Problems of formation the moral and professional competence of students during the study of the course "practice of English oral and written speech"

Analysis of the main contexts of moral personal competence in foreign and domestic pedagogical systems. Outline of the main components of the moral and professional competence of future specialists, namely: special, social and personal competence.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 27.07.2022
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Bondarenko H.M.

Kurhannikova O. О.

Nosach O. O.


Bondarenko H.M., Ph.D. in Pedagogical Science, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Philology Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy» of Kharkiv Regional Council.

Kurhannikova O.О., Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Philology, Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy» of Kharkiv Regional Council.

Nosach O.O., Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Philology, Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy» of Kharkiv Regional Council.

The problem of high moral personal competencies development is to form the students' ability to solve complex ethical issues, based on creative use of their own, social experience, solving moral, communicative, cognitive, ideological, etc. problem situations. In the process of formation moral qualities in higher educational institution the classes on «Practice of English Oral and Written Speech» are especially important.

The purpose of the article is to describe the concept of moral personal competence of a student, considering the features of their formation during the study of the course «Practice of English Oral and Written Speech».

The main contexts of moral personal competence in foreign and native pedagogical systems have been analyzed. The main general pedagogic principles, as well as the main principles of English practical training of future specialists, that are used during the course «Practice of English Oral and Written Speech», have been distinguished in the article. The main components of moral and professional competence of future specialists have been outlined, namely: special, social and personal competence.

The understanding of the moral and professional personal competence in the process of learning English has been clarified and formed, as students get acquainted, apply and improve their skills in communicating lexical, grammatical, phonetic structures. The significance of the formation the moral personal competencies of students during the study of the course «Practice of English Oral and Written Speech» requires special attention.

The qualitative formation of professional competencies of future professionals will provide a real opportunity to train professionals at the appropriate level in the specialty, competitive in the labor market, fluent in their professional skills and oriented in related fields, capable of effective work, ready for continuous professional development, social and professional mobility.

Key words: moral personal competence, professional potential, higher educational institution, skills and knowledge, professional and personal qualities.



Бондаренко Г. М. кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач, старший викладач кафедри іноземної філології, Комунальний заклад «Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія» Харківської обласної ради.

Курганнікова О. О. викладач кафедри іноземної філології, Комунальний заклад «Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія» Харківської обласної ради.

Носач О. О. викладач кафедри іноземної філології, Комунальний заклад «Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія» Харківської обласної ради.

У статті висвітлюється проблема розвитку високоморальних особистісних компетенцій, яка полягає у формуванні у студентів здатності вирішувати складні етичні питання на основі творчого використання власного, соціального досвіду, вирішення моральних, комунікативних, пізнавальних, ідеологічних тощо проблемних ситуацій. У процесі дослідження доведено, що під час формування моральних якостей у вищому навчальному закладі особливого значення набувають заняття з «Практики усного та писемного мовлення англійської мови».

Мета статті - описати поняття моральної особистісної компетентності студента, ураховуючи особливості їх формування під час вивчення курсу «Практика англійського усного та писемного мовлення».

Проаналізовано основні контексти моральної особистісної компетентності в зарубіжних та вітчизняних педагогічних системах. Окреслено основні складники морально-професійної компетентності майбутніх спеціалістів, а саме: спеціальна, соціальна та особистісна компетентність.

З'ясовано та сформульовано розуміння морально-професійної особистісної компетентності в процесі вивчення англійської мови, оскільки студенти знайомляться, застосовують і вдосконалюють свої навички спілкування лексичних, граматичних, фонетичних конструкцій. Особливої уваги потребує значення формування морально-особистісних компетенцій студентів під час вивчення курсу «Практика усного та писемного англійського мовлення».

Якісне формування професійних компетенцій майбутніх фахівців дасть реальну можливість підготувати фахівців на належному рівні за фахом, конкурентоспроможних на ринку праці, які вільно володіють професійними навичками та орієнтуються у суміжних сферах, здатних до ефективної роботи, готових до безперервної роботи.

Ключові слова: моральна особистісна компетентність, професійний потенціал, вищий навчальний заклад, навички та знання, професійно-особистісні якості.

Formulation of the problem

At the modern stage of rapid and constantly changing development of society there are new requirements for the personality of the future specialist, his competencies and professional potential. In this regard, educational institutions, including higher educational ones, have a new task: to prepare new professionals who can quickly find the necessary information qualitatively, analyze and apply it in practice creatively, adapting to the needs of the audience; to form a person capable of effective life in a multinational and multicultural environment, which is characterized by a sense of understanding and respect for historical, cultural and labor heritage of other cultures, as well as the ability to live and work with people of different nationalities, beliefs and races. This training is based on the competence approach: «the purpose of higher education is to obtain a person with a high level of scientific and / or creative artistic, professional and general competencies necessary for activities in a particular specialty or field of knowledge» [1]. The formation of students' high moral personal competencies is of great importance.

The problem of high moral personal competencies development is to form the ability to solve complex ethical issues in various fields and activities of students independently, based on creative use of their own, social experience, solving moral, communicative, cognitive, ideological, etc. problem situations.

An important basis for the education of future specialist is to support the process of his socialization, increase social and adaptive capacity, prevent detachment or deformation of social and personal ties, their multiplication and quality improvement [5, р. 51-52].

The trend in the development of education in the civilized world is the introduction of competency- oriented education into practice, which contributes the acquisition of competencies necessary in students' life. The theory of skill approach in education was developed and presented in the works of foreign scholars R. Bader, D. Mertens, B. Oskarson, A. Shelten. Scientists I. Bekh, N. Bibik, O. Bykovska, L. Vashchenko, I. Yermakov, V. Verbytsky, O. Lokshina, O. Kononko, O. Pometun, O. Savchenko and others studied the Ukrainian perspectives of the skill approach in modern education. Russian scientists V. Bolotov, I. Zimnyaya, E. Zeyer, A. Zolotareva, M. Katunova, V. Laptev, O. Lebedev, N. Radionova, V. Serikov, A. Tryapitsyna, A. Khutorsky, S. Shishov and others revealed in their works the practical implementation of the skill approach, the formation of personality competencies [7, р. 5].

In the process of formation such moral qualities as tolerance, virtue, mutual assistance, friendliness, sensitivity, respect to the cultural and historical heritage of other nations and to the conditions in higher educational institution the classes on «Practice of English Oral and Written Speech» are especially important. Thus, in the process of learning English, students get acquainted, apply and improve their skills in communicating lexical, grammatical, phonetic structures, as well as take into account the socio-cultural aspect of this people.

The purpose of the article is to describe the concept of moral personal competence of a student, considering the features of their formation during the study of the course «Practice of English Oral and Written Speech».

Presenting the main material. The concept of «competence» is quite broad. It includes learning abilities, knowledge and skills, moral values, attitudes. Competent (from the Latin competent - appropriate) means experienced in a particular field, which is characterized by competence, awareness, authority. Different scholars distinguish the concept of competence as substantive-relevant, organizational, technological, environmental, legal, political, cultural, social, economic competence, as well as competence in the field of communication and personal and daily life. According to O. Kononko, competence does not only mean the available age awareness of the child in a wide range of life problems. It provides a range of characteristics: developed sensual experience; practical life skills; developed needs, abilities, habits; a set of basic personal qualities that guarantee the child's fitness for life; ability to navigate in changing conditions, to find optimal means of realizing one's personal potential [7, р. 6].

On January 17, 2018, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union approved a Framework Program on renewed key competences for lifelong learning, which singled out personal, social and learning competences as a separate important integrated component [9].

Studying and analyzing scientific sources, we concluded that scientists considered moral personal competence as a component of social and personal competence in the following contexts:

• characteristics of a certain level of the individual's socialization (N. Rototaeva) [6, p. 7];

• a necessary personality trait that ensures the relationship of man with the world (W. Hutmacher);

• dynamic integrative system (V. Kunitsyna) [3, p. 51];

• integrated competencies based on personal characteristics and moral values, ensuring communication with society and self-actualization (O. Malykhin, T. Vasyliuk) [4, p. 8];

• skills and abilities which are necessary for existence in a dynamic world, self-perception (A. Yarulov) [8, p. 43];

• the ability of the individual to coordinate the actions of interpersonal interaction, to organize social behavior in different social conditions and situations, in accordance with their needs and social laws and morals (K. Bierman) [10, p. 141];

• the ability of a person to apply social skills effectively in order to achieve goals in social interactions (S. Magelinskaite, A. Capelaite, V. Legkauskas [11, p. 2];

• a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that determine the quality of human social behavior (U. Kanning) [12, p. 155], etc.

The most complete definition ofthe concept of social competence provides V. Kovalchuk, highlighting the pedagogical and sociological approach. According to the pedagogical approach, social competence is the level of personality formation as a result of social development, which is a set of certain personal characteristics, needs, abilities, theoretical ideas and practical skills in the following areas: social thinking, speech, motives, emotions, interpersonal behavior and more. According to the sociological approach, social competence is the ability of an individual to navigate in different life situations, live and work effectively in a market economy based on modern basic methodological, ideological, spiritual, moral, information culture [2, p. 56].

On the issue of personal competence, most scholars have considered it as the motivational and volitional qualities of the individual that help him to perform tasks of varied complexity, which also includes work on himself.

Personal competence is a mastery of the means and methods of self-expression, self-development, as well as resistance to professional deformation of personality. The main components of personal competence are: stable professional motivation, job satisfaction, the presence of a positive self-concept, understanding of their own mission, creative approach to management, positive emotional mood, mastery of personal self-development, self-expression and more.

Thus, moral personal competencies of the student is a set of features and qualities of personal and social competencies, which allows to solve complex life situations related to life in a multinational and multicultural environment based on understanding and respect for historical, cultural and labor heritage of other cultures, and, what is more, the ability to live and work with people of different nationalities, beliefs and races, which is determined by cultural affiliation, worldview, value system, cultural level, personal and social attitudes, moral principles, etc. moral personal competence pedagogical

Considering the formation of moral personal qualities of students, we note that this is a complex, long-term process that requires careful preparation, systematic and clear adherence to the goal and systematic application in practice of appropriate tools. The successful process of forming a high moral personality in a multicultural space will contribute to the study of the course «Practice of English Oral and Written Speech».

The subject of the course «Practice of English Oral and Written Speech» is oral and written speech in linguistic, socio-cultural and professional aspects. This course has a worldview-professional character, as it is aimed at the formation of students' communicative, linguistic, socio-cultural and professional competence. The constituent elements of the discipline are the teaching of listening, speaking and writing, reading and vocabulary within the topics outlined in the program. Considerable attention should be paid to individual and independent work of students, because mastering a foreign language always involves a significant amount of independent work in the process of learning and working out lexical material, improving phonetic skills, reading and listening skills. The use of modern, relevant and interesting audio and video materials helps to increase the cognitive activity of students, allows them to get a large amount of socio-cultural information.

Under the terms of successful study and implementation of the acquired knowledge in practice, students will know:

* forms and types of cultures;

• features of national and universal culture, spiritual and moral foundations of human life and humanity, individual peoples;

• cultural heritage of different peoples;

• basics of tolerant attitude to different cultures;

• paradigms of communication in modern culture;

• ethical norms of behavior and speech; rules of professional ethics;

• features of moral obligation and moral responsibility;

• effective means of ensuring intercultural interaction of students in a multiethnic group and more.

Analyzing the current issues of education future highly qualified specialists, it should be noted that the most important task is to improve the quality of structure, content and forms of teaching of students. Their most important qualities should be professional flexibility and mobility, solid general education, broad professional training and high cultural and technical level, the ability to update and replenish knowledge quickly. A modern specialist in almost any field of activity must have the ability to work in creative teams and also have a clear idea of the social and cultural aspects of the application of new technologies.

In addition, qualities such as discipline, leadership, a sense of responsibility, sociability, dedication and creativity are also needed. These are the so-called «extra-functional» characteristics (i. e. those that go beyond professional qualities), which in foreign countries are called «social qualifications».

Theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and the study allowed us to determine the indicators of competence of professional personal qualities of students during the study of the course «Practice of English Oral and Written Speech». It is determined that professional competence is directly formed and based on the achievements of previous periods of personality development, is closely related to its social interactions and personal characteristics, and therefore is formed in close interaction with the development of high moral qualities. At the same time, professional competence is possible only in the presence of relevant knowledge, skills, abilities, formation of the inner world of the individual - needs, attitudes, professional orientation and motives, requirements for themselves, their professional qualities, results of their own activities. It is proved that the professional competence of students is a multidimensional phenomenon, which is represented by a combination of four components: worldview- motivational, theoretical-cognitive, practical- activity and functional-creative. Thus, the main components of the professional competence of the future specialist are:

1. Special competence - readiness to perform professional tasks independently, the ability to evaluate the results of their work, the ability to acquire new knowledge and skills independently.

2. Social competence - the ability to work together and cooperate with other employees on the basis of friendly communication, willingness to take responsibility for the results of their work, the environment and other true values.

3. Individual competence - readiness for continuous training, ability to self-motivation, self-development of the individual in professional work.

Conclusions and prospects for further development in this direction

We can conclude, that a properly organized educational process of higher education, as well as well-chosen forms and methods of work used in the study of courses, namely «Practice of English Oral and Written Speech», will promote the development of students' moral and professional competence. At the same time, the qualitative formation of professional competencies of future professionals will provide a real opportunity to train professionals at the appropriate level in the specialty, competitive in the labor market, fluent in their professional skills and oriented in related fields, capable of effective work, ready for continuous professional development, social and professional mobility.


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