compare emotional states), differentiation of emotions (ability to identify, evaluate and compare emotions with similar emotions) and verbalization of basic emotions (ability to psycholinguistic analysis of basic emotions). It is established that the formation and dynamics of these indicators in the studied adolescents has an average level and is characterized by selective formation of understanding of emotions, selective ability to identify and analyze emotional states, selective nature of definition, evaluation and comparison of emotions. analysis of basic emotions.
The identified components, indicators of the state of formation and the establishment of levels of emotional intelligence are the basis for the development of further effective psychological support of adolescents with intellectual disabilities in school and extracurricular activities.
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