Psychology of education as a new approach in pedagogical sciences

The article is devoted to modern tendencies of psychological and pedagogical sciences development in the conditions of cardinal changes which have taken place in cultural, humanitarian, social, scientific, technical, economic and political spheres.

Рубрика Психология
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 19.08.2022
Размер файла 21,8 K

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Golub Tetiana Petrivna,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor at the Department of Technical English № 2,

National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Zhygzhytova Liudmyla Mykolaivna,

Lecturer at the Department of Technical English № 2,

National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Kovalenko Olga Oleksandrivna,

Lecturer at the Department of Technical English № 2,

National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Nazarenko Olga Ivanivna,

Lecturer at the Department of Technical English № 2,

National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

The article is devoted to modern tendencies of psychological and pedagogical sciences development in the conditions of cardinal changes which have taken place in cultural, humanitarian, social, scientific, technical, economic and political spheres. The need for lifelong learning has identified the prospects for new research that draws attention to the variety of changes that occur in a person 's life during his or her stay in the educational environment. It also outlines the tasks that have expanded from the psychology of education and training to the level of general humanitarian, humanistic and socio-cultural. It is noted that psychology in its entirety has become an integral part of the process of learning, education and human development.

The question of coexistence of pedagogical psychology and psychology of education is raised, also the existence of a fundamental basis of psychological and pedagogical researches, the base of scientific psychology and philosophy which defines formation and development of the person in the educational sphere is noted. The main characteristics of education are described: education as a separate independent sphere of life; education as a universal way of transmitting cultural and historical experience; education, as a general cultural and historical form of formation and development of a man, during the historical period and in the cultural environment. It is noted that the psychology of education is a part of psychological and pedagogical anthropology, which explores the problems of consistent development of educational subjects, individual vectors of self-education, changes in their positions, as well as the content of their components at the main stages of socialization and maturation. The issue of inner and moral education in the context of pedagogical psychology is raised, as well as attention is paid to new educational strategies in education aimed at developing meta-skills and meta-competencies that allow better learning and more effective organization of individual learning environment. It is offered to solve modern problems of psychological and pedagogical direction by creating interdisciplinary groups, which should include practitioners; and by paying special attention to the individual in education, in all aspects related to the issue.

Key words: pedagogical psychology, science, education, competence, skills, learning


Стаття присвячена сучасним тенденціям розвитку психолого-педагогічних наук в умовах кардинальних змін, які відбулися в культурній, гуманітарній, соціальній, науково-технічній, економічній і політичній сферах. Необхідність навчатися протягом усього життя визначила перспективи нових досліджень, які звертають увагу на різноманітні зміни, що відбуваються в житті людини під час її перебування в освітньому середовищі. Також окреслено завдання, які розширилися з психології виховання та навчання до рівня загально-гуманітарних, гуманістичних і соціально-культурних. Зазначено, що саме психологія в її цілісному змісті стала невід'ємною складовою частиною процесу навчання, виховання та розвитку людини. Ставиться питання співіснування педагогічної психології та психології освіти, а також відзначається наявність фундаментальної основи психолого-педагогічних досліджень, тієї бази наукової психології та філософії, яка визначає становлення та розвиток людини в освітній сфері. Описуються основні характеристики освіти: освіта як окрема самостійна сфера життєдіяльності; освіта як універсальний спосіб передачі культурно-історичного досвіду; освіта як загальна культурно-історична форма становлення та розвитку людини протягом історичного періоду й у культурному просторі. Розглядається, що психологія освіти є частиною психолого- педагогічної антропології, яка досліджує проблеми послідовного розвитку суб'єктів освіти, індивідуальних векторів самоосвіти, зміну їх положень, а також зміст їхніх складових частин на основних етапах соціалізації та дорослішання. Розробляється питання духовно-моральної освіти в контексті педагогічної психології, а також звертається увага на нові навчальні стратегії в освіті, спрямовані на розвиток метанавичок і метакомпетенцій, які дозволяють краще засвоювати навчальний зміст та ефективніше організовувати індивідуальний навчальний простір. Пропонується розв'язання сучасних проблем психолого-педагогічного спрямування шляхом створення міждисциплінарних груп, до складу яких мають входити фахівці-практики; а також шляхом звернення особливої уваги на особистість в освіті в усіх аспектах, пов'язаних із цим питанням.

Ключові слова: педагогічна психологія, наука, освіта, компетенції, навички, навчання.

Problem statement

psychological pedagogical science cultural

The last decades of the XX and the beginning of the XXI centuries were marked by the enormous changes and the development of all fields of our life: economic, political, industrial, social, cultural, humanitarian and educational. Nowadays, the circle of psychological-pedagogical research has been enlarged and gone beyond the secondary school, and is not limited to the problems of training and education, which were traditionally considered within the purview of educational psychology. “Pedagogical psychology or educational psychology is a branch of psychology that studies methods of teaching and upbringing that increase the effectiveness of educational tasks implementation, the effectiveness of pedagogical measures that improve the psychological aspects of teaching, etc. As to the subject and method of functionality, it is closely related to social psychology on the one hand and cognitive psychology on the other” [1, p. 4].

Analysis of recent research and publications

The scientific works of V.M. Bekhterev, P.B. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky, D.M. Bolduin, E. Kirkpatric, E. Meinman and some other researchers were devoted to these questions. Hesson, Zachary B., studied the role of cognitive load and personal similarities and differences while interpreting the particular human-resource data visualizations. L.F. Chuprov studied out the stages of developing pedagogical psychology as a science. The works of B.G. Ananyev, N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Yakunin have determined further development of pedagogical psychology. They were devoted to the issues of adult education, anthropological question of development, education and training of a person, psychological characteristics of teaching mastering and cognitive processes.

The aim of this article. In this article we analyze the prospects for new research that draws attention to the variety of changes that occur in a person's life during his or her stay in the educational environment. We also outline the tasks that have expanded from the psychology of education and training to the level of general humanitarian, humanistic and socio-cultural spheres. We wanted to note that psychology in its entirety has become an integral part of the process of learning, upbringing, education and human development.

The concept of learning through the whole life (“long-life studying”) has determined the aims of new researches, that focus the attention on the variety (personal, interpersonal, cognitive, rehabilitative) of changes, that are going on in the person's life. The psychology itself in its entire context, not in its discrete presentation (only pedagogical psychology) has become an integral part of processes of upbringing and developing of children, which was reflected in formation of special branch - pedology, the study about development of a child. In the XX century the pedology united the specialists from different spheres, involved in the process of development, upbringing and education of children.

Themainaspectsofpedologyhavebecomethefollowing:pedologicalconsultation,testing(psychodiagnostics), the cooperation with parents, the method of natural experiment. At the same time, the laboratory of experimental pedagogical psychology has been created. Pedagogical psychology studies the questions of adults' education, anthropological questions of development, upbringing and education of a person, psychological peculiarities of pedagogical mastering, cognitive processes and also it touches the question of soul in education, and what place “living knowledge”, “live movement” occupies in education as opposed to the expansion of technocratic thinking. Due to the processes of globalization and knowledge integration, a lot of modern scientists more and more often are speaking about “psychology of education”, as an aspect of psychology that describes all varieties of psychological changes, being undertaken by a human, included into the educational system (on the level of his personality, interpersonal relations, professionalization, intellectual development and others).

However, in the connection with transformational processes that took place in the sphere of education, the question of coexistence of educational psychology and the psychology of education remains. On the other side, pedagogical psychology is a part of psychology, but does it occupy a special place in the source of psychology of education or does it dissolve in a broader research space? The answer seems to be apparent - the changes, that have already taken place, have led to the creation of new approaches and concepts of education organization environment, to the assessment of its potential and possibilities of its usage from the point of view of psychology. At the same time the uniqueness of pedagogical psychology has been determined by focusing just on the psychology of studying and upbringing, also, on the psychology of a teacher. Thus, this continuity has been created today, but it is not totally obvious. Any transformation needs time for understanding the ongoing changes, and, perhaps, today scientists are not ready to accept the psychology of education to be the continuation of pedagogical psychology. But the most important is the second question: that is the fundamental base of psycho-pedagogical researches, that starting point of scientific psychology and philosophy, which determines the creation and development of a person in an educational environment [2, p. 14]. At present the most generalized characteristics of scientific works in this sphere have become the attempts to present and consider the educational environment as some space for human self-determination, in which a learner in an educational situation is in a reflective attitude, the center of which is the formation of his individual reality. There are three types of educational characteristics in modern society:

1) Education as a separate sphere of a vital activity, independent area of life;

2) Education as a universal way of broadcasting cultural and historical experience, literally a gift from one generation to another;

3) Education as a universal culture and historical form of the formation and development of the essential forces of a person, his acquisition of the image of a human in time of history and in the space of culture.

Each of them in their own way focuses on the evolution of a person immersed in the educational environment, that is on the anthropocentricity of education. Nowadays the psychological and pedagogical anthropology is defined as comprehensive knowledge of the laws governing the formation of the actually human in a person within the limits of his ontogenesis in educational processes, as well as subjective abilities of a person.

The real kernel of psychological and pedagogical anthropology is the knowledge of psychology of a person as a studying about subjective reality, psychology of a human development and a study about development of a subjective reality on the stage of ontogenesis and psychology of education as a study about formation of a person's subjective reality in educational processes.

Having used the anthropological approach to the question of a child's development and upbringing, V. Slobodchikov has formulated the conceptual basics of opportunities for creation synthesized system of diverse typological knowledge where educational knowledge is not only a characteristic of monosubject, but it also obligatory includes the practice of humanizing a person [3, p. 112]. Within the frame of given concept, modern education must not only be limited by transferring knowledge, creating competencies, different kinds of skills, developing cognitive abilities (mental capabilities to think, plan, memorize, solve problems, process information, etc., may affect how users interpret different kinds of data, visualizations for example; cognitive load theory posits that individuals who experience greater cognitive load are more likely to experience distractor interference; this stems from the idea, that individuals have limited working memory, and when working memory demands are high, the capacity to process information becomes strained) [4, p. 6], but it also has to be aimed for creation a person in the integrity of his individual self-expression, assist in his self development, help in the awareness of the boundaries of his own subjectivity, and help to form the ability to transform his own life activity into an object of transformation. This particular perception of role of education refers directly the education to the sphere of production (a production of a person), in contrast to the entrenched view of education as a service sector. The main goal of education is not to serve the people, though, from the economical point of view, it is more functional to define financing, but to create a person on the basis of accumulated cultural and historical values, traditions and experiences. The system-forming methods of constructing such kind of education are based on age-normative models of the development of a person's subjectivity at different educational levels, for different institutions and educational trajectories, having as its main fundamental basis the integral periodization of development. Knowledge in such a context plays an additional role for a person, that helps to achieve the targets in his life and activities. In other words, there is a shift in emphasis on obtaining knowledge as an indicative vector and the basis of activity, and not as knowledge for the sake of obtaining an abstract conceptual product. The activity becomes an indispensable condition for a person to realize himself in the surrounding world. As a result, the psychology of education tries to embrace all spheres of human's activities, immersed in the educational process; moreover, both external expressiveness, that is, the practice itself, and internal, that is the psychology of education of a person properly.

The emerging of anthropocentric model of modern education initiates research that can reveal the mechanisms of the formation of subjectivity in a changing educational environment. Unfortunately, the ongoing changes are ahead of the research activity of specialists, creating a significant gap between the needs of educational practice in the psychological understanding of the changes, taking place and the topics of research. In search of effective implementation of its functions, education poses a number of questions for psychology, such as: interactive education, education in fundamentally different information environment, flexibility and mobility of education, education on different age stages, innovational potential of educational environment, intergenerational gap in education, self-knowledge in the educational environment and many other urgent and important questions. The question of the implementation of inner and moral education also remains difficult. Psychodiagnostics in this direction is also not yet sufficiently reliable and complicated. The issue of inclusive, integrated education of children in the system of additional education with the relevance and need for the integration of management resources and the involvement of partners- educational organizations, that is, from the point of view of the external side, within the framework of the system, have not been resolved. A special place is occupied by the problem of the younger generation's work with information: how they get it, what they read. In this attitude, the relevance of such a direction as the “psychology of reading” goes beyond the usual technical and semantic context. A well-known expression “As we read, so we study” - today raises on a new level the questions, connected with the work with information carriers, electronic resources, data basis, data systematization, electronic visual means of educational information. In this regard, the researches of cognitive processes, emotional and valuable spheres of a person, taking into account the changing educational environment are really necessary. A special attention is paid to educational strategies - meta skills and meta competencies, that would allow students to master educational content and organize personal educational environment.

Innovative educational environment appeals to transformation in teacher's preparation, upgrading their preparational content. In general, in order to solve the psychology theory problems in the sphere of education, it would be necessary to:

1. Define the categories.

2. Highlight aspects in the development of education, taking into account human nature (genetics, psychophysics).

3. Promote professional and personal development within the framework of a continuous education concept.

So, it is considered to be that modern tendencies of pedagogical psychology and psychology of education are being held in three dimensions: as a branch of knowledge in the sphere of the most important issue, that is the issue of preparation of specialists for education and as a scientific study about processes in particular “human in a person” during the period of development, upbringing and teaching as in the frames of educational process, so as actually independent process of the psychological and pedagogical direction; the study of the conditions of the educational environment in connection with the development of personality as an essential substance of a person. The basis of the search issue is pedagogical tools and mechanisms for the development of the experience of subjectivity in students involved in educational activities at all levels - from a kindergarten to the higher educational establishments. Nowadays psychology researchers of educational environment and scientists identify three options for building a learning system, founded on a competency-based approach: the usual way - is to gain experience through trial and error; algorithmic way - is to gain experience via mastering the indicative basis and the subsequent execution of tasks according to the main parameters and procedures; and the last one, meta subjective approach - is to gain experience through independent search for algorithms, procedures and their conscious creative application to solve every day educational and other tasks. A distinctive feature of the meta subject approach is the transition from the disunity of strategies and the content of individual academic disciplines to the study of an objective phenomenon from the point of view of various sciences. But the necessary condition is the following: the integration of the content of education, theoretical thinking and universal methods of cognition and students' activity.


Thus, the psychology of education is an essential part of psychological and pedagogical anthropology (anthropology of education which develops the problems of consistent development and changes of education subject positions), as well as their constituent communities at the main stages of socialization and maturation, individual trajectories of self-education and self development of a person. In fact, the psychology of education determines the fundamental psychological foundations of lifelong education. The solution of modern problems of psychological and pedagogical orientation is possible with the help of interdisciplinary research groups, which would include sociologists, philosophers, educators, psychologists. The theory of the scientific school and the modern vision of the problems of humanbeing and a society are a stimulating factor in the development of psychological and pedagogical knowledge.


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2. Чупров Л.Ф. Тернистый путь практической психологии образования. Психологическая газета (ИМАТОН). 2000. № 6. С. 13-15.

3. Костромина С.Н., Медина Бракамонте Н.А., Защиринская О.В. Современные тенденции педагогической психологии и психологии образования. Вестник СПбГУ. Серия 16: Психология. Педагогика. 2016. № 1. (дата обращения: 17.08.2021).

4. Hesson Zachary B. The Role of Cognitive Load and Individual Differences When Interpreting Human-Resource Data Visualizations. University Honors Theses. 2021. Paper 1098.

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