Psychological bases of the influence of emotional condition on the formation of deviant behaviors in teenagers
The study of the characteristics of the influence of emotional reactions on deviant behavior in adolescents. The stages of the influence of emotional states on behavior and the structure of adolescent personality from a socio-psychological point of view.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.08.2023 |
Размер файла | 99,8 K |
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Sumgayit State University
Psychological bases of the influence of emotional condition on the formation of deviant behaviors in teenagers
Hajiyeva Ayna Shirzad Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.,
Adigozelova Shalala Ali Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.,
Department of Psychology and Pedagogy
emotional reaction deviant behavior
The article is devoted to the study of the characteristics of the influence of emotional reactions on deviant behavior in adolescents. The article analyzes the positions of researchers regarding the characteristics of the manifestation of emotions as a determinant of deviant behavior in teenagers in general. The purpose of the article is to relate the individual stages of the influence of emotional states on behavior and the structure of adolescent personality from a socio-psychological point of view.
The increase of deviant behaviors in modern times has increased the interest in the study of the problem by psychologists, defectologists, and psychoneurologists. In order to prevent the development of deviant behavior or to stop it, to understand it and to be able to recognize it at the initial stage of development, information about their determinants should be broad and clear. The spiritual and moral solution to the problems of deviant behavior contributes to the success of the development of society.
A fundamental principle of human behavior is that emotions energize and organize perception, thought, and action; all emotions have evolutionary adaptive functions. Emotions act as an internal language, a system of signals, through which the subject learns the importance of needs and demands of happenings. Deviant, non-adaptive behavior is characterized by varying degrees of impairment of adaptation to the environment, inability to control one's actions and correct them, severity, and specificity of mental changes. The most important of mental changes are emotional conditions and situations.
Many authors have described the influence of emotional conditions on behavior. Researchers mention that in the structure of a person's deviant behavior, actions performed against the background of emotional situations occupy a large place. As such situations, the authors mention emotional instability, constant frustration, increased personal and reactive anxiety, disappointment, fears of various origins, depression, increased psycho-emotional arousal, unstable mood background, irritability, increased emotional stress.
Keywords: teenagers, personality, emotional states, deviant behavior, social norm
Психологічні основи впливу емоційного стану на формування девіантної поведінки у підлітків
Гаджієва Айна Шірзад кизи, Адигозелова Шалала Алі Кафедра психології и педагогіки, Сумгаїтський державний університет (Сумгаїт, Азербайджан)
Стаття присвячена вивченню особливостей емоційних реакцій у підлітків із девіантною поведінкою. Мета статті - пов'язати соціально-психологічні аспекти впливу емоційних ситуацій на поведінку і структуру особистості підлітка. У статті аналізуються позиції різних науковців та дослідників щодо особливостей прояву емоцій у підлітків загалом, а також як детермінанти девіантної поведінки. Поширення девіантної поведінки у сучасний час підвищило інтерес психологів, дефектологів, психоневрологів до вивчення проблеми. Інформація про їх детермінанти має бути широкою і ясною, щоб попередити чи зупинити розвиток девіантної поведінки, зрозуміти її та розпізнати на ранній стадії розвитку. Моральноетичне вирішення проблем девіантної поведінки сприяє успішності розвитку суспільства.
Основний принцип людської поведінки полягає в тому, що емоції активізують та організують сприйняття, мислення та дію; всі емоції мають адаптивні функції, що розвиваються у процесі еволюції. Емоції виступають як внутрішню мову, система сигналів, з яких суб'єкт засвоює потреба у що відбувається. Девіантна, неадаптивна поведінка характеризується різним ступенем порушення адаптації до навколишнього середовища, нездатністю контролювати свої дії та коригувати їх, вираженістю та специфічністю психічних змін. Найважливішими психічними змінами є емоційні стани.
Багато авторів описували вплив емоційних станів на поведінку. Дослідники відзначають, що у структурі неефективної поведінки людини важливу роль відіграють дії, що відбуваються на фоні особливих емоційних ситуацій. До таких ситуацій належать емоційна нестійкість, стійка фрустрація, підвищена особистісна та реактивна тривожність, фрустрація, страхи різного генезу, депресія, підвищене психоемоційне збудження, афективна насиченість переживаннями, нестійкий фон настрою, підвищена емоційна напруга.
Ключові слова: підлітковий вік, особистість, емоційні ситуації, девіантна поведінка, соціальна норма
The problem of the influence of emotional states on personality behavior is one of the most important issues in modern psychology.
Emotional states are one of the most interesting and focused problems in the history of psychology, but less facts have been obtained compared to problems such as activity, behavior, communication, and intelligence. This is due to the complex nature of emotional states, difficulties in measuring them during experimental studies, and other characteristic factors.
A significant number of studies in modern times have shown the depth of the problem and defined a range of directions for analyzing behavioral psychology.
Appearance of the emotional sphere in the structure of an individual's adaptive behavior occupy one of the leading places, acting as one of the possible causes of deviant behavior and as a criterion for the disorganization of mental activity that aggravates this situation.
Personality deformations and orientation of adolescents with deviant behavior are manifested by emotional instability, character accentuation, unformed methods of resistance to negative situations, inadequate coping strategies, tendency to show uncontrollable aggression and are accompanied by various social manifestations. Emotions, which act as regulators of behavior, organize the interaction of adolescents with the external environment, perform an important adaptation function that provides active forms of their life. Violation of emotional regulation of behavior, according to modern research, directly leads to adjustment disorder, socialpsychological deformation of personality.
Formulation of the problem
Studying the influence of the emotional states of teenagers on deviant behavior gives us an opportunity to expand our understanding of the factors that ensure their effective behavior in the process of adaptation to the social environment.
Adolescents do not know how to independently regulate their deviant behavior, organize their life and time, develop and set goals, and value time. Therefore, preventive work with deviants should be established, and special attention should be paid to the constructive formation of the life and time organization of children and adolescents.
The traditional object of research within the psychology of deviant behavior is the structure of mental activity and behavior of children and adolescents. However, deviant behavior is not only a phenomenon of adolescence. It is known that the behavior of a person of mature age is capable of deviating from the norm and can be of different nature.
One of the important issues for studying the specific characteristics of deviant behavior is the behavioral criterias related their age. According to the age, the behavior norm is understood as a behavior model, a system of behavior that an individual should follow is accepted according to a certain age. In the process of assessing the age norm, it is necessary to analyze the various activity characteristics that a person of a certain age should be suitable for.
Objectives of research:
- to implement preventive measures to eliminate the difficulties faced by teenagers due to deviant behavior;
- to study the relationship between the teenagers' personalities and the emergence of emotional instability;
- to take into account the choice of specialty of teenagers, unique professional training, individual psychological characteristics, stereotypes and orientations, motives and actions, the influence of deviant behavior on personality directions;
- to prioritize the use of self-improvement and self-education measures to overcome difficulties.
Main part
The term "deviance" means the behavior of an individual or a group that does not conform to generally accepted norms, as a result of which these norms are violated by them.
Deviant (lat. Deviatio - deviation) behavior is understood as: actions that do not conform to the officially defined or actually defined norms (standards, templates) in a certain society (Naboychenko, 2007, p. 76)
Sometimes deviant behavior can be confused with delinquent behavior. Both concepts differ sharply from each other in terms of their types and character.
- Deviant behavior is behavior that deviates from social norms and does not require legal evaluation.
- Delinquent behavior is a direct violation of law and requires legal assessment. It is necessary to take into account all the social, economic, psychological and biological factors affecting a person at the initial stage of his socialization process.
If any negative situation occurs in the process of socialization, then the unfavorable tendencies in the young person at the beginning will coincide with the favorable tendencies that arise due to this situation and will lead to deviant behavior.
There are several typologies of deviant social behavior: Type of delinquency; Type of addiction; Pathocharacterological type; Psychopathological type; A type of behavior based on hyperbolization.
Age stratification includes a system of age-related socio-psychological expectations. "Adolescence" means, on the one hand, the completion of physical, especially sexual maturity, and on the other hand, the transition from dependent childhood to independence, reaching social maturity.
A review of the literature and practical observations on the age problem allow us to talk about the fact that the experience of adolescence is not enough for normal well-being, and the experience of adults has not yet been mastered.
In this regard, two main characteristics of adolescence can be attributed (Gurova,1981, p. 110).
1. Increased importance of emotional contacts compared to other ages.
2. Adolescents opposed to adult society by intense socialization that replaces the characteristic.
The "crises" of adolescence occur between the characteristics acquired while satisfying the specific sociological demand given to them by social life, i.e. when the developing teenager wants to take a certain position in the social environment of the elderly, the increased demand for independence and the opportunities to realize this independence.
External and internal factors have a great role in the formation of deviant behavior in adolescents. We can say many examples on external factors such as socioeconomic status, low standard of living, exclusion from the social environment, bullying, inciting a person to deviant behavior, etc.
The psychological condition, i.e., the person's use of various forms of deviant behavior in order to satisfy the deformed needs and antisocial tendencies are included to the internal factors include.
There are more several approaches to assessing behavior: psychological, psychiatric, ethnocultural, age, gender, professional, and phenomenological. The psychological approach, unlike the social approach, considers deviant behavior in relation to intrapersonal conflict.
Psychological characteristics of teenagers are characteristic:
- sudden change of mood
- instability of interests,
- sensitivity,
- introspection,
- overconfidence,
- overestimation of one's capabilities,
- the simultaneous manifestation of the polar qualities of the psyche (self-confidence) and weakness, shamelessness and shyness, love, and cruelty, etc.).
Adolescence is characterized by obvious emotional instability, sharp mood swings. In the structure of deviant behavior of teenagers, emotional instability, aggressiveness, personal and reactive anxiety, fears of various origins, unstable background, increased emotional stress occupy a large place.
In adolescence, stormy emotional outbursts are often replaced by external calmness and a sarcastic attitude towards others. A tendency to self-analysis often leads to the occurrence of depressive situations. In teenagers, purposefulness and perseverance are combined with impulsivity and instability, increased self-confidence and determination. During this period, a conscious attitude towards one's needs and abilities, tendencies and behavioral motives, experiences and thoughts is formed. Self-awareness is also expressed emotionally - the semantic assessment of subjective capabilities, in turn, acts as a justification of the appropriateness of actions and actions. The formation of self-awareness during adolescence determines the emergence and development of age characteristics.
V. Kondrashenko groups emotional-behavioral reactions during adolescence as follows (Kondrashenko, 1988, p. 64). Emancipation reaction. Peer grouping reactions. Passion reaction. Reactions caused by sexual desires. Reactions related to the formation of selfconsciousness.
Emotional states affect the process of personality formation and functioning, organization of behavior. Acting as a regulator of behavior, emotions play an important adaptive function in organizing a person's interaction with the external environment and in providing active forms of his life.
The emotional sphere carries out the activation, motivation, and affective evaluation of reality, organizes single forms of behavior that solve simple and complex adaptation tasks. Emotional response depends on the level of mental development. In fact, the higher the intellectual development, the better the person will be able to distinguish the cause of the inconsistency of the situation he is facing, and the emotional reactions will be adjusted accordingly.
Researchers expressed different positions in their approach to the issues of defining emotions, mechanisms of influence on behavior, and functions.
S. L. Rubinstein considered that "Mental processes are not only cognitive, but also affective, emotionalvolitional processes. They express not only knowledge about events, but also attitude towards them. They reflect not only the events themselves, but also the importance for the life and activity of the subject surrounding them." (Rubinstein, 2009, p. 78) S. L. Rubinstein comes to the following conclusion, which is of great importance: "Emotion itself is the unity of the emotional and the intellectual."
According to S. L. Rubinstein, not only emotion determines the activity, but it is also determined by the activity itself (Rubinstein, 2009, p. 143).
L. S. Vygotsky notes that every emotion is either a call to action or its opposite. While accepting that there are significant differences between understanding and emotional states, it would not be correct to affirm their complete autonomy and independence (Vygotsky, 1984, p. 76).
A. N. Leontyev's position about the influence of emotions on activity is that emotions perform an internal signal function. The characteristic of emotions reflects the attitude of the subject to its successful implementation in the activity corresponding to the motive. This relationship does not arise from reflexes, but from their direct feeling and impression." A. N. Leontyev also believes that emotions are the internal regulator of activity, but the function of behavior regulation is not performed directly by emotions, but through motives (Leontyev, 1977, p. 142).
Z. Freud reviewed almost every aspect of human mental and social life. Z. Freud's study of the leading role of excitement in the content of neuroses, inappropriate and provoked behavior, consideration of aggressive elements in human behavior is of special interest. Z. Freud showed that we are, first of all, not rational creatures, but creatures driven by great emotional forces, the origin of which is often unknown. Strong emotional reactions leave strong injuries in the psyche in childhood (Freud, 2001, p. 93).
F. Perlz looked for the main cause of all neurotic conditions in the suppression of emotions. According to his conclusion, arousal is intensified when the expression of emotions is narrowed. Even at this time that the symptoms of frigidity or phobic reaction, which F. Perlz calls "holes in our personality", develop. This emotional destabilization leads the mind to drift away from awareness (Perlz, 1998, p. 73).
Although A. Adler noted the importance of aggression and tendency to power in his works, he equated aggression not with hostility, but rather with initiative and the ability to overcome obstacles. He considers aggression and power tendencies as manifestations of a common motive - the goal of achieving superiority or perfection, selfimprovement, and the development of one's abilities and capabilities (Adler, & Jung, 1997, p. 163).
K. Khorni's research has a great importance in understanding the nature of the influence of emotions on behavior. In the works of K. Khorni, it is claimed that a person constantly struggles with the anxiety that creates a sense of danger, with the feeling that others do not like and appreciate him. K. Horney did not deny the importance of childhood for emotional development, but, in his opinion, it is not the frustration of libidinous desires, but rather pathogenic conditions that make children feel insecure, unloved and unnecessary. K. Khorni saw the cause of neuroses in the aggregate of children's impressions and experiences (Xorni, 1939, p. 121).
A. Maslou concentrates his attention on the conditions necessary for the healthy development of the personality and determining the self-actualization of people (Maslou, 1997, p. 76).
The core of E. Erikson's concept is a model divided into eight stages in human development. Each stage consists of psychological, biological, and social components and is based on previous stages. In this model, important concepts are collected that indicate that the source of all injuries is in childhood: basic trust
- basic mistrust, shyness and freedom, doubt - initiative, guilt - diligence, incompleteness - self-similarity, deviant actions, intimacy - self-isolation, productivity
- stagnation, self-completion - despair. These concepts clearly show how important role the emotional field plays in the formation of personality (Erikson, 1997, p. 214).
H. Sullivan believed that any tension is a potential opportunity for action, whether perceived or not. One of the types of stress described by H. Sullivan is a result of any real events of the surrounding world but is passed from parent to baby as a result of empathy (Sullivan, 1953, p. 214).
The study of children's behavior in frustration by K. Levin is of special interest for research. He decided to test his so-called "differential hypothesis". The essence of this hypothesis can be formulated as follows: under conditions of frustration, behavior becomes more dedifferentiated, less colorful, less flexible (Levin, 2000, p. 112).
It has been established that the main function of emotions is important for people to understand each other, to convey their thoughts not only through speech, but also through body language, making judgments, establishing favorable relations in joint activities and communication. From this point of view, emotional states characterize a person socio-psychologically.
However, this control, which depends on the mental level, to influence the manifestation of one's emotions, is not always possible. The socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents with deviant behavior are related to the interaction of external conditions and internal factors, which lead to a violation of socialization.
In order to determine the "level of propensity for deviance in teenagers", we presented questionnaire questions to teenagers. The main goal of the study is to determine the number of adolescents who may have deviant behavior.
Graph 1 The level of propensity for deviance in teenagers
The main purpose of presenting survey is to determine the frequency of aggressive reactions in teenagers.
"Can you overcome the urge to harm others from time to time?" 81.1% answered no to the question and declared that they are prone to deviant behavior.
Deviant behavior is one of the topical issues of psychoprophylaxis. The purpose of psychoprophylaxis is the elimination of failures and deficiencies in the system of interpersonal relations. Psychoprophylaxis is considered one of the main directions of psychological services for the correction and elimination of healthy but certain behaviors. This goal can be achieved through a number of interrelated tasks.
The main tasks of psychoprophylaxis of deviant behavior in teenagers:
- Forming relationships according to rules and social norms;
- Forming a healthy lifestyle;
- Setting positive life activities and goals and developing appropriate skills;
- Development of social success of a person in the vital fields of activity;
- Inclusion of the individual in supportive social groups with positive social goals;
- Development of productive self-regulation skills;
- Timely correction of broken interpersonal relations.
Approbation of research results. The main provisions of the article are reflected in the author's theses submitted to scientific conferences in Azerbaijan and abroad, as well as in scientific articles published in various journals in Azerbaijan and abroad.
In modern times, all spheres of life are subject to serious changes, old norms of behavior are devalued, and this problem has become particularly acute. The discrepancy between what is expected and what is real increases the tension and changes the behavior pattern of society and man. Important changes in norms take place in the socio-economic situation.
Cultural values are often destroyed, the entire system of social control is weakened. The importance of studying these problems is obvious: deviant behavior is a social and psychological phenomenon. Having determined the nature and degree of deviant behavior, it is time to organize the development of a system of measures differentiated by population groups in the short term. Moreover, these measures should not only affect different categories of people directly, but also indirectly, should be related to the improvement of people's lifestyle. The main result of the research conducted on the psychological characteristics of deviant behaviors caused by negative emotional situations during adolescence is that if the tendency of young people to deviant behavior is not prevented, this situation will continue to increase and will be directed towards delinquent behavior.
Adolescence is a period in which choices and goals help shape one's future life course. If a teenager communicates directly with people with deviant behavior and values the group they belong to as a standard environment, it is expected that that young person will soon become an active member of this group.
In order to prevent this, the number of preventive measures should be increased, it is necessary to identify these teenagers who are included in the risk group in educational institutions and create conditions for them to return to their previous healthy environment.
The manifestation of almost all forms of deviant behavior among young people in recent years prompts the implementation of the following measures.
- Identification of those who prone to deviant behavior among teenagers and their involvement in psychotherapies;
- Parents and educators should be prepared for all possible negative situations and inculcate the behaviors they should do in dangerous situations;
- not spare social-psychological support to young people experiencing a negative emotional state;
- To quickly identify social groups belonging to deviant behavior and create conditions for their involvement in a healthy environment;
- To conduct various educational and correctional consultations with teenagers who have deviant behavior;
- Taking into account the effects of social-media tools on teenagers, showing the possible harm of deviant behavior and dissuading them from this behavior, etc. matters.
It is important to support teenagers in difficult and unexpected situations, to provide them with a developmental zone, to normalize their interpersonal relationships, and to develop their social and psychological qualities.
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