Leadership and efficiency of communication of the manager from the perspective of psychosynergetics

Leadership and effectiveness of communication of the head from point of view of psychosynergetics. Interaction of own tendencies of development of head taking into account the factors of social environment promoting personal growth and self-actualization.

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Leadership and efficiency of communication of the manager from the perspective of psychosynergetics

Zavatska N.Ye., Burakanov T.E., Serikova O.M., Sukonnyi D.O.

The article reveals the features of leadership and the effectiveness of communication of the head in terms of psychosynergetics. It was found that the formation of the head of communication skills is statistically significantly correlated with the formation of organizational skills. Thus, managers who have achieved some professional success have a high level of communication and organizational skills, which, in turn, are interdependent and ensure the effectiveness of leadership. Effective communication skills play an important role in the accuracy of achieving goals in management. Within the framework of the value-synergetic approach to the consideration of leadership and the effectiveness of communication of the value leader can be considered as a kind of social attractors that help bring the individual to a fundamentally different path of development; the way of life can also be considered as an open, non-equilibrium system, self-organizing; effective realization of a way of life is provided by coherent interaction of own tendencies of development of the head taking into account the factors and conditions of the social environment promoting personal growth and self-actualization; an event that has a personal meaning, in terms of a synergistic approach can be considered as a certain fluctuation that leads the system to a qualitatively new way of developing the personality of the leader.

Key words: leader, leadership, communication, psychosynergetics.

Лідерство і ефективність комунікації керівника з точки зору психосинергетики

Завацька Н.Є., Бураканов Т.Е., Серікова O.M., Суконний Д.О.

У статті розкрито особливості лідерства і ефективності комунікації керівника з точки зору психосинергетики. З'ясовано, що сформованість у керівника комунікативних навичок, статистично значимо корелюють зі сформованістю організаційних навичок. Таким чином, керівники, які досягли певних професійних успіхів, мають високий рівень розвитку комунікативних та організаторських навичок, які, у свою чергу, взаємообумовлені і забезпечують ефективність лідерства. Навички ефективного спілкування відіграють одну з важливих ролей в точності досягнення поставлених цілей в управлінні. В рамках ціннісно-синергетичного підходу до розгляду лідерства та ефективності комунікації керівника цінності можна розглядати як своєрідні соціальні атрактори, які допомагають вивести особистість на принципово інший шлях розвитку; життєвий шлях також можна розглядати як відкриту, нерівноважну систему, що самоорганізується; ефективна реалізація життєвого шляху забезпечується когерентною взаємодією власних тенденцій розвитку керівника з урахуванням факторів і умов соціального середовища, що сприяють особистісному зростанню і самоактуалізації; подію, що має особистісний сенс, з точки зору синергетичного підходу можна розглядати як певну флуктуацію, що приводить систему на якісно новий шлях розвитку особистості керівника.

Ключові слова: керівник, лідерство, комунікація, психосинергетика.

Formulation of the problem

The concept of leadership and its various concepts arose in Western science initially on the basis of empirical studies of small groups. However, both the interpretation of the phenomenon of leadership and the understanding of its causes and mechanisms have undergone significant evolution. But so far, neither in social psychology, which considers mainly small groups, nor in political psychology, which understands a leader as a politician and therefore analyzes problems at the level of large social groups, there is no unambiguous understanding of this phenomenon.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Each researcher, giving his definition, singles out only one or another aspect of it. After analyzing various approaches, the American psychologist R. Stogdill revealed that in almost all cases, leadership is viewed either as a focus of group processes, or as an art to induce consent, or from the point of view of role differentiation in positions of power.

The most widespread and generally accepted theories are theories of personality traits, situational, situational-personality. But one leadership theory replaces another, and most of them do not stand the test of time.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of leadership and the effectiveness of communication of the head from the point of view of psychosynergetics.

Presentation of the main material and research results

New time dictates its own rules and new leaders with excellent new qualities. Information is one of the most important management tools. By analyzing and transmitting information, then receiving feedback signals, the leader plans, organizes, coordinates, motivates and controls the followers. Most of the respondents, when asked what qualities they value in their leader, ranked first the ability to listen to subordinates. Thus, communication skills can be considered as professionally significant qualities of managerial activity.

In the psychological literature, it is generally accepted to distinguish the following characteristics that ensure the effectiveness of the communication process: focus on the individual (information should not humiliate a person's self-esteem); concreteness, constructiveness, providing recipients with specific information about the state of affairs, thanks to which they can understand how to correct the current situation; it is important not to evaluate the activity, but to objectively describe what has actually been done; the information provided helps to improve the quality of work; timeliness, etc.

According to surveys of managers in a number of countries, 73% of American, 63% of British and 85% of Japanese leaders consider communication as one of the main factors of the effectiveness of their organizations.

Communication, as a character trait, develops on the basis of sociability, which, being fixed in behavior, is a prerequisite for the formation of such personality qualities as focus on communication, interest in people, social perception, reflection, empathy. All these qualities can be considered necessary for work in areas where work is related to leadership and communication. Organizational abilities are no less important, which are manifested in the ability to make independent decisions, especially in difficult situations, in initiative in activities and communication, in planning activities.

As a result of the study, we obtained the correlation coefficient (according to Pearson) equal to 0.72. This indicates that the formation of the manager's communication skills is statistically significantly correlated with the formation of organizational skills. Thus, managers who have achieved certain professional achievements have a high level of development of communication and organizational skills, which, in turn, are interdependent and ensure the effectiveness of leadership. Effective communication skills play one of the important roles in the accuracy of achieving the set goals in management.

Let us consider the features of adaptation, values and the effectiveness of communication of the head from the point of view of psychosynergetics.

The drama of human development consists in the fact that there are two main forces acting in it - the one calling for change and the one that resists it. The struggle of these two motives - development and stability - accompanies the whole life of each of us and largely determines the trajectory of the life path (Andreeva, 2009). These two oppositely directed motives - development and stability in the language of synergetics are called states of instability and stability or nonequilibrium and equilibrium states of the system. The equilibrium state of a thermodynamic system corresponds to thermal chaos, in which the particles of the system behave independently of each other. Such chaos is completely sterile. The source of order is disequilibrium. It generates order from the so-called deterministic chaos, where particles behave coherently. The further the system moves away from equilibrium, the more vibrational frequencies appear in the system. The interaction of vibrations with different frequencies contributes to the appearance of large fluctuations. The region on the bifurcation diagram, determined by the values of the parameters at which strong fluctuations are possible, is usually called chaotic. But this is not simple chaos. It contains those attractors, one of which the system will enter, forming a dissipative structure. Such chaos is fraught with order, it is called deterministic chaos, in contrast to thermal chaos, which corresponds to equilibrium states determined in thermodynamics by the principle of maximum entropy (Bazarov, 2006).

The notion of deterministic chaos illustrates the special importance of control parameters. Usually, in the philosophical literature, as well as in the natural sciences, deterministic chaos has recently been viewed in the overwhelming majority of cases as a creative principle and it is concluded that chaos in social development is necessary to build a better future. However, deterministic chaos at the bifurcation point can lead not only to progress, but also to degradation. It all depends on the choice of control parameters that define the phase portrait.

With an appropriate choice of control parameters, self-destruction attractors appear in the phase portrait. Man and society are the most complex of the evolving systems. Possessing intelligence, they can make a conscious choice of the path of development at the point of bifurcation (Bojacis, Makki, 2007). A mistake in choice (accidental or imposed from the outside) can also lead to destruction and destruction of the system.

Values, being actualized, largely orient the behavior of people, while acting as a kind of attractors of social behavior. Sometimes the objective and subjective sides of values may not coincide and even contradict one another, i.e. a social attractor is not always positive. A situation is possible when a person considers a value (consciously or subconsciously) that which objectively harms him (alcohol, nicotine, drugs, etc.). The human society of each country, being an open system, experiences the influence of the external environment, in particular, of other societies, which is the “external influence”, which is one of the control parameters.

Very complex nonlinear systems, such as a person or a society, can be in states that resemble chaotic ones, but they are not. There are systems with so-called "strange" attractors. The image of a strange attractor in the phase space is not a point or a limit cycle, as in stable structures, but a certain region in which the parameters of the system wander. These systems are not completely unstable, because not any states are possible for them, but only those that are inside a limited region of the phase space, i.e. system changes are limited to a strictly defined framework (Latfullina, Gromovoj, 2004).

So is the path of life - on the one hand, it is limited by some framework, and on the other hand, a person has free will, freedom of choice within this limited area of the decision-making space. Perhaps for this reason, this type of attractor was called “strange”.

The problem of the life path was considered in the domestic psychology of S.L. Rubinstein as a way of becoming an individuality, when the life path of an individual was presented, on the one hand, as something whole, and on the other, as a series of stages, each of which can become a turning point or, speaking in terms of synergetics, bifurcational. “In the course of this individual story,” wrote S.L. Rubinstein, referring to the history of life - there are also their own "events" - key moments and turning stages in the life of an individual, when with the adoption of this or that decision for a more or less long period, the further life of a person is determined ” (Rubinstein, 1989).

In line with the approach of A.N. Leontiev, it becomes relevant to study the psychological component of events that are significant in the structure of the life path. In essence, the life path consists of significant events, i.e. having a personal meaning. Such events can be viewed from a synergistic standpoint as fluctuations that lead the system (life path) to a new path of development. Events-fluctuations can be external and internal, different in size, power, strength of impact on the system. The main events of the life path can be, as explicit: birth, admission to study (school, technical school, college, institute, etc.), conscription into the army, marriage, birth of children, purchase (construction) of a house or apartment, car, dachas, loss of loved ones, retirement and other events, both implicit: moments of enlightenment, acts of creativity, enlightenment in life, "points of spiritual growth" that may appear as a result of a book read, a movie watched, a meeting with an interesting person.

Thus, an event in a self-organizing open system, which can also be considered the life path of an individual, can be a fluctuation, but not every fluctuation is an event, but only one that then brings the system through the bifurcation point to a qualitatively new mode of operation with an attractor. Does the fluctuation affect the system or does the system "choose" a fluctuation for itself when it (the system) is ready to switch to a new mode of operation, but the system can continue its evolutionary development if the fluctuation and the current state of the system are mutually complementary ("fit like a key to a lock") and the system responds to a certain fluctuation action by outputting to the attractor. According to the aphoristic expression of V.N. Shubkin, “in fact, not only we choose our own path, but the roads also choose us” (Shubkin, 1999).

On the life path of each person there are a lot of bifurcation points, moments of choice, conscious and / or unconscious. Making the choice of the further path, the subject is guided by one of the many alternative options, which are determined by the properties of the environment (external order parameters) and his internal value preferences (internal order parameters) and chooses the most favorable path for himself, which at the same time is one of the implemented in a given environment.

Summing up, we can draw some conclusions: a person can be considered as a holistic, open, self-organizing system, to which the basic laws of synergetics are applicable; within the framework of a value-synergetic approach to considering the life path of a person, values can be considered as a kind of social attractors that help bring a person to a fundamentally different path of development; the life path of a person can also be viewed as an open, non-equilibrium, self-organizing system; effective implementation of the path of life is ensured by the coherent interaction of one's own tendencies of personality development, taking into account the factors and conditions of the social environment that contribute to personal growth and selfactualization; an event that has a personal meaning for a person, from the point of view of a synergetic approach, can be considered as a kind of fluctuation that leads the system (in this case, life path) to a qualitatively new path of personality development.

communication head self-actualization psychosynergetics


1. Andreeva G.M. (2009). Social'naja psihologija. [Social Psychology]. M.: Aspekt Press. [in Russian].

2. Bazarov T.Ju. (2006). Proekt: «Psihologicheskaja podderzhka. Liderstvo menedzhera. [Project: "Psychological support. Leadership of a manager]. [in Russian].

3. Bojacis R., Makki Je. (2007). Rezonansnoe liderstvo: samoosovershenstvovanie i postroenie plodotvornyh vzaimootnoshenij s ljud'mi. [Resonant leadership: self-improvement and building fruitful relationships with people], M.: Al'pina Biznes Buk. [in Russian].

4. Organizacionnoe povedenie. (2004). [Organizational behavior]. Pod red. G.R. Latfullina, O.N. Gromovoj. [in Russian].

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