Psychological and pedagogical aspects in the activity of penitentiary service
The main problems of psycho-emotional state faced by officers of corrections officers and the factors influencing psychological stability and the consequences of not overcoming them in the performance of official. The norms of professional ethics.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.04.2023 |
Размер файла | 14,0 K |
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Psychological and pedagogical aspects in the activity of penitentiary service
Tumkiv О.1, Major in the Internal Services, Senior Lecturer at the Center of Vocational Education
Territorially Separate Branch "Kamyanka Branch of the Academy of the State Penitentiary Service"
Didenko O.V., Lieutenant Colonel in the Internal Services, Lecturer at the Department of Legal and Special Training
This article is dedicated to the main problems of psychological and pedagogical activity of penitentiary service. The topic of studying the psychological state of corrections officers became relevant and interesting for this study. The aim was to reveal the main problems of psycho-emotional state faced by officers and to investigate the main factors influencing psychological stability and the consequences of not overcoming them in the performance of official duties of penitentiary staff. The norms of professional ethics that require officers of penitentiary servicde are described. The main psychological problems that may stand in the way of effective performance of official activities are identified and the specifics of each of them are revealed. During the writing of this work, the materials of outstanding domestic and foreign researchers in the field of psychology and pedagogy were taken as materials. The main problems of violation of the psycho-emotional state of the staff that occur in atypical conditions are analyzed. The article examines and reveals the main factors such as psychological adaptation, unwillingness to perform professional duties under the influence of stressors, negative psycho-emotional states, loss of psycho-emotional balance and resilience in extreme conditions and their impact on personnel activity with convicts. The results of the study revealed the consequences of overcoming negative psycho-emotional factors and their impact on the further effectiveness of pedagogical activities of penitentiary officers. Negative effects such as emotional burnout, occupational deformity and post-traumatic growth have been reported. This issue should be researched and studied in further research, because the current conditions of our state make it extremely relevant. Problems of psychological states of employees and their impact on the effectiveness of pedagogical activities of officers deserve wider consideration both in theoretical and practical terms.
Key words: psycho-emotional state, penitentiary service, psychological and pedagogical activity, convict, corrections officer.
Психолого-педагогічні аспекти в діяльності пенітенціарної служби
Дана стаття присвячена проблемам психолого-педагогічної діяльності працівників органів виконання покарань. Розглянуто основні аспекти психолого-педагогічної діяльності виховних установ. Основною метою є дослідження основних проблем, пов'язаних із психоемоційним станом службовців пенітенціарної служби та виявлення основних чинників, які впливають на цей стан. У статті розкрито основні психоемоційні фактори, з якими можуть зіштовхнутися працівники, та які негативно впливають на ефективність виконання службових обов'язків через нестабільний психоемоційний стан. Подолання дисбалансу емоційних станів є важливим для подальшої ефективної педагогічно-виховної роботи працівників кримінально-виконавчої служби. Проаналізовано основні етичні норми, яких мають дотримуватися у пенітенціарній службі. Виділено основні психологічні проблеми, які можуть стояти на шляху ефективності виконання службової діяльності та розкрито специфіку кожного із них. Під час написання даної роботи за матеріали були узяті роботи видатних вітчизняних та закордонних дослідників у сфері психології та педагогіки. Діяльність органів виконання покарань у нетипових умовах, навіть екстремальних може призвести до різноманітних наслідків порушення психологічних станів працівників. Стрес, адаптація до нових умов, емоційний дискомфорт, емоційне вигорання, страхи, пов'язані із стрес-факторами та виконанням службових обов'язків у нетипових для себе умовах призводять до невиконання цих обов'язків належним чином, і навіть ставить під загрозу професійну природність працівників для подальшого виконання педагогічної та виховної діяльності із засудженими та особами узятими під варту. Запропоновано певні методи допомоги працівникам пенітенціарних органів подолання психологічних проблем. Вище зазначена проблематика у перспективі має розглядатися у подальшому сучасними вченими на теоретичному та практичному рівнях.
Ключові слова: пенітенціарна служба, засуджений, службовці, психоемоційний стан, педагогічна та виховна діяльність.
During the performance of professional activities a person is influenced by a number of external and internal factors. There are various factors that can influence psychological state. Knowledge and work on these factors provides opportunities for the functioning of a body, namely employees of these bodies to perform their activities at the required effective level. In addition to the fact that the penitentiary service has quite specific requirements for its functioning, in particular, fficers must not only be physically trained, but also have training at the level of moral and spiritual education of criminals. Correction officers daily face with demands of their professional readiness to work in stable psychological condition. Different factors can lead to problems in the performance of professional duties at the required level of efficiency.
The activities of the penitentiary service are an integral part of the country's legal system, as this body deals with such important tasks as educating detainees and convicts, forming a system of supervisory, preventive, social and educational measures for criminals. The main goal is to correct convicts and prevent recidivism. [5, p. 29]. There are certain norms of professional ethics that require law enforcement officers, as follows:
• constant control of their own behavior and emotions;
• professional behavior with detainees;
• willingness to cooperate and dignified, friendly, attentive attitude and treatment to convicts;
• ability to separate personal feelings from professional responsibilities not allowing feelings to influence the cold mind during pedagogical work with convicts.
Various researchers have dedicated their studies to psychological aspect and how it influences the pedagogical activity of correction officers. Hence, І.М. Okhrimenko [10, p. 126], М.І. Blazhivskii [2, p. 357], S.V. Zlyvko [l2, p. 175], VM. Syniov [11, p. 19] and others analyzed in their works emotional criteria, psychological problems and pedagogical challenges of penitentiary service employees. Thus, in his study, M.I. Blazhivskii describes the activities of the staff of penitentiary institutions as extreme [2, p. 359]. In particular, I.M. Okhrimenko studies the psychological training of employees [10, p. 126]. In her study, T. V. Kushnirova considers measures to prevent negative mental states and suicidal behavior of staff of law enforcement agencies and law enforcement agencies [7, p. 60]. Besides, the scientist O.M. Miroshnychenko emphasizes the importance of psychological support for the professional activities of staff, taking into account family relationships [9, p. 153]. All researchers have studied the problems of psychological and pedagogical aspects through the prism of certain circumstances, but there is a need to consider the problems of psychological and pedagogical aspects of the activity of penitentiary staff and ways to prevent emotional crises.
Despite the fact that officers that work in penalty bodies have very good physical and psychological training, as they must always remain emotionally and psychologically stable to effectively carry out pedagogical work with detainees and convicts, they remain people whose psyche may not be ready for particular conditions. Here are some problems which may occur in the activity of correction officers: psychological adaptation to conditions, emotional burnout, loss of psycho-emotional balance and resilience in extreme conditions, the emergence of negative psycho-emotional states, unwillingness to perform professional duties under the influence of stressors of the combat situation, professional deformation, post-traumatic growth after performing duties in atypical conditions etc.
Penitentiary officers have to make the right and considered decisions and be responsible for them. The issue of the volitional component, overcoming stress and psychological readiness of employees can be under threat in particular conditions. Thus, psychologically unadapted to extreme conditions officers have a high chance of losing their ability to work, which will lead to unreasonable decisions, loss of self-control, discipline, disorganization and incompetence in performing the pedagogical aspect of their work with convicts. The main task of the penitentiary officers is the moral re-education of criminals and the implementation of measures for their further detention.
A psychologically maladapted and untrained officer loses his or her ability to perform his or her professional duties clearly and fairly and to ensure the safe, morally and mentally stable stay of prisoners until the end of their sentence. It should be noted that the period of adaptation and adaptation to the new working conditions in the martial law by the staff of penitentiary institutions plays a significant role in the further effectiveness of the performance of official duties. Supporting employees and training their adaptability to combat conditions is very important to further ensure their stable moral and mental condition and effectively performed pedagogical activity.
During extreme conditions, employees go through the process of getting used to new conditions, psychological and physical stress, and rhythm of work and so on. We emphasize the importance and necessity of psychological counseling, support in self-regulation of emotional states and the removal of anxiety, the formation of positive thinking, overcoming difficulties in the mode of unpredictability [1, p. 24].
Professional adaptation of correction officers has the property of adapting the already acquired experience of professional activity to new conditions, often unusual and unexpected for a person. Not every employee is able to quickly get used to an unusual situation, and especially stressful and morally depressing. This skill must be trained from time to time and prepare the body for stress and new unpredictable conditions. After all, the penitentiary officer needs to quickly cope with stress and control his feelings and emotions; he must immediately turn his attention to the pedagogical aspect of his duties, which is most important in working with convicts and individuals taken into custody.
Unwillingness to perform professional duties under the influence of stressors of the combat situation is a common problem. Stress is a special mental state of a person, which is associated with the emergence and manifestation of emotions. This is a reaction not only to the physical characteristics of the situation, but also to the mental correlation between man and the environment. Employees of penitentiary bodies should always be prepared to perform their professional duties under all circumstances, regardless of certain environmental factors. It is provided that their mental state should be balanced, because when choosing such a profession, employees in this field understand what they are doing, and that their emotions and feelings should be beyond their duty to the government and professionalism. However, human is a living being whose brain reacts negatively to stress, causing a negative impact on the psychological state.
Many scientists have studied the concept of human mental state. In particular, the researcher N.V. Levitov believed that the mental state is a holistic concept. [8, p. 356]. Working in institutions such as penitentiaries requires self-regulation of mental states. The change of mental state under the influence of negative factors, namely stress, affects his professional activity, leaving a negative impact on the effectiveness of pedagogical duties in the performance of their work. For example, states of anxiety can lead to more serious conditions, such as aggression, irritability, anger, despair, apathy, loss of concentration, unreasonable actions in the performance of official duties, etc.
Stress and psychological instability not only negatively affect the professional performance of the penitentiary employees, but can also lead to emotional burnout and professional deformity. In addition, officers may experience post-traumatic growth after performing duties in atypical conditions. As a result, the above factors lead to professional unfitness. Due to the overload of the human psyche, burnout syndrome after prolonged stress in employees is a complete depletion of internal resources. During the traumatic experience a person undergoes a transformation of personality [4].
After experiencing stress, employees often have a positive trend; they have a rethinking of what happened. Mental renewal after experiencing stress and mental disorders due to stressors is an integral part of psycho-emotional restructuring of the individual. After some particular traumatic situations people are rethinking the old principles of life and adjusting to new moral principles, views on life and professional activities.
Thus, corrections officers are no exception. After all, there is a rethinking of their professional skills and attitude to the performance of official duties. As they have to work with prisoners and detainees in educational and pedagogical functions, they rethink their attitudes towards these people and begin to understand them more deeply, therefore educating people who will be released after being imprisoned. Moreover, there are personal changes, increased strength, fighting spirit and psychological resilience [6, p. 205]. In turn, there is the importance of prevention of psychological states of law enforcement officers. Employees should receive psychological training to act in extreme situations, receive psychological support during psychological adaptation, and attend trainings aimed at increasing the efficiency of working capacity and performing professional duties in atypical conditions [3, p. 219].
Penitentiary staff must be constantly provided with psychological support to help them be emotionally and psychologically prepared for extreme situations and to be resilient to the effects of stressors [1, p. 24]. In addition to training to provide advice on behavior at work, officers should receive special training during extreme situations without compromising their mental and professional condition. There is also a need for individual counseling by specialists who will help to correct mistakes in behavior and pedagogical work with convicts, prevent possible stress and panic attacks, emotional disturbances and fair treatment of duties.
To summarize it should be noted that the professional activities of correctional officers are carried out in an environment that is different from other structures. The specifics of the service activities of penitentiary staff are that they are always under the influence of the negative environment of convicts, having a high level of emotional load. With the main goal of educational and correctional and pedagogical work, employees should keep a cool mind, the validity of decisions and not allow emotions and feelings to affect the effectiveness of their duties.
Considering the working conditions of penitentiary workers under the prism of circumstances beyond their control, we can conclude that employees may suffer from stress, emotional disturbances, weakening of psychological stability, fatigue. They can lead to negative psycho-emotional states, loss of psycho-emotional balance and resilience, which affect the effectiveness of performance of official duties. In addition, they may be unprepared to perform professional duties under the influence of stressors of the combat environment.
All of the above factors can lead to emotional burnout, occupational deformities, and post-traumatic growth. The study identified the need for targeted psychological assistance to prevent negative psycho-emotional states as a result of unpredictable and extreme circumstances, which negatively affects the performance of correctional duties with convicts and detainees. In the case of insufficient psychological assistance to employees, they will suffer from negative changes in emotional state and as a consequence of negative and incompetent performance of professional pedagogical duties.
psycho-emotional officer ethic
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