Aspects of students’ psychological resistance forming when getting higher education in wartime
The impact of wartime conditions on the mental and psychological health of youth forced to pursue higher education during wartime. A certain increase in the incidence and prevalence of mental disorders. Coping with the stressful situations of war.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 08.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 23,8 K |
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Dnepropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs
Aspects of students' psychological resistance forming when getting higher education in wartime
Dekusar Ganna Gennadiivna Senior Lecturer of Ukrainian Studies and Foreign Languages Department, Davydova Natalia Viktorivna, Senior Lecturer of Ukrainian Studies and Foreign Languages Department
Among all the effects of war the most essential and significant one is the impact of war conditions on mental and psychological health of the young people forced to get their higher education in wartime. Research among the population, which is in the conditions of hostilities, generally show a certain increasing incidence and prevalence of mental disorders. War provides catastrophic impact on the health and well-being of the nation. Research showed that conflict situations cause more mortality and disability than any serious illness. War destroys communities and families, often disrupts the development of the social and economic fabric of the nation. Its consequences include long-term negative physical and psychological impact on children and adults, as well as the reduction of material and human capital. According to WHO estimates, in situations of armed conflicts around the world, 10% of people who experienced traumatic events, will have serious mental problems and another 10% will develop behavior that will hinder their ability to function effectively. The most common conditions are depression and anxiety, psychosomatic problems such as insomnia or back and abdominal pain. War influence, living in conflict zones along with forced migration can create or increase the risk of wide-ranging direct and indirect consequential risks to physical and mental health, and deprive children and people of young age development opportunities and basic resources.
Thus, the main task of both teachers and students in wartime is to learn to withstand the stressful situations of war and to develop psychological stability, first of all, of students, which would ensure the opportunity for them to acquire the necessary knowledge even in such an unfavorable period.
Keywords: stress resistance, extreme situations, psychological stability, personal disorders, stressogenic factors, emotional intelligence.
Декусар Ганна Геннадіївна старший викладач кафедри українознавства та іноземних мов, Дніпропетровський державний університет внутрішніх справ, м. Дніпро
Давидова Наталія Вікторівна старший викладач кафедри україно-знавства та іноземних мов, Дніпропетровський державний університет внутрішніх справ, м. Дніпро,
Серед усіх наслідків війни найбільш суттєвим і вагомим є вплив воєнних умов на психічне та психологічне здоров'я молоді, яка змушена здобувати вищу освіту у воєнний час. Дослідження серед населення, яке перебуває в умовах бойових дій, загалом свідчать про певне зростання захворюваності та поширеності психічних розладів. Війна завдає катастрофічного впливу на здоров'я та добробут нації. Дослідження показали, що конфліктні ситуації спричиняють більше смертності та інвалідності, ніж будь-яка серйозна хвороба. Війна руйнує громади та родини, часто порушує розвиток соціальної та економічної тканини нації. Його наслідки включають тривалий негативний фізичний і психологічний вплив на дітей і дорослих, а також зменшення матеріального і людського капіталу. За оцінками ВОЗ, у ситуаціях збройних конфліктів у всьому світі 10% людей, які пережили травматичні події, матимуть серйозні психічні проблеми, а ще 10% розвинуть поведінку, яка перешкоджатиме їхній здатності ефективно функціонувати. Найбільш поширеними станами є депресія та тривога, психосоматичні проблеми, такі як безсоння або біль у спині та животі. Вплив війни, життя в зонах конфлікту разом із вимушеною міграцією можуть створити або збільшити ризик широкомасштабних прямих і непрямих побічних ризиків для фізичного та психічного здоров'я, а також позбавити дітей і людей молодшого віку можливостей розвитку та основних ресурсів.
Отже, головним завданням як викладачів, так і студентів у воєнний час є навчитися протистояти стресовим ситуаціям війни та виробити психологічну стійкість, насамперед, студентів, яка б забезпечувала їм можливість отримувати необхідні знання навіть у таких несприятливих умовах.
Ключові слова: стресостійкість, екстремальні ситуації, психологічна стійкість, особистісні розлади, стресогенні фактори, емоційний інтелект.
Problem statement
Throughout his life, a young person repeatedly experiences stressful situations that leave an impression on his physical and mental health. In psychology, stress is understood as a state of mental tension that occurs in a person under the influence of complex, difficult, unfavorable circumstances of his activity and everyday life or in special, extreme situations. Adverse physical effects of the external environment, extreme situations, physical and mental injuries, etc. can act as stressors (factors that lead both to the emergence of short-term stressful conditions in a person and to the development of severe, long-lasting experiences) [1].
Stress resistance, or in other words, "emotional resistance", allows you to reduce the negative impact of stressful situations on the body. Stress resistance is an integrative property of the individual, characterized by such an interaction of emotional, volitional, intellectual and motivational components of the individual's mental activity, which ensures the optimal successful achievement of the goal in difficult emotional circumstances.
Now society makes too many demands on the individual. Ambitions, aspirations, disappointments, competition, certain goals, an endless series of irritants on the psychological stability of an individual. Internal crises are exacerbated by external ones: the war, the difficult economic situation in the world and in Ukraine in general, the threat of nuclear war and many other challenges.
Adolescence is a period of drastic changes in a person's life. New living conditions, a new position in the team, the student begins to fulfill new roles for himself as an organizer, manager, or even an educator. In modern realities, war is one of the main causes of stress [4]. Today, unfortunately, war is our reality, which came to our land, destroyed lives, homes, plans for the future. At this time, every Ukrainian experiences emotions of uncertainty, fear for loved ones and the country, which leads to extreme stress. In general, from a psychological point of view, the stress reaction to crisis conditions, in some cases, has a saving function for the body, however, it is important to take timely measures to get out of stress and prevent the occurrence of complex consequences.
Analysis of recent research and publications
Many scientists have devoted their works to the study and analysis of the problem of psychological stability among students of higher education, namely: Lysyuk S.G., Zhigailo N.I., Teptyuk Y.O., Kraynyuk V.M., Bodrov V.A., Nagirner I. I., Vdovichenko A. V., Sivograkova Z. A. etc. Yet, not so many works are focussed on students' psychological stability formation exactly in the war time.
Purpose of the article
One of the central problems of personality research in extreme conditions is the problem of formation and development of psychological stability. Psychological stability determines a person's mental and somatic health, protects him from disintegration and personal disorders, and creates a basis for internal harmony. Psychological resilience is a socio-psychological characteristic of an individual, which consists in the ability to endure the extraordinary and critical nature of the situation, without any harm to oneself, to overcome its consequences with the help of certain methods, improving the personality, increasing the level of its adaptation and social maturity.
Main material presentation
In fact, this characteristic means the presence of an individual's adaptive potential, determining his ability to overcome difficult situations. Critical situations are impossible situations. That is, it is a situation in which the subject is faced with the inability to satisfy the internal needs (motivations, desires, values, etc.) of his life. A critical life situation is an emotionally experienced life situation, which in its perception is a complex psychological problem that requires its own solution or overcoming.
Speaking about critical situations, it should be remembered that we are not talking about usual and cyclic life situations, to overcome which we use usual methods. We are talking about situations that, in order to overcome them, require a person to find a new way of coping, to use unusual psychological resources to solve the situation [2]. The primary ability to sustain difficulties depends on many factors - genes, upbringing, social opportunities, etc. Natural data vary widely: some are biologically more fortunate with self-regulation, and some have this weak point. But this does not mean that sustainability cannot be developed [3]. Stability can be defined as the ability of a system to return to its initial state. For example, let the system deviate from its state due to any reasons. If after some time she returned to him, then this condition is considered stable. If the system is in a new state, then the state is considered unstable. The educational activity of students has always been associated with a high level of stress, and nowadays the influence of stressogenic factors is only increasing.
In modern students the emotional, cognitive, behavioral and motivational component of activity is quite often disturbed, which is associated with an increased level of stress and a decrease in psychological stability. Therefore, in order to understand more precisely what affects the decrease of the last indicator and to draw correct conclusions, it is important to consider the psychological factors of stress of youth studying in institutions of higher education.
Conventionally, stressors of student youth can be divided into academic and personal. Educational stressogenic factors are those related to educational activities or directly related to them. And personal - related to the student's private life [4].
Academic stressors include: choosing a major that is not interesting to the student; misunderstandings with classmates; conflicts with teachers; low academic performance during the semester; lack of understanding or insufficient knowledge of the subject; overload or underload; the need to process huge volumes of educational information; unbalanced learning disorder and changes in it; a large number of passes in any subject; many unpassed or unsecured engineering, laboratory works or other tasks; high pace and speed of passing individual exams and assessments; lack of time; experiences due to the uncertainty of work results (examination evaluation); conflict of roles; fear of the possibility of being expelled from a higher educational institution due to low scores.
Personal stressogenic factors include: unsatisfactory and uncomfortable living or working conditions (room temperature, low lighting, noise, etc.); insufficient amount of sleep; cold/seasonal illness; responsibility to parents; undesirable to lose prestige in groups; inability to correctly allocate time; quarrels or misunderstandings with parents, relatives or other close people; psychological atmosphere at the workplace; low motivation; unstable or low self-esteem; and other private factors. The factors listed above cause irritation, fatigue, anxiety, guilt and a number of other unpleasant sensations. Stressogenic factors, the appearance of which was caused by the war, also include increased anxiety; sleep disturbance; fear or panic during an air raid and being in a bomb shelter; fear for one's own safety; mood swings; deterioration of memory; decreased levels of attention and concentration; impairment of learning ability; decrease in the desire to communicate with people.
Practical recommendations on the formation of psychological stability of students of higher education institutions during martial law can be summarized and presented as follows. In the conditions of war and distance learning, students have mental health problems: increased anxiety, depression, stress, fear. In order to cope with stressful situations during the war, it is necessary to adapt to the new reality, to adhere to the psychological conditions for the formation of psychological stability. Among them, we can mention several, namely: emotional intelligence; well-being here and now; mutual support; information purity; keeping a diary; reading; faith; communication; sleep; vacation.
Regarding emotional intelligence: you need to learn to control your emotions and feelings, openly express them. Well-being here and now: you need to pay attention to your safety, but not isolate yourself from the environment, communicate on the Internet with friends, in student chats, join online and offline events, various activities. Regarding mutual support: we need to help each other, pay more attention to those whose behavior or emotional state causes concern. Do not leave without the support of teachers. After all, they feel the same, they are forced to adapt to distance education, learn new skills and experiment with the latest technologies. Matters related to learning, assessment, giving recommendations, expressing understanding should be discussed, not forgetting expressions, opinions and comments. All of this will motivate teachers, encourage improvement, and get them out of isolation with quiet monitors.
Regarding information purity: the first of the recommendations is its unquestionable observance. We are constantly surrounded by both good and bad news. You need to be able to isolate yourself from negative news that negatively affects the student's emotional state. Every person has a smartphone and is subscribed to many news resources and channels. In order not to touch the phone for at least an hour and devote yourself to learning, clear your information space. Reduce the number of incoming news to a minimum and devote yourself to science. You also need to qualitatively filter the information you perceive, etc.
Now as for keeping a diary: it is desirable to keep a diary where you can write down your thoughts and experiences. It is not always possible to communicate with a person to whom you can open up and trust, but the notebook will always be with you. In modern conditions, the most important thing can be a conversation, which will not be enough due to certain problems or busyness, and being alone with one's experiences alone has bad consequences, such as bad health, depression, apathy. Therefore, it is worth opening up to at least someone, even if it is a piece of paper. This helps to get rid of the destructive and leave only constructive thoughts, which will certainly contribute during the educational process.
Reading. Another recommendation is to increase the time allocated for reading. We have an incredibly large library, precisely because of access to the Internet, in which a wide variety of literature is collected, dedicated not only to the student's specialization, but also to everything that is happening and has happened in the world. In addition to mental stimulation, stress reduction, and development of critical thinking, reading also promotes concentration. While writing a term paper, or simply studying a certain material, our brain constantly wants to be distracted from the task at hand. And it is the skills developed during reading that can be useful to everyone, regardless of age. Even the military advises them to read a lot, because it helps them to distract themselves from the front and military operations, and plunge into another reality.
Faith. The best form of psychological stability is faith. Faith not only helps to heal emotional wounds, but it can also help in learning. When a person has someone to turn to and he believes that he is protected, it will be easier for him to go through even such a difficult period as now. Therefore, faith can also be attributed to recommendations in the formation of psychological stability of students of higher education institutions.
Communication. One of the most important recommendations is communication. Man is a social being and needs to be in society all the time. It is through communication that we learn new information, or try to look into a person's mind. It is obvious that not enough communication has a bad effect not only on a person's emotional state, but also on mental health. Dialogue with another person about troubling problems speeds up their resolution.
Sleeping. Sleeping is important for the rest of the body, and with a small amount of sleep, unwanted mental stress appears. When a person sleeps, he rests not only from physical exertion, he rests with his thoughts, what you thought was impossible on one day, finds its solution on another day. And with fewer problems, stress decreases, which in turn has a good effect on the student's academic life. You need to solve your affairs 2 hours before bedtime, after which you can take time for yourself. A good and healthy sleep brings with it productivity, calmness and correctly made decisions, which simplifies life and contributes to success.
Psychological preparation for special and extreme types of activity is a targeted influence on a person using psychological and psychophysiological methods aimed at developing his psychological readiness for adequate actions in such situations. Psychological readiness, in turn, is understood as a system of characteristics of a subject that ensures the success and effectiveness of certain actions and activities. The use of modern scientifically based methods and techniques of psychological training is an important factor that contributes to increasing the level of psychological readiness to work in these conditions. This fully applies to future police officers, now the cadets.
Therefore, if we consider psychological readiness exclusively from a psychological point of view, then we will talk specifically about providing a person with the opportunity to gain important knowledge, train skills and produce the necessary habits on their basis. Psychological training is a process of targeted formation of mental qualities that ensure stable and reliable performance of professional activities by specialists in various, including extreme and emergency situations. The main focus of psychological training is blurring the boundaries between educational, professional and extreme activities [5]. Approximation of training conditions to extreme ones is carried out by implementing various influences characteristic of the real situation in the specialist's performance of training tasks. Individual elements of the activity being mastered, actions after they have been practiced under normal conditions, must be consolidated in conditions that simulate various extreme influences, that is, actions must become resistant to psychological stress factors. To reproduce traumatic factors in educational and professional activities, various techniques are used, which is understood as a method of modeling psychological factors that influence a person in extreme conditions. Methods and techniques for modeling these factors are classified into: verbal-sign - influence on a person is carried out with the help of words, signs, informative gestures. This could be a story about future actions and the difficulties associated with them, conveying various “legends” before tactical exercises and exercises, etc.; visual - the impact is carried out through demonstrations (for example, films and videos, photographs with real pictures of fires and the psycho-traumatic factors present there) and actions (showing a way to overcome the psychological barrier, using fire hydrants, etc.); simulator - the impact is carried out by modeling the psychological factors of an emergency situation using technical means, sports equipment, models, professional training facilities for practicing the necessary skills and abilities; imitation - the impact is carried out using means of simulating external signs of an extreme situation (noise, smoke, the need to quickly find a way out, etc.); real - the impact is carried out by simulating the psychological factors of an extreme situation using real equipment, weapons and improvised means used to organize fire extinguishing.
As practice shows, the most effective from the point of view of psychological training are those classes where all of the listed techniques for modeling the factors of an extreme situation are not applied separately, but their entire complex is used at once, in close connection and complementarity. In addition, methods of psychological training of cadets can be classified according to the degree of their involvement in the activity in which the training is carried out.
On this basis, three groups of methods are distinguished: 1) Demonstration methods (demonstration of the operation of equipment, demonstration of combat or defensive actions, etc.) When using these methods, students perform activities completely different from the real one. The use of these methods is aimed at forming a general orientation in extreme conditions of professional activity or in the actions being mastered. 2) Conditional-situational methods (solving various problems, business games, tactical exercises, training). When applying the methods of this group, cadets perform activities that correspond in composition of elements and partially in content to real ones, but this activity is conditional in nature. The use of conditionally situational methods is aimed at familiarizing oneself with the internal structure and logic of professional activity in extreme conditions, and practicing the interaction of specialists and departments. 3) Methods of “real” situations. Methods of psychological training for this group involve cadets performing real actions in conditions that are subjectively perceived by them as requiring the implementation of these actions. This does not mean that the actual use of equipment and technology is necessary, but the situation must be perceived as real and the cadet must be in a state of readiness to perform a certain professional task. The use of methods of “real” situations is aimed at updating motives that are adequate to the motives of real activity, and at developing in cadets an orientation towards understanding the actions being performed [6].
The result of psychological training is the psychological preparation of specialists for real professional activities in extreme conditions, which consists of the following components: motivational, emotional-volitional, cognitive, regulatory and behavioral. Sufficient development and expression of these components in their integral unity is an indicator of the high level of psychological preparedness of the cadet for activities in extreme conditions.
Another method of increasing psychological stability is the acceptance of the fact that if a person is not able to change circumstances, then he is able to change his attitude towards them. An example would be the situation with a barking dog: walking down the street and seeing a dog barking at someone nearby, you are unlikely to get annoyed about this, but simply calmly continue your way, immersed in your thoughts, right? It's the same with difficult situations: they should be perceived not as something that happens to detriment of you personally, but as something that simply takes place. As soon as a person allows events to take their course, without focusing attention on them and without reacting emotionally, they just go on as usual. This allows you to focus on the main thing, on the content. If a person begins to “cling” to everything, then this also begins to “cling” to him. If you run to yell and insult a barking dog in every possible way, the likelihood that you will become the object of its close attention will increase significantly. Of course, this is just one way, and it is not universal. Systematic unloading of the nervous system is another way to increase your psychological stability. Constant pressure and doing something you don't really love (which, by the way, is a striking feature of many people's work) have an extremely negative impact on the human psyche. This makes him irritable, nervous, and constantly tired. Only proper rest can affect this. You need to regularly devote time to doing your favorite things, traveling outside the city, relaxing reading books - in general, doing everything that you really want to do. Or you can do nothing at all - just relax and relieve stress. A person's cultivation of a philosophical attitude towards life has a very good effect on psychological stability. A person's mental health is closely interconnected with such personality traits as humor, positive thinking, the ability to laugh at oneself, self¬criticism, and adequate self-esteem. Only if a person can look at the events that are happening and at himself without excessive seriousness, without considering himself the “center of the Universe” and the one to whom life or someone else owes something, only then everything that happens will not seem so painful and will stop constantly touch a nerve.
One more effective method for building psychological resilience is a positive self-image. What is meant here is that a person must cultivate a positive attitude towards his personality, accept himself as he is, and be a positive and positive character for himself. But you need to be careful not to cross the line that leads to self-pity and perceiving the world from the position of a victim, otherwise psychological instability will only worsen. close proximity to a positive self-image is a person's inner integrity. This question is worthy of writing a separate book, but in short, a person must, firstly, live in harmony with himself, his principles, beliefs and worldview. Secondly, he should do what he likes: work, sports, recreation, communication - everything should be in maximum accordance with the person's vision. Thirdly, he must strive for self-development and spiritual self-improvement, since this has a direct constructive impact on both a person's personality and his life. If we ask ourselves about the formation of psychological stability in more detail, we can note that a person should pay attention to the following components of his life: social environment and immediate environment; self-esteem and attitude towards oneself; self-realization and self-expression; independence and self-sufficiency; correspondence between the present self and the desired self; faith] and spirituality; presence of positive emotions; the presence of meaning in life, determination, etc. Naturally, only part of those factors that have a positive effect on psychological stability are listed here. The presence and development of them in the life of any person will have a huge impact on his worldview, behavior, development, activity, mental state and mood. Their absence, on the contrary, has the opposite effect and contributes to psychological instability. Of course, in order to learn to support all this, you need to purposefully activate every structure of your personality and always remember your goal - the development of psychological stability.
However, despite all the apparent complexity of this process, it has invaluable practical significance, since it is psychological stability that can give any person a state of satisfaction with life and a sense of harmony, normalize the psyche and increase efficiency, give new incentives, peace of mind and the ability to become whole and strong personality. In psychology, stress is considered as a conflicting emotional state, mental overstrain in an acute, dangerous situation, initially causing a depressed, depressed state, and then a state of maximum mobilization of efforts to get out of this situation [5]. In the professional activities of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, unfavorable factors are encountered in abundance, among which are physiological discomfort; biological fear; lack of time; increased difficulty of tasks; increasing the significance of erroneous actions; presence of relevant interference; failure due to objective circumstances; lack of information for decision making; underload of information (sensory deprivation); information overload; conflict conditions, conditions under which the fulfillment of one of them requires the implementation of actions that contradict the fulfillment of another condition. It is believed that stress can be managed, counteracted and prevented. When managing stress, these provisions should be taken into account: 1) stress is a normal reaction to a situation that places increased demands on the individual; 2) stress performs a useful adaptive function, preparing the employee for action; 3) it is possible to learn to avoid stress in various professional situations and overcome stressful conditions; 4) it is possible to learn special techniques for self-regulation, counteracting negative emotional states and overcoming distress. mental psychological health disorder
To sum it up, in the arsenal of psychologists and teachers there are many methods and techniques for overcoming negative emotional states, including stress, namely: the method of body-oriented correction, neurography, the method of light, sound and musical stimulation, psychological training, art therapy, training in psychological self-regulation. Psychological self-regulation is an independent, conscious change by a person in the regulatory mechanisms of his psyche based on the use of resources of the unconscious level. Methods of self-regulation of mental state include breathing exercises, control of muscle tone, ideomotor training, autogenic training, etc. Autogenic training is a technique of self-hypnosis that allows, through mental processes, primarily ideas, attention and emotional states, to influence the activity of organs controlled by the vegetative nervous system.
Thus, the research revealed the psychological essence of stress resistance and psychological resilience. On the basis of the survey, the mental state of students of higher education institutions during the war was analyzed. The methods of increasing the level of psychological stability of students while studying during the war are considered. Practical recommendations on the formation of stress resistance and psychological stability of students of higher education institutions during the war are presented. The prospect of further research is the formation of stress resistance and psychological stability of other age categories, in particular teachers of higher education institutions, in war conditions.
After all, the problem of resistance to stress is of great importance. It is resistance to stress that protects a person from disorientation and various disorders, lays the foundation for internal harmony, full-fledged mental health and high work capacity. Knowing the methods and ways to deal with stress is extremely important for both students and teachers.
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курсовая работа [28,6 K], добавлен 19.05.2011Definition of Leadership. Trait theory. How this theory works. Origin and Analysis and basics Pre-conditions for effective use of Trait theory. Inborn leadership characteristics. Process of impact and interaction among the leader and his followers.
реферат [436,9 K], добавлен 24.09.2014This article suggests specific ways in which college teachers can foster relationships with students that promote motivation and satisfaction. Fostering personal relationships with students. Motivating students to work. Handling interpersonal issues.
статья [18,6 K], добавлен 10.05.2014Психолого-личностные аспекты восприятия. Влияние гендерных стереотипов на мужское и женское восприятие. Жанровое своеобразие мужских журналов "Men’s Health" и "Бизнес и жизнь". Изучение особенностей мужчин, учитываемых при написании текстов для журнала.
курсовая работа [49,0 K], добавлен 23.01.2013Influence psychology of cognitive activity and cognitive development on student’s learning abilities during study. Cognitive development theory in psychology. Analysis of Jean Piaget's theory. Her place among the other concept of personal development.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 13.04.2016Unhealthy food, lack of sleep, passive lifestyle, related works. Survey, Passive Lifestyle, Lack Of Sleep, Nutrition. How often pupils have negative feelings. Teachers' complaints. Can we do to reduce these negative displays of pupil’s behavior.
курсовая работа [25,5 K], добавлен 18.05.2015The education in Great Britain. The three stages of schooling with children: primary school, secondary school and higher education, technical college of higher education and universities. The classification of the universities in England and Wales.
презентация [422,5 K], добавлен 18.04.2011Steps of education in the USA: a four-year high school and eight-year elementary school. Separation of the higher education: liberal arts and professional. Difference in the American system of school education from the systems in other countries.
презентация [2,2 M], добавлен 08.06.2010School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4 - 6. The ideal of mass education with equal opportunity for all. Higher education, tuition fees.
реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.
презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015The impact of the course Education in Finland on my own pedagogical thinking and comparison of the Finnish school system and pedagogy with my own country. Similarities and differences of secondary and higher education in Kazakhstan and Finland.
реферат [15,2 K], добавлен 01.04.2012State of the Honduran education system. Structure of the Honduran education system: Pre-school, Primary and Secondary education. Higher education - University and National School. Adult education and professional training. Current trends in education.
реферат [23,1 K], добавлен 15.05.2008The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.
презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.02.2014Regarding the development stages of the education system in England XIX - XXI century. The system of primary and secondary education in England. The traditional base of British higher education system of universities, polytechnic schools and colleges.
презентация [509,1 K], добавлен 20.12.2013Studying of dialogues about reception of higher education, customs and traditions of England, holidays and a vacation, pedagogical receptions in education of difficult teenagers, reflections about the importance of books and TV in a life of the person.
методичка [36,5 K], добавлен 11.02.2010The use of computers in education. Improvements in health, education and trade in poor countries. Financial education as a mandatory component of the curriculum. Negative aspects of globalization. The role of globalization in the economic development.
контрольная работа [57,9 K], добавлен 13.05.2014Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.
презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012About basic education in the USA today. Public, private schools in the USA. Course content and teaching methods in educating students. Early childhood education, elementary school and high school. Criticism of American education, problems and solutions.
реферат [22,5 K], добавлен 26.11.2010Addiction as a brain disease. Why Some are Addicted and others not. Symptoms of drug addiction. Local treatment facilities. Tips for recovery. Interesting statistics. Mental disorders, depression or anxiety. Method of drug use: smoking or injecting.
презентация [4,7 M], добавлен 26.03.2016