Tolerance to uncertainty as a factor in the mental health of the population in conditions of war

Analysis of special properties of a person to withstand the burden of crisis events that are associated with situations of uncertainty, in particular psychological self-regulation, which allows you to adequately perceive problems and find solutions.

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Дата добавления 19.03.2024
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Tolerance to uncertainty as a factor in the mental health of the population in conditions of war

Andrii Trofimov, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; Valeriia Zabolotna, PhD in Philosophy, Executive Director of Education, Lean Enterprise Institute


The relevance of the study is determined by the problem of preserving the mental health of society during crisis events that can influence the development of various forms of destructive mental disorders in the population. In this regard, the purpose of the research work was to determine the characteristics of a person's personal characteristics in the context of preserving his mental resources to fight uncertainty, as well as finding effective ways to restore the psychological well-being of the population in war conditions. The theoretical and methodological basis of the scientific research was a combination of qualitative methods of structural and functional analysis of providing psychological support to society during the period of martial law, as well as a systematic approach to the study of the social conditioning of the formation of tolerance to uncertainty in a person. In particular, several surveys were conducted on the problems of intolerance to uncertainty and psychological well-being of the individual.

The scientific work presents the results that reflect the problem of the personal qualities of a person to withstand the burden of crisis events that are associated with situations of uncertainty, in particular, psychological self-regulation, which allows to adequately perceive problems and find productive solutions to solve them. The article also highlights the issues of intolerance, self-identity and personal maturity of a person, which reveal the content of his individual perception and interpretation of situations of uncertainty. The obtained data also reflect the problem of the impact of crisis circumstances on the formation of a person's predisposition to mental disorders. At the same time, the research paper highlights issues of personal anxiety and worries about the future, as well as reveals the specifics of public health care in different countries

Keywords: armed aggression; anxiety; intolerance; personality disorders; self-regulation; therapy.


Толерантність до невизначеності як фактор психічного здоров'я населення в умовах війни

Андрій Юрійович Трофімов, Кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка; Валерія Олександрівна Заболотна, Кандидат філософських наук, виконавчий директор з розвитку, Lean Enterprise Institute

Актуальність дослідження зумовлено проблемою збереження психічного здоров'я суспільства під час кризових подій, що здатні впливати на розвиток у населення різних форм деструктивних порушень психіки. У зв'язку із цим метою науково-дослідної роботи постало визначення особливостей особистісних характеристик людини в контексті збереження її психічних ресурсів для боротьби з невизначеністю, а також пошук ефективних шляхів відновлення психологічного добробуту населення в умовах війни. Теоретико-методологічну основу наукового дослідження склало поєднання якісних методів структурно-функціонального аналізу забезпечення психологічною підтримкою суспільства в період воєнного стану, а також системний підхід вивчення соціальної зумовленості формування в людини толерантності до невизначеності.

Зокрема, було проведено декілька опитувань щодо проблем нетерпимості до невизначеності та психологічного добробуту особистості. У науковій роботі представлено результати, що відображають проблему особистісних властивостей людини витримувати тягар кризових подій, які пов'язані із ситуаціями невизначеності, зокрема психологічної саморегуляції, яка дає змогу адекватно сприймати проблеми та знаходити продуктивні рішення для їх розв'язання. Також в статті висвітлено питання інтолерантності, самоідентичності та особистісної зрілості людини, які розкривають зміст її індивідуального сприйняття та інтерпретації ситуацій невизначеності. Отримані дані також відображають проблему впливу кризових обставин на формування в людини схильності до психічних розладів. Водночас у науково-дослідній роботі висвітлено питання особистісної тривоги та переживань щодо майбутнього, а також розкрито особливості забезпечення охорони здоров'я населення в різних країнах

Ключові слова: збройна агресія; тривожність; нетерпимість; особистісні розлади; саморегуляція; терапія.


Global changes in the social life of society are accompanied by psychological stress, especially when it occurs under the influence of crisis events, which increase the likelihood of the development and exacerbation of neuropsychological disorders in the country's population. At the same time, the issue of preserving the psychological well-being of people becomes important. This problem is especially acutely actualized in the period of armed aggression, where numerous social changes lead to situations of uncertainty, stress, and frustration (Riad etal., 2022). This necessitates the search for effective methods, approaches, and ways of providing psychological support to the population. The problem of ensuring the conditions for the implementation of psychological assistance to the population during martial law increases the need to create a certain psychological space within the country, where social and educational organizations will contribute to the development of tolerance for uncertainty among the population, as a factor in preserving the mental health of the nation. In particular, this determines the relevance of studying the content of the problem of forming a person's readiness to make decisions in conditions of uncertainty, contradiction, the novelty of the situation and the lack of complete information about the consequences of the choice.

Investigating the role of a person's personal characteristics as a source of his psychological resources in maintaining the psychological well-being of O.V. Klepikova (2021) points out that the problem of forming tolerance to uncertainty is interconnected with the development of perseverance, a conscientious attitude to the performance of duties and the ability to realize one's own creative potential. In particular, the author emphasizes that these traits help a person overcome frustration in personal development and effectively tolerate ambiguous situations. A similar conclusion can be traced in the study of O. Chykhantsova (2021), where the author also notes the need to develop adaptive capabilities for the formation of a person's tolerance for uncertainty. Thus, studying the problem of the psychological basis of the vital stability of the individual, the author points out that a person's adaptation to changes is a process of ensuring his psychological well-being and at the same time is a system of self-regulation that allows a person to quickly adapt to external changes. At the same time, the author emphasizes the relationship between the level of an individual's adaptation capabilities and the preservation of his psychological balance and productivity in social life. At the same time, according to S. Babatina (2021), the purposeful development of components of self-regulation allows forming the necessary system of constructive psychological strategy for socio-psychological transformations in the mind of a person. Studying the issue of mental health of the individual in the context of social restrictions, the author emphasizes that healthy emotional and behavioural regulation produces in a person the skills of tolerance to the unknown and the ability to integrate new knowledge into one's own experience.

Consequences of crisis events can be various negative mental manifestations accompanied by increased anxiety, depression and psychosomatic problems. Investigating the impact of military conflicts on the mental health of young people. V.O. Tyurina and L.O. Solokhina (2022), and also O.F. Yatsyna (2022) note the problem of a violation of their cognitive, emotional and motivational spheres of the psyche. At the same time, the authors emphasize the need for targeted intervention by specialists to reduce destructive behavioural manifestations and increase a person's adaptive capabilities. At the same time, the effectiveness of psychological assistance increases with early referral to a specialist. Similar conclusions are followed by J.B. Damsgaard and S. Angel (2021) and V. Singh et al. (2022) indicating the need not only for psychotherapeutic help, but also for preventive measures. In particular, while researching the peculiarities of recovery and strengthening of mental health, the authors emphasize the reduction of acute stress reactions by strengthening the social support of the population, where the work of specialists consists in helping a person develop his self-identity and personal integrity. At the same time, scientists emphasize the need to provide psychological conditions for the formation of people's tolerance for uncertainty, where the key aspect is the use of a humanistic approach for the individual's understanding of existing problems in life and determining ways to solve them.

The development trend of modern society creates new demands for life, where constant changes and traumatic events lead to feelings of insecurity, fear, and insecurity. This determines the need to study the concept of developing tolerance to uncertainty in the population and determines the main goal of the research work, w hich is to reveal the content of intolerance to uncertainty, which is caused by the consequences of military aggression. At the same time, the study of the theoretical basis of the research problem made it possible to put forward a hypothesis (H0): the higher the level of intolerance to uncertainty, the lower the level of psychological well-being of a person.

psychological self-regulation crisis uncertainty

Materials and methods

The key approach of the theoretical and methodological basis for considering the peculiarities of the development of tolerance to uncertainty and the provision of psychological assistance to people living in a state of war was the synthesis of methods for determining the cause-and-effect relationships of the influence of personal characteristics of a person on the perception of the ambiguity of situations in relation to crisis events and the ability of the psyche to cope with them, as well as a systematic study of ways to provide psychological assistance to people who are in danger. This involved determining the features of the formation of tolerance to uncertainty in the context of preserving the psychological stability of a person in the process of transition to new realities. Planning and ensuring the implementation of scientific research tasks was implemented using methods of generalization and structuring of the world experience of studying the genesis of tolerance to uncertainty as a component of the resourcefulness of the human psyche, which made it possible to analyse the specifics of the conditions for the development of tolerance and formed the basis for revealing the importance of the principles of providing psychological assistance to the population.

The analysis of the theoretical base regarding the provision of conditions for preserving the mental health of people experiencing traumatic events allowed to reveal the key aspects of the development of the psychological potential of an individual. Thus, the use of methods of axiomatic and comparative analysis made it possible to determine the principles of modern concepts of providing psychological assistance to the population in wartime in the context of the development of plasticity in the perception and interpretation of information full of contradictions. In particular, the identified methods contributed to the analysis of scientific sources of researchers from Ukraine, the USA, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Poland, Germany, and Romania. In addition, it made it possible to analyse the theoretical foundations of the conversion of traumatic experience into psychosomatic conditions, anxiety, post-traumatic syndrome, depression, and other mental disorders. The unification of world experience and the use of the deduction method in this study contributed to the analysis of the features of the development of psychological stability of a person in the conditions of martial law. The basis of the conceptual approach to the organization of scientific research was the determination of factors that affect the development of tolerance to uncertainty, as well as the search for optimal methods of ensuring their improvement. The analysed scientific sources and the formulated goal determined the direction of the empirical research, which involved the determination of methods and means of its implementation, the formation of a sample, as well as the analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of the obtained results.

The research was supported by Charitable Foundation “Caritas-Kyiv” (2023), which provides assistance to people in difficult life circumstances within the framework of legal, psychological, humanitarian and financial support. Part of the survey was conducted by face-to-face questionnaire among people who applied for help to the organization. The other part was implemented through an online questionnaire, which was created on the basis of Google Forms software and distributed using social networks and the charity's website (Social survey, 2023). In total, 177 respondents aged 19 to 59 took part in the study. Further interaction with the participants was carried out through the e-mail address that the respondents indicated during the questionnaire. In order to diagnose the risks of post-traumatic condition among the respondents, the questionnaire “Intolerance to Uncertainty Scale” by N. Carleton (Hromova, 2021) was used. The assessment of the general psychological well-being of the interviewees was determined by using the K. Riff method “Scale of psychological well-being” (2023). Correlations between the obtained data were calculated using the statistical program “SPSS Smartviewer (v. 16.0)” (2023) and the application of the parametric criterion of K. Pearson. At the same time, the use of the praximetric method contributed to the comparison of the obtained results with the conclusions of other scientists and made it possible to single out the peculiarities of the psychological stability of the individual in the conditions of war.


Preservation of the psychological well-being of the population during crisis events is a priority task for the country. This problem becomes very important in the period of war, when people have fear and anxiety about the future, feelings of insecurity and insecurity arise, which can not only reduce a person's psychological resistance to stressful situations, but also lead to serious violations of his mental activity. At the same time, experienced traumatic events allow a person to gain new experience in solving problems and to form an awareness that they are able to cope with adversity. However, only under the condition of reconceptualization, assimilation and adequate interpretation of this experience, there is an opportunity for the perspective of post-traumatic growth, in particular, the acquisition of psychological well-being, personal stability and inner balance. The need to improve one's mental health is a direct part of human evolution, where the key role in these processes is played by the environment and society's desire to preserve its national assets in the context of the country's human potential. Mental health becomes possible thanks to a high tolerance for uncertainty, which involves the formation of a person's ability to change and satisfy his own needs in the conditions of transformation and the surrounding world. This allows the individual to be plastic and open to new experiences.

During the period of armed aggression, a person's psyche is permanently traumatized, which affects his value orientations, relationships with the environment, and life prospects. In particular, there are difficulties with feelings of safety, stability and security, where long stressful events and situations of uncertainty reduce the general level of psychological well-being of a person. The analysed scientific assets of E.D. Kanter (2008), O.V. Klepikova (2021), O. Chykhantsova (2021), A. Riad et al. (2022), I. Lim (2022), point to an increase in the problem of emotional exhaustion in people against the background of armed aggression and a decrease in their perception of information about mental health disorders and the consequences of inaction to eliminate these problems. Thus, researching the issue of psychological well-being of the population, the authors note the need to provide social and psychological support to society by developing psychological resilience in them. In addition, the authors define satisfaction with life and awareness of its value, the absence of negative experiences, positive and adequate self-perception, self-identity, the ability to use one's own resources, the presence of social support and awareness of one's responsibility for life, choice and mental health as factors that ensure a person's psychological well-being. The analysis of scientific sources indicates that in conditions of large-scale traumatic events, people develop destructive mental states, in particular, insomnia, tension, feeling of constant fatigue, irritation, anger, decreased productivity, anxiety (Kanter, 2008; Hoffart et al., 2022; Chen & Lu- cock, 2022). A person with a tendency to anxiety tries to plan and prepare for various events. However, it seems impossible to eliminate all traumatic situations or to completely control them. It should be noted that stress resistance, in particular, an individual's ability to solve difficult life situations and recover from difficulties experienced, is formed as a result of understanding one's own responsibility for thoughts, emotions, problems, and attitude to life in general.

Uncontrolled and contradictory changes in the social environment complicate a person's relationship with the environment, which can lead to conflict and tension. Given this, it is important to reveal the content of the problem of individual tolerance in modern realities, where tolerance, as a component of universal human value, forms the basis of a person's communicative skills and his interaction in society. Firstly, tolerance to uncertainty is of great importance in modern conditions, which serves as a key aspect for revealing characteristic individual psychological features regarding human choice and the process of decision-making, in particular in the context of rationalism, impulsivity, risk, independence, or tolerance. The totality of these processes determines the development of a person's psychological stability, his ability to resist crisis events and recover from trauma. The analysed sources on the problem of the development of tolerance to uncertainty indicate the inconsistency of scientific approaches in understanding this phenomenon (Reis-Dennis et al., 2021; Yap et al., 2023). Thus, one of the directions of consideration of the issue of intolerance to uncertainty is the study of this aspect within the framework of a human trait, where an individual perceives unclear information or a situation as a threat to his comfort and can interpret them inconsistently, as well as react to them with polar emotions. At the same time, another approach studies tolerance to uncertainty as a dynamic characteristic of a person that can be influenced by psychotherapeutic means and through the development of a person's awareness of his own thinking. In particular, these processes are related to the motivational and cognitive receptivity of a person in relation to his previous experience.

Thus, tolerance to uncertainty acts as an individual modality of an individual to perceive various events and situations and, on the basis of acquired experience and knowledge, to find ways to solve them. A person's inability to adequately implement these processes leads to a decrease in his mental health. Therefore, it is important to determine the influence of tolerance to uncertainty on the successful functioning of the individual in the social environment. People who applied for help to Charitable were invited to participate in the study Foundation “Caritas-Kyiv” (2023). The preparatory stage of the study involved the collection and analysis of socio-demographic indicators of the respondents. In total, 177 respondents joined the study (n = 177, where n is the number of respondents), of which 94 people completed the questionnaire face-to-face, and 83 people joined by posting a survey link on the website of the charitable organization and in its social networks (Social survey, 2023). The study was con- respondents (30%) and a female group (FG) in the number ducted on a voluntary basis, and all participants gave their of 124 respondents (70%). Also, in this study, the age cri- consent to the processing of the obtained data and their use terion was monitored, but it was perceived as an auxiliary in this study. The average age of the survey participants was component in revealing the impact of tolerance to uncer- 29.4 years (min = 19, max = 59). To understand the gender tainty on the mental stability of the individual. The prelim differences in the emotional perception of situations of un- inary survey of the research participants made it possible to certainty, the respondents were divided into two subgroups, highlight the features of the respondents' social status at the which consisted of a male group (MG) in the number of 53 time of the survey. Table 1 shows the results of the survey.

Table 1. Results of the survey of the socio-demographic status of the respondents according to the answers of the participants


Response options of respondents

Quantity, %



















Social status

Divorced/Living separately







Full secondary education


Higher education (bachelor/master)


State employee



An employee of a non-governmental institution




Unemployed (able to work)


Less than 50 thousand inhabitants


Number or inhabitants in your from 50 to 250 thousand inhabitants ritv/VI Я СТА


More than 250 thousand inhabitants


Volunteer (fundraising, medical or psychological assistance, supplies)


Your activity is related to:

Forcedly displaced person (IDP)


In the military reserve


Do you have experience of participating in combat operations?



During long traumatic events (wars, pandemics), a person may experience uncertainty or, on the contrary, adapt to stress. At the same time, in such conditions, it is also possible to form a state of numbness, which, with a long course, increases the risks of developing anxiety disorders. The reasons for this state can be personal anxiety, uncontrolled fear, panic, lack of complete information about situations and events, depression, loss of identity, as well as confusion and inability to independently get out of this state (Kant- er, 2008). Thus, the analysed previous studies indicate that with long-term traumatic events, intolerance to uncertainty contributes to the development of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Characteristic signs of depressive states are feelings of depression, sadness, unhappiness, and abandonment (Chen & Lucock, 2022). At the same time, the development of anxiety is accompanied by fear, thoughtlessness, illogicality and psychosomatic diseases (Hoffart et al., 2022).

With PTSD, a person may experience dissociative reactions that go through the stages of shock, adrenaline period, devastation, adaptation, and hatred (Babatina, 2021). Thus, the impact of war on the mental activity of an individual depends on his ability to find alternative solutions, the ability to adjust and get out of crisis situations. The diagnosis of tolerance to uncertainty among respondents was carried out using the adapted questionnaire “Scale of Intolerance to Uncertainty” by N. Carleton (Hromova, 2021). This technique makes it possible to determine indicators of oppressive anxiety (bodily and emotional reactions to controversial events) and prognostic anxiety (a person's expectation regarding situations of uncertainty and the future). At the same time, in this context, oppressive anxiety is considered as a combination of personal and situational anxiety, where manifestations of a somatic nature (problems with concentration, confusion) do not depend on the source of anxiety. The results of indicators according to this survey are clearly presented in Figure 1.

The obtained data indicate the absence of significant gender differences in the indicators of intolerance to uncertainty among the interviewed respondents. Observation of the difference in age criteria also did not determine significant fluctuations in the results of the respondents, which could significantly affect the change in intolerance to uncertainty with age. The average values of the indicators of the respondents according to the method of intolerance to uncertainty (MG = 5.62; FG = 5.8) allow to assume that at the time of the survey, the respondents' attitude to uncertainty is quite stable and does not depend on age gradations.

Figure 1. Analysis of the results of indicators of intolerance to uncertainty of respondents of two groups (average score)

An individual's interpretation of situations of uncertainty occurs within the framework of his latent factors of consciousness, and the assessment of the dimension of this uncertainty is assumed through subjective self-perception. Thus, the multiplicity of choice options, the lack of ability to control the results of the decision, as well as the riskiness, novelty, and contradiction of unpredictable situations are the main components of uncertainty, where the subjective evaluation of events can be translated as a need for certainty, but not meet the flexibility of the human psyche. In addition, the attitude to uncertainty can be interpreted in the context of a person's negative experience in similar situations at the behavioural level, emotional experience or cognitive reactions (Yap et al., 2023). The study of the problem of intolerance to uncertainty involves the realization that this construct can change against the background of gaining new experience or through the purposeful activity of a person to contribute to the development of this property.

Psychological well-being involves a person's sense of his own integrity and conscious living of his life. Respondents were assessed for these indicators using the “Psychological Well-Being Scale” method by K. Riff (2023). This questionnaire allows determining a person's ability to make independent and independent choices in decision-making, the ability to satisfy one's own needs in the context of using the conditions of the environment and surroundings, the ability to create trusting relationships with people, set and achieve goals in life, as well as assess a person's ability to perceive himself. Also, this technique allows determining the general index of a person's psychological well-being. The obtained data are visually presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Analysis of the results of indicators of the level and components of psychological well-being of respondents of two groups

The obtained results, in particular the comparison of the general index of the two groups, indicate that the surveyed respondents have an average level of psychological well-being, but this indicator is closer to the border with a low level. At the same time, there is a higher level of orientation among men to achieve goals and objectives related to ensuring well-being in life (MG = 20.8%, FG = 8.9%), personal growth (MG = 17%, FG = 11.3%) and autonomy (MG = 11.3%, FG = 9.7%). However, the obtained data also indicate that women are less critical of themselves, where positive self-perception allows them to accept their own qualities and positively evaluate the past, turning it into experience to overcome future problems. Thus, according to this method, it was determined that 23.4% of the female group has high scores according to the school of self-perception, and this indicator is much lower in the male group (5.7%). It should be noted that decision-making in difficult situations determines the content, process, and effectiveness of a person's psychological stability and his sense of well-being and life satisfaction. At the same time, the content of a person's psychological well-being is not only a sign of subjective satisfaction with life, situations, and events that happen to a person, but also the result of his self-regulation, experience, openness to new things and the ability to overcome obstacles that appear on the way. Thus, the psychological stability of a person and his psychological well-being are related to the development of the personality and the formation of a high level of responsibility for one's own future. The correct development of the components of mental health, the goals, and motives of the individual, as well as the ability to manage one's psycho-emotional state helps to create a quality basis for the purposeful development of her tolerance for uncertainty (Reis-Dennis et al., 2021).

To test the hypothesis regarding the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and a decrease in the psychological well-being of an individual, a correlation analysis was carried out according to the K. Pearson method, which was calculated in the program for statistical data analysis “SPSS SmartViewer (v. 16.0)” (2023). Visually, the results are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Correlation between the components of psychological well-being and intolerance to uncertainty

MG (n = 53)

FG (n = 124)

Intolerance to uncertainty, M = 29.5, SD = 6.6

Prognostic anxiety, M = 18.3, SD = 3.4

Oppressive anxiety, M = 11.2, SD = 3.2

Intolerance to uncertainty, M = 30.9 SD = 7.4

Prognostic anxiety, M = 18.5, SD = 4.1

Oppressive anxiety, M=12.4, SD = 4.3

Psychological well-being







Positive relationship














Management of the environment







Personal growth







Goals in life














Note: * - correlation of significance at the level of p=<0.05; M - mathematical expectation; SD - standard deviation Source: compiled by the authors

The obtained data indicate the existence of a significant correlation between indicators of intolerance to uncertainty and violation of psychological well-being of a person. In particular, the values on the “Autonomy” scale (MG = 0.359; FG = 0.342) reflect the respondents' reduced ability to regulate their own behavioural reactions in decision-making in situations of uncertainty. At the same time, the correlations of intolerance to uncertainty according to the scales “Environmental management” (MG = 0.279; FG = 0.271), “Personal growth” (MG = 0.273; FG = 0.263) and “Self-perception” (MG = 0.248; FG = 0.261) allow assuming the existence of problems among respondents with independence in situations of uncertainty, difficulty in perceiving changes in social life and inability to master new experience, turning it into opportunities to realize one's own potential. It also creates problems with emotional intelligence, which leads to a feeling of fear and lack of confidence in one's own abilities to solve problematic situations. It should be noted that statistically significant correlations between intolerance of uncertainty and the scales “Positive relations” (MG = -0.029; FG = -0.024) and “Goals in life” (MG = 0.058; FG = 0.05) were not established. This may indicate the respondents' efforts to establish favourable relations with the environment and the desire to achieve a certain social status. However, due to the low ability to self-regulate and the presence of psychological imbalance, there is a possibility of a lack of favourable conditions for the realization of these desires. Therefore, it can be noted that intolerance to uncertainty can affect the psychological state of people and the feeling of psychological well-being in these studied groups.

Thus, increasing tolerance to uncertainty in people during traumatic events is a key aspect of preserving their mental health. Thus, long-term situations of uncertainty create predictors of remote experience, which enables the formation of persistent disorders of the human psyche. The results of the research show that it is especially important to create favourable conditions for social and psychological support of the population during the war, where psychological assistance will purposefully contribute to the development of a person's psychological stability, self-identity, tolerance to uncertainty and the ability to regulate one's own emotional states. It is also significant to create preventive measures for the population at the state level for the possibility of increasing the emotional stability of the population and the formation of favourable attitudes towards therapy and rehabilitation in people, which allow reducing the risks of developing neuropsychiatric disorders.


The negative consequences of armed aggression on the mental health of the population create conditions for the decline of the country's economic and political potential. Therefore, preserving the psychological stability of society in the conditions of war is an important aspect of overcoming the crisis in the country. Thus, increasing the risk of a person's susceptibility to mental disorders is a natural factor in armed conflicts. Firstly, this is related to the loss of subjective security of a person and the increase in information about traumatic events related to war and spread through media channels. In particular, constant anxiety is capable of producing anxiety-type mental disorders in a person (panic, generalized, obsessive-compulsive, social, post-traumatic, phobias) (Tyurina & Solokhina, 2022.).

At the same time, the traumatic experience of war is also associated with mood disorders (depression, bipolar disorder), where the destruction of emotional stability can lead to irreversible mental disorders. Actualization of the problem of preserving people's mental health in the period of armed aggression is conditioned by the scale of crisis events in the world, in particular as a result of the increase in wars and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic (Today's Armed Conflicts, 2023). In addition, the increase in the number of studies in the field of recovery of the mental health of an individual after trauma allows not only to select effective methods of treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, but also to form the public's understanding of the need to preserve psychological well-being and the importance of timely referral to a specialist.

Studying the problem of intolerance to uncertainty S. Reis-Dennis et al (2021), P. Patel et al. (2022), and A. Yap et al (2023) determine its interdependence with the personal beliefs of a person, perception of the external environment, as well as with the individual's behavioural reactions. Thus, an intolerant personality shows categoricalness in choice, the need to avoid multitasking situations, to categorize and define events relative to one's own perception. At the same time, an intolerant person is characterized by manifestations of authoritarianism and aggression, where dogmatism, rigidity, and prejudice make it difficult for him to develop the skills of perceiving contradictory and ambiguous information, as well as the ability to feel psychological comfort. In addition, a person with intolerance to uncertainty has difficulty making decisions and being psychologically stable. Studying the problem of human intolerance to uncertainty, R. Inklaar and J. Yang (2012), J. Morriss et al. (2022) determine the lack of such an individual's ability to predict events, where the feeling of one's own vulnerability and anxiety can lead to distortions in the perception of information. In particular, it can produce in a person's consciousness the appearance of incompatible concepts in situations of uncertainty, contribute to his resistance to changes, refusal to understand new information, and also lead to categoricalness, cruelty, and regression in behavioural models. At the same time, R. Becerra et al. (2023) describe a person with a tendency to intolerance as a person who not only avoids situations of uncertainty, but also considers them a threat to his own safety. Thus, researching the issue of the relationship between intolerance to uncertainty and anxiety, the author emphasizes that intolerance to uncertainty manifests in a person due to his ignorance, lack of previous experience in successfully solving similar situations, as well as due to imposed destructive beliefs that have turned into stable personality attitudes.

Studying approaches to providing conditions for the development of tolerance to uncertainty, J. Shu et al. (2022) notes the need for the formation of creative thinking in a person, which allows an individual to creatively solve problem situations. In the opinion of the author, tolerance to uncertainty is self-regulation skills and individual level of openness and risk-taking of a person, manifested in the desire to defend one's own ideas, judgments, and reasoning. Similar conclusions are followed by S. Grenier et al. (2005), D. Goyal and U. Sharma (2022). Investigating the problem of tolerance to uncertainty, the authors consider this phenomenon as a person's metacognitive skills.

This approach assumes that a tolerant person is able to effectively resolve conflicting and ambiguous situations, regulate information processing, adequately and critically evaluate situations of uncertainty, be receptive to uncertainty, take responsibility for their decisions and choices, and turn the acquired knowledge and information into experience problem-solving. Investigating the issue of tolerance to uncertainty and its connection with human maturity, M. Lauriola et al. (2023) defines these aspects as mutually complementary processes, where a person's ability to perceive and understand himself and his emotions, to creatively approach the solution of everyday tasks, as well as to be responsible and open to new experiences contributes to the development of personality tolerance. Studying the issue of tolerance as a personal attribute of a person, the author also notes that the maturity of a person is characterized by his readiness to take responsibility for his actions, behaviour and decisions, which allow the individual to form self-identity and self-respect in his mind.

Modern studies on the development of tolerance to uncertainty and understanding its importance in the context of psychological stability of a person and his well-being note the relevance of this phenomenon in the world space. The research of this problem is devoted to the scientific works of A. Angehrn et al. (2020), S. Hidese et al. (2022), M. Kes- tler-Peleg et al. (2023), K.A. Knowles and B.O. Olatunji (2023), where the authors stipulate the need for the conscious development of tolerance to contradictory and ambiguous situations. In particular, investigating the issue of the connection between mental disorders and intolerance, the authors came to the conclusion that people who experience instability of mood and have a high level of personal anxiety are prone to the development of mental disorders, where stressful situations and crisis events affect the exacerbation of symptoms. Researchers include depressive states, anxiety, psychosomatic problems with varying degrees of manifestation (sleep disturbances, pain of various aetiologies) as the most common destructive mental disorders as a result of large-scale traumatic events that last for a long time. The obtained empirical research data are also correlated with the research results of the mentioned scientists and indicate a violation of the emotional regulation of the respondents, which leads to obstacles in the establishment of interpersonal contacts in their everyday communication, an increase in conflict and mistrust of the environment, behavioural destructive reactions and cognitive dissonance, which manifests itself in intolerance to situations of uncertainty, new experience and inability to be tolerant of the ideas and knowledge of the environment.

Research by L. Ekselius (2018) and S. Babatina (2021) on the problems of personality disorders and the technology of providing medical and psychological assistance to people who have suffered damage to mental health indicates the presence of emotional tension, disturbances, and accentuations of a person's character, problems with the sensitivity of the psyche, which produce inadequate behavioural reactions of the individual to various situations. The authors also agree that people with mental health disorders can react in a panic to situations of uncertainty, have inhibition or excitability of the behaviour of their reactions. So, E. Preti et al. (2020) and R. Rossi et al. (2020), studying the problems of mental health of the population during the period of crisis events, note that during stressful situations, a change in the system of ideas, values, and norms is characteristic for a person, which also provokes changes in life plans and social relations, in particular, increases the conflict of a person and his aspirations avoid communication with the environment. At the same time, the authors emphasize that clinical manifestations of mental disorders may manifest as disorders of an emotionally unstable, depressive and anxiety-like nature. The obtained results of the empirical research are also correlated with the conclusions of scientists, where face-to-face communication with the respondents made it possible to determine that their value and meaning sphere have undergone changes since the beginning of the war. In particular, respondents noted changes in meaningful life orientations, motivation, goals, and a decrease in the desire for self-realization due to a lack of control over one's own life.

Deterioration of the mental health of the population in the context of crisis events actualizes the issue of creating proper conditions for mental health care. Modernization of the health care system and transformation of approaches to providing psychological support to the population can prevent the increase in mental illnesses. Thus, the danger associated with a full-scale invasion of the state, information overload with news about traumatic events, the economic crisis and political changes against the background of armed aggression and the imposition of martial law by the president on the entire territory of Ukraine determine the development of conditions for providing psychological assistance to people who are in difficult life circumstances (Decree of the President of Ukraine № 64/2022 “On the Introduction of Martial Law in Ukraine”, 2022).

Thus, psychotherapy helps to overcome the acquired psychosomatic symptoms of impaired mental activity of a person, and also provides adequate support to people with a tendency to personality disorders. Psychological help is especially important for people with a diagnosed mental disorder and those who are in remission, because stressful events and situations of uncertainty can increase the course of the disease or provoke its exacerbation. Therefore, it is important to popularize psychological help as a factor in maintaining mental health. However, not all people apply for psychological help, which also creates the need to provide informational support to the population with possible self-help methods, where the key factors will be the increase and formation of stress resistance skills, the development of human tolerance to uncertainty and enlightenment about the importance of seeking professional psychological help.

In Ukrainian society, the issue of public health protection is fixed at the legislative level. According to Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1018-r “On the Approval of the Concept of Mental Health Care Development in Ukraine for the Period until 2030” (2017) it is important to increase the level of public awareness of the importance of maintaining mental health, reduce discrimination of people with neuropsychiatric disorders, improve knowledge about mental health and prevent disorders of mental activity. Also, this concept envisages the implementation of measures to prevent mental disorders of military personnel, to develop in them skills to overcome stress during service, as well as measures to develop resistance to stress among the civilian population.

In particular, the introduction of new standards in the field of mental health care will contribute to the quality control of the provision of psychological care, the creation of modern psychodiagnostic tools for the assessment of mental health, the implementation of appropriate protocols for the creation of standards of social and psychological care for all categories of the population, as well as ensuring the availability of treatment by means of pharmacology and psychotherapy. Achieving the availability of psychological care should be ensured through the introduction of out-of-hospital forms of treatment, in particular, the creation of conditions for the provision of psychological primary care in crisis centres and medical institutions, as well as interdisciplinary cooperation of medical specialists. An important approach in providing psychological assistance to the population is the training of highly qualified specialists, the development of their professional competencies and the creation of conditions at the level of territorial communities for psychosocial support of the population and rehabilitation through the introduction of a standardized system of psychological assistance (psychotherapy, performance monitoring, psychosocial services).

World practice also shows the actualization of the problem of providing psychological assistance to the population. Thus, the Spanish government has created conditions for citizens in terms of free access to the health care system due to the large number of mental disorders in people (insomnia, depressive states, anxiety), where psychological assistance services are introduced for all age categories of citizens (Parks, 2023). At the same time, a model of psychological support has been introduced in Italy, which is based on the fight against emotional exhaustion and impaired communication skills (Frost et al., 2017). This approach does not involve the intervention of specialized specialists (psychiatrist, psychotherapist), but is based on primary medical care. The problem of health care in Germany is solved by popularizing knowledge about the importance of maintaining psychological well-being (Thom et al., 2021). Thus, the purposeful creation of an information space about mental disorders and methods of their elimination, as well as the introduction of a pilot model of data collection, allowed the state to form a database on the mental health of citizens and contributed to the creation of a system for planning and implementing social measures to meet the needs of society. For Romania, access to psychiatric care is through a family doctor, which implies close cooperation with other specialists and access to treatment options (day care, private centres) (Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1018-r “On the Approval of the Concept of Mental Health Care Development in Ukraine for the Period until 2030”, 2023). In matters of mental health of the population, Switzerland is based on prevention and early intervention in the process of deterioration of mental health (NHS recovery plan, 2023).

An important step for the country was the digitization of the provision of psychological support to the population, which also made it possible to introduce a model of cognitive-behavioural therapy with the possibility of remote treatment. This computerized model is designed to provide support to people with personal mental disorders of the affective and anxiety spectrum. In the United States, access to psychological care is provided through the use of a model of mental health recovery, which is based on the improvement of the population's indicators of optimism, communication skills, motivational sphere, enrichment of knowledge and skills, as well as the development of their identity. At the same time, this approach allows correcting the initial manifestations of neuropsychiatric disorders (Coombs et al., 2021). The modernization of the medical system of providing psychological support to the citizens of Poland contributed to the development of the concept, which allows receiving psychiatric help in public centres that are connected with social organizations and provided with state funding (Sagan et al., 2022). The implementation of this concept makes it possible to provide psychological assistance to people with personal mental disorders and a predisposition to them, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic syndrome, panic attacks.

The conducted empirical research is correlated with the analysed scientific works, which indicate the need to improve the mental health of people who are in conditions of armed aggression by developing their internal determinants of forming tolerance to uncertainty and creating conditions for post-traumatic growth (Kanter, 2008; Yatsyna, 2022; Morriss et al., 2022). In addition, the obtained data are also correlated with the conclusions of A. Angehrn et al. (2020), A. Hoffart et al. (2022), S. Hidese et al. (2022), which indicate the need to study issues related to the manifestations of neuropsychological disorders and to ensure the restoration of human mental health in conditions of danger with the possibility of developing a consistent and effective strategy for solving the problem in matters of the individual's attitude to situations of uncertainty, development of her cognitive skills, self-regulation, and tolerance. In particular, the similarity of the results of the research by J.M. Malouff et al (2005), K.C. Stanek and D.S. Ones (2023) with an empirical study that shows the dependence of uncertainty tolerance on a person's ability to regulate their own behaviour and make choices. Thus, intolerance to uncertainty significantly reduces the level of psychological well-being of a person, his vitality and social interaction with the environment. At the same time, purposeful development of tolerance to uncertainty is able to ensure effective transformation of a person's attitude to decision-making, psychological well-being and stability of mental health in general.


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