The problem of the Influence of Professional Reflection of Teachers of Preschool Educational Establishments on the Qualities of their Social Intelligence

The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article. The purpose of our article is: to investigate the problem of the influence of reflection of teachers of preschool educational establishments.

Рубрика Психология
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Дата добавления 31.10.2023
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The problem of the Influence of Professional Reflection of Teachers of Preschool Educational Establishments on the Qualities of their Social Intelligence

Ivashkevych Eduard

Dr. in Psychology, Professor,

Rivne State University of the Humanities,

Rivne (Ukraine)

Hudyma Oleksandr

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor,

Assistant Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohuenko University, Kamianets-Podilskyi (Ukraine)


The purpose of our article is: to investigate the problem of the influence of professional reflection of teachers of preschool educational establishments on the qualities of their social intelligence; according to the results having been obtained in the experiment to describe the structure of social intelligence of teachers of preschool educational establishments.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. Also, in our research we used such empirical methods as statement study and molding experiment. With the aim to diagnose the level of the development of social intelligence of teachers we used the test of J. Gilford and M.O' Sullivan "Research of Social Intelligence", adapted by E.S. Mikhailova (Гилфорд & О'Салливен, 2021).

The results of the research. We think, that the functioning of social intelligence as a group of abilities and capabilities of the individual takes place at three levels, which allow us to reflect the dynamic nature of this phenomenon. In the structure of social intelligence we distinguish the potential level, which contains the potential abilities and possibilities of the individual, which are at the stage of the development with the name "the actual level", which includes the abilities and possibilities of the person. This level has a normative (medium and a high) level of its development, and the effective level, which contains such personality's characteristics that highlight the peculiarities of the explanation of these abilities in the sphere of cognitive activity of the person.

Conclusions. We proved, that a variety of characteristics directly related to the social intelligence of the person, reflects its diverse peculiarities. At the same time, in defining these characteristics that predetermine the development of social intelligence, there are a number of common points. First of all, they are © Ivashkevych Eduard, Hudyma Oleksandr interpreted as the ability, therefore, directly interrelated with certain activities. Secondly, the subject of these abilities is the possibility of the person to establish connections between events in which actors are other people. Thirdly, in whatever context social intellect was described in scientific theories and concepts, it is in any case presented as a rather complex structural formation consisting of different abilities and possibilities. Also, the accuracy of the understanding of other people, the adequacy of interpretation, prediction and reflection are the main indicators of the presence or absence of the person's ability to solve tasks in order to establish the relationship between events in the subject-subject communication and interaction.

Key words: professional reflection, social intelligence, the functioning of social intelligence, to solve tasks, to establish the relationship between events, subject-subject communication, subject-subject interaction.

Проблема впливу професійної рефлексії педагогів закладів дошкільної освіти на якість їх соціального інтелекту

Івашкевич Едуард

доктор психологічних наук, професор, Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет, м. Рівне (Україна)

Гудима Олександр

кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри загальної та практичної психології, Кам'янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка, м. Кам'янець-Подільський (Україна)

Івашкевич Едуард, Гудима Олександр. Проблема впливу професійної рефлексії педагогів закладів дошкільної освіти на якість їх соціального інтелекту. professional reflection social intelligence

Мета статті - дослідити проблему впливу професійної рефлексії педагогів дошкільних навчальних закладів на якість їх соціального інтелекту; за отриманими в експерименті результатами описати структуру соціального інтелекту педагогів дошкільних навчальних закладів.

Методи дослідження. Для розв'язання поставлених завдань використовувалися такі теоретичні методи дослідження: категоріальний, структурно-функціональний, аналіз, систематизація, моделювання, узагальнення. Також у своєму дослідженні ми використовували емпіричні методи, такі як констатувальне дослідження та формувальний експеримент. Для діагностики рівня розвитку соціального інтелекту нами застосовувалась «Методика дослідження соціального інтелекту» Дж. Гілфорда та М.О' Саллівена, адаптована О.С. Михайловою (2021).

Результати дослідження. Вважаємо, що функціонування соціального інтелекту як групи здібностей та здатностей особистості відбувається на трьох рівнях, які й дозволяють відобразити динамічний характер цього феномена. Визначено, що в структурі соціального інтелекту науковець виділяє потенційний рівень, що вміщує потенційні здібності та здатності особистості, які знаходяться в стадії розвитку, актуальний рівень, до якого входять здібності та здатності особистості, що мають нормативний (середній та високий) рівень розвитку, і результативний рівень, який вміщує такі характеристики особистості, які висвітлюють особливості експлікації цих здібностей у пізнавальній діяльності.

Висновки. Доведено, що різноманітність характеристик, безпосередньо пов'язаних із соціальним інтелектом особистості, відображає його різнорівневі особливості. У той же час, у визначенні цих характеристик, що зумовлюють становлення соціального інтелекту, є низка спільних моментів. По-перше, вони тлумачаться як здатність, отже, безпосередньо взаємопов'язані із певною діяльністю. По-друге,

предметом цих здатностей постає властивість особистості до встановлення зв'язків між подіями, в яких діючими суб'єктами є інші люди. По-третє, в якому б контексті не описувався соціальний інтелект у наукових теоріях та концепціях, він, у будь-якому випадку, представлений як досить складне структурне утворення, що складається із різних здібностей та здатностей. Також показано, що точність розуміння інших людей, адекватність здійснення інтерпретації, прогнозування та рефлексія є основними показниками наявності або відсутності здатності особистості до розв'язання задач та завдань з метою встановлення взаємовідносин між подіями в сфері суб'єкт-суб'єктної комунікації та взаємодії.

Ключові слова: професійна рефлексія, соціальний інтелект, функціонування соціального інтелекту, розв'язання завдання, встановлювання взаємозв'язку подій, суб'єкт-суб'єктне спілкування, суб'єкт-суб'єктна взаємодія.


The problem of professional reflection, the possibilities of its modeling and interpretation is one of the basic problems of Psychological Science (Rains & Scott, 2007). The concept of reflection in Psychology is based on its philosophical definition (Amichai-Hamburger, 2005). In general, the context of the philosophical understanding of the term “reflection” is in the justification of the process of reflection by a person of himself/herself, that it is self-reflection (Heino, Ellison & Gibbs, 2010). This is explained by the fact that a person in everyday life and in the process of doing practical activities has the aim of finding his/ her unity with nature (Benson, 2001), with other people, with the society, with the world as a whole (Walther, 2011). At the same time, essential differences between material and spiritual, nature and society, between oneself and other people become quite obvious for the individual (Wright & Webb, 2011). It is important for a person to find and understand the common and different values of the surrounding world (Rezaei & Mousanez- had Jeddi, 2020). Thus, certain forms of self-awareness are dominant, when certain phenomena of consciousness become the subject of special analytical activity of the subject (Ishkhanyan, Boye & Mogensen, 2019). All these forms are called reflection.

It is important to note that reflection is always not just an awareness of what is in a person's mind, but at the same time a reworking of the person himself/herself, an attempt to go beyond the level of personality's development that has been successfully achieved (Nowak, Watt Nowak, Watt & Walther, 2009). When a person analyzes himself/herself, tries to assess his/her own characteristics, reflects on his/her attitude to life, seeks to master the secrets of his/her own consciousness, he/she thus wants “to explain” himself/herself, to understand the system of his/ her own life guidelines, and, at the same time, from something in himself/herself forever to give up, to be even more sure of something (Arbuthnott & Frank, 2000). Then we are talking about a reflexive process, as a result of which there is a change and the development of the individual consciousness of the person (Nunan, 2003).

In fact, psychological interpretations of reflection outline this process as the ability: 1) “to look” at yourself; 2) to reflect on one's own thought process (Stephens & Rains, 2011); 3) to analyze knowledge in order to obtain new knowledge or transform unconscious knowledge into conscious ones (Kim & Dindia, 2011); 4) to build self-observation of the state of one's own mind or soul; 5) to go beyond the limits of real life activities (Mykhal- chuk & Ivashkevych Ed., 2018); 6) to present a model of a research act directed by a person to himself/herself (Mykhalchuk & Kryshevych, 2019).

Ideas, which are similar to the concept of reflection, have been already appeared in Ancient Philosophy. In Aristotle's “Metaphysics” you can find the following definition of the nature of the human mind, as, at the same time, the mind, through the involvement of its object of thought, makes sense of itself: it becomes contemplated, so that the mind and what is contemplated by it are one and the same. Aristotle speaks of the mind as the Deity as the only “very first beginning”. Mind thinks about itself, and thought is thinking about thinking. Something similar to the reflexive process was needed by Aristotle in order to construct a closed universe as a single, divine, unique mind (Lawson & Leck, 2006).

It is generally accepted that the concept of “reflection” appeared in modern times in the scientific justification of R. Descartes. According to R. Descartes, perceiving, imagining, desiring, and direct knowledge of mental processes and their products are as the whole paradigm and the same. By the word “thinking”, we understand everything that happens in ourselves in such a way that we directly perceive. Therefore, not only understanding, wishing, imagining, but also feeling means the same thing as thinking (Pimperton & Nation, 2010).

Numerous philosophical interpretations of reflection should be understood as a special reality of human consciousness with the aim of self-knowledge in order to solve the problem of a person's “entry” into the external world, finding and achieving harmony in relationships within it (Гончарук & Онуфрієва, 2018).

The problem of a person's relationship with the outside world is related to the peculiarities of the individual's existence in the global space, where, intersecting and interacting, relatively different dimensions of a human being are connected:

- a person as a subject, who actively acts and knows, has consciousness and will (Ramirez & Wang, 2008);

- a person is as a relatively small part of the universe (Key- DeLyria, Bodner & Altmann, 2019).

For our research the works of neo-Freudism are shown the greatest interest. We mean, first of all, the researches of A. Adler, who rejected Freud's pansexualism and also denied the direct dependence of human mental development on organic factors. These researches are also interesting for considering the phenomenon of reflection. According to the conception of A. Adler, as the scientist claimed that from the first years of the individual's life, a child develops a pronounced sense of his/her own inferiority, which he/she seeks to overcome thanks to his/ her life experience. In addition to the inferiority complex, the de-

sire for creative self-improvement is attributed to a person from the first years of his/her life. A person is considered as a human being who initially (from the early birth) strives for a certain life goal, acts intelligently, actively, purposefully, thoughtfully, and not passively and reactively. The goals of life are determined and outlined by the person himself/herself (Адлер, 1997).

In many ways, we will analyze the views of the American psychologist A. Maslow, who is one of the representatives of Humanistic Psychology. These thoughts are essentially close to the considered concepts. The main human need, according to the Humanistic Theory of the Personality, is self-actualization, the desire for self-improvement and self-expression. Self-actualization is a process of constant development and practical realization of one's capabilities. This is activity for the sake of doing well what a person wants to do. This concept is a rejection of illusions, getting rid of false ideas about oneself (Maslow, 1991: 113). According to A. Maslow, a full-fledged person is a person who has the main goal of becoming what he/she can become (Maslow, 1991: 114).

Among the supporters of the Humanistic Theory of Personality, it is necessary to note the researches of C. Rogers (Rogers, Lyon & Tausch, 2013). Creating his Theory of Personality, C. Rogers assumed that every person has a great desire and the ability for personal self-improvement. As a human being, who is endowed with consciousness, a person determines the meaning of life, its goals and values for himself/herself, and it is the most important expert and supreme judge. The general conclusion of C. Rogers is that universal values really exist, but they are not outside the person, not in a certain morality or ideology, but in the very essence of a person, in the authentic experience of his/ her own life. The scientific discovery of C. Rogers is that he established the necessary and sufficient conditions for the humanization of any interpersonal relationships that ensure constructive personal changes. These are such conditions, as: 1) priceless positive acceptance of another person; 2) active, empathic listening; 3) congruent self-expression in the process of communication with another (Rogers, Lyon & Tausch, 2013).

So, the purpose of our article is: to investigate the problem of the influence of professional reflection of teachers of preschool educational establishments on the qualities of their social intelligence; according to the results having been obtained in the experiment to describe the structure of social intelligence of teachers of preschool educational establishments.

Methods of the research

The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. Also, in our research we used empirical methods, such as statement study and molding experiment. With the aim to diagnose the level of the development of social intelligence of teachers we used the test of J.Gilford and M.O'Sullivan “Research of Social Intelligence”, adapted by O.S. Mykhailova (Гилфорд & О'Салливен, 2021).

This stage of the experiment was carried out during 2022. 114 respondents were evenly distributed in groups:

Е1 - 16 teachers of ІІ and ІІІ categories (the experience of work - from 5 to 10 years, age - up to 30 years) of regional cities (5 respondents of the kindergarten № 2 of Rivne, 5 educators of the kindergarten № 5 of Kharkiv and 6 teachers of the kindergarten № 11of Odesa, Ukraine);

E2 - 18 teachers of category I (work experience - from 10 to 15 years, age - from 30 to 37 years) of regional cities (7 respondents of the kindergarten № 2 of Rivne, 6 teachers of the kindergarten № 5 of Kharkiv and 5 teachers of the kindergarten № 11 of Odesa, Ukraine);

E3 - 15 teachers of the highest category (the experience of work - from 15 and more, age - from 37 years) of regional cities (5 respondents of the kindergarten № 2 of Rivne, 5 educators of the kindergarten № 5 of Kharkiv and 5 teachers of the kindergarten № 11 of Odesa, Ukraine);

E4 - 13 teachers of category I (work experience - from 5 to 10 years, age - up to 30 years) of regional towns (4 respondents from the town of Zdolbuniv of Rivne region, kindergarten №1; 5 tutors of Shepetivka, Khmelnytskyi region, kindergarten №2; 4 respondents from the town of Zdolbuniv, Rivne region, kindergarten №5, Ukraine);

E5 - 14 teachers of ІІ category (the experience of work - from 10 to 15 years, age - from 30 to 37 years) of regional towns (6 respondents in the town of Zdolbuniv of Rivne region, the kindergarten №1, 4 educators of Shepetivka, Khmelnytskyi region, the kindergarten №2; 4 respondents from the town of Zdolbuniv, Rivne region, kindergarten №5, Ukraine);

E6 - 19 teachers of the highest category (work experience - from 15 years and more, age - more than 37 years) of regional towns (5 respondents in Zdolbuniv city of Rivne region, kindergarten №1; 5 educators of Shepetivka of Khmelnytskyi region, kindergarten №2; 9 respondents from the town of Zdolbuniv, Rivne region, kindergarten №5, Ukraine);

E7 - 19 directors of kindergartens (this group includes directors of cities and regional towns, such as: nursery schools №2 and №4 of Rivne, nursing homes №5, 13, 14, 15, 18 of Kharkiv, nursery schools №3 , 8, 9, 11 in Odesa, kindergarten №1, 2 in Zdolbuniv, Rivne region, nurseries №1, 2, 4 in Shepetivka, Khmelnytskyi region, kindergartens №1, 2, 5 in Kamianets-Po- dilskyi, Khmelnytskyi region, Ukraine).

Results and their discussion

Thus, the ability to know the results of behavior in a given situation, the ability to understand the typical social value of the situation was studied using the subtest 1 “History with the completion” (the test of J.Gilford and M.O'Sullivan “Research of Social Intelligence”). In general, we see that according to the results of factor analysis, the data from respondents of all groups

were insufficiently high, mediocre, regardless of the age of respondents, the acquisition of their professionally significant experience and the position of the director of kindergarten. Thus, for E1 teachers, the result for this ability is 0.41, for the group of educators E2 - 0.45, for the E3-group respondents - 0.43, for the E4-group - 0.42, for respondents from the group E5 - 0.41, groups E6 - 0.40 and, finally, from the directors of kindergartens (group E7) - 0.41.

So, at the first stage of the experiment we will analyze the results obtained by us depending on the subtests used in order to study the level of the development of the teacher's social intelligence. Thus, the ability to know the results of behavior in a particular situation, the ability to understand the typical social significance of the situation were investigated using the subtest 1 “Completion of the story” by the methodology of the research of social intelligence. As a whole, we see that according to the results of factor analysis, the data of the respondents of all our groups were insufficiently high, more mediocre, despite the age of the respondents, their professional experience and the position of the directors of kindergarten. Thus, for teachers of E1 the result for this ability is 0.41, for E2 group it is 0.45, for respondents of E3 group - it is 0.43, for teachers of E4 group - 0.42, for respondents of E5 group the result is 0.41, for E6 groups - 0.40, and, finally, directors of kindergarten (E7 group) - 0.41. The results are presented on Fig. 1.

There are somewhat higher results of the respondents of all groups in terms of the ability to recognize classes of behavior, to distinguish common essential features in various non-verbal reactions of a person, to generalize social reactions (Subtest 2 “Groups of Expressions” with the use of the test of J.Gilford and M.O'Sullivan “Research of Social Intelligence”). These results are shown on Fig. 2. Among the respondents of group E1 the result on this scale is 0.50, in E2 - 0.55, in E3 - 0.54, in E4 - 0.53, in E5 - 0.51, in E6 - 0.52, in E7 - 0.50. These results, in our opinion, indicate that the kindergarten teacher has formed integral social-perceptive standards that do not involve the analysis of individual details of subjects or objects, which, however, significantly increase the flexibility of teachers in understanding non-verbal speech of even non-verbal speech acts.


Fig. 1. The results of teachers of preschool educational institutions according to “the ability to understand the typical social meaning of the situation” (subtest №1 “Stories with completion” with the use of the test of J. Gilford and M.O'Sullivan “Research of Social Intelligence”), in points, according to the results of factor analysis

We think, that the structure of social intelligence includes communicative skills, motivational characteristics, self-esteem of a person, qualities of social thinking, the ability for psychological autonomy and independence of the subject of cognitive activity and interpersonal interaction.

We also think, that the functioning of social intelligence as a group of abilities and capabilities of the individual takes place at three levels, which allow us to reflect the dynamic nature of this phenomenon. In the structure of social intelligence we distinguish the potential level, which contains the potential abilities and possibilities of the individual, which are at the stage of the development with the name “the actual level”, which includes the abilities and possibilities of the person.

Fig. 2. The results of teachers of preschool educational institutions according to the ability to recognize classes of behavior, to distinguish common essential features in various non-verbal reactions of a person, to generalize social reactions (subtest №2 “Groups of Expressions” with the use of the test of J. Gilford and M.O'Sullivan “Research of Social Intelligence”), in points, according to the results of factor analysis

This level has a normative (medium and a high) level of its development, and the effective level, which contains such personality's characteristics that highlight the peculiarities of the explanation of these abilities in the sphere of cognitive activity of the person.

Thus, we highlight the main functions of social intelligence of teachers and directors of preschool educational establishments as “understanding other people”, which provides foresight in interpersonal relationships, the effectiveness of understanding of social situation in general and the situations of interpersonal interaction in particular. The function of “adaptation to the requirements of the society” is also dominant. We have to note that this function provides the ability of the person to use psychometric intelligence in order to adapt to the society effectively. The indicator of highly developed social intelligence is the effectiveness of the use of individual metacognitive strategies while performing social tasks and solving various problems.

The next dominant function of social intelligence of teachers and directors of preschool educational establishments is the function of “deep knowledge of the behavior of social objects”. This function ensures the ability of the person to communicate with other people, the ability to predict the consequences of other people's behavior; the ability to distinguish essential features in the content of verbal and nonverbal reactions of people; the ability to understand changes in the meaning of verbal and nonverbal reactions of people depending on the context of a particular situation; the ability to understand the logic of the development of the situations of interpersonal interaction, to understand the value of the behavior of other people.

Also, we have to underline cognitive and behavioral functions of social intelligence. In particular, the cognitive function involves the assessment of the prospects of the person's development; understanding of people; to provide social insight; knowledge of social norms. Behavioral functions include: the ability to co-operate with other people; social adaptation; empathy in interpersonal relationships.

Thus, the functions of social intelligence of the person are the understanding of other people, adaptation to the requirements of the society, knowledge of the behavior of social subjects, cognitive and behavioral functions, functions of understanding the actions of other people and their influence on them, understanding themselves and modeling behavior in accordance with their needs, goals and abilities, the ability to express spontaneous judgments about other people, to predict the behavior of other people, the functions of adapting to life situations, solving practical problems and situations of everyday life, function of social adaptation, functions to solve problems at the subject-subjective level, self-organization of intelligence, socialization in the society, internalization of social norms and rules, the choice of corresponding reaction in interpersonal interaction, as well as the function of “ensuring adaptability in conditions that constantly predict the formation of a program of successful interpersonal interaction”, “planning and forecasting of interpersonal events of the social environment”, “motivational function”, “the function of social competence”, “self-development”, “self-cognition” and “self-studying”. All these functions can be combined with such generalized functions as cognitive-evaluative, communicative-value, and reflexive correction. At various stages of the performance of the leading function is one of the functions of social intelligence. In particular, the cognitive-evaluative function prevails at the initial stage, while the other two functions create positive conditions for the implementation of the first one. Achieving the goals of cognitive activity to a large extent provide a communicative and valuable function. The reflexive correction function is essentially aimed at actualizing the strengths and qualities compensating for weak and ineffective features and actions. Such functions of social intelligence of the person are manifested in their subordination and interconnection.

Consequently, taking into account that social intelligence is a complex structural entity consisting of a number of mental capacities that directly or indirectly relate to the performance of certain activities and personal characteristics, then the socio- psychological factors of the development of social intelligence of the person can be considered precision understanding of other people, the adequacy of interpretation and forecasting, individual properties of the nervous and mental states, and, finally, the social factors of the environment, the adequacy and successful implementation of social interpersonal interaction. These social and psychological factors, in turn, emphasize the fact that social intelligence is somewhat independent in relation to the intelligence of the person.

So, subjects with a high level of the development of social intelligence can receive maximum information about human behavior, understand the language of non-verbal communication, express adequate and accurate judgments about people, successfully predict their behavioral reactions in the given situations, show forward-looking focus in the processes of interaction with others, contributing successful social adaptation of subjects.

It is important to emphasize that the level of the development of social intelligence itself hasn't been a guarantee of productivity of social behavior of the person yet. The basis of social maladaptation may be some psychological peculiarities such as neuroticism of the person, accentuation of a character, peculiarities of the motivational and value-semantic sphere, negative behavior and other characteristics that can and should be identified with the help of appropriate psycho-diagnostic techniques.

People with a high level of the development of social intelligence, as a rule, differ in the ability to implement successful communication. Such individuals are characterized by contact, openness, tact, benevolence and cordiality, aspiration for psychological closeness in the process of communication. A high level of social intelligence is associated with a great interest in social problems, with the need to influence others, which is often combined with highly developed organizational skills. People with a high level of the development of social intelligence, as a rule, have a clear interest in knowing themselves, the ability to reflect other people and so on. A high level of the development of social intelligence to a greater extent determines the success of the adaptation of subjects in cases of recruitment, rather than a high level of the development of so-called general intelligence. People with high level of social intelligence usually quite easily adapt in the team, contribute to maintaining an optimal psychological climate, show more interest, demonstrate intelligence and ingenuity in their work.


People with a low level of the development of social intelligence have the considerable difficulties in understanding and predicting the behavior of other people, which greatly complicate interpersonal interaction and reduces the possibilities of social adaptation. The low level of social intelligence is usually compensated to a large extent by other psychological peculiarities of the person: developed empathy, certain features of the character, style of communication, communicative skills, which, in turn, can be adjusted in the process of active social and psychological training. Consequently, on the one hand, social intelligence is considered as a cognitive ability, which provides a successful subject-subject interaction. On the other hand, the actualization of social intelligence is primarily due to life skills and personal experience, with the ability to predict the behavior of other people. As socio-psychological factors that determine the development of social intelligence, consider, first of all, the competence of the behavior, understanding of socio- psychological aspects of life and a reflective attitude towards himself/herself.

A variety of characteristics directly related to the social intelligence of the person, reflects its diverse peculiarities. At the same time, in defining these characteristics that predetermine the development of social intelligence, there are a number of common points. First of all, they are interpreted as the ability, therefore, directly interrelated with certain activities. Secondly, the subject of these abilities is the possibility of the person to establish connections between events in which actors are other people. Thirdly, in whatever context social intellect was described in scientific theories and concepts, it is in any case presented as a rather complex structural formation consisting of different abilities and possibilities. Also, the accuracy of the understanding of other people, the adequacy of interpretation, prediction and reflection are the main indicators of the presence or absence of the person's ability to solve tasks in order to estab-

lish the relationship between events in the subject-subject communication and interaction.


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51. Rezaei, A., & Mousanezhad Jeddi, E. (2020). The Contributions of Atten- tional Control Components, Phonological Awareness, and Working Memory to Reading Ability. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 49, 31-40. Retrieved from

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