Psychological aspect of upbringing student
Study of professional training of teachers for the use of technologies in psychological and pedagogical theory and practice. Approaches affecting education and formation of students. Directions of education of students in a higher education institution.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.08.2022 |
Размер файла | 19,7 K |
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Barchi Beata
Molnar Gabriella
The article is intended for theoretical substantiation of the psychological attitude of the educator while teaching the students. It has been analyzed that the educational work carried out in ZVO outside the classroom provides actualization of students' theoretical knowledge, directs them to the practical plane, draws young people's attention to the most acute social problems of today, forms their social maturity.
The problem of professional training of teachers for application of various technologies in psychological and pedagogical theory and practice has been discussed. It has been concluded that different hikes affect the education and development of the student.
The article raises the issue of different types of education. It is in the psychological and pedagogical aspect of student education. They relied on the work of prominent personalities and drew certain conclusions. The main directions of education of students in ZVO have been singled out, namely: educational-professional, patriotic, legal, ecological, economic education; artistic and aesthetic formation of personality, affirmation of universal moral values, labor activity, physical perfection and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the development of individual abilities of students, providing appropriate conditions for self-realization.
Key words: psychology of education, pedagogy, unity, totality, learning, discussion, training.
Барчі Б.В., Молнар Г.Д.
Сучасний етап розвитку суспільства потребує особливої уваги до формування духовної сфери випускника вищої школи. Сьогодні як ніколи вимагається створення умов для прояву вільної, творчої і моральної особистості, яка володіє інтелігентністю у повному об'ємі її класичних якостей. У статті представлено теоретичне обґрунтування психологічних особливостей у процесі виховання студентів. Досліджено проблему професійної підготовки педагогів до застосування різних технологій у психолого- педагогічній теорії та практиці. Проаналізовано різні підходи, що впливають на виховання та становлення здобувача вищої освіти в цілому. У статті висвітлено проблему, яка стосується різних видів виховання, а саме в психологічному та педагогічному аспекті виховання студента. Було підтверджено, що досягнення мети виховання можливе лише за умови комплексного підходу і залучення до цієї роботи всього професорсько-викладацького складу закладів вищої освіти (ЗВО), адміністрації, органів студентського самоврядування та громадських об'єднань студентської молоді. Проаналізовано, що виховна робота, що проводиться у ЗВО за межами аудиторії, забезпечує актуалізацію теоретичних знань студентів, спрямовує їх у практичну площину, звертає увагу молоді на найгостріші соціальні проблеми сьогодення, формує їх соціальну зрілість. Освітня й виховна діяльність закладу вищої освіти повинна знаходитись у тісному взаємозв'язку, доповнюючи і збагачуючи одна одну. Було виокремлено основні напрямки виховання студентів в ЗВО, а саме: навчально-професійне, патріотичне, правове, екологічне, економічне виховання; художньо-естетичне становлення особистості, утвердження загальнолюдських моральних цінностей, трудова активність, фізична досконалість та формування здорового способу життя, розвиток індивідуальних здібностей студентів, забезпечення відповідних умов для самореалізації.
Ключові слова: психологія педагогічної діяльності, педагогіка, єдність, тотальність, навчання, дискусія, формування навичок.
Pedagogical activity is a professional activity of a teacher, in which the tasks of teaching and education are realized by means of various means of influencing students (A. Markov). In general, pedagogical activity is a special, multifaceted and multifaceted type of activity related to teaching and education.
Types of pedagogical activity: educational, upbringing, organizational, propaganda, managerial, consultative, and self-educational.
The psychological structure of pedagogical activity includes: motivational and indicative link - readiness for activity and setting goals and objectives by the teacher; executive level - the choice and application of means of influencing students.
Note that pedagogical activity actually begins not with the goal, but with the analysis of the initial pedagogical situation.
A pedagogical situation is a set of conditions in which a teacher sets pedagogical goals and objectives, makes and implements pedagogical decisions. In principle, any situation becomes pedagogical if it implements pedagogical goals and objectives [3, 144]. student psychological pedagogical education
Pedagogy is the science and practice of educating, teaching, educating, and developing people. The concepts of «pedagogical activity», «pedagogical system», «pedagogical process», «pedagogical results», etc. are generic in relation to others, for example, learning, which is only a part of such activity. Education, training, education and development, having a pedagogically systematic character and their own goals, act as interrelated subsystems in pedagogical activity, process, results, representing a kind of «pedagogical square».
The unity, coordination, and interrelationships of subsystems are objectively determined by the need for a holistic, harmonious personality formation. It is objectively determined by the laws of Social, Psychological, and pedagogical development of a person - his formation occurs holistically, in the interrelation and interdependence of changes occurring in him. Education contributes to success in learning and education, education, and training - to success in education, all of them contribute to a shift in development, and increasing its level accelerates and enriches the results of education, training and education.
The unity of teaching, upbringing, education and development in pedagogy is recognized as one of the most important laws inherent in any pedagogical process and is ensured by purposeful efforts of the subjects of pedagogical work. Considering all these subsystems in unity, it should be borne in mind that these are not identical phenomena. Each of them has its own qualitative certainty, its own specifics. The more fully and deeply this specificity is taken into account, the more effective all pedagogical work will be.
Unity of upbringing and training.
This principle generalizes the philosophical propositions of all times and Peoples, which reveal the organic unity of upbringing and training. These processes occur simultaneously and inextricably. And although the share of education learning in individual acts of the educational process can change, it achieves its goal when the teacher controls both processes. The principle requires harmony of training and upbringing.
The principle is implemented through a system of rules.
1. Knowledge without good manners is a sword in the hands of a madman. Ignoring this ancient wisdom resulted in great losses. Our knowledge is great, but our upbringing is not enough to use it wisely, to direct it for the benefit of Man and humanity. Everything that science discovers, unfortunately, turns into weapons. Knowledgeable, but not well-mannered people leave our educational institutions, daily multiplying the danger of approaching the fatal line.
Anyone who takes up education should make it a rule: any knowledge should be accompanied by proper upbringing. Of course, it is impossible to prohibit the dissemination of dangerous knowledge in our time, they are available to everyone. A sixth grader with a basic knowledge of chemistry can design a grenade. The very fact that the desire to get a weapon arises in the child's head should be considered extraordinary. We pretend that nothing is happening.
Knowledge is not only a power, but also a dangerous weapon. Teachers should do everything in their power to ensure that knowledge is accompanied by proper upbringing, in order to develop the morality of their students, which precedes the acquisition of knowledge.
2. Teaching - educating, educating - teaching. We maintain the proper balance, developing a person's morality in specific knowledge. Perhaps today it is not so important whether the student will know the internal structure of a frog or fish. From the lesson, he must learn the belief that it is impossible to destroy nature.
3. Programs and training books in the light of the requirements of this principle should be reviewed and filled with ideological and moral content. Facts, dates, rules, and formulas sharpen the mind. And the soul can't spread its wings. Teachers consciously avoid solving the most difficult tasks of Education. Abbreviated multiplication formulas are easy to teach, and it is difficult to manage a student's moral development. Therefore, it protrudes beyond any measure of learning, teachers bypass the educational areas of education, focusing on knowledge. We achieve success: the formula of sulfuric acid is finally remembered by everyone. But why?
4. The Bible says, « what is the use for a person of the riches that he will acquire, but will ruin his soul?» What is the use of a child from a school that has not made him a moral person? Children are sent to school not only for knowledge. Parents want to see them well-mannered, ready for life. Teachers should understand their personal responsibility for the fate of people. Not everyone can be a teacher. Education is not a hired job, but a high Mission. We will stop the process of providing pedagogical services, which educational institutions are switching to. We've already come this far.
The rule that follows from this requirement is simple: let every teacher, crossing the threshold of the school, ask himself - Why am I here?
This principle also applies to the orientation of Education. Who does it serve? To the state, society, or man? Ideally, there should be harmony. Everyone should benefit from education - the state, society, and the individual. But there is no clarity yet, the requirements of the principle are violated.
In the holistic pedagogical process, a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, views and beliefs, behavioral habits, and qualities that characterize a person's personality in many ways is formed. Learning activates cognitive, creative abilities, encourages the manifestation of conscientiousness, perseverance, demanding of oneself and at the same time contributes to improving education, creates conditions for the development of abilities, activates the mental and physical development of the student's personality, gradually increases the level of his education.
Almost every pedagogical influence contains a versatile (pedagogically «quadrature») material for solving educational, educational, educational and developmental tasks.
Socio-economic, technical, general scientific knowledge that people master reflects the history and character, the specifics of the modern era, the alignment of political forces in the world, the state of the world and national economy, the level of development of Science and technology, helps students to understand and objectively evaluate life phenomena and processes, on the basis of which a scientific worldview is formed, views, beliefs realized in the social activity of a person, in the development of his personality.
So, the pedagogical process is characterized by: the goal, tasks, content, methods, forms of interaction between teachers and pupils, the results achieved.
Usually, these are the target, content, activity-based, and effective components that form the system.
The target component of the process contains all the variety of goals and objectives of pedagogical activity: from the general goal - comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual - to specific tasks of forming certain qualities or their elements. The content component reflects the meaning that fits into both the overall goal and each specific task; the content that needs to be learned. The activity component provides for the interaction of teachers and pupils, their Cooperation, Organization and management of the process. The effective component of the process characterizes the progress made in relation to the goal set.
The second important feature of the pedagogical process as a system is the presence in it of an internal structure of connections between components and their subsystems.
For the purpose of scientific analysis and characterization of the pedagogical process, we are talking about this process in general. In fact, the teacher deals with many educational processes, the essence of which is that social experience is transformed as a person who is being formed (M. O. Danilov). The pedagogical process is not a mechanical combination of the processes of upbringing, training, and development, but a new qualitative education in which all the components of the processes are subject to a single goal. The complex dialectic of relations in the middle of the pedagogical process consists in the unity and independence of the processes that form it; in the integrity and subordination of the systems included in it; in the presence of the general and the preservation of the specific.
The specifics of processes are determined by their dominant functions. The dominant function of the learning process is learning, the process of Education - Education, the process of development - development. However, each of these processes in the integral pedagogical process also performs related functions. So, in particular, education performs not only educational, but also developmental and educational functions; training - educational and developmental. This nature of relationships is reflected in the goals, tasks, content, forms, and methods of organically inseparable processes. So, for example, the content of training is dominated by the formation of scientific ideas, assimilation of concepts, laws, principles, theories, which subsequently significantly affect the development and upbringing of the individual. The content of education is dominated by the formation of beliefs, norms, rules, ideals, value orientations, attitudes, motives, etc., but at the same time ideas, knowledge and skills are formed. Both processes lead to the main goal - the formation of personality, but each of them contributes to the achievement of this goal by its inherent means.
Based on the works of psychologists B. G. Ananyev and V. S. Merlin, it can be argued that personality development is a set of processes of qualitative change in the psychological integrity of a person, improvement of his functional readiness, formation of operating systems and such mental neoplasms that provide individuals with the opportunity to solve their life difficulties relatively successfully.
In the process of interaction of personal resources and environmental conditions, both specially organized to influence development and other purposes, qualitative changes occur in the structure of the child's psyche.
Education, as one of the factors of mental development, acts on three different levels. First of all, it is one of the elements of the life of society, the purpose of which is to ensure the development of personal social structure and culture. This socio-pedagogical level of education is the subject of research [1].
The next level is organizational and pedagogical. At this level, there are purposeful interactions of the educational system of society with those groups of people in whose development it is necessary to cause socially desired changes. The object of education is all age groups of the population (schoolchildren, young people) or groups of people with specific characteristics.
The results of educational activities at the organizational and pedagogical level can only be evaluated by evaluating the development of large groups of pupils.
Measurement of the effectiveness of education at this level is usually carried out by sociologists and teachers.
Education as a factor of mental development also acts at the psychological and pedagogical level. In this case, education can be defined as a purposeful interaction between the teacher and the pupil. In the case of the organizational and pedagogical level, the object of research here is always a specific pupil. At this level, communication between the caregiver and the pet plays an important role. Therefore, the entire process of education can be characterized as the interaction of its participants. In this case, the social orientation of education is preserved only when the teacher, based on psychological and pedagogical science and deep knowledge of his students, the specific situation, goals and objectives of education, can correctly direct their behavior and direct their activities and communication [2].
Educational activity can be characterized as directing the development of the individual in socially necessary areas. At the same time, development is the result of the interaction of purposeful upbringing and all other internal and external factors that affect a person.
There are such educational goals that can only be realized under the condition of training and upbringing. This is primarily the formation of a worldview.
The totality of knowledge, true and systematic, does not automatically lead to the formation of the student's worldview, ensuring a true reflection of the surrounding world and forming a worldview, attitude to knowledge about it, but requires various didactic assistance.
Since the evaluative attitude to the acquired knowledge comes to the fore in the formation of the worldview, the emotionally effective aspect of learning should be strengthened, and the prospects for practical activities should be revealed. Accordingly, the ideological development of students depends on the extent to which the teacher will be able to organize the student as an active integrity in all social connections. The element of a student's activity necessary for ideological development, which can be called value-oriented, arises on the basis of not only personal needs of a person, but as a result of the ratio of their own needs, the needs of others, different groups, collectives and the entire environment [4].
The emergence of ideological relations plays an active role in human life. It can cause increased cognitive activity and thus helps to reflect reality more deeply. It can also cause more activity, as a person begins to consider their cognitive and practical activities in the broad context of public interests.
Learning can successfully act as a form of education if it uses all the main types of human activity and these very students are provided with the opportunity to use all their personal development resources.
Educational activities should be interpreted as a synthetic type of activity that has elements of all other main types of activities. A schoolboy cannot be considered as a person who is just preparing for «adult» life, only getting used to culture, only assimilating life experience. Every student lives a full life, today, now, every day. He searches for, collects and forms the information he needs for himself, plays, Works, has fun, gives high praise to some phenomena, denies others.
The formation of a comprehensively developed personality of the future specialist requires the implementation of purposeful educational work in various areas: moral, legal, anti-drug, environmental, labor, economic, aesthetic, physical and others. The implementation of the content and objectives of each of these areas involves taking into account the specifics of future professional activities of professionals required for this human and professional qualities.
The educational process is an intellectual, creative activity in the field of higher education and science, conducted at the Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine «Bukovynian State Medical University» (hereinafter - the University) through a system of scientific and methodological and pedagogical activities and aimed at transfer, assimilation, multiplication and the use of knowledge, skills and other competencies in students, as well as the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.
The educational process combines three components: the educational process, the scientific process and the educational process.
The educational process is based on the principles of science, humanism, democracy, continuity and continuity, independence from the interference of any political party, other public and religious organizations.
The language of instruction is determined by Article 48 of the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education».
The educational process is organized taking into account the capabilities of modern information technology training and focuses on the formation of an educated, harmoniously developed personality, capable of constant updating of scientific knowledge, professional mobility and rapid adaptation to change and development in socio-cultural spheres, engineering, technology, management systems. and labor organization in a market economy.
Therefore, the pedagogical process cannot be reduced only to training or upbringing. It is a new qualitative entity characterized by integrity, community and unity.
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2. Lamy S.L. Teaching Introductory International Relations with Cases and Analytical Exercises. In J.S. Lantis, L.M. Kuzma, and J. Boehrer (eds.) The New International Studies Classroom: Active Teaching, Active Learning. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2000. - P. 21.
3. Lysyanskaya T.T. General psychology: inform. Secure Contents of practice. Occupations, individual., Self. Works, modular management of students' knowledge (specialization «Psychology») / Lysyanska TM, Spivak NV, Spivak DM - K .: Inst. Of Modern. Textbook, 2007. - 144 p.
4. Matviienko Olena. Theoretical Basics of Preparation of Teachers to Pedagogical Interaction with Children of Various Age / Olena Matviienko // Intellectual Archive. - 2014. - Volume 5, No. 5 (September). - Toronto: Shiny Word Corp., Canada. - P. 117.
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