Observation and analysis in psychopathology: a component of teaching at the French social school

Views on pathologies of the autistic spectrum. Interpretations of Asperger's syndrome. Deepening knowledge of the basics of psychopathology and psychology about the development of people with disabilities. A new basis for the responsibility of teachers.

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Дата добавления 19.03.2023
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Observation and analysis in psychopathology: a component of teaching at the French social school

Sergii Yashchuk

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Intern in Regional Institute of

Social Work Aquitaine (Bordeaux, France)

National University of Life and

Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)


We have conducted a detailed analysis of the situation that we have chosen as a starting point for our observation and analysis work in psychopathology during our short-term internship at the Medico Pedagogique Chateau Tujean MediaPedagogy Institute and, in particular, at the External Service (dispositif exterieur) on the second year of studying at the Bordeaux Social School (France). The findings show diverse views on the pathology of the autism spectrum. Asperger's syndrome can be diagnosed in children who have never been diagnosed with the condition. People with Asperger's syndrome have social maladaptation, but they are not very pronounced, especially because of mild language impairment, optimal retention of intellectual functions, and often a clear desire to build social relationships. The findings also show how different interpretations of Asperger's syndrome help to better understand public responsibility and contribute to greater adaptation of the social educato. Asperger people can adapt their behavior by learning what to do and saying «in society», if explained. In general, the study opens up a new basis for educators ' responsibility: to adapt to and understand people with disabilities to better support them. Through four skill areas, trainees are able to study and deepen their theoretical knowledge, as well as develop their professional practice: DC1: Deepening the knowledge of the basics of psychopathology and psychology on the development of people with disabilities. Obtained skills to enter the process of observation and through this observation to find problems of the public. DC2: Skills for different types of training have been revealed. Skills to build and carry out educational project; evaluate a pedagogical action on a particular project; experiment with project methodologies. DC3: Initial skills in joining a multidisciplinary team and working in a team in the most effective way. Skills of transferring information in writing through their professional work. DC4: Skills learned to place actions within an institution's mission and personal project. The intern can challenge himself and evaluate his professional practices. Foundations of social policy, public and private law in the social sphere.

Key words: psychopathology, clinical observation, pathology of autism spectrum, situational analysis, adaptation to human disability, social teacher's empathy.

Сергій Ящук, кандидат педагогічних наук, стажер Регіонального інституту соціальної роботи Аквітанії (Бордо, Франція) Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України (Київ, Україна)

Спостереження та аналіз у психопатології: компонент вивчення у французькій соціальній школі


asperger syndrome psychopathology

У дослідженні ми провели детальний аналіз ситуації, яку обрали відправною точкою для нашої роботи зі спостереження та аналізу у психопатології під час короткострокового стажування в Інституті Медіа-Педагогіки Шато-Туян (Medico Pedagogique Chateau Tujean) і, зокрема, у службі «Зовнішній пристрій» (dispositif exterieur) на другому курсі навчання в Соціальній школі Бордо (Франція). Висновки проливають світло на різноманітні погляди на патології аутистичного спектру. Синдром Аспергера - цю форму аутистичного спектру можна діагностувати у дітей, яким ніколи раніше не ставили діагноз цього стану. В осіб із синдромом Аспергера наявні соціальні дезадаптації, але вони не дуже виражені, особливо через помірні порушення мови, оптимальне збереження інтелектуальних функцій і часто явне бажання будувати соціальні відносини. Висновки також показують, як різні інтерпретації синдрому Аспергера дозволяють краще зрозуміти відповідальність громадськості та сприяють більшій спроможності адаптації соціального педагога. Людина «Аспергер» може адаптувати свою поведінку, дізнавшись, що робити, й говорити «в суспільстві», якщо їй пояснити. Загалом, дослідження відкриває нову основу для відповідальності педагогів: пристосуватися до інвалідності людини й розуміти її, щоб краще підтримувати. Через чотири області навичок стажерам вдається вивчити й поглибити свої теоретичні знання, а також розвинути свою професійну практику: DC1: Поглиблення знань з основ психопатології та психології про розвиток людей із обмеженими можливостями. Отримані навички реалізуються у процесі спостереження, і через це спостереження визначаються проблеми громадськості. DC2: Відкриваються вміння щодо різних видів навчання. Отримані навички затребувані у проведенні освітнього проєкту; оцінці педагогічної діяльності щодо визначеного проєкту; експерименту з проєктними методологіями. DC3: Започатковані вміння затребувані під час ефективної роботи в міждисциплінарній команді. Отримані навички передачі інформації необхідні під час письмових звітів щодо своєї професійної діяльності. DC4: Отримані навички сприяють виявленню своїх дій у рамках місії соціальної установи та особистого проєкту. Стажер може кинути виклик собі та оцінити свої професійні практики. Отримані основи соціальної політики, публічного та приватного права в соціальній сфері.

Ключові слова: психопатологія, клінічне спостереження, патології аутистичного спектру, ситуаційний аналіз, адаптування до інвалідності людини, емпатія соціального педагога.

Formulation of the problem

We have conducted a detailed analysis of the situation that we have chosen as a starting point for our observation and analysis work in psychopathology during our short-term internship at the Medico Pedagogique Chateau Tujean MediaPedagogy Institute and, in particular, at the External Service (dispositif exterieur) on the second year of studying at the Bordeaux Social School (France) (Blanker, 2019; Bondonneau, Choisnard 2011; Schleret, 2007). The findings show diverse views on the pathology of the autism spectrum. Asperger's syndrome can be diagnosed in children who have never been diagnosed with the condition. People with Asperger's syndrome have social maladaptations, but they are not very pronounced, especially because of mild language impairment, optimal retention of intellectual functions, and often a clear desire to build social relationships. The findings also show how different interpretations of Asperger's syndrome help to better understand public responsibility and contribute to greater adaptation of the social educator (Kubitsky, 2004: 109-117; Schleret, 2007). Asperger people can adapt their behavior by learning what to do and saying «in society», if explained. In general, the study opens up a new basis for educators' responsibility: to adapt to and understand people with disabilities to better support them (Shynkaruk, 2016: 13-17).

Analysis of research

For L. Kanner, autism is a matter of “unpleasantness and an inborn inability to form affective relationships and respond to environmental stimuli” (Schleret, 2007). Moreover, according to psychologist and clinician Karine Guenish, “this is a pathological condition, the early stage of childhood corresponds to the termination or regression at the initial stage of development, at which the subject “freezes”, prevents or damages the development of reality to such an extent that the child is completely goes beyond the outside world; it then responds to the environment only in terms of the mechanisms, organs and area of its body” (Gueniche, 2016).

Scientist L. canner insisted on a fast breakdown in the youngest child. These clinical signs are manifested in a singular way: a deep departure from contact with others, as well as an obsessive and anxious desire to maintain invariance with the use of stereotype gestures. To these two basic symptoms, L. Kanner adds “the skills and even the affair of objects, the maintenance of intellectual and thoughtful facial expressions, as well as mutism or a certain language that does not appear to be intended to serve interpersonal communication” (Schleret, 2007). In 1944, Asperger (1944), who did not know L. Kanner, singled out “autistic childhood psychopathy, “characterized by very early severe disability because of the difficulties of social integration, despite adapted cognitive and verbal skills. In 1980, autism, seen as a particular form of psychosis more or less masked, is one of the “common disorders of development”.

As for Pierre Ferrari, “Like other forms of premature childhood psychosis from which he cannot be separated, autism appears as a severe form of personality disorder that changes the organization of the child's life and attitude to the outside world very early on. These psychoses are also developmental disorders that have diverse and heterogeneous effects on different areas of the child's development” (Ferrari, 2004). J. has unusual social and emotional behavior. His language is also special. Indeed, this young man has an atypical understanding of social codes of conduct: he does not always know the rules of good behavior. He can do things that can annoy others without realizing it or understanding it. For example, J. often makes comments to his colleagues when they make a mistake. Teachers try to pick him up by explaining to him why his comments are inappropriate. J. does not ask about the forms of language he will use. Indeed, he remains normal and spontaneous to him (Ferrari, 2004).

A person with Asperger's syndrome is not always able to express their emotions. This can also be done chess. Indeed, an Asperger person may be visibly upset and unable to find the right words to explain their anxiety or more broadly their feelings. Regardless of her cognitive ability and level of language, she may have difficulty expressing and managing emotions. Often due to behavioral disorders, she expresses discomfort, even anguish. Anxiety can also manifest as nervous laughter or a lot of anxiety.

Indeed, during the internship, it was noticed that J. was very excited when hewas inclass atthe Social School (IMP). He lowered his head, looked everywhere, and couldn't concentrate. He found it difficult to find words to express an opinion. When verbalizing the answer, he avoided looking at the teacher or tutor. Educators also work a lot on his understanding of humor. Indeed, in J. it is difficult to distinguish between humor and irony. Moreover, J. does not like to break his routine. As long as he repeats the same, he feels safe. Teachers are trying to change educational activities, but this is very disturbing to this young man. He also prefers to eat the same thing, always dress the same, listen to the same music, collaborate with the same teacher, always go the same way to move. All these procedures have the effect of calming him down.

The purpose of the article - in general, the study opens up a new basis for educators' responsibility: to adapt to and understand people with disabilities to better support them.

Presenting main material

The situation we chose to observe and analyze in psychopathology occurred during a short-term second year internship as part of a specialist educator's training. The Bordeaux Social School is part of the Lay Association of Prado (l'Association Laique du Prado), which is based on the following five values: secularism, solidarity, monitoring of social needs, as well as identifying and fulfilling relevant requests and, finally, representation. The mission of the Social School is to “promote the development, realization of effective intellectual and physical capacity, maximum daily social and professional autonomy” (Sanders, 2015). The Association mainly welcomes young people with mental disorders.

The Law of 11 February 2005 in France on Equal Rights and Opportunities, Participation and Citizenship of Persons with Disabilities defines disability as “(...) within the meaning of this law, any restriction on activity or restriction on participation in a society that has suffered in its environment. a person through a substantial, permanent change in one or more physical, sensory, mental, cognitive or psychic functions” (Zhuravska, 2010: 78-93).

Mental disability is a “deficiency of mental and intellectual functions that causes difficulties in reflection, understanding and conceptualization, automatically leading to problems of expression and communication in the affected person”. Autism-Europe is a European network whose main purpose is to promote the rights of people with autism and their families, and to help improve their quality of life. They collaborate with various non-governmental organizations, such as the European Disability Forum (EDF) and the Platform of European Social NGOs, to influence European leaders. In 2002, Autism-Europe submitted a collective complaint to the European Committee on Social Rights under Articles 15, 17 of the European Social Charter, dealing with insufficient educational services for autistic persons in France (Sanders, 2015).

We explain the following questions: How to diagnose adolescent disability on a daily basis?

What are the tasks for social services? How should a social educator behave?

Therefore, we consider the external device service as an independent system and dynamic structure of the social school (Yashchuk, 2016: 333-339). The youth who are welcomed into the service of an external device are teenagers or young people over 16 years of age. Some integrate into the service at the age of 14 with a specific social project. These are young people diagnosed with mild to moderate associated disorders. They are often uneducated and unable to benefit from reorientation at the age of 16 due to lack of work. Some young people also benefit from dual companionship (ASE).

Our work, however, emphasizes that the mission of the service is to support young people in the direction of greater autonomy and to promote their social integration. This service was created in 2009 to meet the needs of young people in care. The outdoor unit is located 500 meters from the Social School and is a service that accepts teens and young people who have not been licensed. They are waiting for referrals from Medical Services (MDPH) or in search of training or work under normal conditions. The service allows you to continue social support and work around autonomy and the project of life (at a professional level, formation, placement, etc.). External Device provides support for a type that offers consistent or welcome “full time” in accordance with the Young Personalized Personnel Project (SESSAD).

In particular, we address the problem of social educator difficulties in everyday life - finding a balance between adolescents' problems and the communication deficit created by disability in order to best meet the specific needs of this audience. The social educator can then offer seminars tailored to the needs of young people (fill in administrative documents, make meals, etc.), and accompany them to internships in a normal or sheltered environment, and sometimes within a training setting.


Now let's look at the situation of a young man named J. This young man is 18 years old and has been living in a social structure for several years. He is tall, has short hair and always wears a hat. He speaks a very strong language when he speaks. This young man has great sports skills, including running. He needs to practice to be active and maintain form. He loves nature and especially animals. For this reason, he plans to work on a farm near the IMP Social School.

In the social structure, he blends well with the rest of the group, but remains quite alone. Moreover, J. never withstands the look of his interlocutor when he expresses his thoughts, lowering his head. It also presents difficulties in understanding directly the information given and difficulties in responding quickly. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat words to capture his attention and motivate him to express himself. When eating, he does not communicate with anyone. He rarely asks teachers and does not always understand all the instructions.

The internship provided an opportunity to accompany him during an interview at the site of his future internship at a livestock farm. He had to intervene during the interview because J. no longer listened to our interlocutor. He seemed busy contemplating the decorative elements of the room. Observations proved that J. did not seem to understand the purpose of the interview that preceded the signing of the farm internship agreement. Indeed, representing a typical day in this structure, J. seemed to be lost and unaware of the day-to-day organization of the institution. The operation of this farm was very different from that of his last place of study. He needed to explain to J. the process and organization of a typical day in this agricultural industry, comparing it to his former place of study so that he could better place his breaks during work.

He started asking questions about schedules and modes of transport, as well as the organization that needed to be introduced to visit the place of study. He seemed very anxious to travel to reach this place. He expressed concern that he would disappear on the road in the morning. Therefore, it seemed important and necessary to bring this information to the attention of J. in order to “secure” his travels. If these elements are not specific enough to him, he probably will not be able to design himself and therefore will not be able to consider internships.


Indeed, various forms of autism are grouped along a continuum from a quiet and distant child to one with Asperger Syndrome, which is fully integrated into social life. We can say that the “autistic” Canner lives in “his world” and the child “Asperger” lives in “our world”, but has its own reality. Asperger's syndrome has its own diagnostic criteria, which can be found in the DSM-5 or in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. This is the most common form of autism. This form of autism spectrum can be diagnosed in children who have never been diagnosed with this condition.

People with Asperger's syndrome have social maladaptation, but they are not very pronounced, especially because of mild language impairment, optimal retention of intellectual functions, and often a clear desire to build relationships. An Asperger man can adapt his behavior by learning what to do and saying «in society» if he is to be explained. His study of social codes will be less intuitive, but more educational and intellectual, including information about conclusions. The construction of Asperger's thinking is different: it has its own reality, which can sometimes lead to misunderstanding, since that person does not intuitively integrate the codes that govern our society. This person has another way of being, of perception, of thinking and of behavior. However, she has a very important memory, which sometimes allows her to develop incredible talents, like Daniel Tammett, diagnosed as Asperger showed us. The latter actually calculated the first number of the first 22514 decimal places and studied Icelandic two weeks later. In summarizing this observation and analysis work, we have emphasized the fundamental contribution of the concepts of psychopathology in the context of educational support in everyday life. Indeed, clinical observation alone cannot lead to a professional being held responsible for the entire public concerned. Good theoretical knowledge related to psychopathology, and in particular the pathology of the autism spectrum, allow effective management of individuals. Situational analysis can lead to a better educational response through their retrospective nature: deepening of knowledge enables a better understanding of public responsibility and contributes to greater adaptation of the social educator.


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6. Bondonneau, N., Choisnard M.-F. La scolarisation des enfants et adolescents handicaps. URL: https ://www.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/var/storage/rapports-publics/114000307-2011.

7. Ferrari P. L'autisme infantile Paris. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 2004.

8. Gueniche K. Psychopathologie de l'enfant. Paris: Armand Colin/Dunod, 2016.

9. Sanders J.-C. Human Rights Center and the Open Society Foundation. http://medicallaw.org.ua/fileadmin/user_upload/ PDF/%-2015.

10. Schleret, J.-M. Scolarisation des eleves en situation handicapes. Guide pratique realize par le SNUipp. URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=Scolarisation+des+eleves+en+situation-2007.

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    курсовая работа [2,3 M], добавлен 30.03.2016

  • The concept of social reality and social fact. Laws and categories of sociology. Structure of sociological knowledge. Levels of sociological knowledge. Macro-sociology and micro-sociology. Fundamental theoretic sociology. Applied empiric sociology.

    реферат [22,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2008

  • Mathematical learning for young children. Patterns and perspectives of teaching mathematics in primary school. The purposes and content of modern mathematical education in primary school. The methods of child’s acquaintance with geometric shapes.

    реферат [35,9 K], добавлен 02.04.2009

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