Psychological analysis of personal characteristics that act as factors in overcoming the propensity to theft in adolescents

A theoretical analysis of motivational and volitional personal factors that are the driving force behind the psychological mechanisms of children's predisposition to theft, and to clarify the main directions of its psychological prevention/correction.

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Дата добавления 24.02.2023
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Psychological analysis of personal characteristics that act as factors in overcoming the propensity to theft in adolescents

Honcharuk Nataliia, Dr. in Psychology, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the department; Onufriieva Liana, Dr. in Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan OhiLenko University


The purpose. The purpose of the study is a theoretical and empirical analysis of personal factors that are the driving force behind the psychological mechanisms of predisposition to theft, and to clarify the main directions of its psychological prevention / correction. The main objectives of the study are: 1) clarification of scientific and psychological approaches to the theoretical analysis of the problem of theft; 2) analysis of motivational and volitional personal factors in subjects with an increased risk of theft; 3) scientific substantiation of the main directions of psychological prevention / correction of theft.

Methods of the research. The main methods used in the study are theoretical analysis, generalization, comparison, systematization of facts, theoretical modeling, scientific interpretation, use of questionnaires and tests.

The results of the research. The role and essence of theft is revealed, which in society is qualified as a socio-psychological problem connected with an insurmountable urge to misappropriate other people's money and things. It was found that the subject of theft can be any property that has a certain value: real estate or movable property, cash, securities, precious metals, documents, etc.

The experimental study identified three groups of people: those with a low risk of theft (14.1%), medium risk (44.7%) and high risk (41.2%).

People with a high propensity for theft are characterized by an increased fear of rejection: they begin to act under the conditions of external stimuli associated with control, requirements, supervision. Subjects are prone to external control, which indicates their desire to shift responsibility to external circumstances (insurmountable obstacles, difficult fate or people who do not help).

Persons prone to theft have low levels of general volitional self-regulation, which indicates an inability to consciously control their desires and impulses, including material direction, to subordinate behavior in accordance with the

circumstances. They are also characterized by low rates of persistence, which is manifested in the unwillingness to perform socially useful activities, coping with difficulties, inconsistencies. Instead, there is a clear desire to shift their problems onto others who have to buy, buy the things they want, and provide for everyone without exception.

The function of self-control is lower than the average in the subjects with a tendency to theft. Low self-control is due to difficulties in subordinating different activities to the motive of self-improvement, low ability to self-promotion and self-punishment as dynamic factors in the formation of regulatory behavior.

Conclusions. On the basis of the conducted empirical research two main directions of work are defined: a) psychological correction of motivational sphere of teenagers with high risk of propensity to theft; b) psychological correction of the volitional sphere of adolescents with a high risk of theft.

Key words: crime, theft, psychological problem, adolescence.

Психологічний аналіз особистісних факторів, які виступають чинниками подолання схильності до злодійства у дітей підліткового віку

Гончарук Наталія, доктор психологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри; Онуфрієва Ліана, доктор психологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри загальної та практичної психології, Кам'янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка, м. Кам'янець-Подільський (Україна)

Мета. Метою дослідження є теоретико-емпіричний аналіз особистісних факторів, які є рушійним чинником психологічних механізмів схильності до злодійства, та з'ясування основних напрямів його психологічної профілактики/корекції. Основними завданнями дослідження визначено: 1) з'ясування науково-психологічних підходів до теоретичного аналізу проблеми злодійства; 2) здійснення аналізу мотиваційних і вольових особистісних факторів у досліджуваних із підвищеним ризиком схильності до злодійства; 3) наукове обґрунтування основних напрямів психологічної профілактики/корекції злодійства.

Методи дослідження. Основними методами є теоретичний аналіз, узагальнення, порівняння, систематизація фактів, теоретичне моделювання, наукова інтерпретація, використання анкетування і тестів-опитувальників.

Результати дослідження. Розкрито роль і сутність злодійства, яке у суспільстві кваліфікують як соціально-психологічну проблему, яка полягає у нездоланному потягові до привласнення чужих коштів та речей. З'ясовано, що предметом крадіжки може бути будь-яке майно, яке має певну вартість: нерухоме або рухоме, готівка, цінні папери, дорогоцінні метали, документи та ін.

Експериментальне дослідження дало змогу виділити три групи осіб: з низьким ризиком схильності до злодійства (14%), середнім ризиком (45%) і високим ризиком (41%).

Характерним для осіб з високою схильністю до злодійства є підвищений страх відторгнення: вони починають діяти за умови зовнішнього стимулювання, пов'язаного з контролем, вимогами, наглядом. Досліджувані схильні до екстернального контролю, що свідчить про їх прагнення перекладати відповідальність на зовнішні обставини (нездоланні перепони, складну долю або людей, котрі не допомагають).

У схильних до злодійства осіб виявлено низькі показники загальної вольової саморегуляції, що свідчить про невміння свідомо контролювати свої бажання та імпульси, у тому числі матеріального спрямування, підпорядковувати поведінку відповідно до наявних обставин. Також їм притаманні низькі показники наполегливості, що проявляється у небажанні виконувати суспільно-корисні види діяльності, пасуванні перед труднощами, непослідовності. Натомість, виразним є прагнення перекласти свої проблеми на інших, хто має купити, придбати бажані речі і забезпечити усі без винятку бажання.

Нижчою за середні показники у досліджуваних зі схильністю до злодійства є функція самоконтролю. Низький самоконтроль зумовлений труднощами у підпорядкуванні різних видів діяльності мотиву самовдосконалення, низьку здатність до самозаохочення і самопокарання як динамічних чинників формування регулятивної поведінки.

Висновки. На основі проведеного емпіричного дослідження визначено два основних напрями роботи: а) психологічну корекцію мотиваційної сфери підлітків з високим ризиком схильності до злодійства; б) психологічну корекцію вольової сфери підлітків з високим ризиком схильності до злодійства.

Ключові слова: злодійство, крадіжка, психологічна проблема, підлітковий вік.


In the world criminal practice, theft remains the most common crime today. It accounts for 52% of all offenses (Князєв, 2017). Thefts from homes, shops, robberies, muggings, pickpocketing - this is a non-exhaustive list of its varieties, which are used for free enrichment of certain people at the expense of others. According to this, it is an urgent problem in society that needs to be addressed at all times. And although theft has deep roots, dating back to ancient times, when private property was born, it does not lose relevance in our time. The skills and experience of thieves are increasing, new varieties are emerging, such as cybercrime, bank card theft, related to the specifics of the information society. In the context of modern military hostilities, marauding and looting are widespread.

motivational psychological theft children

Analysis of recent research

The problem of theft in a psychological perspective today is insufficiently addressed. Some issues were considered within the psychology of addictive behavior (Толстоухова & Пінчук, 2000; Татенко, 2008); analysis of crimes committed by minors and adults (Болотна, 2020; Пряхін, 2012; Філіпенко & Черепненко, 2007); elucidation of factors leading to stealing propensty and their impact on children and adolescents (Варгац, 2002; Гончарук & Онуфрієва, 2018; Князєв, 2017; Onufriieva, Zubiashvily, Kocharian, Lunov & Barinova, 2020); study of psychological characteristics of criminals who have a tendency to steal (Головкін & Навальна, 2012; Звірянський, 2018; Носенко, Аршава & Кутовий, 2011; Літинська, 2006); research of social responsibility for own actions (Гончарук & Онуфрієва, 2018; Філіпенко & Черепненко, 2007; Ivashkevych & Onufriieva, 2018). However, the questions about the psychological mechanisms of formation of propensity to theft and their relationship with the mechanisms of formation of motivational and volitional actions remain insufficiently clarified, the essence of theft as a psychological problem is not adequately addressed, the signs and semantic characteristics of theft are not disclosed. Due to the lack of basic scientific research, the areas of psychological work with children and adolescents who are prone to theft have not been identified.

Purpose of our study

The importance of theoretical and practical study of the problem of child and adolescent theft, the need to identify effective ways to overcome it led to the purpose of the study, which aims at theoretical and empirical analysis of personal factors that are the basis of psychological mechanisms of theft and clarify the main directions of its psychological prevention and correction.

The objectives of the study are:

1. To find out scientific and psychological approaches to the theoretical analysis of the problem of theft.

2. To analyze the motivational and volitional personal factors in subjects with an increased propensity to steal.

3. Based on the results of empirical research, scientifically substantiate the main directions of psychological prevention / correction of theft.

Research methods and techniques

A set of general scientific research methods was used to solve the tasks, including theoretical analysis, generalization, comparison, systematization of facts, theoretical modeling, scientific interpretation, and use of questionnaires. The following methods were used to determine the psychological characteristics of persons prone to theft and to determine the psychological conditions of correctional work with them: a questionnaire to determine the risk of propensity to theft; A. Mehrabian's affiliation motivation test as modified by M.Sh. Magomed-Emi- nov; test of subjective localization of control (SLC) developed by S.R. Panteleev and V.V. Stolin; test of volitional self-regulation suggested by A.V. Zverkov, E.B. Eidman.

Results and their discussions

The problem of prevention and/or overcoming a juvenile theft is relevant in connection with the increase of objective ethical and moral principles of our society. Such a message should also apply to the upbringing of our children. At the same time, it happens that parents notice the loss of money from the wallet - first small, and then we are talking about ever larger amounts; their child brings other people's things from school: an eraser, a pen, pencils, and toys. This is the first sign of a tendency to steal. If adults do not overlook this period of formation and properly build educational work, the problem of child theft can be solved without obstacles. Conversely, if they do not notice petty thefts, and sometimes encourage them: “What a good man you are, you bring home everything useful, everything into the house!”, this problem will find positive support and it will be difficult to work with it in the future.

Child theft is a common phenomenon in society. However, the specificity is that it has a latent, hidden nature due to the ethical issues of children's behavior: often parents conceal such cases so as not to embarrass the whole family. At the same time, it is necessary to single out issues that go beyond their competence: these are fixed forms of behavior that have been encouraged by them for many years and have taken the form of potentially dangerous for further social development of the child.

In the psychological literature, theft is interpreted as stealing of property, theft (Філіпенко & Черепненко, 2007). According to legal terminology, it is the theft of someone else's property for the purpose of appropriation (Пряхін, 2012). The subject of theft can be any property that has a certain value: real estate or movable property, cash, securities and ATM cards, precious metals, energy through illegal connection to the power supply network, documents, stamps or seals, firearms and ammunition (Варгац, 2002). According to the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Criminal Code of Ukraine, 2001), theft is considered a crime if it is committed intentionally, with premeditation and deliberation. It is necessary for the offender to appropriate things and use them as the owner, having them in permanent possession. At the same time, he/she does not have to own the thing. Theft of a thing for another person is also considered theft.

The main motive for theft is the desire to get rich here and now. Common to thieves, regardless of age, gender, social and professional status there are the following features: they all do not respect social norms, do not show special moral qualities and have little compassion for other people, because they are indifferent to the despair of others due to loss of money, their inability to feed family. Typical traits of people prone to theft are: disrespect for social norms, lack of compassion for others, resourcefullness, cunning, agility, practicality, rationality, lack of responsibility for their actions, determination and risk, internal tension, anxiety, good psychophysical training, and insidiousness. These features are subject to correction, which will be used in the preparation of the psycho-correctional program.

In addition to the term «theft» there are others that are its varieties. In scientific research (Толстоухова & Пінчук, 2000; Татенко, 2008; Пряхін, 2012; Філіпенко & Черепненко, 2007; Головкін & Навальна, 2012; Звірянський, 2018; Літинська, 2006) we distinguish: a) depending on a subject: theft of the state, collective , or personal property; b) by the method of theft: with penetration into the private or non-residential sector; without penetration based on abuse of trust; covert theft (e.g., pickpocketing); open robbery; c) depending on the place of realization: thefts from premises (shops, warehouses, houses, industrial enterprises), thefts on railway and other types of transport (at stations, from a train compartment); pickpocketing in public cities (in markets, in transport; from automatic storage cameras); d) in the form of: simple theft; robbery (mudgging); armed robbery; burglary; theft of personal data; fraud.

The categories of thieves and their methods of work are also diverse. Researchers single out the main ones. Thus a person who commits petty thefts (steals wallets, bags) is called a pickpocket. The most common methods of their operation are: «barehand» (pickpocketing); «through the screen», «camouflage» (hiding own operation with a jacket thrown over his arm, bag, flowers, etc.); «sandwich» (abduction with distraction); «knocking out» (the use of precise blows, made so to speak «unintentionally»); «deductive» (use of a solid look, tie, glasses for inconspicuous removal of the wallet; «po- lite» («giving help» to the victim while stealing the necessary thing); «using the scythe», «slashing» (cutting the wallet out with a blade).

At the same time, in modern thieving practice there are other methods of withdrawing money and assets. So recently, a citizen A. Svinney found a way to withdraw money through Instagram, Microsoft, Google using a voice token distribution. Estimates show that during the year he earned 2,066,000 euros on Instagram, 432,000 euros on Google and 669,000 euros on Microsoft (Khh36b, 2017). Various and common methods of fraud are observed in everyday life. Fraudsters gain the trust of the victims and then steal their valuables. They use any means to communicate with their victims - telephone, mail, e-mail and the Internet.

Taking into account the semantic and conceptual principles of the problem allowed us to apply a differential approach to the analysis of the propensity to steal in adolescents and young children. The psychological experiment was conducted with secondary school adolescents of grades 1-3 in Kamianets-Podil- skyi. The sample group included 85 people.

The first stage of the ascertainment experiment was to identify individuals at risk of theft. This was done through questionnaires. The answers, recorded on a special form and processed using STEN scores (standard ten), were divided into the following levels (see Table 1):

Table 1. Determining the risk of propensity to theft based on the results of the questionnaire (data are given in%)


Low level

Medium level

High level












Values (%)















According to the tables, a low level of theft was observed in 35 people (or 41.2%). This indicates that these subjects are active, motivated for community service and learning. They are honest in their behavior, have never committed theft, respect social norms, show positive moral qualities and are imbued with the feelings of others. In the absence of material values through a rational analysis of the situation they choose ways to limit or replace the desires that have arisen. In different social situations they show kindness, share with others, they are prudent, responsible for their actions. Such individuals are able to analyze their actions according to various criteria: moral, intellectual, emotional, they are balanced and positive.

Among adolescents with a medium stealing risk, 38 people (or 44.7%) were identified. They received from 4 to 7 points according to the results of the questionnaire. Such students in early childhood had attempts to take the thing they really wanted. But this tendency was situational and passed with age. At the same time, at the moment, there are still internal urges to take someone else's thing when no one sees it, but they are controlled by consciousness. Such adolescents respect social norms, show positive moral qualities and show good attitude towards others. However, the desire to share sweets and things with someone does not arise. In the absence of material values, children activate rational mechanisms, but they are not always a direct guide to action. Often the moral aspects of the situation are ignored when no one is watching the children (in the absence of external control).

A high risk of theft was found in 12 people (or 14.1%). Such adolescents received scores of 8-10 points according to the results of the questionnaire. In the past, they often took the belongings of family and friends without permission and show such a tendency now. They have unformed self-control over behavior, inflated material needs, there is a lack of motivation for useful work. It is typical to give preference to leisure over work and study. Children do not respect social norms, do not show stable moral qualities and have little compassion for others. Typical features of these adolescents are the predominance of needs, desires, inclinations over volitional qualities (self-control and emotional regulation). In situations of theft there is no compassion for others and responsibility for their actions, instead they have formed flexibility, cunning, agility, practicality, rationality, risk, and insidiousness (see Figure1).

Thus, the experimental study of the risk of predisposition to theft allowed to identify three groups of people: low risk (41.2%), medium (44.7%) and high (14.1%). For the further experiment, only two groups of subjects were identified: those with a high risk of theft and those with a low risk of theft. A comparison of the results of psychological research of the representatives of these groups made it possible to find out the differences in the development of personality traits that contributed to the emergence of a psychological problem.

Fig. 1. Level distribution of subjects at risk of propensity to steal (data given in %)

Comparisons were made on the following qualities: localization of control, persistence, self-regulation; motivation of affiliation (desire for approval and fear of rejection).

First of all, stimulus-motivating factors that form the motivation for action were analyzed. For this purpose, the method of motivation of A. Mehrabian's affiliation as modified by of M.Sh. Magomed-Eminova, who explores two generalized motivators that are part of the motivation structure of affiliation - the desire for approval (C) and fear of rejection (B). Based on the experimental data, four groups of subjects were identified: Group I with the desire for approval above the median (medium level), fear of rejection below the median (high-low), Group II - the desire for approval below the median, fear of rejection above the median (low-low), group III - the desire for approval above the median, fear of rejection above the median (high-high), group IV - the desire for approval below the median, fear of rejection above the median (low-high) (see Table 2):

Table 2. Differences in the motivational sphere of individuals with low and high risk of propensity to theft (motivation of affiliation)

Groups of subjects

Levels of affiliation motivation

Individuals at low risk of theft

Individuals at high risk of theft

Group I

High C - Low B



Group II

Low C - Low B



Group III

High C - High B



Group IV

Low C - High B



As the test results show, the motivational characteristics of people with low and high risk of theft are different. In particular, subjects with a low propensity to steal belong to groups I and II, which are dominated by a high desire for approval - low fear of rejection (48.2%) and low desire for approval - low fear of rejection (38.8%). What these groups of subjects have in common is that they do not have a fear of rejection and a high desire for approval. In these subjects, the need to receive support from others, to be recognized, to have social achievements and be proud of them prevails, it is important that the loved ones and all those around them evaluate them. Such adolescents are aimed at a positive characterization of their activities.

Individuals with an increased risk of theft are mainly in groups III-IV: with a desire for approval above the median, fear of rejection above the median (35.3%), a desire for approval below the median, fear of rejection above the median (47.1%) (see Figure 2).

Common to the subjects with an increased propensity for theft is a high fear of rejection: 35.3% and 47.1% - indicators for groups III and IV. Based on the answers, it was found that the subjects worked better when the external stimulus to activity related to control, requirements to be observed, and inspections.

Situations related to anxiety, fear of being negatively assessed, misunderstood, caused panic and stimulated action, or, conversely, blocked them. At the same time, societal demands prompted to respond only when these demands were offered «from above» or «from aside» as an external activating stimulus. They acted as a factor in avoiding dangerous circumstances. Only in a situation of psychological stress did such adolescents activate their efforts.

Fig. 2. Features of manifestation of the desire for approval and fear of rejection in subjects with low and high risks of theft where, high C - a high level of desire for approval; high B - high level of fear of rejection; low C - low level of desire for approval; low B - low level of fear of rejection.

Thus, subjects with an increased propensity for theft are characterized by a high fear of rejection: they begin to act under the condition of external stimuli associated with control, requirements to be observed, and inspections. Respondents with a low risk of theft have a low fear of rejection: situations of anxiety, fear of being negatively evaluated are not decisive for action, and the main motive for their social behavior the desire for approval.

According to the objectives of our study, an important area of work is to determine the relationship between the volitional factors of the individual and the risk of theft. To this end, the locus of control and volitional self-regulation were defined as characteristics of conscious management of one's psyche.

Localization (or locus) of control characterized the ability to take responsibility for their actions in making decisions and achieving goals. To determine the locus of control, a test-questionnaire of subjective localization of control (SLC) suggested by Panteleev and V.V. Stolin was used to determine the internal and external locus of control (see Table 3).

Table 3. Differences in the volitional sphere (locus of control) in adolescents with low and high risk of theft


Level of control localization

Individuals at low risk of theft

Individuals at high risk of theft


STEN 1-3 (0-10 points)

High external control




STEN 4-5 (11-14 points)

Medium external control




STEN 6-7 (15-18) points

Medium internal control




STEN 8-10 (19-26 points)

High internal control



These tables show that people with a low risk of theft are dominated by moderate external control (32.9%) and moderate internal control (27.1%), which indicates an even distribution of responsibility for their actions on both internal and external circumstance. A significant proportion (24.7%) have high internal control, which demonstrates their tendency to attribute the causes of their actions to internal factors, which are wisdom, abilities, level of intelligence, volitional control, and emotional self-regulation.

Subjects with a high risk of theft are more prone to moderate external control (37.6%) and high external control (34.1%). This indicates their focus on explaining the reasons for their actions, especially troubles and external factors. They find an explanation for their destructive behavior in external obstacles, which are, in their opinion, unfavorable circumstances, relatives and friends who do not care about them, lack of fortune, difficult fate (see Figure 3).

As you can see from the diagram, the indicator of subjective localization of control in people with high and low risk of theft differs: if the higher results of externality indicators were obtained by high-risk subjects, then the internality indicators show low risk. In general, people with a predisposition to theft are 24% more likely to take external initiatives than those who are at low risk.

Thus, subjects at high risk of theft are prone to external control, which indicates their desire to shift responsibility to external circumstances: insurmountable obstacles, difficult fate, people who do not help, parents who do not buy them anything.

Fig. 3. Features of manifestation of external and internal locus of control in subjects with low and high risks of theft

Low-risk individuals control their material desires and needs and evenly distribute responsibility for their actions on both internal and external circumstances. In addition to the locus of control, the volitional qualities of the participants of the experimental and control groups were investigated by the test of volitional self-regulation suggested by A.V. Zverkov and E.V. Eidman. It was used to determine the indices of volitional self-regulation on the points of the general scale (B), the indices on the sub-scales «persistence» (H), and «self-control» (C). The study data are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Differences in the volitional sphere of adolescents with low and high risks of propensity to steal (voluntary self-regulation)


Level of volitional self-regulation

Individuals with a low risk of theft

Individuals with a high risk of theft


General scale (B)

High self-regulation



Low self-regulation




Subscale «persistence»

High persistence



Low persistence




Subscale «self- control»

High self-control



Low self-control



As it is shown by the results of experimental research and their comparative analysis, people at high risk of theft are unable to control their own behavior in different situations, consciously manage their actions, states and motivations. This is especially true of the «persistence» subscale, which allows you to determine the strength of intentions and aspirations of adolescents on the way to the goal.

Experimental data show that 74.1% of respondents with a low risk of theft are active, able-bodied individuals who actively go to achieve the goal, purposefully overcome difficulties, set the task to fulfill the planned. They adhere to social norms, seek to completely subordinate their own behavior. 83.5% of subjects with a high propensity for theft have low values on the scale of «persistence», which indicates reduced focus, insecurity, passivity, impulsiveness, which can lead to inconsistency in action. This is an inability to persevere towards the goal by activating forces in the fight against difficulties. The reduced background of activity and working capacity, as a rule, is compensated in such subjects by the increased flexibility, ingenuity, and also tendency to free interpretation of social norms.

According to the subscale «self-control», the obtained experimental data are not so indisputable. In persons with a predisposition to theft, high self-control is manifested in only 47.1% of subjects and low self-control - in 52.9%, which indicates a slight excess of low self-control due to difficulties in subordinating various activities to their desires and needs, low ability to control their own actions as dynamic factors in overcoming materially directed needs and desires. Slight spontaneity and impulsiveness are characteristic, usually combined with abusiveness, conservatism, which separates adolescents from intense feelings and internal conflicts.

At the same time, 68.2% of individuals with a low risk of theft have a high score on the «self-control» subscale. This characterizes them as emotionally stable individuals who feel at ease in a variety of situations. They are characterized by inner peace, self-confidence, lack of anxiety, readiness to make the right decision, which compensates for the internal materially driven urges.

The general level of volitional self-regulation can be determined on the basis of generalization of test results. 70.6% of adolescents with a high risk of theft have a low score of voluntary self-regulation. It is characteristic of subjects who are emotionally unstable, passive, and insecure. Their reflexivity is low, and the general background of activity, as a rule, is reduced, which causes impulsiveness, instability of intentions.

Respondents with a low risk of theft (74.1%) are active, independent, self-sufficient adolescents, who are characterized by purposefulness, organization, ability to overcome difficulties and gradually go to achieve the goal. They are characterized by self-confidence, stability of intentions, realistic views, and a developed sense of duty. They are able to effectively distribute efforts and control their actions (see Figure 4).

Fig. 4. Features of self-regulation, persistence and self-control in subjects with low and high risks of theft

According to the diagram, we can observe noticeable differences between the volitional qualities of subjects with high and low risk of theft. Among those prone to theft, the indicators of general voluntary self-regulation and persistence are low (29.4% and 16.5%, respectively), while those with a low risk of theft are 74.1% and 75.3%, respectively. The function of self-control is more preserved in the subjects with a tendency to theft, although it is also lower than the average.

Thus, the experimental study of psychological signs and mechanisms of predisposition to theft allowed to identify three groups of individuals: those with a high risk of predisposition to theft (14.1%), medium (44.7%) and low (41.2%). Characteristic of people with a high propensity for theft is an increased fear of rejection, a tendency to external control, which indicates their desire to shift responsibility to external circumstances, low levels of general voluntary self-regulation, perseverance, and inability to cope with difficulties.


Analysis of the psychological characteristics of adolescents with a high risk of theft has prepared the basis for determining the areas of prevention / correction of theft as a psychological problem: 1) the formation of the motivational basis of socially useful activity; 2) increasing the stability of the volitional sphere. The first direction is the work on the formation of effective motivation and providing a motivational basis for socially useful activities, which involves: a) creating a common motivational basis for activities; b) reliance on socially useful, rather than material motives for behavior; c) correcting the fear of rejection as a destructive motive for behavior; d) the use of motivation for approval, which acts as an external social stimulus; e) formation of the internal moral basis of behavior as a motivating factor. The second direction is the formation of volitional actions, namely: a) reducing external dispositions and increasing internal alternatives; b) education of the ability to control own behavior in different situations; c) the desire to consciously control own actions, states, and motivations; d) development of persistence; e) formation of self-control skills.


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