Professional Sustainability of Personality: Analysis of Volunteering Activity in Modern Conditions

Volunteer work is difficult to characterize as easy, as it requires people to take a lot of responsibility, emotional inclusion in situations of increased complexity. There is a growing need to study the characteristics of volunteers' sustainability.

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Professional Sustainability of Personality: Analysis of Volunteering Activity in Modern Conditions

Vizniuk Inessa

Dr. in Psychology, Professor,

Professor of the Department of Psychology and Social Work, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia (Ukraine)

Puhach Serhii

Dr. in Pedagogy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Law and Humanities, Vinnytsia Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics of Western Ukrainian National University,

Vinnytsia (Ukraine)

Mishchuk Serhii

Doctor, Psychologist, Scientific Correspondent of the Laboratory of

Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy of H.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Vinnytsia (Ukraine)


Volunteer work is difficult to characterize as easy, as it requires people to take a lot of responsibility, energy costs, emotional inclusion and the ability to quickly adapt in situations of increased complexity. There is a growing need to study the characteristics of volunteers' sustainability.

The aim of the article. The purpose of the article is to envisage volunteer activity in Ukraine as a manifestation of social activity of citizens in the context of determining the relationship between sustainability, value orientations and emotional burnout in volunteers as individual mental structures.

Research methods. The psychodiagnostic toolkit consisted of the following techniques: the method of diagnosing the level of emotional "burnout" according to V Boiko for studying the components of "emotional burnout" (tension, resistance, exhaustion), O. Kokun's questionnaire "Professional vitality" in the context of revealing the components of vitality (control, inclusion, acceptance of a challenge (control, commitment, challenge)) and M. Rokych's questionnaire "Value orientations" to outline the rank list of volunteers' values.

The results of the research. Involvement of volunteers in various events and programs changes their value priorities from the values of personal life (love, happy family life, productive life) to the values of self-realization and moral responsibility (interesting work, material status, honesty, tolerance, etc.). One of the important factors is the formation and development of civic competence.

Conlusions. According to the results of the research, it was determined that participation in volunteer activities contributes to the development of the professionalism of the future social worker, such values as tolerance, patience, an active lifestyle, responsibility. Personal qualities that need to be developed and improved play an important role in this process.

Key words: volunteers, volunteer activity, social position, value orientations, social activity of citizens.

Візнюк Інесса, Пугач Сергій, Міщук Сергій. Професійна життєстійкість особистості: аналіз волонтерської діяльності в умовах сучасності.

Професійна життєстійкість особистості: аналіз волонтерської діяльності в умовах сучасності

Візнюк Інесса

доктор психологічних наук, професор, професор кафедри психології та соціальної роботи, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського, м. Вінниця (Україна)

Пугач Сергій

доктор педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри правознавства і гуманітарних дисциплін, Вінницький навчально-науковий інститут економіки Західноукраїнського національного університету, м. Вінниця (Україна) volunteer activity social position

Міщук Сергій

лікар, психолог, науковий кореспондент лабораторії консультатив- ної психології та психотерапії Інституту психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України, м. Вінниця (Україна)

Волонтерську роботу складно охарактеризувати як легку, оскільки вона вимагає від людей великої відповідальності, енергетичних витрат, емоційноївключеності та здатності швидко адаптуватися до ситуацій підвищеної складності. Зростає потреба у вивченні характеристик стійкості волонтерів.

мета статті. Метою статті є волонтерська діяльність в Україні як прояв соціальної активності громадян у контексті визначення взаємозв'язку стійкості, ціннісних орієнтацій та емоційного вигорання у волонтерів як індивідуальних психічних структур.

методи дослідження. Психодіагностичний інструментарій склали такі методики: методика діагностики рівня емоційного «вигорання» за В. Бойком для вивчення компонентів «емоційного вигорання» (напруга, резистентність, виснаження), опитувальник О. Кокуна «Професійна життєвість» у контексті виявлення компонентів життєстійкості (контроль, включення, прийняття виклику (control, commitment, challenge)) та опитувальник М. Рокича «Ціннісні орієнтації» щодо визначення рейтингу цінностей волонтерів.

результати дослідження. Залучення волонтерів до різноманітних заходів та програм змінює їхні ціннісні пріоритети від цінностей особистого життя (любові, щасливого сімейного життя, матеріального забезпечення) до цінностей самореалізації та моральної відповідальності (цікава робота, матеріальний статус, чесність, толерантність тощо). Одним із важливих факторів є формування та розвиток громадянської компетентності.

висновок. За результатами дослідження встановлено, що участь у волонтерській діяльності сприяє розвиткові професіоналізму майбутнього соціального працівника; сприяє розвиткові таких цінностей, як толерантність, терпіння, активний спосіб життя, відповідальність. Важливу роль у цьому процесі відіграють особистісні якості, які необхідно розвивати та вдосконалювати.

ключові слова: волонтери, волонтерська діяльність, соціальна позиція, ціннісні орієнтації, соціальна активність громадян.


The year of 1958 is considered the official foundation date of volunteerism. It was this year that Henry Dunant created a volunteer organization - the Red Cross. The organization was created due to Dunant's impressions of the bloody battles at Sol- ferino, therefore the direction of the work of the first volunteer organization was first medical aid to the wounded and captured (Arrogante & Aparicio-Zaldivar, 2017).

In 1982, the “Alliance of European Voluntary Organizations” was created, which is a youth non-governmental organization. It represents volunteer organizations that are aimed at intercultural understanding, peace, democracy and equality in the discourse of general human rights, health care, ecology, etc. (Trudel-Fitzgerald, Millstein, von Hippel, Howe, Tomasso, Wagner & VanderWeele, 2019). Currently, this organization consists of 50 members from 28 European countries, including Ukraine. Every year, each country conducts a program of International volunteer projects in its country and exchanges volunteers with other participating countries for the exchange of experience and the possible acquisition of practical skills, which are applied in their countries then (Vizniuk, Bilan, Tsokur, Ro- zheliuk, Podkovyroff & Symonenko, 2021).

The General Declaration of Volunteers, which was adopted at the xI Congress of the International Association of Volunteers on September 14, 1990 in Paris, established that “volunteering is the voluntary, active, joint or personal participation of a citizen in the life of human communities to realize his basic human needs and improve the quality of life, economic and social development” (Vizniuk, Teslenko, Martyniuk, Savinova, Biliuk, Kyslychenk & Stelmakh, 2022).

For the first time, volunteer activity was officially recognized and consolidated at the regulatory and legal level on december 10, 2003, by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of the Regulation on volunteer activity in the field of social services”. Then the Law of Ukraine “On Volunteering” dated April 19, 2011 was adopted (Takahashi, Kawashima, Nitta & Kumano, 2020). The adoption of this law is associated with the Euro-2012 football championship, which took place in Ukraine, where the largest number of volunteers was involved in the entire time in Ukraine. This law recognized that “Volunteer activity is a voluntary, socially oriented, non-profit activity carried out by volunteers through the provision of volunteer assistance” (Viznyuk, Rokosovyk, Vytryk- hovska, Paslawska, Bielikova & Radziievska, 2022).

It is difficult to describe volunteer work as easy, because it requires people to take a lot of responsibility, incredible energy expenditure, emotional inclusion, as well as the ability to quickly adapt in extreme situations of military operations (Laczkovics, Fonzo, Bendixsen, Shpigel, Lee, Skala, Prunas, Gross, Steiner & Huemer, 2018). All this together with other factors determines the formation of professional stress, which can later flow into the so-called emotional burnout syndrome and be accompanied by negative consequences not only in professional activity and the quality of its performance, but also in personal life. Currently, there is an increasing need to study the characteristics of volunteers' resilience, as the ability to form effective ways to overcome stressful situations in terms of determining one's own social position (Wald, 2015).

The purpose of the article is to envisage volunteer activity in Ukraine as a manifestation of social activity of citizens in the context of determining the relationship between vitality, value orientations and emotional burnout in volunteers as individual mental structures.

The tasks of the article. The volunteer movement of today was created spontaneously, from the uniting of individual volunteers and their grouping into larger volunteer organizations that began to cooperate with centralized management and, thus, already had greater influence on management structures and better efficiency from their cooperation (Kuchai, Yakovenko, Zo- rochkina, Okolnycha, Demchenko & Kuchai, 2021). Against the backdrop of today's military operations, we are witnessing how quickly coordination and logistics processes, procurement, information support, etc. are being established. What are the individual mental structures of the interrelationship of the vitality of volunteers regarding the manifestation of their social activity as citizens of Ukraine is now one of the urgent problems of our time.

Among the famous volunteer organizations of Ukraine, the following are noted (Mishchuk, 2018):

- Serhiy Prytula Charity Fund;

- “Wings of Hope” charity fund (support for children with cancer and people in need of organ transplantation);

- Lviv volunteers who provide for the needs of the military “Help the Front”;

- Charitable fund to help veterans and military personnel “Come back alive”;

- Non-profit organization that takes care of elderly people “Zhytteliub”;

- Assistance to forced migrants, those who suffered in the ATO zone Volunteer association “Everybody can help”;

- National Scout Organization of Ukraine “Plast Lviv”;

- Vostok SOS, a charitable organization that supports citizens who defended the values of democracy in our country and suffered due to the armed conflict;

- Organization for the purchase of ammunition, means of protection, communication and intelligence, uniforms and food for the military “Army SOS”;

- Charitable fund “Regional Piety Fund” and others.

Today, volunteer organizations have established themselves

as socially active citizens who quickly and skillfully self-orga- nize and are able to find resources to solve any problem (Kokun, 2021).

There is no clear interpretation of the term “volunteer organization” in the Law of Ukraine “On Volunteering”. Therefore, based on the fact that volunteering is a voluntary activity, and an organization is an association of a circle of people to achieve a certain goal, then by combining these terms, you can refer to the Law of Ukraine “On Public Associations” dated June 27, 2018. This law states that “Public association is a voluntary association of individuals and/or legal entities under private law for the exercise and protection of rights and freedoms, satisfaction of public, in particular economic, social, cultural, environmental, and other interests”. (Mishchuk, 2019). Therefore, in our opinion, the interpretation of the concept of “public association” can be used for the term “volunteer organization” in its entirety. The website of the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine provides a comprehensive list of all-Ukrainian volunteer organizations with a brief description (Kokun, Ahaiev, Pishko & Lo- zinska, 2015).

Research methods and techniques. Volunteers of the Kyiv city center of the “Nadiia” volunteer center took part in the study. The sample for the study was 120 volunteers (aged 24 to 56). Before the start of the study, all participants were informed about the conditions of participation in the experiment and gave their consent to participate.

The psychodiagnostic toolkit consists of the following methods: the method of diagnosing the level of emotional “burnout” according to V. Boiko for studying the components of “emotional burnout” (tension, resistance, exhaustion) (Wald, 2015), O. Kokun's questionnaire “Professional vitality” (Kokun, 2021) in the context of revealing the components of vitality (control, commitment, challenge) and M. Rokych's questionnaire “Value orientations” to outline the ranked list of values of volunteers (Lazos, 2015).

1. The method of diagnosing the level of emotional burnout in volunteers, developed by V. Boiko, was used in the study to reveal the mechanisms of psychological protection regarding the form of expression of emotions in response to external psycho-traumatic influences. In volunteer activities, this technique allows to analyze the level of professionalism in the field of interaction with people, as well as to characterize the individual features of psychological protection of volunteers regarding the manifestation of emotional burnout when taking responsibility for the victims and fulfilling their own duties (Lazos, 2015).

According to the “key” of the methodology, calculations are made according to the following indicators:

1) the sum of points is determined separately for each of the three scales, which contain 12 symptoms of emotional burnout;

2) the sum of the indicators of the most pronounced symptoms according to each of the scales is calculated;

3) the final indicator of the level of development of emotional burnout is added up - the sum of indicators for all 12 signs.

The maximum score in the sum of 10 points is given by the indicator most suitable for the symptom of emotional burnout. Symptoms with an index of 20 or more points are characteristic of the dominant phases of the manifestation of emotional burnout. Further, the sum index is calculated for each of the scales, each of which contains 4 symptoms.

The scale of “tension” (nervous-anxious stress) is characterized by the following symptoms: “experiencing psycho-traumatic circumstances” (increased awareness of psycho-traumatic events of professional activity and danger), “dissatisfaction with oneself” (impossibility to influence psycho-traumatic circumstances, which increases dissatisfaction with oneself), “being driven into cage” (feeling of hopelessness) and “anxiety and depression” (a manifestation of emotional burnout as a means of psychological protection).

The scale of “resistance” (resistance to the development of stress) manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms: “inadequate selective emotional response” (a sign of inadequate expression of emotions), “emotional and moral disorientation” (the need for self-justification), “expansion of the sphere of economy of emotion” (transfer of emotions beyond professional activity and “reduction of professional duties” (attempts to reduce emotional costs).

The “Exhaustion” scale is due to the weakening of the nervous system and general energy tone and is characterized by the following symptoms: “emotional deficit” (feeling of powerlessness, inability to provide help), “emotional alienation” (complete exclusion of emotions from the sphere of professional life), “personal alienation or depersonalization” (complete or partial loss of interest in the subject of professional activity), “psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders” (decreased state of optimal functioning of the human body). In this way, the human body seems to save itself from the traumatic power of emotional burnout.

2. O. Kokun's questionnaire “Professional vitality” outlines vitality as a personal phenomenon, determines the level of a person's mental health, which includes the following components” (Kokun, 2021):

1) commitment is defined as satisfaction with one's own activity;

2) control provides a person's ability to control the situation as opposed to his own feeling of helplessness;

3) risk acceptance (challenge) is based on decision-making and choice regarding high-risk situations according to one's own experience and knowledge.

3. M. Rokich's questionnaire “Value orientations” was used in the study to determine the rank of volunteers' life values. It contains two types of values, which determine the degree of significance of each in professional activity, precisely during the performance of their duties. Conviction regarding the validity and perfection of one's own goal in striving to realize it is attributed to terminal values. Instrumental values reflect a person's conviction about the appropriateness of his own actions in a particular situation of increased complexity. This conditioning of the value orientations of volunteers corresponds to the traditional division into means-values and goal-values. Analyzing the hierarchy of values, it is worth considering the criteria for grouping them into meaningful blocks (ethical values of communication, values of self-affirmation, values of the case, etc.) in order to understand the individual patterns of each respondent (Lazos, 2015).

Results and discussions. The results of the study according to the Methodology “Diagnostics of the level of emotional burnout” (V. Boiko) regarding the determination of the signs of “emotional burnout” prove that volunteers' tension is characterized by experiencing psycho-traumatic circumstances (Fig. 1).

Tension in the group of subjects is manifested in the longterm experience of psycho-traumatic circumstances and has an increasing character (63%). Volunteers perceive working conditions and professional interpersonal relationships as psycho- traumatizing, which negatively affect consciousness and internal tension, instability of mental reactions.

37% of the subjects are in a state of anxiety regarding the performance of professional duties with an increased level of nervousness, anxiety, depressed mood. Volunteers usually cannot concentrate on certain work, there are behavioral changes and a sudden change in mood. However, the center's employees are generally satisfied with their own professional activities, they are satisfied with the environment in which they are and the people they communicate with. The subjects do not feel the desire to change the activity at all (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1. Indicators of tension as a sign of volunteers' “emotional burnout” (in %)

Resistance of volunteers as a personal trait is characterized by the most pronounced symptom - reductionn of professional duties (37% of people). 28% of all subjects will show emotional withdrawal, alienation, the desire to stop any communication during the performance of professional duties. Symptoms of inadequate selective emotional response (18%) and emotional and moral disorientation (17%) in the subjects are manifested in the development of indifference in professional interaction and the uncontrolled influence of mood on the performance of duties.

Fig. 2. Indicators of volunteers' resistance (in %)

During the study of the volunteers' manifestation of such a component of “emotional burnout” as exhaustion, the severity of psychosomatic and psychovegetative malaise was revealed (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Rates of exhaustion among volunteers (in %)

Emotional exhaustion is based on psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders (38%). This symptom is dominant and is characterized by a person's psychophysical overfatigue, desolation, leveling of one's own professional achievements, disruption of professional communications, development of a cynical attitude towards those with whom one has to communicate for work reasons, and the development of psychosomatic diseases. In 26% of all subjects, personal detachment (depersonalization), i.e. violation of professional relations, development of a cynical attitude towards those with whom one has to communicate and towards professional activities in general, is occupied.

There is also a clearly formed symptom of emotional deficiency (23%) as the development of emotional insensitivity against the background of overexhaustion, minimization of emotional contribution to work, automatism, devastation of a person when performing professional duties, and emotional detachment - as

an effect of creating a protective barrier in professional communications.

Emotional aloofness occupies 13% of the respondents, which manifests itself in the creation of a protective barrier in relation to professional communications.

According to the method of value orientations of M. Rokych, the internal orientation of volunteers is specified. This method is based on direct ranking of the list of terminal and instrumental values.

Fig. 4. List of terminal and instrumental values of volunteers (in%)

The most significant values as means of achieving life goals include: “honesty” (rank 1), “education” (rank 2), “vitality” (rank 3), “behaviour” (rank 4), “responsibility” (rank 5), “selfcontrol” (rank 6). Desired values (rank 7-12) included: “independence” (rank 7), “courage in defending one's views and opinions” (rank 8), “willpower” (rank 9), “accuracy” (rank 10), “efficiency in business” (rank 11), “rationalism” (rank 12).

The least important values: “intransigence to shortcomings in oneself and others” (rank 18), “high needs” (rank 17), “tolerance” (rank 16), “thoroughness” (rank 15), “neatness” (rank 14) and “breadth of views” (rank 13).

Thus, participation in volunteer activities contributes to the professional development of the future social worker; contributes to the development of such values as tolerance, patience, an active lifestyle, responsibility. Involvement of volunteers in various events and programs changes their value priorities from the values of personal life (love, happy family life, productive life) to the values of self-realization and moral responsibility (interesting work, material status, honesty, tolerance, etc.). Personal qualities that need to be developed and improved play an important role in this process. One of the important factors is the formation and development of civic competence. Participation in volunteer activities allows the development of the valuable component of civic competence, which is realized through the manifestation of specific civic values.

According to O. Kokun's methodology “Professional sustainability”, the general level of professional sustainability is determined, which is based on the degree of expression of its three components (the level of professional involvement, control and professional acceptance of the challenge) and four components (the level of emotional, content-professional, motivational and social components of professional viability). The results of the study showed that the majority of respondents showed a lower than average level of viability (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Levels of professional viability of volunteers

Therefore, the professional sustainability of volunteers is a systemic personal and professional property that is formed in a specialist in the course of active involvement in professional activity, control over it and acceptance of “professional challenges”, ensuring the ability to withstand adverse circumstances at work, preventing the development of professional maladjustment, health disorders, providing personal and professional growth. During the quantitative processing of the research results, an analysis of significant correlations was carried out according to the methods that lead to the development of emotional burnout and those that prevent the development of emotional burnout in volunteers (Table 1).

Table 1

Correlation indicators according to the scales of psychodiagnostic methods according to the Pearson coefficient





























Value orientations





Values of personal life





Values of communication and self-affirmation





Achievement values





Individual values





Values of self-realization and moral responsibility





Active-passive values





Note: *highlighted significant correlations at p < 0.05 ** significant correlations are highlighted at p < 0.01

The study showed that there is a statistically significant (at p < 0.01) relationship between: stress, value orientations, values of communication and self-affirmation, values of achievement and risk taking; resistance and inclusion; values of communication and self-affirmation and vitality; control and individual values, exhaustion and vitality, value orientations and inclusion ( r = 0.5 - 0.7). Also, it was proved that there is a statistically significant (at the level of p < 0.01) strong relationship between: values of selfrealization and moral responsibility and risk acceptance (r = 0.7 - 0.9). A statistically significant relationship (at the level of p< 0.05) and a moderate relationship between the following scales was revealed: control, value orientations and stress (r=0.35-0.4), which proves their influence on the development of emotional burnout in volunteers according to varying degrees of severity.

It is worth noting that the absence of a statistically significant (at the p< 0.05 level) inverse moderate relationship between active-passive values and sustainability, as well as between synergy and risk acceptance (r=-0.4-(-0.5)) has been proven. The exhaustion scale was not correlated with any component of vitality, which proves the lack of risk of developing emotional burnout among volunteers on this basis.

Therefore, we define the resilience of volunteers as a personal integral characteristic, which is due to the importance of individual features of the human psyche, which are manifested in certain difficult situations as a single complex of successfully overcoming life's difficulties and optimal provision of one's own life. The professional sustainability of a volunteer's personality is a systematic personal and professional formation, a character trait that is formed in a specialist in the context of professional life, manifested through his inclusion in his own creative activity, control over decision-making regarding “professional risks”, and ensuring the ability to resist in adverse situations circumstances of performance of duties, preventing the development of emotional burnout and health disorders and ensuring own professional growth.


Thus, there is a connection between vitality, value orientations and emotional burnout in volunteers as mental phenomena. It attests to the presence of individual mental structures in volunteers, which contribute to their social activity, a clear civic position, and choices based on value orientations, despite emotional burnout and fatigue. It is this social position that reflects the psychological stability and resistance of citizens in Ukraine. The basic scales are “tension” and “resistance”, which determine the connection with the general level of vitality of the subjects. This disposition characterizes a positive trend towards the development of professional sustainability among volunteers: most of the obtained results testify to the range of the average norm. High indicators of the researched are observed in such constructions of vitality as: resistance, value orientations, individual values, values of self-realization and moral responsibility.

The lack of relationship of vitality is observed on the following scales: tension, exhaustion, active-passive values, which have no influence on its development. There is a trend towards social development of the personality. The connection between sustainability and values regarding the personal life of volunteers was also confirmed.

From this, we understand that volunteering in the country is a manifestation of the social position of civil society, which contributes to the development of the state. Volunteer activity can be considered a direct manifestation of the social activity of Ukrainian citizens, and its increase is the result of the manifestation of individual personality traits (resistance, inclusiveness, values of communication, self-affirmation and vitality). Therefore, at present, it is advisable to increase the number of volunteers in order to contribute to the increase in the number of people who will selflessly help those in need.

Prospects for further research are the search and development of work methods based on the problematic aspects identified in the research in the areas of sustainability and self-actualization of volunteers.


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8. Arrogante O., Aparicio-Zaldivar E. Burnout and health among critical care professionals: The mediational role of resilience. Intensive Crit. Care Nurs. 2017. Vol. 42. P. 110-115. DOI: 10.1016/j.iccn.2017.04.010.

9. Inessa Vizniuk, Valentyn Teslenko, Iryna Martyniuk, Nataliia Savinova, Olena Biliuk, Viktoriia Kyslychenko, Ninа Stelmakh. Posttraumatic growth in the context of forming a positive experience of volunteers in the information environment. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2022. Vol.22, No 6. Р. 562-570. DOI:

10. Kim, Y. J., Cho, J. H.. Correlation between Preventive Health Behaviors and Psycho-Social Health Based on the Leisure Activities of South Koreans in the COVID-19 Crisis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020. Vol. 17, No 11. P. 40-66. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17114066.

11. Kuchai, O., Yakovenko, S., Zorochkina, T., Okolnycha, T., Demchenko, I., Kuchai, T. Problems of distance Learning in Specialists Training in Modern Terms of the Informative Society during COVID-19. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 2021. Vol. 21, No 12. P. 143-148. URL: IJCSNS.2021.21.12.21.

12. Laczkovics, C., Fonzo, G., Bendixsen, B., Shpigel, E., Lee, I., Skala, K., Prunas, A.; Gross, J.,Steiner, H., Huemer, J. Defense mechanism is predicted by attachment and mediates the maladaptive influence of insecure attachment on adolescent mental health. Current Psychology. 2018. Vol. 39, No 4. P. 1388-1396. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-018-9839-1.

13. Lawrence, K. C. A Study on the Psycho-social Factors Associated with the Mental Health of Uniformed Personnel in Internally Displaced Persons' Camps in Nigeria. Community mental health journal. 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s10597-020-00692-7.

14. Mishchuk S. Cohesion as a leading condition for overcoming psychotrauma: traditional and modern contexts. Actual problems of psycholog.: Counseling psychology and psychotherapy. K.: Logos, 2018. Vol. 14. Р. 6477. URL:

15. Takahashi, T., Kawashima, I., Nitta, Y., Kumano, H. Dispositional mindfulness mediates the relationship between sensory-processing sensitivity and trait anxiety, well-being, and psychosomatic symptoms. Psychological reports. 2020. Vol. 123, No 4. P. 1083-1098. DOI: 10.1177/0033294119841848.

16. Trudel-Fitzgerald, C., Millstein, R. A., von Hippel, C., Howe, C. J., Tomas- so, L. P., Wagner, G. R., VanderWeele, T. J. Psychological well-being as part of the public health debate? Insight into dimensions, interventions, and policy. BMC public health. 2019. Vol. 19, No 1. P. 1-11. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-019-8029-x.

17. Tsekhmister Y., Inessa V., Vasyl H., Oksana Y., Serhii D. Modern changes in the model of professional and pedagogical training of medicines in the context of European integration processes. International Journal of Health Sciences. 2022. Vol. 6, No 2. Р. 972-986. DOI: https://doi. org/10.53730/ijhs.v6n2.9440.

18. Vizniuk I., Bilan L., Tsokur O., Rozheliuk I., Podkovyroff N., Symonen- ko T. Psychosomatic Health as a Factor of Human Social Adaptation in Postmodern Society. Postmodern Openings. 2021. Vol. 12, No 1. P. 54-73. URL: article/view/3361

19. Vizniuk I., Teslenko V., Martyniuk I., Savinova N., Biliuk O., Kyslychen- ko V., Stelmakh N. Posttraumatic growth in the context of forming a positive experience of volunteers in the information environment. IJC- SNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Securit. 2022. Vol. 22, No 6. Р. 562-670. DOI: SNS.2022.22.6.70.

20. Viznyuk I., Rokosovyk N., Vytrykhovska O., Paslawska A., Bielikova O., Radziievska I. Information Support of the Educational Process in the Development of Leadership Potential of Modern University in the Conditions of Distance Learning. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 2022. Vol. 22, No 4. Р. 209-216. URL:

21. Vizniuk I., Dzekan O., Dolynnyi S., Fomin O., Fomina N., Ordatii N. Ukrainian experience of thepedagogical training of medical specialists in the context of European integration processes. Revista Eduweb. 2022. Vol. 16, No 4. P. 65-77. URL: 7576/2022.16.04.6.

22. Wald H.S. Professional identity (trans)formation in medial education: reflection, relationship, resilience. Acad. Med. 2015. Vol. 90, No 6. P. 701-706. DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000731.


1. Arrogante, O., & Aparicio-Zaldivar, E. (2017). Burnout and health among critical care professionals: The mediational role of resilience. Intensive Crit. Care Nurs., 42, 110-115. DOI: 10.1016/j.iccn.2017.04.010.

2. Inessa Vizniuk, Valentyn Teslenko, Iryna Martyniuk, Nataliia Savinova, Olena Biliuk, Viktoriia Kyslychenko, & Nina Stelmakh. (2022). Post- traumatic growth in the context of forming a positive experience of volunteers in the information environment. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 22(6), 562-570. DOI:

3. Kim, Y. J., & Cho, J. H. (2020). Correlation between Preventive Health Behaviors and Psycho-Social Health Based on the Leisure Activities of South Koreans in the COVID-19 Crisis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11), 4066. DOI: 10.3390/ ijerph17114066.

4. Kokun, O.M. (2021). Spryiannia pidvyshchenniu zhyttiestiikosti fakhivtsiv sotsionomichnykh profesii [Helping to increase the vitality of specialists in socio-economic professions].O.M. Kokun (Ed.). Kyiv- Lviv : Vy- davets Viktoriia Kundelska. (P.8-14). Retrieved from http://psycho- logy- naes- [in Ukrainian].

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6. Kuchai, O., Yakovenko, S., Zorochkina, T., Оkolnycha, T., Demchenko, I., & Kucha., T. (2021). Problems of distance Learning in Specialists Training in Modern Terms of the Informative Society During COVID-19. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 21(12), 143-148. Retrieved from SNS.2021.21.12.21.

7. Laczkovics, C., Fonzo, G., Bendixsen, B., Shpigel, E., Lee, I., Skala, K., Pru- nas, A., Gross, J.,Steiner, H., & Huemer, J. (2018). Defense mechanism is predicted by attachment and mediates the maladaptive influence of insecure attachment on adolescent mental health. Current Psychology, 39(4), 1388-1396. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-018-9839-1.

8. Lawrence, K.C. (2020). A Study on the Psycho-social Factors Associated with the Mental Health of Uniformed Personnel in Internally Displaced Persons' Camps in Nigeria. Community mental health journal. DOI: 10.1007/s10597-020-00692-7.

9. Lazos, H.P. (2015). Rezilientnist: kontseptualizatsiiaponiat, ohliad suchasnykh doslidzhen. Psykholohichna dopomohapostrazhdalym vnaslidok kryzovykh travmatychnykh podii [Resilience: conceptualization of concepts, review of modern research. Psychological assistance to victims of crisis-traumatic events]. Kyiv: TOV «Vydavnytstvo «Lohos» [in Ukrainian].

10. Mishchuk, S. (2019). Vidchuzhenist yak tsentralnyi fenomen psykhotravmivnoho protsessu [Alienation as a central phenomenon of the psychotraumatic process]. Psykholohichnyi chasopys - Psychological Newsletter, 12, 137-151. Retrived from [in Ukrainian].

11. Mishchuk S. (2018). Cohesion as a leading condition for overcoming psychotrauma: traditional and modern contexts. Actual problems of psychology: Counseling psychology and psychotherapy, 14, 64-77. Retrived from

12. Takahashi, T., Kawashima, I., Nitta, Y., & Kumano, H. (2020). Dispositional mindfulness mediates the relationship between sensory- processing sensitivity and trait anxiety, well-being, and psychosomatic symptoms. Psychological reports, 123(4), 1083-1098. DOI: 10.1177/0033294119841848.

13. Trudel-Fitzgerald, C., Millstein, R. A., von Hippel, C., Howe, C. J., Tomasso, L. P., Wagner, G. R., & VanderWeele, T. J. (2019). Psychological wellbeing as part of the public health debate? Insight into dimensions, interventions, and policy. BMC public health, 19(1), 1-11. DOI: 10.1186/ sl2889-019-8029-x.

14. Tsekhmister, Yu., Inessa, V., Vasyl, H., Oksana, Y., & Serhii, D. (2022). Modern changes in the model of professional and pedagogical training of medicines in the context of European integration processes International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(2), 972-986. DOI: https://doi. org/10.53730/ijhs.v6n2.9440.

15. Tsekhmister Yu.V., Konovalova T., Tsekhmister B.Yu., Agraval A., & Ghosh D. (2021). Evaluation of virtual reality technology and online learning system for medical students in Ukraine during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of New Technologies in Education (iJET), 16(23), 127-139. DOI:

16. Vizniuk I., Bilan L., Tsokur O., Rozheliuk I., Podkovyroff N., & Symonenko T. (2021). Psychosomatic Health as a Factor of Human Social Adaptation in Postmodern Society. Postmodern Openings, 12(1), 54-73. Retrieved from ticle/view/3361.

17. Vizniuk I., Teslenko V., Martyniuk I., Savinova N., Biliuk O., Kyslychenko V., Stelmakh N. (2022). Posttraumatic growth in the context of forming a positive experience of volunteers in the information environment. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 22(6), 562-670. DOI:

18. Viznyuk, I., Rokosovyk, N., Vytrykhovska, O., Paslawska, A., Bielikova, O., & Radziievska, I. (2022). Information Support of the Educational Process in the Development of Leadership Potential of Modern University in the Conditions of Distance Learning. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 22(4), 209-216. Retrieved from

19. Vizniuk, I., Dzekan, O., Dolynnyi, S., Fomin, O., Fomina, N., & Ordatii, N. (2022). Ukrainian experience of thepedagogical training of medical specialists in the context of European integration processes. Revista Edu- web, 16(4), 65-77. Retrieved from 7576/2022.16.04.6.

20. Volonterskyi rukh: svitovyi dosvid ta ukrainski hromadianski praktyky [Volunteer movement: world experience and Ukrainian civic practices]: analit. dop. (2015). Kyiv : NISD. Retrieved from doslidzhennya/gromadyanske-suspilstvo/volonterskiy-rukh-svitoviy- dosvid-ta-ukrainski-gromadyanski [in Ukrainian].

21. Wald, HS. (2015). Professional (trans)formation of identity in medical education: reflection, relationships, resilience. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 90(6), 701-706. DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000731.

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