Opportunities of the school psychologist in the implementation of psychological work with gifted students
Forming the personality of gifted students is one of the important problems facing schools today. The process of timely detection of talented students of personality qualities requires a complex approach to the problem. Organization of practical work.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.09.2023 |
Размер файла | 24,1 K |
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Opportunities of the school psychologist in the implementation of psychological work with gifted students
Nahida Ibrahim Jafarova,
Student of the PhD program
of the «Psychology and special education» department
of the Azerbaijan Institute of Education.
Baku, Azerbaijan.
Abstract. Forming the personality of gifted students is one of the most important problems facing schools today. The process of timely detection of talented students and formation of personality qualities requires a complex approach to the problem. One of such complex measures is psychological work with talented people. Difficulties faced by gifted students both in cognitive activity and in the sphere of communication include the need to carry out psychological work. The principle of the school psychologist's work with the gifted is carried out in two directions: Theoretical justification and elaboration of the study of giftedness. Organization of practical work. In the mentioned directions, the psychologist is not satisfied with providing relevant information to the parents of gifted students and the teachers who work with them, but at the same time, s/he directly implements the necessary measures to effectively organize the training and education of gifted students. One of the important areas of activity in the psychologist's work system with talented students is to ensure their psychological preparation for successful participation in subject olympiads, exhibitions, and competitions. In this direction, self-regulation in a new social situation presupposes the development of confident behavior and orientation skills, that is, adaptation qualities. The psychologist's powers also include protecting the psychological health of gifted children. This includes monitoring the child's burden with intellectual or other tasks, forming an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, ensuring the balance of his/her psychological state, helping parents to learn how to form the concept of "ego" in the child as a factor in the fullest realization of the child's potential. In general, it is important for a psychologist to master the professional code in order to carry out systematic work in relevant directions and to achieve appropriate results. psychoprophylaxis talent work
Keywords: psychoprophylaxis; talent; psychological work; creative abilities;self-esteem; individual work; emotional stability.
Джафарова Нахіда Ібрагім,
студент програми PhD кафедри «Психологія та спеціальна освіта»
Азербайджанського інституту освіти.
Баку, Азербайджан.
Анотація. Формування особистості обдарованих учнів є однією з найважливіших проблем, що постають перед школою сучасності. Процес своєчасного виявлення талановитих учнів і формування якостей особистості вимагає комплексного підходу до проблеми. Одним із таких комплексних заходів є психологічна робота з талановитими людьми. До труднощів, з якими стикаються обдаровані учні як у пізнавальній діяльності, так і у сфері спілкування, відноситься необхідність проведення психологічної роботи. Принцип роботи шкільного психолога з обдарованими здійснюється у двох напрямах: теоретичне обґрунтування та розробка дослідження обдарованості. Організація практичної роботи. У зазначених напрямах психолог не задовольняється наданням актуальної інформації батькам обдарованих учнів та вчителям, які з ними працюють, а водночас безпосередньо здійснює необхідні заходи для ефективної організації навчання та виховання дітей. обдарованих учнів. Одним із важливих напрямів діяльності в системі роботи психолога з талановитими учнями є забезпечення їх психологічної підготовки до успішної участі в предметних олімпіадах, виставках, конкурсах. У цьому напрямі саморегуляція в новій соціальній ситуації передбачає розвиток навичок впевненої поведінки та орієнтування, тобто адаптаційних якостей. До повноважень психолога входить також охорона психологічного здоров'я обдарованих дітей. Це й моніторинг навантаження дитини інтелектуальними чи іншими завданнями, формування установки на здоровий спосіб життя, забезпечення збалансованості її психологічного стану, допомога батькам у навчанні формування у дитини поняття «его» як чинника найповніша реалізація можливостей дитини. Взагалі психологу важливо володіти професійним кодексом, щоб проводити системну роботу у відповідних напрямах і досягати відповідних результатів.
Ключові слова: психопрофілактика; талант; психологічна робота; творчі здібності; самооцінка; індивідуальна робота; емоційна стабільність.
Formulation of the problem. One of the complex measures implemented to form the personality of gifted students is the psychological work carried out with them. The implementation of psychological work at the appropriate level allows you to timely identify talents and form their personal qualities. School psychologists face important tasks in the implementation of psychological work. Psychological work with talented people covers all areas of work of the psychological service and ensures the implementation of the goals and objectives of each area.
The school psychologist has unique opportunities in the formation of talented children at school. The task arising from the order of our esteemed President Ilham Aliyev dated April 17, 2006 on the approval of the state program "Development of the creative potential of children (youth) with special abilities" is to determine the best ways to identify talented children, to work effectively with them in accordance with with modern requirements, to develop the mechanism of action, etc. An important role in the implementation of this task can be played by the psychological services of the school. The problem of gifted children is a global psychological and pedagogical problem, and in solving this problem the school psychologist, his close cooperation with teachers and parents, is of great importance. However, since the main contingent of a school psychologist is children with a problem, he is not able to devote enough time to talented children because of the large amount of his overall work. Sometimes they treat talented children with the idea that “he is talented, he is capable, he will cope” and they are not attracted to the activities of children. Such an approach in some cases leads to inadequately high self-esteem of talented people, which as a result leads to passivity. The school psychologist is just as responsible to society as the teacher in identifying the gifted. Thus, the work plan of a school psychologist includes an action plan for identifying gifted children and a summary of work with them. It should be noted that gifted students also need special care. From this point of view, the interaction of a psychologist, teacher and parents is necessary in identifying gifted children. Because the effectiveness of an integrated approach to identifying gifted children has already been proven by studies of both foreign and Soviet psychologists. Information obtained from various sources allows you to get more objective results about the abilities of children. Thus, with a joint analysis of the opinions of parents, teachers' assessments and the results of a psychologist's diagnostics, it becomes possible to form an objective opinion about the student.
Analysis of major research and publications. American, European, Soviet and Azerbaijani psychologists studied the phenomenon of talent from different angles and got interesting results. Of particular importance in this regard are the studies of Azerbaijani scientists A. Bayramov [9], A. Alizade [3], A. Mirzajanzade [14], B. Alieva [10], K. Alieva [12], R. Alieva [11], S. Seidov [15], E. Beylarova [1].
From the analysis of studies conducted in this direction, it can be seen that the attitude to the formation of talent traits was ambiguous.
The purpose of the study is to identify the mechanisms of formation of giftedness among students, to determine the factors that influence the formation of signs of giftedness, the manifestation of the structural components of giftedness, the identification and formation of factors and means that determine their development, as well as the identification of the potential of gifted students, as well as the study of methods and means formation of personal qualities.
In accordance with the goal set in the article, the following tasks were identified. They can be grouped as follows:
• analysis of psychological, philosophical and pedagogical sources and generalization of theoretical information about talent and creativity;
• definition of structural components of talent;
• study of signs of talent and features of their manifestation;
• study of individual psychological characteristics of gifted students;
• analysis of talents by type of activity;
• comparative analysis and study of the philosophical and psychological nature of the concepts of talent and creativity;
• study of the requirements for the personality and pedagogical activity of teachers working with gifted students;
• study of parent-child relationships in the formation of gifted qualities;
• study of the influence of the characteristic features of adolescence on the manifestation of signs of giftedness;
• psychodiagnostics of giftedness and identification of training programs in identifying and realizing the potential of students;
• study of the features of the manifestation of cognitive processes associated with the provision of cognitive activity;
• characterization of personal qualities and the study of the features of their manifestation;
• studying the possibilities of a school psychologist in identifying the potential of talented students;
• analysis of the features of psychological difficulties faced by gifted students in the process of educational activities and the study of issues of psychological assistance to them.
In the modern educational process, school psychologists have more opportunities to work with gifted students than teachers. The teacher basically organizes the educational activities of the gifted and reveals their intellectual abilities. This determines whether they have an interest in certain subjects. In addition to them, the psychologist also determines how the emotional processes of students change, what willpower and abilities they have. It also determines the diagnosis of students' abilities in different areas. In order to ensure the success of students in future activities, by analyzing their individual psychological characteristics, the presence of natural opportunities that determine the development of any abilities corresponding to certain characteristics is revealed. In addition, the psychologist provides special materials for working with the teaching staff, parents and gifted people. Such materials may include questionnaires reflecting the signs of giftedness, and various methods that determine the diagnosis of giftedness.
In general, the principle of work of a school psychologist with gifted students is carried out in two directions:
1 Theoretical justification and development of the doctrine of giftedness;
2. Organization of practical work.
The first principle includes the collection of theoretical information on the study of the characteristics of the character of gifted students, as well as the mechanisms for the formation of their personality and bringing it to the teaching staff and parents. Psychological and pedagogical work in this direction should be carried out at the appropriate level. In the second direction of practical work, the diagnosis of gifted people is carried out, the development of modified versions of diagnostic and corrective methods.
In the work of psychological services, a psychologist can perform the following tasks:
• together with other specialists of the teaching staff, determine the criteria for the giftedness of children;
• assistance in the formation of the concept of self-esteem, self-respect, self-acceptance;
• development of emotional stability, the formation of self-regulation skills, protection from stress, the formation of skills for regulating behavior in extreme situations;
• formation of socialization and communication skills;
• assistance in professional development of teachers working with gifted children.
The main goal of a school psychologist in working with gifted students is
to create a favorable environment for the disclosure and development of the
intellectual and creative potential of students, use developing forms and methods of teaching, inform teachers and parents about the organization of work with gifted children and their characteristics. At the same time, the purpose of psychological support is to identify, support and develop gifted children, their self-knowledge, self-determination at a professional level, protection of their psychological and physical health. From this point of view, a program plan should be prepared, reflecting the content of the work to be done and the expected result.
In modern times, it has been established that the improvement of education in secondary schools involves the differentiation and individualization of the educational process, the identification of the interests and inclinations of students, potential opportunities, the identification of gifted children, etc. The successful result of the work carried out in these areas largely depends on the purposeful organization psychological service. A school psychologist can effectively organize educational work with gifted students, referring to their rights, duties and powers. To do this, first of all, the psychologist should analyze in detail the theoretical data concerning the psychological characteristics of the formation of the personality of talented people, and find out the theoretical basis of the essence of the problem. As for the second main work, i.e., the organization of practical activities, he must master the ways, methods and means of identifying and realizing the potential of talented students, the possibilities of their application, and must be able to create an optimal pedagogical and psychological environment for their implementation.
What opportunities does a school psychologist have and what should he pay attention to in order to effectively organize work with gifted people and achieve successful results?
As you know, the psychological work of psychologists at school is multifaceted and carried out in different directions. Psycho-prophylaxis, psychological education, psycho-diagnostics, psycho-correction, psychocounseling are the main areas of psychological service.
First of all, the psychologist should study the work to be done with the gifted, and systematize, in accordance with the plan, the main directions of the work of the psychological service. Since each direction has its own goals and objectives, these aspects must be taken into account when preparing talented people. Thus, the psychologist analyzes and studies the personal qualities of talented schoolchildren in a psychoprophylactic direction. Follows the development of the age-appropriate concept of "I", explains and directs students to analyze their personal qualities, look at themselves from the point of view of the social I, establish the right relationships with classmates and people around them in order to create adequate self-esteem. The process can be carried out individually and in the form of group therapy. During group therapy, students have the opportunity to directly observe the emotional state of each other, changing and showing reactions depending on the situation. In the psychoprophylactic direction, the psychologist develops and implements a preventive work plan in order to timely prevent defects that may arise in the formation of the personal qualities of gifted students. In order to effectively conduct work in the direction of psycho-education, a psychologist must know perfectly well the psychological structure, signs and types of giftedness. Educational work is carried out mainly with the teaching staff and parents. The problem of identifying talent is most evident in these areas. Since the types of giftedness are different, they differ by age periods and areas of activity. Often, parents, as well as teachers, consider students to be talented children due to their efforts and high results in various subjects, and treat them differently, praising them inappropriately. Sometimes, on the contrary, due to the fact that the child has a hidden talent, they cannot discover its potential in time. Or they do not see the special abilities of the child, treat them indifferently, they treat such abilities as ordinary children's interest and passion. In this regard, the psychologist must provide parents with detailed information about the age characteristics of children, the potential of the child at each age, the interests shown, as well as the correct communication styles with the child.
An optimal environment must be created for the manifestation of talent. Creating such an environment also requires high skill from teachers. The main goal of a psychologist in this direction is to convey the necessary information about the gifted to teachers and parents in a timely and correct manner. Information and educational work can be carried out in the form of meetings, meetings, seminars, preparation of wall newspapers.
One of the main areas of psychological service at school is psychodiagnostic work. Psychodiagnostics in the field of psychological service has its own characteristics. In psychodiagnostics, the ability to identify talents, ask the right questions, receive the necessary information from parents, teachers, students, analyze the information received and draw conclusions is very important. Many gifted children are not ready to face unexpected difficulties. This leads to fear, psychological distress, and an inability to take the initiative. Therefore, psychodiagnostic work is being carried out to restore the child's self-confidence, free him from fear of the unknown, and change the falsely established model of behavior. Psychological diagnostics is an in-depth study of the characteristics of the development of children throughout the entire period of study. The main goal of psychological diagnostics is to help a child make the right decision in a difficult situation, relieve psychological stress and ensure the nervous system and general health with the least loss.
Psychodiagnostic work with a gifted child solves the following tasks:
* drawing up a psychological portrait of a gifted child;
• selection of methods and techniques for working with gifted children;
• development of means and forms of psychological support for children, taking into account their characteristics.
The tasks of psychodiagnostics can be solved in different ways when working with gifted children. The first way is to observe a gifted child in the process of providing him with psychological assistance, and the second is to observe him in the process of various life situations. At this time, you can study his motives and reactions. On the basis of diagnostic work, psychologists distinguish three categories of gifted children. Children with a high degree of general ability up to the first category; the second group of talented children, children who have succeeded in some areas of activity; and the third category includes children who do well in school (academic talent).
The psychodiagnostic work of a psychologist involves interviewing and educating teachers, parents, and others in order to make a correct diagnosis. Diagnostic work for a practical psychologist is not a result in itself, but will be the basis for making recommendations for optimizing the mental development of a person. Of course, since not all parents have psychological knowledge, they often cannot give correct information about the abilities of their children. In this regard, the school psychologist introduces parents to the "Talent Map” method and the "Student Characteristics” method in order to help parents correctly assess the abilities and talents of children. The "student characteristics" technique was developed in the USA and is used in schools when working with gifted children. The technique can be used by both school psychologists and teachers. The technique helps teachers and psychologists to systematize their ideas about different aspects of child development. The method allows obtaining information about students' learning, their motivation, creative and leadership qualities. Relevant functions are summarized for each area, i.e. learning, motivation, creativity and leadership. Teachers and parents first get acquainted with these characteristics, understand their essence, and then observe and analyze the characteristics of their children and answer these characteristics with “yes” or “no” answers. These answers are analyzed, summarized and appropriate conclusions are drawn on the characteristics of students. At the same time, in accordance with the instructions of the methodology, the psychologist prepares a special memory about the characteristics of gifted students and presents it to teachers and parents.
The Talent Map methodology was developed specifically for parents. The technique developed by A. Savenkov is based on the experience of Soviet and foreign scientists. The technique involves the performance of two main functions: diagnostic and developmental [16, p. 225]. The use of this technique is expedient in our republic. Of course, the questions asked in the methodology should be reviewed and modified. Thus, instructions should be clearly explained to teachers and parents. According to the instructions, parents must carefully read the 80 questions presented to them in 10 groups, reflecting the behavior and activities of the child, and evaluate their children on a given scale. Using this technique, it is possible to quantify the degree of different types of giftedness in a child and determine which type currently prevails.
The methodological basis of the study is scientific provisions and principles relating to the mechanisms and characteristics of giftedness in modern psychological science, especially in educational psychology, basic psychological teachings, the theory of the unity of personality and activity. At the same time, it forms a set of theoretical provisions, methods and means of shaping the personality of talented people accepted in modern pedagogical psychology. The study used observation, experiment, surveys, analysis of products of activity, study of best practices, questionnaires and test methods.
Theoretical analysis of the scientific literature and our research allow us to come to the following conclusions:
• identification of children with unusual abilities is a complex and multifaceted problem. Scientists conducting research in this direction have created various concepts and models. In such concepts and models, the essence of talent and its components were studied first of all;
• talent as a psychological phenomenon has been widely analyzed in the psychological and pedagogical literature, its essence and interaction with creativity have been studied from different angles in every era;
• according to the results of the study, we found out that the dynamics of the development of the cognitive process in gifted students is higher than in other students. But, despite this, sometimes inattentiveness and involuntary absent-mindedness are observed among talented people. When their lack of attention is corrected, they can be more successful in various activities;
• an analysis of the character traits of gifted schoolchildren showed that, in addition to important volitional qualities, gifted schoolchildren are sometimes also characterized by traits of indifference and negligence. In the process of their training, it is necessary to take into account these qualities and carry out psycho-correction;
• on the basis of the study, it has been established that passive imagination sometimes prevails in the creative activity of talented people. In their mental activity, dreams can exceed the norm. This causes them to refrain from active activities and become passive;
• one of the main conditions for the development of gifted qualities is the organization of practical activities of students. Practical activity provides a comprehensive formation of the personality of students;
• sensitive periods also have a special role in the development of abilities. In this regard, favorable pedagogical conditions should be created for the development of abilities corresponding to the capabilities of each age group. If the possibilities of sensitive age periods are not used in time, then in the future certain difficulties arise in the process of developing abilities. Sensitive periods are the optimal stage for the development of abilities. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the development of sensitive periods in children.
Based on the study of personal qualities, it was determined that gifted people may have inadequate self-esteem. Some people underestimate themselves or inadequately, while others, on the contrary, inadequately underestimate themselves. The realization of the potential opportunities of students is not fully ensured at both levels of self-assessment. From this point of view, the process of self-assessment of students should be controlled and properly organized in the educational process.
It has been determined that with the correct establishment of parent-child relationships in the family, wide opportunities open up for realizing the potential of talented people. Based on the analysis of family models, we learned that the democratic type of family is more suitable in terms of realizing children's potential. However, in most families, children are treated inhumanely, their interests are not taken into account. Such cases are sometimes caused by the personal and psychological characteristics of the parents themselves, and sometimes by their lack of sufficient knowledge in this area. To do this, parents of gifted students should regularly receive appropriate psychological knowledge.
Prospects for further research in this direction. It is known that when shaping the personality of gifted students, it is important to reveal the essence of the leading activity, the role that they play in the development of personality. In order to effectively organize the educational activities of talented people, what and how to teach them, and to create optimal development trajectories, it is necessary to study the general characteristics of students. With sufficient attention to the manifestations of the child's intelligence and cognitive needs, using complementary diagnostic methods, it is possible to identify children with unusual mental abilities.It has been determined that when the cognitive needs of students are met in the process of educational activity, with the correct regulation of the spheres of communication, an opportunity arises to ensure their cognitive activity and the formation of personality traits that determine the realization of their potential.
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отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013Gifted children are those who have outstanding abilities and are capable of high performance. The question of whether genius is innate or acquired has not been answered by the scientists yet.
топик [6,5 K], добавлен 25.08.2006The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.
курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015Аustralian Graduate. Еducation in Australia. IDP Education Australia. Studying in Australia offers international students more than academic achievement and a globally recognised qualification. Study in Australia better prepares a student to work.
реферат [13,9 K], добавлен 08.03.2005Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.
презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013Overpopulation, pollution, Global Warming, Stupidity, Obesity, Habitat Destruction, Species Extinction, Religion. The influence of unemployment in America on the economy. The interaction of society with other societies, the emergence of global problems.
реферат [21,1 K], добавлен 19.04.2013Understanding of personality and his structure. In sociology the focus is on social types. There are homo faber, homo consumer, homo universalis, homo soveticus. Classification includes types of personality defined due to value orientations people.
реферат [18,9 K], добавлен 18.01.2009Development of skills of independent creative activity in the process of game on the lessons of English. Psychological features of organization of independent work and its classification. Development of independence student in the process of teaching.
курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 03.04.2011Testing as a form of control the level of students’ skills and abilities. The classification of tests in learning English. Problems in the control of education. The final results on the evaluation system of knowledge. The main stage of the lesson.
курсовая работа [37,8 K], добавлен 08.05.2014Investigation of the subjective approach in optimization of real business process. Software development of subject-oriented business process management systems, their modeling and perfection. Implementing subject approach, analysis of practical results.
контрольная работа [18,6 K], добавлен 14.02.2016