The role of social characteristics of personality in the professional well-being of rescuers

Ensuring civil protection of the population of Ukraine in war conditions. Conducting the assessing of professional well-being and the level of job satisfaction of Ukrainian rescuers. Determination of social status and career opportunities of respondents.

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Дата добавления 20.07.2024
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National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine

The role of social characteristics of personality in the professional well-being of rescuers

I. Ponomarenko, Junior scientific assistant

Kharkiv (Ukraine)


The article presents the results of an empirical study of determining the role of basic social characteristics in professional well-being among rescuers. The formation of the sample was carried out by means of an online survey using the appropriate Google form. 207 lifeguards in the age range from 19 to 55 took part in the study. A questionnaire was used to determine the social characteristics of rescuers as subjects of professional activity and was adapted to the Ukrainian sample «Professional Well-Being Assessment Methodology». The conducted empirical study of the role of social characteristics of the individual in expressing the professional well-being of rescuers made it possible to establish a statistically significant role of social status the level of its effect (p = 0.039; p2 = 0.031). This feature is associated with better career and social opportunities among respondents with a higher social status, which affects the overall level of job satisfaction and determines a higher level of professional well-being.

Keywords: professional well-being, rescuers, social status.


Роль соціальних характеристик особистості в професійному благополуччі рятувальників

І. Пономаренко, молодший науковий співробітник Національного університету цивільного захисту України, Харків (Україна)

У статті представлені результати емпіричного дослідження щодо визначення ролі базових соціальних характеристик у професійному благополуччі рятувальників. Формування вибірки проводилося за допомогою онлайн-опитування з використанням відповідної форми Google. У дослідженні взяли участь 207 рятувальників у віці від 19 до 55 років. Для визначення соціальних характеристик рятувальників як суб'єктів професійної діяльності була використана анкета, адаптована до української вибірці «Методика оцінки професійного благополуччя». Проведене емпіричне дослідження ролі соціальних характеристик особистості у вираженні професійного благополуччя рятувальників дозволило встановити статистично значущу роль соціального статусу і рівень його впливу (р = 0,039; р2 = 0,031). Ця особливість пов'язана з кращими кар'єрними і соціальними можливостями у респондентів з більш високим соціальним статусом, що впливає на загальний рівень задоволеності роботою і визначає більш високий рівень професійного благополуччя.

Ключові слова: професійне благополуччя, рятувальники, соціальний статус.


The modern realities faced by our state are characterized by a significant number and extreme severity of a number of emergency situations, which are characterized by quite negative consequences for all sections of the population of our state and are extremely dangerous to life and health. These realities are connected with the unleashing of military aggression by a neighboring state and active hostilities in most of the territory of Ukraine. This situation determines the progression of the growth of significant man-made massive disasters and destructions, manmade and military emergencies, fires, explosions, accidents with the release (threat of release) of dangerous substances, accidents in electric power systems, life support systems and telecommunications, in the systems of the oil and gas industrial complex and others situations at the national level, which are characterized by mass destruction and death and injury of the population of our country. professional satisfaction career rescuer

Such prevalence and massiveness of the above-mentioned events with a significant number of dead and injured require our entire society (primarily from relevant specialists of certain professional categories) an extraordinary concentration of all psychophysiological capabilities and significant professional efforts [10], which 100% exerts an extraordinary psychophysiological impact on personal development and degree psychological comfort of the individual [18].

Among all professional categories (doctors, social specialists, employees of the National Police and the National Guard of Ukraine, etc.), who primarily face the elimination of the consequences of man-made and military emergencies in extreme conditions, there are rescuers.

The complexity of the rescuer's profession is determined by the action of various extreme factors and extraordinary professional tasks, significant psychophysical and psychophysiological overloads and other external influences, which determine the need for high moral physical, physiological and psychoemotional requirements for the rescuer's personality (in particular his mental and psychological state [13]), which affect the psychological determinants of the professional success of a rescue specialist.

Analysis of recent research and publications. According to the results of the analysis of modern world literature on the problem of defining psychological well-being, it is indicated that it is an individual set of personal psychophysical and psychophysiological properties of an individual. They determine the possibility of effective and coordinated balancing between personal requirements and public and social interests, which are criteria for effective professional selfrealization of an individual. It is determined that effective and coordinated balancing between the above-mentioned components of social and personal directions is a guarantee of personal psychological well-being. Also, complete consistency between personal motives, individualized life orientations, value preferences, directions and requirements of the surrounding environment and internal capabilities is a necessary prerequisite for the expression of comfortable personal psychological wellbeing [8].

From the above, it follows that the degree of achievement of personal psychological well-being is completely determined by the action of external and internal factors that are subject to certain age characteristics of the individual, his professional and social definitions, emotional and volitional qualities, etc., which can significantly influence the level of personal psychological wellbeing and the appearance certain obstacles that will prevent the expression of this phenomenon [9].

The study of the well-being phenomenon remains one of the key issues in modern psychology. Recently, there has been a significant expansion of scientific research in the direction of the psychological well-being of the individual in various professional and social areas (professional and social wellbeing). The relevance of the scientific study of professional well-being is determined by its significant impact on ensuring the effective life activity of an individual, on the level of his selfdevelopment and self-realization and self-affirmation [12]. In many studies, it is determined that specialists of almost all professions increasingly prefer those professional directions that, in addition to material rewards, contribute to personal and professional growth and the achievement of high social demand, i.e. contribute to the experience of personal psychological well-being in the profession (professional well-being).

The analysis of recent psychological research revealed a significant increase in interest in the study of the phenomenon of psychological well-being in the context of a person's professional activity. This is determined by significant social interest in improving the quality and efficiency of an individual's professional life and increasing the efficiency of his work process [6].

There are several main reasons for the significant development of the study of the phenomenon of professional wellbeing. First of all, such a rapid development is explained by the emergence of positive psychology, most of which studies are related to this phenomenon. The great development of the labor market and the actualization of the need to improve labor efficiency and reduce the frequency of changes in personnel potential have a significant impact. In this regard, the study of the mental and psychological health of employees, their personal subjective and professional well-being, issues of stress and professional burnout, personal relationships in the team, etc., began to develop. The majority of scientific studies define this phenomenon as a certain job satisfaction, the level of which characterizes the indicator of professional well-being. In addition, the structural and level characteristics of professional wellbeing among specialists of various professional fields, the effects of the professional environment on personal psychological well-being, issues of organizational loyalty, etc. are investigated [16].

It should be noted that foreign scientists have been showing interest in the phenomenon of professional wellbeing for a long time [20]. Since 1958, when Gallup G. H. determined the influence of professional well-being on the level of human longevity [21]. Among the scientists who studied the phenomenon of professional well-being, Warr P., Baker A., Van Horn E., Leontiev D. and others should be noted [14] At the same time, among the many foreign scientific works there is a significant number of terms and concepts that define the phenomenon of professional wellbeing : employee well-being, occupational well-being, work-related well-being or job-related well-being, well-being at work, etc. [23].

In view of the significant number of approaches to defining the concept of professional well-being among psychologists, it is customary to classify them according to certain principles: first, from the point of view of orientation to a certain need (motivation) - orientation to stimulation; in addition, taking into account individual (single) satisfaction with the work performed - general satisfaction with work; also, from the point of view of job satisfaction as a temporary state - job satisfaction as a stable phenomenon over time and orientation to the situation - orientation to the future.

As for domestic researchers, their attention was mostly focused on a certain role of professionally important qualities and their effective development. Balashov V., Budnik S., Galimova A., Verbanova T., Ishchenko D., Kozyar M., and others paid attention to this phenomenon.

In literary sources, it is emphasized that the creation of certain favorable working conditions and an adequate psychological environment in the team makes it possible to make a certain personal harmonization more effective and to increase responsibility for the performance of one's professional duties and attitude to one's profession and job satisfaction [1]. This contributes to the motivation of the specialist to achieve his professional goals and tasks and forms comfortable psychological relationships necessary for effective work in the professional environment [7], which is also a significant factor in achieving a high level of comfortable professional well-being. The above (in turn) affects the achievement of a significant degree of personal well-being [2, 17]. Other scientists point to the interdependence of professional conditions that shape certain personal feelings, thoughts, activity motivations and behavior in general and such a phenomenon as comfortable psychological well-being [24].

The dependence of the level of professional well-being on certain social personal characteristics is also indicated. Thus, it is determined that everyday behavioral personal reactions and all activities of an individual (including professional) are completely determined by his psychophysiological state, the level of which is formed under the influence of mental personal activity and activity and the emotional and volitional background, in the context of which the effects of certain social personal characteristics are revealed [11, 19, 22]. Therefore, determining the role of social characteristics of the individual in professional well-being is a very relevant issue (especially for crisis professional activity, which includes the profession of a rescuer), which became the main goal of our research.

Research methodology

The sample was formed using additional online research using the Google form. The study involved 207 rescuers in the secular range from 19 to 55 years. Research was carried out in the other half of 2023.

The survey was conducted with the help of electronic mailing of the questionnaire and a link to the questionnaire forms in the Google service. For the study, a questionnaire was used to identify the social characteristics of the rescuers as subjects of professional activity.

Determination of the level of professional well-being was carried out adapted to the Ukrainian sample questionnaire "Professional well-being assessment methods" (E.I. Ruth, 2016), which consists of 36 statements.

The assessment is based on a 5-point Likert scale (5 - completely agree, 4 - agree, 3 both agree and disagree, 2 - disagree, 1 strongly disagree). The questionnaire has six scales.

The calculation of points according to the scales (autonomy in professional activity, professional goals, professional growth, satisfaction with the level of competence, satisfaction with professional achievements, positive relations in the team) is carried out according to the key. The overall indicator of professional well-being is defined as the sum of points from all components. The maximum total score that can be obtained for one of the components is 30, and the total professional well-being indicator is 180. The reliability of the "Professional wellbeing assessment methods" scales (according to the a-Cronbach coefficient) was determined at a fairly high level - 0.907.

Today, this technique is actively used in the whole spectrum of various studies with a wide variation of respondents. In the Ukrainian environment, the method was applied by Volynets N. V. [21], Ryk H. [4, 15] and others.

The results

In accordance with the task of the research, the role of social characteristics of the individual in the professional well-being of rescuers was empirically investigated - table. 1.

Table. 1. The role of social personality characteristics in determining the professional well-being of rescuers (n = 207)

Sampling category

Sampling criteria


The level of professional wellbeing, M (SD)







143,01 (11,65)






145,21 (22,80)


up to 30 years


142,93 (8,68)




30-45 years old


143,59 (12,69)

45 and older


141,04 (8,25)

Marital status

in marriage


143,40 (11,84)






142,56 (10,67)




144,55 (12,79)




incomplete higher


140,85 (13,24)

vocational and technical


141,84 (7,89)

complete secondary


141,93 (8,19)

Professional experience

up to 5 years


142,33 (12,15)




6-15 years


144,31 (11,55)

more than 16 years


141,62 (10,62)

Social status

below average


137,06 (15,63)






142,99 (11,60)

above average


145,26 (9,23)

Note: n - is the number of people in the group; M - is the average value; SD - standarc deviation; F - Fisher's variance analysis statistic; p - statistical significance; n2 - is the size of the effect.

The research established only a statistically significant role of social status in expressing the level of professional well-being of rescuers, the size of the established effect corresponds to a small level according to the definition of J. Cohen (p = 0.039; p2 = 0.031). In our opinion, this feature is associated with better career and social opportunities among respondents with a higher social status, which affects the overall level of job satisfaction and determines a higher level of professional well-being - table. 1.

Other social characteristics did not have a statistically significant role in expressing the professional well-being of rescuers. Thus, the effect size for gender was p2 = 0.002, for marital status - p2 = 0.001, for parameters of age - p2 = 0.005, education - p2 = 0.017 and for professional experience - p2 = 0.011 - table. 1.

Discussion of results

Summarizing the empirical data we obtained, we can state that the results of our study fully support the assumptions of other scientists regarding the influence of social characteristics on the level of professional well-being.

As postulated in the main provisions of other studies [3], the level of professional well-being depends entirely on the level of personal characteristics and components affecting it.

Thus, in the study of Hrebin N. [5], statistically significant interdependencies of job satisfaction (as one of the components of the model of employee well-being) with other empirical indicators were proven. It was established that there is a direct correlation between job satisfaction and financial status (r = 0.66) and housing conditions (r = 0.58), which determine the possibility of achieving a higher social status of employees. Also, the presence of an inverse correlation of job satisfaction with the age of workers (r = -0.38) was determined, which indicated a decrease in satisfaction with professional activity over time and determined reduced opportunities to achieve a higher social status with older respondents. A direct correlation of job satisfaction with «Experience of professional demand» (r = 0.48) was determined, which, according to the author, indicates the influence on this phenomenon of awareness of the importance and value of one's own contribution to the common cause, which indicates the possibility of achieving some goals as a result economic and financial benefits and «rise» higher in the social level.

In turn, Volynets N. V. [4] proved the presence of statistically significant correlations of professional well-being with satisfaction with one's professional achievements (r = 0.875; p < 0.001) and one's professional development (r = 0.873; p < 0.001), which determine achieving a higher social status. The author proved the presence of statistically significant correlations of professional well-being with professional growth (r = 0.640; p < 0.001) and professional demand (r = 0.629; p < 0.001). Defined correlations of professional well-being with the experience of professional demand (r = 0.561; p < 0.001) and personal professional authority (r = 0.544; p < 0.001), evaluation of the results of one's professional activity (r = 0.531; p < 0.001), possibility of embody their ideals and values in their professional activities (r = 0.494; p < 0.001). All this determines the relationship between professional well-being and the components that form the prerequisites for achieving a high social status due to the possibility of obtaining certain career and financial benefits.


Thus, the conducted empirical study of the role of social characteristics of the individual in expressing the professional well-being of rescuers made it possible to establish a statistically significant role of social status in expressing the level of professional well-being of rescuers according to the level of its effect (р =0.039; p2 = 0.031). This feature is associated with better career and social opportunities among respondents with a higher social status, which affects the overall level of job satisfaction and determines a higher level of professional well-being.


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