Peculiarities of the social trauma significance (on the example of the AN-26 catastrophe) for the value and motivation sphere of cadets

Analysis of the peculiarities of the meaning of social trauma for the value-motivational sphere of cadets who had psychological contact with servicemen killed in the AN-26 disaster. Issues of the meaning of social trauma for the value-motivational sphere.

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Дата добавления 27.02.2023
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V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Peculiarities of the social trauma significance (on the example of the AN-26 catastrophe) for the value and motivation sphere of cadets

Yarosh Nina, Ph.D. in Psychology,

Assistant Professor of the department of Applied Psychology

Lehetska Yuliia, Master in Psychology, Psychologist


The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the significance of social trauma for the value-motivational sphere of cadets who had psychological contact with servicemen died in the AN-26 crash and those who did not have it.

Theoretical and empirical research methods were used to solve the tasks: testing to determine the presence of social trauma in order to form a sample of subjects (the method of incomplete Sachs sentences); methods of diagnosing significant values for cadets (Schwartz's value questionnaire); methods of research of motivation to service activity of cadets: "motivation of professional activity" (K. Zamfir's method in A. Rean's modification), "method of diagnostics of the person on motivation to avoid failures" (T Ehlers); methods of mathematical statistics: Mana-Whitney's test for determination of differences between groups of samples; Spearman's correlation coefficient of the study on closeness of the connection between social trauma and the value-motivational sphere of cadets.

Results of the research. Soldiers who had psychological contact with the cadets died in the AN-26 crash had a focus on the choice of such values as "Security", "Stimulation", "Independence", "Kindness". The study found that the control group was dominated by such value orientations as "Hedonism" and "Power", which was due to military activities, forming personal discipline and a certain systematics.

Conclusions. As a result of the study using mathematical statistics, the relationship between the importance of social trauma for the value and motivation of cadets who had psychological contact with the dead servicemen in the crash ofAN-26. The closest connection is found between the importance of social trauma and such a value construct as "Security". The analysis of scientific problems showed that the question of the significance of social trauma for the value - motivational sphere is open from the empirical and theoretical point of view and needs its further research.

Key words: social trauma, value sphere, motivational sphere, servicemen, stress.

Легецька Юлія, Ярош Ніна

Особливості значення соціальної травми (на прикладі катастрофи АН-26) для ціннісно-мотиваційної сфери курсантів

Мета статті - виявити особливості значення соціальної травми для ціннісно-мотиваційної сфери курсантів, які мали психологічний контакт із загиблими в катастрофі АН-26 військовослужбовцями та тими, які його не мали.

Для вирішення поставлених завдань у роботі використано теоретичні та емпіричні методи дослідження: тестування щодо визначення наявності соціальної травми з метою формування вибірки досліджуваних (методика незакінчених речень Сакса); методи діагностики значущих цінностей для курсантів (ціннісний опитувальник Шварца); методи дослідження мотивації до службової діяльності курсантів: «мотивація професійної діяльності» (методика К. Замфір у модифікації А. Реана), «методика діагностики особистості на мотивацію до уникнення невдач» (Т. Елерса); методи математичної статистики: критерій Мана-Уітні - визначення наявності відмінностей між групами вибірки; коефіцієнт кореляцій Спірмена дослідження тісноти зв'язку соціальної травми з ціннісно-мотиваційною сферою курсантів.

Результати дослідження. Військовослужбовцям, які мали психологічний контакт із загиблими в авіакатастрофі АН-26 курсантами, притаманна орієнтація на вибір таких цінностей, як «Безпека», «Стимуляція», «Самостійність», «Доброта». За допомогою проведеного дослідження було встановлено, що в контрольній групі переважають такі ціннісні орієнтації, як «Гедонізм» та «Влада», що обумовлено військовою діяльністю, яка формує особисту дисциплінованість та певну системність.

Висновки. У результаті проведеного дослідження за допомогою використання методів математичної статистики виявлено взаємозв'язок між значенням соціальної травми для ціннісно-мотиваційної сфери курсантів, які мали психологічний контакт із загиблими в катастрофі АН- 26 військовослужбовцями. Найтісніший зв'язок виявлено між значенням соціальної травми та такого ціннісного конструкту, як «Безпека». Аналіз наукової проблематики показав, що питання значення соціальної травми для ціннісно-мотиваційної сфери є відкритим з емпіричної та теоретичної точки зору та потребує його подальшого дослідження.

Ключові слова: соціальна травма, ціннісна сфера, мотиваційна сфера, військовослужбовці, стрес.

social trauma valuable motivational


The crash of the AN-26, which occurred on September 25, 2020 in the city of Chuguiv, Kharkiv region, was an unpredictable situation that occurred during military exercises by pilots and claimed many lives. It shocked the whole world, leaving no one indifferent to the tragedy. And especially, relatives and friends of the dead cadets.

One of the most pressing and complex problems of modern science is the study of the value-motivational sphere of the serviceman personality. Such a complexity lies in the fact that there is no single concept that would clearly define the concept of value-motivational sphere of man. The experiences of a person who has lost a loved one are always difficult. But the greatest hardships are great catastrophes, not only in the course of hostilities, but also in peacetime, where nothing predicts disaster, where a large number of people die in an instant. The most tragic example of such recent events is the crash of the AN-26 aircraft. The crash killed everyone on board the AN-26 aircraft of the Armed Forces. This catastrophe has become one of the most tragic events not only in the history of our country, but also in the world, despite the available foreign and domestic experience, unfortunately there are no scientific studies of the relationship between social trauma and the value and motivation of cadets. Therefore, this study will provide an opportunity to expand the content of psychological concepts and give impetus to more indepth and detailed studies of the importance of social trauma for the value-motivational sphere. Classics in the study of value orientations are such foreign scholars as T. Parsons (Parsons, 1935), G. Allport (Allport, 1961), A. Maslow (Maslow, 1959), M. Rokeach (Rokeach, 1979).

In turn, the study of the concept of motivation was engaged in such foreign scholars as A. Maslow (Maslow,1954), J. Atkinson (Atkinson, 1964), H. Heckhausen (Heckhausen, 1977) and in domestic psychology such scientists as V. Klachko (Kna4Ko, 1999), S. Zaniuk (Занюк, 2002), E. Ilin studied the problem of motivation (Ильин, 2002).

The analysis of recent research has shown that the problem of the importance of social trauma for the value-motivational sphere of the military is not sufficiently studied among modern scientists. However, the study of motivational sphere was conducted by such domestic and foreign scientists as: A. Kyry- chenko, who defines the motivation of servicemen as a system of motivations and incentives that determine the combat activity of servicemen (Киричен^, 2021). In turn, A. Shynkariova and V. Kutchynskyi understands the motivation as a process that supports and stimulates the behavioral activity of servicemen (Шинкарьова & Кучинський, 2020). N. Yurieva considers motivation as a structured orderly set of leading motives that allow to mobilize and direct the psychological resources of the individual to appropriate activities, to neutralize the impact of extreme conditions during the tasks ^p'eBa, 2020).

Bulgarian researcher Z. Robeva also studied the motivation of servicemen. It defines the motivation of servicemen as part of human resource management in the Armed Forces, which today faces the task of attracting and retaining its specialists (Robeva, 2021). The value sphere was considered by such modern scientists as: K. Krotiuk, who defines the value sphere of servicemen as a dynamic structure that regulates the behavior of the individual and directs its activities (Кротюк, 2021). L. Sagiv and S. Roccas consider the relationship between human values and behavior in their work (Sagiv & Roccas, 2021). There are a number of fundamental studies on the concept of social trauma, including G. Hirschberger, he defines that the term “social trauma” refers to psychological reactions to traumatic events that affect society as a whole (Hirschberger, 2018). D. Turmaud in his research describes social trauma as a response that can follow various traumatic experiences (Turmaud, 2020). N. Lazurna believes that social trauma requires collective interpretation and symbolic production, which will mitigate the traumatic impact and invent means of collective psychological healing (^a3ypHa, 2021). M. Bilewicz, M. Witkowska, M. Pantazi, T. Gkinopoulos and O. Klein identify that social trauma can often lead to deep social disputes and internal conflicts (Bilewicz,Witkowska, Pantazi, Gkinopoulos & Klein, 2019).

The purpose of the article is to investigate the relationship of social trauma due to the crash of AN-26 with the value-motivational sphere of cadets.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were identified:

- to analyze the research concepts of the relationship between social trauma and the value-motivational sphere of cadets;

- to determine the motivation level for service activities and dominant values among cadets, flight and ground specializations;

- to determine the differences between the motivation level for service and the prevailing value orientations of cadets who faced social trauma and had psychological contact with the died servicemen, and those who did not have it;

- to determine the features of the relationship of social trauma with the value-motivational sphere using the methods of mathematical analysis.

Methods of the research

In accordance with the purpose and objectives of our work, we formed a research sample. The experiment involved 41 people, cadets of the higher flight school, among them -16 women and 25 men. The age range is from 19 to 28 years.

The study was conducted ex post facto, after the cadets of flight specialization, who had close relations with the dead in the crash of AN-26 servicemen, after the tragedy intended to withdraw from flight specialization, some began to withdraw documents from the university, but the university administration did not provide such an opportunity. Considering the fact that these were cadets of 4-5 courses, who in previous years diligently studied and had no similar precedents, after the air crash they changed their attitude to work.

The mass death of friends and acquaintances has caused social trauma to servicemen, because they spend 24/7 of their time with dead servicemen, for 4.5 years.

a) testing to determine the presence of social trauma in order to form a sample of respondents (questionnaire, semantic differential of a vital situation, the method of Sachs' incomplete sentences).

b) methods of diagnosing significant values for cadets (Schwartz's Value Questionnaire);

c) methods of research of motivation to service activity of cadets:

- “Motivation of professional activity” (K. Zamfir's method in A. Rean's modification),

- “Methods of diagnosing personality to motivate to avoid failure” (T. Ehlers).

d) methods of mathematical statistics: Mann-Whitney's test - determination of differences between groups of samples; Spearman's correlation coefficient - the study of the closeness of the connection between social trauma and the value-motivational sphere of cadets.

Results and discussion

The study of the value-motivational sphere of servicemen is related to the needs of practical activities. The military is required to be able to adapt to changing conditions in the service or combat environment, while meeting basic needs, such as the need for food, clothing, shelter, etc. (Franko, 2020). Motivation is a phenomenon that is studied primarily as a psychological concept. Despite the large number of definitions, most academics identify motivation as a method of motivating people to move or work. The word “motivation” comes from the word “motive”, which in Latin means “moveo” (movement) (3agopo^Hin, 2020).

Motivation can be compared to a trigger that forces someone to behave in this way. Triggers allow a person to start a new business and maintain focused activities (Gopalan, Zulkifli, Alwi, Mat & 2017). Military activity belongs to the polymotivated types of service, respectively, the value-motivational sphere of the military is the component of psychological readiness that determines the readiness of the military to serve (Шебановa, & HiKireHKo, 2019). Military action is a source of profound trauma to society, because, especially in extreme times, the share of people in the social structure who have some experience in combat missions is growing significantly. The value-motivational sphere of the military personality is formed under the influence of the requirements set for the military service in the Armed Forces. In particular, military activity places strict demands on the personality traits of servicemen (Bouleh, 2020). The authority of leadership over personal needs is undeniable for them. For servicemen, a characteristic feature is a focus on life and the future.

Trauma occurs as a result of the unpreparedness of most people to its occurrence. Social trauma changes the usual comfort of the individual, as it radically changes the nature of his daily activities (Morin, 2020). Social trauma is a transformation and social changes that occur in the consciousness of the individual and have a destructive and dysfunctional consequence (Черняк, 2006). M. Blikhar notes that the cause of social trauma is the suddenness of their occurrence and the unwillingness of man to overcome it (Бл^ар, 2018). That is why social trauma causes emotional pain, feelings of loss, hopelessness, and so on. For a person experiencing social trauma, this condition is unusual because it contradicts the established way of life and pulls a person out of their comfort zone.

Yu. Pachkovskyi and M. Blikhar reveal the essence of the “social trauma” concept as an important component. Firstly, they are like rapid changes that occur over a short period of time. Secondly, these changes cover various spheres of public life and take place among the general public. Thirdly, it is radical profound changes that affect values that are important to a particular social group. They may affect the rules or beliefs that exist in this group. Fourth, social change is usually unpredictable (na^KOBCbKHH & B^ixap, 2018).

Social trauma can be a factor influencing the servicemen value-motivational sphere. Injuries lead to significant emotional stress and even critical states. Studies show that the most common factors of social trauma among servicemen are injuries (43%), loss of a loved one (34%), feelings of threat to life (36%), injury or witnessing a murder (30%), the type of wounded or dead bodies (4%), killing friends during combat (4%), sexual harassment (65%), sexual harassment among the military (35%). The greatest impact of social trauma on the value-motivational sphere of servicemen has stress. Stress (English “tension”, “pressure”) is a concept used to define a wide range of human states and actions that have arisen as a result of responding to various extreme influences (stressors). Stressors are usually divided into physiological (pain, cold, thirst, excessive exercise, high or low temperature, etc.) and psychological (factors that affect their signal values, such as danger, threat, information overload, etc.). Depending on the type of stressor and the nature of its impact, different types of stress are determined, which in the generalized qualification are physiological and psychological (Khan, 2019).

During the empirical part of the study and after the survey, two samples were identified with the most pronounced indicators of social trauma: experimental and control. The experimental group included 21 people, including 15 men and 6 women who study for a flight specialization and were friends or acquaintances of the dead cadets. The control group included 20 people, including 10 men and 10 women who are studying for specialization and did not know the victims.

The Sachs-Levy's method was used to reveal the deeper experiences of the cadets, verbalize the attitude to the catastrophe, their fears, pain, dreams.

For more accurate answers, we asked the cadets to recall the events of September 25, 2020 related to the crash of the AN-26 aircraft and to be as candid as possible in their answers. Below there are examples of responses of cadets of the experimental group, which allow for a more detailed qualitative analysis of the responses.

Table 1

The results of the study of cadets of the experimental group according to the Sachs-Levy's method


The answer of the respondent of the experimental group

“It worries

“That I am not responsible for my life after takeoff”


“The position of our aircraft”



“Fly on coffins”

“Tookpeoples lives”

“I'm afraid of...”

“Accept what you don't want”

“Losing Friends Again”


“I'm hiding...”

“Pain, Fear”

“My experiences”

“My longing”



The above answers (Table 1) show that the cadets are deeply saddened by the loss of their friends, which is expressed in their fears, the association of aircraft with graves, in their answers they reveal what they hide from others and do not want to admit.

Here are the answers of respondents in the control group (Table 2).

Analyzing the answers of cadets who did not have a psychological contract with the servicemen died in the crash of AN-26, we see (Table 2) that they do not have feelings about the events of September 25, 2020 expressed in their answers. The semantic differential of the life situation (Ch. Osgood, modified by O. Alexandrova and I. Dermanov) was carried out more precisely to investigate the significance of the social trauma caused by the AN-26 catastrophe.

Table 2

The results of the study of cadets of the experimental group according to the Sachs-Levy's method


The answer of the respondent of the experimental group

“It worries


“Career growth”

“Lack of time for hobbies”

“I'm afraid of...”

“Losing family”

“Seeing your relatives in poor health or mood”


“They're not always friends”

“I'm hiding...”

“The real you from others”

Respondents were offered a list of pairs with opposite adjectives. They needed to determine which of the adjectives most accurately described the vital situation (namely the crash of the AN-26) with a scale for each adjective from 3 to 1. As a result of quantitative analysis using the semantic differential, the following mean values were obtained.

According to the results of the semantic differential of the vital situation (crash of the AN-26), the lowest rates in the experimental group are (Table 3):

- everyday life and everyday situation (av. value = 2.15 points), low indicators reflect the severity of the situation, its in surmountability and severity of the situation;

- the ability to resolve the situation (av. value = 2.3 points), such low indicators indicate that the situation is difficult, un- solvable and losing;

- the level of understanding of the situation (av. value = 2.33 points), which indicates a lack of understanding of the causes of the situation, its severity, a situation that deviates from the norm.

Further, we conducted a study of the semantic differential of a vital situation (AN-26 disaster) among cadets of the control group.

In the group of cadets who did not have psychological contact with the fallen servicemen, we see (Table 4) slightly higher values of experiencing a vital situation (AN-26 disaster) than in the group of cadets who had close relations with the dead.

The indicators of the control group are low, but within the norm, except:

- positive expectations from the situation (av. value = 2.8 points) such indicators indicate that for cadets of ground specialization tragedy AN-26 is characterized as hopeless and cruel;

- emotional experience of the situation (av. value = 2.61 points), which is interpreted as a subjective perception of the situation as undesirable and negative.

Methods for diagnosing the motivation to avoid failures by T. Ehlers. According to the results of testing, we found that the indicators in the experimental group are much higher than in the control group. The high level of avoidance of failures prevails in the experimental group 66.6% and very high 14.4% - such indicators indicate that the cadets of the flight group have a high level of protection against failure, they are aimed at activities that do not involve tasks associated with danger or causing difficulties.

To determine the characteristics of motivation for service, we used the method of “Motivation of professional activity” (K. Zamfir in the modification of A. Rean).

Table 3

The results of the cadets' study of the experimental group using the method of semantic differential of the life situation (Ch. Osgood, modified by O. Alexandrova and I. Dermanov)

The name of the scale (O. Alexandrova,

I. Dermanov)

The average value of the scales for cadets who had psychological contact with the dead (in points)

Normative values of scale indicators (in points)

Possession of the situation


5.35 max 2.92 min

Emotional experience of the situation


5.12 max 2.7 min

Positive expectations from the situation


5.16 max

2.9 min

Everyday life and everyday situation


4.64 max 2.24 min

Opportunity to resolve the situation


5 max

2.6 min

Personal involvement and belief in overcoming the situation


5.22 max 2.46 min

Energy charge of the situation


4.92 max 2.36 min

Level of

understanding of the situation


4.88 max 2.42 min

Motivational complex, which is dominated by external negative motivation, which can manifest itself in the form of condemnation, punishment and other negative forms of coercion that can be used by management, found in 60% of cadets and 23.8% of ground servicemen.

Table 4

The results of the cadets' study of the control group using the method of semantic differential of the life situation (Ch. Osgood, modified by O. Alexandrova and I. Dermanov)

The name of the scale (O. Alexandrova,

I. Dermanov)

The average value of the scales for cadets who did not have psychological contact with the dead in the crash of AN-26 servicemen (in points)

Normative values of scale indicators (in points)

Possession of the situation


5.35 max 2.92 min

Emotional experience of the situation


5.12 max 2.7 min

Positive expectations from the situation


5.16 max 2.9 min

Everyday life and everyday situation


4.64 max 2.24 min

Opportunity to resolve the situation


5 max

2.6 min

Personal involvement and belief in overcoming the situation


5.22 max 2.46 min

Energy charge of the situation


4.92 max 2.36 min

Level of understanding the situation


4.88 max 2.42 min

Soldiers who had psychological contact with the cadets died in the crash of the AN-26 have a focus on the choice of such values as “Security”, “Stimulation”, “Independence”, “Kindness”. Such a value construct as “Security” that shows that they want to feel comfortable in any situation and control it. Also, cadets of flight specializations have a negative external motivation, because after the tragedy they are faced with doubts about further flight activities, which determine the predominant value of “Safety”. The study found that the control group is dominated by such value orientations as “Hedonism” and “Power”, which is due to military activities form personal discipline and a certain system.

The results of the statistical analysis of the study of the relationship between social trauma and the value-motivational sphere of cadets show that there is a close connection between social trauma and such a value orientation as “Security”.

Analyzing the study of the significance of social trauma for the value-motivational sphere of cadets revealed a small number of scientific papers on this issue.

Analysis of scientific issues showed that the question of the importance of social trauma for the value-motivational sphere

is open from an empirical and theoretical point of view, however, in our study we tried to measure empirically such a variable as social trauma, and in our study psychological connection with the servicemen died in the AN-26 plane crash, who have not a social but a professional trauma. Therefore, this issue requires further scientific research and lays the vector for its further study.

It is established that the occurrence of social trauma is a consequence of psychological instability and negative to the experience of strong emotional shocks, can cause significant suffering and change the personality values of the serviceman. Social trauma is important for the values and motivational formations of cadets.


The analysis of research theoretical concepts of social trauma and value-motivational sphere interrelation of cadets is carried out, such interrelation is investigated on the example of AN-26 catastrophe. There were differences in the level of motivation of servicemen and prevailing values, among cadets, for whom the events of September 25, 2020 were more significant and those cadets who had no psychological contact with the fallen servicemen. It was found that cadets of flight specialization had a negative external motivation and such a value as “Safety” prevailed. Negative external motivation is characterized by a mediocre level of performance of duties, a negative attitude towards them and unwillingness to perform them, which can further lead to changes in professional activities. Value orientation “Security” is characterized by the fact that flight specialization soldiers have a desire for a harmonious existence, the need for security in society, which determines their military activities. In the group of cadets of ground specialization in motivation to professional activity is dominated by external positive motivation. With the help of methods of mathematical analysis, the peculiarities of the significance of social trauma for the value - motivational sphere of cadets on the example of the AN-26 catastrophe are established. It has been determined that social trauma is related to the value-motivational sphere. It was found that servicemen who had psychological contact with the cadets died in the crash of the AN-26 had a negative external motivation and the values of “Security” and “Stimulation” and “Kindness” prevailed. This connection is due to the fact that social trauma does not go unnoticed for the psyche of servicemen and causes certain changes in the life vectors of servicemen. They change not only the usual rhythm of life, but also have a psychological effect. Cadets of flight specializations, characterized by a negative assessment of their flight activities, have a fear of flying and the loss of someone close. This affects their military career and psychological state during training and combat flights. In addition, it has been found that people with social trauma mostly hided their feelings, as well as feelings and pain of loss.


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