Psychological bases of readapting disadaptived behavior of adolescents with a delay in mental development

The psychological foundations of readaptation of disadapted behavior of adolescents with a delay in mental development. The main place in the readaptation was occupied by the level of personal growth of adolescents with a delay in mental development.

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Дата добавления 17.06.2024
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Psychological bases of readapting disadaptived behavior of adolescents with a delay in mental development


readapting disadaptived mental development

The article reveals the psychological foundations of readaptation of disadapted behavior of adolescents with a delay in mental development. The author points out that the main place in the readaptation of disadaptation was occupied by the level of personal growth of adolescents with a delay in mental development, which was achieved by means of stimulating the motive of success, reducing neurosis, developing and consolidating self-confidence, developing self-esteem and self-perceptions. Particular attention is paid to the readaptation of disadaptation of adolescents with a delay in mental development, for which the leading factor that leads to the violation of adaptability is determined by the motivational. The transfer of classes to the new conditions, the orientation towards the way of execution, the analysis of «experiences from own experience», psychogymnastics were used. Psychogymnastics is an emotional representation, namely: «breathing», «control of voice and gesture», «pleasant memories». This reduced the influence of the motivational factor. At the same time, there was a tendency of approaching adolescents with a delay in mental development to the first, zero level, indicating the gradual elimination of disadaptation. The article provides corrective measures for the readaptation of disadapted behavior of adolescents with a delay in mental development.

Presenting main material

Appeal to progressive value orientations and breaking of traditional stereotypes in the educational process lead to contradictions and actualize adaptation processes in a specialized school. The intensification of maladaptation phenomena in the educational process of a secondary school is due to the increase of critical and extreme situations in everyday life, especially, as evidenced by the practice of school work, they are exacerbated during adolescence with disabilities, which is critical in itself ontogenetic psychophysiological changes. The growth of specific adaptation difficulties of students in didactic and changing social living conditions necessitated their study, identification of their factors, search for solutions and, as a result, the emergence in scientific circulation of such terms as «social disadaptation», «school disadaptation», «psychogenic school disadaptation». Our article is devoted to this actual problem.

Material and methods of research. Methods of developing the level of personal growth of adolescents with mental retardation, which was achieved by means of stimulating the motive of success, reducing nervousness, developing and consolidating selfconfidence, development of self-esteem and self-image.

The following scientists made a significant contribution to the development of the problem of adaptation of adolescents: O. Litovchenko (organizational and pedagogical conditions of social adaptation of students in grades 5-9); L. Melnyk (socio- pedagogical conditions of integrated educational activities with older adolescents in the process of joining the team of different ages); D. Bykov, L. Kosheleva, G. Sillaste, V. Teslenko (adaptation of adolescents with disabilities in different educational institutions); V. Osennikov (substantive components of socio- pedagogical adaptation of older adolescents in a health education institution); R. Ponomarev (conditions for successful adaptation of older adolescents in the educational environment).

Issues of adaptation of adolescents were also considered in the study of the formation of the school team and its role in personality development (T. Alekseenko, O. Leontiev, A. Makarenko, A. Petrovsky, V. Sukhomlinsky, Z. Scheinfeld), the impact of interpersonal relationships in the student body on personality behavior, its activity, value orientations (B. Bitinas, S. Hessen, D. Elkonin, D. Feldstein, etc.), organization of preventive work with socially maladapted children (N. Maksimova, V. Orzhekhovska, N. Panasenko, V. Polishchuk, D. Romanovska).

A number of works are devoted to the study of the peculiarities of adaptation of children of different ages (L. Zakutskaya, L. Mishchyk, O. Muzyka, G. Chutkina, T. Yufereva, O. Yakovlev) and disadaptation (T Belavina, A. Gris, V. Kagan, S. Konoshenko, N.Maksimova, O. Novikova, A. Polegenko). The factors of disadaptation of senior preschoolers (A. Wenger) and junior schoolchildren (G. Burmenska, O. Leaders) are studied in more detail.

The purpose of the article was to study the features of readaptation of disadapted behavior of adolescents with mental retardation based on the influence of their internal factors.

The main place in the readaptation of disadaptation was occupied by work on the level of personal growth of adolescents with mental retardation, which was achieved by means of stimulating the motive of success, reducing nervousness, developing and consolidating self-confidence, self-esteem and selfesteem.

Let us focus on the readaptation of disadaptation of adolescents with mental retardation, for which the leading factor leading to impaired adaptability is determined by motivational.

We used the transfer of classes to new conditions; focus on the method of execution, analysis of «experiences from personal experience», psychogymnastics.

Psychogymnastics is an emotional representation, namely:

«breathing», «voice and gesture control», «pleasant memories». This reduced the influence of the motivating factor. At the same time, there was a tendency for adolescents with mental retardation to approach the first, zero level, which indicated the gradual elimination of disadaptation.

The first stage was aimed at strengthening the motive for success in adolescents of the group. During the lesson, teenagers gained knowledge about activities as a specific type of human activity, which is aimed at creative transformation, improvement of reality and oneself. Human activity is manifested in the psychological mood for activity [2]. Now of activation, such mental processes as thinking and memory are mobilized. Memory helps to remember, reproduce and present a learned lesson, thinking helps to solve a problem, operate with concepts, apply them in practice, reason. Nevertheless, during the activity there are changes in the autonomic nervous system, such as increased blood pressure, faster heart rate, and disturbed breathing rhythm. It is because of this that our breathing stops, our heartbeats, our legs tremble.

At the same stage, humorous stories about students who were afraid of something were selected. Yes, we told a funny story about a student who was so shaky in class that he fell off a chair and laughed aloud. After that, we asked teenagers with mental retardation to tell funny stories about it from their own experience.

The lesson ends with gymnastics «Breathing». The importance of rhythmic breathing is described, and the means of using breathing to relieve tension are suggested, for example, to make the exhale twice as long as the inhale: in case of strong tension, take a deep breath and hold the breath for 10-15 seconds.

In the study, we found that one of the factors that hinders the performance of disadapted adolescents is that they focus not only on the goal and ways to achieve it, but also largely on their achievements and how they look from the outside.

This series of classes ends with an introduction to the exercise «Voice and Gesture Control». Adolescents with mental retardation were explained that the voice and gestures can determine a person's emotional state, that a calm voice and measured gestures indicate the stability of feelings that give her confidence.

The third stage of classes consolidated adolescents with mental retardation in the ability to concentrate on ways to solve problems, rather than on the results of their achievements.

The teenagers were offered to be acquainted in detail with I. Shinkarenko's reproduction «Morning on the Meadow». If desired, they were invited to the board. Under the conditions of the task, it was necessary to stand behind the picture in such a way that it was impossible to see the reproduction and describe it from memory. Volodymyr A. began to describe the picture meaningfully, but there was some tension, which was expressed in the simple construction of sentences, the dryness of the presentation. After the psychologist's wish to describe the picture in more detail, Volodya, fascinated by the story, began to describe what he saw emotionally and vividly, often accompanying the description with lively gestures. During the discussion, adolescents again concluded that it is the focus on performance, not achievement, which leads to success.

The series of these classes ended with psychogymnastics «Pleasant Memories». Adolescents were asked to imagine situations in which they succeeded and to remember as vividly as possible all the feelings they experienced.

The next step in the readaptation work with adolescents with mental retardation was to teach students the ability to reduce the significance of the situation, to understand the relative importance of «victory» and «defeat», to indirectly relate to their own successes and failures, not to be afraid of mistakes.

In this regard, in the fourth stage of classes, we used a technique where some situations were offered to adolescents as a kind of training in which they can learn to master themselves for challenges that are more serious in the future.

Initially, adolescents were asked to interpret the concepts of success and failure. Success - luck, achievement of something; public recognition; good results in work. Failure - lack of luck, failure. To do this, the group was divided into two parts. One group simulated a situation of success, the other - failures, followed by intergroup discussion. The analysis of their conclusions focuses on the indirect attitude to their own successes and failures.

In order to strengthen the understanding of the conclusions of the previous stage, we combined the groups and set a joint task - to simulate a situation in which the use of errors leads to success in subsequent activities.

The main ways of working with groups of II and III levels were identified:

Development of adequate attitude to assessments by other people;

stimulating the motive to be no worse than others, not to put up with feelings of inferiority;

Development of activity, success, planning your life.

In the course of our work with adolescents with mental retardation of these groups, the following methods were used: the method of gradual changes, play, drawing, and the method of positive and negative reinforcement, the method of modeling the situation.

In addition, the following techniques were tested and used: detailing meaningful images, «humorous» competitions, «I can't - I can - I can», «moving», «I-real, I-ideal», mediation, transference, focus on method of performance, analysis of experiences from personal experience, psychogymnastics and exercises of different levels («breathing», «voice and gesture control», «pleasant memories», «mood», «role performance»).

During the readaptation, we took into account the fact that maladapted adolescents, and entered levels II and III, had adequate anxiety, as they constantly failed in school. By adequate anxiety, we mean an experience that reflects a real failure, a real failure in learning. However, in order to remove school maladaptation from teenagers, it turned out to be insufficient to deal with them and establish which subjects they do not have time for.

In working with this group, we took into account a very important point - the special specific attitude of anxious children to the assessment of performance and behavior. It has been established that such adolescents with mental retardation are too sensitive to evaluate the results of their own activities, are painfully afraid and avoid failure. At the same time, it is very difficult for them to evaluate the results of their activities on their own, so they often expect this evaluation from adults or peers. Such a special attitude to success and failure increases the traumatic probability of failure, which they explain by their own inferiority or lack of abilities.

To this end, the next cycle of classes was held. Each lesson began with a clear and detailed definition of the goal and its implementation, what type of techniques, exercises will be performed. This was done to relieve the stress that usually occurs in disadapted adolescents with mental retardation in situations of uncertainty, uncertainty.

The pedagogical part of the correction and elimination of learning delays was carried out together with teachers with the help of additional classes in mathematics, Ukrainian language and literature, because it is mathematical and lexical-grammatical tasks that allow a teenager to compare the result with the answer. Thus, a teenager with mental retardation had the opportunity to feel the joy of success, evaluating his result, the correctness of which he understood himself.

At the first additional lesson, pupils were noted that the usual assessment system for them would be absent. Instead of a twelvepoint system, we proposed a three-step color evaluation. Teachers selected special tasks for which analogues were used. This gave each student the opportunity to solve the problem. The teenagers were told that from now on we would use red, blue and green. We marked in red a student who was actively involved in the lesson, trying to solve the problem. The student was marked in blue for not being active enough in the lesson and for trying to solve the problem. Pupils were noted in green for avoiding active action in class; taking on the task only after the teacher's prompting, completing tasks, and not giving explanations.

In the second lesson, to more clearly assess students' desire to achieve results and consistently approach the twelve-point grading system, we used a four-point verbal assessment: mediocre, good, very good, excellent. Red matched the score perfectly; blue - very good, green - well. A satisfactory grade should be given to a student who avoided active action in class, undertook to solve the problem only after the teacher's motivation and did not complete the task.

In the third lesson, we turned to the twelve-point grading system.

In such classes, parallel assessment of the pupil by the teacher and peers was introduced, in order to teach adolescents to accept the assessments of others.

In the fourth lesson, we left the previous system, but introduced a detailed self-assessment. Now the pupil took into account the evaluations of others, but also evaluated himself. The purpose of this innovation was to teach the ability to evaluate the results not only of others but also their own.

The main goal of the fifth lesson was to consolidate the ability of adolescents to properly and adequately assess themselves and others through the classical assessment of the twelve-point system (1-12 points) and the removal of the psychological attitude of the teacher - «undisputed judge». The lesson was divided into short periods. Each student had the opportunity to be in the role of «teacher» and conduct a short lesson according to the scheme prepared by us with the submission of tasks, with a call to the board and with assessment. The main discussion was at the end of the lesson on the objectivity of the evaluation of peers by a teenage teacher.

The next stage in the readaptation work with adolescents with mental retardation was to conduct a cycle, the relativity of the concepts of «victory», «defeat», «mood». This is what allowed us to maintain the correct orientation of adolescents to the result, to become more free in relation to their own successes and failures. In addition to these techniques, a special kind of humorous competition was used for the same purpose, such as a game of «crosses-zeros», in which victory or defeat were quite relative, did not require much effort, easily passed from one student to another. We can even say that the success and failure of such competitions were «game». Their attitude to victory and defeat was humorous and frivolous, and adolescents with mental retardation, judging by their behavioral reactions, understood this well.

The next stage of work with adolescents to readapt the motivational factor was to stimulate the motive to increase selfesteem. Moreover, this meant being no worse than others, not accepting one's own sense of «inferiority». It is known that the notions of one's own inferiority, «insignificance», characteristic of maladapted adolescents with mental retardation, lead him to refuse to improve, change his status, prestige. Signs of this are the constant avoidance of activities that require some effort. Therefore, we believe that the stimulation of the motive of competence and the desire to be no worse than others is important in terms of correction of disadaptation.

To develop the motive of competence, namely the acquisition of the ability not to put up with their own «inferiority», we used a number of specific techniques. The essence of one of them, tentatively called «I cannot - I can - I can», was as follows. If a pupil refused to solve an algebra problem, saying that he probably would not solve it, he was asked to imagine and depict an image of another student who could complete the problem. This technique led teenagers to believe that they have come far enough from complete incompetence and can, if they try, rise to a new level.

During the lesson, we and the teacher emphasized that not everyone knows something, cannot do something and everyone can, if he wishes, succeed and be no worse than others are.

To stimulate the motive of «being no worse than others», we used the following technique of «Moving». Its essence is that after assessing the activity in the lesson, the desire to complete the task and the correctness of performance, students are transferred to the classroom in accordance with the received assessment, which they set themselves. In the right row - sit those who gave themselves the highest marks, in the middle - middle and left - the lowest. This movement takes place at the end of the lesson, so that the next lesson begins with this placement of pupils. The second lesson also involved moving in «according to the grades that students selfassessed in this lesson». This allows you to clearly see the achievement of their results, not to focus on the assessment, but more on the move in addition, it gave the lesson dynamism and opportunities for the student to get into a more promising range. At the same time, it was observed that none of the students stayed in one row for a long time. We believe that the technique of «moving» is the most successful for stimulating the motive «to be no worse than others», because, sitting in the left row today, tomorrow the student can take a place in the right, and vice versa.

The main topic of the next readaptation stage in working with adolescents with mental retardation, we identified the development of activity, stimulation of the motive for success, planning their lives. To do this, we conducted classes, the purpose of which was to help adolescents with mental retardation to understand their true goals, and thus better organize their lives. The conditional name of the cycle is «I-real, I-ideal».

The first stage included a series of special exercises that helped teenagers to better understand their desires, aspirations, in general, in themselves. For convenience, pupils used diaries, where it was necessary to answer a number of questions: what and why makes me happy? What and why makes me unhappy? What could I do to feel joy in life more often and sadness less often? What do I like to do? The most specific, permitted records determined the significance of these issues for disadapted adolescents with mental retardation.

The results obtained in this way are very important for adolescents to reflect on the real goals of their lives, to determine the degree of their priority. We specifically introduced the method of discussion. They were asked questions to better understand themselves.

The second stage of classes identified the solution of one of the central sections of the cycle - the allocation of life values, goals, because it is difficult for adolescents to make such a choice. Most want to get as much out of life as possible, but what is more material or spiritual. During the discussion, we emphasized to the teenagers that everyone strives for normal activities, and therefore planning their lives should be a habit. Nevertheless, in practice, as experience shows, this is not the case. Only a few of us have tried to really plan our future purposefully. Most people think they need it in life. However, it should not be forgotten that planning today does not mean making the final decision about your future profession. On the contrary, with its help we build the basis for the fact that in the future we have enough alternatives for selfexpression.

In the third series of classes, we summed up that everyone must decide for themselves who he is and who he would like to be a winner or loser in life. We proposed to describe and analyze two psychological portraits - the portrait of the «winner» and the portrait of the «loser» [1].

We offered each teenager how to try on these portraits and choose the one that is more typical for him. Of course, most teenagers identified themselves as winners, but there were also losers, with the following characteristics. Marina Sh. Said: «I lack the strength of will, it is often difficult for me to make a decision, I can't get together, and I'm ashamed».

Thus, they took the first step towards helping the teenager see his positive and negative sides.

In the fourth series of classes, we approached the main stage of classes «I-real, I-perfect» - to reflect on the questions: if I continue to live as I do now, do everything as I do now - will I achieve that to what do I want, what would I want?

At the final stage of classes, adolescents with mental retardation concluded that in order to be a winner in life, you need to start studying hard, working on their negative traits and shortcomings.

Thus, the main efforts of readaptation work with maladapted adolescents with mental retardation were aimed at forming a stable motivation to succeed. This gave us the opportunity to blur the «position of the underachiever», increase self-esteem and emotional stability of the adolescent.


Thus, in general, we can conclude that despite the noticeable difference between adolescents, we still noted some changes in the motivational, emotional and cognitive spheres. Adolescents have become freer, more open. They have strengthened the motive to succeed, increased activity, selfconfidence and their own abilities. Learning success has increased, and this, in turn, has helped adolescents move away from feelings of depression, pessimism, loss of strength, relieve irritation, physical exhaustion, depression and emotional stress.


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