Psychological features of adolescent conflict behavior
The formation of personality in adolescence, which causes a special sensitivity to emotional manifestations and relationships with others. The development of certain behavior patterns that may be the result of emotional disturbances and conflicts.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.05.2024 |
Размер файла | 27,3 K |
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Размещено на
Psychology Mukachevo State University
Mukachevo State University
Psychological features of adolescent conflict behavior
Kostiu S. c.p.s.,
The article presents the results of a study of the peculiarities of conflict behaviour among younger and older adolescents. The existence of a correlation between conflict and the emotional sphere of adolescents is diagnosed. The necessity of correction ofconflict behaviour ofadolescents through the use ofsocial and psychological training aimed at improving the skills of conflict management and regulation of the emotional sphere in adolescents is indicated.
Key words: conflict; conflict behaviour; adolescence; determinants of conflict behaviour; emotional sphere.
Костю С. Й. кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри психології Мукачівського державного університету
Алмаші С. І. старший викладач кафедри психології Мукачівського державного університету
Вступ. У сучасному світі проблема конфліктів є актуальною на всіх рівнях людської взаємодії, включаючи шкільне середовище. У підлітковому віці формується особистість, що зумовлює особливу чутливість до емоційних проявів і взаємин з оточуючими. За даними наукових досліджень, саме у цьому періоді формуються певні моделі поведінки, які можуть бути наслідком емоційних порушень та конфліктів. У зв'язку з цим, дослідження психологічних особливостей конфліктної поведінки в учнів підліткового віку є надзвичайно важливим та актуальним завданням для сучасної психології. При цьому необхідно враховувати як індивідуальні особливості особистості, так і взаємодію з соціальним середовищем, що може вплинути на формування конфліктної поведінки у підлітків.
Теоретичне підґрунтя. Українські та світові науковці протягом багатьох десятиліть досліджували проблему конфліктності підлітків і внесли значний внесок у розвиток цієї галузі психології. Дослідники зосереджуються на різних аспектах цієї проблеми, включаючи особистісні особливості, психологічні чинники, соціальне середовище та емоційну сферу підлітків (А. Анцупов, С. Баклановський, А. Бобро, А. Гірник, Н. Гришина, А. Ішмуратов, В. Казаков, В. Котигоренко, Г. Ложкін, М. Пірен, В. Ребкало, С. Хаджирадєва, а також М. Альберт, Р. Дарендорф, М. Дойч, Л. Козер, К Константіно, У Мастенбрук, К Мерчент, М. Мескон, Ф. Хедоурі, Р. Дарендорфа, Л. Козера Е. Мейо, Т. Парсонса, А. Турена та ін.). Результати досліджень свідчать про важливість розуміння цих детермінант для ефективного управління конфліктами та попередження агресивної поведінки серед підлітків. Слід зауважити, що всі дослідники підходять до питання вивчення конфліктності з точки зору різних напрямків та підходів, що підкреслює відсутність остаточної та єдиної думки щодо даної проблематики.
Сутність конфлікту неможливо пояснити одним науковим визначенням. Поняття конфлікту тісно пов 'язано із поняттям конфліктності. У сучасній літературі це поняття вживається у різних значеннях, використовується різними науками у різних контекстах. Зокрема, конфліктність у психології прийнято тлумачити як суто особистісну властивість, яка характерна для процесу спілкування й взаємодії між людьми. Конфліктність на рівні особистості розуміється як інтегративна її властивість, що є симптомокомплексом компонентів та виявляється у потребі пошуку конфліктних ситуацій. emotional disturbance conflict
Методи дослідження. З метою визначення особливостей прояву конфліктної поведінки підлітків використано методи теоретичного аналізу (теоретико-методологічний аналіз проблем конфліктної поведінки в учнів підліткового віку, узагальнення, систематизація теоретичних даних). Також застосовано емпіричні методи: методика «Оцінки рівня конфліктності» (за Н.В. Кіршевою), методика діагностики схильності особистості до конфліктної поведінки К Томаса, опитувальник рівня агресивності Басса-Дарки та методика дослідження емоційно-вольових якостей (Тейлор, Айзенк, Роонг, Роттер обробка Кондратьєвої).
Обробка результатів дослідження проведена за допомогою математико-статистичних методів (використаний кореляційний аналіз за критерієм Пірсона). Узагальнення результатів здійснено з використанням інтерпретаційних методів (класифікація й узагальнення емпіричних даних).
Результати дослідження. Отже, у ході дослідження особливостей конфліктів у підлітковому середовищі виявлено, що для учнів найбільш характерним є високий рівень конфліктності, більш типовими стратегіями реагування у конфлікті для них є змагання та уникнення, найменш розповсюдженою є стратегія співпраці. Слід зазначити, що підлітки чітко уявляють свою позицію в конфлікті. У ситуації конфлікту вони часто обирають уникнення чи агресію, зокрема це стосується старших підлітків. Це можна проінтерпретувати відсутністю у них досвіду конструктивного розв 'язання конфліктів.
У підлітків кожної з груп яскраво виражені показники імпульсивності та тривожності, зокрема, у старших підлітків. Особливу увагу слід звернути на показники шкал соціальної бажаності та догматизму, які досить інтенсивно проявляються у досліджуваних. Також спостерігаємо виражені показники вербальної агресії. Слід звернути на показники індексів ворожості та агресивності, які у більшій мірі знаходяться поза нормою з переважанням у групі досліджуваних старших підлітків.
Подальші кроки було спрямовано на виявлення зв 'язку між шкалами вищезгаданих показників, з метою перевірки гіпотези щодо наявності зв'язку конфліктної поведінки з емоційною сферою дітей підліткового віку.
Наукова новизна та практичне значення результатів дослідження полягає у тому, що нами визначено методи дослідження конфліктної поведінки підлітків. Матеріали дослідження стануть в нагоді викладачам ЗВО у процесі підготовки практичних психологів, а також в процесі психодіагностичної, корекційно-розвивальної, консультативної, просвітницької, освітної діяльності та розробки різних спецкурсів.
Висновки. Після проведення емпіричної частини дослідження особливостей конфліктної поведінки у середовищі молодших та старших підлітків, нами були зроблені наступні висновки:
для учнів найбільш характерним є високий рівень конфліктності, більш типовими стратегіями реагування у конфлікті для них є змагання та уникнення, найменш розповсюдженою є стратегія співпраці.
у підлітків кожної з груп яскраво виражені показники імпульсивності та тривожності, зокрема, у старших підлітків. Особливу увагу слід звернути на показники шкал соціальної бажаності та догматизму, які досить інтенсивно проявляються у досліджуваних. Також виявлені виражені показники вербальної агресії.
проведений нами аналіз кореляцій між показниками методик дослідження дає можливість стверджувати про існування кореляційного зв'язку між конфліктністю підлітків та наступними показниками: стратегією змагання та стратегією співпраці; імпульсивністю та тривожністю; показниками соціальної бажаності та догматизму; показниками вербальної агресії, ворожості та агресивності.
отримані результати свідчать про те, що гіпотеза, про наявність зв'язку конфліктної поведінки з емоційною сферою дітей підліткового віку підтвердилася. Підлітки, які проявляють більшу емоційну нестійкість, тривожність і агресивність, можуть мати більш високий рівень конфліктності. Крім того, емоційність може впливати на стиль конфліктної поведінки.
Отже, емоційна сфера та конфліктна поведінка підлітків взаємопов'язані, і їх розуміння є важливим для того, щоб розробити ефективні стратегії для управління конфліктами та покращення емоційного благополуччя підлітків, що і є перспективою нашого подальшого дослідження.
Ключові слова: конфлікт; конфліктна поведінка; підлітковий вік; детермінанти конфліктної поведінки; емоційна сфера.
In the modern world, the problem of conflict is relevant at all levels of human interaction, including the school environment. During adolescence, a personality is formed, which leads to a special sensitivity to emotional manifestations and relationships with others. According to scientific research, it is during this period that certain behavioural patterns are formed that may be the result of emotional disturbances and conflicts. In this regard, the study of the psychological characteristics of conflict behaviour in adolescent students is an extremely important and relevant task for modern psychology. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account both individual personality traits and interaction with the social environment, which can influence the formation of conflict behaviour in adolescents.
The main goal is an empirical analysis of the relationship between the emotional sphere and conflict behaviour of adolescents.
Ukrainian and international scholars have been studying the problem of adolescent conflict for many decades and have made a significant contribution to the development of this field of psychology. Researchers focus on various aspects of this problem, including personal characteristics, psychological factors, social environment and emotional sphere of adolescents (A. Antsupov, S. Baklanovskyi, A. Bobro, A. Hirnyk, N. Hryshyna, A. Ishmuratov, V. Kazakov, V. Kotygorenko, G. Lozhkin, M. Piren, V. Rebkalo, S. Khadjiradeva, as well as M. Albert, R. Darendorf, M. Deutsch, L. Kozer, C. Constantino, W. Mastenbrook, C. Merchant, M. Mescon, F. Hedourie, R. Darendorf, L. Kozer, E. Mayo, T. Parsons, A. Touraine, and others). The results of the studies show the importance of understanding these determinants for effective conflict management and prevention of aggressive behaviour among adolescents. It should be noted that all researchers approach the issue of studying conflict from different directions and approaches, which emphasises the lack of a final and unified opinion on this issue.
The essence of conflict cannot be explained by a single scientific definition. The concept of conflict is closely related to the concept of conflict. In the contemporary literature, this concept is used in different meanings, used by different sciences in different contexts. In particular, in psychology, conflict is usually interpreted as a purely personal property that is characteristic of the process of communication and interaction between people. Conflict at the level of the individual is understood as an integrative property of the personality, which is a symptom complex of components and manifests itself in the need to seek conflict situations.
Conflict is a characteristic feature of adolescence, which can be caused by external and internal factors, as well as changes in social role and independence. In addition, conflict can affect adolescents' psychological state and social life.
Psychological determinants of conflict behaviour in adolescent students are factors that determine the behaviour of adolescents in conflict situations. The emotional sphere of adolescents is an important determinant in shaping their behaviour in conflict situations. Conflict behaviour can arise as a result of unmet emotional needs and negative emotions, such as anger, irritation, aggression, helplessness, frustration and anxiety. It is important to keep in mind that the emotional sphere of adolescents is very complex, and each adolescent may show different emotions in different situations. Sometimes emotions can be difficult to understand and manage, especially for those adolescents who have not yet fully developed their emotional intelligence. However, if we understand the role of emotions in adolescents' conflict behaviour, we can help them to better understand and manage their emotions and interact with others in a more effective way.
In order to determine the peculiarities of the manifestation of conflict behaviour in adolescents, the methods of theoretical analysis (theoretical and methodological analysis of the problems of conflict behaviour in adolescent students, generalisation, systematisation of theoretical data) were used. Empirical methods were also used: the method of "Assessment of the level of conflict" (according to N.V. Kirsheva), the method of diagnosing personality tendency to conflict behaviour by K. Thomas, the Bass-Darkey Aggression Questionnaire and the method of studying emotional and volitional qualities (Taylor, Eysenck, Roong, Rotter, Kondratieva's processing).
The results of the study were processed using mathematical and statistical methods (correlation analysis by Pearson's criterion). The results were generalised using interpretative methods (classification and generalisation of empirical data).
The main task of the empirical study was to identify the specifics of the relationship between the emotional sphere and conflict behaviour of adolescent students. In order to solve this problem, we have drawn up a programme of empirical research on the conflict behaviour of adolescents studying at Mukachevo Lyceum No. 8. The sample of the study consisted of students of the 5th grade and 8th grade in the amount of 60 people.
On the basis of the results obtained by the methodology "Assessment of the level of conflict" (according to N.V. Kirsheva), the level of conflict of adolescents' personality was established (see Table 1).
Table 1 Indicators of the level of adolescent personality conflict (in %)
Levels |
Respondents |
Junior adolescents |
Senior adolescents |
Low |
0 |
0 |
Medium |
33 |
20 |
High |
43 |
40 |
Very high |
24 |
40 |
Analysing the results, we observe that younger adolescents have no indicators of low levels of conflict. Indicators of the medium level can be traced in 33% of the study, the high level - in 43% of adolescents, and 24% of the younger adolescents are characterised by very high indicators of conflict.
Regarding the results of older adolescents, we see the same absence of indicators of low levels of conflict. Older adolescents have more pronounced indicators of high and very high levels of conflict - 40% of the study population. The average level is observed in 20% of the study population. Thus, older adolescents are more conflicted with pronounced indicators of high and very high levels.
Manifestations of negative behaviour and conflict among adolescents are inevitable. After all, conflicts are an integral part of the process of growing up. Adolescents may demonstrate a certain level of conflict as they try to find their place in the social environment, seek to establish their own rules and principles in their relationships with other people, including parents and teachers. However, it is important to keep in mind that adolescents do not always know how to resolve conflicts effectively and may use negative forms of behaviour, such as aggression or hostility. Therefore, it is important that parents, teachers and other adults working with adolescents have sufficient knowledge and skills to help adolescents resolve conflicts effectively and teach them positive behaviours.
The choice of a specific behavioural strategy depends on the characteristics of the parties to the conflict, their system of values and interests, the equality or inequality of the opponents' positions and their psychological resources. That is why we conducted a questionnaire on ways of responding to conflict situations (by K. Thomas). Using this methodology, we determined the dominant styles of behaviour in a conflict situation. The results of the study are presented in Table 2.
Table 2 Styles of behaviour of adolescents in conflict (in %)
Behavioural styles |
Respondents |
Junior adolescents |
Senior adolescents |
Competition |
15 |
35 |
Adaptations |
30 |
10 |
Compromise |
25 |
15 |
Avoidance |
20 |
35 |
Cooperation |
10 |
5 |
Analysing the results, we see that 15% of grade 5 students choose the style of behaviour in conflict - competition, 30% - accommodation; 25% - compromise, 20% - avoidance and 10% - cooperation. As for 8 th grade students, 35% of senior pupils choose the tendency of behaviour in a group - competition, 10% - adaptation; 15% - compromise, 35% - avoidance and only 5% - cooperation.
As we can see, adolescents of different ages choose different styles of behaviour in conflict. In particular, younger adolescents prefer to adapt to the conflict, approach the situation in a compromise manner or avoid the conflict. This can be explained by the age-related characteristics of this category of adolescents.
Younger adolescents show lack of confidence in their abilities and are too emotional about conflict situations. They often refuse to interact or avoid it. However, such behaviour, in turn, only deepens the conflict and takes it to a new level.
As for older adolescents, there is a sharp distinction between styles of behaviour in conflicts. The majority of the 8th grade students in the study chose the style of competition and avoidance.
Table 3 The results of the study on the Bass-Darkey Aggression Inventory for younger adolescents
Indicators |
High level (%) |
Intermediate level (%) |
Low level (%) |
Physical aggression |
40 |
35 |
25 |
Indirect aggression |
28 |
40 |
32 |
Irritability |
36 |
33 |
31 |
Negativism |
35 |
32 |
33 |
Insult |
27 |
30 |
43 |
Suspicion |
25 |
20 |
55 |
Verbal aggression |
38 |
35 |
27 |
Feeling guilty |
17 |
20 |
63 |
The table shows that a high level of physical aggression is observed in 40% of respondents, an average level - in 35%, and a low level - in 25% of adolescents. A high level of indirect aggression is reported by 28% of behaviour may be related to the desire to show one's superiority over others, to win and establish one's authority among peers. This may be particularly important for those with low self-esteem or who want to be recognised by others as a successful and strong individual. As for the chosen behavioural style - avoidance - this can be interpreted as a desire to avoid conflict, which can be frightening or unpleasant for the adolescent. Also, students may choose avoidance if they are not confident in their ability to manage conflict or they do not want to risk losing relationships with others.
If we analyse the situation as a whole, we can conclude that the chosen styles of behaviour of adolescents in conflict are unproductive. Students practically do not use cooperation (5%) or adaptation (10%), i.e. they do not want to look for ways to resolve the conflict together with their opponents. And, as a result, adolescents cannot overcome difficulties on their own, find a way out of a conflict situation. At the same time, they may blame other people for their difficulties in communicating in a conflict situation.
It should be noted that adolescents clearly understand their position in the conflict. In a conflict situation, they often choose avoidance or aggression, especially older adolescents. This can be interpreted as a lack of experience in constructive conflict resolution. Thus, the choice of behavioural style in a conflict situation may be related to various factors, such as a desire to show superiority, fear, inability to manage conflict, inability to control emotions, etc.
The next methodology used in the study was the Bass-Darkey Aggression Inventory. The results are presented in Table 3.
A high level of irritability is observed in 36% of respondents, an average level - in 33%, a low level - in 31%. A high level of negativism is reported by 35% of respondents, an average level - by 32%, and a low level - by 33% of adolescents. A high level of resentment is reported by 27% of respondents, an average level - by 30%, and a low level - by 43%. A high level of suspicion is reported by 25% of respondents, an average level - by 20%, and a low level - by 55% of adolescents. A high level of verbal aggression was reported by 38% of respondents, an average level - by 35%, and a low level - by 27%. A high level of guilt is inherent in 17% of respondents, an average level - in 20%, a low level - in 63%.
Analysing the results of the indicators of aggression of younger adolescents, we see the most pronounced indicators of physical aggression, irritability, negativism and verbal aggression. These indicators may be signs of problems with their social and emotional development. Physical aggression can manifest itself in the form of fights, assaults, cruelty to animals and other people. Irritability and negativism can be manifested in an increased level of indignation, criticism and distrust of others. Verbal aggression is manifested in the form of insults, criticism, ridicule, threats and other forms of verbal aggression.
Table 4 The results of the study on the Bass-Darkey Aggression Inventory in older adolescents
Indicators |
High level (%) |
Intermediate level (%) |
Low level (%) |
Physical aggression |
50 |
36 |
14 |
Indirect aggression |
35 |
32 |
33 |
Irritability |
48 |
40 |
12 |
Negativism |
45 |
43 |
12 |
Insult |
35 |
40 |
25 |
Suspicion |
23 |
22 |
55 |
Verbal aggression |
46 |
42 |
12 |
Feeling guilty |
20 |
35 |
45 |
The table shows that 50% of respondents respondents, an average level - in 22%, a low have a high level of physical aggression, 36% have an average level, and 14% have a low level. A high level of indirect aggression is reported by 35% of respondents, an average level - by 32%, and a low level - by 33% of students. A high level of irritability is observed in 48% of respondents, an average level - in 40%, a low level - in 12%. A high level of negativism is reported by 45% of respondents, an average level - by 43%, and a low level - by 12% of adolescents. A high level of resentment is reported by 35% of respondents, an average level - by 40%, and a low level - by 25%. A high level of suspicion is observed in 23% of
In order to help younger adolescents, you need to pay attention to their condition and understand the causes of aggression. It is important to maintain positive relationships with adolescents and give them the opportunity to express their feelings and emotions. The resulting high levels of negativism and verbal aggression in younger adolescents can, in turn, lead to conflict. In particular, adolescents with high levels of irritability and negativism may disregard the rules and norms of behaviour at school, which can lead to conflicts with teachers and school administrators. It is important to identify adolescents with high levels of aggression and negative behaviour in time and provide them with the necessary support and assistance.
The above-mentioned results of the Bass-Darkey Aggression Inventory allowed us to determine the hostility index and aggression index of the respondents. In particular, it was found that 43% of the respondents have an abnormal hostility index, and 46% have an abnormal aggression index.
As for the hostility index and the aggressiveness index of the respondents, we observe pronounced indicators outside the norm (hostility index - in 60% of the respondents, aggressiveness index - in 67% of adolescents).
Analysing the obtained indicators of aggression of older adolescents, we see the same indicators of physical aggression, irritability, negativism and verbal aggression as in younger adolescents. The indicators of resentment are also quite pronounced. In older adolescents, such pronounced indicators can lead to more complex and dangerous behavioural manifestations in conflict situations. In particular, they may exhibit aggressive behaviour with greater intensity and continuity, which can lead to physical clashes with others, injuries and other negative consequences.
Table 5 Results of the methodology for measuring emotional and volitional qualities (Taylor) of younger adolescents
Indicators |
Severity levels (in %) |
High |
Intermediate |
Low |
Anxiety |
38 |
37 |
25 |
Impulsiveness |
40 |
38 |
22 |
Dogmatism |
30 |
25 |
45 |
External locus of control |
28 |
33 |
39 |
Social desirability |
35 |
40 |
25 |
The obtained results show that the subjects indicators are quite high, which is a negative In addition, older adolescents with high levels of aggression and negative behaviour may have emotional regulation problems, which can lead to other dangerous behaviours. Therefore, it is important to identify adolescents with high levels of aggression and negative behaviour as early as possible and provide them with the necessary support and assistance. It is also necessary to work with adolescents to develop emotional regulation skills and the ability to have pronounced indicators of impulsivity (high level is inherent in 40% of the subjects, medium - 38% and low level is inherent in 22% of the students). The indicators of anxiety and social desirability are quite pronounced. In particular, a high level of anxiety is inherent in 38% of the subjects, an average level - in 37% and a low level - in only 25% of the subjects).
Indicators of social desirability are as follows: 35% of employees have a high level, 40% have an average level, and 25% of young adolescents have a low level. As we can see, the communicate and resolve conflicts effectively. As we can see, the hostility and aggression indexes are mostly outside the normal range, which also indicates negative emotional manifestations of older adolescents. The results obtained require correction by psychologists to develop emotional regulation skills and the ability to communicate and resolve conflicts effectively.
In the course of the study, we also used a methodology for measuring emotional and volitional qualities (Taylor, Eysenck, Roong, Rotter, Kondratieva's version). It is aimed at measuring the following indicators of the emotional sphere: anxiety, impulsivity, dogmatism, external locus of control. In the study of 5-A grade pupils using this methodology, we obtained the results presented in Table 5. process and requires certain actions to correct the current situation.
The scores of the dogmatism scale were somewhat lower (30% of the respondents had a high level of dogmatism, 25% had a medium level, and 45% had a low level) and the external locus of control scale (28% of employees had a high level, 33% had a medium level, and 39% of younger adolescents had a low level).
When studying older adolescents using this methodology, we obtained the results presented in Table 6.
Table 6 Results of the methodology for measuring emotional and volitional qualities (Taylor) of older adolescents
Indicators |
Severity levels (in %) |
High |
Intermediate |
Low |
Anxiety |
48 |
45 |
7 |
Impulsiveness |
50 |
43 |
7 |
Dogmatism |
38 |
40 |
22 |
External locus of control |
35 |
34 |
31 |
Social desirability |
45 |
38 |
17 |
As can be seen from the results obtained, the studied older adolescents, as well as the studied younger adolescents, have expressed indicators of impulsivity, where the high level reaches up to 50%, the average level - 43% of the studied, low-level indicators are observed in only 7% of adolescents.
Quite high indicators of social desirability (high level is inherent in 45% of employees, medium level is observed in 38% of the respondents and low level is inherent in only 17% of adolescents). These indicators are significantly pronounced, which is a negative phenomenon, because a significant level of impulsivity and social desirability can lead to emotional disharmony with others and be a factor provoking conflict behaviour in older adolescents.
Usually, these adolescents pay attention to the fact that their actions and behaviour are in line with social norms and expectations of the people around them. They try to act in a way that is expected of them in order to fit in with their peers and be accepted by the group. They may avoid behaviours that may cause others to judge them, even if they want to act differently. This can be helpful in helping adolescents to fit in and be accepted by their peers. But if it becomes too important, it can hinder their development and self-expression, and lead to undesirable consequences, such as feeling dissatisfied with their lives and not being able to be true to themselves.
The obtained indicators of anxiety are naturally high in the studied older adolescents, in particular, a high level is inherent in 48% of the subjects, an average level - in 45% and a low level - in 7% of the subjects. As for the indicators of the external locus of control, 35% of the study's respondents have a high level, 34% - an average level, and 31% - a low level.
Compared to younger adolescents, the indicators on the dogmatism scale are quite pronounced (high level is inherent in 38% of employees, medium - 40% and low level - 22% of the respondents. Adolescent dogmatism is a phenomenon when adolescents hold their beliefs and views very strictly and disregard other possible views and information that contradicts their beliefs. They consider their views to be the only correct option, while other views are wrong.
This is a fairly typical feature of adolescence, when a person is just forming their 86 identity and beginning to develop as a person. Adolescents often experience emotional stress and need to be supported by their beliefs in order to feel confident in their position in life. However, if this becomes too dogmatic, it can hinder their development and can lead to undesirable consequences, such as unhealthy relationships with other people and provoke various conflict situations.
As for the indicators of the external locus of control, the obtained indicators are less pronounced than the others, in particular, a high level is inherent in 35% of the study, an average level - in 34% and a low level - in 31% of older adolescents).
Thus, analysing the results of the methodology, we can see a pattern: adolescents of each group have pronounced indicators of impulsivity and anxiety, especially older adolescents. Particular attention should be paid to the indicators of the scales of social desirability and dogmatism, which are quite intense in the subjects, with more pronounced indicators in older adolescents. The results obtained require correction by psychologists in order to develop the ability of adolescents to optimally direct their emotions.
Thus, the study of the peculiarities of conflicts in the adolescent environment shows that students are most likely to have a high level of conflict, the most typical strategies for responding to conflict are competition and avoidance, and the least common is the strategy of cooperation. It should be noted that adolescents clearly understand their position in a conflict. In a conflict situation, they often choose avoidance or aggression, especially older adolescents. This can be interpreted as a lack of experience in constructive conflict resolution.
Adolescents of each group have pronounced indicators of impulsivity and anxiety, in particular, older adolescents. Particular attention should be paid to the scores of social desirability and dogmatism, which are quite intense in the subjects. We also observe pronounced indicators of verbal aggression. Attention should be paid to the indicators of hostility and aggression indices, which are more abnormal, with a predominance in the group of older adolescents.
Further steps were aimed at identifying the relationship between the scales of the above indicators in order to test the hypothesis that conflict behaviour is related to the emotional sphere of adolescent children. We will focus on the group of adolescents with high levels of conflict.
The data were processed using correlation analysis (Pearson's correlation coefficient). This method of processing allows us to make sure that there is consistency between the results of all the methods we have proposed.
The analysis of correlations between the indicators suggests that there is a positive correlation between adolescents' conflict and the strategy of competition at the level of significance - (r=0.563) and avoidance - (r=0.463). These strategies can lead to competition and evasion of the problem instead of cooperation and compromise.
An inverse correlation is observed between the strategy of cooperation and adolescents' conflict (r=-0.562). It is cooperation that can reduce the risk of conflict behaviour, as this strategy involves finding a mutually acceptable solution that meets the interests of both sides.
There is a positive correlation between impulsivity (r=0.572) and anxiety (r=0.625) with adolescents' conflict behaviour. These emotional manifestations can lead to conflicts due to imperfect emotional control and the ability to exaggerate risks. Increased anxiety makes adolescents perceive a wide range of situations as threatening and frightening, which encourages them to take a stand and show signs of conflict.
The presence of a direct correlation between the indicators of social desirability (r=0.465) and dogmatism (r=0.482) with conflict behaviour means that as the level of social desirability and dogmatism increases, the likelihood of conflict behaviour in adolescents increases. Social desirability may influence conflict behaviour through adolescents' desire to be accepted and popular among their peers. Dogmatism can lead to conflict, as people with high levels of dogmatism tend to be more receptive to other opinions and beliefs, which can lead to arguments and conflicts with others.
The presence of a direct correlation between the indicators of verbal aggression (r=0.535), hostility (r=0.534) and aggressiveness (r=0.547) with conflict behaviour indicates that as the level of these indicators increases, the likelihood of conflict behaviour in adolescents increases. Verbal aggression and hostility can lead to conflicts, as people with high levels of these indicators often use offensive words and other forms of obscene language, which can provoke others to conflict. Aggressiveness can lead to conflict through negative attitudes towards others and reckless behaviour.
After conducting the empirical part of the study of conflict behaviour among younger and older adolescents, we made the following conclusions:
Students are most characterised by a high level of conflict, with competition and avoidance being the most typical strategies for responding to conflict, and cooperation being the least common.
Adolescents in each group have pronounced indicators of impulsivity and anxiety, in particular, older adolescents. Particular attention should be paid to the indicators of social desirability and dogmatism scales, which are quite intense in the study. Also, pronounced indicators of verbal aggression were found.
Our analysis of the correlations between the indicators of the research methods makes it possible to assert the existence of a correlation between adolescent conflict and the following indicators: competition strategy and cooperation strategy; impulsivity and anxiety; indicators of social desirability and dogmatism; indicators of verbal aggression, hostility and aggressiveness.
The results obtained indicate that the hypothesis that conflict behaviour is related to the emotional sphere of adolescent children was confirmed. Adolescents who show more emotional instability, anxiety and aggressiveness may have a higher level of conflict behaviour. In addition, emotionality can influence the style of conflict behaviour.
Thus, the emotional sphere and adolescent conflict behaviour are interrelated, and understanding them is important in order to develop effective strategies for managing conflicts and improving adolescents' emotional well-being, which is the prospect of our further research.
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