The socio-psychological features of the professional dispositions of students becoming specialists in psychology
The aim of the research was to reveal the social-psychological features of psychology students’ professional dispositions. The formation of students’ professional dispositions and career orientations were analyzed to achieve the aim of our research.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.12.2022 |
Размер файла | 33,3 K |
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The socio-psychological features of the professional dispositions of students becoming specialists in psychology
Spitsyna L.V.,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Associate Professor (Docent), the Department of Psychology, Zaporizhzhia National University
В статті розглядається, яким чином професійне становлення студентів і його відображення у формі професійних диспозицій, останнім часом стає одним з найбільш актуальних сьогоденних питань, на-слідки і впливи якого виявляються в різних сферах нашого суспільства. Цього року в процесі навчання студентів у ВНЗ відбулися помітні зміни, пов'язані, насамперед, із глобальною ситуацією пандемії, переходом багатьох навчальних закладів на онлайн-формат навчання, зі суттєвими соціально-економічними змінами. У зв'язку з цим ми також можемо спостерігати системні зміни в уявленнях студентів щодо своїх майбутніх професійних планів та очікувань, у їх соціально-психологічних установках, у кар'єрних орієнтаціях та перспективах. Метою нашого дослідження стало розкриття соці-ально-психологічних особливостей становлення професійних диспозицій студентів-психологів під час навчання у вищих навчальних закладах.
Проаналізовано підходи у вивченні соціально-психологічних аспектів формування професійних диспозицій, також наведено результати емпіричного дослідження соціально-психологічних особливостей професійних диспозицій студентів. На основі проведеного аналізу ми розглядаємо професійні диспозиції як сукупність соціально-психологічних установок, що відображають бажання оволодіти професією, готовність суб'єкта виконувати обов'язки, норми, приписи даної професії; кар'єрні орієнтації розглядаються як один із видів професійних диспозицій, що дає змогу передбачити траєкторію кар'єрного розвитку людини.
У результаті емпіричного дослідження виявлено пріоритетні професійні диспозиції і кар'єрні орієнтації студентів-психологів. Показано, що існує щонайменше п'ять різновидів професійних диспозицій, які зосереджені на: досягненнях; саморозвитку; життєвому благополуччі; цінностях професії; стабільності. За результатами нашого дослідження також виявлено ресурси, які можуть бути використані в процесі здобуття вищої освіти для подолання студентами емоційних, психологічних проблем, виходячи з актуальних професійних пріоритетів. Насамперед, це ресурси прихильності до обраної професії - орієн-тація на реалізацію цінностей професії, служіння, досягнення професійної компетентності, саморозвитку, досягнення високих результатів у своїй справі, а також ресурси сімейних стосунків, орієнтації на стабільне життєве благополуччя.
У продовженні подальших досліджень видається перспективною спрямованість на поглиблення розуміння основних тенденцій у формуванні професійних диспозицій та кар'єрних орієнтацій майбутніх фахівців у зв'язку з актуальними змінами в системі вищої освіти.
Ключові слова: професійні диспозиції, соціально-психологічні чинники, кар'єрні орієнтації, атитюди, професійне становлення.
Spitsyna L.V.,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Associate Professor (Docent), the Department of Psychology, Zaporizhzhia National University
Over the past year, the issue of students' professional development is becoming one of the most important, since it largely determines the development of all spheres of society in the near future. This year, very noticeable changes were noticed in university training, associated, first of all, with the global pandemic and the transition of many educational institutions to the online format of education, as well as with significant socio-economic changes. In this regard, we can also observe changes in students' ideas about their future professional tasks and opportunities, on their socio-psychological attitudes, career orientations and prospects. Taking into account the traditional interest in the topic of young specialists' professional priorities, we have noted an even greater increase in interest in this topic recently.
At the same time, as shown by the scientific-theoretical analysis, today we do not really have generalized works devoted to the study on social- psychological factors influencing higher education students' professional dispositions.
The aim of the research was to reveal the social-psychological features of psychology students' professional dispositions.
The approaches to the study on social-psychological aspects of the formation of students' professional dispositions and career orientations were analyzed to achieve the aim of our research. The article also presents the results of the empirical study on the social-psychological characteristics of students' professional dispositions.
Based on our analysis, we have defined professional dispositions as a set of social-psychological attitudes, reflecting an individual's readiness to perform tasks, to meet norms and prescriptions for a certain profession. Career orientations have been defined as a type of professional dispositions, which predict the trajectory of a person's career development.
There are also tendencies to group individual professional attitude and career orientations into integral professional priorities.
We determined five disparate professional dispositions, which focus on: achievements; well-being of life; values of the profession; self-development, stability. In addition, there was a tendency to group individual career priorities into a respondent's personal profile, which indicates students' focus on high achievement.
Our research also revealed possible resources that can be used by students during higher education training for coping with emotional, psychological problems, based on current professional priorities. First of all, we talk about resources of adherence to a chosen profession - orientation towards the realization of professional values, service, achievement of professional competence, self-development, achievement of high results in one's work, as well as such personal resources as family relations, life realization - orientation towards stable life.
Therefore, the further research is promising if it aim will be to deepen the understanding of the main trends in the formation of future professionals' professional dispositions and career orientations in connection with the actual changes in the higher education system.
Key words: social-psychological factors, professional dispositions, career orientations, attitudes, professional development.
In the ХХІ century, the issue of students' professional development is becoming one of the most important, since it largely determines the development of all spheres of society in the near future.
Over the past year, very noticeable changes took place in university training, associated, first of all, with the global pandemic and the transition of many educational institutions to the online format of education, as well as with significant socio-economic changes. In this regard, we can also observe regular changes in students' ideas about their future professional tasks and opportunities, on their socio-psychological attitudes, career orientations and prospects. Taking into account the traditional interest in the topic of young specialists' professional priorities, recently, we have noted an even greater increase in interest in this topic.
Today we are taking into account these changes in social representations, and our study on professional orientations and dispositions is based on the work of many national and foreign authors.
Theoretical analysis of recent research and publications
psychological professional dispositions student
The scientific research on an individual's professional becoming was actively developed in the works of psychologists (Bodrov, 2001; Virna, 2003; Derkach, 1995; Zeyer, 2003; Klimov, 1993; Kokun, 2012; Kudryavtsev, 1983; Markova, 1996; Povarenkov, 2002; Pryazhnikov, 1996; Shadrikov, 1996); in the context of studying both individual aspects of professional development and integral process of an individual's professional formation and development (Bodalyov, 1998; Maksimenko, 2011; Punok, 2003; Shevchenko, 2005).
Many researchers (Begicheva, 2011; Volianyuk, 2006; Zeer, 2003; Klimov, 1993; Pryazhnikov, 1996; Tolochek, 2006; Shadrikov, 1996; Super, 1983; Schein, 2002) analyzed the patterns of professional becoming and career advancement, factors influencing the choice and development of a professional, his/her motivation and attitudes.
The study on professional dispositions and career orientations occupies a significant place in the examination of these patterns. Unfortunately, at present, it is hardly possible to find an unambiguous definition of these complex phenomena. Nevertheless, let us outline the main contours of the concepts under study.
We can define professional dispositions as a system of socio- psychological attitudes that reflect the desire to master a profession, an individual's readiness to perform tasks, to meet norms and prescriptions in his/her occupation.
There is no generally accepted definition of professional attitudes, and, according to the author, this fact is only a methodological reflection of the complexity of this phenomenon, because researchers focus on its separate aspects. Some researchers emphasized that professional attitudes reflected “the desire to master a profession, receive special training and achieve success in it, a certain social status” (Markova, 1996). Levitan defined professional dispositions as “an individual's readiness to perform tasks, to meet norms and prescriptions for a certain professional role, which includes both a psychological predisposition (positive attitude) to a certain professional activity, and professional skill for performing this activity” (Levitan, 1989).
There is also the approach according to which the professional attitudes were considered as “an active choice of tasks and modelling their own behaviour in accordance with them” (Kondakov, 1997). One of the widespread views on professional dispositions was their definition as a professionally growing subject's system of orientations to social requirements for professional work, psychological readiness to solve age- specific tasks of entering into the world of professions (Kudryavtsev & Shegurova, 1983).
One of the types of professional dispositions are career orientations, which are mostly defined as an individual's representation about their abilities, value orientations, motives, meanings and needs related to the promotion in a chosen occupation (Begicheva, 2011). The general development of professional representations in the field of career plans, career orientations, in fact, reflect social attitudes in the field of career, status advancement, and are the most consonant with the model used in American social psychology (Schein, 2002).
Understanding the socio-psychological factors influencing career orientations and professional attitudes strongly depends on a broad or narrow interpretation of a career. In the first case, a career is viewed as “professional growth, a transition from one level of professionalism to another”, and in this interpretation, professional attitudes describe the trajectory of a person's movement to the heights of professional “acme”. In the second case, a career is understood as job promotion, where “achieving a certain social status, occupying a certain position” comes to the fore (Markova, 1996, p. 123).
D. Super has started the tradition of considering career development as a certain sequence of stages, including “the sequence and combination of roles that a person performs throughout his/her life” (Super, 1983).
Considering the most generalized approach to division into periods for the professional formation processes, we can say about primary and secondary professiona l ization. Primary professionalization is seen as a process of becoming a specialist, during which an individual becomes a real subject of profe s sional activities and professional relations, receives a certain professional status and, thus, begins to realize the possibility of active participation in social processes (Bazilenko, 2014).
The key factor and th e central component of the primary professionalization i s the professional training, when future specialists obtain a specialty in universities or other professional educational institutions. The main purpose of vocational education in this period is to acquire certain knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the successful implementation of particular professional work. In the socio-psychological dimension, the most important tasks of this period are the formation in future professionals o f socio-professional qualities, beliefs, worldviews, most of which are fixed in the form of socio-psychological and professional dispositions that create the foundation for further professionalism.
Continuing this tradition, Pryazhnikov considered the career building as a process of professional self-determination with constant choices: after leaving school, after graduating from university, when moving to other professional field (P r yazhnikov, 1996). Professional self-determination was considered by this scientist as an integral part of life and personal selfdetermination. That is why a career, professional and social attitudes are correlated. Within the same approach, several studies were carried out in the field of professional becoming (Klimov, 1988; Chistyakova, 1993), in which the emphasis was placed on personal aspects of this process (Mogilevkin, 2007).
Researchers' attention was also focused on identifying attitudes in relation to certain aspects of career development - career motivation (Super, 1983; Pryazhnikov, 1996), career specialization, subjective career success (Mogilevkin, 2001; Mutet, 2003), career crises, including the crisis of professional expectations (Moos, 1986; Shlossberg, 1996).
There is also the approach showing that so-called role transitions take place during the transition to the next stage of professional development (Sokil & Lois, 1984); such transitions are accompanied by changes in psychosocial dispositions, beliefs about oneself or about the organizational and social environment.
At the same time, as shown by the scientific-theoretical analysis, today we do not really have generalized works devoted to the study on social- psychological factors influencing higher education students' professional dispositions. The object of the research: the professional dispositions of students in psychology.
The aim of the research: to reveal the social-psychological features of psychology students' professional dispositions.
The research participants. The total sample consisted of 260 respondents, aged from 19 to 23 years. The sample was homogeneous in terms of social status (all respondents were students and acquired the same specialty - Psychology). Regarding gender distribution, the sample consisted mainly from women (76, 5% of the respondents). Accordingly, 23, 5% of the respondents indicated that they were men.
Methods and tasks of the research
We used Crites' Career Maturity Inventory modified by Kondakov to achieve the main research objectives. The professional dispositions were examined with five bipolar scales (factors) that determined the implementation of multidirectional dispositions in the situation of a professional choice. Depending on values obtained by a respondent for a certain scale, his/ her dispositions can b e identified as the indecision in professional choice, rationalism of profes s ional choice, optimism about the professional future, high self-esteem and the dependence in professional choice.
Schein's Career Ancho г s method examining career orientations was used in the translati o n and adaptation of Chiker-Vynokurova; this method identified significance of the main value-professional orientations of the examined respondents regarding their career development, such as technical/functional, general managerial, autonomy/independence, security/stability, entrepreneurial creativity, service/dedication to a cause, pure challenge, lifestyle.
The descriptive statistics, correlations and factor analyses were used for statistical processing of the obtained data. The obtained empirical data were processed with the statistical software package SPSS 21.0 for Windows.
Analysis of the research results
As we have already noted, students' primary professionalization takes place during their study in higher educational institutions; the specificity of this stage is that students become real subjects of professional activities and professional relations while they master a chosen specialty (Kokun, 2012; Pryazhnikov, 1996). But it is important that the specialty acquisition does not exhaust the content of this stage of professionalization. This process is reflected not only in the acquisition of certain knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the successful professional work, but also in the formation of future professionals' system of socio-professional beliefs, worldviews, socio-psychological and professional dispositions (Spitsyna, 2014; Begicheva, 20l1).
That is why, at the first stage of our research, we proceeded from two main tasks: to identify the features of students' career orientations and to find out their possible correlations. For this purpose, we analyzed the data obtained with Schein's Career Anchors.
According to the obtained data, the most stable and a significant career orientation for student psychologists was “service/ dedication to a cause”. Other orientations were quite individual and their importance was only at the level of trends. In particular, such trends were observed for the orientations “lifestyle” and, to a lesser extent, “pure challenge”.
At the same time, the most common career orientation was “service/ dedication to a cause”, the most common as a subcontracting one was the “pure challenge” orientation, the least significant career orientation was “stability of a place of life”.
In order to analyze qualitatively students' career orientations, correlation coefficients were calculated for the obtained data (Table 1).
Table 1
The correlation analysis for Schein's Career Anchors
Scales |
Technical/ functional |
General managerial |
Autonomy/ independence |
Stability of work |
Stability of a place of life |
Service/ dedication to a cause |
Pure challenge |
Lifestyle |
Entrepreneurial creativity |
Technical/ functional |
1 |
0,209 |
0,256 |
-0,088 |
0,184 |
,548** |
0,339 |
-0,023 |
0,256 |
General managerial |
0,209 |
1 |
0,299 |
-0,221 |
-0,299 |
-0,056 |
,483* |
-0,236 |
,684** |
Autonomy/independence |
0,256 |
0,299 |
1 |
-0,126 |
-0,167 |
-0,031 |
0,251 |
,528** |
,565** |
Stability of work |
-0,088 |
-0,221 |
-0,126 |
1 |
0,005 |
,411* |
-0,303 |
,409* |
-0,256 |
Stability of a place of life |
0,184 |
-0,299 |
-0,167 |
0,005 |
1 |
0,065 |
-0,002 |
0,099 |
-0,189 |
Service/ dedication to a cause |
,548** |
-0,056 |
-0,031 |
,411* |
0,065 |
1 |
0,183 |
0,326 |
-0,082 |
Pure challenge |
0,339 |
,483* |
0,251 |
-0,303 |
-0,002 |
0,183 |
1 |
0,026 |
,473* |
Lifestyle |
-0,023 |
-0,236 |
,528** |
,409* |
0,099 |
0,326 |
0,026 |
1 |
0,127 |
Entrepreneurial creativity |
0,256 |
,684** |
,565** |
-0,256 |
-0,189 |
-0,082 |
,473* |
0,127 |
1 |
* - correlation significant atp < 0.05; ** - correlation significant atp < 0.001
The obtained results (Table 1.) revealed the qualitative specificity of students' career orientations, and first of all, functional correlations among the examined orientations. In particular, we can note that the focus on “service/ dedication to a cause” correlated statistically significantly with the focus on “technical/ functional”, in other world on professional competence, and, to a lesser extent, with the focus on “stability of work”.
At the same time, the “general managerial” focus correlated with “entrepreneurial creativity” and “pure challenge” to a lesser extent. In addition, the “autonomy/independence” focus correlated quite strongly with “lifestyle” as well as “entrepreneurial creativity”.
Obviously, such correlations revealed some important points. First of all, we should notice combinations of individual career orientations into career priorities, or professional dispositions. So, we see the trend that students who focused on “autonomy/independence” and “entrepreneurial creativity” had many weighty career orientations functionally related to the named ones. On the contrary, the tendency to have many different career orientations was associated negatively with “technical/ functional” and “entrepreneurial creativity”, and even stronger with “stability of a place of life”.
Thus, the revealed combinations of individual career orientations into integrated career priorities, as well as their heterogeneity, require a separate analysis to clarify the basis for these combinations. To solve this problem, we performed factor analysis for the obtained data.
Table 2
Factor loads for Schein's Career Anchors indicators
Full explained dispersion |
Sums of squares of rotational loads |
Component |
Value |
Factor capacity |
% cumulat. |
1 |
2,198 |
24,42 % |
24,42 |
2 |
1,646 |
18,29 % |
42,71 |
3 |
1,517 |
16,86 % |
59,57 |
4 |
1,479 |
16,43 % |
76,03 |
5 |
1,087 |
12,08 % |
88,08 |
In the context of our task, the five factor structure was optimal; it identified the features of combinations of individual career orientations into different career priorities.
Thus, the first component, explaining 24.423% of the variance (Table 2.), had the greatest factor loads for such career orientations as “pure challenge” (0,847) and “general managerial” (0, 827). “Entrepreneurial creativity' had a slightly lesser, but still high enough factor load (0,764). A slight negative factor load for the “stability of work” career orientation was also noteworthy. In addition, “technical/ functional” and “autonomy/ independence” career orientations had lesser loads. In general, this constellation of indicators allowed us to identify the latent factor that determined the combination of career orientations into the professional disposition (priority) that we called “an achievement orientation”.
Table 3
The factor analysis for Schein's Career Anchors indicators (Varimax wrapping with normalization of Kaiser)
Matrix of inverse components |
Component / Scale |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Pure challenge |
0,847 |
0,205 |
General Managerial |
0,827 |
-0,188 |
-0,262 |
Entrepreneurial creativity |
0,764 |
0,433 |
Stability of work |
-0,308 |
0,856 |
Lifestyles |
0,721 |
0,603 |
0,21 |
Technical/ functional |
0,245 |
-0,194 |
0,905 |
0,153 |
Service/ dedication to a cause |
0,554 |
0,788 |
Autonomy/independence |
0,205 |
0,948 |
Stability of a place of life |
0,954 |
values are shown > 0,150 |
In the second component, explaining 18.285% of the variance (Table 3.), the largest factor loads had “stability of work” (0,856) and, to a lesser extent, “lifestyle” (0,721). “Service/ dedication to a cause” was less important in this factor (with 0,554 factor load). In addition, we noted small negative loads for “technical/ functional” and “general managerial” career orientations. In general, this constellation of indicators allowed us to identify the latent factor or the disposition (priority) called “orientation to sustainable well-being”.
In the third component, explaining 16.86% of the variance, the largest factor loads had “technical/ functional” (0,905) and “Service/ dedication to a cause” (0,788); “pure challenge” had a lesser, but still significant load. In general, such a constellation of variables allowed us to identify the latent factor as a disposition (priority) to “the fulfilment of professional values”.
In the fourth component, explaining 16.434% of the variance, the largest factor load had career orientation “autonomy/independence” (0,948), then “lifestyle” (0,603) and then “entrepreneurial creativity” (0,433). Thus, this constellation of variables allowed us to identify this professional disposition (priority) as “orientation to self-development”.
The most significant factor load for the fifth component, explaining 12.08% of the variance, had “stability of a place of life” (0,954). Other factor loads were much weaker. A weak negative factor load of “general managerial” career orientation was combined with small positive factor loads of “lifestyle” and “technical/ functional”. Therefore, this constellation allowed us, with some caution, to identify this disposition (priority) as a “stability orientation”.
Thus, the performed factor analysis has allowed us to identify how individual career orientations are specifically combined into holistic professional dispositions. So, at a new level of generalization, we can conclude that a general disposition exists for high professional and life achievements.
At the next stage of our study, the identified features of students' professional dispositions were clarified with the analysed data obtained from Crites' Career Maturity Inventory in Kondakov's modification.
The peculiarities of correlations between students' professional dispositions and career orientations were studied by calculating correlation coefficients between career orientations obtained with Schein's Career Anchors on the one hand, and students' professional dispositions, examined with five scales from Crites' Career Maturity Inventory. Depending on values obtained by a respondent for a certain scale, his/her dispositions can be identified as the indecision in professional choice, rationalism of professi o nal choice, optimism about the professional future, high self-esteem and the dependence in the professional choice.
Table 4
The correlation analysis for indicators of career orientations and professional dispositions
Scale /Factors |
F1 Indecision in professional choice |
F2 Rationalism professional choice |
F3 Optimism in professional future |
F4 High self-esteem |
F5 Dependence in professional choice |
Technical/ functional |
-0,077 |
-0,254 |
0,295 |
0,099 |
-0,169 |
General managerial |
-0,171 |
0,056 |
0,36 |
0,204 |
0,098 |
Autonomy/independence |
-,514** |
-0,33 |
0,326 |
0,246 |
-0,271 |
Stability of work |
-0,078 |
0,001 |
-0,373 |
0,148 |
0,103 |
Stability of a place of life |
0,297 |
0,018 |
-0,059 |
-0,286 |
0,211 |
Service/ dedication to a cause |
-0,261 |
-0,251 |
0,25 |
,412* |
-0,2 |
Pure challenge |
-,434* |
-0,298 |
,410* |
0,19 |
-0,105 |
Lifestyle |
-,498* |
-0,36 |
0,267 |
,458* |
-,403* |
Entrepreneurial creativity |
-0,149 |
-0,123 |
,505* |
0,166 |
-0,034 |
* - correlation is significant at the level p < 0.05; ** p < 0.001
In general, the correlation analysis (Table 4) revealed some sporadic (uneven) functional links. In particular, the professional dispositions (priorities) determined with the factor analysis correlated with professional dispositions (scales) determined with Crites' Career Maturity Inventory only at the level of trends. Thus, such career orientations as “autonomy/ independence” and “lifestyle”, included into “self-development” priority, correlated positively with such professional disposition scale as “resoluteness (contrary to indecision) in professional choice”.
At the same time, this scale correlates similarly with the “pure challenge” career orientation. In addition, “pure challenge” correlated strongly with the “optimism in professional future” scale. Obviously, relations between resoluteness and idealization of one's career opportunities on the one hand, and an achievement orientation and fulfilment of professional values, from the other, are seemed intuitive and therefore natural.
This conclusion helps us understand the nature of a correlation between the “optimism in professional future” scale with the “entrepreneurial creativity” career orientation (Table 4.), included into the priorities of “achievement orientation” and, to a lesser extent, “orientation to selfdevelopment”.
In addition, we revealed a complex factor structure for the “lifestyle” career orientation, because this orientation was included into several factors with relatively high factor loads. It correlated positively with “resoluteness (contrary to indecision) in professional choice”, “independence (contrary to dependence) in professional choice” and “high self-esteem”, as well as it was included into such factors as “orientation to sustainable well-being”, “orientation to self-development” and “stability orientation”, with allowed us to assume that the planning of one's own family was an important factor of career orientations and career priorities for this group of respondents.
Thus, the preliminary analysis showed that students' professional development is a nonlinear, complex process, determined by many factors. Accordingly, by exploring these factors, we gain access to an understanding of the nature of these processes, and further to their regulation. The work (Sokil & Lois, 1994) shows that the transition from the current to the next stage of professional development are the so-called role transitions, which are accompanied by changes in people's psychosocial attitudes, beliefs about themselves, their organizational and social environment.
Thus, analyzing the features of students' professional dispositions at present, as well as their changes and development, we can obtain valuable information on possible aspects and mechanisms influencing students' professional representations and their professionalization in general, during their higher education studies.
According to the most common views accepted now in psychological science presented by Zeyer (Zeyer, 2003), Kokun (Kokun, 2012), Pryazhnikov (Pryazhnikov, 1996), professional dispositions are an essential personal component determining a specialists' professional development; dispositions are a components of personality orientations, along with motives, attitudes, values. In addition, it is obvious that an individual's professional development is determined and reflected in the development of his/her professional competence, professionally important qualities and personality features.
There are also some ambivalent trends that can be projected on the formation of professional attitudes, among which we can note, after Markova, the contradiction between self-development and selfpreservation in a profession; juxtaposition of a work process and its results; inconsistency of social standards of work to individual norms and criteria (Markova, 1996).
In our opinion, our analysis has shown that a professional disposition is a mechanism developing one's attitude to professional activities, an attitude to oneself, to one's professional situation and striving to act in a certain way in a specific situation to fulfil work requirements. And therefore, the development of professional attitudes should serve as a mechanism overcoming these ambivalent professional trends. We have found confirmation of this in several works, where researchers' attention was focused on identifying attitudes in relation to certain aspects of an individual's professional and career development - career motivation (Crites, 1994; Begicheva, 2011), career crises, including the crisis of professional expectations (Zeyer, 2003; Moos, 1986; Shlossberg, 1996).
If an individual's professional attitudes are adequate to the tasks existing for him/her in accordance with his/her age, then we can speak of his/her maturity. In a situation of professional development, professional attitudes do not only help people reach a sufficiently rational decision, but also help them coping with secondary emotional problems. An excessive responsibility placed on young people at the initial stage of their professionalization can lead to emotional confusion, generate feelings of abandonment and coercion and cause a desire to postpone decisions concerning professional development.
These trends have been aggravated recently, due to quarantine measures because of the covid19 pandemic. And in this regard, we should highlight evidences from researchers that education can become the cornerstone of recovery from the pandemic. So, for example, QS Employer
Insights Report 2020 “Discover how employers and institutions can work together to best prepare graduates for today's job market” shows that the rapid changes in 2020 caught universities by surprise. These changes forced universities not only to adapt quickly and constantly and find quick solutions to current issues, but also to rethink and revise plans for the future of professional higher education (QS Employer Insights Report, 2020).
The results of our research also show possible resources that can be used during higher education training to cope with students' emotional, psychological problems based on their actual professional priorities.
Based on our analysis, we have defined professional dispositions as a set of social-psychological attitudes, reflecting an individual's readiness to perform tasks, to meet norms and prescriptions for a certain profession. Career orientations have been defined as a type of professional dispositions that predict the trajectory of a person's career development.
The performed empirical research revealed tendencies to group individual professional attitudes and career orientations into integral professional priorities.
We determined five disparate professional dispositions, which focus on: achievements; well-being of life; values of the profession; self-development, stability. In addition, there was a tendency to group individual career priorities into a respondent's personal profile, which indicates students' focus on high achievement.
Our research also revealed possible resources that can be used by students during higher education training for coping with emotional, psychological problems, based on current professional priorities. First of all, we talk about resources of adherence to a chosen profession - orientation towards the realization of professional values , service, achievement of professional competence, self-development, achievement of high results in one's work, as well as such personal resources as family relations, life realization - orientation towards stable life.
Therefore, the further research is promising if it aim will be to deepen the understanding of the main trends in the formation of future professionals' professional dispositions and career orientations in connection with the actual changes in the higher education system.
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