Art-terapy resources in the management of pedagogical conflicts in universities of Ukraine

Essence, characterization, dynamics of pedagogical conflicts. Analysis of actual ideas on the problem of pedagogical conflict management in universities with the help of art therapy resources. Tools for dealing with the emotional sphere of individual.

Рубрика Психология
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 28.07.2022
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Photography is used in the work to solve various psychological problems, as well as for the harmonization and development of personality. The specialist develops a perspective plan of lessons, which is complemented by photos and art-therapeutic elements, exercises, games, fairy tales that allow creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort and emotional-sensory attitude of the person to the world. Phototherapy also applies additional visual techniques, such as collage, installation of readymade photos in the interior, work from the photos of models and further interaction with them, etc.


So, summarizing all the above, we conclude that the use of resources of art therapy provide creative expression, self-affirmation, self-actualization and self-healing of the individual, his psychological comfort and promote harmonious development, add positive potential in the constructive management of pedagogical conflicts. Creativity realized in the process of art therapy stimulates the ability to express and reproduce inner feelings, emotions, doubts, conflicts and hopes, enables in a symbolic form (spontaneous creative activity capable of expressing the unconscious content of mental life) experiencing once again more important events solve real problems.

The most scientifically substantiated and significant advantages of art therapy in the management of pedagogical conflicts in universities are that art therapy: provides a socially acceptable outcome of aggression and other negative feelings of personality; creates a positive emotional mood, forms an active life position, selfconfidence; facilitates the process of communication, when unconscious internal conflicts and experiences are often easier to express through visual images than to express them in the process of verbal correction and non-verbal communication is easier to escape from the censorship of personality consciousness; enables to symbolically experiment with different feelings, to explore and express them in a socially accepted form; develops a sense of internal control; effective in the correction of various deviations and disorders of personal development, relies on the healthy potential of the individual; develops artistic abilities, raises self-esteem, arouses feelings of satisfaction resulting from the identification of hidden personal talents.


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