Pupils’ motives for choosing the teaching profession
This study delves into the intricate web of motives underlying students' choices to pursue a career in the field of education. To unravel this complex puzzle, the researchers employed a multifaceted approach involving questionnaires, student essays.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.05.2024 |
Размер файла | 23,4 K |
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Pupils' motives for choosing the teaching profession
Mazhidov Nabydzhon
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Docent National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
This study delves into the intricate web of motives underlying students' choices to pursue a career in the field of education. To unravel this complex puzzle, the researchers employed a multifaceted approach involving questionnaires, student essays, one-on-one interviews, analyses of school profiles, and personal student records. By tapping into various sources of information, the researchers aimed to capture the essence of the decision-making process behind the selection of the teaching profession.
The initial focus was on the role of extracurricular activities within the school environment. The researchers observed how participation in activities such as being a counselor for younger students, being part of student councils, or engaging actively in the school's communal life had a profound impact on nurturing an interest in teaching. This hands-on involvement allowed students to test their inclinations and interests practically, leading many of them to make informed decisions to join pedagogical institutions.
Another vital dimension explored was the significance of personal characteristics and values in driving the choice towards the teaching profession. Many students shared stories of a deep-seated love for children, a desire to communicate and educate them, and a wish to contribute positively to their development. These intrinsic motivations reflected a moral compass that was aligned with the nurturing aspects of teaching.
Additionally, the influence of influential figures, such as teachers and parents, was found to be a powerful driving force. Students recounted instances where inspiring educators kindled their interest in teaching by making learning engaging and relatable. Similarly, some students were motivated by their parents' aspirations or experiences, which added weight to their career choice.
Interestingly, for some students, the attraction towards teaching sprouted from their affinity for a particular subject. The spark ignited by a passionate teacher who conveyed the subject's nuances effectively often led these students towards considering a career in education. Literary works also played a role in shaping their perceptions, portraying educators in a positive light and fueling the desire to be a part of this noble profession.
However, amidst these profound motives, a subset of students exhibited ambivalence. Their reasons for choosing the teaching path were less definitive, sometimes arising from seemingly random factors. This uncertainty highlighted the need for a more comprehensive approach to guide these students, potentially involving psychological counseling services within schools.
In conclusion, this study sheds light on the intricate journey that students undertake while deciding to become educators. By employing a holistic methodology encompassing various sources of information, the research provides valuable insights into the multifaceted world of motives influencing the choice of the teaching profession. This exploration holds the potential to enhance pedagogical training programs, as well as counseling services within schools, ultimately fostering a more informed and motivated generation of future teachers.
Keywords: motive, motivation, teacher, profession, formation, interest.
motives teaching profession
Мажидов Набиджон
кандидат психологічних наук, доцент Національний університет Узбекистану імені Мірзо Улугбека
У цьому дослідженні розглядається заплутана мережа мотивів, що лежать в основі вибору здо- бувачами вищої освіти продовжити кар'єру у галузі освіти. Щоб розгадати цю складну головоломку, дослідники застосували багатогранний підхід, включно з анкетуванням, студентськими есе, індивідуальними інтерв'ю, аналізом шкільних профілів та особистих записів учнів. Використовуючи різні джерела інформації, дослідники мали на меті зрозуміти суть процесу прийняття рішень, що стоїть за вибором професії вчителя.
Початкова увага була зосереджена на ролі позакласних заходів у шкільному середовищі. Дослідники спостерігали, як участь у таких заходах, як робота консультантом для молодших школярів, участь у студентських радах або активна участь у шкільному громадському житті, мала глибокий вплив на виховання інтересу до викладання. Таке практичне заняття дозволило здобувачам вищої освіти перевірити свої нахили та інтереси на практиці, спонукаючи багатьох із них прийняти зважене рішення вступати до педагогічних закладів.
Іншим важливим виміром, який досліджували, було значення особистих характеристик і цінностей у виборі професії вчителя. Багато здобувачів вищої освіти поділилися історіями глибокої любові до дітей, бажанням спілкуватися та навчати їх, а також бажанням зробити позитивний внесок в їхній розвиток. Ці внутрішні мотивації відбивали моральний компас, який узгоджувався з виховними аспектами викладання.
Крім того, вплив референтних осіб, таких як вчителі та батьки, виявився потужною рушійною силою. Здобувачі вищої освіти розповідали про випадки, коли надихаючі викладачі запалювали їхній інтерес до викладання, роблячи навчання привабливим і зручним. Подібним чином, деякі здобувачі вищої освіти були мотивовані прагненнями або досвідом своїх батьків, що додало ваги їхньому вибору професії.
Цікаво, що для деяких здобувачів вищої освіти потяг до викладання виник через їхню прихильність до певного предмету. Іскра, яку запалив пристрасний викладач, який ефективно передавав нюанси предмету, часто спонукала цих студентів до розгляду кар'єри в галузі освіти. Літературні твори також відіграли роль у формуванні їхнього сприйняття, позитивному зображенні педагогів та підживленні бажання бути частиною цієї благородної професії.
Однак серед цих глибоких мотивів частина здобувачів вищої освіти виявляла амбівалентність. їхні причини вибору викладацького шляху були менш однозначними, іноді випливаючи зі, здавалося би, випадкових факторів. Ця невизначеність підкреслила необхідність більш комплексного підходу до навчання цих учнів, потенційно залучаючи психологічні консультаційні служби в школах.
На завершення це дослідження проливає світло на заплутану подорож, яку проходять здобувачі вищої освіти, вирішуючи стати педагогами. Використовуючи цілісну методологію, що охоплює різні джерела інформації, дослідження дає цінне уявлення про багатогранний світ мотивів, що впливають на вибір професії вчителя. Це дослідження має потенціал для вдосконалення програм педагогічної підготовки, а також консультаційних послуг у школах, що зрештою сприятиме формуванню більш поінформованого та мотивованого покоління майбутніх учителів.
Ключові слова: мотив, мотивація, вчитель, професія, формування, інтерес.
The motives for choosing the profession of a primary school teacher have not been sufficiently studied and systematized. Therefore, we have carried out work on the study of the motives of admission, students in the pedagogical college. This purpose was served by questionnaires, essays of more than 2000 entries in total), as well as individual conversations, the study of school characteristics and personal affairs of students [1, 2].
A.S. Makarenko once stated, «...a child should not know that they are being educated, let alone feel that they are being studied». This principle guided the approach taken in this study. Surveys were conducted through student organizations, representing the collective, and essays were collected during lessons, fostering a calm and creative atmosphere.
The analysis of surveys and essays took into account several indicators, including understanding the significance of the chosen profession, motives for entering the pedagogical school, and the content of previous pedagogical experiences [3, 4].
The study revealed that students chose the pedagogical profession based on motives such as:
1. The influence of school community work.
2. Awareness of the social importance of the profession.
3. Affection for children and a desire to interact with them.
4. Influence of beloved teachers and parents.
5. Interest in the academic subject.
6. Influence of artistic literature, radio, and cinema.
7. Random motives, such as living in the city, parental recommendations, or not wanting to be apart from a friend.
8. Some students were unable to provide a clear reason or explanation for choosing the school.
Consequently, the majority of students entering the pedagogical school were guided by high moral motives. This is evident in the table displaying the study's outcomes, which include data from a total of 800 surveyed students. The results underline the ethical and altruistic nature of students' motives, showcasing their commitment to the pedagogical profession and the future generations they aim to educate.
As evident from the table, the survey of motives for choosing the pedagogical profession allows us to draw the conclusion that the students' general pedagogical activities in school have helped most of them to practically assess their interests and inclinations, leading to the decision to pursue pedagogical studies. A significant portion of students (1.8%) chose the teaching profession based on high moral motives, while a certain portion (1.8%) was unable to explain the reason behind their choice of the teaching profession.
Table 1
Quantitative Data on Motives for Enrollment of Applicants in a Pedagogical Institute
Influence of School Activities |
Awareness of Significance |
Love for Children |
Influence of Teachers and Parents |
Interest in Academic Subject |
Influence of Literary Works |
Random Motives |
No Response Given |
34.5 |
18.2 |
16.4 |
12.9 |
8.6 |
4.2 |
3.4 |
1.8 |
Experience has shown that motives for choosing the teaching profession by students can be identified not only through surveys and essays but also through methods of self-analysis and self-observation. This is particularly true at the age of 15-16, when students tend to engage in self-analysis. Considering this aspect, individual interviews were conducted as part of our research. The data obtained from the analysis of surveys and essays were compared and cross- referenced with the results of these interviews.
During these interviews, the following questions were posed to the students:
1. When and which school did you graduate from?
2. Why did you choose the teaching profession?
3. When and under what circumstances did your interest in the teaching profession first arise?
4. Which of your school teachers do you like the most and why?
5. What kind of community work did you engage in at school?
6. In which subjects at school did you receive good or excellent grades? and so on.
These interviews provided deeper insights into the students' motivations and complemented the data obtained from surveys and essays. The combination of methods allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing students' decisions to pursue the teaching profession.
The conversation took place in the form of mutual exchange of opinions, which allowed for a more accurate understanding of the attitudes of those surveyed towards the teaching profession. Some participants provided only brief answers, while others aimed to justify and support their statements. As a result of individual interviews, certain insights were gained regarding the students' understanding of the specifics of pedagogical work and their attitudes towards their chosen profession.
The students' attitudes towards the chosen profession are also reflected in their school characteristics. Many applicants come to pedagogical institutes with letters of recommendation and school characteristics. These characteristics highlight the students' inclination and interest in pedagogical work. For instance, the school characteristic of student T. from a school in Tashkent states that she «loves children, enthusiastically engages with them, aspires to be a teacher, and possesses qualities that will help her become one».
Similarly, student A.A. from a school in the Samarkand region had a deep-seated passion for the teaching profession. Her class teacher noted that she was raised in a family of educators, and her aspiration to become a teacher remained constant since the 6th grade.
The recommendation letter for Umid, an eighth- grade student from the Jizzakh region, stated that the pedagogical collective confidently recommended her for the pedagogical institute because she had the potential to become a good teacher. This prediction proved true as Umid showed herself to be a competent organizer during her few months of training. She diligently and lovingly fulfilled all community tasks, particularly those related to working with young pioneers.
Teachers from the Forish Middle School in the Jizzakh region provided a character reference for Nodira, noting her distinct love for children. She dedicated all her efforts to working with pioneers, utilizing her organizational skills to uplift weaker students and orchestrating impressive concerts with her pupils. Nodira's peers reciprocated her respect and affection. Her dream of becoming an elementary school teacher, as recognized by her school's instructors, seems to be a well-placed decision in her life.
Similar recommendations are found in the characteristics of many students from eighth-grade schools. These recommendations enable teachers and class leaders to account for students' individual qualities when organizing and conducting educational and developmental activities within the pedagogical institute.
Based on the collected data and their comparative analysis, the students were conditionally categorized into 4 groups according to their motives for choosing the teaching profession.
Group I - Students whose interest in teaching work emerged during their school years as a result of participating in extracurricular activities: they served as mentors to younger students, were members of student councils or brigades, and actively engaged in the school's community life. Here's what some of these students had to say:
Umid. M: «From an early age, I used to play 'school' with my friends, and I always tried to be the teacher. I loved checking the notebooks of my fellow students. From 8th to 9th grade, I worked as a counselor in a children's summer camp. I really enjoyed conducting extra classes for the kids, teaching them songs, dances. After finishing school, I joined the pedagogical institute, and I believe I made the right choice».
Nodira. N: «In fifth grade, I was the counselor for first graders. I read poems and stories to the children, organized morning assemblies. My first-grade teacher always supported me in this work. One day, I decided to organize extracurricular activities with the children without her assistance, and I succeeded. At that moment, I decided that after 8th grade, I would join the pedagogical institute and become a teacher for elementary classes».
The research results indicate that for students in this group, their interest in the teaching profession persisted over an extended period, and there were no notable fluctuations in the correctness of their career choice. The motives of these students can be attributed to the pedagogical type, which should form the foundation of the future teacher's pedagogical orientation. Observations revealed that students in the first group stood out for their involvement in mentorship activities, quickly establishing rapport with children, showing sociability, and displaying elements of organizational skills.
Group II - Students whose primary motive is their love for children, their desire to constantly interact with them, and to educate and nurture them.
Komola. F: «I have always loved little children. Playing with them was interesting, and they responded positively to me. There were always children around me, and their presence never bothered me. Only sometimes, the words and ironic glances from classmates would slightly embarrass me: 'There you are, busy with the kindergarten again.' I really wanted to become a teacher so I could spend my entire day with kids. Nobody would say I'm a grown-up, always hanging out with little ones. This is now my profession, and I know I'll never be disappointed in it».
Bakhtigul. G: «Since 1st grade, I dreamed of becoming a teacher. And now my dream has come true. I love children very much, and it's interesting to talk to them about everything, to educate them. I chose this profession also because I want to be like my first teacher, who I look up to. I want to be as energetic, cheerful, and kind as she is».
Oysafar. A: «I really love school-age children. I think the most interesting job is working with kids - imparting knowledge, opening their eyes to the world. My mother also wanted to be a teacher, but the war prevented her. Wanting to fulfill her longstanding dream, I joined the pedagogical institute». As seen from the students' own statements, the main reason for choosing the teaching profession in this group is moral motives, namely the love for children.
Group III - Students whose interest in the teaching profession emerged due to a positive attitude towards a particular subject (or a teacher. It is characteristic that they particularly like a certain subject because the teacher presents the study material interestingly and comprehensibly. In essence, the students are drawn to the educational aspect of the subject matter.
In their responses:
Dilorom. M: «In 2nd grade, a new teacher came to us. She was a graduate of the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute. She conducted lessons in an interesting way, and in general, we grew very fond of her. She was an ideal for us. Almost all of our girls wanted to become teachers for elementary classes, like our Ugiloy Kamilovna. Indeed, many of our classmates are now studying at a pedagogical institute or college. But I remained true to my dream, and I want my future lessons to be as interesting as those of our former teacher».
Sarvinaz. N: «Since the 4th grade, I wanted to become a teacher. When I think about school teachers, the image of my beloved math teacher, Umida Azizova Erkinovna, comes to my mind. She became like a second mother to us. Her lessons were always interesting; there was no time to get bored. She is a lively, energetic woman, and by looking at her, we unintentionally imitated her in everything. The material she used in her lessons was closely intertwined with reality, with life».
Parizoda. M: «I wanted to become a teacher since childhood. I think that children of a younger age group generally dream more of becoming teachers. But I truly understood this job when I was in 8th grade and our class teacher was Akhida Nizamova Bakhtiyarova. We were in love with her. That's when I firmly decided to become a teacher. But of course, it wasn't just because we loved her; she didn't hesitate to scold us when needed. On the contrary, she could scold us. But the most important thing was that she conducted interesting work. We did everything ourselves, and she just guided us. I think the happiest teacher is the one who is loved and respected by the children»/
Consequently, the students' records convince us that the motives for choosing the teaching profession were associated with the personality of educators and had a cognitive nature.
Group IV - Students (18 in total) who had no interest in the teaching profession upon entering the pedagogical institute and joined it because «parents advised», «there was no other choice» , and so on. Let's refer to the students' statements:
Sevara: «What exactly prompted me to become a teacher, I can't explain, and I don't even know myself. In childhood, we often played 'school' with the girls, and apparently, that influenced my choice of the teaching profession».
Mukarram: «What prompted me to enter the pedagogical institute, I really don't know what to answer. It's difficult to answer. I still think about it often. But only out of love for children. I just want to have a constant purpose in life. I don't know if I can achieve it...»
In conclusion, it can be observed that the motivations for choosing the teaching profession among the students are diverse and stem from different sources, including their experiences in school, relationships with teachers, love for children, and even influence from parents or peers. These motivations reveal a range of values and perspectives that contribute to the students' decisions to pursue a career in education.
Such records indicate that the process of developing and shaping an interest in the teaching profession occurs through a struggle of opinions, beliefs, and moods. These far from exhaustive pieces of information about students' motivations for choosing the teaching profession present an important task for the pedagogical team of the institute - to strengthen the professional-pedagogical orientation at all levels of the educational process. The experiential work aimed at fostering an interest in the teaching profession, carried out in the classrooms, was tailored to each individual student. In extracurricular activities, the greatest attention was focused on students in the fourth group.
Striving to encompass all aspects of the issue, we attempted to explore some psychological and pedagogical techniques and methods for fostering students' interest in pedagogical work within the framework of their educational and upbringing activities. Students in this group were under our observation throughout their years of study. We continued to monitor them even after they graduated to track the sustainability of the interests they developed towards the chosen profession. For systematic observation and study (to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology), three individuals from the fourth group were selected.
Initial information about these students was documented as follows:
Based on the collected results, a series of practical recommendations have been formulated to enhance the effectiveness of the professional and pedagogical preparation of high school students:
1. The organization of psychological and pedagogical training for school students should be built in a way that fulfills the conditions we have formulated for developing readiness for pedagogical work. This includes a practical and creative orientation of education, the use of pedagogical assessments and self-assessments, the implementation of a personality- role approach, the «positive shift» principle, and maintaining a high emotional atmosphere during learning.
2. One of the fundamental principles of organizing psychological and pedagogical training should focus on forming creative personalities. It should serve as the primary method for diagnosing pedagogical creative potential.
3. It is important to combine pedagogical preparation with extensive career counseling for all high school students. This could be effectively achieved by establishing a psychological service within the school.
4. When selecting students for specialized classes, pedagogical faculties, and similar activities, the criteria shouldn't be limited solely to interest or inclination towards the teaching profession. Instead, a wider range of high school students should be involved. To achieve this, it would be advisable to introduce specialization in the upper classes of secondary school. One form of specialization could involve preparing students for a broad spectrum of professions, such as the human-human interaction type.
These recommendations are aimed at creating a more holistic and effective approach to cultivating an interest in the teaching profession among high school students. They emphasize the importance of practical and creative orientation, individualized psychological support, and the broader involvement of students in various forms of professional preparation.
1. Majidov J. The role and importance of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the theoretical and practical training of the future teacher. JSPI Scientific Publications Archive. 2020. Vol. 1 (51).
2. Majidov J. Modeling and placement of professional educational institutions based on a multi-stage system. JSPI Scientific Publications Archive. 2020. Vol. 1 (48).
3. Majidov J. Pedagogical vocational guidance has its own specifics. JSPI Scientific Publications Archive. 2020. Vol. 1 (4).
4. Majidov J. Mental activity and its structures. JSPI Scientific Publications Archive. 2020. Vol. 1 (67).
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