Genesis of understanding internet texts by Ukrainian adolescents depending on their internet using experience

Correlation Between the level of internet using experience and the successful interpretation, consistency of emotional attitude to the Internet texts in adolescents. The regularities of dynamics of successful understanding with the growth of the level.

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Дата добавления 06.04.2023
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Genesis of understanding internet texts by Ukrainian adolescents depending on their internet using experience

Nataliia Akimova, Kropyvnytskyi Institute of State and Municipal Administration


The article presents the results of studying the genesis of the Internet text understanding by young readers depending on the level of their Internet user experience. The investigation reveals the regularities of the dynamics of successful understanding with the growth of the level of the Internet user experience at each stage of the comprehension process. For this purpose, the following methods were used: theoretical (deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization), empirical (experiment, method of semantic and pragmatic interpretations, content analysis, subjective scaling), and statistical (primary statistics, correlation analysis). The sample of the experiment consisted of 122 Ukrainian undergraduate students, including 14.8% men and 85.2% women.

The study was conducted according to the author's methods "Success of understanding the texts of the Internet" and "Experience and focus of the Internet user". The understanding of Internet texts by adolescents is characterized by the activity of reception (indicating their significant interest in cyberspace), superficial assessment of the text complexity, and the tendency to predict the content by title and illustration. Meanwhile, it represents that the quality of rational and emotional text interpretation is quite low. Young people interpret only a quarter of the content of the message since their emotional understanding is usually inconsistent. However, a rational assessment is more accurate than an emotional one at this age. It is concluded that adolescents' genesis of Internet text understanding depends on their Internet user experience. Under the influence of the Internet user experience, the activity of the reception, the accuracy of expectations according to the illustration, and the consistency of emotional attitudes increase.

However, the accumulation of experience sometimes has a negative effect on the dynamics of understanding, in particular on the interpretation of Internet news texts that seem unreasonably simple to young users. It is also recorded that at the stage of emotional identification, the rational evaluation of Internet texts with the accumulation of experience deteriorates. This feature is determined by the effect of unjustified confidence of Internet users.

Keywords: Internet text, interpretation, emotional identification, rational evaluation, Internet user experience, adolescent, genesis of understanding


Ґенеза розуміння інтернет-текстів українськими підлітками залежно від їхнього досвіду використання Інтернету

Акімова Наталія

У статті наведено результати дослідження ґенези розуміння інтернет-тексту українськими підлітками залежно від їх досвіду інтернет-користувача. Дослідження виявляє закономірності динаміки успішного розуміння із зростанням рівня досвіду користування інтернетом на кожному етапі процесу розуміння. Для цього використовувалися такі методи: теоретичні (дедукція, індукція, аналіз, синтез, узагальнення, систематизація), емпіричні (експеримент, метод семантичних і прагматичних інтерпретацій, контент-аналіз, суб'єктивне шкалування) та статистичні (первинна статистика, кореляційний аналіз). Вибірку експерименту склали 122 українських студенти, з них 14,8% чоловічої і 85,2% жіночої статі. Дослідження проводилось за авторськими методиками «Успішність розуміння текстів інтернету» та «Досвіченість і спрямованість інтернет-користувача». Розуміння підлітками інтернет-текстів характеризується активністю рецепції (що свідчить про їх значний інтерес до кіберпростору), поверховою оцінкою складності тексту, точністю прогнозування змісту за заголовком та ілюстрацією. Водночас також свідчить про те, що якість раціональної та емоційної інтерпретації тексту досить низька. Молоді люди інтерпретують лише чверть змісту повідомлення, оскільки їхнє емоційне розуміння зазвичай непослідовне. Однак у цьому віці раціональна оцінка точніша, ніж емоційна. Зроблено висновок, що ґенеза розуміння інтернет-тексту підлітками залежить від їхнього досвіду користування інтернетом. Під впливом досвіду користувача інтернету підвищується активність рецепції, точність очікувань за ілюстрацією, узгодженість емоційних ставлень до тексту. Однак накопичення досвіду іноді негативно впливає на динаміку розуміння, зокрема на інтерпретацію текстів інтернет-новин, які здаються молодим користувачам невиправдано простими. Також зафіксовано, що на етапі емоційної ідентифікації погіршується оцінка інтернет-текстів із накопиченням досвіду. Цю особливість називаємо ефектом невиправданої впевненості користувачів інтернету.

Ключові слова: інтернет-текст, інтерпретація, емоційна ідентифікація, раціональна оцінка, досвід користувача інтернетом, підліток, ґенеза розуміння.


Modern young men and women spend too much time on the Internet. They literally live their lives online. People communicate study, play, and work there. They receive information from the Internet that shapes their perception of the world and themselves. They form cyberspace, while cyberspace shapes them. The Internet influence on the psyche has been proven in modern psychological researches (Mantovani, 1996; Riva & Galimberti, 2001; Yerokhin, 2011; Small & Vorgan, 2011; Karr, 2013). The main features of communication on the Web and its difference from communication in the real world as well as spam, flood, and trolling were identified and proved in the scientific research by Ferrara et al. (1991), Crystal (2004), Dresner (2005), Herring (2010), Goroshko (2009), Kompantseva (2009), Shchipitsyna (2011), Lukina (2013) and others.

The personality in the Internet, their manifestations, changes in the cyberspace, self-presentation, gender, internet addiction are presented in the works of Dresner (2005), Young (1998), Karr (2013), Small & Vorgan (2011), Shpittser (2014), Voyskunskiy (2013), Goroshko (2009), Lutovinova (2013), Posokhova (2006), Turets'ka (2011), Van Shilu (2013), Naumova (2008), Shevchenko (2002), Meleshnikov (2010) and others. These works are mostly concentrated on the psychological specifics of cyberspace, the phenomena of addiction and online communities. Meanwhile, activities on the Internet are implemented mainly through the Internet texts; however, their impact on the psyche has not been studied thoroughly. An empirical study of the specifics of the Internet texts understanding by young users became the basis for writing this article.

The purpose of this study is scientific analysis of the genesis of Internet texts understanding in adolescence under the influence of such factor as Internet using experience.


The following theoretical methods and techniques were used to achieve the purpose: a) deductive as a path from the abstract to the concrete; b) inductive as a generalization of facts; c) analysis as a path from whole to parts; d) synthesis as a path from parts to the whole; e) generalization as a transition to a higher degree of abstraction by identifying common features (properties, relationships, development trends, etc.) of objects; g) systematization as the consolidation of disparate knowledge into a single scientific system. Empirical research was conducted using such psychological and psycholinguistic methods as a) experiment (semantizing and receptive experiments); b) the method of semantic and pragmatic interpretations (complex interpretation of the meaning of statements based on the broad context of the electronic situation, conceptual analysis of the text (definition of content structure, separation of dominants, keywords); c) content analysis; d) the procedure of subjective scaling (method of absolute estimates). Mathematical data processing was realized using primary statistics, statistical inference as well as such statistical indicators as mode and scope of variation, correlation analy sis (based on the Pearson coefficient). Interpretive methods based on specific principles of systemic, activity, cognitive, psycholinguistic, genetic approaches were also used.

The author's method "Success of Internet texts understanding" was developed to determine the specifics of Internet texts understanding. This approach was tested for validity and reliability. It includes 10 Internet texts of different genres, thematic focus, scope and level of complexity. In particular, the following texts of the Internet were examined:

Text F

Пост-бумеранг: як одна публікація може зробити диво?

Жив собі невеличкий сайт про київський мікрорайон Відрадний. Збирав на день по 5070 відвідувачів, які без особливого ентузіазму читали публікації про новини з життя у цій місцевості.

Figure 1 Text А

Figure 2 Text B

Figure 3 Text C

Figure 4 Text D

Figure 5 Text E

Та одного разу я (адмін сайту) вирішила поєднати в одному пості пораду писати про те, що цікаво самому автору, з простим маркетинговим ходом. Лінк за лінк - за таким принципом почала діяти розкрутка нової публікації.

Text G

НГ: "Смерчі" за східною ціною

17 серпня 2012, 09:34

Україна все ж могла постачати зброю Вірменії, вважають у Баку. Офіційні особи України спростували інформацію про прихований продаж зброї Вірменії через Молдову, про що днями повідомили українські ЗМІ. Проте експертне співтовариство Азербайджану дотримується думки, що спроба вчинення подібної угоди могла мати місце, - пишуть Сохбет Мамедов і Світлана Гамова в російській Независимой газете.

Text I

Суханова Вика. Получили соковыжималку, уже успели протестировать и спешу написать отзыв. Очень много читала о пользе сока именно со шнековой соковыжималки. Поэтому выбрала эту! Делали сок из морковки, яблок, сельдерея, тапинамбура, апельсин, грейфрут. Все очень хорошо передаваться. Жмых достаточно сухой (я с него ещё иногда что-то делаю), по сравнению с центробежной соковыжималку. Очень рекомендую.

Достоинства: Сок потрясающе вкусный

Недостатки: нет

Text H

Figure 6

Text J

Петро Порошенко був (була) в ефірі. 20 вересня о 10:35

Перша реакція світу на окупацію Криму виявилася напрочуд млявою та беззубою. Та навіть тепер - після тисяч спричинених Росією жертв на Донбасі, після MH17, після Сирії, після Солсбері - на Заході чимало охочих зазирнути Путіну в душу, чи ще не знаю куди. Глибоко помиляється той, хто думає, ніби російська агресія забезпечує нам автоматичну підтримку на Заході. За підтримку треба боротися щодня.

За чотири з половиною роки нам вдалося не просто створити і зберегти потужну трансатлантичну коаліцію на підтримку України, а й значно розширити і зміцнити її.

The same tasks are proposed for each of these texts:

1. What is this text about? Explain.

2. What is the subject of the discussion?

3. Emphasize unintelligible words, write words-replacements.

4. Put 1-3 questions to this text.

5. Assess the degree of understanding complexity (from 1 to 5: 1 - completely unclear - 5 - clear without options), emphasize the words that complicate understanding.

6. Assess the level of objectivity of information transfer (O-objective, SC - subjectively critical, SS - subjectively approving).

7. Write a review of this text.

8. Does the picture help in understanding this text?

The specifics of understanding these texts were studied at each stage of understanding using criteria for successful understanding. The concept of "successful comprehension of Internet texts" is defined as the formation of new secondary meanings, assessments and connotations. They have to adequately and fully reflect the content of the original Internet text and allow to predict them correctly based on the title or the illustration. The criteria for successful understanding at the stage of reception are the reception activity (diagnostic indicator is the number of interpreted texts) and the accuracy of expectations by title and illustration (diagnostic indicator is the number of correct predictions by title or image); b) at the stage of interpretation, the qualitative criterion is the interpretation adequacy and the quantitative criterion is the completeness of the Internet texts interpretation (diagnostic indicator is the percentage of presented semantic dominants in the secondary text); c) the first criterion at the stage of emotional identification is adequacy of assessment of Internet texts understanding (diagnostic indicator is the difference between assessment of Internet texts understanding and actual results of interpretation). The next criterion at this stage is consistency of emotional attitude to Internet texts (diagnostic indicator is coincidence of connotations in secondary texts of some respondent). More detailed description of the methods used, in particular the author's method "Success of Internet texts understanding" is presented in the monography (Akimova, 2020).


The sample of the experiment consisted of 122 Ukrainian undergraduate students, including 14.8% men and 85.2% women. This sample of respondents was based on their age (18 y.o. and younger) and social status that determined a similar level of Internet activity, speech, social and Internet competence. Gender unevenness of the sample is explained by the fact that the task of this experiment was not to analyze gender specificity, so volunteers were involved regardless of their gender. The study was organized in groups during 2017-2020. All study participants received informed consent to data collection. Relevant ethical norms and rules were observed in the course of the research; no moral pressure was exerted on the participants of the experiment. No funds, grants, or other support was received for the study. The authors do not have a potential conflict of interest that could influence the decision to publish this article.

It was assumed that the results of Internet texts understanding would depend on the level of Internet using experience. The level of Internet using experience was studied by the method of "Experience and orientation of the Internet user" that assesses Internet using experience by six criteria: frequency of Internet use, activity, self-representation, diversity of Internet use, Internet competence (skills of using of different browses (see more in: Akimova, 2020), creativity.

Table 1. The C'rilerion of Internet Using Experience


The level of Internet using experience

High (3 points)

Medium (2 points)

Low(1 point)

1.Frequency of Internet use (days in week)



5 and less

2. Activity (hours in day)

9 and more


4 and less

3. Self-representation (Internet profile)



4. Diversity of Internet use (forms of activity):




5. Internet competence (using of different browses)

3 and more



6. Creativity (create the content)



The grouped evaluation of the results allowed establishing the user's experience to a high (more than 15 points - “experienced Internet users”), medium (10-14 points), or low level of Internet using experience (less than 9 points). Thus, the sample of young men included 24.1% of respondents with high, 75.5% with medium, 0.4% with low level of Internet using experience.

Then, the results of understanding of users with high, medium, and low levels of Internet using experience were compared by comparison and correlation analysis for the criterion of successful understanding, considering the specifics of each type of Internet text presented in the study, and correlations between experience and success.

Results and Discussion

The following indicators of the successful understanding of the Internet texts in adolescence were recorded as a result of experimental research.

These calculations show that there is a direct relationship between the Internet using experience and the quality of understanding at the reception stage in adolescence. Note that this relationship is quite strong.

Table 2. Correlation Between the Level of Internet Using Experience and the Successful Reception in Adolescents

The level of Internet using experience

Reception activity

Accuracy of expectations




93.41 ±15.992

38.21 ±20.472

45.61 ±43.442


84.71 ±21.492

45.61 ±24.982

35.71 ±42.862





The difference between the successful understanding of readers with high and low levels of Internet using experience




Correlation coefficient




Note: 1 - average in percentage; 2 - standard deviation (Sd); 3 - critical value r = .14 when n = 244 at the accepted significance level p = .05

If the young people spend more time on the Internet, they read texts more actively and can predict the content of the text by illustration and not by title more accurately. As you can see from the table, even experienced Internet users at this age can correctly predict the content of only less than half of the texts. The strongest correlation between the Internet using experience and the reception activity shows that if the young people spend more time on the Internet, the Internet texts become more interesting and meaningful for them. This conclusion is based on the fact that experienced users read more than 90% of the online texts, as opposed to users with medium and low experience level who ignore up to 20% of the texts. While the Internet using experience is accumulating, the individual gets used to the Internet format, improves the recipient's ability to predict the content of Internet texts, and, consequently, improves his or her orientation skills in the virtual world.

The stage of interpretation. The following statistical relationships between the Internet using experience and the specifics of understanding at the stage of interpretation are presented in the table using the generalized average indicators of adequacy and completeness of interpretation of Internet texts, indicators of variation and correlation analysis.

Table 3. Correlation Between the Level of Internet Using Experience and the Successful Interpretation in Adolescents

The level of Internet using experience

Internet text























24.41 ±9.742












2.51 ±9.972

low 20

Correlation coefficient










20.01 ±02


Note: 1 - average in percentage; 2 - standard deviation (Sd); 3 - critical value of Pearson correlation for a sample of more than 100 respondents, n = 244 values

According to the results of correlation analysis, it can be stated that there is a direct relationship between the Internet using experience and the quality and completeness of the interpretation of Internet texts. However, the type of text was also important. The experience is useful for young people in interpreting messages on economic forums, reviews, political posts, genres that require additional knowledge for correct interpretation. Active readers compensate lack of the life experience by Internet using experience. Internet using experience is less useful in understanding Internet advertising. Probably, the prevalence of this genre on the Internet leads to the fact that respondents form a stereotype about the understanding of advertising texts, which facilitates success of their interpretation. Still, the Internet using experience does not impact the understanding of technical chats, posts, and memes. Interpretation of these complex and specific genres, apparently, requires certain nontextual knowledge and competencies that have not yet been formed in adolescence. So, correct interpretation of these texts is possible only with special training. In addition, an inverse relationship was found between experience and the success of interpretation of Internet news. Possibly, experienced Internet users are accustomed to these texts. Such texts seem unreasonably simple. Hence, experienced Internet users interpret them stereotypically; they do not make an effort to understand them.

As a result, the success of their interpretation is quite low. Internet news is an effective way to manipulate young people's minds. In general, there is a strong direct tendency to change the understanding dynamics toward s improving the adequacy and completeness of interpretation of up to 30% of texts with the accumulation of Internet experience (experienced Internet users interpreted all 10 internet texts, while users with low level only 7 of 10 proposed texts).

The stage of emotional identification. There is a direct correlation between the Internet using experience and the inadequacy of the assessment of Internet texts understanding. If the young people spend more time on the Internet, their assessment of Internet texts understanding becomes less adequate. Over time, the texts of the Web seem simpler and clearer, when in fact the quality of their interpretation improves only slightly (within 5-6% in this age group). We note a phenomenon that could be called the effect of unjustified confidence of Internet users.

The relationship between the Internet using experience and the consistency of the emotional attitude to the Internet texts is shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Correlation between the level of Internet texts understanding and the consistency of emotional attitude to the Internet texts in adolescents

The level of Internet using experience

Internet text
















































Correlation coefficient

.20 >.143

Note: 1 - average in percentage; 2 - standard deviation (Sd); 3 - critical value of Pearson correlation for a sample of more than 100 respondents, n = 244 values

The consistency of the emotional attitude to the Internet texts (critical, neutral, or approving) directly correlates with the level of user experience. Active users are more consistent in their attitude to Internet texts; probably, this component of understanding is formed automatically with the increase of Internet using experience. Such improvement occurs within 8%. However, inconsistent attitudes dominate in all user groups for any type of Internet text. Additionally, users with a low level of Internet using experience can hardly determine their own attitude to the text in general.

Integrated indicators of the success of Internet text understanding (in %) in the sample of young respondents depending on the level of Internet user experience are given in Table 5.

Table 5. Indicators of the Successful Internet Text Understanding in the Sample of Young Respondents Depending on Their Internet User Experience

The stage of reception accuracy of expectations

The stage of stage of emotional interpret identification ation

The level of Internet using experience






















The difference between the successful understanding of readers with high and low levels of







Internet using experience Correlation coefficient







Note: 1 - arithmetic mean as a percentage; 2 - standard deviation (Sd); 3 - critical value r = .14 when n = 244 at the accepted level of significance p = .05

The calculations in the table show that there are the following patterns of genesis of Internet texts understanding in adolescents. The reception stage: a direct relationship between the successful understanding and the Internet using experience was found. The young people can read texts more actively and can predict the content of the text by illustration and not by title more accurately if they spend more time on the Internet. But even experienced Internet users at this age can correctly predict the content of only less than half of the texts (the accuracy of expectations by title is 38.2% on average, and the accuracy of expectations by illustration - 45.6%. The strongest correlation is between the reception activity and Internet using experience (r = .28). This statistics means that if the young people spend more time on the Internet, they perceive the Internet texts as more interesting and meaningful. While the Internet using experience is accumulating, the individual gets used to the Internet format, improves the recipient's ability to predict the content of Internet texts by illustration (r = .24). The users get used to the specific multimedia of the Internet, and thus, they improve their orientation skills in the virtual world. The skills of prediction of the content by titles do not improve (r = .01). Hyperlink titles are quite complex in structure and often deviant, so they are difficult to interpret correctly without careful reading. We associate the lack of correlations between the accuracy of the recipients' expectations by title and Internet using experience with browsing, which is especially popular among experienced users. Thus, there is the tendency of the genesis of understanding in adolescence towards the expansion of reception with the accumulation of Internet using experience.

The stage of interpretation. The quality of understanding is weakly correlated with the level of Internet using experience (r = .14), but the type of text is important. The experience is more useful for young respondents in interpreting of messages on economic forums, reviews, political posts, Internet specific genres. Internet using experience less effective in understanding online advertising. The prevalence of this genre on the Internet leads to formation of stereotypes about the understanding of advertising texts, which facilitates their interpretation. Though, the Internet using experience does not help in understanding of technical chats, posts, and memes. Interpretation of these complex and specific genres requires certain non -textual knowledge and competencies that have not yet been formed in adolescence. So, correct interpretation of these texts is possible only with special training. In addition, an inverse relationship between Internet using experience and the quality of interpretation of Internet news was found. Internet users are accustomed to these texts. Such texts seem unreasonably simple. So, experienced Internet users interpreted them stereotypically; they do not make an effort to understand them. As a result, the success of their interpretation is quite low.

The stage of emotional identification. An inverse correlation between the Internet using experience and the adequacy of the assessment of Internet texts understanding was found (r = -.29). Over time, the texts of the Web seem simpler and clearer, when in fact the quality of their interpretation improves only slightly (by 4.4% in this age group). We determine the phenomenon of the unjustified confidence of Internet users. Consistency of emotional attitude to Internet texts directly correlates with the level of user experience (r = .2). Active users are more consistent in their attitude to Internet texts. Probably, this compon ent of understanding is formed automatically with the increase of Internet using experience. However, inconsistent attitudes dominate in all user groups for any type of Internet text. Additionally, users with a low level of Internet using experience face difficulty in determining their own attitude to the text. In general, the process of Internet texts understanding at the stage of emotional identification is ambiguous depending on the Internet using experience.

internet text emotional interpretation


In general, it is determined that the Internet texts understanding in adolescence is characterized by the reception activity (indicating their significant interest in the cyber environment), superficial assessment of the complexity of texts and the tendency to predict content by illustration. Meanwhile, the quality of rational and emotional interpretation of texts is quite low. Young people interpret only a quarter of the content of the Internet message, their emotional understanding is usually inconsistent. However, a rational assessment at this age is more accurate (up to 24.4% of the content of the message) than emotional (up to 18.4% of agreed emotional attitudes). As a result of the analysis of generalized indicators of successful understanding, it was found that in adolescence, Internet using experience increases reception activity, accuracy of expectations for illustration and consistency of emotional attitude. At the same time, the accumulation of experience sometimes has a negative effect on the dynamics of understanding, in particular on the interpretation of Internet news texts that seem unreasonably simple for young users. It is also recorded that the experienced users' rational assessment of Internet texts complexity decreases at the stage of emotional identification, which is determined by the effect of unjustified confidence of Internet users.


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