Personal features and their impact on an individual’s hardiness

Identifying personal resources and determining their impact on sustainability. The degree of formation in a person of the ability to withstand a stressful situation, to maintain internal balance, without reducing the success of one's activities.

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Personal features and their impact on an individual's hardiness

Chykhantsova Olena, Dr. in Psychology, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher of P.R. Chamata Laboratory of Personality Psychology, H.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

Serdiuk Liudmyla, Dr. in Psychology, Professor, Head of P.R. Chamata Laboratory of Personality Psychology, H.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine


Hardiness characterizes the degree of formation the ability to withstand a stressful situation, maintain internal balance, without reducing the success of activities and is the foundation of personal characteristics.

The purpose of the study is to identify personal resources and determine their impact on hardiness.

Methods of the research. The following methods were used to identify personal resources and determine their impact on hardiness: Maddi's Hardiness Scale; Shostrom's Personal Orientation Inventory; Sheldon's Self Determination Scale; Crumbaugh Purpose in Life Test; Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-being; Wiesbaden Inventory for Positive Psychotherapy and Family Therapy.

The sample of our study consisted of807 people, aged from 14 to 70 years, different in terms of education, professional employment, specialty, family and social status and from different cities and villages of Ukraine.

The results of the research. It was investigated that the values of the hardiness indicators components are expressed at an average level and are within the normal range. The average level of hardiness (68.2%) prevails among the respondents. It has been found that the hardiness predictors are meaningfulness of life, autonomy, self-acceptance and self-confidence. We established the relationship between hardiness and personal resources, which include primary and secondary abilities, using the correlation analysis. All components of hardiness have been shown to correlate with primary capacities such as time, contact, trust, hope, sexuality, and love. Diligence, reliability and thrift are influential among the secondary abilities.

Conclusions. The analysis of personal resources proves that meaningful life goals are the resource for the hardiness development. The components of hardiness are related to self-determination, self-organization, psychological wellbeing, and the reality and awareness of life goals. The leading role in the hardiness development belongs to personal resources. The resources that influence hardiness are determined using variance analysis: love, contacts, hope and trust.

Key words: hardiness, personality resources, predictors of hardiness, primary and secondary abilities.

Чиханцова Олена, Сердюк Людмила

Особистісні ресурси та їх вплив на життєстійкість особистості

Життєстійкість характеризує ступінь сформованості в людині здатності витримувати стресову ситуацію, зберігати внутрішню збалансованість, не знижуючи успішності діяльності, та є фундаментом особистісних характеристик.

Мета дослідження - виявити особистісні ресурси та визначити їх вплив на життєстійкість.

Методи дослідження. Для виявлення особистісних ресурсів та визначення їх впливу на життєстійкість було використано такі методики: тест життєстійкості С. Мадді; самоактуалізаційний тест Е. Шострома; шкала самодетермінації К. Шелдона; тест смисложит- тєвих орієнтацій Дж. Крамбо, Л. Махоліка; шкала психологічного благополуччя К. Ріфф; Вісбаденський опитувальник з позитивної психотерапії Н. Пезешкіана. У дослідження взяли участь 807 людей віком від 14 до 70 років, різних за рівнем освіти, професійною зайнятістю, фахом, сімейним і соціальним статусами та з різних міст і сіл України.

Результати дослідження. Досліджено, що значення показників складових життєстійкості виражені на середньому рівні та знаходяться в межах норми. Серед досліджуваних переважає середній рівень життєстійкості (68,2 %). З'ясовано, що предикторами життєстійкості є осмисленість життя, автономія, самоприйняття та самовпевненість. За допомогою кореляційного аналізу було встановлено взаємозв'язок життєстійкості з особистісними ресурсами, до яких відносяться первинні та вторинні здібності. Доведено, що всі компоненти життєстійкості мають кореляційні зв'язки з первинними здібностями, як час, контакти, довіра, надія, сексуальність і любов. Серед вторинних здібностей вплив мають: старанність, надійність та бережливість.

Висновки. Проведений аналіз особистісних ресурсів доводить, що осмислені життєві цілі є ресурсом розвитку життєстійкості. Складові компоненти життєстійкості мають зв'язок із самодетермінацією, самоорганізацією, психологічним благополуччям, наявністю та усвідомленням життєвих цілей. Провідна роль у розвиткові життєстійкості належить особистісним ресурсам. За допомогою дисперсійного аналізу визначено ресурси, які впливають на життєстійкість: любов, контакти, надія та довіра.

Ключові слова: життєстійкість, ресурси особистості, предиктори життєстійкості, первинні та вторинні здібності.


personal resource sustainability

The study on human psychological hardiness is an important area of psychological science, as the question on quality of life, mental health, satisfaction with oneself, one's work and family is asked very often. The theme is actual because of complex life conditions in modern society leading to changes in almost all spheres of human activities. For modern psychological science, the research aimed at identifying factors that help people counteract negative environmental influences and contribute to internal reserves providing people with independence of choice, self-development and self-realization are of great importance (Kokun, 2023; Кокун, 2004; Сердюк, 2018; Титаренко & Ларіна, 2009).

There are many definitions of psychological hardiness in the scientific literature. Thus, S. Maddi (Maddi, 2002) has noted that hardiness is a special structure of attitudes and skills that allows an individual to turn changes into opportunities, reflects the psychological vitality and an individual's effectiveness associated with his/her motivation to overcome stressful life situations. The scientist believed that the basis of resilience as the development of personal attitudes, which he included into the concept of “hardiness”.

S. Kobasa (Kobasa, 1979) analysed hardiness as a set of personal factors helping an individual to reduce negative stress impacts; hardiness is an individual's capability to withstand a stressful situation by maintaining internal balance and without reducing activity efficiency and hardiness is a special structure of attitudes and skills that allow turning changes into opportunities. According to T. Tytarenko and T. Larina (Титаренко, & Ларіна, 2009), hardiness is an analogue of an individual's vital power that reflects the extent to which he/she is able to overcome certain life circumstances and him/herself, the extent of efforts made when the individual works on him/herself and on his/her life circumstances.

We think that hardiness characterizes the degree of a formed human ability to withstand situations of acute or chronic stresses, to maintain internal balance, without reducing the activity efficiency. That is, hardiness is the foundation of personal characteristics, a key parameter of mature forms of self-regulation (Чиханцова, 2019; 2021).

Scientists also define hardiness as personal characteristics. In their works, they emphasize the importance of three hardiness components, namely control, commitment and challenge, for maintaining an individual's health, optimal performance and activity in stressful life conditions (Bartone, 2006; Bartone, Eid, Johnsen, Laberg, & Snook, 2009; Khoshaba, & Maddi, 1999; Maddi, 2002). The concept of hardiness is the basis for understanding why many people, even under stressful conditions, are able to cope with life problems, but many other people are unable to cope with problems even in non-stressful conditions (Abdollahi, Talib, Yaacob, & Ismail, 2014). Hardiness helps us understand why some people can overcome difficult life situations and others cannot do it.

Considering the phenomenon of hardiness, we should note that it is a complex category of personality psychology, which covers the phenomenology of personality formation and basic life attitudes, an individual's adaptive potential and behavioural strategies for overcoming stressful situations and existential anxiety (Чиханцова, 2019). Attention is focused on the key prerequisites that allow an individual to maintain effective interaction with significant people, achieve success in life and be happy even under adverse circumstances. Therefore, we are going to examine the systemic prerequisites for studying an individual's hardiness. The system approach applied to the study of hardiness means that the system is examined as a single organism, taking into account the internal connections between individual ele- ments and external connections with other systems and objects (Кокун, 2004; Сердюк, 2012). We share the opinion of O. Kokun (Kokun, 2004) that only on the basis of a systemic approach, it is possible to present, examine and model all the features of such extremely complex systems, which are a person him/herself and his/her activities.

We should emphasize that the structural-level organization of an individual's hardiness allows us to consider the system in statics and dynamics and to reveal its structural features and its properties, characteristics and the features that the structure acquires as a result of its inclusion in metasystems. Thus, a distinctive feature of the systemic approach applied for an individual's hardiness is that the object for systemic analysis is dynamic systems developing over time and characterized by such specific features as purposefulness and self-organization, that is, an ability to change independently their own structures. The system properties are identified at the macro level, their nature and essence are explained at the micro level (Сердюк, 2012).

Thus, we can assert that the systemic concept of hardiness considers it as a holistic, multi-level structure that includes goals, values, meanings, personal qualities and an adaptive sphere and is understood by us as a systemic formation that emphasizes those attitudes that motivate an individual to transform stressful life events into new opportunities and is a component of an individual's self-determination. Thus, an individual's hardiness is the result of activities of the entire integral system.

As noted by scientists (Bartone, Eid, Johnsen, Laberg, & Snook, 2009), people with strong hardiness are perceived as healthy people because they have meaning in life and work, are open to life changes and challenges and have a greater sense of control over what happens to them. People with stronger hardiness tend to interpret difficult situations as normal conditions of existence (Bartone, Eid, Johnsen, Laberg, & Snook, 2009).

A number of studies have been conducted with different categories of people to reveal a degree of their hardiness.

The examined samples included military personnel (Bartone, 2006; Rybakovaite, Bandzeviciene, & Poskus, 2022), lawyers (Pierson, Hamilton, Pepper, & Root, 2018), specialists in sociometric professions (Кокун, 2021; Kokun, 2023), bank employees (Kazmierczyk, & Zajdler, 2020), sick people (Brooks, 2003), elderly people (Parveen, 2018; Wallace, 2003), athletes (Afanasieva, Ilina, & Svitlychna, 2021), Paralympians (Шамич, 2020), and university students (Hystad, Eid, Laberg, Johnsen, & Bartone, 2009; Купрєєва, 2021).

In recent years, positive psychology and positive psychotherapy have become a new methodological and theoretical context for studying on individual's strengths and resources. Positive psychology is based on the fact that it is not enough to free a person from problems in order to his/her life becomes full of colours. In addition, the positive, strong aspects of a personality perform a preventive, immune, “buffer” function, reducing the risk of diseases and other adaptation disorders (Seligman, Csikszentmihalyi, 2000; Seligman, 2002). M. Seligman stressed three main objects of interest for positive psychology: 1) positive emotional states (happiness, life satisfaction, psychological well-being, experiencing flow, hope, optimism, etc.), 2) positive personality traits and 3) positive social institutions (Seligman, 2002). In the context of the problem of personal resources, we are primarily interested in positive personality features, which are understood as personal resources.

The article aim is to identify personal resources and to determine their impact on development of an individual's hardiness.

The problems of the research. Based on generalizing the concepts of personality self-determination proposed by E. Deci and R. Ryan, self-efficacy of A. Bandura, psychological well-being of C. Ryff and other personal approaches, we consider it appropriate to examine the phenomenon of hardiness more broadly. Analysing the above mentioned phenomena, we supplemented the structure of hardiness with such personality parameters as goals, values, meanings, self-attitude, autonomy and the desire for self-realization. This model of hardiness describes a system of stable positive personal features, which we understand as a resource contributing to an individual's successful adaptation to the surrounding world in his/her pursuit of psychological well-being and also performing an important buffer function that prevents destructive development.

Methods of the research

To study the influence of personal resources on development of an individual's hardiness, we used the following psychological examining methods: Maddi Hardiness Scale; Shostrom's Personal Orientation Inventory; Sheldon's Self Determination Scale; Crumbaugh Purpose in Life Test; Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-being; Wiesbaden Inventory for Positive Psychotherapy and Family Therapy (WIPPF) (Serdiuk, & Otenko, 2021).

In terms of selection, our sample was random, as we tried to avoid unintentional or deliberate distortion of facts. We studied 807 people aged 14 to 70 years old, with different education levels, work positions, specialties, family and social statuses, income levels and from different cities and villages of Ukraine. All study participants gave an informed consent. The majority people of both genders were married, and a third part of them had children. The participants filled out questionnaire forms (45.4%) or online questionnaires (54.6%). We should note that almost all participants were well motivated and answered all the questions from all proposed methods.

The obtained empirical data were processed using the SPSS Statistics 21.0 software for statistical data processing.

The empirical data obtained with the above questionnaires and psychological examining methods were supplemented and compared by us with data obtained by observation and interviews of the participants. The research was conducted in 2020-2021.

Results and their discussion

We should note that hardiness can be considered as an analogue of individual's vital power (Титаренко, & Ларіна, 2009) that reflects the extent to which he/she overcomes certain life circumstances and him/herself, as well as efforts made when a person works on him/herself and on the circumstances of his/ her life. Strong hardiness is associated with an active life position, using circumstances to one's own advantage, evaluating life situations as consciously chosen, interpreting stressful situations as an opportunity to gain new experience. We should also note that the concept of “hardiness” characterizes an individual's psychological vitality and is an indicator of his/her mental health. This is due to the fact that stressful influences are processed by an individual precisely on the basis of his/her hardiness, and hardiness is a catalyst of such behaviour that transforms negative experiences into new opportunities.

The specificity of an individual's hardiness components is shown in Table 1, which includes the average values for hardiness components or expression of these components obtained for the sample. All three hardiness components must be strongly expressed to have an optimal level of activities in difficult life conditions, as well as to preserve mental health.

Table 1

Average values of an individual's hardiness components


St. dev.

General hardiness












According to the obtained data (see Table 1), the hardiness components are expressed at the average level and are within the normal range. Having identified hardiness in scores, we calculated in percentages the number of respondents from the total sample with high, medium and low levels of hardiness by the components (commitment, control, challenge), as well as by general hardiness accordingly. Thus, 14.2% of the respondents had poor hardiness, 68.2% had average hardiness and 17.6% had strong hardiness. The average level of hardiness prevails among the participants under study (68.2%). This average group includes people that can be characterized as those who are quite interested in their activities, have enough personal resources to overcome certain life problems and difficulties. Such people try to find ways to solve problems and control various life situations.

We consider hardiness as a holistic system combining values that are significant for an individual and determined by his/her attitudes and beliefs about the world, the social environment and his/her place in it. So let us examine those personal features that influence the development of an individual's hardiness.

The performed correlation analysis revealed significant correlations between hardiness and goals (r=0.467; p<0.01), values (r=0.459; p<0.01), meaningfulness of life (r=0.426; p<0.01), self-attitude (r=0.463; p<0.01), autonomy (r=0.535; p<0.01), and self-efficacy (r=0.512; p<0.01).

The correlation analysis between hardiness indicators and personal parameters shows that hardiness acquires special importance for people with high and low indicators.

Analysing personal characteristics of people with high hardiness indicators, we concluded that there were correlations of hardiness with self-efficacy (r=0.261; р<0.01) and autonomy (r=0.562; р<0.01). Such structural components of hardiness as control and commitment also correlated with all personal features. This indicate the capability of such people to make independently decisions regarding the choice of their activities and their own life way.

Considering personal characteristics of people with low hardiness indicators, we noted correlation of hardiness with all personal parameters, namely: integral self-attitude (r=0.462; р<0.01), self-confidence (r=0.585; р<0.01), psychological wellbeing (r=0.546; p<0.01), self-acceptance (r=0.690; p<0.01), autonomy (r=0.286; p<0.01) in addition to self-efficacy. Thus, for people with low hardiness indicators, self-esteem, self-confidence, psychological well-being, self-acceptance and autonomy are the resources, since commitment and control over one's activities, effective use of one's opportunities to satisfy one's own needs and achieve goals are of great importance in hardiness ensuring. In general, the performed correlation analysis indicated that the examined personal features had close internal structural relationships and interdependencies.

With the applied regression analysis, we built a forecast for the development of an individual's hardiness indicator. The model that predicted the most accurate individual's hardiness included the following variables: meaningfulness of life, autonomy, self-acceptance, self-confidence. Thus, meaningfulness of life, autonomy, self-acceptance, and self-confidence are predictors of an individual's hardiness. Accordingly, the promotion of an individual's hardiness means actualization of his/her internal resources: understanding of actions and deeds and confidence in activity results.

While researching personal resources, we determined that an individual's adaptability is one of the components forming the basis for his/her hardiness. This assumption was based on some theoretical propositions that reflected the essence of adaptability, its structure and functions (Вірна, 2013; Кокун, 2004; Кузікова, 2020). As a stable personality trait, adaptability means the ability to internal (intrapersonal) and external (behavioural) transformations or restructuring aimed at preserving or restoring an individual's relationship with his/her micro- and macro-social environment. Thus, we believe that people with developed hardiness has certain features of adaptability, which is one of the main prerequisites for successful overcoming of life difficulties.

Let us note that such hardiness components as commitment, control and challenge involve interaction of personal resources with an existentially difficult situation: with its uncertainty, novelty, contradiction to an individual's existing semantic picture of the world and his/her way of integration. There are personal components that participate in the formation of an individual's personal resources, necessary to mediate an impact of existentially difficult situations. We included primary and secondary abilities, determined with the Wiesbaden Inventory for Positive Psychotherapy and Family Therapy (WIPPF), into human personal resources.

Correlation analysis was used to calculate correlations between the hardiness components and personal resources; they are presented in Table 2.

According to the theory of positive psychotherapy, everyone has two kinds of basic abilities: the ability to understand and the ability to love. These two basic abilities give an opportunity to better understand and eliminate imbalances to create additional positive results.

Analysing the correlations between hardiness and human personal resources, we saw that primary abilities played a significant role in hardiness formation and development. The strongest influence had: hope (r = 0.567; p <0.01), trust (r = 0.554; p <0.01), love (r = 0.542; p <0.01), and contacts (r = 0.538; p <0.01). This means that hardiness can be developed through personal example and relationships. Primary abilities affect experiences, mood and physical condition, which is important in stressful situations. That is, if a person, having the first abilities, emotionally copes with stressful situations, the less a stressful situation influences negatively on the person's physical condition.

Among secondary abilities, reliability (r=0.479; p <0.01), achievement (r=0.468; p <0.05), and thrift (r=0.413; p <0.05) influences on hardiness. With the help of these secondary abilities, a person tries to control a stressful situation, thereby demonstrating hardiness.

It is interesting to note that all three hardiness components (commitment, control and challenge) correlated with primary abilities such as time, contact, trust, hope, sexuality and love. This means that emotions take the first place and they are very important for hardiness development. This can be explained by the fact that primary abilities refer to life experience acquired in connection with secondary abilities. Thus, hardiness development by positive psychotherapy means lead to the fact that a person can improve his/her perception and understanding of him/ herself.

Table 2

Correlation of hardiness with human personal resources

Personal resources






Secondary abilities
























































Primary abilities









































Notes: **. The correlation is significant at the 0.01 level. *. The correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.

With the variance analysis, we determined the resources affecting hardiness (see Table 3), that is, we determined the degree to which hardiness is predicted by examined variables.

Table 3

Variance analysis®


Sum of Squares

Mean Square














Notes: a. Dependent variable: hardiness

b. Predictors: (Constant), love, contacts, hope, trust

Hardiness was a dependent variable. Love, contacts, hope and trust were defined as predictors. We also determined that the `love' indicator had the greatest influence on prediction of hardiness. As we can see, the ability to love has the greatest influence on hardiness development. Primary and secondary abilities were also predictors that had a positive effect on hardiness: hope, trust, contacts, achievement.

As a result of our research, we found that personal resources were a powerful resource for the development of an individual's hardiness. However, not all people are ready and able to cope with difficulties. The reason for this may be a lack of experience in overcoming of life difficulties or a lack of personal resources. In our opinion, the key that allows people to survive difficult life situations is personal resources.


Thus, hardiness is considered by us as a holistic system combining values significant for an individual and determined by his/her attitudes and beliefs about the world, social environment and one's own place in it. In addition, the development of such hardiness components as commitment, control and challenge contribute to positive thinking and good self-attitude, as well as a positive worldview. Accordingly, we understand hardiness as a system emphasizing those attitudes that motivate an individual to transform stressful life events into new opportunities and is a component of an individual's self-determination. An individual's hardiness is the resulting aspect of self-determination. Therefore, we consider the study on this phenomenon is necessary for a deep understanding of the essence of a self-determined personality.

The conducted analysis of personal resources proved that the independence of people having meaningful goals is a resource for the development of an individual's hardiness. Hardiness components (control, commitment, challenge) are related to self-determination, self-organization, psychological well-being, availability and awareness of life plans and goals, availability of personal resources and conditions for achieving future goals.

We have determined that the manifesting results of hardiness as a holistic formation were a positive worldview, meaningfulness of life, improvement of its quality, effective self-regulation and self-realization through adaptation to society, as well as the ability and willingness to withstand a stressful situation without reducing the activity efficiency.

The primary abilities were proved to play a significant role in hardiness formation and development. Contacts, trust, hope and love have the greatest influence. This means that hardiness can be developed through personal example and relationships. The secondary abilities that have an impact on hardiness are: achievement, reliability and thrift. With the help of these secondary abilities, a person tries to control a stressful situation, thereby demonstrating hardiness.

All three hardiness components (commitment, control and challenge) are correlated with primary abilities such as time, contact, trust, hope, sexuality and love. This means that emotions take the first place and they are very important for hardiness development. So, as the research shows, the leading role in an individual's hardiness development belongs to personal resources.


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Bartone P.T. Resilience under military operational stress: Can leaders influence hardiness? Military Psychology. 2006. Vol. 18. P. 131-148. doi:

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Brooks M.V. Health-related hardiness and chronic illness: a synthesis of current research. Nursing Forum. 2003. Vol. 38, No 3 P. 11-20. doi:

Hystad S.W., Eid J., Laberg J.C., Johnsen B.H., Bartone P.T. Academic stress and health: Exploring the moderating role of personality hardiness. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. 2009. Vol. 53, No 5. P. 421-429. doi: 00313830903180349

Kazmierczyk J., Zajdler K. Occupational stress levels among employees of commercial and cooperative banks. Wiadomosci Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician. 2020. No 65. P. 24-44.

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Kobasa S.C. Stressful life events, personality, and health: An inquiry into hardiness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1979. Vol. 37, No 1, P. 1-11. doi:

Kokun О. Incidence of occupational hardiness under the influence of extreme war factors. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. 2023. doi:

Maddi S. The story of hardiness: Twenty years of theorizing, research, and practice. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research. 2002. Vol. 54. P. 173-185. doi: 4087.54.3.175

Parveen S. Role of hardiness and meaning in life among elderly living in old age home and living in family. Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research. 2018. Vol. 7, No 12. P. 68-76.

Pierson P.B., Hamilton A., Pepper M., Root M. Stress Hardiness and Lawyers. Journal of the Legal Profession. 2018. Vol. 42. Available at:

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Seligman M. E. P., Csikszentmihalyi M. Positive psychology. American psychologist. 2000. Vol. 55, No 1. P. 5-14. doi: https://doi. org/10.1037/0003-066X.55.1.5

Serdiuk L., Otenko S. The Ukrainian-language adaptation for the wiesbaden inventory for positive psychotherapy and family therapy (WIPPF). The global psychotherapis. 2021. Vol. 1, No 1. P. 11-14. doi: https://doi. org/10.52982/lkj135

Wallace K.A. (2003). An examination of hardiness in male older adults living in a rural setting. In S. P. Shohov (Ed.). Advances in psychology research. Nova Science Publishers, 2003. Vol. 23. P. 78-94.


Abdollahi, A., Talib, M. A, Yaacob, S. N., & Ismail, Z. (2014). Problem-solving skills and hardiness as protective factors against stress in Iranian nurses. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 35(2), 100-107. doi: https://

Afanasieva, N., Ilina, Y., & Svitlychna, N. (2021). Viability and socio-psy- chological adaptation of athletes of different qualifications in fire and applied sports. Health, Sport, Rehabilitation, 7(4), 46-57. doi: https://

Bartone, P.T. (2006). Resilience under military operational stress: Can leaders influence hardiness? Military Psychology, 18, 131-148. doi:

Bartone, P.T., Eid, J., Johnsen, B.H., Laberg, J.C., & Snook, S.A. (2009). Big five personality factors, hardiness, and social judgment as predictors of leader performance. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 30(6), 498-521. doi:

Brooks, M.V. (2003). Health-related hardiness and chronic illness: a synthesis of current research. Nursing Forum, 38(3), 11-20. doi: https://doi. org/10.1111/j.0029-6473.2003.00011.x

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