Psychological features of future psychologists’ emotional culture development
Theoretical analysis of the problem of development of the emotional culture of future psychologists. The use by the subject of his own emotional intelligence for the purpose of emotional self-regulation. Analysis of the components of emotional culture.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.09.2022 |
Размер файла | 1,2 M |
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Psychological features of future psychologists' emotional culture development
Varina Н., Master of Psychology,
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Psychology,
Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University
Frolova O., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Psychology, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University
In the context of theoretical analysis of the problem of emotional culture of future psychologists, the article defines emotional culture as a system of skills of the subject's own emotional intelligence for emotional self-regulation, manifested in reflexive awareness of emotions (both own and others), recognition of their value and motivating force, as well as the purposeful use of emotions in various types of internal mental and external (subject and social) activities. In accordance with the purpose of our study, a new view on the problem of emotional culture was proposed in the structure of professional activity of future psychologists, its essence and constituent components were determined. Emotional competence of the future specialist was considered as a systemic, holistic and dynamic psychological education, an important personal and professional quality, a component of the professional activity of the specialist; which has its own structure, expresses a certain level of emotional maturity of the individual, is an important factor in professional development and provides effective professional interaction. The article shows that emotional culture, the structural components of which are cognitive, social, regulatory and empathic components, is a means of socialization and adaptation of the future specialist. Based on the model, a comprehensive program for the formation of emotional culture of the future psychologist in the process of professional training is developed and tested, the content of which is aimed at the development of components of emotional competence. An innovative approach in the context of program implementation is a combination of traditional psychocorrection technologies and immersive technologies. The results of the formative stage of the study of the effectiveness of this program are presented. The results of the study demonstrated the dynamics of changes in the development of emotional competencies of future professionals.
Key words: emotional culture, professionalization, immersive technologies, emotional intelligence
Варіна Г.Б. магістр психології, старший викладач кафедри психології Мелітопольського державного педагогічного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького
Фролова О.В. кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри психології Бердянського державного педагогічного університету
Психологічні детермінанти розвитку емоційної культури майбутніх психологів
В контексті теоретичного аналізу проблеми розвитку емоційної культури майбутніх психологів у статті визначено емоційну культуру як систему навичок використання суб'єктом власного емоційної інтелекту з метою емоційної саморегуляції, що проявляється в рефлексивному усвідомлені емоцій (як власних, так і інших людей), визнання їх цінності та мотивуючої сили, а також цілеспрямованого використання емоцій в різних видах внутришньої психічної і зовнішньої (предметної і соціальної) діяльності. Відповідно до мети нашого дослідження було запропоновано новий погляд на проблему емоційної культури у структурі професійної діяльності майбутніх психологів, визначено її сутність та складові компоненти. Емоційна компетентність майбутнього фахівця розглядалась як системне, цілісне та динамічне психологічне утворення, важлива особистісно-професійна якість, складова професійної діяльності фахівця; що має власну структуру, виражає певний рівень емоційної зрілості особистості, є важливим чинником професійного становлення і забезпечує ефективну професійну взаємодію. У статті показано, що емоційна культура, структурними складовими якої є когнітивний, соціальний, регулятивний та емпатійний компоненти, виступає засобом соціалізації та адаптації майбутнього фахівця. На основі моделі розроблено та апробовано комплексну програму з формування емоційної культури майбутнього психолога в процесі фахової підготовки, спрямованої на розвиток складових емоційної компетентності. Інноваційним підходом в контексті реалізації програми є поєднання традиційних психокорекційних технологій та імерсивних технологій. Результатами проведеного дослідження було продемонстровано динаміку змін у розвитку емоційних компетенцій майбутніх фахівців.
Ключові слова: емоційна культура, професіоналізація, імерсивні технології, емоційний інтелект
Варина А.Б. магистр психологии, старший преподаватель кафедры психологии Мелитопольского государственного педагогического университета имени Богдана Хмельницкого
Фролова О.В. кандидат психологических наук, доцент кафедры психологии Бердянского государственного педагогического университета
Психологические детерминанты развития эмоциональной культуры будущих психологов
В контексте теоретического анализа проблемы развития эмоциональной культуры будущих психологов в статье определена эмоциональная культура как система навыков использования субъектом собственного эмоционального интеллекта с целью эмоциональной саморегуляции, проявляется в рефлексивном осознании эмоций (как собственных, так и других людей), а также целенаправленном использовании эмоций в различных видах внутренней психической и внешней (предметной и социальной) деятельности. В нашем исследовании был предложен новый взгляд на проблему эмоциональной культуры в структуре профессиональной деятельности будущих психологов, определены ее сущность и составляющие компоненты. В статье показано, что эмоциональная культура, структурными составляющими которой являются когнитивный, социальный, регулятивный и эмпа- тийный компоненты, выступает средством социализации и адаптации будущего специалиста. На основе модели разработана и апробирована комплексная программа по формированию эмоциональной культуры будущего психолога в процессе профессиональной подготовки, направленной на развитие составляющих эмоциональной компетентности. Инновационным подходом в контексте реализации программы является сочетание традиционных психокоррекционных технологий и иммерсивных технологий. Результатами проведенного исследования была продемонстрирована динамика изменений в развитии эмоциональных компетенций будущих специалистов.
Ключевые слова: эмоциональная культура, профессионализация, иммерсивные технологии, эмоциональный интеллект
Problem statement. Integral processes, which characterize modern social change, cause an urgent need to develop the emotional culture of the personality, which will contribute to a qualitatively higher level of interaction between representatives of different social institutions. This is especially important for professionals who have to work in the system “person-person”, in particular for professionals in the field of psychology. It should be mentioned that for students, future psychologists, emotions are of great importance. Emotions are necessary for socialization, for personal and cognitive growth. Emotional life is based on perception, cognition, and social experience; at the same time changes in emotional life affect cognitive and social development of the individual. The emotional culture of a student-psychologist affects the professional growth, professionalism and ability to interact with the client. The development of empathy and understanding of the client's problems also take place on an emotional level, but a psychologist shouldn't transfer the client's emotions to themselves and their lives. That is why our article researches the psychological features of future psychologists' emotional culture development.
Emotional readiness for professional activity is considered as a conscious readiness of a specialist to implement the emotional competency necessary for the constructive solution of professional tasks. In this regard, it is extremely important to research the impact of emotional culture on the professional identity formation, in particular the ability to understand, manage and control their own emotions depending on the situation. At the same time, it turns out to be quite complicated to identify the ways and methods of diagnostics and development of emotional culture as an integrative component of effective professional development of the future specialist in the field of psychology. The main problem is to change the configuration, dominant means of perception and processing of information.
The aim of the article is to study the psychological features of future psychologists' emotional culture development.
Research results
Analysis of the psychological literature on the emotional culture has shown that the issue of psychological features of the development of emotional culture as a stable quality of the psychologist's personality has not been sufficiently researched yet. P. Jacobson was one of the first who gave the definition of emotional culture of the personality. In his opinion, emotional culture is a set of phenomena that to a large extent represent the development and improvement of those qualities of emotional life, which in a limited form were manifested at an earlier age [4]. According to O. Sergeeva, emotional culture is viewed as a holistic dynamic personal feature that has its own structure, represented by a system of knowledge about the development of emotions, skills and methods of analyzing and managing the emotions, which promots the adequate response, verbalized emotions, emotional openness, empathy and stimulates the emotional support of others [3].
There were various attempts to define the phenomenon of emotional culture. According to L. Koltyreva all of them can be grouped as follows:
a) emotional culture is considered from the standpoint of personal approach -- as a feature of the personality (O. Kuleba, N. Rachkovskaya, etc.);
b) emotional culture is researched in the framework of the activity-based approach -- as the person's readiness to recognize emotions and manage emotional states in different activities (M. Korobitsyna, M. Kryakhtunov, etc.) [1].
Scientists have found out that the sufficient development of emotional intelligence acts as a buffer in the manifestation of the negative effects of stress, which in its turn helps to stabilize the emotional state and prevent mental disorders such as psychopathy. Scientists assign a significant role to emotional culture as a factor in increasing the motivational component of the personality. An empirical study, conducted by the authors, has proved the correlation between the level of emotional intelligence development, emotional culture, increased motivation and improved academic performance [6]. Scientists have also confirmed the interdependence of the level of emotional culture formation, emotional intelligence and academic activity on the behavioral and emotional component of professional development. The results of the analysis of empirical research showed that emotional intelligence had a significant direct impact on behavioral and emotional involvement in the process of academic learning [2].
Based on all mentioned above, we can define emotional culture as a set of ways to increase the degree of reflexive selfregulation of the emotional sphere of the individual's psyche. More specifically, emotional culture can be defined as a system of people's skills to use their own emotional intelligence for emotional self-regulation, which is manifested in reflexive awareness of emotions (both their own and other people), recognition of their importance and motivating force, as well as purposeful use of emotions in different types of the internal mental and external mental (subjective and social) activities. There are three components: cognitive, motivational, conative or four components (adding value-based one)) in the structure of emotional culture [5]. Summarizing the theoretical and methodological analysis of the concept of “emotional culture” of the personality, let's consider the levels of manifestation of each component.
This structure also requires metacognitive system-forming components, such as emotional reflection and emotional intelligence, which provide the transformation of person's unconscious psychological defenses into consciously formed coping strategies of behavior in an emotionally charged situation and act as a manifestation of emotional culture of the personality. The integration of these components allows us to design a structural and functional model of personality's emotional culture. Thus, the functional features of future professionals' emotional culture are represented by a system of emotional attitudes to themselves as a subject of knowledge, to the world and other people which is reflected in social interaction. Emotional culture has to be considered in the context of the category of “activity”, because it is being developed and manifested in activities, in the process of communication, interaction with other people. Therefore, emotional culture in modern transformational, post-pandemic conditions is an important integrative component of the process of future psychologist's successful professional development.
The experimental study was conducted on the basis of Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University during 2020-2021. The study involved 36 respondents, the sample was randomized. The diagnostic block of the research was implemented on the basis of the Laboratory of Psychophysiological Research using the hardware-software complex (APC) “HC-Psychotest”, which included many different psychological and psychophysiological techniques that allowed us to use a multilevel approach to solving practical diagnostic problems. At the formative stage of the experiment, a comprehensive program “Development of future professionals' emotional intelligence” was implemented. It integrated traditional psychological and pedagogical technologies and innovative augmented reality technologies. This program was piloted within the framework of the certification program for future specialists of socionomic professions “Self-management: development of personality's sanogenic potential”, based on the MOODLE system. The aim of the model is the development of future specialists' emotional intelligence, in order to optimize their professional development at the stage of professional training in the conditions of adaptive learning. The structure of the program “Development of future professionals' emotional intelligence” is characterized by an innovative content. It is an integrative combination of traditional psychotechnologies based on art therapy, psychodrama, gestalt therapy and coaching technologies, implemented on the basis of the Laboratory of Health and interactive augmented reality technologies, which were implemented by means of the logistical support of STEAM-Laboratory.
Fig. 1. Criteria characteristics of the levels of personality's emotional culture development
emotional culture psychologist
In the process of empirical research, which aims to identify the dynamics of future professionals' emotional culture development through a comprehensive course with a combination of traditional psychocorrection technologies and augmented reality technologies, the following psychodiagnostic techniques were used: SAN Methodology (Methodology and Diagnosis of Well-being, Activity, Mood); N. Hall's questionnaire “Emotional Intelligence” and A. Wessman's and D. Rix's questionnaire “Self-assessment of Smotional States”.
Table 1
The structure of the complex program “Development of future professionals' emotional culture” by means of use of the augmented reality elements
Planning |
Lesson objectives |
Traditional psychotechnics |
AR-tech- nologies |
Block I. Development of interpersonal component |
1. Acquaintance. Emotions and their role in professional and personal life |
getting to know each other, establishment of ground rules and opportunities of this training; development of participants' understanding of the concepts of emotions and emotional intelligence; acquaintance with the main mistakes and prejudices in the world of emotions and “mistakes of thinking”. |
activities: “Poem”, “Guess the emotion”, “Write down your emotions”; formulation of the objectives: “Drawing of the palm”; brainstorming: “Positive and negative sides of emotions”; mini-lecture: “The concept of emotions and El”, discussion: “Why do we need different emotions?” |
Aryzon AR Studio AR Study |
2. Awareness of your own emotions |
research of your own emotional sphere; development of abilities to understand your own emotions; improvement of the ability to recognize your own emotions. |
activities: “Stereotypes of emotions awareness”, “Words”, “Irrational thoughts”, “Emotion-event-thought”, “10 situations”; projective drawing: “Magic world of emotions”; mini-lecture: “Awareness of emotions”. |
Moment AR Emotions |
3. Ways to manage your own emotions. Working |
development of abilities to manage your own emotions; awareness of the causes of negative emotions; acquaintance with the basic |
activities: “Draw your mood”, “My negative emotions”; “Causes of negative emotions”, “Scale of emotions”, “Trail of emotions”, “I-statement”; visualization “Temple of Silence”; |
Paint Draw AR Interactive sand-pit |
with negative emotions |
techniques of reducing psychoemotional stress |
mini-lecture: “Algorithm for working off negative emotions” |
Block II. Development of the interpersonal component |
4. Awareness of other people's emotions. Verbal and nonverbal indicators of emotions |
development of the ability to sympathize; development of the ability to understand other people's emotions; raising awareness of ideas about emotional messages and the corresponding reactions of the interlocutor |
activities: “Pass the emotion”, “Unexpected guest”, “Headbands”, “Story with three emotions”, “Verbalization of emotions of others”, “Phone conversation”, “Epithets” mini-lecture “Expression of emotions” |
AR effect AR Camera Virtual Hologram Photo Editor App Body Language Psychology Secrets |
5. Designing constructive relationships with other people: the emotional aspect |
development of other people's emotions management skills; study of barriers to emotional interaction; mastery of the system of knowledge and skills that form the basis of constructive emotional interaction |
activities: “Manipulation warm-up”, “Depreciation”, “Acceptance of other people's emotions”, “Reflection on emotions”, “Constructive relations”; discussion “Influence of emotional states of others”; mini-lecture “Algorithm for controlling the emotions of others” |
How Are You Feeling? Clay + Augmented Reality Alyssa -- Virtual & AR Talking Girl Simulator |
6. Roundup. Selfreflection |
assessment of your own achievements and analysis of development prospects |
activities: “My achievements (collage)”, feedback techniques |
Universe of Emotions |
Fig. 2. The results of the study о well-being, activity and mood of future Masters of psychology after the implementation of the developmental program, according to “SAN” Methodology
After the implementation of the developmental program, 38 % (14) of the participants had a high level of well-being -- they are involved in the work, have a lot of energy and strength; medium value was a characteristic feature for 37.5 % (13) of the respondents, they feel a little bit tired, do not show increased activity, are not so energetic; and a low value was displayed by 24 % (9) of the participants, they feel apathy, severe fatigue, feel sick. 44 % (16) of the respondents had a high value of activity -- these students are very mobile, perform tasks at high speed; medium value was found out among 46 % (16) of the participants, they have a medium speed of the task performance, medium activity level; 10 % (4) of students showed a low level, they are characterized by misunderstanding of the conditions in which they are existing now, feeling of fatigue. 84 % (30) of the participants had a high value according to the mood category, they have a great mood, are friendly, easily change the focus when the situation changes; medium value was a characteristic feature of 8 % (3) of the respondents, they have a good mood, are slower in changing a focus in changed conditions, may not always be friendly; low value was found out among 8 % (3) of the participants, they have bad mood, are not friendly, prefer to keep themselves to themselves, can't change the focus under changed conditions.
Fig. 3. The results of the study of self-assessment of future Masters' of psychology emotional state after the implementation of the developmental program, according to the questionnaire “Self-assessment of Emotional States” by A. Wessman and D. Rix
After implementing a developmental program, 15 % of the respondents had a high value of calmness, these people demonstrate restraint, patience, balance, calmness; medium value was traced among 61 % of the participants, they are somewhat anxious, feel awkward; and low value was found out among 24 % of the respondents, their emotional sphere is characterized by intimidation, complexity, indecision, timidity. 48 % of the participants had a high value of energy level, they are initiative, active, directed, full of energy; medium value was displayed by 52 % of students, they are moderately energetic; we didn't detect people with a low value -- 0 %, they are passive, uninitiated, sluggish, slow, and apathetic. 38 % of students had a high value of excitement, as they are persistent, impulsive, energetic, and free; medium value on this indicator was found out among 47 % of the respondents, they feel pretty good; 15 % of people demonstrated a low value, they are timid, shy, and depressed. 23 % of students had a high level of self-confidence, they are decisive, persistent, strong-willed, brave, independent; medium value was traced among 54 % of the participants, their skills and abilities are somewhat limited; low value was displayed by 23 % of the participants, they speechless, weak-willed, timid, weak. 13 % of people had a high value of the total of emotional states, they are characterized by the predominance of positive emotions, activity, and energy; medium value -- 77 %, these respondents are moderately cheerful, their motional states are unstable, they experience a feeling of tightness; 10 % of students demonstrated a low value, they are emotionally devastated, apathetic, and passive.
After implementing a developmental program, 33 % of the respondents had a high value of emotional awareness, they are characterized by the ability to recognize their own emotions, plan a further strategy of behavior according to their emotions; medium value was displayed by 52 % of students, they are aware of their emotions, but are unable to change their personality; and the low value was traced among 15 % of the participants, they do not recognize their emotions, do not control their change. 23 % of people had a high level of managing their emotions, consequently they easily control their emotions, they know how to deal with them; the medium value was a characteristic feature for 77 % of the respondents, they tend to lose control, but after in a while they come back to a favorable mood; no people were found with a low value (0 %), such people can't calm down for a long time, get easily irritated, do not control emotions. 39 % of the participants had a high level of self-motivation, they easily reject negative emotions when solving complex problems; the medium value was displayed by 61 % of the respondents, they are not always calm when they feel pressure from all sides; no respondents showed a low value (0 %), in this case negative emotions prevail in difficult situations. 38 % of the Master students had a high value of empathy, they understand other people's emotions well; the medium value was found out among 44 % of people, they often make mistakes when identifying the mood of other people; low value was a characteristic feature for 18 % of the respondents, they are not able to identify the mood of people. 38 % of students had a high value for recognizing other people's emotions, they respond adequately and are able to improve the mood of other people; 44 % of people had a medium value, they often identify the emotions which a person is feeling at the moment, but not always able to help people; low value was traced among 18 % of the participants, they can't recognize other people's emotions. High value of emotional intelligence is a characteristic feature for 48 % of the respondents, they easily control their emotions, are dominated by positive emotional states, clearly understand the emotions of others; medium value was discovered among 52 % of the participants, they quite often make mistakes in identifying the emotions of other people, emotions often change each other, but they are aware of all these feelings; low value wasn't found (0 %), these people can't identify the emotional state of other people, do not know how to control their emotions, their negative emotions prevail. Respondents with a low level on the presented scales do not understand their emotions and feelings of others. The higher the level of emotional intelligence is, the more successful the communication with others is. These people usually achieve goals, and are able to recognize manifested emotions. According to the results of the formative experiment, we revealed 10 significant indicators out of 18 (55 %), which proved the effectiveness of the developmental program, and promoted its further implementation in educational institutions.
Using mathematical processing by Student's T-test, we found out that the obtained values of such pairs of emotional state as frustration, aggression, rigidity, mood, calmness, self-confidence, total of emotional states, managing your own emotions, empathy, and emotional intelligence had a statistically significant shift. This may be due to the focus of activities aimed at the reduction of aggression, development of empathy, management of their own emotions, group interaction. At the same time, there is a tendency to increase indicators of emotional state, such as anxiety, wellbeing, activity, energy level, excitement, emotional awareness, self-motivation, recognition of other people's emotions.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
Future specialist's emotional competence is considered as a systemic, holistic and dynamic psychological phenomenon, an important personal and professional quality, a component of the specialist's professional activity; which has its own structure, expresses a certain level of emotional maturity of the individual, is an important factor in professional development and provides effecfive professional interaction. The ascertaining research revealed the dominance of the medium and low levels of development of emotional culture's structural components and the general level of emotional intelligence of University students. On the basis of the received statistically significant data the developmental program was designed. Thus program was based on the integration of traditional psychotechnologies and augmented reality technologies. It contained the following efficiency criteria: reduction of anxiety, frustration, rigidity, aggression; increase in the level of well-being, activity, mood, calmness, energy level, excitement, self-confidence, total of emotional states, emotional awareness, self-management, self-motivation, empathy, recognition of other people's emotions, amount of emotional intelligence. Based on the model, a developmental program for the formation of future psychologist's emotional culture in the process of professional training was developed and tested. Its content was aimed at the development of components of emotional competence. An innovative approach in the context of program implementation was a combination of traditional psychocorrection technologies and AR- technologies. The results of the study demonstrated the dynamics of changes in the development of future professionals' emotional competency, and thus proved the effectiveness of the proposed program for the formation of future psychologist's emotional culture. Taking into account the results obtained in the formative experiment, the main psychological features of the formation of emotional competence of the future specialist in higher education were determined: individual psychological personality traits of students, the level of their general communication skills development; analysis of motivation and reflection as important prerequisites for the development of professional competency in the field of emotions; quality and depth of knowledge received by students about features of personality's emotional sphere; formation of skills and abilities of emotional stability and regulation; high level of empathy development, inclusion of students in situations that promote manifestation, consolidation and development of professional emotional competency, as well as the focus of training on the development of the specialist's personality.
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