Mobility of youth students in the system of volunteer institutions
Psychological characteristics of volunteers who provide social assistance to children and adults with disabilities. Defining tolerance as an individual's ability to empathize and empathize. Formation of the moral and ethical potential of a young person.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 144,4 K |
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Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi
Department of psychology and social work
Mobility of youth students in the system of volunteer institutions
Palamarchuk O.M., Dr psych. Sci., professor
Vizniuk I.M., Dr Psychol. Sci., Professor
Gaba I.M., C. Psychol. Sci., Ass. Professor
Dolynyny S.S., Dr Philos., Senior Lecturer
Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Studying the psychological characteristics of volunteers who provide social assistance to children and adults, people with different degrees of disability, made it possible to identify such a value as tolerance as a leading one. According to the American psychologist D. Brown, an individual's ability to empathize and empathize with another person is based on the individual's past negative experience. The author describes this mechanism from the point of view of the volunteer identifying himself with the suffering individual to whom he provides help, as himself. So, as a priority, the author singles out the value of one's own personality and the personality of a person as a whole. According to the author, the higher the level of altruism of a person, the greater the probability that such a person will feel pity for a person, identifying himself with him.
The study shows that the main values of scientific volunteers are tolerance, kindness, mercy, social justice, human dignity, freedom of choice, morality, responsibility and civic duty. During the student period, the moral potential of a young person is formed, which occurs through awareness of one's own actions and deeds, as well as projecting moral qualities onto oneself by observing the actions of others. Volunteer activity creates optimal conditions for self-realization and self-improvement of young people, and also contributes to positive changes in society.
The subject of the volunteer movement on the world stage are international organizations, which are divided into international governmental and nongovernmental organizations. The most important subject of international volunteer tourism remains the persons who provide volunteer assistance. These are volunteers, people who, in turn, also need help coordinating the work of volunteer projects and groups. Localities need representation of the volunteer mission before citizens in state authorities and other volunteer organizations.
Keywords: volunteers, value orientations, volunteer activity, volunteer projects and programs, social institutions.
Мобільність студентської молоді в системі волонтерських інституцій
Паламарчук О.М., Візнюк І.М., д. психол. н., професор; Габа І.М., к. психол. н., доцент; Долинний С.С., д. філос. (PhD), ст. викладач кафедри психології та соціальної роботи, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського
Вивчення психологічних особливостей волонтерів, які надають соціальну допомогу дітям і дорослим, людям з різним ступенем інвалідності, дозволило визначити провідною таку цінність, як толерантність. На думку американського психолога Д. Брауна, здатність індивіда до емпатії та співпереживання іншій людині базується на минулому негативному досвіді індивіда. Автор описує цей механізм з точки зору волонтера, який ототожнює себе зі страждаючою особою, якій він надає допомогу, як із самим собою. Отже, як пріоритет автор виділяє цінність власної особистості та особистості людини в цілому. На думку автора, чим вищий рівень альтруїзму людини, тим більша ймовірність того, що така людина буде жаліти людину, ототожнюючи себе з нею.
Дослідження свідчить, що основними цінностями науковців-волонтерів є толерантність, доброта, милосердя, соціальна справедливість, людська гідність, свобода вибору, моральність, відповідальність та громадянський обов'язок. У студентський період формується моральний потенціал молодої людини, що відбувається через усвідомлення власних дій і вчинків, а також проектування моральних якостей на себе шляхом спостереження за діями інших. Волонтерська діяльність створює оптимальні умови для самореалізації та самовдосконалення молоді, а також сприяє позитивним змінам у суспільстві.
Суб'єктом волонтерського руху на світовій арені є міжнародні організації, які поділяються на міжнародні урядові та неурядові організації. Найважливішим суб'єктом міжнародного волонтерського туризму залишаються особи, які надають волонтерську допомогу. Це волонтери, люди, які, в свою чергу, також потребують допомоги в координації роботи волонтерських проектів та груп. Населені пункти потребують представництва волонтерської місії перед громадянами в органах державної влади та інших волонтерських організаціях.
Ключові слова: волонтери, ціннісні орієнтації, волонтерська діяльність, волонтерські проекти та програми, соціальні інститути.
Formulation of the problem
In Ukraine, higher education plays an important role in the system of social institutions, fulfilling the key tasks of imparting knowledge, abilities and skills for professional development. In addition, it contributes to the formation of erudition and the development of intelligence among young people, and also determines the cultural orientations of the future society. Therefore, it is important to create an environment where all participants in the educational process can learn and work together to achieve a common goal. Involvement of students in volunteer activities is relevant, as the diversity of its directions, forms and methods opens up wide opportunities for activating the spiritual, intellectual and cultural potential of all participants.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the mobility of student youth in the system of volunteer institutions.
Presenting main material
Ukraine, like the rest of the world, notes the relevance and importance of volunteering. First of all, it is an effective way of solving complex problems for individuals, society and the natural environment. Volunteering also contributes to the introduction of innovative and bold ideas into the social sphere to solve the most pressing and difficult tasks. In addition, it is a means by which every member of society can join in improving the quality of life. Finally, volunteering acts as a mechanism that allows people to address their problems to those who can help solve them [1, 5].
It seems important to clarify the concept of "volunteer activity", "volunteer". In the scientific literature, there are a large number of interpretations, with the help of which researchers try to reflect the essence of these definitions, so we will try to provide a complete description of this phenomenon.
The Law of Ukraine "On the Volunteer Movement" defines that a volunteer is a natural person who voluntarily carries out charitable non-profit and motivated activities of a socially beneficial nature. Volunteers can be persons who have reached the age of 16 or, as an exception (with the consent of one of the parents or a person who replaces them), from the age of 15 [3, 6].
Ukraine in the world context has international organizations as the main subjects of the volunteer movement, which can be divided into intergovernmental and independent organizations. However, the main participants of international volunteer tourism remain the volunteers themselves, the people who provide free assistance. These volunteers, in turn, often need support to coordinate work in volunteer projects and groups. It is also important to represent the volunteer mission on the ground before citizens in state structures and other volunteer organizations.
A volunteer who has already demonstrated his ability to fulfill civic and personal duties becomes an important asset to society, contributing to the solution of social problems and giving priority to helping the poor and needy. According to the General Declaration of Volunteers, volunteering is considered as the active participation of people in the public life of the country, which contributes to the improvement of the general quality of life, personal growth and the establishment of a sense of solidarity. This is reflected in the support of basic needs on the way to creating a more just and peaceful society, and also contributes to economic and social development, the creation of new jobs and professions. Volunteer activity, as a rule, is manifested in the joint interaction of various associations [3, 4].
According to the General Declaration of Volunteers, volunteering is considered as the active participation of people in the public life of the country, which contributes to the improvement of the quality of life in a general sense, personal growth and a deepening of the sense of solidarity; implementation of basic needs on the way to building a fairer and more peaceful society; economic and social development, the creation of new jobs and new professions and is usually expressed in joint activities within various types of associations [1, 2].
Among the main tasks that need attention are the implementation of the volunteer program and the organization of its creation; coordination of volunteer groups in times of conflict; informing the public about the formation of groups for active response during hostilities and the results after the completion of the mission; mediation in volunteer activities to provide assistance to victims and find charitable funds to finance urgent projects; provision of premises for volunteer camps; increasing the role of volunteering at the international and national levels and creating an effective system of volunteer assistance, etc [1, 3].
The traumatic consequences of military conflicts for volunteers can include intrusive memories, nightmares, dissociative reactions (flashbacks), severe psychological stress, and physiological reactions when faced with triggers - reminders of traumatic events. Experiencing such traumatic events is a test for the human psyche. Unfortunately, not everyone who experiences these traumas has the internal resources or environment that can help them stabilize and recover from the events. Facing death and other threats can cause a variety of symptoms that significantly affect the quality of life [1, 5].
The analysis of scientific research on the problem allows us to conclude that the experience of volunteer work both in Ukraine and abroad (USA, Japan, Austria, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, France, etc.), in one form or another, exists in each countries of the world, in many it is legally fixed and has some features regarding the use of new approaches to the formation of student youth [2, 6].
When analyzing the value orientations of an individual involved in a socially important activity, it is important to consider all aspects and specifics of the activity itself. It should also be taken into account that these values and orientations of the individual are related to motivation and orientation. Some authors note a tendency to compassion and empathy as an important characteristic of a volunteer in relation to other people. The more a person is willing and ready to help, the greater his/her readiness for altruism in specific circumstances. It is worth noting that in this case, the attitude towards others is based on the idea of selfless help, and the main value is the welfare and well-being of another person [1, 3].
A study of the psychological characteristics of volunteers providing social assistance to various groups of people, including children and adults, persons with varying degrees of disability, singled out tolerance as one of the leading values. According to the American psychologist D. Brown, an individual's ability to empathize and empathize with other people can be based on his past negative experiences. He describes this mechanism as a process where the volunteer identifies himself with the person he is helping, perceiving him as himself. Thus, the author notes that an important value for a volunteer is not only his own personality, but also the personality of another person as a whole. According to the author, the higher the level of altruism in a person, the more likely he will sympathize with another person, feeling and identifying with him [1, 4].
The experimental base of the research during 2023-2024 was Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi State Pedagogical University and Vinnytsia National Medical University. E. Pirogov. The general sample of people was made up of students, whose potential opportunities were used to reveal the value orientations of volunteering in wartime conditions. All of them are volunteers of student organizations. The total number of the sample consisted of 112 people (among them 54 medical students and 58 psychology students) in the age category of educational institutions students from 17 to 22 years old in the specialties 222 "Medicine" and 053 "Psychology", who have a tendency to have a pessimistic view of life in the post-stress period in the context of volunteering (rice. 1).
A potential volunteer must also have sufficient intellectual performance and a satisfactory state of health. They also take into account the recommendations and expert assessments of teachers, professional social workers, social teachers, administration of social institutions or other people. In addition, the presence of experience as a social pedagogue assistant, diplomas, certificates of participation in various seminars, trainings, etc. are taken into account.
Rice 1. Results of the mobility of student youth in the system of volunteer institutions
psychological moral ethical volunteer
The analysis of the obtained results showed that 72% of respondents have a high level of formation of the studied indicators, 16% average and 12% low. It was established that the last two categories of respondents belong to the younger age group (up to 25 years old), and for the general improvement of the activity, optimization of the development of the specified indicator is necessary.
In our opinion, a student as a potential volunteer should have such personal qualities of an individual that allow them to effectively and efficiently solve the main socio-pedagogical tasks. Among them, the most significant are [1, 3, 6]: deep and sincere interest in solving other people's problems, as well as positive work results; psychological and pedagogical competence, which is defined not simply as the sum of knowledge needed to provide assistance to individuals, but as a certain level of volunteer activity, inseparable from a set of personal characteristics, which leaves an individual unique imprint on volunteer activity; differentiated application of communication skills; responsibility and self-discipline; based on such values as humanity, justice, confidentiality, respectability, selflessness and honesty; the presence of personality traits that cause trust and affection of people, the desire to cooperate, help, and at the same time, do not allow to manipulate, oppress oneself as a person.
Thus, as the main values of volunteers, scientists singled out such things as tolerance, kindness, mercy, social law, human dignity, freedom of choice, morality, responsibility, civic duty.
Student years are a period of awareness of one's own actions and deeds, a period of formation of personal concepts, evaluation of one's own actions. Student youth try to look for the reflection of moral qualities in the actions of others, begin to project these qualities onto themselves, this is how the moral qualities of an individual are formed. Forming the moral potential of a young person, it is necessary to provide not only an idea of the best human values, but also to help the realization of these values in one's own life, which will give an opportunity to live in accordance with them, to form spiritual needs that will provide motivation for the life of a young person.
In today's world, students are the most mobile social group. It is this category of youth that should take an active part in solving the problems facing the state and society. After all, the competitiveness of the country at the international level will depend on the position of student youth in social and political life, active participation in the socio-economic and cultural development of the country.
Involvement of a person in the field of volunteering leads to positive changes in the worldview of a young person, communicative consciousness, such personal innovations as social and intellectual activity, social competence and the ability to act in non-standard life situations. The paradox of volunteering is that, by making changes in society, a person changes himself. The subject of changes in volunteer activity is the entity that carries out this activity. Such activity and preparation for it creates optimal conditions for the development and self-improvement of a young person's personality.
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2. Vizniuk, І., Teslenko, V., Martyniuk, I., Savinova, N., Biliuk, O., Kyslychenko, V., & Stelmakh, N. (2022). Posttraumatic growth in the context of forming a positive experience of volunteers in the information environment [Posttraumatic growth in the context of forming a positive experience of volunteers in the information environment]. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 22(6), 562-570.
3. Візнюк, І.М., Долининий, С.С., Волохата, К.М., & Ромащук, О.І. (2024). Міжнародні проекти благодійності та співпраці щодо організації волонтерських програм посттравматичного зростання. Наука і техніка сьогодні, 2024, 1(29), 391-399.
4. Візнюк, І.М., Долинний, С.С., Волохата, К.М., & Ромащук, О.І. (2024). Психокорекційна програма підвищення рівня посттравматичного зростання у волонтерів в умовах воєнного часу. Вісник науки та освіти. Випуск №1(19) 2024. С. 750-759.
5. Візнюк, І., Долинний, С., Сорочан, М., & Марцев, О. (2023). Позитивний досвід посттравматичного зростання в організації волонтерської діяльності. Теорія і методика соціальної роботи та соціальної освіти. Журнал "Соціальнаробота та соціальна освіта", 2(11), 5-14.
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