Methods of applying the concept of visible thinking in the educational component "self-management of leadership qualities and social leadership"

Application of the concept of visible thinking as innovative teaching of students majoring in "Social Work". Content, forms and methods of professional training of specialists in the social sphere. Use of modern information and communication technologies.

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Methods of applying the concept of visible thinking in the educational component "self-management of leadership qualities and social leadership"

N.P. Pavlyk,

N.A. Seiko,

S.M. Sytniakivska


The article presents the method of applying the concept of visible thinking as an innovative method of teaching students majoring in 231 "Social Work". The main factors that require updating the content, forms and methods of social workers training are defined; it is also noted that the importance of using the capabilities of modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the teaching of compulsory and selective educational components is substantiated. Based on the study of scientific sources and materials of the latest educational Internet platforms, the content and features of the implementation of the concept of visible thinking as a tool to ensure conscious participation of the subjects of educational process are outlined.

It is proved that the integration of this concept into the direct educational process within the educational program "Social Work" is carried out through its systematic, purposeful and multiple implementation, which allows to form soft skills of students such as: critical thinking, strategic thinking, information skills, creativity, cooperation and dialogue, emotional intelligence, tolerance for other points of view and other experiences. Based on the analysis of Project Zero results, methodological techniques and procedures of thinking are outlined, and their prospects in teaching the educational component "Leadership Self-Management and Social Leadership" at Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University (using the case "Invisible Women") are extrapolated. The research potential of teaching methods based on the concept of visible thinking (observation and research of interesting things, in-depth research, intensification of search for causes and explanations, research of different points of view, broadening horizons, reflection of ways and factors of changing the opinion, verification of ideas and proposals, substantiation of facts data and judgments)is substantiated. The conclusion is formulated that the implementation of the concept of visible thinking in the educational process of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University allows to make the process of thinking conscious by encouraging the active participation of students in the study of the specified educational unit.

Key words: concept of visible thinking, training of social workers, educational component, innovative teaching methods.


Н.П. Павлик, Н.А. Сейко, С.М. Ситняківська. Методика застосування концепції видимого мислення у освітній компоненті "самоменеджмент лідерських якостей та соціальне лідерство"

У статті репрезентовано методику застосування концепції видимого мислення як інноваційної методики навчання студентів спеціальності 231 "Соціальна робота". Відзначено основні фактори, що вимагають оновлення змісту, форм і методів професійної підготовки фахівців соціальної сфери; зазначено про важливість використання можливостей сучасних інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у процесі викладання обов'язкових і вибіркових освітніх компонент. На підставі вивчення наукових джерел та матеріалів новітніх освітніх Інтернет-платформ окреслено зміст та особливості впровадження концепції видимого мислення як інструменту забезпечення свідомої співучасті суб'єктів освітнього процесу.

Доведено, що інтеграція цієї концепції в безпосередній освітній процес в межах освітньої програми "Соціальна робота" здійснюється шляхом її системної, цілеспрямованої та багаторазової реалізації, що дозволяє формувати м'які навички студентів: критичне мислення, стратегічне мислення, навички роботи з інформацією, творчість і креативність, співпрацю та діалог, емоційний інтелект, толерантність до інших точок зору та іншого досвіду. На підставі аналізу результатів проекту Project Zero окреслено методичні прийоми й процедури мислення та екстрапольовано їх можливості у викладанні освітньої компоненти "Самоменеджмент лідерських якостей та соціальне лідерство" в Житомирському державному університеті імені Івана Франка (з використанням кейсу "Невидимі жінки"). Обґрунтовано дослідницький потенціал методики викладання, побудованої на концепції видимого мислення (спостереження і дослідження цікавих речей, поглиблене дослідження, активізація пошуку причин і пояснень, дослідження різних точок зору, розширення горизонтів, рефлексія шляхів і чинників зміни думки, перевірка ідей і пропозицій, обґрунтування фактів, даних і суджень). Сформульовано висновок, що реалізація концепції видимого мислення у навчальному процесі ЗВО дозволяє робити процес мислення свідомим шляхом спонукання до активної участі студентів у вивченні означеної освітньої компоненти.

Ключові слова: концепція видимого мислення, підготовка соціальних працівників, освітня компонента, інноваційні методики навчання.

Introduction of the issue

Today the training of future social workers needs to be substantially updated due to several key factors: the need to transform the content of training to meet the powerful challenges of postmodern society (including pandemic constraints); gradual standardization of the process of social sphere specialists professional training according to European requirements; active development and implementation of innovative forms and methods of forming readiness for professional activity, which form the basis of modern scientific and methodological support for training specialists in higher educational institution. The Standard of Higher Education in the specialty "Social Work” is based on these provisions [1].

In this regard, the latest theories and practices of teaching special subjects, including modern information and communication technologies, need a specific scientific justification. In fact, these innovative technologies are improved traditional ones:problem solving learning, dialogic method, discussion method and so on. Case studies, binary teaching methods, bilingual education, etc. have become quite popular in the system of higher education. Modern educational platforms (as well as ICT in the field of education in general) provide the necessary information, methodological, technological resources for the development and implementation of authorial models, forms and methods of teaching students to form the appropriate level of their readiness for professional activity.

Current state of the issue. Issues of social workers professional training are considered by scientists from different points of view, including:a general methodological point of view (T. Alekseenko, O. Bezpalko, I. Zvereva, A. Kapska, G. Laktionova, T. Semigina, etc.), in the context of updating the content and methods of training (L. Koval, N. Kolyada, L. Romanovska, N. Seiko, G. Skachkova, S. Kharchenko, etc.), in terms of the use of current foreign experience (O. Homonyuk, M. Kandyba, A. Kulikova, N. Chernukha, S. Sytniakivska, etc.), in the field of methods and practice of implementing the innovative experience in teaching special subjects within the educational program "Social Work” (O. Gorpynych, A. Kulikova, N. Pavlyk, I. Savelchuk) etc.

Instead, we believe that some innovative methods of teaching special (professional) subjects (especially foreign ones) within this educational program are being researched and tested rather slowly, and their scientific substantiation is not complete and deep.

Aim of research is to analyze the existing experience and opportunities for the introduction into the educational process the innovative teaching method within the professional training of future social workers - method of applying the concept of visible thinking.

Research methods: theoretical analysis of methodological and pedagogical literature, Internet resources on the issue connected with the method of visible thinking; synthesis and generalization.

Results and discussion

The concept of visible thinking is described in detail on the educational platform Stories that Move [4] as a tool to ensure conscious participation of learners. The concept was launched at the Lemshaga Academy (Sweden) as part of the Innovation with Intelligence project, aims to develop students' thinking through the development of truth, understanding, justice and imagination skills and has been disseminated through Harvard University research [3].

One of the developers of the concept, David Perkins (2003), in his article "Making Thinking Visible" gives an interesting example of the relevance of the implementation of visible thinking in the learning process: learning almost always involves imitating what we see; so, it is difficult to imagine learning the arts (music, sports, dance, drawing, etc.) without observing the visual actions of artists; but the process of thinking is almost invisible, those who learn are incomprehensible hidden processes of drawing conclusions or constructing judgments; the factors that evoke certain ideas or encourage reflection are also inconspicuous [2]. Accordingly, the art of thinking becomes complex, people pay little attention to its preconditions and often do not know how to work with information. professional visible thinking social work

The concept is integrated through its systematic, purposeful use in the educational process, which allows forming students' soft skills:critical thinking, strategic thinking, information skills (analysis, synthesis, generalization, interpretation,etc.),creativity, cooperation and dialogue, emotional intelligence, tolerance for other points of view and other experiences. The concept is aimed at students as active participants of the learning process and provides time for exchange of views and discussions. It is important to emphasize that in the process of applying the concept it is not possible to assess the accuracy or correctness of students' answers; the application of the concept is not possible to quantify the level of knowledge or experience of students; it serves as a tool for building open empathic communications as a fundamental basis for the quality of pedagogical processes. The concept of visible thinking is based on research on how to make the thinking process visible to others and, accordingly, to promote the ability to work with information: the use of thinking language (Tishman & Perkins, 1997); application of methodologicaltechniquesand procedures of thinking (Ritchhart, 2002; Tishman, 2002) [2].

We have analyzed and summarized in Table 1 the techniques and procedures of thinking developed during the implementation of Project Zero [3]. Here is an example of the application of these techniques in the process of future social workers professional training within the study of the educational component "Selfmanagement of leadership qualities and social leadership" (at Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University for bachelor students mastering the educational program 231 "Social Work").

Case: "Invisible Women"

Case materials:

1) video material from the Stories that Move: Shirel, Austria, 17 years old (Shirel expresses her opinion on how the media affects the appearance and sexual attractivenessofgirls)

2) crystal Ponty's article "Your ideal of beauty:does it really exist?", which presents the results of modern research on the perception of the appearance of others

3) the #ShowUs online project is a collection of women's photographs created by women to break stereotypes about beauty and show women as they are in life

Table 1

Techniques and procedures of visible thinking, according to Project Zero research [3]

Methodological Techniques

Content and algorithm of application

Purpose of application



See, Think, Wonder

Answer the following questions:

1. What do you see?

2. What do you think about what you saw?

3. What surprises you in what you saw?

Observation and research of interesting things: encouragement to observation, reflection and interpretation; stimulating interests

The technique is used at the beginning of the discussion of a new material / new topic for the formation of educational interests or at the end of the study of the topic to encourage further research

* Discussion on the algorithm of some women photos of the Internet project from the case

Think, Puzzle, Explore

1. What do you think you know about this topic?

2. What questions do you have (or things you do not understand) about this topic?

3. How could you find answers to

In-depth research: activation of existing knowledge, generation of new ideas, stimulation the interest in continuing research

The technique is used at the beginning of the study of a new topic, as it allows you to formulate problematic questions of the topic and determine the

* After announcing the topic of the case, ideas are gathered about what the case is about, what problems it reveals.

* A list of questions to be

point of view I consider...",

"From this point of view I have questions."

immigrant, devout Muslim girl, model, blogger, business owner, woman with disability.

* Free choice by participants of roles and points of view on the project

* Disclosure of own points of view by algorithm

Connect, Extend, Challenge

Remember what you recently read, saw, heard, and ask yourself:

1. How does this idea or information relate to what I have already known?

2. What new ideas have I learned that expand my knowledge?

3. What

challenges does new knowledge pose to me, what new questions does it raise?

Expanding horizons: the technique helps to understand the development of your thinking in connection with the acquisition of new ideas, connecting them with existing knowledge

The technique is used when it is necessary to emphasize the connection of new information with already received; helps to synthesize information

* Processing the article by the participants

* Preparation the answers to questions from the algorithm

* Presentation the answers in microgroups / group

I Used to Think... Now I Think...

According to the topic being studied, try to finish the


1. I used to think that.

2. Now I think that.

Reflection of ways and factors of changing the opinion: research how and why the attitude to the problem under study has changed; consolidation of knowledge by determining one's own position; development of causal thinking

The technique is used to reflexively assess the impact of the information being studied

* The technique is used at the end of the case: in the circle the participants give feedback on the considered materials according to the algorithm

Compass Points

1. E (East) = Excited

What excites you about this idea or proposal? What is its advantage?

2. W (West) = Worrisome

What worries you

Verification of ideas and suggestions: the technique helps to specify the idea or proposal and evaluate it

The technique is used to study and analyze various aspects of a proposal or idea before taking a position or expressing an opinion on it.

* Together, the group comes up with a project that will make women visible

* Work in minigroups to formulate positions on each

these questions / unclear things?

interests of participants in its study; the results of the technique application can be used for further planning of the educational process

answered at the end of the case is formed.

Think, Pair, Share

1. Think over the answer on the facilitator's question.

2. Discuss your ideas and thoughts with the groupmate.

Intensifying the search for reasons and explanations: thinking over the problems, verbalization of judgments, listening to other points of view, the experience of sharing ideas

The technique is used in pairs, microgroups or while working with the whole group and involves the discussion of ideas and considerations

*After studying all the case components, participants should answer the question:

What social problems are embedded in the case "Invisible Women"?

* The task for pairs / microgroups is to formulate a list of social problems presented in the case as large as possible (gender inequality, social exclusion, stereotypes concerning appearance, eating disorders, psychological problems of self-perception, conflicts, etc.)

Circle of Viewpoints

1. By brainstorming, participants form a list of different points of view on the research problem

2. Participants choose one of the presented points of view and reveal it with the help of the following starter sentences: "I consider the problem... from the point of view.", "As a bearer of this

Research of different points of view: the technique helps students to see and explore different points of view on social problems; promotes awareness that different people have different experiences with the same things; this difference in experience affects what people see and think.

The technique is used for topics and problems that are complex. The technique is used to start discussions, resolve dilemmas and controversial issues.

* Demonstration of the Internet project "Show Us"

* Collection of views on the project. Possible roles (the list can be expanded and supplemented): pensioner, single mother, head of a youth political organization, daughter of a local bank director, European university student, young mother,

about this idea or proposal? What is its disadvantage?

3. N (North) = Need to Know

What else do you need to know or learn about this idea or proposal? What additional information will help you evaluate correctly?

4. S (South) = Stance or Suggestion for Moving Forward What is your current position or opinion on the idea or proposal? How can you move forward in your evaluation of this idea or proposal?

side of the world * Presentation of the work of groups in general

Claim, Support, Question

1. Based on your research, experience, previous knowledge or read text, make statements (explanations, interpretations) on the topic.

2. Determine what will support your statement (what you see, feel, know).

3. Ask a question about this statement. What is not explained in the statement?

Substantiation of facts and data: the technique stimulates the process of thinking through the formulation of statements and their justification (protection, support). The wording of the questions illustrates the continuity of the process

Statements of facts or beliefs are widely represented everywhere. The technique can help students pay attention to these statements and reflect on them; teaches explanation, evaluation or interpretation of facts

* Work out the article; participants' choice of statements from the text of the article that they want to present

* Individual work on finding arguments to defend allegations and wording questions

* Presentation of work in the group

What Makes You Say That?

1. What's going on?

2. What do you see that makes you say so?

Substantiation of judgments: the development of evidence-based thinking, understanding of alternatives, argumentation in statements, the formation of social and communicative competence, taking into account different points of view

The technique aims to describe a certain concept or theory, and then to support their statements with evidence.

* Share video on the case.

*Discussion of the video on the algorithm

The techniques and procedures presented in Table 1 make the thinking process visible or conscious by encouraging active participation in the discussion of the learning material. In the process of studying the educational component "Selfmanagement of leadership qualities and social leadership" one of the objectives of the course is to characterize important social problems, forming an active social position of students and joint search for tools to solve social problems. The examples of application the techniques of visible thinking within the educational component "Self-management of leadership qualities and social leadership" presented in Table 1 allow to implement professional tasks, personal and scientific development of students.

Conclusions and research perspectives

Thus, we presented the analysis of the methodology of applying the concept of visible thinking as an innovative method of teaching students majoring in specialty 231 "Social Work". The main factors that require updating the content, forms and methods of social workers professional training are noted; the idea of the need to use the capabilities of modern informationandcommunication technologies in the teaching of compulsory and elective educational components is substantiated.

Based on the analysis of some scientific sources and materials of the latest educational Internet platforms, it is emphasized the need of the implementation the concept of visible thinking as a tool to ensure conscious participation of the members of educational process.

Prospects for further research are associated with the construction of a set of cases for the implementation of innovative teaching methods within the educational program "Social Work".

References (translated & transliterated)

1. Vyshcha osvita [Higher education]. (2019). Pro zatverdzhennia standartu vyshchoi osvity za spetsialnistiu 231 "Sotsialna robota" dlia pershoho (bakalavrskoho) rivnia vyshchoi osvity - On approval of the standard of higher education in specialty 231 "Social work" for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education.

2. Perkins, D. (2003). Making Thinking Visible. Harvard Graduate School of Education.

3. Project Zero's Thinking Routine Toolbox (2016). Harvard: President and Fellows of Harvard College; Harvard Graduate School of Education.

4. Stories that Move (2016). Amsterdam: Anne Frank House.

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