Relation between motivation and emotions in public discourse
Monitoring and evaluation of various emotional states and human behavior. The study of public discourse in a paralinguistic context. Identifying the connection between emotions and motivation. Psychological methods of influence on the target audience.
Рубрика | Психология |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.03.2023 |
Размер файла | 20,4 K |
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National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute "
Relation between motivation and emotions in public discourse
Skichko A.S., PhD student at the Department of Theory,
Practice and Translation of the English Language
This article touches upon the connection between emotion and motivation in public discourse. Emotion is regarded as the reflection of inner feelings and their interpretation into the person's behavior helping to convey cherished or unpleased memories. It is a well-known fact that famous figures appeal to the plethora of psychological manipulations to conquer publics' attention. Moreover, in the course of delivering public speeches, it was revealed that speakers use versatile emotional expressions intending to motivate someone to act and react to what they have heard. Additionally to this, they possess a well-developed emotional intelligence. This term was introduced in the scientific field by Salovey P and Mayer J. D., who understood it as the complex of individual skills and abilities that form the person's character and help to control the emotional condition and behavior.
J.R. Martin and PR.R. White's appraisal theory is considered as the most appropriate tool for discovering and investigating discourse as the whole unit with its key components and peculiarities including the paralinguistic context. From a more holistic viewpoint, the appraisal theory differentiates myriad evaluation types that ultimately show individual and interpersonal attitudes jointly with assessments in the particular conversation or discourse. As the authors succinctly put it, within each discursive situation exist attitude, graduation, and engagement aspects. The latter can be subdivided into three categories: appreciation, judgment, and affect. In closing, while investigating the motivation realization in public discourse, the implication of the appraisal theory can be an efficient way of monitoring different emotional states. For the sake of clarity and brevity, with its help the research acquires pure scientific data.
Key words: emotion, motivation, public discourse, emotional intelligence, appraisal theory, attitude, graduation, engagement, appreciation, judgment and affect.
Зв'язок мотивації та емоцій у публічному дискурсі
У цій статті окреслено зв'язок між емоціями та мотивацією в публічному дискурсі. Емоції трактуються як віддзеркалення внутрішніх почуттів, що відображаються в поведінці людини та допомагають сформувати приємні чи неприємні спогади. Загальновизнаним фактом є те, що відомі особистості звертаються до низки психологічних прийомів під час публічних виступів, щоб привернути увагу публіки. Серед них можна виокремити емоційні злети, які викликають миттєву реакцію аудиторії і з часом переростають у почуття довіри. Крім того, під час дослідження публічних виступів було виявлено, що оратори використовують різноманітні емоційні вирази, які здатні спонукати когось до дії. До того ж, вони мають добре розвинений емоційний інтелект. Цей термін був введений у наукову сферу П. Саловеєм і Дж. Д. Майєром, які трактували його як комплекс індивідуальних умінь і навичок, що формують характер людини та допомагають керувати емоційним станом і поведінкою.
Теорія оцінки Дж.Р. Мартіна і П.Р. Уайта вважається найбільш доречним інструментом для виявлення та дослідження дискурсу в сукупності з його ключовими компонентами та особливостями, враховуючи паралінгвістичний контекст. З більш цілісної точки зору, ця теорія виокремлює безліч типів оцінок, які зрештою вказують на індивідуальні та міжособистісні установки з їх оцінками в конкретній розмові чи дискурсі. Як коротко зазначають Дж.Р. Мартін і П.Р. Уайт, у кожній дискурсивній ситуації існують аспекти ставлення, градації та залучення. Аспект ставлення можна поділити на три категорії: оцінки, судження та афекту. До того ж, при дослідженні реалізації мотивації в публічному дискурсі, імплікація теорії оцінки є ефективним способом моніторингу різних емоційних станів. Звертаючи уваги на її наочність та стислість, за її допомогою дослідження набуває чисто наукових даних.
Ключові слова: емоція, мотивація, публічний дискурс, емоційний інтелект, теорія оцінки, ставлення, градація, залучення, оцінка, судження та афект.
Statement of the problem. Nowadays' discussions in the light of the discourse researches do not consider the facet of emotion to a full extent. The true meaning of emotion for discovering the hidden context of public speeches is often used loosely, without a precise understanding of what they connote. Additionally, from the scope of motivation realization the emotive pattern should be regarded as the principal component of building a successful and powerful public discourse.
Research analysis. Emotion and emotional intelligence has been broadly discovered in psychology for the last century by the most outstanding researchers which results are viewed in this article: Neta M., Haas I.J., Kleinginna P.R.J., Kleinginna A.M., Painter C., Ekman P., Carver C. S., Roseman I. J., Syme G. J., Beven C. E., Sumner N. R., Kals E., Schumacher D., Montada L., Salovey P., Mayer J. D., Goleman D., Petrides K.V., Augusto- Landa J. M., L opez-Zafra E., Berrios-Martos M. P., Aguilar-Luz on M. C. Aguilar-Luz on M. C., Calvo- Salguero A., Salinas J. M. et al. From the linguistic aspect, emotions verbalization were described by Martin J. R., P. R. R. White, Hidalgo-Tenorio E. and Bemtez-Castro M.A.
The aim of the article is to state and investigate the connection between emotion sand motivation concepts in public discourse.
Presenting main material
It is impossible to imagine a well-known celebrity, political leader, or even ordinary speaker with emotionally unstable behavior before a live audience or a big screen. All public figures before producing any type of public speeches or giving interviews prepare emotionally beforehand in order to be persuasive, natural and powerful. And during such activities, three main aspects are jointly represented: mind, emotions and motivation.
The term “emotion” has the same origins and roots as the notion “motivation”. It comes from the Latin world “mover”, which translates as to “move”, and is regarded as a dominant stimulus to take action and revitalize our behavior or attitudes towards the specific situation. These two concepts are represented through the cognitive process of world perception and can modify the way of handling our social life [12, p. 1].
Emotions are multifunctional notions since they can reflect the evaluation of inner thoughts, take part in producing feelings and memorable experience. With their help, the general perception and appraisal of the environment and psychological shifts are implemented as well as the behavior response is introduced [9]. Our emotions directly influence our attitude towards many surrounding things, individuals and actions. Moreover, it is an embodied expressive means that is given us physiologically and can be represented spontaneously on the intuitive level [13].
To better comprehend the nature of emotional expression, it will be useful to examine its typology. Ekman has elaborated the classification of basic emotions, so-called fundamental ones, that are more often expressed by humans while they go through multiple life situations, that are valuable for them from the psychological retrospective. So, he put forward six basic emotions: fear, anger, joy, sadness, disgust, and surprise. However, from the very beginning, contempt, the seventh feeling was added to this theory, but he decided that it is not very common for facial expression and there weren't a dozen of life situations that happened almost every day in order to encounter it [5, p.55]. Of course, with the time changing this classification was modified and became more meaningfully expanded and contextually supplemented, but, to scientific point of view, Ekman's approach is more logical and constructive. Because there are various types of derivative emotions that come from the represented basic ones.
Theoretically considering different approaches to the definition of both terms “motivation” in the first point of this chapter and “emotion” in the very beginning of this one, it is necessary to find its common and distinctive features in order to conduct valid research in the scope of our scientific interest. So Carver [4] in his works paid more attention to the highlighting of the distinctive features between the notions “motivation” and “emotion”. He is strongly persuaded that they both are directed towards goals, but motivation is reconsidered in this case as a driven force on the way to the goal achievement and emotion as the desired reinforcement because of the visible rate of progress in relation to targets fulfillment. emotional discourse motivation psychological
Roseman [16] shares Carver's ideas and states that between motivation and emotion there are a lot of common traits, the key one is the detection and forming a close linkage between person and environment. However, between these two terms, there is a visible difference as well: emotions relate to the activities representation and goal setting while motivation is regarded as a goal-directed action towards previously reconsidered experience and human's future.
Nowadays, the development of pro-environmental behavior is highly important in the context of achieving goals, and it is influenced by emotional representation and world perception and knowledge [19]. Schumacher, Kals, and Montada [8] have the same opinion and are persuaded that emotional motivation is a driven force that affects the formation and realization of environmental behavior. In this context, it is obligatory to mention the influence of emotional intelligence on the behavior of individuals and achieving the ultimate goals. Emotional Intelligence (EI) plays a great role in building a successful career and creative prosperous business as well as a gorgeous self-image creation. All large-scale companies require the high IQ level jointly with the high EI level, since the ability to delegate and show emotions is on the same interest level for developing the rentability of each structure. That is why, pro-environmental behavior cannot be based only on cognitive processes and factors, it is grounded in human emotion realization and detection.
Salovey & Mayer [17] were the first who introduced the term “emotional intelligence” to a broad audience. They regard this notion as a combination of personal abilities and skills that form the person's character and help to control one's own and others' thoughts, feelings and emotions, and consequently affect the manner of thinking and behavior in general. Salovey & Mayer have developed the classification of EI skills for better understanding its nature:
• ability to perceive, evaluate and correctly produce emotion;
• ability to access and generate feelings as cognitive phenomena;
• ability to comprehend emotional information and correctly use emotional knowledge;
• ability to regulate emotions to promote personal success.
Daniel Goleman [6] in his book “Working with Emotional Intelligence” put forward the definition of term “emotional intelligence” and he is strongly persuaded that it depicts the individual's skills and natural abilities to control and manage own feelings as well as others in order to build strong personal and social relationships within specific domains that can influence the successful fulfillment in future. He also developed the structure of this phenomenon which is based on twenty-five independent but context- related components that ultimately fall under five key facets: Self Awareness, Self-Regulation, Motivation, Empathy, and Social Skills.
Following the structure of above-mentioned classification, we can admit that the motivation concept forms the substantial layout for emotional intelligence realization. Consequently, it is possible to make the next conclusion: the level of motivation, the degree of inner stimuli as well as the rate of a person's desire to move forward and achieve goals influences a lot the maturity of the EI. Petrides and Furnham [14] in order to understand better the functioning of the EI, elaborated the trait emotional intelligence theory which demonstrates the set of person's feelings and moods which are at the initial stage of implementation and which can be measured with the help of questionnaires or other evaluating resources. They believe that each trait is essential for the feeling perception process and directly relates to our inner emotions, which are probably sometimes very hard to show and perceive. In short, the aim of this theory is to detect the complete picture of human emotion demonstration.
The put in the table fifteen elements that demonstrate to a full extent trait EI : Adaptability, Assertiveness, Emotion perception (self and others), Emotion expression, Emotion management, Emotion regulation, Impulsiveness, Relationships, Self-esteem, Self-motivation, Social awareness, Stress management, Trait empathy, Trait happiness, and Trait optimism [15, p. 137]. Augusto-Landa, L opez-Zafra, Berrios-Martos & Aguilar-Luz on did the next conclusion based on their research: individuals who possess the highest level of emotional intelligence can adapt to the worldchanging easier as well as to give accurate and well- thought responses to the surrounding environment compared to those ones who have the lowest level of the EI. Moreover, the last category of persons while representing their reactions to the specific situation in most cases will receive negative results [3]. Aguilar- Luz on et al. agree with this theoretical approach and stated that our emotions that are controlled by the mind jointly with cognitive perception elements form the stimuli for the behavior realization. These all aspects influence enormously the learning process, actions and behavior [1, p.62].
In consonant with Schultz, Shriver, Tabanico and Khazian [18], environmental beliefs, particularly ecocentric and anthropocentric aspects of it are based on the emotional perception that in near retrospect can influence and motivate some realization aspects of pro-environmental behavior. While regarding the emotional intelligence as a drive engine of controlling or suppressing our emotions and fillings as well as of constructing and channeling our thoughts into a correct direction in order to implement any actions, it is needed to specify that EI performs the role of moderator between dominant elements: ecocentric beliefs and attitude, intention and pro-environmental behavior [18]. According to this theory, we may assume that not only environmental beliefs trigger such outcomes, but the names of domains can be also various: from social to political, medical to education, etc. In terms of motivation realization through public speeches or live communication with public figures, it is noticeable that the speaker's IE will correlate between emotions and feelings, personal beliefs and thoughts, own interest regarding some issue and the reconstruction of behavior in relation to others motivation.
Another important emotional-related theory in discourse analysis is appraisal theory. It is regarded as the implementation of interpersonal metafunction in the language where one is preoccupied with the choices made by the speaker that show his attitude in relation to a proposition or serve as a specific sign or relationship between interlocutors [11, p. 7].
The appraisal theories are regarded as influential theories of conducting the emotions research, they put a great emphasis on the individual evaluation of the action and situation state as the key clot of emotional experience. The founders of these theories were Arnold [3] and Lazarus [10], who formed a valuable theoretic background and did a great input for researchers in order to induce them to modify and add modern and precious aspects.
J.R. Martin and P.R.R. White [11] in their well- known book “The Language of Evaluation. Appraisal in English” put forward the hypothesis that appraisal theory differentiates various types of evaluation, which help to reveal interpersonal and descriptive assessments within the specific communicative situation or discourse. They are persuaded that ATTITUDE is represented with the help of emotions and feelings, is one of the crucial sub-systems of any estimation which ultimately can fall under into three other categories: APPRECIATION, JUDGMENT and AFFECT. It is of primary importance to identify the function of these three notions, so “appreciation” estimates the things, “judgment” regulates the degree of evaluation (strong or weak) and “affect" forms and produces the emotional reaction to the perceived experience. Other two important elements of the appraisal theory sub-system is GRADUATION, which creates an evaluative response for the former context-based situations, and ENGAGEMENT, which is backed on previously created attitudes and contrasting of various thoughts within different types of discourse [11, p. 35-38]. E. Hidalgo-Tenorio and M.A. Benitez-Castro believes that each interpersonal emotion is provoked and influenced by a person, but the process of relation and linkage of this individual to a concrete process is socially incompatible. That is why, apart from ATTITUDE (i.e. AFFECT, JUDGEMENT, and APPRECIATION), they have elaborated other categories that, to their opinion, better reveal the nature and general traits of any appraisal:
- valence (i.e. degree level of unpleasant emotion);
- axiology (i.e. grade between positive and negative judgment);
- polarity (i.e. differences between yes and no choices);
- modality (i.e. combination of modalization versus modulation);
-graduation (i.e. set of quantification, intensification and enhancement)
It can be concluded that emotion plays a vital role in discovering the motivation concept in the public discourse. Insofar as it is possible to find out, with the help of emotions we can foresee the speakers' intentions as well as their hidden feeling towards specific issues. J.R. Martin and P.R.R. White's theory is a fundamental and efficient tool for investigating the emotional aspect and motivation realization in discourse. Of course, there are many reasons for questioning this theory. However, it has not had yet any analogy from the point of view of content and classification. The paper suggests theoretical and practical perspectives and directions for future research.
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