Example problems of preserving personal psychological health

The applied problems of preserving the psychological health of an individual. The practical problems of preserving the psychological health of a person. The structure of emotional well-being as one of the important criteria of psychological health.

Рубрика Психология
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Дата добавления 16.01.2024
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Example problems of preserving personal psychological health

Dobrovolska N.A.

Zavatska N.Ye.

Shevchenko O.L.

Добровольська Н.А., Завацька Н.Є., Шевченко О.Л.


У статті розкрито прикладні проблеми збереження психологічного здоров'я особистості. Розкрито структуру емоційного благополуччя як одного із важливих критеріїв психологічного здоров'я. Виділено параметри, що визначають емоційне благополуччя здорової особистості та є факторами ризику для її психологічного здоров'я: інтернальність у сфері сімейних відносин, що означає відповідальність за події у сімейному житті; контактність, що означає здатність встановлювати глибокі відносини з іншими; суб'єктивне благополуччя, що означає несхильність скаржитися на нездужання; креативність, що означає високу творчу спрямованість у професійній діяльності; самоприйняття, що означає здатність приймати себе з недоліками та слабкостями; гнучкість поведінки як здатність швидко реагувати на ситуацію, що змінюється; індекс моральності як стан моральної сфери; зрілість особистості як відповідальність та самоповагу. Наголошується, що ці чинники можуть сприяти зниженню рівня психологічного здоров'я, що виявляється у формі нездатності встановлювати глибокі відносини з іншими, схильності скаржитися на нездужання, зниження здатності швидко реагувати на ситуацію, що змінюється, байдужості до значних подій у професійному житті та багатьох інших соціально-психологічних феноменах.

Ключові слова: особистість, психологічне здоров'я, емоційне

благополуччя, реабілітація, екстремальні стрес-фактори.

Добровольська Наталія Анатоліївна - доктор психологічних наук, професор, завідувач загальновузівської кафедри фізичного виховання, спорту та здоров'я людини, Таврійський національний університет імені В.І. Вернадського, м. Київ;

Завацька Наталія Евгенівна - доктор психологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, м. Київ;

Шевченко Олена Леонідівна - старший викладач загальновузівської кафедри фізичного виховання, спорту та здоров'я людини, Таврійський національний університет імені В.І. Вернадського, м. Київ; здобувач кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, м. Київ.

The article describes the applied problems of preserving the psychological health of an individual. The structure of emotional well-being is revealed as one of the important criteria of psychological health. The parameters that determine the emotional well-being of a healthy individual and are risk factors for his psychological health are highlighted: internality in the field of family relations, which means responsibility for events in family life; contact, which means the ability to establish deep relationships with others; subjective well-being, which means a reluctance to complain of discomfort; creativity, which means high creative orientation in professional activity; self-acceptance, which means the ability to accept oneself with flaws and weaknesses; behavioral flexibility as the ability to quickly respond to a changing situation; the morality index as the state of the moral sphere; personality maturity as responsibility and self-respect. It is emphasized that these factors can contribute to a decrease in the level of psychological health, which is manifested in the form of the inability to establish deep relationships with others, the tendency to complain of discomfort, a decrease in the ability to quickly respond to a changing situation, indifference to significant events in professional life and many other social psychological phenomena.

Key words: personality, psychological health, emotional well-being, rehabilitation, extreme stress factors.

Formulation of the problem. Psychological health becomes the subject of study by domestic psychologists at the end of the 20th century, who not only separated the concepts of "mental health" and "psychological health", but also designated the phenomenological field in which the phenomenon of health appears in the totality of its psychological aspects [1; 3].

The introduction of the term "psychological health" is connected with the understanding of the content of the psychological service of education, the purpose of which, and, consequently, of the practical psychologist is to preserve and strengthen the mental and psychological health of children [7]. The authors refer to the term "psychological health" not to separate mental processes and mechanisms, but to the person as a whole, to the highest manifestations of the human spirit [1].

Analysis of the latest research and publications. Defining the concept of "psychological health", scientists note that it makes a person self-sufficient. We don't externally set frameworks, norms, guidelines for her, we don't evaluate her in the usual way: this personality is developed, this is not very good, this is at an average level. We arm (rather, we must arm) the child - in accordance with his age, with means of self-understanding, self-acceptance and self-development in the context of interaction with the people around him and in the conditions of cultural, social, economic and ecological realities of the surrounding world.

Researchers orient adults to take care of the child's inner world, believe that children's psychological health is impossible without mental health at all stages of ontogenesis [7].

Thus, humanistic trends in society and education have put before psychologists the need to study the mechanisms of development of mental and psychological health, although the separation of these concepts is quite conditional and, in our opinion, reflects a narrowly disciplinary approach in such branches of scientific knowledge as psychology, pedagogy and sociology [3].

The purpose of the article - reveal the practical problems of preserving the psychological health of a person. psychological health emotional well being

Presentation of the main material and research results. The humanistic approach became a bright milestone in the development of psychology, gave impetus to the formation of the practice of psychological assistance to people. However, not all ideas of humanists are perceived today with the same persuasiveness as before. Humanistic psychology implemented the establishment of person-centered consciousness, for which the self is the fundamental and ultimate value. Such a position is more in line with the way of the pagan world. Only the object of worship (idol, idol) of people is not natural forces as living entities, but their own nature (nature), the norm of life is self-assertion and self-expression in all available forms, the goal of life is earthly goods. The essence of this kind of natural spirituality is manifested in the desire for a human deity, when an individual tries to become like God, without even bothering to be human. In our time, this tendency has developed into a cult of desired success and acquired the character of a social dogma. In reality, closing an individual in his self-improvement for the sake of self-improvement often leads to the meaningless of existence and a general decrease in vitality [4].

Scientists write that when ideological barriers were removed, domestic psychologists began to study psychological health in a wide range of ways: interested, populist, wary, skeptical and critical.

Psychological health is personal health. An analysis of the main approaches to the interpretation of this concept was conducted, which indicates that, despite the apparent diversity, the overwhelming number of concepts mainly operate under the categories of "norms" and "adaptations" [2].

This approach is called "statistically adaptive". It is indicated that the abovementioned ideas about mental health came to psychology mainly from the natural sciences: the concepts of adaptability and homeostasis from physiology, the model of health as the absence of disease from medicine, etc. Thus, the authors come to the conclusion that, when applied to a person, these criteria are clearly insufficient, although they are still actively used [2].

Analyzing the problem of mental health in the context of basic psychological theories of personality, scientists note that representatives of various branches of psychology also hold fundamentally different views on this problem. Moreover, far from each of these referrals, the problem of mental health is specifically addressed.

Such a problem, as an independent and demanding analysis, does not exist in behaviorism, which is characterized by the reduction of the personality to its social functioning and the determination of the norm or human health (by analogy with biological systems) through the concept of balance with the environment, using external criteria - adaptation, stability, success.

The problem of the specifics of normal development is actually not raised in psychoanalysis, since within its framework there is no concept of a mentally healthy person, and the properties of the motivation of a neurotic, such as the connection of motivation with libidinous attraction, the unconsciousness of the determining motives of behavior, homeostasis as the main principle of the functioning of motivation, are spread on a healthy person.

Analyzing various models of mental health, we come to the conclusion that they are directed to different levels that regulate the subject's activity [2]. A request for systematization was made and a multilevel model of mental health was proposed. In particular, three levels are distinguished in the structure of the personality: proper personal or personal-meaningful, responsible for determining the meaning of life, attitude to oneself and others; individual-executive or individual-psychological, responsible for the construction and implementation of specific mental activity; psychophysiological, ensuring the breadth and stability of the flow of mental processes.

Each of these levels corresponds to its own understanding of mental health. The highest level of mental health is personal-meaningful or the level of personal health, determined by the quality of a person's meaningful relationships. Assessment of health at the individual-psychological level depends on a person's ability to build adequate ways of realizing meaningful aspirations. Finally, at the psychophysiological level, health is determined by the peculiarities of the brain organization of acts of mental activity. According to this model, the highest level of personal health, which is responsible for the production of meaningful orientations, the definition of the general meaning of life, the attitude towards oneself and others, exerts a regulatory influence on the lower levels. Being multilevel, mental health can suffer at some levels while others are relatively safe.

Other researchers supplement the view of psychological health with the need to consider not only the social norm as the optimal practical criterion, but also to remember that health is "measured" by the personality at its individual level. So, on the one hand, a person monitors his own well-being, on the other hand, he orients himself to a certain ideal of his own health. At the same time, it is noted that the ideal of health may differ significantly from generally accepted ideas about the social norm. In other words, a person can consider himself unhealthy when society believes in his health, and conversely, think that he is healthy when society classifies him as sick [4].

The second important aspect of the new understanding of psychological health, proposed by researchers, was the thesis that for a person health is not only and not so much an opportunity to act effectively in the social sphere, but rather an opportunity to feel good and fully realize yourself. That is why so much attention is paid to the ideal of health, since this is precisely the state to which a person strives and which allows him to feel healthy, to be in harmony with himself.

Analyzing the concept of "psychological health", scientists draw attention to the not entirely successful use of this term, and consider that the correct word is "healthy personality", "personal health", because the content of "psychological health" reflects the qualities of a healthy, mature personality. Traits describing a healthy personality are distinguished: developed self-control and adequate behavior in various life situations [1].

Representing health at the psychological level, scientists connect it with the personal context, define a mentally healthy person as harmonious, and highlight the following main characteristics: psychological stability, balance, and the ability to resist influences that tend to disrupt its integrity [6].

Analyzing the concepts of "health" and "psychological health", they note that it should be noted that attempts have been made in psychology in recent years to overcome methodological and conceptual inconsistencies, including in the understanding of what is designated as "psychological health [6].

Many authors write that the question of the real impact of modern education on the psychological health of children is a reason for special research. Moreover, prevention and preservation of children's mental and psychological health are proclaimed as the goal of the psychological service of education.

One of the main methodological problems of the study of psychological health is the uncertainty of the theoretical basis. Research and preventive programs often do not imply any theoretical model. Due to the intuitive construction of the research design, despite the effectiveness of the conducted effects, it is impossible to identify common factors of influence, to develop recommendations for drawing up programs to preserve and strengthen psychological health. The absence of a single model practically excludes the accumulation of knowledge. Effective handling of theoretical constructs, avoidance of oversimplification, and creation of a competent theory of personal changes and the processes leading to them are required.

It is possible to consider this concept in the context of the main goal of education and agree that the problem of psychological health is a sort of terra incognita, on the periphery of the treatment of severe mental illnesses and the solution of applied psychological and pedagogical problems by school psychological services. Children whose condition can be qualified as "not mentally ill, but psychologically no longer healthy" continue to remain outside the field of vision and positive intervention of psychology, pedagogy and medicine.

It is important that solving the problem of protecting psychological health in any specific institution is the responsibility of a psychologist, and he must very clearly understand what is behind this concept and what are the criteria and methods of its definition, and a holistic model of a healthy personality will allow to effectively solve problems of impaired mental health in conditions person-oriented counseling [5].

It is the identification of the composition and disclosure of the content of psychological health criteria that is called key to practical demand [5].

Concluding the discussion of this topic, we note: in order for the effectiveness of theoretical and applied developments to increase and for it to become possible to accumulate and generalize knowledge on the problem of protecting psychological health, it is necessary to overcome the described difficulties of a methodological nature, develop theoretical foundations and determine criteria for psychological health of a higher degree of generality, such there may be emotional well-being, which is the problematic area of research.

We propose to understand the emotional well-being of a person as a rather complex integrative phenomenon, as satisfaction with one's life, as the main generalized criterion of a healthy personality. This approach to the study of emotional well-being poses a number of questions that were not previously the subject of research: about the peculiarities of the relationship between emotional well-being and psychological health of a person.

Such a formulation of the question is especially important for solving practical problems of psychological support in the educational sphere, where the activity of the subjects is known to be associated with emotional overload and stress at the workplace. Preservation and restoration of the mental health of the subject of the educational process, especially the spiritual one, today is impossible without an assessment of the psychological profile of the person and depends on the criteria that determine psychological health [7].


The conducted research allows us to talk about the structure of emotional well-being as one of the important criteria of psychological health. Parameters that determine the emotional well-being of a healthy person and are risk factors for her psychological health are highlighted: internality in the field of family relations, meaning responsibility for events in family life; contact, meaning the ability to establish deep relationships with others; subjective well-being, meaning reluctance to complain about ailments; creativity, meaning high creative direction in professional activity; self-acceptance, which means the ability to accept oneself with shortcomings and weaknesses; flexibility of behavior as the ability to quickly react to a changing situation; the moral index as the state of the moral sphere; personality maturity as responsibility and self-respect.

It is these factors that can contribute to a decrease in the level of psychological health, manifested in the form of an inability to establish deep relationships with others, a tendency to complain about ailments, a decrease in the ability to quickly react to a changing situation, indifference to significant events in professional life, and many other socio-psychological phenomena.


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