Principles and approaches of psychological correction of victim behavior of adolescents on the Internet

Examines the problem of victim behavior of modern teenagers on the Global Internet, which has a significant negative impact on their life and health, causing dangerous situations. Ukrainian researchers actively studying victim behavior on the Internet.

Рубрика Психология
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 06.11.2023
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Principles and approaches of psychological correction of victim behavior of adolescents on the Internet


psychologist, psychotherapist, coach Association for development and aid Q changes, PL - founder and director «International Training Center Psychology, Psychotherapy and Development «LIRA», Warsaw, Poland


Ph. D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor, National University of Khmelnytskyi, Khmelnytskyi (Ukraine)


Ph. D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor, National University of Khmelnytskyi, Khmelnytskyi (Ukraine)

This article examines the problem of victim behavior of modern teenagers on the Global Internet, which has a significant negative impact on their life and health, causing dangerous situations. Ukrainian researchers are actively studying victim behavior on the Internet, including online bullying, cybercrime, and other forms of electronic violence. They focus on the causes, consequences, and prevention strategies of these phenomena. The application of methodological approaches makes it possible to determine the problems of victimization of adolescents in social networks, to develop a strategy for solving them, and to create technological mechanisms for correcting the victim behavior of adolescents on the Internet. The article examines the approaches to the correction of adolescent victim behavior: axiological, systemic-personal, approach to the development of critical thinking, activity approach, health preservation approach and integrative approach. The axiological approach involves directing correctional work towards universal human values, a valuable attitude towards subjects of correction, and humane communication. The system-personal approach uses the individual resources of adolescents to achieve success in correcting their victim behavior. It is focused on the study of the individual as a subject of social security, its motivational relations, and social connections. The development of critical thinking involves the formation of teenagers' skills of independent judgment, working with information, and protection from negative influence on the Internet. The action-based approach aims to arm teenagers with the knowledge that they gain through hands-on activities and includes learning about victim behavior, cyberbullying, healthy lifestyles, and ways to counter the risks. Each of these approaches has its conceptual foundations and contributes to the effective correction of the victim behavior of adolescents on the Internet.

The proposed article considers the principles of organizing correctional work regarding the victim behavior of teenagers on the Internet, based on the analysis of scientific and psychological-pedagogical literature: humanization, preemptiveness, social hardening, centering, health preservation, and integrativeness

Key words: teenagers, victim behavior, approaches, psychological correction, Internet.


Міжнародний тренінговий центр психології, психіатерапії та розвитку «ЛІРА», Польща


Хмельницький національний університет


У цій статті розглянуто проблему віктимної поведінки сучасних підлітків в Глобальній мережі Інтернет, яка має значний негативний вплив на їхнє життя і здоров'я, спричиняючи небезпечні ситуації. Українські дослідники активно вивчають віктимну поведінку в інтернеті, зокрема онлайн-булінг, кіберзлочинність та інші форми електронного насильства. Вони зосереджуються на причинах, наслідках і стратегіях профілактики цих явищ.

Застосування методологічних підходів дозволяє визначити проблеми віктимізації підлітків в соціальних мережах, розробити стратегію їх вирішення та створити технологічні механізми корекції віктимної поведінки підлітків в Інтернеті.

У статті розглянуто підходи до корекції віктимної поведінки підлітків: аксіологічний, системно-особистісний, підхід розвитку критичного мислення, діяльнісний підхід, підхід збереження здоров'я та інтегративний підхід.

Аксіологічний підхід передбачає спрямування корекційної роботи на загальнолюдські цінності, ціннісне ставлення до суб'єктів корекції та гуманне спілкування. Системно-особистісний підхід використовує індивідуальні ресурси підлітків для досягнення успіху в корекції їх віктимної поведінки. Він орієнтований на вивчення особистості як суб'єкта соціальної безпеки, її мотиваційних відносин та соціальних зв 'язків. Розвиток критичного мислення передбачає формування у підлітків навичок самостійного розсудження, працю з інформацією та захисту від негативного впливу в Інтернеті. Діяльнісний підхід спрямований на озброєння підлітків знаннями, які вони отримують через безпосередню діяльність, і включає знання про віктимну поведінку, насильство в Інтернеті, здоровий спосіб життя та способи протидії ризикам. Кожен з цих підходів має свої концептуальні основи та сприяє ефективній корекції віктимної поведінки підлітків в Інтернет-просторі.

Запропонована стаття розглядає принципи організації корекційної роботи щодо віктимної поведінки підлітків в Інтернеті, на основі аналізу наукової та психолого- педагогічної літератури: гуманізація, превентивність, соціальне загартовування, центрація, збереження здоров'я та інтегративність.

Ключові слова: підлітки, віктимна поведінка, підходи, психологічна корекція, інтернет.

Formulation of the problem

psychological victim behavior adolescents internet

The timeliness and urgent need to research the victim behavior of modern teenagers on the Global Internet is due to the significant impact of risks on the life and health of the younger generation. Currently, we are observing the facts of the negative impact of Internet sites that provoke teenagers and young people to take risky and reckless actions, often leading to dangerous life situations. Modern science knows the phenomenon of «loneliness in a crowd», that is, loneliness among people, in a large collective or group. This term can be applied to a person who is a regular Internet user. Undoubtedly, social networks open up unlimited possibilities for a person - it is both an information medium and the creation of communities based on interests, the unification of people of different ages, religions, professions, and an interesting and exciting pastime. An indisputable advantage of social networks is the opportunity to find old friends, colleagues, relatives who live abroad, in other countries and cities. Often people register on social networks to meet for the purpose of romantic relationships, etc. It should not be denied that social networks serve as a means of communication between people and perform certain positive functions, however, the negative influence of the Internet on teenagers is quite large, and it can lead to the victimization of an unformed personality.

Analysis of recent research and publications

In addition to traditional victim behavior, Ukrainian researchers also study victim behavior in the Internet space. This includes online bullying, cybercrime, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, and other forms of electronic violence. Researchers study the causes and consequences of these phenomena, as well as develop strategies for the prevention and treatment of victim behavior in the Internet space. They also pay attention to the psychological and social factors that influence the development of these forms of electronic violence. Ukrainian researchers actively cooperate with international colleagues and participate in international research in this direction.

The purpose of our research: disclosure of approaches and principles of psychological and pedagogical correction of adolescent victim behavior on the Global Internet.

Presenting main material

Victimology and the concept of victim behavior are relatively new areas of research, the founders of which were H. von Genting (substantiated a number of theoretical propositions regarding the types of victim behavior, the relationship between the victim and the criminal in the criminal system), F. Wertham (introduced the term «victimology», investigated the personality of the victim), B. Mendelson (developed conceptual ideas about the need for practical victimology). When studying the phenomenon of victimhood, it is worth noting the works of the Japanese scientist K. Miyazawa, where the author distinguished two types of victimhood: general and special. An important role in the development of criminal victimology is played by the works of S. Schafer, E. Carmen, and L. Frank.

Despite the fact that the phenomenon of victimhood and victim behavior has been thoroughly studied in criminal victimology, the problem of shifting the emphasis of its study to the plane of social pedagogy and psychology is acute. We also note that studies on victimology do not pay enough attention to the problem of victim behavior of teenagers on the Internet, or they characterize only certain subtypes of Internet crimes and do not reveal in detail other types and the whole phenomenon in general.

The initial meaning of the term «approach» is a certain idea, concept, point of view or position, a set of principles that determines the research, organization of a certain phenomenon, process. The concept of the term «approach» is defined as a set of principles that determine the strategy of learning or education. At the same time, each principle regulates the resolution of specific contradictions that arise in the learning process and their interaction - the resolution of its main contradictions. In our research, the task is also to consider methodological approaches, taking into account which correction of victim behavior of teenagers on the Global Internet should be carried out. The use of these methodological approaches allows, firstly, to determine the scientific and theoretical problems of adolescent victimization in social networks, to establish their hierarchy, to develop a strategy and the main methods of solving them, and secondly, to substantiate, create and implement technological mechanisms for correcting the victim behavior of adolescents on the Internet

In our article, we focused on the following approaches to the correction of adolescent victim behavior: an axiological, systemic-personal, approach to the development of critical thinking, an activity approach, a health preservation approach, and an integrative approach.

The axiological approach provides for the orientation of correctional work with victimized teenagers on the system of universal values, a valuable attitude to the subjects of correctional work, understanding and affirming the value of human life, free creative activity and humane communication [3; 7; 12]. The conceptual foundations of correcting the victim behavior of teenagers in the Internet space should be based on absolute and relative universal human values, such as life, man, health, love, freedom, reason, morality, self-control, active life position, since values govern the whole life of a person, determine the meaning of life. The loss of these values inevitably causes irreparable damage, first of all, to the individual himself, as well as to the environment, leads to numerous disasters, and creates a threat to human health and life. According to this approach, it is important to arm teenagers with the knowledge they have acquired in the process of direct activity (for example, in the process of training work) by generalization. It can be knowledge about the essence, types, and factors of victim behavior, knowledge about the essence of violence and cruel treatment of people on the Internet; ideas about a healthy lifestyle, and effective ways to overcome victimization, including in the Internet space; knowledge about the age characteristics of young people; knowledge of non-violent methods of interaction; the idea of a safe world; knowledge of ways to counteract Internet risks (thematic, communication, electronic and consumer risks).

The system-personal approach allows you to identify and fruitfully use individual, personal, and subject resources to achieve success in correcting victim behavior in the Internet space. Personality as a subject of social security constitutes the social quality of an individual; a system of motivational relations that mediate the interaction of the subject and the object; an individual form of existence and development of social connections and relations [3; 7; 9]. A systematic study of the social security of an individual involves a dichotomous analysis aimed at determining the conditions and factors of the formation of dangerous (deviant, addictive, delinquent) behavior of an individual and a safe type of personality. At the level of the local living environment, social security provides for the sustainable development of a certain part of society - professional, family, and domestic due to the activity of the subject activity.

Thus, the implementation of corrective work based on a systemic- personal approach to the education of the culture of safe behavior of adolescents in the Internet space determines a holistic study of his psychological constructs: as an individual of adolescence with his own socio- psychological and psychophysiological features; as an individual, a representative of student youth, a carrier of a system of values and ideals that determine his safe behavior in normal conditions and in conditions of an extreme situation that arise in the Internet space; as a subject of the educational process in an educational institution, as a future specialist who in the future must carry out professional activities in the design of a safe Internet environment, ensure safety in the Internet space, be the bearer of a system of social, spiritual and moral norms, standards of a healthy and safe way life.

The next approach that we pay attention to is the development of critical thinking. It involves the formation of adolescents' desire for independent development of critical thinking, conscious philanthropy, the ability to work with various sources of information found on the Internet, to be able to resist Internet risks, and the negative informational impact of sources that injure the psyche. The justification for choosing this approach is caused by a number of reasons. J. A. Brause and D. Wood define critical thinking as intelligent reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe and what to do. Critics try to understand and realize their own «I», to be objective, and logical, and try to understand other points of view. Critical thinking, in their opinion, is a search for common sense (how to judge objectively and act logically, taking into account both one's point of view and other opinions) and the ability to abandon one's own prejudices. Critical thinkers are able to propose new ideas and see new possibilities, which is of great importance when solving tests [14; 16].

The Internet is the main source of receiving and transmitting information and also occupies an important place in meeting the social needs of teenagers. Communication, searching for information, and downloading files from various resources can lead to danger not only to the system of the device used but also to have a negative effect on the psyche of the user. If a teenager does not differentiate the information he finds on the Internet, then the negative information impact injures the psyche, forming a distorted picture of the world and wrong life attitudes [9]. According to scientists, the majority of teenagers and young men have replaced live human communication with virtual ones, which are characterized by impoverished vocabulary, limited vocabulary, the transfer of emotional states in the form of emoticons, which negatively affects the processes of thinking, speech and personal development in general; the boundaries between personal and public are disappearing (family photos, photos of an intimate nature are posted on the network, this has already become the norm in modern cyberspace); children's distorted ideas about self-development (sources about methods of manipulating people are of interest); uncontrolled access of young people to information of a sexual nature, which can lead to problems in gender role identification.

The main idea of the activity approach is related to activity as a means of formation and development of adolescent subjectivity. That is, in the process and as a result of the use of forms, techniques, and methods of correctional work, it is necessary to contribute to the formation of a teenager's personality, capable of choosing, evaluating, programming, and constructing those types of activities that are adequate to his essence, satisfy his needs for self-development, self-realization. The active approach is characterized by the transfer of the teenager to the position of the subject of knowledge, work, and communication, in which the solution of certain vital and professionally important tasks is ensured, the inclusion of student youth in activities with the aim of educating safe behavior in the Internet space, the formation of skills and abilities to work in extreme situations with the help of active forms of learning, mastering competences for participation in productive, socially oriented activities. In this regard, educational talks and psychological training should be carried out, focused on learning how to prevent illegal actions and developing strategies for behavior in situations that arise in the Internet space. It is worth paying more attention to the development of interests and communication skills of teenagers in order to correct victim behavior and educate safe behavior in the Internet space. Safety culture contributes not only to the spiritual development of an individual but is also a way of uniting people, a humane attitude toward each other, as well as a conscious, responsible attitude to safety issues in all spheres of human activity [8; 11].

The next approach that we rely on in corrective work is the approach of preserving health. It is aimed at forming a valuable attitude toward one's own health, both among teenagers and pedagogical workers of educational institutions; the desire to assess the degree of influence of information technologies on human health, to be able to resist the risks of addictions, information overload, information fatigue syndrome; form a healthy lifestyle (exercise, motor activity, etc.), regulate working and study time. It's no secret that general digitalization has a strong impact on health. Children and adolescents who spend a significant amount of time in the Internet space, at a certain stage of their lives, begin to experience health problems. That is why it is so important to assess the degree of influence of information technologies on human health. The degree of security of the computer user is regulated by many different international standards, which are becoming stricter every year [1; 10; 13].

Analyzing the scientific, psychological, and pedagogical literature, it is necessary to clarify the principles that should be guided in order to organize corrective work regarding the victim behavior of adolescents on the Internet:

- the principle of humanization contributes to the formation of humanistic consciousness, interpersonal humanistic communication skills, a system of social and moral norms and legal norms that determine their general human and professional values and behavior in schoolchildren;

- the principle of prevention involves familiarizing teenagers with the category of safety, the main characteristics of a safe type of personality, the study of antisocial or dangerous behavior of children and young people, as well as deviations that occur in students in the Internet space and related threats and risks. This, in turn, also performs a preventive function regarding the prevention of victimization among teenagers [5; 8];

- the principle of social hardening contributes to the development of social immunity, social and psychological stress resistance, and a clear reflective position. Social hardening as a socio-pedagogical technology ensures the socialization and social development of adolescents, the ability to counteract Internet risks and victimization, promotes the development of their educational independence, the ability to self-educate, creative thinking, practical skills to ensure safety on the Internet;

- principle of centration, aimed at recognizing the authority of information and psychological security of an individual in the process of information security and which provides for the creation of a complex of legal and moral norms, public institutions, and organizations that ensure the state of protection of the individual's psyche from various informational influences. This principle consists in the clear selection of information on the safety of life, the correct distribution of accents and strict observance of ethical norms and boundaries in the Internet space, the education of the safe behavior of adolescents on the Internet, the formation of an information culture;

- the principle of health preservation consists in recognizing the priority of the value of the subject of education, his physical, spiritual, and mental health, and safety as the highest value and consists in the formation, preservation, and strengthening of the health of the subjects of the pedagogical process, the use of learning technologies and upbringing that preserves health, creation of a favorable psychological microclimate in the educational process of adolescents; development of psychological protection mechanisms that ensure the protection of consciousness from negative influences and risks on the Internet;

- provides for the creation of a complex of the entire set of conditions and factors that are directly or indirectly related to the formation of personality in the conditions of the educational process. Within the framework of this principle, it is important to organize the joint work of all public and private organizations, specialists directly or indirectly related to this process: teachers, psychologists, social teachers, doctors, lawyers, family members, etc [2; 7].

The theoretical analysis of scientific research made it possible to identify and substantiate the following set of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the correction of the victim behavior of adolescents on the Global Internet: 1) high-quality and timely diagnosis of the victim behavior of adolescents on the Internet; 2) creation of a safe educational environment in the educational institution; 3) development and implementation of a model of prevention and correction of victim behavior of teenagers on the Internet.

Prospects for further research may be the development and approval of a model for the prevention and correction of adolescent victim behavior on the Internet, as well as psychological and pedagogical support for this process as one of the steps to solve an important and complex modern problem - devictimization of adolescents in the Internet space.


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  • Использование Internet в маркетинговой деятельности предприятия. Особенности развития и целевая аудитория сети Internet в России. Новейшие направления в Internet-рекламе, способы ее размещения. Реализация брендинговой стратегии с помощью Internet.

    курсовая работа [52,7 K], добавлен 17.06.2010

  • Исторические предтечи Интернет - ARPAnet, LAN, Ethernet, NSFNET. Взаимоотношение структуры Internet и пользователя. Потенциальные пользователи. Доступ в Internet. Работа Internet: организация, структура, методы.

    реферат [69,3 K], добавлен 12.06.2007

  • Discussion of organizational culture. The major theories of personality. Social perception, its elements and common barriers. Individual and organizational influences on ethical behavior. The psychophysiology of the stress response.

    контрольная работа [27,7 K], добавлен 19.11.2012

  • Административное устройство Internet. Потенциальные пользователи. Работа Internet: организация, структура, методы. Дозволенное в Internet. Наиболее распространенные возможности Internet. Удаленный доступ. Передача файлов. Электронная почта.

    статья [71,4 K], добавлен 28.11.2002

  • Consideration of the mass media as an instrument of influence on human consciousness. The study of the positive and negative aspects of the radio, television, press, magazines, Internet. Advantages and disadvantages of the media in the Great Britain.

    дипломная работа [2,3 M], добавлен 14.10.2014

  • Tweens and teens problems. Beating children will be a crime. High-tech and children. Modern family problems and generation gap. Internet as dangerous drugs of present tense. New anti-drugs campaign for young people. Suicide among the teenagers.

    реферат [31,5 K], добавлен 22.02.2011

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