Analysis of the effects of applying reflective ways of actualizing the psychological resourcefulness of a personality
Elucidation of the effects of actualizing the psychological resourcefulness of the individual in various reflective ways. Increasing the level of resource management indicators. Growing resource levels and the ability to accommodate and update.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 30.10.2023 |
Размер файла | 678,2 K |
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Department of Psychology
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Analysis of the effects of applying reflective ways of actualizing the psychological resourcefulness of a personality
Shtepa Olena
Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor
The purpose of the article is to find out the effects of actualizing psychological resourcefulness empirically in various reflective ways.
Methods of the research. One of the qualitative methods of data processing was applied - the method of psychological casuistry, as well as empirical methods - comparative and cluster analysis. The empirical study was conducted according to the Joyce's model, which allows comparing the results of two identical stages of research for analysis and reflection. A psychological survey (selfassessment method) determines the level of psychological resources.
Research results. The hypothesis that an indicator of the actualization of psychological resources is an increase in the level of resource management indicators was confirmed: for each of the methods of actualization of resources, there was a certain increase in the level of knowledge of self-own resources and the ability to accommodate and update them. The hypothesis that different changes in the level and ratio of certain psychological resources will occur for each reflective method of resource actualization is partially confirmed, in particular, using the example of the contingency method and the method of analyzing experience. In the way of eventuality, a person's faith in goodness becomes effective and realistic, and the ability to update one's resources becomes concrete; in the way of analyzing experience, a person's faith in goodness acquires the opportunity to be revealed through mercy in various and unpredictable life situations, and the ability to renew one's resources also acquires concretization.
Conclusions. It is not advisable to determine the most effective among the methods of actualization of resources, at the same time, the results of the study make it possible to assert that the reflexive method of actualization of psychological resources is effective for a person, by which she can increase the level of functional and basic resources. It is appropriate to pay attention to the ratio of actualization resources (predictors) and actualization (effects), namely: the resource «faith in good», the resource «kindness to people», the resource «helping others», the ability to operate resources - knowledge of resources, the ability to update and accommodate them.
Key words: actualization of psychological resources, eventuality, self-investment, internalization, analysis of experience, existential analysis, effect of actualization.
Аналіз ефектів застосування рефлексивних способів актуалізації психологічної ресурсності особистості
Штепа Олена
кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри психології, Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, м. Львів (Україна)
Мета дослідження - емпірично з'ясувати ефекти актуалізації психологічної ресурсності різними рефлексивними способами.
Методи: для реалізації завдання дослідження було застосовано один з якісних методів обробки даних - метод психологічної казуїстики, а також методи емпіричні - порівняльний, кластерний аналіз, класифікаційний аналіз та метод «причин та ефектів». Емпіричне дослідження реалізовано за моделлю Джойса, що дає змогу зіставити з метою аналізу і рефлексії результати двох ідентичних фаз дослідження. Рівень психологічних ресурсів визначено методом психологічного опитування (метод самооцінювання).
Результати дослідження: гіпотеза про те, що індикатором актуалізованості психологічних ресурсів є підвищення рівня показників оперування ресурсами підтверджена: за кожним із способів актуалізації ресурсів відбулось певне зростання рівня знання ресурсів та уміння вміщувати і оновлювати. Гіпотеза про те, що за кожного рефлексивного способу актуалізації ресурсів відбудуться різні зміни у рівні і співвідношенні певних психологічних ресурсів, підтверджена частково, зокрема, на прикладі способу евентуальності і способу аналізу досвіду. Шляхом евентуальності віра людини у добро стає дієвою і реалістичною, а уміння оновлювати власні ресурси - конкретизованим; у спосіб аналізу досвіду віра людини у добро набуває можливості бути виявленою через милосердя у різних і непередбачуваних життєвих ситуаціях, а уміння оновлювати власні ресурси також набуває конкретизації.
Висновки. Визначати найефективніший серед способів актуалізації ресурсів не доцільно, водночас результати дослідження надають змогу стверджувати, що для людини результативним є той рефлексивний спосіб актуалізаціїїїпсихологічних ресурсів, за якого вона може підвищити рівень саме функціональних і базових ресурсів. Доцільно звернути увагу на співвідношення ресурсів актуалізації (предиктори) і актуалізованості (ефекти), а саме: ресурс «віра у добро», ресурс «доброта до людей», ресурс «допомога іншим», уміння оперувати ресурсами - знання ресурсів, уміння їх оновлювати і вміщувати.
Ключові слова: актуалізація психологічних ресурсів, евентуальність, самоінвестування, інтерналізація, аналіз досвіду, екзистенцаналізу, ефект актуалізації.
Psychological resources are currently in the trend of current scientific research and psychological consulting practices. The mutually enriching process of conceptualizing practical results (Luthans, 2007) and verifying theoretical approaches (Hobfoll et al., 2018) regarding work with the psychological resources of an individual is ongoing. The most popular are the applied as pects of studying psychological resources, such as their actualization and renewal. The presentation to a wide audience of practical developments of the actualization of personal resources is noteworthy: among them, there are very interesting projective methods - pictorial methods and metaphorical maps, as well as reflective ones. Undoubtedly, every reasonable way to actualize resources is significant. In our opinion, projective ways of actualizing the psychological resources of an individual give a more effective result in terms of revitalizing these resources, that is, speeding up access to resources with the help of creativity: a person is joyful, but at the same time he does not possess the cognitive and motivational tools of knowledge and self-actualization of his psychological resources. Reflexive ways of actualizing resources are more complex: they require the presence of systemic reflection, which enables the dialogue of the “inner” and “outer” world of the individual, the productive relationship of the main motives of the human self (Swann, 1992:17) - self-knowledge and self-affirmation; their effect is deferred in time, at the same time a person learns self-analysis and self-improvement. Such considerations led to the importance of a closer study of reflexive ways of actualizing the psychological resources of the individual and the expediency of analyzing the empirical results of their application.
In our opinion, it is somewhat doubtful to consider that the growth of the level of resources is the main and reliable indicator of their actualization, in particular given the concept of conservation of resources (Hobfoll, 1991), (Bon & Shire, 2022: 236) and capitalization of resources (Grover et all, 2018), certain conditions of limitation of resource potential (Lee, Y. et al., 2023: 2). We consider it more appropriate to determine the effect of the actualization of psychological resources, that is, their significance and changes in the ratio. Currently, scientists point to such non-linear characteristics of the effect phenomenon as significance (Henckel, L. and others, 2022: 580), importance, the value of certain indicators under specific conditions (Schafer, Schwarz, 2019), the subject's (researcher's) expectations regarding their appearance and ways of marking their appearance.
We singled out the following reflexive methods of actualizing psychological resources: the method of opportunity, the method of analyzing experience, the method of internalization, the method of self-investment, and the method of existential analysis. Actualization of psychological resources in a possible situation (Штепа, 2018) occurs through the formulation of learning tasks in a certain life situation; in the analysis of experience (Rubshtein (from Штепа, 2014: 29), (Muller, 2021) - thanks to the rejection of the position of victim and the involvement of various lived experiences as a support for self-confidence and decision-making in the future; in internalization (Tomas- chek, 2003) - in building a new self-image through the decision “not to cooperate with the problem”; in self-investment (Mac- dermot &Yago (from Штепа, 2014: 30)), (Macdermot &Yago (2002) - in self-enrichment of one's inner world thanks to selfcare and allowing oneself to psychological self-recovery; in existential analysis (Langle, 1993) - through the delineation of the internal position regarding the existing circumstances of life and the feeling of living one's own real life.
The purpose of the study was to empirically find out the effects of actualizing psychological resourcefulness in various reflective ways.
The aim of the article
The task of the article is the presentation of the analysis of empirical results regarding the change in the level and ratio of psychological resources in the structure of the psychological resourcefulness of an individual using various reflective methods of reviving resources. It is the presence of a change in the level and ratio of psychological resources in the structure of the psychological resourcefulness of an individual that we assumed to be the effect of applying reflective methods of actualizing the psychological resourcefulness of an individual.
The task of the study was not to determine the “best” way of actualization but to establish the effect of applying reflective methods of actualization of psychological resources.
reflexive actualization psychological resourcefulness
Methods of research
To implement the research task, one of the qualitative methods of data processing was applied - the method of psychological casuistry, as well as empirical methods - comparative, cluster analysis, classification analysis, and the method of “causes and effects”. Empirical research was implemented according to Joyce's model, which makes it possible to compare the results of two identical research phases for analysis and reflection. The empirical hypotheses of the study were put forward as follows: 1) an indicator of the actualization of psychological resources is an increase in the level of indicators of operating resources - their knowledge and ability to accommodate and update them, 2) for each reflexive method of actualization of resources, there will be different changes in the level and ratio of certain psychological resources. To analyze the effects of the actualization of resources by reflexive methods, the following methods were chosen: the method of eventuality, the method of experience analysis, the method of internalization, the method of self-investment, and the method of existential analysis. The conditions for enabling the description of the effect of actualization were such as the unity of time, place, and event, namely: the participants of the study were 11 master's students of the psychology department, aged 22-28, female, all of them had experience from one to three years of personal psychotherapy and from six months to two years of practical work experience in the field; research participants were theoretically informed about the types of psychological resources, features of their psychological resourcefulness and reflection; at the time of the study, its participants did not have their own family, but at the same time were in a relationship.
The updating of psychological resources in various reflective ways took place over two weeks, during which all research participants in the broad context of life experienced the same socio-historical events with an adaptive stress response, in their life course, ordinary events took place (according to the self-description of the subjects). The practical task for updating the resources in each way was to write meaningful and timely course- work (the task is relevant, important, and relevant to the life experience of each of the research participants). The composition of the group did not change; the location of the students was at the place of study; the relations of the research participants, who studied together for about six months, at the beginning and throughout the research were tactful, tolerant, and assertive. Psychological resources and their changes were determined each time by the method of self-assessment using the same method - a questionnaire of psychological resources (before and after applying a certain reflexive method of actualizing psychological resources). At the beginning of the study, the level of psychological resourcefulness of all its participants was average (according to survey data). The sequence of demonstrated ways of actualizing psychological resources was arbitrary. Therefore, we believe that under the existing conditions, the effect of actualization of resources was determined to a greater extent by the method of actualization than by psychological, socio-psychological, and event factors.
Results and discussions
The Table 1 contains data on the level of psychological resources at the beginning and at the end of various methods of reflexive actualization. The data is listed in the sequence in which these methods of updating resources were implemented. It is appropriate to pay attention to the fact that there were no significant or drastic changes in the level of psychological resources; in the comparison of the final measurement and the first, the most pronounced growth is noticeable in the level of the resource “creativity” (M1=5.4; M2=6.6), knowledge of one's psychological resources (M1=5.8; M2=6.6), the ability to update one's psychological resources (M1=5.4; M2=6.2). There are no clear trends to increase or decrease in the level of certain psychological resources, as well as the general level of psychological resources. The overall level of psychological resourcefulness by the time the study was completed increased (M1=82; M2=88), at the same time, this indicator does not constitute the peak of actualization in the study and is identical to the level of psychological resourcefulness in the second method of its actualization.
Table 1.
The level of psychological resources at the beginning and the end of different methods of their reflexive actualization (average)
Reflective ways of Actualization of psychological resources |
Components of psychological resourcefulness |
Resource “self-confidence” |
Resource “kindness to people” |
Resource “helping others” |
Resource “success” |
Resource “love” |
Resource “creativity” |
Resource “faith in goodness” |
Resource “desire of wisdom” |
Resource “work on yourself” |
Resource “self-realization in the profession” |
Resource “responsibility” |
Knowledge of own resources |
Ability to update own resources |
The ability to accommodate one's resources |
The general level of psychological resourcefulness |
1 |
Way of eventuality 1 |
5.5 |
6.5 |
5.9 |
5 |
6 |
5.4 |
6.6 |
7.5 |
7.1 |
4 |
6.1 |
5.8 |
5.4 |
5.5 |
82 |
W ay of eventuality 2 |
6.3 |
6.6 |
6.1 |
6.1 |
6.8 |
5.6 |
6.5 |
6.6 |
6.7 |
4.5 |
6.4 |
6 |
5.6 |
6.1 |
86 |
2 |
Way of analyzing experience 1 |
5.8 |
5.8 |
6.6 |
5.1 |
7 |
6.1 |
6.6 |
7 |
7 |
4.4 |
5.8 |
6.1 |
5.5 |
5.6 |
84 |
Way of analyzing experience 2 |
5.8 |
6.6 |
6.1 |
5.8 |
6.5 |
6.6 |
6.8 |
7.4 |
7 |
4.6 |
6.4 |
6.6 |
6.2 |
5.9 |
88 |
3 |
Way of internalization 1 |
5.2 |
5.7 |
5.8 |
5.1 |
7 |
5.5 |
6.5 |
7.2 |
6.5 |
4.1 |
5.8 |
5.6 |
5.5 |
5.5 |
82 |
Way of internalization 2 |
6.2 |
6.3 |
5.9 |
6 |
73 |
6.3 |
6.8 |
7.1 |
6.5 |
4.5 |
6.1 |
6.4 |
6.3 |
6.5 |
88 |
4 |
Way of Self-investment 1 |
5.5 |
5 |
5 |
5.5 |
5.8 |
5.3 |
5.3 |
6.1 |
5.4 |
4.1 |
5.5 |
6.1 |
6 |
5.9 |
77 |
Way of Self-investment 2 |
6.4 |
5.6 |
5.5 |
6.3 |
6 |
5.8 |
5.5 |
5.4 |
5.8 |
5.4 |
6.6 |
6.6 |
6.8 |
6.9 |
84 |
5 |
Way of existential analysis 1 |
5.6 |
5.3 |
5.5 |
4.9 |
6.3 |
5.3 |
5.3 |
6.3 |
5.8 |
4.5 |
6.1 |
6.5 |
6 |
5.8 |
79 |
Way of existential analysis 2 |
6 |
6.4 |
6.1 |
5.8 |
6.6 |
6.5 |
6.3 |
6.4 |
6.1 |
4.1 |
6 |
6.4 |
6.6 |
6.5 |
86 |
It is possible to trace the growth of the level of resource selfconfidence in such ways of actualization as potentiality, internalization, self-investment; the growth of the resource level of kindness to people - in the way of analyzing experience, internalization, existential analysis; increase in the level of the resource of success - in the way of opportunity, internalization, self-investment, existence; the growth of the resource of love - in the possibility of possibility; the growth of the resource of creativity - in the way of internalization, self-investment, existential analysis; growth of the resource of responsibility - in the way of analyzing experience and self-investment. It is important to pay attention to the fact that there is no noticeable differentiation of changes in the level of resources according to certain methods of their actualization. To highlight the existence of differences in the level of resources according to different methods of their actualization, a comparative method was used according to Scheffe method, in which the compared groups were precisely reflexive ways of actualizing resources (Fig. 1, 2, 3).
Figure 1 contains the results of the comparative analysis, which indicate the absence of statistically significant differences (p<0.05) in the general level of psychological resourcefulness at the beginning and the end of the study. Comparing the results of the comparative analysis and the qualitative analysis of the averages regarding the general level of psychological resourcefulness, we can state that there was no cumulative, accumulative effect of resources during the application of various reflective methods of their actualization. Such results can be explained both by the impartiality of the research about the proposed ways of working with resources and by the peculiarities of the phenomenon of psychological resources at the moment of their actualization - resources are actualized about the current situation in which they are applied; it does not seem possible to “postpone” updated resources for another time.
ScfiEffe Test; Variable: VargEneral Ieve) af psychalagical rEsaLrcefulness Мяк Ed diff егел css а ге з ign if ica nt at p <,0500 0
{1} - N1=32,125 {2} - N1=34,375 |{3} - N1=31,132 {4} - N1=76,375 {5} - N1=73,375 |
чпГ |
0,093533 |
0,909044 |
0,935955 |
0,994515 |
2 {2} 0,903533 |
0,903209 |
0,337437 |
0,950953 |
3{3> 0,909944 |
0,990209 |
0,979047 |
0,993072 |
4{4> D.KSKE |
0,337437 |
0,979047 |
0,999175- |
5{5> 0,904515 |
0,930953 |
0,903072 |
0,990175 |
SdieffE TEst; Variable: VargEneral IeveI af psychalagical resaucEfulnesa Mated differences а ге significant at p <,05000 |
{1} - N1=36,000 {2} - N1=33,250 {3} - N1=37,909 [{4} - N1=34 3 75 {5} - N1=35,750 |
mr |
0,997500 |
0,903243 |
0,990303 |
1,000000 |
2 {2} 0,907500 |
0,909093 |
0,930112 |
0,90S 35- |
3{3> 0,903243 |
0,990903 |
0,931449 |
0,997153 |
4{4} 0,909003 |
0,930112 |
0,931449 |
0,9995-40 |
5 {5} 1,000000 |
0,995235 |
0,907153 |
0,990540 |
Symbols: 1 - eventuality method, 2 - experience analysis method, 3 - internalization method, 4 - self-investment method, 5 - existential analysis method
Fig. 1. Results of a comparative analysis of the overall level of psychological resourcefulness by different methods of updating resources according to the Scheffe test before and after the study
It was appropriate to trace the presence of differences in the level of certain resources at the beginning of their actualization in a certain way and at the end. To obtain such data, a comparative analysis was also applied according to Scheffe method, in which different reflective methods of resource actualization were compared by groups (Fig. 2, 3). Figure 2 shows the results of a comparative analysis of the level of psychological resources
Conventional designations: 1 - method of contingency, 2 - method of experience analysis, 3 - met hod of internalization, 4 - method of self-investment, 5 - method of existential analysis.
Scheffe Test; Variable: Varockindness to people» Marked differences are significant at p <.05000 |
Щ - M=6,5000 |{2} - M=5,7500 |
Pb M=5,7273 \Щ - M=5,OOOQ |
{5} - М =5,2500 |
чи |
I II |
І |
2 {2} 0 Э0О35В |
|3{3> |3,2946-34 |
3.050503 |
4 {4} i/OOIBSS |
0,360363 |
3,353118 |
5{5} 0,013033 |
3,746017 |
3,76-65-93 |
|0,974705 |
Scheffe Test; Variable: Var «helping others» Marked differences are significant at p<.05000 |
Щ - M=5,8750 {2} - M =6,6250 |
Щ- М=5,8182 {4} - М=5,0000 |
{5} - М =5,5000 |
Hi> |
II |
2 {2} |3,374304 |
|3{3> 3,503015 |
3,264366- |
I II |
І |
4{4} 3,213104 |
0,000600 |
3,250647 |
5{5} 3,305417 |
0,360067 |
3,5056-34 |
|0,75519б |
SchEffE Test; Variable: Var «love» |
Marked diffEraices |
are significant at p <,05-000 |
Щ - M=6,0000 {2} - M=7,0000 {3} - M=7,0000[{4} - M=5,7500 M =6.2500 |
i{i} |
2 {2} 0,003223 |
|3{3} [0,002027 |
|1.00000D |
І |
І |
4{4} 3,505436 |
0,000063 |
0,000033 |
І |
І |
5 {5} |O9064B6 |
0,050332 |
0,046315 |
3,397771 |
І |
Scheffe Test; Variable: Var «faith in goodness» Marked differences are significant at p<.05000 |
Щ - M=6,6250 {2} - M=6.6250 {3} - M =6,5455 |
{4} - М=5,7500 |
{5} * М =5,2500 |
HD |
2{2> 1,033330 |
|3{3} [ЁГ997430 |
[зГ00743О |
4{4} 0,002330 |
10,002330 |
0,006432 |
5{5> 0,000000 |
0,000000 |
0,000000 |
3,260700 |
І |
Scheffe Test; Variable: Var cedes ire for wisdom» |
Marked differences |
are significant at p<.05000 |
Щ - M=7,3750 {2> - M=7,00 00 |
{3} - М =7,18.18 |
Щ - М=6,1250 |
{5} - М =6,2500 |
i{i> |
2{2> 0,76-2207 |
|3 {3> 3.Ж-0100- |
0,975330 |
4{4> 0,000412 |
[0/036350 |
0,003334 |
5{5> 0,002233 |
|з, 100451 |
0,015031 |
0,904717 |
Scheffe Test; Variable: Var «wort: on yourself» Marked differences are significant at p<,05000 |
Щ - M=7,1250 {2} - M=7,0000 {3} - M=6,5455 {4} - M=5,3750 |
{5} - M=5,7500 |
КП |
2 {2> [0,007305 \~ |
|3{3}|0,4BB2a7 |
3,714231 |
4{4> 0,000013 |
[ЇЇ, 000073 |
0,003235 |
5{5> 0,001433 |
[ЇЇ, 005532 |
0,153450 0.B52EB0 |
Scheffe Test; Variable: Var «Ancxvledge of own resources» |
Marked differences are significant at p <.05000 |
^1J - M=5,7500 <2} - M=6,1250 {3}- M=5,6364 {4} - M=6,1250 |
{5} - м=о,5оаа |
1<1> |
2 {2} [0,713724 |
3 {3} |o, 3043 43 |
|0,425314 |
1 1 |
4{4> 3,713724 |
11,000000 |
0,420314 |
1 |
5 {5} 3,373033 |
3,710724 |
0,013423 0,710724 |
1 |
Fig. 2. Results of a comparative analysis of the level of psycho- logical resources according to different methods of updating resources according to the Sheffe test at the beginning of each method of updating
According to different methods of actualization of resources according to the Scheffe test at the beginning of each method of actualization. Differences were established for 7 out of 14 resources. The resources of kindness to people, helping others, love, and faith in goodness belong to basic psychological resources; striving for wisdom and working on oneself - to functional resources of a qualitative change in the structure of psychological resourcefulness; knowledge of one's resources is one of the indicators of their operation.
Figure 3 contains the results of a comparative analysis of the level of psychological resources according to different ways of actualizing resources according to the Scheffe test at the end of each actualization method. There are differences in 9 out of14 resources.
Scheffe Test; Variable: Var «kindness to people» Marked differences are significant at p<,05000
Щ - N1=6,6250 {2} - M=G,6250 |
p}- M =6,2 72 7 {4} - M=5,G250 |
|{5} - M=G,3750 |
mi |
2 {2} 1,000030 |
|3{3} 0,Ј27705 0,Ј277E5 |
4{4}|ЙДЙба1Э |Д02В(НЭ |
|(Г2В5Є75- |
5{5} 0,950650 |0,Э50850 |
3,903090 3,179400 |
Scheffe Test; Variable: Var dove»
Marked differences are significant at p<,05000
Щ - N1=6,7500 {2} - M =6,50 00 |
[{3}- №1=7,2727 |
{4} - M=6,0000 |
[{5} - М =6,62 50 |
i{i> |
2{2} 3,521579 |
|3 {3} |3,370025- 3,355-521 |
4 {4} 3,355790 [ІГ453898 |
а.ааоото |
5 {5} |^S03E43 [зУэ9в34Б |
3,153285' |
[3Г2223ЭЗ |
Scheffe Test; Variable Var «creation»
Marked differences are significant at p<.05000
Щ - N1=5,6250 |
{2} - М =6,62 50 |
({3}- М =6,2727 {А} - М=5,7500 |
щ - м=б,50оа |
1{1> |
2 {2} 0,017545 |
|3{3> |3,242437 |
0,003233 |
4{4} |ІГВ05Є41 |
3,354539 |
3,455414 |
і |
5 {5} |з, 354539 |
3,995541 |
3.953757 3,144215 |
і |
Conventional designations: 1 - method of contingency, 2 - method of experience analysis, 3 - method of internalization, 4 - method of self-investment, 5 - method of existential analysis.
Scheffe Test; Variable; Var «wort; on yourself» Marked differences are significant at p<.05000 |
Щ - N1=6,7500 {2} - M =7,0000 |
Щ- M=G,45d5 |
{4} - N1=5,7500 |
{5} - N1=6,1250 |
i{i> |
2 {2} a,944651 |
|3{3> |0,390556 3,432594 |
4{4} 0,019011 |t),001141 |
0,176620 |
5 {5}||o.322537 10,0 5925-3 |
|0,344757 |
0,792000 |
Scheffe Test; Variable: Var knowledge of own resources» Marked differences are significant at p<.05000 |
Щ- M=6,0000 {2} - M =6,6250 |
{3}- M=6,3636 {4} - M=6,6250 |
{5} - N1=6,3750 |
i{i> |
2 {2} 0,004301 |
|3"{3> 0,241103 0,533452 |
4{4} 0,004361 [1,000000 |
0,533452 |
5 {5} |D,243122 10,654947 |
0,090995- 0,554947 |
Scheffe Test; Variable: Var «faith in good» Marked differences are significant at pc,05000 |
Щ - M=6,5000 {2} - M =6,7500 |
Щ- N1=6,3102 |
{4} - N1=5,5000 |
{5}- N1=6,2500 |
i{i> |
2 [2} 3,931853 |
|3{3> 1^332283 3,990441 |
I I |
4{4j a,oioioЈ [аГаао410 |
0,000070 |
5 {5} ІЗ,931853 13,495-137 |
|0,325012 |
0,109027 |
I |
Scheffe Test; Variable: Var «desirefor wisdom» Marked differences are significant at p<,05000 |
[{1} - N1=6,6250 {2} - N1=7,3750 |
[{3}- M=7,0909 |
Щ - №=5,3750 |
{5} - N1=6,3750 |
nil |
2 {2} 3,353780 |
^{З} 3,785387 3,95325-1 |
4{4} 0,01 6515 [0,000005 |
0,000000 |
5 {5} |D,973351 13,393232 |
3,355230 |
3,096232 |
1 |
Scheffe Test; Variable: Var «the ability to update own Marked differences are significant at p <.05000 |
[{1} - M=5,6250 {2! - M=6,2500 {3}- M=6,2727 |
{4} - IM=6,75aO |
O - M=6,625fl |
1{1> |
2 {2} 0,002414 |
|3{3} 0,000346 0,999920 |
|4 {4} [0,000000 0,030279 [0,034085 |
5{5> 0,000000 [d7i9B910 0,2200-09 |
0,953520 |
I |
Scheffe Test; Variable: Var «the ability to accommodate one's own resources» Marked differences are significant at p<.05000 |
Щ - N1=6,1250 [{2} - M=5.8750 \{2}- M=6,4545 |
{4} * N1=6,8750 |
{5} - N1=6,5000 |
i{i> |
2 {2> 0,327079 |
[з {3} |0,598182 |o,076528 |
|4{4} [0,010715 0,000136 [0,344656 |
|5{5> [0.501607 0.05555S |0.999657 |
0.501607 |
1 |
Fig. 3. Results of a comparative analysis of the level of psy- chological resources according to different ways of updating resources according to the Sheffe test at the end of each way of updating
As in the measurement at the beginning of the actualization, differences were established in the resources of kindness to people, love, faith in goodness, the pursuit of wisdom and work on oneself, and knowledge of one's resources. Differences in the resource for helping others were not found at a statistically significant level. After completing the updating of resources, differences in creative resources, and ability to accommodate and update their resources were noted in different ways. In our opinion, under the conditions of actualization of resources specified in this study, when the probability of change depends on the method of their actualization, it is appropriate to consider that changes in the level of the resource are caused by how the differences in the level of these resources are determined, both between the initial and final results of the actualization. In particular, the level of the resource of kindness to people varies according to such methods of its actualization as the method of eventuality and self-investment; moreover, the level of this resource increased precisely by the method of self-investment (based on the data in Table 1). The level of the love resource varies according to the ways of its actualization, such as the way of internalization and self-investment; but these differences are not significant within each of the specified actualization methods. The level of resources of faith in goodness, the desire for wisdom, and work on oneself differs according to their actualization in ways of eventuality, analysis of experience, internalization, and, actually, a way of self-investment; these results are read by us as such that selfinvestment is not an efficient method of actualization for these particular resources.
In the actualization of the resource of creativity, according to the data of the comparative analysis and descriptive data of Table 1, we can conclude that the method of analyzing experience is more effective. The method of self-investment seems to be more effective for actualizing the ability to update and accommodate resources.
Since the comparative analysis to a greater extent made it possible to reveal quantitative differences in resources based on their actualization in various reflective ways, the multitest (Table 2) of significance and analysis of the main components (Table 3) were used to analyze the effect of the actualization of resources as a qualitative change in their ratio.
Table 2
The results of the justification of the significance of reflexive ways of actualizing psychological resources Multivariate Tests of Significance
Test |
Value |
F |
Effect - of |
Error - df |
P |
Intercept |
Wilks |
0.004145 |
3930.106 |
14 |
229.0000 |
0.00 |
Reflective ways of actualizing psychological resources |
Wilks |
0.258505 |
6.632 |
56 |
892.9344 |
0.00 |
Sigma-restricted parameterization. Effective hypothesis decomposition. According to the results of Multivariate Tests of Significance, with an acceptable Wilks indicator, there are reasons to take into account the presence of differences in the methods of updating resources.
According to the analysis of the Principal Components Analysis Summary, the mathematical-statistical analytical model included all five reflective ways of actualizing psychological resources, which was found to be about 69% of the content of the explained model (Table 3).
Important indicators of the analysis of methods of actualization of resources are their qualification (Q) and significance (Significance), namely: the method of self-investment and the method of existential analysis should be interpreted, in our opinion, to a greater extent not as methods of actualization of resources, but as methods of their maintenance (accumulation and handling). Significance has been established for such methods of resource actualization as the contingency method and the method of experience analysis; the method of existential analysis is defined as such that it has not acquired significance; there is not enough data to characterize the significance of methods of internalization and self-investment as significant for the actualization of resources.
Table 3
The number of components is 5 (69.3175% the sum the of squares has been explained by all the extracted components)
Reflective ways of actualizing psychological resources |
1 Way of eventuality |
0.25 |
0.25 |
4.78 |
0.02 |
0.08 |
0.02 |
S |
15 |
2 Way of analyzing experience |
0.18 |
0.44 |
3.51 |
0.09 |
0.08 |
0.11 |
S |
8 |
3 Way of internalization |
0.10 |
0.54 |
1.96 |
0.00 |
0.08 |
0.11 |
17 |
4 Way of Selfinvestment |
0.08 |
0.62 |
1.59 |
-0.05 |
0.09 |
0.07 |
20 |
5 Way of existential analysis |
0.07 |
0.69 |
1.33 |
-0.05 |
0.09 |
0.03 |
NS |
11 |
The results of the analysis of importance and significance of reflexive ways of actualizing psychological resources Principal Components.
The analysis of causes and effects (Fig. 4) confirmed that among the indicators of psychological resources operation, which further characterize the psychological resourcefulness of an individual to a large extent, knowledge of one's resources, the ability to update and accommodate them - the effect of reflexive actualization of resources is the very ability to update them.
The analysis of the importance of actualization showed that, first of all, such resources as “faith in good” and “kindness to people” are actualized, as well as the ability to update one's resources (Table 4).
Cause-And-Effect Diagram
Fig. 4. Fishbone of “causes and effects” regarding reflexive ways of actualizing psychological resources and indicators of resource operation
Table 4
Results of significance analysis reflexive ways of actualizing psychological resources
Components of the model of reflexive actualization of psychological resources of different importance: psychological resources and reflective methods of their actualization |
Category value |
Power |
Importance |
Resource “faith in goodness” |
0.849189 |
1 |
Resource “kindness to people” |
0.838952 |
2 |
Ability to update own resources |
0.832347 |
3 |
Resource “helping others” |
0.722904 |
4 |
The ability to accommodate one's resources |
0.708221 |
5 |
Resource “self-realization in the profession” |
0.684522 |
6 |
Knowledge of own resources |
0.656777 |
7 |
The “desire of wisdom” resource |
0.654945 |
8 |
Resource “creativity” |
0.624421 |
9 |
Self-confidence resource |
0.617770 |
10 |
To establish whether the most important resources are such as a result of actualization, or whether they are at a high level in those persons for whom a certain method of resource actualization is effective, a classification analysis (Predictor Variable Importance Rankings) was carried out (Table 5).
Based on the data from the Predictor Variable Importance Rankings, it is clear that the resource “kindness to people” and the ability to update one's resources are weak predictors of how resources are actualized relative to other resources. Therefore, in our opinion, there are reasons to claim that the resource “faith in goodness” means an effective way for a person to actualize resources, and the effect of actualizing psychological resources is, in fact, the resource “kindness to people” and the ability to update one's resources.
Table 5
The results of the analysis of importance and significance of reflexive ways of actualizing psychological resources Predictor Variable Importance Rankings Based on univariate splits 0=low importance; 100=high importance
Ranking |
Resource “self-confidence” |
72 |
Resource “kindness to people” |
46 |
Resource “helping others” |
93 |
Resource “success” |
89 |
Resource “love” |
82 |
Resource “creativity” |
60 |
Resource “faith in goodness” |
82 |
Resource “desire of wisdom” |
86 |
Resource “work on yourself” |
85 |
Resource “self-realization in the profession” |
83 |
Resource “responsibility” |
44 |
Knowledge of own resources |
74 |
Ability to update own resources |
43 |
The ability to accommodate one's resources |
100 |
Resource “success” |
0.604586 |
11 |
Resource “work on yourself” |
0.553088 |
12 |
A reflexive way of actualizing psychological resources {way of eventuality} |
1 |
0.455733 |
13 |
Resource “love” |
0.446115 |
14 |
Resource “responsibility” |
0.437519 |
15 |
A reflexive method of actualizing psychological resources {way of self-investment} |
4 |
0.297102 |
16 |
A reflexive method of actualizing psychological resources {way of analyzing experience} |
2 |
0.138141 |
17 |
A reflective method of actualizing psychological resources {way of existential analysis} |
5 |
0.079400 |
18 |
A reflective method of actualizing psychological resources {way of internalization} |
3 |
0.045215 |
19 |
To analyze in more detail the changes in the structure of psychological resourcefulness using such methods of actualization as the contingency method and the method of experience analysis, a cluster analysis was implemented. Fig. 4 and 5 contain the results of the cluster analysis regarding the qualitative regrouping of resources for their actualization in the method of eventuality and the method of analyzing experience.
According to the actualization of resources in the manner of eventuality, the resource of belief in goodness is included in the subcluster, which contains, in addition to the resource of kindness to people, the resources of responsibility and self-improvement; in the combination of the ability to update and include one's resources, the ability to update becomes closer to the knowledge of one's resources. Therefore, in our opinion, in the manner of eventuality, a person's faith in goodness becomes effective and realistic, and the ability to update one's resources becomes concrete.
1 - self-confidence, 2 - kindness to people, 3 - helping others, 4 - success, 5 - love, 6 - creativity, 7 - faith in goodness, 8 - striving for wisdom, 9 - work on oneself, 10 - self-realization in the profession, 11 - responsibility, 12 - knowledge of one's resources, 13 - ability to update one's resources, 14 - ability to accommodate one's resources.
Fig. 5. Results of the cluster analysis using the method of the dendrogram of changes in the ratio of psychological resources
1 - self-confidence, 2 - kindness to people, 3 - helping others, 4 - success, 5 - love, 6 - creativity, 7 - faith in goodness, 8 - striving for wisdom, 9 - work on oneself, 10 - self-realization in the profession, 11 - responsibility, 12 - knowledge of one's resources, 13 - ability to update one's resources, 14 - ability to accommodate one's resources.
Fig. 6. Results of the cluster analysis using the method of the dendrogram of changes in the ratio of psychological resources in the manner of way of analyzing experience
According to the actualization of resources in the way of analyzing experience, the resource of belief in goodness from the dyad with the resource of helping others moves to a subcluster containing the resources of kindness to people, creativity, and love; the ability to update one's resources is added to their knowledge. Therefore, in our opinion, in the way of analyzing e...
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