Features of self-realization of an immigrant in community activities

Problem of self-realization of the individual in the context of current issues related to the study of internal activity of the individual, the development of its potential, its maximum use of resources for full realization in development and activity.

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Features of self-realization of an immigrant in community activities

(Parasiei-Hocher A. Ukrainian Institute of Arts and Science, Podkopaieva Y. National Aviation University)


The challenge of the modern era of the XXI century is migration, which has been called the “century of migration”, which is marked by a significant increase in the scale of cross-border movements of the population.

The scale of migration activity of people in the world has been growing rapidly in recent years, which raises many problems that not only politicians, sociologists, but also scientists are called upon to solve. The study of the problem of migration does not leave out the attention of researchers in various fields of scientific knowledge - philosophers, sociologists, historians, psychologists, who emphasize a wide range of its most important aspects, among which are adaptive and cultural. immigrant community activitie

The intensification of migration processes has led to a whole range of significant social and cultural, social and psychological problems, a significant increase in the interest of scientists in research on the adaptation of migrants to new living conditions. Thus, the rapid pace of change that is characteristic of the current stage of development of society, creates new problems in the study of this problem. A person who has left his homeland and changed his place of residence must not only learn another language, traditions, customs and culture of the new country, he must organize his life in such a way as to realize his full potential and resources. In this regard, the problem of human realization of themselves, their capabilities, the disclosure of their potential. It becomes obvious that in the new conditions of human existence there is a need not only to adapt to new living conditions, but also to realize themselves in them, ie selfrealization.

Presenting main material

The problem of self-realization of the individual in the context of current issues related to the study of internal activity of the individual, the development of its potential, its maximum use of resources for full self-realization in development and activity, remains one of the most popular in psychology. Traditionally, the study of the problem of human self-realization in psychology is associated with the analysis of the works of the founders of the humanistic direction of psychology. Indeed, it is thanks to the appeal of psychologists to study the problems associated with the realization of human potential, their capabilities, their “self', modern psychology ha s been enriched not only by a separate psychological school - humanistic psychology, but also a huge baggage of new data. provisions of the theory of self-actualization. Self-realization of the individual is interpreted as the realization of his personal potential. The problem of self-realization of the individual is studied in various psychological directions, for example, representatives of the humanities, such as A. Maslow [16] and the phenomenological direction of K. Rogers [16]. Researchers focused on autonomy, self-actualization, self-improvement, selfrealization, freedom of choice, responsibility etc. In humanistic psychology, self-realization is perceived as the meaning of life, there is a relationship between self-realization and the social contribution of man, as in relation to loved ones, and to all mankind, depending on the scale of the individual. At the same time, it is impossible to single out a single concept of selfrealization. It should be noted that the existence of a large number of theoretical studies has not led to the development of a balanced view of the theory of self-realization. Researchers define self-realization as a phenomenon due to the desire for selfactualization inherent in human nature. Research also presents an opinion that considers the possibility of procedural determination of the phenomenon of self-realization.

First of all, E. Fromm notes that self-improvement, man realizes his nature. By nature, man is free and independent, which can lead to great creative success and achievement, while the fear of loneliness can prevent this [9].

Thus, I. Geronimus and O. Orlova [2], studying the problem of self-realization, identify several areas of study of this phenomenon:

1. A special need that allows you to discover and use your talents, abilities, potentials is the main condition for personal growth [4], [5].

2. The method of realization of individuality in the results of their activities [6].

3. Personality traits that contribute to the search for new forms of behavior and overcoming stereotypes [7].

4. The process of self-determination (including in public activities) and self-awareness in everyday life, the process of transition from the determination of behavior “from the outside” for its internal regulation [7].

Different approaches are manifested both in considering the nature of self-realization and mechanisms of its implementation, and in the analysis and description of conditions and factors influencing its course and success.

Such researchers of the phenomenon of self-realization as R. Zobov, V. Kelasyev, L. Korostyleva propose subjective and objective factors that affect the content and dynamics of the process of self-realization:

1. Factors that depend on the person (subjective) - value orientations, desires and abilities of the person to work on himself, reflection, moral qualities, will.

2. Factors that do not depend on man (objective) - the social and economic situation in the country, living standards, material security, human impact on the media, environmental status, etc. [6].

Regarding the instrumental aspect of self-realization of a person, related to the knowledge, skills and abilities available to

a person, they allow him to perform a specific work activity and build a system of relations with people.

Among the factors complicating the self-realization of the individual should be identified atomicity, loneliness of human existence, its non-inclusion in active life, spiritual and cultural limitations, underdevelopment of consciousness, inadequate professional choice. Such phenomena as the priority of material and pragmatic values, drug addiction, alcoholism, etc. have an unconstructive influence on the process of personal selfrealization.

Domestic psychologists for the first time begin to highlight in the process of self-realization the facts not only motives but also values, abilities of the individual.

Thus, researchers R. Zobov and V. Kelasyev describe several areas of self-realization that can occur simultaneously: the requirements of society, the disclosure of their abilities and the implementation of their values. This diversity, according to the authors, can lead to internal conflicts and contradictions, for example, when the subject develops his abilities, but the activity itself contradicts his beliefs and values or is not supported or ignored by society [7, p. 375].

Researchers T. Opekin and N. Shipova formulate the definition of self-realization as a conscious and planned process. Self-realization of the individual, his methods and types are often characteristic of the cultural and historical period in which he lives [3].

L. Korostylova gives the following definition of selfrealization: “self-realization of the individual is the realization of opportunities for self-development through their own efforts, activities, co-creation with other people, society and the world at large. Self-realization involves the balanced and harmonious development of various aspects of personality by making adequate efforts to unleash individual potential. In its most general form, self-realization as a process of self-realization is

the realization of oneself in life and daily activities, the search for and affirmation of one's special path in this world, one's values and the meaning of one's existence at every moment. Self-realization is achieved only when a person has a strong motivation for personal growth” [8, p. 69]. The process of selfrealization is directed from within into the world, the external reality. As criteria for self-realization of the individual, the researcher identifies satisfaction and productivity that can be applied to man and society. Productivity (success) is seen as an objective condition for self-realization. Satisfaction - as a subjective condition of self-realization [7].

Zhang He argues that mentality is important in solving the problem of human self-realization. Considering the mentality as a holistic education, which takes the form of holistic ideas about peace, man, nature and society, as well as a set of readiness, attitudes and tendencies to feel and perceive the world in a certain way, the author speaks of its role in individual selfrealization trajectories [17].

The researcher considers two opposite orientations of mentality in the regulation of human activity. He associates the first with self-realization through the transformation of society and nature. The second is self-realization through selftransformation [17, p. 25].

Summing up the analysis of the problem of self-realization, we note that the self-realization of the individual, on the one hand, reflects the process of activity. On the other hand, selfrealization is “a set of instrumental-stylistic and motivational- semantic characteristics that ensure the constancy of aspirations and readiness for personal self-expression in various spheres of life in the process of ontogenesis” [5]; [8, p. 39].

Therefore, for the harmonious functioning of society the problem of self-realization of the migrant is important for both the migrant and the host community, because from the standpoint of humanism self-realization is the key to stability in society, and violation of self-realization leads to personal problems. such as crime, etc.

Investigating the peculiarities of self-realization of the individual, the phenomenon of migration, L. Lyubimov notes that the study of the host environment, cultural characteristics, social conditions, socio-psychological climate of the host community, as well as individual psychological characteristics of migrants (features of self-realization, values). Allows you to choose an adequate model of interaction and form a cultural consensus [11].

Thus, in its most general form, self-realization in psychological research is perceived as a process of selfrealization, self-realization in life, associated with finding and affirming their special path, their values and meaning of existence at any given time. At the heart of this process are the needs for self-improvement.

In our opinion, the analysis of the problem of selfrealization in the conditions of migration should cover two most important aspects.

The first is related to the historical and psychological formation of the problem of self-realization, the second - to the study of aspects related to the ability of man in these conditions to build their own lives and be the subject of their lives. The most important aspect necessary for a comprehensive analysis of the process of human self-realization is the study of its existential features, in particular the authenticity of its existence. This aspect is associated by researchers with the problem of choosing a person's path.

Theoretical approaches to the concept of migration as a social and psychological phenomenon. Changes taking place in today's world, in which the processes of globalization are gaining momentum, require a person to realize the importance of individual initiative, independence, responsibility, selfdetermination and self-realization, regardless of place of residence and life. This is especially true as political, economic and educational migrations around the world tend to increase.

“Migration” - means the resettlement or territorial movement of the population associated with the mine of residence. The main specificity of migration is a person's intention to change their place of residence, move to a new place, change their lifestyle. As noted by M. Slyusarevsky, “migration is a spatial activity of man, aimed at mastering the resources of new territories and associated with a change of residence” [14, p. 31]. There are a number of approaches to the study of types of migration in the scientific, social and psychological literature. Thus, migration can be divided into several groups: 1) interstate (with crossing the state border); 2) permanent or temporary (forced migration due to special events in the country); 3) sovereign or forced (the reason for migration is beyond human choice, forced migration);

4) political and economic (political circumstances or material interests, labor migration); 5) legal and illegal (migration is related to ethnic and legal circumstances); 6) prepared and unprepared migration (intellectual migration - there is an opportunity to get a job, unprepared migration - immigrant, refugee) [14, p. 33-34].

Among the results of research by domestic and foreign authors aimed at solving various aspects of migration, we can highlight research on the process of social and cultural adaptation of migrants and social and psychological and social and cultural problems associated with this process (G. Soldatova, O. Khukhlaev, L. Shaigerova and other); studies examining acculturation strategies that lead to different adaptation options (J. Berry, S. Bochner, K. David and others), as well as options for developing the concept of “culture shock” (A. Fernham,S. Bochner).

Theoretical analysis of existing psychological studies of different groups of migrants showed that some foreigners acculturation process is very fast and efficient, while others experience many difficulties. Factors influencing the consequences of resettlement (economic, social, cultural) have been sufficiently studied, and this makes it possible to influence its positive outcome with certain measures taken.

Thus, taking into account the specifics of human life in migration, to the forefront of research on the problem of selfrealization is the aspect related to human characteristics, theoretical analysis of the problem of human adaptation to migration, its essential characteristics.

The external form of self-realization of the individual is represented by the activity of the individual in the profession, creativity, sports, art, education, political and social activities, etc. The inner form is a person's self-improvement in various aspects: moral, spiritual, physical, intellectual, aesthetic [10]. In the process of adaptation, a person to some extent transforms himself. It is the transformative activity of man that characterizes him as a subject. At the same time, transformational activity can be carried out only on the basis of existing value-semantic bases of the person. We believe that the social activity of the immigrant is one of the essential conditions for the development of the process of self-realization of the individual. Taking into account the requirements of the activity approach should be considered the presence in the analysis of what is the psychological reality of the category of consciousness. It is consciousness that determines the nature of the relationship between professional activity and the process of self-realization of the individual.

S. Zueva notes that social activity, which is reflected in the human mind as a space of self-realization, can provide three aspects of self-realization: psychological, socio-cultural and instrumental. The psychological aspect of self-realization appears as an awareness and expression of personal potential in social activities. The instrumental aspect of self-realization involves the demand and use of potentials, resources, experience in the form of knowledge, skills, abilities, human abilities. Social and cultural aspect is manifested in the awareness and fulfillment of individual mission through social activities in relation to other people, society, humanity [4]. Probably, such a construct of social activity, which is formed in the human mind, contributes to the successful self-realization of the individual.


Thus, taking into account the specifics of human life in the conditions of migration, the aspect related to the existential features of human life comes to the fore in the research of the problem of its self-realization. Of course, the most important here is the analysis of the whole range of problems associated with the process of social and cultural adaptation. A person's ability to fully realize himself through social activities is determined by the adequacy of his choice. At the same time, theoretically, the possibility of the existence of fragmentary, partial self-realization of the individual in public activities should be allowed.

Thus, we can identify a number of parameters that determine the conditions of human self-realization in public activities: the degree of awareness of a person's personal potential and instrumental resources; the degree of adequacy of her choice; the formation of human ideas about self-realization as a mission towards other people and society in the country where they live.


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