The characteristics of Inner Speech of a Personality by Use of the Method of Dialogical Analysis of the case
The purpose is to characterize the method of dialogical analysis of the case for description of inner speech of the person, to show it use on practice during the providing of statement experiment. Shown, that human feelings act as an experience of "Me".
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 27.02.2023 |
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The characteristics of Inner Speech of a Personality by Use of the Method of Dialogical Analysis of the case
Ivashkevych Eduard
Dr. in Psychology, Professor, Professor of the department of General Psychology and Psychological diagnostics, Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne (Ukraine)
Simko Ruslan
Ph.D. in Psychology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohnenko University, Kamianets-Podilskyi (Ukraine)
The purpose of our article is to characterize the method of dialogical analysis of the case for description of inner speech of the person, to show it use on practice during the providing of statement experiment.
Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. Also in our research we used a statement experiment as an empirical method. With the aim to diagnose the level of the development of inner speech of the person we used the author's method of dialogical analysis of the case.
The results of the research. In the article it was shown, that human feelings act as an experience of "Me", and in this regard it is as external monologues, and on the other hand they are dialogical in nature, they can hear a broken dialogue with others: appeals, questions, expected answers, desires that are not expressed, accusations, etc., that exists in a covert form of internal dialogue. Under the dialogical analysis of the case we understand the reconstruction of the movement of internal dialogue, which becomes possible as a result of a special attitude to the text (for this purpose, special methods of textual analysis were developed).
Conclusions. The inner speech was showed to be the speech for himself/ herself. External speech is speech for others. Psychologically, the language of the pupil in functional and structural terms is egocentric speech, it is not understood as internal speech and is not separated by the child from speech for others. Objectively, this language is a function differentiated from social thinking, but again inconsistent, because it can only function in a situation that makes social speech possible.
Key words: the method of dialogical analysis of the case, inner speech, external speech, egocentric speech, external monologues, a dialogue, social speech.
Івашкевич Едуард, Сімко Руслан. Характеристика внутрішнього мовлення особистості за допомогою методу діалогічного аналізу випадку.
Метою нашої статті є схарактеризувати метод діалогічного аналізу випадку з метою характеристики внутрішнього мовлення особистості, описати використання цього методу на практиці впродовж проведення констатувального дослідження.
Методи дослідження. Для розв'язання поставлених в роботі завдань використовувалися такі теоретичні методи дослідження: категоріальний, структурно-функціональний, аналіз, систематизація, моделювання, узагальнення. Також у своєму дослідженні ми використовували констатувальне дослідження як емпіричний метод. Для діагностики рівня розвитку внутрішнього мовлення особистості було використано авторський метод діалогічного аналізу випадку.
Результати дослідження. У статті показано, що почуття людини постають як переживання «Я», і в цьому плані як зовнішні монологічні утворення, а з другого - вони діалогічні за своєю природою, в них можна почути розірваний діалог з іншим: звернення, питання, відповіді, що очікуються, бажання, які не висловлюються, звинувачення та ін., тобто те, що існує в прихованій формі внутрішнього діалогу. Під діалогічним аналізом випадку ми розуміємо реконструкцію руху внутрішнього діалогу, що стає можливою в результаті особливого ставлення до тексту (з цією метою нами були розроблені спеціальні методи текстового аналізу).
Висновки. Показано, що внутрішнє мовлення є мовленням для себе, тоді як зовнішнє мовлення - для інших. Обґрунтовано, що психологічно мова школяра у функціональному та структурному відношеннях - це егоцентричне мовлення, воно не осмислюється як внутрішнє мовлення і не відокремлюється дитиною від мовлення для інших. Доведено, що в об'єктивному відношенні ця мова являє собою віддиференційовану від соціального мислення функцію, але знову ж таки неостаточну, оскільки й вона може функціонувати тільки в ситуації, яка робить соціальне мовлення можливим.
Ключові слова: метод діалогічного аналізу випадку, внутрішнє мовлення, зовнішнє мовлення, егоцентричне мовлення, зовнішні монологи, діалог, соціальне мовлення.
inner speech personality dialogical
As it was told in psychological literature, the ability to see problems is manifested in the need to ask questions, that require creative solutions in the process of active cognitive activity of the individual (Onufriieva & Ivashkevych, 2021b). To determine the dialogical qualities of cognitive activity, it is especially important to clarify the essence of a dialogue, a dialogical communication in its internal and external manifestations. As a form of internal dialogue scholars (Гончарук & Онуфрієвa, 2018) consider the process of reading a novel, namely the dialogue between the author and the reader. Thus, the goal of independent reading can be achieved only if the reader is able to organize it, make a semantic analysis of the text, of he/she can understand it adequately, and in their further educational and professional activities to apply the learned information. Also we define read-ing as the creation of one's own thoughts with the help of other people's thoughts. Based on these ideas, we can describe reading as a creative process that involves not only passive perception of information contained in the text, but also its active processing, formulation of their own hypotheses, questions to the text, expressing views, agreeing or disagreeing with its author. In other words, reading can be seen as a special kind of a dialogue between the author and the reader.
Such a communication of course differs from the direct interaction with a real partner of communication. And, perhaps, it will be more accurate to define it as quasi-communication (Mykhalchuk & Kryshevych, 2019), such as communication with an imaginary partner. At the same time, there is every reason to believe that the mechanisms of both types of communication are largely similar. This approach to the characteristics of reading activity gives different grounds to consider the interaction of the reader with the text as a dialogical process (restoration of the hidden dialogicity of the text itself and the deployment of the internal dialogue of the reader). Researchers (Onufriieva & Ivashkevych, 2021a) from philological positions solve the leading role of the logic of a dialogue in the development of creative thinking of the person, in particular in the development of theoretical thinking. So, in the process of theoretical thinking each subject of the activity internalizes his/her external tensions, the tensions of socially divided activity in the form of antinomic dialogue of the thinker with himself/herself (Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych, 2018).
Thus, the text as a program of communicative and cognitive activities of the reader and his/her understanding as the construction of the semantic structure of the message are inseparable. Moreover, understanding the text, in our opinion, does not always lead to the reconstruction of the author's meaning. So, the reader is an active subject of thinking, understanding, communication builds his/her “inner text”, which, of course, is based on the “semantic basis” of the original message, but can complement this basis with his/her understanding of the problem, highlighted in the text. Such a supplement, bringing its meaning into the text, depends on the knowledge, attitudes of the reader, the goals of his/her reading and, of course, on the motives of the activities in which this reading is included. In other words, the active interaction of the reader with the text is provided by the broad activity context of the process of understanding. The reader understands the text better if he/she, building the “inner text”, connects it with his/her own needs, motives, so, includes into educational activities. Without such a context, understanding is impossible, the text loses its meaning for the reader.
So, the purpose of our article is to characterize the method of dialogical analysis of the case for description of inner speech of the person, to show its use on practice during the providing of statement experiment.
Methods of the research
The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. Also in our research we used empirical methods, such as statement experiment. With the aim to diagnose the level of the development of inner speech of the person we used the author's method of dialogical analysis of the case.
Results and their discussion
When choosing the means of teaching a foreign language, first of all a textbook, it is necessary to remember their correspondence with the age-specific features of pupils, the level of their language and language training, the realities of modern life and the requirements of the current program.
All means of teaching a foreign language are intended for the teacher and for a pupil. The kit for the teacher consists of the State Standard and the Foreign Language Program, a teacher's book, a manual for extracurricular activities, a set of phonograms and video phonograms, tables, drawings, a collection of exercises, a magnetic board, a set of slides and films.
The teacher's book is an important component of the teacher's complex. It describes the principles and the main methodological ideas of the educational complex, provides methodological guidelines for working with the textbook and methodical instructions for each lesson, offers exercises for teaching listening, speaking, etc., which complement the textbook material. Teacher's book as a learning tool is designed for teachers, allows them to organize pupils' learning activities most effectively and use all components of the educational-methodical complex.
The means for each pupil include a textbook, a book for reading, directories, dictionaries, handout materials, exercises on a printed or audio cassette, videograms (diphills, slides), computer programs.
As a learning tool the textbook occupies a special place in the pupils' kit, which is the main textbook. It contains methodically organized speech and speech material, exercises for mastering this material in various types of speech activities (except of texts for listening which are included into the book for a teacher), grammar reference material, appendix (songs, poems, vocabulary, etc.).
The structure of the textbook to a certain extent depends on the methodological concept of the authors. Traditionally, textbooks are organized by a thematic or a situational-thematic principle in sections that have relatively complete sections of the content of teaching of four types of speech activity: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Each section usually covers a series of lessons and has a pyramid structure. Various visualizations can be used in the textbook: charts, tables, drawings, symbols, different fonts, color, etc. So, the textbook would contain everything that is necessary for the purpose of learning. Among the main requirements for the structure and the content of the textbook there are such, as:
1) the textbook should provide a sequence of the tasks for speech learning and teaching speech material from a lesson to lesson;
2) the contents of the textbook would be communicatively oriented;
3) each paragraph of the textbook must have a “rod” around by which all material is organized (such “rod”, for example, may be a typical phrase, topic, etc.);
4) in the structure of the paragraph there should be a special section - a homework;
5) the structure and the content of the textbook would provide simultaneous mastery of the skills of both oral and written types of communication.
The means of teaching a foreign language can be used with or without the use of the appropriate technical equipment. Those means are requiring the use of technical equipment. They are called technical means of training. Other means are nontechnical. Among the technical means of training, the methods of which are carefully developed, we distinguish videograms, phonograms and video phonograms.
It should be noted, that even with a minimum of educational equipment with technical equipment it is impossible to teach a foreign language without the use of certain technical means of training. In such a way, in the first place, there is a phonogram. The phonogram is the tool that directs learning language information from the auditory channel of the pupil's sensor system. The phonogram has many advantages over other learning tools because it allows a pupil to:
a) record foreign language pronunciation in time and space for further use in the educational process;
b) demonstrate the object of mastering - the foreign language pronunciation sound;
c) make “preserved speech” in accordance with any methodological plan;
d) to control effectively the oral language product of a pupil, giving him/her not only qualitative, but also a quantitative assessment.
The most motivated phonogram is used: for the purpose of teaching listening; oral speech training based on the widespread use of speech samples; rational presentation and fixing of broad-casting samples that are sounding (for example: models, typical structures); introduction of speech material in dialogical form; demonstration of songs and fragments of artistic reading in the performance of sounds by native speakers; conducting the analysis of recorded films' statements of pupils; audio visual aids.
Recently, the technique of using computer programs, which are becoming increasingly used today, is very actively being developed. Computer programs are implemented with the help of state-of-the-art computer models in the Multimedia system. It offers great opportunities for improving the learning process of a foreign language, increasing its efficiency. This is due to the presence new didactic functions in the computer programs. These functions can not be reproduced, for example, in a video graph. Besides this the computer program provides perception of the information through auditory and visual channels. It also allows the pupil to study and control the learning of a foreign language in different modes of independent search and at various levels of difficulty.
The use of any means of training must be consistent with the whole system of teaching a foreign language, in line with its principles and objectives. This means that the pupils' actions, for example, when working with computer programs, must be motivated, exercises have to be responsible for the attitude and situational character of the actual communication process. Therefore, means of teaching a foreign language are essential for ensuring the full and effective organization of educational activity of pupils at the lesson with the aim of mastering foreign language activities.
We organized the experiment during 2020-2021 years. We formed experimental and control groups by the method of randomization (108 senior pupils):
- experimental groups:
E1 (38 pupils) - 10-B form of secondary school №20.
E2 (27 pupils) - 9-A form of secondary school №23;
- control groups:
C1 (35 pupils) - 10-A form of secondary school №20.
C2 (38 pupils) - 9-B form of secondary school №23.
The ascertaining experiment was carried out in three stages. At the first stage the method of questionnaire was used. The task of identifying the specifics of the literary environment was the main, and determining the degree of the formation of dialogical qualities of cognitive activity of secondary school pupils - as an additional one. The survey was organized by 389 pupils of 9-11 forms of secondary schools №№ 2, 5, 7, 15, 23, school “The Center of Hope” in Rivne (in the ascertaining experiment there were participated not only pupils of experimental and control forms, but also other pupils of these schools, which was done by us in order to obtain more accurate data).
The contents of the questionnaire for parents (see below) have the aim at studying the qualitative characteristics of the literary environment of secondary school pupils: the number of literary novels read during the last year, the complexity and diversity of the latter, the means of assigning literary culture, the objects of literary activity (the last two appeared as reflective moments). Accordingly, the data obtained from the survey allowed to us:
a) to state a number of novels read by pupils the last year;
b) to identify reference persons (those people with whom the pupil read novels are discussed them);
c) to reveal the semantic side of pupils' internal communication with the novel;
d) to establish the means of communication between pupils and the novel and the degree of awareness of the latter.
Dear Parents!
We ask you to answer the questions of the questionnaire, so that we can get to know your child better. The results of this questionnaire will be used exclusively for the benefit of your child. We will not, under any circumstances, inform teachers and school management about the places in the questionnaire that may lead to conflicts between parents and teachers.
The name and the surname of your child
The form in which he/she studies
1. Your child is learning World Literature:
1.1. with “12”
1.2. with “12-10” and “9”
1.3. with “9”
1.4. with “9-7” and “6”
1.5. with “6”
1.6. with “6-4” and “3”
II. You know that the level of your child's assimilation of material from World Literature is influenced by many factors. We ask you to evaluate the effect of each factor separately on the assimilation of World Literature by your child on the following points:
1 - does not affect
2 - affects not very well
3 - affects
4 - strongly influences
5 - very strongly influences Emphasize or circle the score.
The analysis of the answers of pupils who studied both the program with in-depth study of World Literature (classes E1, C1) and the standard program (classes E2, C2), reveals common characteristics for this age group of pupils of literary environment. Thus, World Literature is the subject of communication for 85% of pupils in class E1, for 81% - in C1, for 74% - in E2, for 84% - in C2. The most active is the communication of pupils on literary issues with friends and parents (respectively 86% of
schoolchildren in E1, 82% - in E2, 88%- in C1, 84% - in C2). Teachers of World Literature are partners of communication of pupils on literary topics for 37% of schoolchildren in form E1, for 45% - in C1, for 28% - in E2, for 24% - in C2. The tendency to narrow the circle of competent adults, such as teachers (compared to friends and parents), is one of the reasons for the decline of the level of literary development of pupils.
The semantic aspect of pupils' communication is characterized by an imbalance of their interests in relation to different areas of literary culture. The latter is largely represented by fiction and detective fiction. This data is higher in class C1. In this control class there is a slight increase in the percentage of pupils (for the period from the 9th to the 10th form) who are more interested in these literary novels than in classical ones: 85% of pupils - in the 9th form (C2), 87% - in the 10th form (C1).
№ |
The name of the probable factor influencing your |
Score |
child's assimilation of World Literature |
1. |
Teacher's skills |
12345 |
2. |
Help of parents or other relatives with World Literature |
12345 |
3. |
The child's interest in World Literature |
12345 |
4. |
Systematic encouragement by: |
a) positive feedback on a good assessment |
12345 |
b) disapproval of poor assessment by parents |
12345 |
c) reminders of the need to know well the World Literature for further study, work |
12345 |
d) promises of material encouragement for good assessment |
12345 |
e) reminding the child of the prestige of the family |
12345 |
f) the threat of punishment for poor assessment |
12345 |
5. |
My child's success is due to the development: |
a) attention |
12345 |
b) observation |
12345 |
c) memory |
12345 |
d) thinking |
12345 |
e) general ability to learn, which indicates the prestige of the family |
12345 |
f) efficiency |
12345 |
6. |
Responsive attitude to the child from the side of one parent |
12345 |
7. |
Sensitive attitude to the child by the teacher of World Literature |
12345 |
8. |
My child does not want to be the last in the class |
12345 |
9. |
Positive attitude to learning |
12345 |
10. |
My child's failures in World Literature are due to unsatisfactory development: |
a) attention |
12345 |
b) observation |
12345 |
c) memory |
12345 |
d)thinking |
12345 |
e) unsatisfactory general abilities to learn, which indicate that the child is studying mainly on “4-6” |
12345 |
11. |
Child's health |
12345 |
12. |
Bad treatment on the child by some family members |
12345 |
13. |
Bad attitude to the child by the teacher |
12345 |
14. |
The child's attitude to learning is indifferent |
12345 |
15. |
Negative impact on my child from the side of other children |
12345 |
16. |
Unsatisfactory living conditions of the child in the family |
12345 |
17. |
Poor preparation of the child to the subject “World Literature” |
12345 |
18. |
Number of pupils in the class |
12345 |
Thank you for participating in our research!
In class E1 the values of this indicator are 58-59%; in E2: 71-74%; in C2: 53-58%.
At the stage of the questionnaire we tried to imagine the degree of formation of dialogical qualities of pupils' cognitive activity due to the influence of the literary environment, which was determined at the level of studying pupils' opinions about Literature, specifics of literary reality, means of literary culture. For this purpose we used questions that required the choice of one of the proposed answers, as well as open-ended questions. It should be noted that most pupils had difficulty answering open-ended questions. This was manifested in the appeals of secondary school pupils to the researcher: “I do not know”, “We were not told...”. Such difficulties indicate a focus on knowledge rather than on the thinking of pupils, which in general reflects the predominant focus of schooling. This is also confirmed by the fact that the experiment of the researcher (“In a case of difficulty in answering a difficult question not to answer it immediately, but to think and to answer it later”) pupils usually did not follow in the second part.
The formation of secondary school pupils' ideas about the specifics of figurative reflection of reality in Literature was de© Ivashkevych Eduard, Simko Ruslan DOI (article):
termined by analyzing their answers to the questionnaire: “If you were the author of a novel, what would you tell in this case?”, “What can a novel tell better than music, painting?”. Such questions were more difficult for pupils of classes E2, C2. Thus, the first question in class E1 was not answered by 6% of pupils, in C1 - 11%, and in class E2 - respectively 58% of secondary school pupils, in C2 - 69%; 14% of pupils did not answer the second question in class E1, 18% - in class C1, 72% - in class E2, and 69% - in class C2. These data emphasize the opposite tendencies in the understanding of pupils of classes E1, C1 and E2, C2 specifics of the literary image. This trend is confirmed by the results below.
Thus, the understanding of the specifics of the content of a novel as a personal experience was manifested in pupils' answers to the question posed in the indirect form: “Why do you think the author wants his/her novel to be read by people?” and is expressed by the following values: 74% of pupils of class E1 and 71% - class C1, 85% - in E2 and 80% of pupils of class C2 answered, that the author writes a novel for people, so he/she is interested in reading it; 16% of pupils in class E1, 12% - in C1, 5% - in E2, 4% - in C2 answered that the author through a novel wants to convey to people a certain truth, to tell about a question or problem that worries him/her; 6% of pupils of E1 and 12% - of C1 believe that people who write a novel must have a talent that is expressed in this form. The answers to the questionnaire allowed to determine whether pupils are aware of contact with novels as a communicative situation. This question was answered positively by 16% of pupils of class E1, 12% - in E2, 18% - in class C1, 9% - in C2. These data suggest that literature is perceived as a form of communication by only a few pupils.
It should also be taken into account that 87% of pupils in group 1 and 83% of group 2 did not perceive the situation as problematic one and only after a few explanations from the teacher made their own attempts to continue the task. Examples of pupils' continuing a story suggested by a teacher, solving a creative problem, are given by us.
To describe the results of our research we used the method of dialogical analysis of the case for the characteristics of inner speech of the person (Михальчук & 1вашкевич, 2022). Methodologically it is a very interesting development we proposed in recent years. It is “the method of dialogical analysis of the case”, which is used in psychotherapy. The theoretical basis of the method are the ideas of researchers (Mykhalchuk & Kryshevych, 2019) on the social genesis of consciousness, on dialogue, which is a form of “the very existence of the individual”; the psyche is understood by us as a fundamentally dialogical structure, which implicitly contains various forms of social external dialogues. On the one hand, human feelings act as an experience of “Me”, and in this regard it is as external monologues, and on the other hand they are dialogical in nature, they can hear a broken dialogue with others: appeals, questions, expected answers, desires that are not expressed, accusations, etc., that exists in a covert form of internal dialogue. Under the dialogical analysis of the case we understand the reconstruction of the movement of internal dialogue, which becomes possible as a result of a special attitude to the text (for this purpose, special methods of textual analysis were developed).
Protocol of recording the continuation of the story with a given beginning by a pupil Max V. in C2 form (the last stage of the experiment)
Characteristics of cognitive activity by components |
Protocol recording |
1 |
2 |
Extraordinarily strange city. At the very edge of a dark, dense forest, near a large golden field where wheat was ripe, an anthill stood. It was inhabited by large and small gray ants. All day hardworking ants crawled through the woods, looking for different branches to build their homes and providing themselves with food. |
Model |
Today, July 29, the work was in full swing in the anthill. Everyone was preparing for the holiday. July 30, according to the established calendar of ants, was the day of the little ants, for whom it was the happiest day of the year, not counting, of course, the birthday. Parents gave their children the gifts they wanted. |
Text |
On this day, July 29, a little ant named Mia was sitting on the green grass not far from the anthill. The sun was shining brightly, flooding the entire field with light. Familiar ants crawled past Mia, carrying various sticks, small twigs, spruce needles on their backs. Some ants carried edible larvae. |
Setting |
Mia looked up at the sky and watched the flying birds, dragonflies and butterflies. Oh, how beautifully they were flying! How good it is to be able to fly, Mia thought. Birds are not afraid of any danger. But how many ants die every year from being crushed by their paws, which they call “legs”, huge creatures. And if ants could fly then it wouldn't have happened. Once again, Mia thoughtfully looked at the sky and, jumping off a small blade of grass, cheerfully crawled towards the anthill. She already knew what gift to order for her parents. |
Intention |
The next day began with a celebratory breakfast. After it, all the families of ants went out into the field, where the solemn congratulations by the parents of their children began. |
The question A wish |
- Our dear Mia, what gift do you want to receive today? - asked the ant who was her dad. I want to have wings, like butterflies do. |
Warning |
- But this desire, unfortunately, cannot be realized. Ants are not adapted to fly. You can't, even with wings, fly up to the clouds. |
Suggestion |
- No, I can, Mia said with tears in her voice. - I myself will ask the butterfly for wings. |
The actions |
With these words, Mia crawled away from her parents and saw a bright butterfly that was sitting on the very edge of a long golden ear. Mia crawled up to the spikelet and began to climb it. She was already near the butterfly itself, which had just spread its wings, so Mia gathered all her strength and climbed onto its wing. But the ant did not know how to unhook the butterfly wings and take |
them for herself. Therefore, she sat perplexed on the wing and did not dare to make any movement. And suddenly the butterfly stirred and flew up. Mia, very frightened, clung tightly to the butterfly's wing, and all the other ants remained far under the trees. |
Text |
Mia and the butterfly flew through the air for a long time. Night came, and they kept flying and flying. In the morning they descended to a spacious meadow near the gates of a city. The ant was struck by the fact that there were a lot of butterflies of different sizes and colors around. They flew over the flowers, sometimes descending on them. |
Decision |
It turned out that these butterflies gathered once a year on this meadow for so-called “congress”. In their own language they discussed where the fields were and with what colors they needed more pollination. |
Intention |
An unfamiliar red ant, which had just crawled past, told the ant about it. |
The question |
“What kind of city is this?” - Mia asked. |
Explanation |
- Different animals live here, but this is an unusual city. It has many streets, each of them it is with its own oddities. On the one street all the beasts walk on their heads, on the other one - on two hind legs, on the third street they climb, on the fourth one - they howl, on the fifth one - they fly, on the sixth street - they sing merry songs. Anyone who fails to comply with these conditions when hitting a certain street will be severely punished (some animals are even expelled from the city). |
Wish |
- “I'd really like to come to this city,” - Mia said. |
Proposition |
- “You can do it, but be careful and watch the street names carefully,” - the big ant advised. |
Inner speech is speech for himself/herself. External speech is speech for others. We draw attention to the special function of the child's egocentric speech and to evaluate it theoretically. We didn't ignore the essence of egocentric speech in terms of its genetic relatedness and connection to internal speech. Egocentric speech is a series of steps that prevent the development of internal speech. First, egocentric speech performs intellectual functions similar to the internal and close to it in its structure. And, secondly, comparing proven facts of the demise of egocentric speech with the beginning of school age with a number of facts that establish the development of internal speech in this period, we can conclude that in fact on the threshold of school age is the growth and transition of egocentric speech. Psychologically, the language of the pupil in functional and structural terms is egocentric speech, it is not understood as internal speech and is not separated by the child from speech for others. Objectively, this language is a function differentiated from social thinking, but again inconsistent, because it can only function in a situation that makes social speech possible.
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Mykhalchuk Nataliia, Ivashkevych Eduard. Psycholinguistic features of the development of social intelligence of the teacher. Psycholinguistics. Психолінгвістика. Психолингвистика. Переяслав-Хмельницький,
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Onufriieva L., Ivashkevych Ed. Contemporary approaches to the problem of the development of cognitive activity of pupils according to the ways of managing the young learner's classroom. Збірник наукових праць «Проблеми сучасної психології». Кам'янець-Подільський, 2021a. Вип. 52. С. 61-83. URL: 52.61-83.
Onufriieva L., Ivashkevych Ed. The development of learner's autonomy by the way of the formation of social intelligence. Збірник наукових праць «Проблеми сучасної психології». Кам'янець-Подільський, 2021b. Вип. 51. С. 9-32. URL: 51.9-32.
Honcharuk, Nataliia, & Onufriieva, Liana (2018). Psykholohichnyi analiz rivniv pobudovy komunikatyvnykh dii [Psychological analysis of levels of communicative actions' constructing]. Psycholinguistics. Psyk- holinhvistyka. Psikholyngvistika - Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics, 24(1), 97-117. Retrieved from https://doi. org/10.31470/2309-1797-2018-24-1-97-117 [in Ukrainian].
Mykhalchuk, Nataliia, & Ivashkevych, Eduard (2022). Empirychnyi instru- mentarii vprovadzhennia metodu dialohichnoho analizu vypadku upsyk- hodiahnostychnu ta psykhoterapevtychnu praktyku [Empirical tools for implementing the method of dialogical case analysis in psychodiagnostic and psychotherapeutic practice]. Rivne: Rivne State University of the Humanities [in Ukrainian].
Mykhalchuk, Nataliia, & Ivashkevych, Eduard (2018). Psycholinguistic features of the development of social intelligence of the teacher. Psycholinguistics. Psykholinhvistyka. Psikholingvistika - Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics, 23 (1), 242-257. DOI: https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo.1211618.
Mykhalchuk, Nataliia, & Kryshevych, Olha (2019). The peculiarities of the perception and understanding of Sonnets written by W. Shakespeare by the students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Psycholinguistics. Psykholinhvistyka. Psikholingvistika - Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics, 26(1), 265-285. DOI: 10.31470/2309-17972019-26-1-265-285.
Onufriieva, L., & Ivashkevych, Ed. (2021a). Contemporary approaches to the problem of the development of cognitive activity of pupils according to the ways of managing the young learner's classroom. Zbirnyk nau- kovykh prats «Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii» - Collection of research papers “Problems of modern psychology", 52, 61-83. Retrieved from
Onufriieva, L., & Ivashkevych, Ed. (2021b). The development of learner's autonomy by the way of the formation of social intelligence. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats «Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii» - Collection of research papers “Problems of modern psychology", 51, 9-32. Retrieved from
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