Optimization of adaptive capabilities of first-year students majoring in psychology

The results of the ascertainment study of the features of adaptation capabilities of first-year psychology majors. Mastering practical skills of self-help and optimization of adaptation possibilities. Possible problems with adequate self-esteem.

Рубрика Психология
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Дата добавления 17.06.2024
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Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Department of Psychology and Social Work

Optimization of adaptive capabilities of first-year students majoring in psychology

Tetiana Komar, Candidate of

Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

An important task today is the preparation qualified psychologists. Psychological specialists take an active part in preserving the mental and psychological health of the population. It is important that during their education, psychology students not only have the opportunity to acquire professional competencies but also are equipped with practical self-help skills and the optimization of adaptive abilities.

The scientific article presents the results of a study of the peculiarities of adaptive capabilities of first-year students majoring in psychology.

The results of the research have shown that the first-year psychology students under study are mostly unable to meet their current needs and realize related meaningful goals, they do not feel responsible for everything that happens to them in life and do not think that they can influence their own lives. There are also possible problems with adequate self-esteem, negative self-presentation, and inadequate aspiration levels. However, a high level of self-acceptance indicates a positive attitude towards oneself, and unconditional acceptance of oneself as one is, while maintaining self-criticism, which can contribute to successful social and psychological adaptation.

At the same time, the findings of the research indicate that the respondents try to assess emerging situations in their lives objectively, but they either do not succeed immediately or are not entirely confident in their abilities, capabilities, and experience. That is why it is possible to disturb the emotional balance and reduce working capacity. At the same time, there is a predominance of high levels of personal anxiety, which indicates that the subjects are experiencing dissatisfaction with themselves and their lives, feelings of uncertainty, shyness, constraint in relationships, and the presence of internal conflicts. Behaviorally, they are oriented towards the opinions of others, fearful of criticism and negative external evaluation. There may be problems with adequate self-esteem, negative self-presentation, and a corresponding negative attitude toward personal life and leading activities.

According to the results of the correlation analysis, it was found that the indicator of maladaptive behavior is positively influenced by such factors as rejection of themselves (0.570), rejection of others (0.725), emotional discomfort (0.865), external control (0.804), dependence (0.591), escapism (0.632), situational and personal anxiety (0.627; 0.651). These research findings may indicate that the scores on the scales of self-acceptance, rejection of others, emotional discomfort, external control, dependence, and escapism are interdependent with maladaptation and provoke its occurrence.

Considering the research results, it is important to offer the first-year psychology students under study to participate in a program to optimize their adaptive capabilities, which will significantly reduce manifestations of maladaptation and foster the development of the individual's adaptive potential.

Keywords: adaptive capabilities, first-year students majoring in psychology, maladaptive, social- psychological adaptation.

Важливим завданням сьогодення є підготовка висококваліфікованих фахівців-психологів. Саме фахівці-психологи беруть активну участь у збереженні психічного та психологічного здоров 'я населення. Важливо, щоб під час навчання здобувачі спеціальності психологія не тільки маютьможливість набути фахових компетенцій, але й були озброєні практичними навичками самодопомоги та оптимізації адаптаційних можливостей.

У науковій статті представлені результати констатувального дослідження особливостей адаптаційних можливостей здобувачів першого курсу спеціальності психологія.

За результатами дослідження встановлено, що досліджувані здобувачі першого року навчання спеціальності психологія переважно не вміють задовольняти свої актуальні потреби і реалізувати пов'язані з ними значущі цілі, вони не відчувають себе відповідальними за все, що відбувається з ними в житті і не думають, що здатні впливати на власне життя. Також є можливі проблеми з адекватною самооцінкою, негативна самопрезентація, неадекватний рівень домагань. Однак високий рівень показника самоприйняття свідчить про позитивне ставлення до себе, безумовне прийняття себе таким, яким є, при збереженій самокритичності, що може в сприяти успішній соціально-психологічній адаптації.

В той час, одержані показники дослідження свідчать про те, що досліджувані намагаються об'єктивно оцінювати виникаючі ситуації у своєму житті, проте це їм вдається або не відразу, або вони не зовсім впевнені у своїх силах, можливостях та досвіді. Тому можливе порушення емоційної рівноваги та зниження працездатності. В той час наявне переважання високого рівня особистісної тривожності, що свідчить про переживання досліджуваними незадоволеності собою та своїм життям, почуттями невпевненості, сором'язливості, скутості у стосунках, наявності внутрішніх конфліктів. У поведінці орієнтовані на думку оточення, відчувають страх перед критикою та негативною оцінкою зовні. Можливі проблеми з адекватною самооцінкою, негативна самопрезентація і відповідне негативне ставлення до особистого життя та провідної діяльності.

За результатами кореляційного аналізу втановлено, що на показник дезадаптивності позитивно впливають такі чинники, як неприйняття себе (0,570), неприйняття інших (0,725), емоційний дискомфорт (0,865), зовнішній контроль (0,804), відомість (0,591), ескапізм (0,632), ситуативна та особистісна тривожність (0,627; 0,651). Зазначені результати дослідження можуть свідчити про те, що показники за шкалами неприйняття себе, неприняття інших, емоційний дискомфорт, зовнішній контроль, відомість та ескапізм взаємозалежні із дезадаптивністю, та провокують її виникнення.

Враховуючи результати дослідження, важливо запропонувати досліджуваним здобувачам першого року навчання спеціальності психологія участь у програмі оптимізації адаптаційних можливостей, що значно знизить прояви дезадаптивності та сприятиме розвитку адаптаційного потенціалу особистості.

Ключеві слова: адаптаційні можливості, здобувачі першого року навчання спеціальності психологія, дезадаптивність, соціально-психологічна адаптація.


Formulation of the problem. The importance of effectively addressing the problem of the adaptive capabilities of first-year students is quite relevant during this period of war. This is because, on the one hand, the requirements and conditions of study (online learning, constant air alarms) necessitate a continuous increase in the requirements for students' adaptive capabilities [1], [2], [3], and on the other hand, with the fact that education performs extremely important social functions.

In the training of higher education students majoring in psychology, such educational components as “Personal Growth Training”, “Reflective and Creative Training”, and “Communication Skills Training” are taught, which enable students not only to develop professionally important qualities but also contribute to the development of adaptive capacities, enhance communication skills, and promote personal reflection.

Researching the topic of optimizing adaptive capabilities among first-year students is relevant as it addresses the main challenges of today in the context of a state of war in the territory of our country.

Analysis of recent research and publications

According to a scientific study by G.O. Ball [1], ensuring the continuity of society's functioning is to transfer to the new generation a certain set of "norms of activity" - values, attitudes, knowledge, skills, behavioral rules, etc., and also prepares an individual for life in society, help him or her find a worthy place in it, and properly adapt to its requirements. At the same time, the author notes that the state of psychosomatic health students in Ukraine has a pronounced negative dynamic [3], [4].

O.R. Malkhazov conducted a long 25-year research on the psychological characteristics of student youth [4], he found that every year there is a pronounced tendency towards deterioration in psychophysiological indicators in student youth: the efficiency of sensory and sensorimotor systems decreases, memory and attention parameters worsen, fatigue levels increase and the overall efficiency of solving educational tasks and motivation of educational activities decreases. In other studies [3] significant deterioration in physical fitness level and health status of students over the past 20 years has been established.

The growing influence of negative socio-psychological factors on the determination of the physical and mental growth of the younger generation attracts the special attention of scientists (O. Bondar Zdorovenko, O. Kokun, N. Shevchenko).

In light of the above, the issue of adaptation (Y. Bokhonkova, N. Zavatska, N. Maksymova), selfregulation (M. Boryshevskyi), and personal safety in general are relevant. In this direction, there are several works devoted to the informational-psychological security of the individual (O. Baranova, G. Grachev, M. Kotyk, G. Lozhkin, M.-L. Chepa), which emphasize the peculiarities of informational influences on human consciousness.

Analyzing the position of domestic psychologists, it is important to note that there is no single universally accepted approach to interpreting the concept of "adaptation" in scientific circles. Some authors consider adaptation as a process of assimilation by an individual of social relations, norms of behavior and a system of values (G. Andreeva, V. Zinchenko, V. Rozov, B. Meshcheryakov), while others (Y. Alyoshina, P. Kuznetsov, G. Medvedev) see it as a process of assimilation by an individual of the social experience of society in general and the microenvironment to which he or she belongs, in particular [3; 4; 5]

The purpose of the article to conduct a confirmatory study of the peculiarities of adaptive capabilities of first-year students majoring in psychology.

Outline of the main material. To conduct a confirmatory study of the peculiarities of the adaptive capabilities of first-year students majoring in psychology, a psychodiagnostics set of methods was formed, which included: a questionnaire to determine the factors that are important for students' adaptation by O. Kokun; a self-assessment method of anxiety level by Spieberger-Hanin; the Wasserman diagnostic method for assessing the level of social frustration; the Schwarz and Jerusalem self-efficacy scale; and O. Kokun's self-assessment scale for the PPS of person [5; 6].

The confirmatory study was conducted in September-October 2023 at the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. A total of 111 first-year students majoring in psychology participated in the research.

Based on the results of the questionnaire by O. Kokun [6] regarding the determination of adaptation factors important for students, found that according to the answers to the first question, 18.9% of the studied students spend 3.8 hours on class preparation, the lowest rate is 7.2% of the studied spend 01 hours on class preparation, 1.8% of the studied spend 8 hours on class preparation. The average time spent preparing for classes is 3.7 hours.

Analyzing the results of the questionnaire data on the second question, we obtained the following results: 10.8% of the respondents spend 1.5 hours, 19.8% of the respondents spend 2.5 hours, 11.7% of the respondents spend 4 hours, 12.6% of the students spend 5 hours, 3.6% of the respondents spend 6 hours, 3.6% of the students spend 7 hours. The average figure is 3.8 hours for the extracurricular workload.

According to the third question of the questionnaire, we see that 37.8% of the respondents believe that their workload is somewhat exaggerated, 9.9% of applicants consider the workload to be large, and 1.8% of students indicate that the workload is very large.

The analysis of the total workload showed that 31% of the respondents believe that the workload is somewhat exaggerated, 20.7% of the surveyed applicants believe that the workload is large, and 0.9% of the respondents said that the workload is very large.

Analyzing the results of the questionnaire, we obtained the following results: 51% of the surveyed applicants' working capacity has deteriorated, 36% have no change in their working capacity, in addition 34.4% of the surveyed applicants' creative capacity has deteriorated.

Thus, overload is a maladaptive factor for first-year students.

According to the analysis of the questionnaire, we can see that signs of fatigue are manifested through a decrease of performance in 70.3% of the subjects, a deterioration of attention in 73% of the subjects, a deterioration of health in 36.9% of the subjects, nervous tension in 47.7% of the subjects, increased irritability in 33.3% of the subjects, and mood instability in 39.6% of the students.

Therefore, as a result of overload, the mental health of first-year students majoring in psychology decreases.

Analyzing the results of the questionnaire, we see that relationships with fellow students are not a factor of maladaptation. In general, the relationships between the students under study are mediocre in 12.6%, good in 56.8%, and very good in 30.6%. Relationships with lecturers are mostly good in 77.5% of the respondents.

First-year students have a high level (51.4%) and above average (27%) interest in learning. The financial situation is not a factor of maladaptation.

According to the results of the questionnaire on the scale of "the most important psychological qualities for achieving a high level in their specialty", it was found that the ability to concentrate attention is leading in 79.3% of the respondents, collectedness in 73% of the respondents, and perseverance in 72.1% of the respondents.

Psychology students emphasize the following psychological qualities: willpower 60.4% of students, self-control 64.9% of students, and creative inspiration 38.7% of students. The value of creative inspiration has the lowest level. This may be a factor of maladaptation.

According to the result of the research, the physical and psychophysiological qualities necessary to achieve a high level of professionalism are 84.7% ability to work, 72.1% ability to recover quickly, and 66.7% of the respondents' endurance.

Low level in indicators of creative thinking and empathy

For a psychologist, empathy is the main quality of a specialist.

According to the results of the research, the level of situational and personal anxiety of first-year students majoring in psychology was determined using the Spielberger-Khanin self-assessment methodology.

It was found that according to the scale of situational anxiety, a moderate level of anxiety predominates in 57% of the surveyed. High levels of anxiety were identified in 35% of the surveyed, while 8% exhibited a low level of situational anxiety.

According to the scale of personal anxiety, 55% of the subjects showed a high level of anxiety and 45% showed a moderate level of personal anxiety. Psychology students with high personality anxiety are characterized by experiences of emotional discomfort, dissatisfaction with themselves and their lives, feelings of uncertainty, shyness, constraint in relationships, and difficulty in realizing their true emotional states. In their behavior, they are oriented to the opinions of others and fear criticism and negative evaluation from the outside. This has an extremely negative impact on the process of social and psychological adaptation of a young people.

A moderate level of personality anxiety in youth is manifested in the experience of tension and discomfort depending on personal perception and assessment. Young people can adequately assess themselves and their capabilities. Emotional balance and efficiency are maintained mainly in situations in which a person has already successfully adapted, in which he knows how to behave, and knows the extent of his responsibility. Conflict situations are possible in relationships with others, but the leading strategy of interaction or compromise. This level does not carry signs of threat and generally has a positive effect on social and psychological adaptation.

A person with a low level of personal anxiety, as a rule, perceives the difficulties that arise adequately following their emotional intensity. Situations that pose a real threat to life, putting them on the brink of life and death, become primarily threatening for them.

According to the results of the research using the Wasserman questionnaire, it was found that the level of social frustration in the respondents is one of the most significant indicators of the degree of social maladaptation and therefore is closely related to the effectiveness of their activities(frustration is a mental state that manifests itself in the characteristic features of experiences and behavior caused by objectively insurmountable (or subjectively perceived) difficulties that arise on the way to achieving a goal or solving a problem).

A very low level ofsocial frustration on the following scales: vacations, place of study, relationships with friends, relationships with acquaintances, and relationships with classmates.

Reduced level: in the sphere of services and household maintenance, leisure activities, and the content of education.

Undefined level: study conditions, relationships with lectures, relationships with the university administration, own lifestyle in general, and relationships with neighbors.

Increased level: financial status, the sphere of medical services.

Analyzing the results of R. Schwartz's self-efficacy research methodology, we can conclude that the highest scores on the scale of "interest in learning" are high in 30.6% of the subjects, and the scale of "satisfaction with learning" is high in 17.1% of the respondents.

According to the quantitative indicators of the social-psychological adaptation diagnostic method, internal indicators "adaptation," "self-acceptance," "acceptance of others," "emotional comfort," "internality," and "desire for dominance" were calculated.

Thus, according to the indicator of "adaptation", the predominance of the average level of severity of this indicator was found in 65% of the respondents. A low level of adaptation is present in 28% of the subjects and a high level in 7% of the subjects. This indicates that the studied students are mostly able to meet their current needs and realize their significant goals. At the same time, there may be problems with adequate self-esteem, difficulty adapting to new conditions, increased level of anxiety, negative selfpresentation, and a corresponding negative attitude to personal life and leading activities.

According to the indicator "self-acceptance", the prevalence of a high level of self-acceptance was found (60% of the respondents). The average and low levels of self-acceptance are 25% and 15%, respectively.

High levels of self-acceptance indicate a positive attitude toward oneself, and unconditional acceptance of oneself as one is while maintaining self-criticism. Self-acceptance is self-satisfaction and self-sufficiency, which is the basis for self-development, self-actualization self-improvement, and successful social-psychological adaptation.

Low results were found in the indicator of "acceptance of others": 53% of respondents have a low level of expression of the indicator, 20% have an average level, and 27% have a high level.

An important quality of a psychologist is acceptance of others. This feature of first-year students can be a factor of maladaptation.

The "emotional comfort" indicator revealed a low level of emotional comfort in 60% of respondents, an average level in 10%, and a high level in 30% of respondents. These results indicate a prevalence of negative attitudes and a possible inadequate level of the subjects' claims.

According to the indicator of " internality", the average level of internality was found in 42% of the subjects, a low level in 38%, and a high level in 20% of the subjects. This indicates that subjects with low and medium levels of internality tend to have an external locus of control, i.e., they place responsibility not on themselves but on others and do not consider themselves responsible for everything that happens to them in life. At the same time, a high score on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over any significant situations.

According to the indicator "desire for dominance", 85% and 15% of the respondents had a low and medium level of desire for dominance, respectively. Such low scores indicate a lack of a sense of superiority over others and an open desire for leadership.

To determine the optimization of the adaptive capabilities of first-year students majoring in psychology, in particular the relationship between adaptability and the factors that are interrelated with it, the method of correlation analysis of the study data was applied. According to the results of the correlation analysis, it was found:

Situational anxiety has a statistically significant positive correlation with the following indicators of socio-psychological adaptation: maladaptation (0.627), rejection of themselves (0.488), emotional discomfort (0.682), external control (0.493), and dependence (0.363), i.e. with an increase in situational anxiety, the above indicators also increase, and with a decrease in situational anxiety, they decrease. Also, negative statistically significant correlations were found between situational anxiety and such a factor of social and psychological adaptation as self-acceptance (-0.644), i.e., with an increase in situational anxiety, self-acceptance decreases, and with a decrease, the ability to accept oneself increases.

Personal anxiety has positive correlations with the following indicators of social and psychological adaptation: maladaptive (0.651), rejection of others (0.537), emotional discomfort (0.600), external control (0.651), dependence (0.551), and escapism (0.402). A negative statistically significant correlation was also found between personal anxiety and self-acceptance (-0.460).

An increased level of situational and personal anxiety interferes with adaptation processes, the rate of maladaptation increases accordingly, and with it the rates of rejection of themselves, emotional discomfort, external control, and decreased self-acceptance.

There are general and specific relationships characteristic of situational and personal anxiety. Situational anxiety has a positive relationship with rejection of themselves; personal anxiety has a positive relationship with escapism. In crises, escapism can manifest itself in the form of physical withdrawal from the world (to isolated villages, etc.), or without it - when, in the absence of isolation from society, a person ceases to show interest in the values accepted in society, preferring the world of his or her delusions.

According to the correlation analysis, it was found that the indicator of maladaptation is positively influenced by such factors as rejection of themselves (0.570), rejection of others (0.725), emotional discomfort (0.865), external control (0.804), dependence (0.591), escapism (0.632), situational and personal anxiety (0.627). The data obtained indicate that these indicators have a positive relationship with personality maladaptation, that is, they have a positive effect on it and cause social-psychological maladaptation.

Conducting research using the proposed questionnaire and set of psychodiagnostic methods allows for a relatively quick determination of each student's level of adaptation capabilities. Accordingly, students can be approximately divided into groups that can be more or less recommended to optimize individually significant adaptation factors and offered participation in a program to optimize adaptive capabilities.

Conclusions and Prospects for Further Research

adaptive student psychology

During the ascertaining research, we obtained results that allow us to analyze the peculiarities of optimizing the adaptive capabilities of first-year students majoring in psychology. It has been established that the respondents are predominantly unable to meet their current needs and realize meaningful goals related to them, they do not feel responsible for everything that happens to them in life and do not think that they can influence their own lives. There are also possible problems with adequate self-esteem, negative self-presentation, and inadequate aspiration levels. However, a high level of self-acceptance indicates a positive attitude towards oneself, and unconditional acceptance of oneself as one is, while maintaining self-criticism, which can contribute to successful social and psychological adaptation.

At the same time, the results of the study indicate that the respondents try to objectively assess the situations in their lives, but they either do not succeed immediately or they are not entirely confident in their abilities, capabilities, and experience. Therefore, there is a possibility of emotional imbalance and decreased productivity. At the same time, the prevalence of a high level of personal anxiety indicates that the respondents are experiencing dissatisfaction with themselves and their lives, feelings of insecurity, shyness, constraint in relationships, and the presence of internal conflicts. In their behavior, they are oriented toward the opinions of others, fearing criticism and negative evaluation from the outside. There may be problems with adequate self-esteem, negative self-presentation, and a corresponding negative attitude toward personal life and leading activities.

According to the results of the correlation analysis, it was found that the indicator of maladaptive behavior is positively influenced by such factors as rejection of themselves (0.570), rejection of others (0.725), emotional discomfort (0.865), external control (0.804), dependence (0.591), escapism (0.632), situational and personal anxiety (0.627; 0.651). These research findings may indicate that the scores on the scales of rejection of themselves, rejection of others, emotional discomfort, external control, dependence, and escapism are interdependent with maladaptive and provoke its occurrence.

Taking into account the research results, future scientific inquiry will focus on developing a program to optimize the adaptation capabilities of students majoring in psychology.


[1] Ball G.O. Psychological foundations of the development of humanitarian-oriented education (the concept of comprehensive research). Actual problems of psychology: Science. zap Institute of Psychology named after H.S. Kostyuk of the APN of Ukraine / Ed. S.D. Maksimenko K., 2020. Issue 19. P. 29 - 36.

[2] Boyko I.I. Social and psychological adaptation of adolescents to new conditions of study: Cand. of Psychol. sciences: PhD: 19.00.07: 19.00.07. National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. K.: Nauka, 2018.200 p.

[3] Zeleniuk O., Kravchenko L., Makarenia V. Healthy lifestyle in the structure of social priorities of students at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy // Bulletin of the Technological University of Podillia. - Ч. 3. Social sciences and humanities. 2022. №5. С. 50 - 52.

[4] Malkhazov O.R. Dynamics of individual psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of student youth (1976 - 2000) Actual problems of modern Ukrainian psychology. To the 60th anniversary of the birth of academician S.D. Maksymenko: Nauk. zap. of the H.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine / Edited by N.V. Chepeleva. K.: Nora-print. 2020. Issue 22. С. 173 - 181.

[5] Kokun O.M. Determination of general adaptation factors important for students and their optimization // Problems of general and pedagogical psychology: Collection of scientific works of the H.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine / Edited by S.D. Maksymenko. - K.: GNOSIS, 2016. VOL. V. PART 5. С. 169 - 175.

[6] Kokun O.M. Individual optimization of students' adaptive capabilities // Problems of general and pedagogical psychology: Collection of scientific works of the H.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine / Edited by S.D. Maksymenko. K.: GNOSIS, 2017. VOL. V. PART 6. С. 121 - 129.

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  • Concept of methods of research. Value of introduction of laboratory experiment and measurement in psychology. Supervision and experiment, their features. Methods of processing and interpretation of results of experiments. Rules of the conversation.

    реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 31.10.2011

  • Russian New Year's tradition. Traditional New Year Menu, how to make the Russian Original Olivier. Symbols of Russian New Year: Ded Moroz and Snegurochka, Street’s decorations. Russian most popular New Year Movie – The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!

    презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 25.11.2015

  • Testing as a form of control the level of students’ skills and abilities. The classification of tests in learning English. Problems in the control of education. The final results on the evaluation system of knowledge. The main stage of the lesson.

    курсовая работа [37,8 K], добавлен 08.05.2014

  • The core innovation of post-modern portfolio theory. Total variability of return. Downside risk optimization. Downside frequency, average deviation and magnitude. Main types of formulas for downside risk. Main features of the Sortino and Sharpe ratio.

    реферат [213,9 K], добавлен 15.12.2012

  • Factors associated with increased risk of deformities in specialty physician. The most important factor in preventing burnout is likely to be considered meeting the need for self-actualization, which is the central concept of humanistic psychology.

    презентация [75,1 K], добавлен 20.10.2014

  • Investigation of the subjective approach in optimization of real business process. Software development of subject-oriented business process management systems, their modeling and perfection. Implementing subject approach, analysis of practical results.

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  • Development of guidelines for students of the fifth year of practice teaching with the English language. Definition of reading, writing and speaking skills, socio-cultural component. Research issues in linguistics, literary and educational studies.

    методичка [433,9 K], добавлен 18.01.2012

  • Practical acquaintance with the capabilities and configuration of firewalls, their basic principles and types. Block specific IP-address. Files and Folders Integrity Protection firewalls. Development of information security of corporate policy system.

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  • Overview of literature on standardization and adaptation of advertising: their main task, advantages and disadvantages. Trends in consumer behavior in Russia. Distribution media advertising budgets in the country, the laws and rules regarding promotion.

    курсовая работа [36,5 K], добавлен 05.09.2011

  • Theoretical aspects of the application digital education resources in teaching computer science according to the capabilities of electronic programs. Capabilities of tools Microsoft Office and Macromedia Flash. Application of the program Microsoft Excel.

    контрольная работа [1,5 M], добавлен 07.07.2013

  • Christmas and the guessing, New Year and old new year. Signs as a part of Russian culture. Role of signs in human life. Signs about the house and about domestic spirits. Ancient representations about a birth, death and the introduction into a marriage.

    курсовая работа [26,2 K], добавлен 17.04.2011

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