Professional creativity of combatants after participating in war events on the territory of Ukraine: the applied research
The dependence of professional creativity of combatants after they had participated in war events on the Ukraine. High level of general intelligence presupposes the achievement of high success by specialists in professional activities, education.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 31.01.2024 |
Размер файла | 26,5 K |
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Professional creativity of combatants after participating in war events on the territory of Ukraine: the applied research
Ivashkevych Eduard, Doctor of Psychology, Professor at the Department of General Psychology and Psychodiagnostics, Rivne State University of the Humanities; Kharchenko Yevhen, Dr. in Medicine, Professor at the Department of Physical Rehabilitation and Ergo-Therapy, Rivne Medical Academy, Nabochuk Alexander, Ph.D. in Psychology, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav
It was shown, that empirical studies also testified to the significant role of personal characteristics in terms of the development of professional creativity. A personal approach to the study of professional creativity is characterized by special attention to emotional and motivational characteristics that are included into the structure of professional creativity. Regarding personal characteristics that are related to professional creativity, the results of various theoretical and empirical studies are similar. Scientists have singled out some personal traits (self-confidence, aggressiveness, self-satisfaction, non-recognition of social restrictions and the opinions of others), that distinguish creative individuals from non-creative ones. According to some psychologists, this testifies to the existence of a general type of creative personality in contrast to the type of non-creative subject. Interestingly, studies, conducted with children and youth indicate that the personality traits of young children and young men and women, if they are all creative, coincide. The latter allows us to assert that creativity is formed at a fairly early age based on the manifestations of the subjects' personal characteristics. Scientists have also proven that if a certain personality is considered a creative one from an early age, then with a high degree of probability it can be said that he/she will have high indicators of professional creativity in the future (provided that he/she was chosen a profession that is appropriate for his/her personal characteristics).
The data having been obtained by us allowed us to draw the following conclusions. First of all, we've emphasize the dependence of the level of intelligence on a certain type of profession. Secondly, high indicators of intelligence were diagnosed not only among respondents of mental activity, but also of individuals, who provide physical labor. Thirdly, the level of general intelligence of the respondents was higher, the more difficult the profession of the given person turned out to be. Fourthly, training for various professions is almost equally dependent on the level of general intelligence. And, fifthly, a high level of general intelligence presupposes the achievement of high success by specialists not only in professional activities, but also in education.
Keywords: professional creativity, personal characteristics, a certain type of profession, training for various professions, self-confidence, aggressiveness, self-satisfaction, non-recognition of social restrictions, intelligence.
Професійна творчість учасників бойових дій після участі у військових подіях на території України: емпіричне дослідження
Едуард Івашкевич, доктор психологічних наук, професор кафедри загальної психології та психодіагностики Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету; Євген Харченко, доктор медичних наук, професор, професор кафедри фізичної реабілітації і ерготерапії Рівненської медичної академії; Олександр Набочук, Кандидат психологічних наук, докторант Університету Григорія Сковороди в Переяславі
Показано, що емпіричні дослідження свідчать щодо неабиякої ролі особистісних особливостей в плані розвитку професійної творчості. Особистісний підхід у вивченні професійної творчості характеризується особливою увагою щодо емоційних та мотиваційних характеристик, які включені до структури професійної творчості. У відношенні щодо особистісних особливостей, які пов'язані з професійною творчістю, результати різних теоретичних та емпіричних досліджень є подібними. Вченими були виокремлені деякі особистісні риси (самовпевненість, агресивність, самовдоволення, невизнання соціальних обмежень та думок інших), які відрізняють креативних індивідів від некреативних. На думку деяких психологів це свідчить щодо існування загального типу креативної особистості на відміну від типу некреативного суб'єкта.
Цікавим є те, що дослідження, проведені із участю дітей та молоді, свідчать про те, що особистісні риси малих дітей та юнаків і юнок у випадку, якщо всі вони є креативними, співпадають. Останнє дозволяє стверджувати, що креативність формується в досить ранньому віці на основі проявів особистісних особливостей суб'єктів. Вчені також довели, що якщо певна особистість з самого раннього віку вважається креативною, то з великою долею ймовірності можна стверджувати, що вона буде мати високі показники за професійною творчістю в майбутньому (за умов доцільного щодо її особистісної характеристики вибору професії).
Наголошено на залежності рівня інтелекту від певного типу професії. Показано, що високі показники інтелекту було діагностовано не лише у респондентів розумової діяльності, але й фізичної праці. Доведено, що рівень загального інтелекту у респондентів був тим вищий, чим більш складною виявилась професія, якою займається дана людина. Визначено, що навчання різним професіям виявляється практично однаковою мірою залежним від рівня загального інтелекту. Високий рівень загального інтелекту передбачає досягнення фахівцями високих успіхів не лише у професійній діяльності, а й у навчанні.
На субклінічному рівні показано негативні психологічні наслідки психотравмуючого бойового стресу у комбатантів, які можуть виявлятися в таких формах, як: нав'язливі спогади, переживання, образи, відчуття, що нагадують про психотравмуючі ситуації, які виникають, спонтанно і мають сильний вплив на військовослужбовця своєю схожістю з пережитою ним реальністю; нездатність відтворити в пам'яті подій, що відбулися в психотравмуючий ситуації або їх окремі обставини; загальмованість мислення; нездатність повністю сконцентруватися на вирішенні тієї чи іншої задачі, на виконанні однієї діяльності; труднощі у запам'ятовуванні нескладної інформації; труднощі при засинанні, розлади сну, жахливі сновидіння; різного роду страхи (темряви, висоти, самотності тощо); різкі коливання настрою від підвищено-піднесеного до пригнічено-тужливого; неконтрольовані спалахи гніву і злобно-агресивні реакції; «застрягання» на певних думках, переживаннях, діях, необґрунтована дріб'язкова прискіпливість до оточуючих; різке зниження працездатності і продуктивності діяльності; помітне зниження ефективності саморегуляції і самоконтролю. Визначено, що всі ці якості суттєво заважають професійній реалізації військових в широкому сенсі слова, й актуалізації їхньої професійної творчості - в досить вузькому смислі.
Ключові слова: професійна креативність, особистісні характеристики, певний тип професії, підготовка до різних професій, впевненість у собі, агресивність, самозадоволення, невизнання соціальних обмежень, інтелект.
Problem's statement
The theoretical analysis of the material (Mykhalchuk, Ivashkevych Er., Nohachevska, Nabochuk & Voitenko, 2021) allows us to state that the development of a creative personality was and remains an extremely important task of psychological and pedagogical, acmeological and axiological theory and practice, because the professional activity of people in various environments of the material and spiritual world includes in its structure three closely related processes: reproductive one, semi-creative and creative ones (Mykhalchuk, Levchuk, Ivashkevych Er., Yasnohurska & Cherniakova, 2021). In reproductive activities people, as a rule, do not contribute anything new to the process of value creation, but only explicate and repeat what already exists in the sphere of social experience (Choi, Chau, Tsang, Tso, Chiu, Tong, Lee, Ng, Wai, Lee Po, Ng Tak, Wai Fu, Lee Kam, Lam, Yu Wai, Lai Jak & Sik, 2003). Thus, subjects invent material and spiritual values according to certain stable models and images that have been developed (Chan, Ng, Chan, 2003). However, something new, original and unique is created in creative activity.
Analysis of recent researches and publications
Scientists have repeatedly aimed to define such concepts as “psychological and pedagogical, axiological and acmeological creativity”, “psychological and pedagogical creative activity”, etc. The analysis of scientific literature on the problems of professional creativity allows us to single out two dominant directions in the formation of creative solutions by a specialist during professional activity: 1) creative perception and the analysis of information that a person receives from the outside; 2) realization of a person's internal creative potential and organization of professional creativity at a higher level (Dubovyk, Mytnyk, Mykhalchuk, Rashkovska & Nabochuk, 2022).
A rather indicative result having been obtained in different researches (Frudenberg & Lewis, 2000). It was in that sense, that the level of the development of general intelligence always has a positive correlation with the success of the respondent's performance of professional activities, which cannot be asserted regarding the correlation of both the level of the development of general intelligence and the indicators of professional success activities with evaluations of colleagues or managers of various types of institutions.
The characteristics of such and similar results in general are offered by K. Kraus, who was involved into the scientific study of solving person's intelligence problems. The scientist notes, that studies of psychometric tests in the industrial and military sectors repeatedly testify to the reliable and socially significant predictability of intelligence indicators, respectively, in achieving success in the workplace. Psychometric tests are often the best predictors of success, both in the learning process and in the professional activities in the whole. The argument that behavior that can be explained by psychometric tests has nothing to do with the results of professional competence is unacceptable. These scientists were absolutely correct in asserting that the studies, which are provided on the basis of such a conclusion, have been made and they were not organized correctly (Kraus, 2015).
The conclusions having been drawn by scientists (Tabachnikov, Mishyiev, Kharchenko, Osukhovskaya, Mykhalchuk, Zdoryk, Komplienko & Salden, 2021; Mykhalchuk, Zlyvkov, Lukomska, Nabochuk & Khrystych, 2022), based on the empirical research of K. Kraus (2015), are fully correspond to practice. For example, in the USA, the law prohibits the recruitment of individuals whose IQ is lower than 80 points, thus avoiding the fact that these subjects will not be successful in their professional activities. The law allows the recruitment of persons with the general intelligence level of less than 80 points only in situations where the country is in the conditions of war (Mykhalchuk, Pelekh, Kharchenko, Ivashkevych Ed., Zukow, Ivashkevych Er. & Yatsjuryk, 202з).
Similar studies were conducted in the early 1950s (Kris, 1952). The researcher carried out exhaustive interviewing and testing 64 outstanding American scientists in the field of Physics, Biology, Psychology and Anthropology. A characteristic feature of scientists was the extremely high level of psychometric intelligence. E. Kris (1952) used three scales of intelligence. They are verbal, spatial and mathematical ones. The average value of the indicators of outstanding scientists according to the first of them was 137 points, according to the last it was 166. The results of spatial intelligence was ranged from 110 to 148 points. At the same time, the individual values of the respondents were varied from 121 to 194 points. Considering that 1% of the population shows IQ of more than 136 points, and the values of 166 points reached one hundredth of one percent, the indicators of scientists should be considered extremely high. All scientists were also diagnosed with high results in terms of success in their activities and professional creativity.
Also, quite high indicators, exceeding 140 points, were recorded by F. Barron (1969) according to respondents-writers with the use of the Termen test of conceptual intelligence (Termen Concept Mastery). Also, these subjects have recorded high results in achieving success in people's professional activities. Thus, our research shows that people who are creatively outstanding show quite high results on intelligence tests. That is, the intellectual component of creativity is incredibly powerful. The latter allows us to conclude that a high level of formation of intellectual abilities is always a significant factor in the success of a specialist in the professional activity, and often in the sphere of professional creativity.
So, the problem of professional creativity is traditionally considered in the paradigm of Psychology of Creativity, Psychology of the Subject, Psychology of Personality and Individuality. In empirical researches, professional creativity is, on the one hand, one of the leading factors that ensure the creative activity of a person, and, on the other hand, it is one of the main problems of the Psychology of Individual Creativity, its professional development and creative formation (Mykhalchuk, Pelekh, Kharchenko, Ivashkevych Ed., Ivashkevych Er., Prymachok, Hupavtseva & Zukow, 2020).
So, the aim of our article was to show the dependence of professional creativity of combatants after they had participated in war events on the territory of Ukraine.
The results of the research and their discussion
As we'll note, if we tell about the conditions of war and the military service the most intense combat stress manifests itself in forms that prevent the implementation of combatants' activities for a relatively long time (more than a day). The extreme forms of this manifestation are neurotic and psychotic disorders. At the same time, the more servicemen experience the most intense forms of combatants' stress, the more psychological losses there are in the unit, a part. All these factors prevent a high level of the intelligence of combatants.
It should be noted that the more intense combatants' stress was experienced by a combatant in a combatants' environment, the more likely they are to have negative psychological consequences after the cessation of exposure to combatants' stressors. Negative psychological consequences of psychotraumatic combatants' stress are manifested in various forms, such as:
- a feeling of unreality of combatant's own existence;
- loss of the meaning of life;
- emergence of a feeling of approaching catastrophic changes in life, even quick death;
- loss of sense of self-identity, feeling of intrapersonal disintegration;
- experiencing an inexplicable and not always justified sense of being guilty for combatant's actions in the experienced psycho-traumatic situation of combatant's activity or, on the contrary, in an inadequate idealization of these actions;
- inadequate reduction or overestimation of self-esteem;
- sharp and unexpected changes in the perception of the “Self-image” for the combatant himself/herself;
- the emergence of a feeling of helplessness or, on the contrary, in an inadequate subjective reassessment of combatant's abilities to influence the course of events occurring in his/her life;
- a constant desire to rethink combatant's experience in psychotraumatic situations;
- increased emotional sensitivity, sentimentality or, on the contrary, a decrease in emotional sensitivity and avoidance of close emotional contacts with others;
- increase in irritability, temper and aggressiveness in the combatant's behavior;
- psychological isolation;
- the desire to remember constantly what was happened in a psychotraumatic situation or, on the contrary, in the reluctance that something reminds about it;
- increased anxiety or, inadequate to the real situation, neglect of danger;
- increased mental tension and unreasonable vigilance;
- decrease in the emotional background of moods, depression;
- a feeling of alienation from oneself, combatant's felling of lack of love from the side of others, for example relatives and friends;
- suicidal thoughts and suicidal mood;
- the appearance of antisocial tendencies;
- a need of new, rather “sharp” sensations, including those ones, associated with a great risk to life (Tabachnikov, Mishyiev, Drevitskaya, Kharchenko, Osukhovskaya, Mykhalchuk, Salden & Aymedov, 2021).
In addition, negative psychological consequences of psychotraumatic combatants' stress can be expressed in the aggravation of those features of the combatant's character that make it difficult to interact with other people. Also, loss of attention, great changes in the appearance, weight loss and rapid intoxication may be observed. These changes are interpreted as “survival syndrome” or apathetic depression. The transformation of a soldier's personality can occur after the first kill of the enemy or after the death of a comrade. The primary reaction to such trauma may be outwardly imperceptible or be accompanied by acute mental disorganization. After returning from the war, there is a habit of evaluating the surrounding environment from the point of view of potential danger, and the slightest provocation can suddenly cause aggression. Frequent dysphoria leads to alcoholism and reduced work capacity (Corbitt, Malone, Haas, Mann, 1996).
Taking into account the content of components of this model, in the paradigm of our research we should set and solve the task of revealing the features of self-identification of an individual in the creative process and determine the psychological mechanisms of a professional's transition to the status of a creative individual who is able to independently solve creative professional tasks. Awareness of one's own creative status is a rather important component in the structure of a person's professional creativity. Therefore, in this study there is a need to formulate clear criteria and indicators of professional creativity, creative activity, which require the study of scientific literature from various fields of knowledge (Psychology, Acmeology, Pedagogy, Philosophy and others).
We have repeatedly aimed to define such concepts as “psychological and pedagogical, axiological and acmeological creativity”, “psychological and pedagogical creative activity”, etc. The analysis of scientific literature on the problems of professional creativity allows us to single out two dominant directions in the formation of creative solutions by a specialist during professional activity: 1) creative perception and the analysis of information that a person receives from the outside; 2) realization of a person's internal creative potential and organization of professional creativity at a higher level.
In general, 95 militaries were participated in our research. The place of organizing this stage of the experiment was the Main Military Clinical Hospital (the Center), Kyiv, Ukraine. They were in the age 24-45 years old. At this stage all respondents were included into one experimental group. These militaries were sent for inpatient treatment by the military commissariats of Kyiv to resolve the issue of fitness for military service. All soldiers have been served in the army in the military zone of Ukraine in the south-east of Ukraine (Donetsk, Lugansk and Kherson regions). They all were included by us into experimental group, which was formed by the help of method of randomization. This stage of the experiment was organized in February-May, 2023.
We have followed the main ethical standards of providing the empirical research (we've obtained the informed consent of potential participants in the experiment to voluntarily participation in the research). Ethical principles were followed in the process of conducting the empirical research: the principle of voluntary consent; the principle of minimizing risks for participants; the principle of confidentiality; the principle of informing participants about the content of the research; the principle of mandatory documentation of the stages and the results of the research; the principle of reliability of methodical instruments of the research having been conducted; the principle of validity of research data processing.
In our research we put the question of the connection between the level of the person's intelligence and the success of the activity are repeatedly raised in particular and according to the professional creativity in general. Empirical results have confirmed that intelligence is a powerful predictor of professional success. We will focus on some empirical data that are somewhat generalizing in nature and that summarize the numerous empirical data available in the scientific field. In particular, a meta-analysis of more than 20 own empirical studies was carried out, which studied the correlation between the success of professional activities performed by specialists, the success of respondents in education and the level of individual intelligence, etc. These studies included a total of more than 5 thousand people, who were employed in more than 26 types of professional activity. All types of professions were divided by us into five categories. Three of them belonged to the professions of a general type and were distinguished by a considerable level of complexity in their activities. The other two groups were working professions. The results are shown by us in Table 1.
The data having been obtained by us allowed us to draw the following conclusions. First of all, we've emphasize the dependence of the level of intelligence on a certain type of profession.
Table 1. Correlational dependences between the level of general intelligence of the individual in professions of various levels of complexity and the respondents' achievements in the professional activity and education (in points, according to the results of correlation analysis)
The type of profession and the level of general intelligence of respondents |
Success in the professional activity |
Success in studying |
Professions of a general type of high complexity (high level of general intelligence) |
r=0,58, p<0,01 |
r=0,50, p<0,05 |
Professions of a general type of medium complexity (high and average levels of general intelligence) |
r=0,51, p<0,01 |
r=0,57, p<0,01 |
Professions of a general type of low complexity (average and low levels of general intelligence) |
r=0,40, p<0,05 |
r=0,54, p<0,01 |
Working professions by a type of high-precision (high and average levels of general intelligence) |
r=0,56, p<0,05 |
r=0,658, p<0,01 |
Working professions by a type of auxiliary ones (low level of general intelligence) |
0,23 |
0,14 |
Secondly, high indicators of intelligence were diagnosed not only among respondents of mental activity, but also of individuals, who provide physical labor. Thirdly, the level of general intelligence of the respondents was higher, the more difficult the profession of the given person turned out to be. Fourthly, training for various professions is almost equally dependent on the level of general intelligence. And, fifthly, a high level of general intelligence presupposes the achievement of high success by specialists not only in professional activities, but also in education.
We proved that professional creativity depended on the ability of the individual to use the information had been offered in the content of the task in different ways at a fast pace. In the process of professional activity, scientists develop this ability and called it professional creativity, and began to study it regardless of the level of the intelligence development, as the ability that reflects the characteristics of the individual to create completely new concepts and form new skills of the behavior and the activity. Scientists connect professional creativity directly with the creative achievements of the person.
So, the study of professional creativity was carried out in the paradigm of two directions. The first one was related to the question of whether the level of formation of professional creativity depends on intelligence, and whether the subject is oriented towards the formation of cognitive processes in the connection with the acquired professional creativity. The second direction has the aim at finding out what the psychological features and aspects of professional creativity are. Among the latter, the attention of the individual, his/her personal and motivational characteristics was singled out.
Different attempts to determine the characteristics of professional creativity through the study of the cognitive activity of the individual had, first of all, the aim of evaluating the intellectual factors of the performance of professional activity and improving its cognitive styles. J. Guilford (Guilford & Hoepther, 1971) and his colleagues, beginning from 1954, allocated 16 intellectual abilities that characterized the creativity of the individual. Among them there are the main ones: the speed of the flow of thinking (the number of ideas that arise per unit of time), the flexibility of thinking (the ability to switch thinking from one idea to another), originality (the ability to produce ideas that are significantly differ from generally accepted views), curiosity (sensitivity to problems in the surrounding world), the ability to formulate hypotheses, the irrelevance (logical independence of the reaction from the stimulus), fantastic ideas (complete detachment of the response from the reality, provided a logical connection between the stimulus and the reaction). Scientists (Guilford & Hoepther, 1971) combined these factors under the general name “divergence of thinking”, which then turns out to be when the problem has yet to be defined or revealed, and there is no pre-proposed, clearly established way to solve it (in contrast to “convergent thinking”, which focuses on a well-known or predictable solution to the problem). Later, the characteristics of divergent thinking were included by scientists (Brodsky, Oquendo, Ellis, Haas, Malone & Mann, 2001) into a global paradigm to the structure of professional creativity.
In the scientific literature there are constant discussions about the ratio of intellectual and creative abilities in the structure of professional creativity. Researching the various abilities that explain intelligence, measured by traditional intelligence tests, and creativity, which is also determined with the help of special tests, scientists have obtained rather contradictory results. It is still impossible to give an unequivocal answer to the question of whether intelligence and professional creativity are related to each other based on already existing empirical results, so we will deal with this issue specifically in our further researches. It should also be noted that if, instead of empirical test results, a different method of assessing professional creativity was used. It is, for example, by the level of creative achievements by one or another type of the activity that the respondents were engaged in. Then the scientists obtained fairly unambiguous results that were testified to the differentiation of professional creativity and intelligence, between which there can be no direct correlation.
We (Івашкевич, 2016) consider professional creativity as one of the aspects of intelligence that is not measured by traditional intellectual tests. Such conclusions are based on the results of empirical research (Івашкевич, 2016), who testify to the direct dependence of assessments of professional creativity on the professionally significant experience acquired by the specialist, the nature of acquired knowledge and skills, features of the surrounding environment, etc. For example, in many countries children belonging to a privileged social class scored higher on creativity tests than their peers from the middle and lower classes. Scientists (Chen, Zhou & Dong, 2020) suggested that these results could also be explained to the data that would relate to the professional creativity of individuals in the future professional activity.
The dependence of assessments of professional creativity on the environment allows, influencing the former, to shape and to develop it. But in this case, the question arises: “From which indicators of the environment in the first place can we expect a facilitative action?” According to our research, the environment should be characterized by a wealth of information and considerable freedom, a free atmosphere, and then it can facilitate the formation of professional creativity.
The empirical results having been obtained in the research of scientists (Guilford & Hoepther, 1971) allowed us to highlight the characteristics of divergent thinking, which can hypothetically be included into the structure of professional creativity: speed of thinking, flexibility of thinking, originality, inquisitiveness, the ability to formulate and verify hypotheses, irrelevance of thinking, fantasy. Awareness, assessment and development of the specialist's own divergent thinking we mean the most important factor for achieving success in professional creativity.
Our empirical studies also testify to the significant role of personal characteristics in terms of the development of professional creativity. A personal approach to the study of professional creativity is characterized by special attention to emotional and motivational characteristics that are included into the structure of professional creativity. Regarding personal characteristics that are related to professional creativity, the results of various theoretical and empirical studies are similar. Scientists have singled out some personal traits (self-confidence, aggressiveness, selfsatisfaction, non-recognition of social restrictions and the opinions of others), that distinguish creative individuals from non-creative ones. According to some psychologists, this testifies to the existence of a general type of creative personality in contrast to the type of non-creative subject. Interestingly, studies, conducted with children and youth indicate that the personality traits of young children and young men and women, if they are all creative, coincide. The latter allows us to assert that creativity is formed at a fairly early age based on the manifestations of the subjects' personal characteristics. Scientists have also proven that if a certain personality is considered a creative one from an early age, then with a high degree of probability it can be said that he/she will have high indicators of professional creativity in the future (provided that he/she was chosen a profession that is appropriate for his/her personal characteristics).
We also proved, that creative professional achievements were directly related to neuroses. But in science, there are also studies that note that individuals with a high level of professional creativity have considerable strength of spirit, resistance to obstacles in the environment, to various types of conflicts and prerequisites for cognitive dissonance.
professional creativity combatant intelligence
Conclusions and perspectives of further researches
We proved, that at the subclinical level the negative psychological consequences of psychotraumatic stress of combatants can be manifested in such forms, as:
- obsessive memories, experiences, images, feelings reminiscent of psycho-traumatic situations that are arisen spontaneously and have a strong impact on the serviceman due to their similarity with the reality they had experienced;
- inability to reproduce in memory the events that occurred in a psychotraumatic situation or their individual circumstances;
- the inhibition of thinking;
- the inability to fully concentrate on solving one or another task, on performing the activity;
- difficulties in remembering simple information;
- difficulty falling asleep, sleep disorders, terrible dreams;
- various kinds of fears (darkness, heights, loneliness, etc.);
- sharp mood swings from high-elevated to depressed-sad;
- uncontrolled outbursts of anger and malicious-aggressive reactions;
- “stuck” on certain thoughts, feelings, actions, unreasonable petty pickiness towards others;
- a sharp decrease in work capacity and productivity;
- a noticeable decrease in the efficiency of self-regulation and self-control.
All these qualities significantly hinder the professional realization of the combatants in the broad sense of this word, and the actualization of their professional creativity - in a rather narrow sense.
Also, the negative psychological consequences of psychotraumatic combatants' stress are often accompanied by:
- occurrence of headache and dizziness;
- painful or unpleasant sensations in the area of the heart, stomach;
- increased sweating;
- a sharp decrease or increase in appetite, sexual activity;
- broken feelings;
- uncontrolled trembling of hands, legs, head, eyelids and other parts of the body, as well as exacerbation of previously existing somatic diseases.
Summing up, it should be emphasized that problems related to professional creativity are currently widely studied in Psychology, Pedagogical Science and Acmeology. Scientists (Mandell & Pherwani, 2003) noted on a direct correlation between professional creativity and creative achievements of the individual, but the essence of this connection has not yet been fully clarified. Scientists (Murphy, Hall & Hall, 2003) with fully confidence not to separate it from intelligence in the traditional sense. There are no reliable methods of measuring professional creativity, which can be found. As a rule, foreign scientists who studied the problems of professional creativity reduced this concept to creativity or divergent thinking.
Therefore, scientists often used methods, which are well-known as the Southern California tests, which measured the features of one of the types of thinking that J. Gilford (+) had called divergent. It is known that J. Gilford developed 14 subtests. In the first 10 ones, the respondent was required to give a verbal answer, and in the last 4 he/she needed to compose a story based on the perceived content. It should be noted that the tasks of the subtests did not provide for a certain number of answers, which significantly hindered the objective calculation of their indicators. For this reason, scientists have come to the conclusion that in order to study professional creativity, it is necessary to create special methods that we will also take into account the peculiarities of this or that professional type of the activity.
Also, in the studies described by us, the most widely used were E.P. Torrance's Creativity Tests (Torrance, 1962). Despite the fact that the scientist set himself the task of constructing test tasks as some model of the creative process, which should reflect, first of all, not the result, but the creative process, in the reality his tests (especially verbal ones) were essentially similar to the Southern California Tests presented by J. Guilford & R. Hoepther (1971), and sometimes were even their adaptation. The formal characteristics of these tests (reliability, validity) turned out to be completely insufficient for determining the level of the formation of professional creativity.
Despite the desire of psychologists to contrast creative thinking with reproductive thinking, in practice, existing creativity tests were built up according to the same principles as Intelligence Tests. That is why they were the methods with a clearly defined content, which has the aim, first of all, to check the speed of thinking or the level of the formation of divergent thinking. Researchers believe that their main drawback is the lack of criteria for taking into account motivation and other personal characteristics of individuals, qualities, that are essential aspects of professional creativity. Many psychologists believe that it is impossible to measure the ability to professional creativity with the help of tests. Creative achievements in science, technology, art and other fields of human activity require a complex combination of various abilities (including both intellectual and special) and personality properties. In the currently available Creativity Tests, the attention is paid only to certain aspects of creative abilities, but this is not enough to predict a person's creative achievements in the professional activities. We also believe that it is possible to measure the individual's ability to professional creativity only by analyzing individual acts of creativity having been explained in the process of professional activity.
Until now in the scientific field there is also no certain stable opinion regarding the motivational characteristics of professional creativity. Sometimes a professionally creative subject will always try to realize himself/herself as best as possible, meet his/her capabilities to the maximum extent, perform new ideas, even unusual for his/her types of the activities, apply new techniques, activities, etc. According to another point of view, the motivation of subjects with a high level of professional creativity is based solely on the desire to take risks, to test the limits of their capabilities. That's why these problems of professional creativity we've to solve in further our researches.
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