Psychological training of future coaches in sports in higher education institutions
Features of the formation of psychological literacy of the future teacher. Studying the content of additional educational programs. Psychogram of the athlete's personality in the chosen sport. Analysis of conflict resolution in the sports environment.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.09.2022 |
Размер файла | 364,8 K |
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Education National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Psychological training of future coaches in sports in higher education institutions
Dmitriieva Nikol Subkhanivna,
Applicant for the Second (Master's) Level of Higher
The purpose of the study is to determine the features of psychological training of future coaches in sports in higher education. For the purpose of psychological preparation of the future coach, the following disciplines of the basic and variable parts are included in the curriculum of the direction of training Physical culture of the profile Sports training in the chosen sport: “Psychology”, which is studied for two semesters; “Psychology of physical culture and sports”, “Fundamentals of psychodiagnostics of a person and a group”, “Psychology of conflict”, “Psychological support of an athlete's training". The content of the psychological preparation of these disciplines includes a different range of problematic tasks aimed at the formation of psychological literacy of the future teacher. The content of additional educational programs includes various types of activities that contribute to the formation of psychological skills. Here are some examples of tasks: to build a model of psychological support for the chosen sport; offer a psychogram of the athlete's personality in the chosen sport; resolve the conflict in the sports environment and simulate it; to develop psychological and pedagogical recommendations for a coach and an athlete in order to resolve various difficulties in sports activities (for example, correction of excessive manifestation of aggressive behavior of an athlete, adaptation of a beginner in a sports team, development of specialized perception, development of cognitive processes and personal properties of an athlete, etc.); to conduct a psychophysiological examination of an athlete using the computer complex “Nervous system - psychological test, which is intended for a comprehensive assessment of the psychophysiological and psychological properties and functions of the athlete's body; based on the results of diagnostics, draw up a psychological portrait of an athlete and offer psychological pedagogical recommendations on the peculiarities of psychological support of this athlete in the process of training sessions and competitive activity; master the methods of psychoregulation (autogenous training, ideomotor training, psychomuscular training). Key words: vocational training, higher education institution, sports coach, physical culture and sports, psychological training, sports psychology.
Метою дослідження є визначення особливостей психологічної' підготовки майбутніх тренерів із видів спорту у закладі вищої освіти. Із метою психологічної підготовки майбутнього тренера в навчальний план напряму підготовки Фізична культура профілю «Спортивне тренування в обраному виді спорту» включені такі дисципліни базової і варіативної частин: «Психологія», яка вивчається протягом двох семестрів; «Психологія фізичної культури і спорту», «Основи психодіагностики особистості і групи», «Психологія конфлікту», «Психологічне забезпечення підготовки спортсмена». Зміст психологічної підготовки даних дисциплін включає різний спектр проблемних завдань, спрямованих на формування психологічної грамотності майбутнього педагога. Зміст додаткових освітніх програм включає різні види діяльності, що сприяють формуванню психологічних навичок. Наведемо приклади деяких завдань: побудувати модель психологічного супроводу обраного виду спорту; запропонувати психограму особистості спортсмена в обраному виді спорту; розв'язати конфлікт у спортивному середовищі і змоделювати його; розробити психологічні та педагогічні рекомендації для тренера і спортсмена з метою вирішення різних труднощів у спортивній діяльності (як-от корекція надмірного вияву агресивної поведінки спортсмена, адаптація новачка в спортивній команді, розвиток спеціалізованого сприйняття, розвиток пізнавальних процесів і особистісних якостей спортсмена тощо); провести психофізіологічне обстеження спортсмена з використанням комп'ютерного комплексу «Нервова система - психологічний тест», який призначений для комплексної оцінки психофізіологічних і психологічних властивостей і функцій організму спортсмена; за результатами діагностики скласти психологічний портрет спортсмена і запропонувати психологічні педагогічні рекомендації щодо особливостей психологічного супроводу цього спортсмена в процесі навчально-тренувальних занять і змагальної' діяльності; опанувати методи психорегуляції (аутогенне тренування, ідеомоторна тренування, психом'язового тренування).
Ключові слова: професійна підготовка, заклад вищої освіти, тренер з виду спорту, фізична культура і спорт, психологічна підготовка, психологія спорту.
Formulation of the problem in general
An important component of the professional training of a future coach is his psychological training [6]. Each coach must have a set of psychological knowledge and skills that will allow him to establish constructive relationships with children and adults, take into account the psychological characteristics of the individual when building educational training sessions, effectively manage the behavior of an athlete in the pre-competition and competitive periods, apply various psychotechnologies in professional activities [8-11; 13; 16-23].
Analysis of recent research and publications
As a result of the analysis of scientific publications [1-5; 7; 12; 14-15], it can be seen that when concluding an employment contract between the customer (head coach and / or team leader) and the performer, the question arises about the composition of psychological support tasks, which is difficult answer both the coach and the psychologist. In this case, the main obstacles are: insufficient specification and completeness of these tasks in sports psychology; weakness of ideas about them among coaches and even among the coaches and psychologists themselves. psychological literacy educational sport
The latest pedagogical technologies focus the system of higher physical education on the training of graduates with professional competence and skills to navigate the labor market, to present themselves favorably, to compete with other job applicants. The solution to the problem of professional activity of future specialists in physical culture and sports is based on a competency-based approach, in which the professional and personal characteristics of the graduate are associated with the personnel needs of Olympic and professional sports.
The quality of higher physical education is important for the effective professional training of future specialists in physical culture and sports, which determines the degree of their readiness for the activity of a sports coach.
Selection of previously unsolved parts of the overall problem. By psychological competence we mean professional meaningful personal education, the formation and development of which occurs in the process of mastering psychology at the university, ensuring the readiness and ability of the student - the future coach to think psychologically and act in educational cognitive and real professional pedagogical activity [6].
The purpose of the study is to determine the features of psychological training of future coaches in sports in higher education.
Presentation of the main research material. The variety of professional duties and a wide range of pedagogical tasks solved by the coach place increased demands on his activities and personality. With a superficial acquaintance with the work of a coach in sports, it may seem that we are talking only about preparing athletes for performances at competitions of various ranks. The task of the coach is not only the sports achievements of an athlete, but also the upbringing of a comprehensively developed, educated person, capable of using the cultural heritage of society and self-development. The implementation of this task requires resolving the contradiction between the need to assimilate sports experience and knowledge of previous generations, the culture they created, learn to build on their basis their professional activities and behavior, on the one hand, and the importance of their constant improvement, on the other [6].
For the purpose of psychological preparation of the future coach, the following disciplines of the basic and variable parts are included in the curriculum of the direction of training Physical culture of the profile Sports training in the chosen sport: “Psychology”, which is studied for two semesters; “Psychology of physical culture and sports”, “Fundamentals of psychodiagnostics of a person and a group”, “Psychology of conflict”, “Psychological support of an athlete's training”.
The named disciplines contribute to the formation of:
knowledge of the psychological foundations of physical culture and sports;
knowledge and skills to use psychodiagnostic methods of researching a person and a group in professional activities;
psychological knowledge about the patterns and mechanisms of the emergence, course, resolution of conflict in professional activities;
knowledge of the basics of psychological support for the training of an athlete;
the ability to use psychological knowledge for psychological support of the educational and training process;
the ability to use psychological patterns and mechanisms for psychological support of the personality in the process of its development and self-development, optimization of the psychophysical state of a person and health promotion;
the ability to use psychological knowledge for psychological support of a person in the process of physical culture and sports.
The content of the psychological preparation of these disciplines includes a different range of problematic tasks aimed at the formation of psychological literacy of the future teacher.
Here are some examples of tasks. So, for example, in the disciplines “Psychology of physical culture and sports” and “Psychological support of the training of an athlete”, a problematic presentation of the material is used, which orientates students to independent study of individual issues. The presentation of the material is offered in the form of a lecture-dialogue, which contributes to the activation of the cognitive activity of students through a series of questions to which the future coach must answer directly during the lecture. In practical classes, the student is given the opportunity to choose differentiated tasks that provide targeted assimilation of knowledge and the formation of specific skills of the student. In the classroom, the following forms of work are used:
discussion, disputes, round tables, where different points of view on problems in sports activities are discussed;
watching videos with the manifestation of various emotional states in sports;
analysis of athletes' diary entries;
design of the photo stand “Emotions in sports activities”;
psychological and pedagogical recommendations for the formation of the coach's authority and other tasks are being developed.
Figure 1. Psychophysiological examination of an athlete using the computer complex “Nervous system - psychological test”
With the aim of in-depth psychological training of the future coach, additional educational programs “Psychological training in sports”, “Psychic selfregulation in sports” are being introduced in our practice. These programs are aimed at deepening and expanding the knowledge of the future coach about the psychological foundations of sports activity. Practical lessons under the program were held in children's youth sports schools, thanks to which the future teacher was able to work out the skills of psychological support for sports activities.
The content of additional educational programs includes various types of activities that contribute to the formation of psychological skills. Here are some examples of tasks:
to build a model of psychological support for the chosen sport;
to offer a psychogram of the athlete's personality in the chosen sport;
resolve the conflict in the sports environment and simulate it;
to develop psychological and pedagogical recommendations for a coach and an athlete in order to resolve various difficulties in sports activities (for example, correction of excessive manifestation of aggressive behavior of an athlete, adaptation of a beginner in a sports team, development of specialized perception, development of cognitive processes and personal properties of an athlete, etc.);
to conduct a psychophysiological examination of an athlete using the computer complex “Nervous system - psychological test”, which is intended for a comprehensive assessment of the psychophysiological and psychological properties and functions of the athlete's body (figure 1); based on the results of diagnostics, draw up a psychological portrait of an athlete and offer psychological pedagogical recommendations on the peculiarities of psychological support of this athlete in the process of training sessions and competitive activity;
- to master the methods of psychoregulation (autogenous training, ideomotor training, psychomuscular training).
The psychological preparation of the future coach in the conditions of pedagogical education includes a list of psychological disciplines “Psychology” defined by the curriculum; “Psychology of physical culture and sports”, “Fundamentals of psychodiagnostics of a person and a group”, “Psychology of conflict”, “Psychological support of an athlete's training”, as well as additional educational programs “Psychological training in sports”, “Psychic self-regulation in sports”. Qualitative mastering of the content of the named disciplines and programs will contribute to the formation of psychological competence in the future coach.
Further research is needed on the issues of psychological training and professional development of sports coaches.
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