Psychological aspects of preschool teachers’ professional activity

Psychological regularities of the educator's activities and ways of implementing the social order through the preschool education institution and the preschool education system. The importance of the nature of communication in pedagogical activity.

Рубрика Психология
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Дата добавления 24.02.2023
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Размещено на

Department of General Pedagogy and Preschool Education

Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University in Drohobych

Psychological aspects of preschool teachers' professional activity

Posatsky Oleksandr Vasyliovych Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

Kalichak Yuriy Lvovych Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


The article examines the psychological regularities of teachers' activity and the ways in which they meet the social requirements by means of preschool and the education system in general, their awareness of the relevance of tasks, forms and methods of their activity depending on specific conditions.

It has been established that the psychology of pedagogical activity is determined primarily by social factors: the place and functions of the preschool teacher in the society, the demands of the society on the teacher, as well as socio- psychological factors: the social expectations of the people surrounding the teacher regarding their personality and activities, their own expectations and attitudes in the field of pedagogical activity.

It is emphasized that the individual style of activity is an important characteristic of the process of individualization of the professional activity. having the professional style indicates, on the one hand, to their adaptation to the objectively defined structure of the professional activity, and on the other hand, the maximum possible disclosure of their individuality.

The importance of the nature of communication in pedagogical activity is characterized. It acts as a tool of influence, since the usual conditions and functions of communication grow into professional and creative components.

It has been found that the content of the professional competence of a preschool teacher is determined by the qualification characteristic. It is a normative model of the teacher's competence, reflecting a scientifically based set of professional knowledge, abilities and skills. In general, qualification characteristics are a list of generalized requirements for a teacher at the level of their theoretical and practical experience.

It has been proved that high results in the teacher's pedagogical activities are possible only having deep knowledge of the physical and mental health of the pupils, the specifics of the environment, the nature of relationships, as well as their own professional and individual characteristics.

Keywords: teachers' functions, professional skills of a preschool teacher, preschool education institution, preschool children, psychological culture.


Посацький Олександр Васильович кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри психології, Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка

Калічак Юрій Львович кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри загальної педагогіки та дошкільної освіти, Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка


У статті розглянуто психологічні закономірності діяльності вихователя і способи реалізації ним соціального замовлення через заклад дошкільної освіти та систему дошкільної освіти загалом, усвідомлення ним актуальності завдань, форм і методів своєї діяльності в залежності від конкретних умов.

Встановлено, що психологія педагогічної діяльності визначається насамперед соціальними факторами: місцем і функціями вихователя дитячого садка в суспільстві, вимогами суспільства до вихователя, а також соціально- психологічними факторами: соціальними очікуваннями оточуючих вихователя людей стосовно його особистості та діяльності, його власними очікуваннями та установками в сфері його педагогічної діяльності.

Підкреслено, що індивідуальний стиль діяльності є важливою характеристикою процесу індивідуалізації професійної діяльності. Наявність свого стилю у професіонала свідчить, з одного боку, про його адаптацію до об'єктивно заданої структури професійної діяльності, а з іншого - про максимально можливе розкриття своєї індивідуальності.

Охарактеризовано важливе значення характеру спілкування у педагогічній діяльності. Воно виступає в ній як інструмент впливу, позаяк звичайні умови і функції спілкування переростають у компоненти професійно-творчі.

З'ясовано, що зміст професійної компетентності фахівця дошкільного профілю визначається кваліфікаційною характеристикою. Вона є нормативною моделлю компетентності педагога, відображаючи науково обґрунтовану сукупність професійних знань, умінь і навичок. Загалом кваліфікаційна характеристика є переліком узагальнених вимог до вихователя на рівні його теоретичного та практичного досвіду.

Доведено, що високі результати в педагогічній діяльності вихователя можливі лише при глибоких знаннях особливостей фізичного і психічного здоров'я вихованців, специфіки середовища, характеру взаємовідносин, а також власних професійних, індивідуальних особливостей.

Ключові слова: функції вихователя, професійні вміння фахівця дошкільного профілю, заклад дошкільної освіти, діти дошкільного віку, психологічна культура.

Formulation of the problem. The famous educator K. D. Ushinsky wrote that «everything in education must be based on the personality of the educator, because the educational power flows only from a living source, the man. Neither the statutes, nor the syllabus, nor the artificial organism of the institution, can replace the individual in the matter of education. Only a person can influence the development and definition of personality, only character can form character» [17, р. 203].

The great educator of the 18th century, I. G. Pestalozzi considered it necessary for the teacher's attitude toward children to be purely paternal, quite similar to true family relationships. Years have passed, but even today the most important condition for success in the activities of an educator is pedagogical orientation, to return his «I» to other people, love for children [13].

The above qualities are inherent and characteristic of both experienced masters and young teachers, whose vocation is pedagogical activity in preschools. We also highlight another feature - a sense of empathy, i.e. the ability to respond to experiences, the ability to empathize. Another indispensable feature of the educator is high efficiency, observation, both psychological and socio-psychological [15].

These qualities are important for success in the activities of the educator. They help to identify certain patterns in the development of personality and cognitive sphere of the child, to determine the effectiveness of the use of methods, techniques, to find the uniqueness of each child, to determine the nature, characteristics of both individual children and children.

These qualities help to identify the emotional climate of the child not only in the peer group, but also in the family.

The functions of an educator are professional responsibilities, the performance of which makes it possible to successfully achieve the goals of his pedagogical activity [9].

Analysis of recent research and publications. The relationship between education and the psychological culture of the preschool teacher has been emphasized by many scholars (I. D. Bekh, L. V. Harashchenko, V. I. Kuzmenko, etc.). The image of culture is projected into modern types of the educational process, and its reproduction is carried out in education [2; 5; 12].

The psychological regularities of the pedagogical activity of a preschool specialist are discussed in detail in the publications of L. V. Harashchenko, M. V. Savchyn and L. V. Vasylenko [5; 16].

The purpose of the article is to characterize various aspects of the pedagogical activity of a preschool teacher from a psychological point of view.

Presentation of the main research material. The educator must contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for the harmonious physical development of children, protection and promotion of health. Among the most important concerns of the educator - the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in their students or health activities.

The teacher must strive to form in their students the need for movement, to create favorable conditions for optimal motor activity. Implementing the health function, the educator tries to make the most of available natural remedies. The sun, air, water, earth can generously endow a child with health if he teaches him to accept this gift with gratitude.

It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the preschool child (health group, level of physical activity, abilities).

Health care activities in the kindergarten are conducted by educators, physical education instructors, and medics [14].

The educator takes care of the development of self-esteem, self-esteem, empathy, love for parents, homeland, friendly attitude to peers, respect for adults, caring for nature, its richness [1].

The educational function of a preschool teacher involves the regulation of the teacher's relationships in the team of preschool children in order to create in it for each child a favorable psychological microclimate, psychological comfort [8].

The teacher creates favorable conditions for children to experience increased well-being, pleasure. It strengthens the child's sense of joy of life, helps to create a cheerful and cheerful mood, and so on. All this is expressed in the stimulation and management of the activity of the preschooler, as a result of which he develops knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Moreover, when it comes to the knowledge of the preschooler, it means not only the enrichment of clear, so-called stable knowledge about the world around us, which will be the foundation of his schooling.

No less important is the formation of a circle of uncertain, hypothetical, developmental knowledge. Focusing on such knowledge makes significant changes in the education of preschool children.

Its main purpose is not the transfer of ready-made knowledge, but the formation of ability, interest in their independent acquisition.

Success in the implementation of the educational function is largely determined by whether learning is developmental, whether it is ahead of development or behind [10]. psychological education communication pedagogical

The educator realizes that: not all learning leads to development, but only what is focused on the «zone of immediate development» (L. S. Vyhotsky), the level that a child reaches today together with an adult, and tomorrow will be able to achieve independently [4, p. 203].

An important condition for successful learning in kindergarten is the mastery of educators developmental teaching methods, pedagogical communication. At the same time, the teacher must strive to ensure that the activities of the child are the basis of educational work.

High results in the pedagogical activities of the educator are possible only with a deep knowledge of the physical and mental health of students, the specifics of the environment, the relationship between them, with other important people, their professional, individual characteristics.

It is necessary to know the teacher in order to educate in order to provide effective assistance to children who need it.

Teaching is based on the laws of development: the teacher studies the psyche of the child in the system, in close connection with the world around, trying to find the causes of originality, deviations in the development of their students [11].

For them, as for doctors, significant is the principle formulated by Hippocrates: «Do no harm!» [7, p. 74].

Based on it, the teacher conducts the study of individual children and the group as a whole, so that the process of research, methods. They are applicable, and its results would not harm the child (his emotional state, health, condition among peers).

Success in diagnostic work largely depends on the ability of the educator to show objectivity, not to succumb to the previously formed subjective opinion about a particular child, his family.

It is important and close cooperation of all teachers who work with children, with a psychologist, parents of students.

Diagnostic and corrective functions are closely intertwined in the activities of the educator [9].

Different aspects of mental and physical development of the child may need correction (correction, improvement) posture, endurance, cognitive processes, emotional and volitional sphere, personal qualities, relations with peers and adults, and communication [18].

While correcting, the teacher widely uses various activities of the preschooler, primarily play, recognized as a universal form of correction in preschool age.

With the help of the same game, the teacher can solve different problems: for one child it can be a means of increasing self-esteem, for another - a disincentive, tonic effect or just a school of collective relations.

Widely used for coordination purposes and artistic activities. Kindergarten successfully uses such areas of corrective influences by means of art, as exciting classes and self-disclosure in art.

In drawing, play, music, theatre and art, the child not only develops their talents, but also overcomes what previously seemed dangerous, strange, learns to find a way out of difficult situations, gains confidence in themselves, their abilities.

Regulation and coordination, development of joint educational influences in relation to pupils from kindergarten and family will allow to create favorable conditions of mental and physical development, happiness of children. These functions can be successfully implemented by establishing a partnership, friendly relationship with parents, creating an atmosphere of cooperation and collaboration in working with them.

In the context of humanization of education, increasing the level of professional training of preschool teachers, the role of this function is growing significantly.

Professional self-improvement - self-education. This function plays an important role. Familiarity with a wide range of knowledge significantly contributes to the professional growth of the teacher. The professional growth of a teacher, his work is closely related to how actively he is involved in psychological culture in general, satisfies his need for psychological knowledge about their students [12].

The success of the implementation of various functions of the educator depends on the attitude of the teacher to his work, his motives, systems of mastering professional skills.

The motives of the educator are as follows:

the creative nature of the activity;

the opportunity to communicate with children, direct contact with them;

the opportunity to develop children;

utilitarian economic (long vacation, favourable working conditions);

the possibility of self-expression, meeting the need for recognition by others [6].

Professional skills of a kindergarten teacher, to which special attention should be paid first of all: gnostic; design and engineering; communicative; organizational [3; 8; 15].

Gnostic (the ability to penetrate into the inner content of the actions and deeds of the child, the motives of his actions and internal attitudes to the tasks before them).

Gnostic skills educator uses to study the parents, the family microenvironment of the child.

This group of skills includes the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of applied methods and training, the ability to analyze the experience of others in order to transfer best practices and techniques to their own best practices.

Gnostic skills are closely related to knowledge of psychology, understanding of the laws and peculiarities of children's development, the development of psychological observation, interest in the spiritual world of the child.

The educator is helped to penetrate the child's soul by mastering the methods of child psychology - observation, experiment, sociometric methods, conversation, the method of analysis of products of child activity.

A lot of valuable information about their inner world, the nature of activities, relationships with others can get an educator, observing the behavior of children in everyday life.

In the morning, on a walk, an experienced teacher will quickly notice the interests of his students.

These observations help the educator to identify the interests of children, their inclinations, hobbies, evaluate children's play activities, determine the level of its development, draw conclusions and generalizations about children's society, and most importantly - find the right tools to correct children's behavior, activities, relationships, create conditions to adapt to a new microenvironment.

Observing the behavior of children creates favorable opportunities for identifying the psychological properties of the nervous system in their vital manifestations.

The educator pays attention to the emotional state of children in the process of games, attitudes to successes and failures, how easily the child switches from moving games to quiet and vice versa, how long can be fascinated by quiet activities.

The information obtained during the observation will help the teacher to determine the balance (imbalance) of the nervous processes of their students and find an individual approach to them.

Among the variety of individual characteristics of preschoolers, we single out the most characteristic, among the pupils are children who bite their nails, often cry, sleep restlessly, eat without appetite, often complain of headaches, overly anxious, suck a finger, someone has difficulty concentrating. , outbursts of anger, fear of failure, new people, animals, etc.

In the process of included observation at different moments of the regime, it is important to identify such children and treat them with understanding.

The information obtained with the help of gnostic skills allows the educator to better plan and organize further pedagogical activities with his group and with individual children and parents.

Moreover, developed gnostic skills will help the educator to more successfully carry out the process of self-knowledge of internal psychological processes and states - reflection.

Design and constructive skills play an important role in the activities of the educator.

The educator needs design skills to see the "tomorrow" of the pupils, to project the development of the personality of each child individually, the children's group as a whole.

This group of skills includes the ability to plan the activities of the preschooler in all moments of the regime, both for a short and for a longer period, to make a plan, a scenario of entertainment.

Design skills are necessary when planning the study of a child, children's group, family, when developing a plan to correct the development of each child's personality, emotional climate in children's society.

Constructive skills are manifested in the provision (informational, communicative) of a specific pedagogical event, which should take place in the planned pedagogical period (morning gymnastics, classes, excursions, entertainment, etc.).

These skills play an important role in creating such a subject-play environment that would stimulate the games of children of different levels of development, temperament, would give the opportunity to be creative, both boys and girls.

Constructive skills ensure success in creating a subject-artistic environment, favorable conditions for cognitive and practical activities, as well as labor.

This group of skills includes the ability to process all the content and present it to children based on age.

Communicative skills ensure the establishment of pedagogically appropriate relationships with individual children and the whole group, with parents, with colleagues, administration.

They are manifested in establishing quick contact, finding common ground and the right relationship with different people in different circumstances.

It is easier for a person with communication skills to evoke empathy, to attract people, to regulate relations in the group.

Many communication skills can be attributed to the technique of pedagogical communication.

With the help of organizational skills, the educator adjusts his activities and the activities of children. Organizational skills are manifested in the rapid, flexible application of their knowledge and experience in solving practical problems in the management of various activities of children.

In class the teacher must master the communicative structure of the whole pedagogical process, be as sensitive as possible to the slightest changes, constantly correlate the chosen methods of pedagogical influence with the peculiarities of communication at this stage. All this requires from the teacher the ability to solve two problems simultaneously:

to construct features of the behavior (the pedagogical individuality), the relations with children, i.e. style of communication;

construct expressive means of communicative influence [12].

The second component is constantly changing under the influence of emerging pedagogical and, accordingly, communicative tasks. The formed type of relations of the teacher with pupils plays an important role in the choice of the system of expressive means of communication.

The following characteristics of communication in the process of pedagogical activity can be distinguished:

system of communication between teacher and students (a certain style of communication);

communication system, specific to a particular stage of pedagogical activity;

situational system of communication that arises when solving a specific pedagogical and communicative task [11].

Under the style of communication we understand the individual-typological features of socio-psychological interaction between teacher and children. In the style of communication are expressions:

features of the educator's communicative abilities;

formed the nature of the relationship between teacher and students;

creative individuality of the teacher;

* features of the children's team [18].

Moreover, it should be emphasized that the style of communication between teachers and children - a category of social and moral. It embodies the socio-ethical attitudes of society and the educator as its representative.

Conclusions. Thus, the educator must be able to draw, design, sing, dance, read clearly, competently and beautifully perform physical exercises, show puppet theater, care for plants and animals.

Management of all children's activities involves the educator's complex, skills system - constructive, gnostic, communicative, organizational, special.

For productive communicative activity, the teacher must know that communication permeates the entire system of pedagogical influence, each of its trace elements.

The specificity of pedagogical communication is due to the different socio-role and functional positions of its subjects. In the process of pedagogical communication, the educator directly or indirectly carries out their socio-role and functional responsibilities to guide the process of teaching and education. The style of communication and leadership significantly determines the effectiveness of teaching and education, as well as the peculiarities of personality development and the formation of interpersonal relationships in the study group.


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